This is not an effort to criticize either candidate, but rather to emphasize that the true hope for America lies in Jesus and the gospel. Vote in a way that brings glory to God.
That isn't what any true Bible doctrine teaches. You really are being presumptuous, friend, I pray that you see in America we are given rights to vote for the candidate of our choice. We also have been given free speech and the gospel is now being preached freely. Believe and you will be saved. Believe not and you will be condemned
Yep. Vote for who you think will do the least evil and the most good, and then pray for whoever wins whether it’s who you voted for or not. We may not get who we want in office, but we know God is who give authority to rulers and so only he can give them wisdom to do so well.
We are not electing Trump as a pastor or because of his faith in God or how close of a relationship he has with Jesus. Simply voting for him because his policies line up with God's word more than Democrats do. That's it.
Yes, I agree. I'm astounded that so many American churchgoers seem to say that because Trump is imperfect, therefore they must vote Democrat. They demand Trump be a saved man before they will vote for him, but they seem not to demand Biden or Harris be saved.
Yep, very simple! He is not completely pro-life, but is def more pro-life than Kamala. Also, the better economy, lower gas/grocery prices, secure borders, no new wars, not for indoctrination of rainbow stuff in schools, etc. It's a very easy choice!
I agree that the Democrats act worse. But saying Trump might not be a godly man but his policies line up more with the Bible is not true and it doesn’t make any sense. If someone isn’t repentant of their sins, how can their policies line up with God and His word? I’m not saying people who love the Lord are sinless, we still need Jesus of course. But it’s a false notion to tell people to vote for someone who is not a believer because his policies might be “godlier”. Did God use Trump to help America? Yes, but it doesn’t mean Trump’s policies are Biblical.
Just shared the gospel with a taxi driver today. Please pray for the seeds planted in Hardeep to be watered and grown by the Holy Spirit. Thank you! 🙏🏼
See the parable of the sower. Matthew 13: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Matthew 13: 30. Matthew 22: 36-40. Revelation 3: 6-12.
@@humboldthammer Always ask as you read scripture, "Who was talking? Who was being talked to or about? What is the rest of the context of the story around that verse?" Jesus was talking to His disciples one time & praying to His Father another time . . . about the 'know-it-all" Pharisees & Saducees, Israel as a nation, overall, over 3,500 years . . . & I am so thankful, because the rejection by the Jews opened the Church Age for Gentiles to be grafted in . . . to cause the Jews to become jealous to come back to God!!! "Thy Will be done, LORD, oh earth as it is in heaven!" & NOW would be a good time, Lord!!! Thank You.
I wish and pray that people will soon understand that religion is not where it's at, salvation is where it's at. There are many religions but one salvation, Jesus Christ.
You have to have the religion part through Gospel to understand what His teachings are. How many times did Jesus pray to God the Father, tell us to look to the Father, and praise the Father? Every single time. He wants your attention and obedience, also. Otherwise, it's like creating a child and then telling it to raise itself.
@@letajohnson8838 The Pharisees sure did have the ‘religious’ part of it, but unfortunately it was not pleasing to Jesus…. So much so that He called them hippocrates. They knew the Old Testament back to front, but their head knowledge got them nowhere; and in fact most of those Pharisees (unless they repented of their arrogance and sin) would’ve ended up in a place they thought they would never see… One of the men on a cross beside Jesus, acknowledged who He was, and certainly didn’t have time to become educated in the Torah… This is very significant, and shows very clearly what is important to God. You don’t have to be baptised as a baby to make it into heaven, nor as an adult if you die before you have the chance to be baptised. You don’t have to have communion or speak in tongues to be able to enter into heaven… The criminal on the cross only spoke words to Jesus, and Jesus knowing his heart, said ‘today you will be with Me in paradise’…
Wow. Ronny was so moved by the gospel. That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard it explained by your ministry. It completely opened my eyes and changed my entire life!
A lot of people are atheist because they focus on religion. But the focus is on Jesus. We believe in him, we Trust in him, our hope is on him. Not in religion or a church. The church is nothing without God at the center of it. So, Focus in Jesus!!!
@@realblockheads8217 - I understand that we're Jesus's church, his followers, but I think the commenter meant not to put our trust or hope in a human-run congregational 'church.' I agree.
I've seen "proclaimed" Christians & Athiests both confidently state 'that Trump is not a Christian' - you know what, they can't know that . . . I don't know that . . . I can only know whether I am saved or not. I can tell others the gospel, try to mature along side them, experience a live long process of doubt & belief, failure & success . . . I know what my Bible tells me & all who believe that Jesus is who He says He is & that He accomplished what His Father sent Him to do, is all He asks of us to be saved & eternal life is ours - then the Holy Spirit gets to work on you in your life!!! AMEN. Jesus' brother James tells us, "you will know them by their works" - well, by that, Donald is probably more of a Christian than I am . . . "Judge not lest you be judged!" does NOT mean we are not to judge others, it means HOW we judge others is how we will also be judged . . . that double-digit sword is incredible, isn't it!!!
You misspelled Romans and Psalms (which Romans is citing) Romans 3:10-18 ESV [10] as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; [11] no one understands; no one seeks for God. [12] All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” [13] “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” [14] “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” [15] “Their feet are swift to shed blood; [16] in their paths are ruin and misery, [17] and the way of peace they have not known.” [18] “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
@@ryanreeves6347 I see we have one of these haughty fake Christian’s here who flaunts there knowledge. Hi mister Pharisee. “Which my soul still seeks but I cannot find: One man among a thousand I have found, But a woman among all these I have not found. Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes.”” Ecclesiastes 7:28-29 NKJV
That would be awesome! No one is too difficult for God to reach, but those who have hardened their hearts and are arrogant, choose to reject God. He will not override our free will, but I too pray for Dawkins, as he is so very deceived 🙏
I pray for Donald Trump’s becoming a true believer and as much as our Country desperately needs him to win in November I would rather see him become a brother in Christ than to beat Kamala Harris. A Nation’s survival is less important than anyone’s eternal salvation. The difficult thing for me, that I need to overcome, is praying for those openly embracing Marxism like Kamala Harris but praying for those whose policies and behaviors we find disgusting is expected of us by our Savior and is instrumental in changing how we see them. When you invest time in praying for them they become personal and easier to understand as fellow sinners in need of a Savior.
I pray those two young men took that seriously and make a change, turn away from their sins and chase God. Ray Comfort is great at this. You could see their faces changing as they began to understand a little.
@@boardtodeath46 purgatory ceased to exist during the time after Jesus died & before He rose from the tomb - He took all OT saints spirits to heaven & proclaimed victory over fallen angels & demons . . . ALL will believe, because all knees will bend & all tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, but only after the 1,000 year earthly reign will we be judged at the White Throne Judgement - but just to imagine . . . 1,000 years when no one will question whether God is real or not . . . what a different world that will be to exist in - so incredibly exciting!!! No more Athiests or Agnostics, just pure choice, do you want to follow Christ or not - okay, He is not going to force anyone into heaven who doesn't want to be there!!!
@@boardtodeath46 I think you & I are in agreement on more Scriptural truth than we disagree on . . . I'm not a Universalist, nor Catholic, fighting off 5-point Calvinist false doctrine - it's complicated, to much for comments . . . but I do believe God's plan is to save so many more than will be damned!!! But Jesus made it clear that not all will choose to come to Him, for sin to be forgiven & forgotten for righteous rewards - others are not evil, but are lost in confused deception, I pray for all these to be part of the mass of people that can't be counted in Rev. 7:9-17 & then still the nation of Israel & more will be saved. I long for the day when we think back & try to remember this short span of time of such horrid sinful existence & THANK GOD for His brilliant patience, grace & mercy for salvation! All Glory to God, through His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD!
@@boardtodeath46 Ah . . . tell me, just HOW does one possibly prepare for the Tribulation? As described by Jesus Himself, as a time never before & never again experienced upon the face of the earth - the wrath of GOD!!! No one can hide from God, a third of life on earth, then another third of what's left, then those who survive until the demons are released will wish for death & even that will be impossible to escape the torment. Have you really even read the Bible? OT, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah or Revelation??? I think I need to take back what I said earlier, perhaps we don't agree on many things after all - my preparation for the Tribulation is to believe in the blood of Christ, the Word of God & the blessed hope of the Rapture! Evidently you & I are not reading the same Bible, or believing the true gospel as preached by Jesus's Apostles - if I am not raptured, then I will be die for Christ during the Tribulation because I will not take the mark of the beast, or somehow God will keep me alive until the end, but half the world's population will die. I'd rather believe Jesus promise that He will come to take His own to where He has prepared a place in His Father's mansion!!! I will be praying for you & your loved ones, my dear friend who is loved by God, but you have got to wake up!
I really like the simple way he brings the truth to these people who think they can be saved only by being good and morally irreproachable... Ray is a legend !!!
Even Jesus himself said there is but one that is good and that’s the Father! So, to say that you’re perfect is false! I would say to revaluate yourself! You will always be a sinner can’t change that one! That in my opinion is the new false doctrine being shared by all these churches! So you can remain Gay, You can commit adultery, lie, steal, murder blaspheme God but as long as you said some words to accept Christ you are now perfect. Bologna on that one! Being a believer is everyday repentance, humility, understanding of your condition as a sinner and trusting in the fact that Christ paid the price and interceded for your fallen self! It’s not about us whatsoever! It’s about Jesus Christ and in fact the whole Bible is about Him! Thinking we are perfect can lead a person astray and back into sinfulness.
Amen! I got smoked on the battlefield of sexual temptation, but I have been delivered and now I honor God and stay abstinent 3 years! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
I was abstinent until my wedding night. We have been happily married now for 20 years. I stongly recommend it as both a spiritual and pragmatic-wisdom matter.
What a blessing to see Ronny saved and his joy just after Ray finished praying for him! You could see he started out all jovial, then became more and more serious as the Holy Spirit spoke to him through Ray. I have tears of joy every time someone repents and is born again!
I had tears in my eyes listening to Richard Dawkins watching him struggle for a moment over “which religion is better.” We really do have the law in us without being told.
I deserve hell, I deserved God's righteous wrath, but because of Christ, by faith i been saved by grace. Unmerited grace that is from God. We need to understand the gospel, understand scripture, God's Word.
@@boardtodeath46 John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them Romans 4:4 Now, to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due. Grace is given by God !!! not earned by works
@@boardtodeath46 that’s a lot of things you as a sinner is saying, you have yet to back anything up with scripture, your saying if you don’t do all these works you won’t be saved.
I love what Ray did when he said to the young man, “I’ve addressed your intellect…now I’m going to address your conscience…” as a way to be transparent and straightforward about what his intentions are. That is so powerful! ❤
Man, i love Ronnie's disposition, you see he has passion for the Lord. Lord Jesus, I pray that you guide Ronnie, and all those around him, to the cross that is your manifested love for us while we are still sinners, you died for us. Thank you for today, and every day, for life is a gift, and eternal life is a free gift poured out for all who believe in you as their savior. Amen
I know, I’d love to hang out with Ronnie and the other guy (was his name given?) one day in the new Jerusalem that comes down from Heaven. Both of these young men seem like great individuals! 😊❤ May God bless you both, men!
Personally neither Trump nor Harris give me the Christian vibe. However, I don’t know if either is saved. I’ll say that Trump appears the more moral of the two. Regardless, I’m not voting for either based upon their salvation. I’m voting for the best candidate for President. Let me put it this way. I’m a Christian but I’d make a horrible President. I’m voting for Trump based upon his policies that helped Americans in the past.
Speaking from Australia, I’d be voting for Trump as well… But RFK Junior is walking with Christ? I don’t understand the American politics, but is there a chance that RFKJ could end up as president? Don’t know if he’s even in the running?
@@christinemclatchie He dropped out and is backing Trump now but even if he was still running I don't think he would have won. He's a third party candidate and I don't think a third party candidate has ever won the election.
◄ Daniel 8:25 ► And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand
Absolutely religion tells you, you gotta work to earn salvation Christianity Says there is nothing you can do to earn salvation but believe in the finished work of Jesus when he died on the cross took our punishment we deserved satisfied God’s wrath that was against us. and all you do is repent be sorry for your sins transfer your trust from yourself put it in Jesus and you got God’s promise the will grant you eternal life Rom 6-23
@@AllenThomas-us6xm - Jesus said not everyone who says to him "Lord, Lord" will enter heaven but only the one who DOES the will of our heavenly Father. I don't know why so many seem to think they can't DO God's will (at least to the best of their ability) AND at the same time give Jesus the credit INSTEAD of boasting or giving themself the credit. It seems to me many of my brothers & sisters in Christ take the Bible verse about 'so no one can boast' out of context or they just don't discern it properly. Of course neither I nor any other Christian will be perfect, but we can still take it seriously to strive to DO the will of God, & when we do that, we can STILL give Jesus the credit & not be boastful. Yes, we ARE saved by his grace & mercy, but we MUST take up our cross & FOLLOW Jesus by Living his teachings & also share the gospel if we have an opportunity to - not just "believe" in who he is & that he was resurrected. Even the devil believes that. In fact, the devil KNOWS. that. I will NEVER think Jesus let himself be tortured to death so people can sin as much as they want. God is not mocked. God & Jesus know our heart, mind, attitudes, & actions. In the very early days of Christianity, some people were already trying to say that people could sin as much as they want because of Jesus's crucifixion, & they had to be spoken against in the Bible. Yes, I think someone could live a partying, selfish life & then be dying in an ambulance & call out to Jesus with trust, faith, repentance, & an open heart, accepting Jesus, & yes, that person can go to heaven even if he or she hasn't had a chance to take up their cross & follow Jesus. But God & Jesus know if that person would just go back to their old ways if given a chance. None of us will be judges on Judgment Day. God is our judge.
@@AJ-yw7hf “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.” John 6:40 KJV
If the souls of these two candidates don’t matter or count to me then neither does my opinion about them. JESUS said “whoever does not gather with ME, scattereth.” Matt.12:30
Thank you so much for another incredibly well done video! I am powerfully moved by by Living Waters Ministry! I love the compassion, love, and earnestness you have for the unsaved. I’m inspired and have become passionate about evangelism too. Thanks again and God bless you all at Living Waters!
It's not about religion, it's about having a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, abiding in Him, walking in Spirit and truth. Being in the word of God every day, not by just being a hearer but by being a doer. Denying yourself and your flesh, picking up your cross daily and walking in faith., with the help of the Holy Spirit. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. All kavod to God. ❤❤
The term "religion" these days had another meaning just like many words do in the dictionary.. I guarantee that I you were to used the "relationship" card with your employer, they would still forbid you from talking about Jesus while at work. so we as "believers" needs to find ways to go around that so they would not be able to stand up in court.
Trump has always given the glory to Jesus Christ. Look it up. There is not one pastor or preacher running for President but Trump vs the demoncrats is better.
Please allow me to clarify: Roe v Wade was a Supreme Court ruling. It was federal in scope. It is no longer is in effect, because it was overturned. Now only state laws affect the “right” to kill your child in the US. Let’s continue to help people know what it is that begins inside of the mother’s womb at conception-a human being-and that no law should encourage such, no matter how small or voiceless. There are some exceptions such as when the life of the mother is in danger, for the baby will likely die if the mother dies because of the baby’s growth in a fallopian tube. Better to save one life than save no life. But as tech improves, maybe both lives can be saved one day. ❤
Roe was overturned but abortion continues to be legal. This is because the hearts of women are desperately wicked. But the stage is now set such that a change of heart can result in a change of law.
I Cor. 6:9-10 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1Co 6:11 "And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
Being religious doesn't make you a Christian. The pharisees were extremely religious. President Trumps past really doesn't define him now, after he was saved.
Yep. 1,994 years after the crucifixion of Jesus in 30 AD, his few followers now number nearly 2 Billion. But just 25.5 million Jews in the entire world. 1.5 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus, 1.4 billion Chinese, but just 25.5 million Jews. Truly, as Jesus said, their house was left unto them desolate -- that fig tree will never bear fruit again. The Republican CHURCH became the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 3: 9) when ALL the NAR Prophets proclaimed Trump CHOSEN by God to be like Cyrus and build a NEW TEMPLE in Jerusalem. Matthew 24: 24. "Not one stone shall remain standing."
We're voting for a president; not federal pastor. I'm more concerned with their policies than their church slogans. How can a person prove their faith to another person? They can't; they can only prove that to God. I think the ability to vote is an answer to some prayers. Pray for good leadership, but you still need to vote. If you ever wonder why leadership in the world has gotten so lousy is because Christians don't vote - they think they're too busy praying?
I think he was saying trump is also about religion bc he is boasting about how his good works and being a 'good' person which no one is good but God and God is who transforms us. Trump clearly isn't transformed when he gets on stage and name calls everyone also he is for the Abraham accords which is taking completely different religions and merging them together like Muslim Christian Catholic etc look into it trump says he is for he Abraham accords almost every speech now he wants a one world religion he is not godly in the slightest. He is not born again. He is prideful and constantly boasts about himself and what he has done. The bible says pride goes before a fall. Be vigilant if you follow a prideful egotistical man who constantly puts other people down and calls them losers etc
@@Exposerofevil88your right. But there still hope for him and if you pay attention to the beginning of the video God has used way worse people to do his will. And ask yourself is the opposing side better? They are promoting LGBTQ in schools promoting abortion and helping there billionaire devil worshiping friends destroy society. I’m voting for 45 Trump 2024🇺🇸🫡 Christ is King✝️🙏
Wait…the Abraham Accords…I don’t see any terms redefining religions in it. It does talk about keeping “interfaith dialogue” open. That’s a good thing in my opinion, and does not mean combining religions. These agreements seem to be about how each group agrees to behave towards one another. Can you point to a specific part of one of these agreements Trump and the others signed which specifies combining religions? ❤
@@mattd624 they set up buildings one next to the other showing how they are coming togeher for each faith. Also the bible says the way is narrow and few find it that's bc our only hope is in Jesus so if trump was a true Christian he wouldn't merge together with other religions or make peace deals with them that's what this Abraham accords is doing is causing a pact to be formed between these different religions coming together's basically saying that Christians cant be against what muslims believe and vice versa it will eventually be signed into law that you have to be ok with their new world religion be vigilant trump wants guillotines back for a reason
@@lauraontiveros3432 Christ Jesus is for the Jews and The Gentiles. John 14:6, Jesus proclaimed, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In other words, there are no options on the route to eternal life-there is only one way, and Jesus is that way. Christ Jesus is King, our Lord, Our God, Our Saviour. Amen.
Can you imagine what this world will be like when Christian’s start making the changes needed in order for God’s Kingdom to start to merge with this world❣️ in each space of dominion, in each realm, and each land that starts to allow for God’s Kingdom to truly operate through them!
This world is not our home and we are not here to build God's kingdom. We are here to share the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ so others will join God's family. It will be Jesus that brings the kingdom with Him when He returns back and steps foot on the earth again. Jesus said for us to eagerly wait and watch for Him. There will still be a tribulation and an antiChrist in the 3rd temple and the world will have a rude awakening. The church will be gone. The antiChrist will cause the world to worship him and to take his Mark or die. And when it's all said and done this earth and all that's in it will be destroyed, including the antiChrist and Satan and the false prophet who deceived the world. A new heaven and a new earth will be created by God. All things will made new. @@myyoutube8494
Ray, you are brilliantly gifted by God! I love to listen to you preach! You are so compassionate and straightforward. God bless your ministry, may it reach many who need to hear the truth! ❤
If you love me, keep my commandments. Faith without works is dead; having faith in Christ without putting in the effort to live the ten commandments is worthless.
Matthew 22: 36-40 (and let no "lawyer" deceive you -- Matthew 22: 35.) Project 2025 just triggered the final schism in all 1,000 denominations of Protestants. That is the culmination of the 200-year-old Jesuit plot to destroy the 500-year-old Reformation with 100's of wild and divergent Dogmas and Doctrines. Over 93% of men and women are nearly deaf and blind spiritually. They "see" and "hear" nothing, except perhaps, once or twice in a lifetime, while asleep. We call that, Normal. Matthew 5: 9.
What wasn't corrected in all of their comments about moral goodness is that our desire to be good doesn't come from fear of hell and a desire to "achieve" Heaven. That desire to honor God comes from our love for Him. When we turn away from our own ways, to follow God, He fills us, with his Holy Spirit (writing his "law upon our hearts"), and because of his mercy and grace toward us, by the prompting of his Holy Spirit, we love Him and desire to obey his commands.
Exactly. Many people are influenced (more than they realize) by Roman Catholic theology. They simply don't understand verses like Colossians 1:13, Acts 26:18, Luke 17:21.... They haven't read 1st John. They haven't become NEW CREATURES in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). When the Holy Spirit indwells (John 14:16-17, Romans 8:9 & 14) EVERYTHING is different, as you say. We immediately begin to see as God sees. We love everything that is holy, innocent, pure, just, righteous. That's precisely why "his commands are not burdensome"! (1st John 5:3). They are certainly burdensome to the unsaved/carnal. Matthew 18:3. "Unless you be converted and become as a child..." Being born again/born of the Spirit (as Jesus says "you must be" in John 3) is a real experience and it changes one from the inside forever.
I am shocked and in disbelief that Cenk said this. WOW. This shows that prayer works. Let's remember to repent, pray, and fast for these politicians and this country.
1:30 God puts people into positions of authority to work His will, however I wouldn’t say Trump is like David. David went against God but later repented. Regardless, Nathan still informed David that due to his missteps his children will suffer and the kingdom will suffer.
Agreed. We need to stop using David and Samson as examples for Trump. David and Samson repented by sinning against God, Trump doesn’t feel the need to repent. Hope he does though.
@@katierucker2870 Mr. TRUMP is BEING used by God in an UNUSUAL way. Whatever will be WILL BE. We are the ones that CHOOSE whom we will SERVE. This battle is between Right & Wrong, NOT Right and Left. Both parties have the SAME GOAL and manulipated by the SAME Leaders.
I agree. I'm in the UK, but I really hope you get Trump as president again. And yet, as you say, 4 years will be gone in a flash. See how fast Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, trashed America within days and weeks of taking the Whitehouse.
All Hallows' Eve Brawl, y'all, on October 31st -- same day in 1517, that Martin Luther posted his treatise. Orange V Black. Be sure to wear a Guy Fawkes mask, because Q plans to blow up Congress with the Dems and RINOs inside. Q cues the coup. Our Civil War will be uncivil -- women and children FIRST -- for the Win-Win. There won't be a Next Generation, and the devil gets to prove mankind unfit for God's kingdom. Final judgement is set for 10/10/26. Daniel 7: 9-14. So many so horribly taught.
Psalms 2:1-12 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. ✝️🛐
None are good, save one. Unbelievers have no right to judge believers, or those who claim to know CHRIST. I pray for the atheists eyes to be open. I'm not perfect, just forgiven. But every day according to the Bible, I must work out my own salvation after I am born again.
There is NO work outside of Christ's sacrifice for your salvation. The bible is crystal clear that if it be by grace its grace alone, and the moment you add your own works, it's no longer grace but work. Please believe and trust Jesus Christ alone for salvation. This is what the Bible means when it says work out your salvation. Mentally work out the fact that salvation is by His grace without works. Ephesians 2:8
Final judgment for the devil and dragon is set for 10/10/26. Daniel 7: 9-14. Revelation 12: 12-13. The devil intends to prove mankind unfit for God's kingdom with a worldwide nuclear war -- God vs God vs Not God vs No God in the Name of God. "After all," the devil argues, "Jesus, HIMSELF, tried to teach these beasts to love one another 1,994 year ago -- almost two full days in Heaven. Surely, the Ancient of Days will judge Man at fault. Or Jesus. Not Me." The devil is delusional, but OVER 93% of men and women are nearly deaf and blind spiritually. We call that, Normal. It has always been like this -- as in the days of Noah. This is NOT the 2nd Coming in the flesh; it's the fulfillment of the resurrection. John 16: 7-15.
That woman will wail on judgement day crying for mercy but God will turn away and say i never knew you!!!!!!! I cannot pray for something that is not God's will!!!!!!!
Our role is Christians is not to find Christians and vote for them although that would be a good thing probably. But our role is to vote for those who will preserve the peace and preserve the principles in the Bible of individual nations, border, security, morality, justice, and peace as well as law and order. Kamala Harris falls short of these qualities.
Jesus never taught war -- Matthew 5: 44-48 Matthew 5: 9 -- but we wage war in the NAME of Jesus. Matthew 7: 22. Almost no one "saw" anything besides an eclipse on April 8th 2024. What is the sign of Jonah? Jonah 3: 4 . . . yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. 5 So the people of Nineveh believed God . . . 8 . . . yea let them cry mightily unto God and turn from their wicked ways and from the violence that is in their hands." God vs God -- IS I vs I AM began in Israel on 10/7/23.
Lost interest after the first question. “Are things better now than 4 years ago?” Kamala: So, my plan for my presidency is…” She didn’t bother to answer the question. A question or two later, Trump starts a rant about something that had nothing to do with the question. Neither were interested in anything but smearing the other. Didn’t learn or hear anything new that hasn’t been in clips or rallies over the last couple years. Lackluster and disappointing really.
This really didn't accomplish anything, but it wasn't a debate between President Trump & harris either. It was actually President Trump vs Muir, linsey & harris. Those moderators frequently debated President Trump for harris & never one time called her out on even one of her nonstop lies.
You have more "tolerance" for lunacy than me. 🙊 I prepared outreach materials for this week instead. We'll get the leader we deserve. We all bear some guilt for the state of the U.S
Nobody really needed the debate to know how each one would perform in office. We've seen both of them in action and are only hope is Trump, whether you like him or not. His policies are much more in line with Christian values.
This is not an effort to criticize either candidate, but rather to emphasize that the true hope for America lies in Jesus and the gospel. Vote in a way that brings glory to God.
Amen. Abortion is so obviously sin I cannot understand why people support it on either side. God Bless 🙏
That isn't what any true Bible doctrine teaches. You really are being presumptuous, friend, I pray that you see in America we are given rights to vote for the candidate of our choice.
We also have been given free speech and the gospel is now being preached freely. Believe and you will be saved. Believe not and you will be condemned
I can't vote, but I agree with this statement 👏
TRUMP 2024!!! ✝️🙏❤️🇺🇸💪
Trump is not going to win. @@kristafloral
I pray for the salvation of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Also Richard Dawkins and The Young Turks.
Well said Leslie, I'm with you. True Christian response which will put a smile on our saviours face.
I pray for all unbelievers in Christ to repent and believe in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ🎉
Amen 🙏🏾
What would Jesus do?
Jesus would want Christians to pray for everyone including the 2 atheists!
I believe Jesus would say to pray and vote… goodness, also pray for wisdom. Don’t sit home and not vote.
We do pray and cry for unsaved to find Jesus. Try weeping for them
Yes pray for Kamala and Tim 🙏 it’s a good thing we have at least one candidate who is truly willing to give God the credit. ✊
Jesus would not be supporting killing innocent children in the womb. If Jesus did support abortion , I would want nothing to do with Jesus .
Yep. Vote for who you think will do the least evil and the most good, and then pray for whoever wins whether it’s who you voted for or not.
We may not get who we want in office, but we know God is who give authority to rulers and so only he can give them wisdom to do so well.
We are not electing Trump as a pastor or because of his faith in God or how close of a relationship he has with Jesus. Simply voting for him because his policies line up with God's word more than Democrats do. That's it.
Yes, I agree. I'm astounded that so many American churchgoers seem to say that because Trump is imperfect, therefore they must vote Democrat. They demand Trump be a saved man before they will vote for him, but they seem not to demand Biden or Harris be saved.
Yep, very simple! He is not completely pro-life, but is def more pro-life than Kamala. Also, the better economy, lower gas/grocery prices, secure borders, no new wars, not for indoctrination of rainbow stuff in schools, etc. It's a very easy choice!
I agree that the Democrats act worse. But saying Trump might not be a godly man but his policies line up more with the Bible is not true and it doesn’t make any sense. If someone isn’t repentant of their sins, how can their policies line up with God and His word? I’m not saying people who love the Lord are sinless, we still need Jesus of course. But it’s a false notion to tell people to vote for someone who is not a believer because his policies might be “godlier”. Did God use Trump to help America? Yes, but it doesn’t mean Trump’s policies are Biblical.
@katierucker2870 No one says his policies are biblical. They are NOT satanic policies like the demonrat policies.
Just shared the gospel with a taxi driver today. Please pray for the seeds planted in Hardeep to be watered and grown by the Holy Spirit. Thank you! 🙏🏼
See the parable of the sower. Matthew 13: 15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Matthew 13: 30. Matthew 22: 36-40. Revelation 3: 6-12.
Praise God brother!
God calls us to plant the seed and He brings in the harvest!
@@bkochu7114 you mean sister! 🫡 Amen, thank you for your prayers for Hardeep! ❤️
@@humboldthammer Always ask as you read scripture, "Who was talking? Who was being talked to or about? What is the rest of the context of the story around that verse?"
Jesus was talking to His disciples one time & praying to His Father another time . . . about the 'know-it-all" Pharisees & Saducees, Israel as a nation, overall, over 3,500 years . . . & I am so thankful, because the rejection by the Jews opened the Church Age for Gentiles to be grafted in . . . to cause the Jews to become jealous to come back to God!!!
"Thy Will be done, LORD, oh earth as it is in heaven!" & NOW would be a good time, Lord!!! Thank You.
The only way to the Father is through the Son. No good person will make it without Jesus Christ our Lord God!
There are non that are good
@@user-tt6rx1cy4f none??
saved by faith for good works which he has preordained; what version of Bible are you reading?
I wish and pray that people will soon understand that religion is not where it's at, salvation is where it's at. There are many religions but one salvation, Jesus Christ.
You have to have the religion part through Gospel to understand what His teachings are. How many times did Jesus pray to God the Father, tell us to look to the Father, and praise the Father? Every single time. He wants your attention and obedience, also. Otherwise, it's like creating a child and then telling it to raise itself.
Yes and Jesus was a Jew not a Catholic.
That’s the truth of it…
The Pharisees sure did have the ‘religious’ part of it, but unfortunately it was not pleasing to Jesus…. So much so that He called them hippocrates. They knew the Old Testament back to front, but their head knowledge got them nowhere; and in fact most of those Pharisees (unless they repented of their arrogance and sin) would’ve ended up in a place they thought they would never see… One of the men on a cross beside Jesus, acknowledged who He was, and certainly didn’t have time to become educated in the Torah… This is very significant, and shows very clearly what is important to God. You don’t have to be baptised as a baby to make it into heaven, nor as an adult if you die before you have the chance to be baptised. You don’t have to have communion or speak in tongues to be able to enter into heaven… The criminal on the cross only spoke words to Jesus, and Jesus knowing his heart, said ‘today you will be with Me in paradise’…
Wow. Ronny was so moved by the gospel. That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard it explained by your ministry. It completely opened my eyes and changed my entire life!
@@alyssamen22 me too! Taking the Lords name in vain in some many ways wasn’t a concern of mine until Ray explained it out thoughtfully. 🙏🙏🙏
I’m praying for Ronny that he find a good Christian community that helps him grow in the Lord.
I came across this comment and I’d like to share it..
“The world is not falling apart, it’s falling into place according to the Bible”
Praise Yeshua!!!! Amen!!! That's so true!!
Falling into place. This is awesome despite the troubles.
Everything is going wrong just right!!! 😁
Jan Markel of Olive Tree Ministries is the quotes originator.
A lot of people are atheist because they focus on religion. But the focus is on Jesus. We believe in him, we
Trust in him, our hope is on him.
Not in religion or a church.
The church is nothing without God at the center of it. So, Focus in Jesus!!!
I am atheist because I read the Bible and studied it. It is ridiculous and evil.
We, the Believers, are the church. The Bride of Christ.
@@realblockheads8217 - I understand that we're Jesus's church, his followers, but I think the commenter meant not to put our trust or hope in a human-run congregational 'church.' I agree.
I've seen "proclaimed" Christians & Athiests both confidently state 'that Trump is not a Christian' - you know what, they can't know that . . . I don't know that . . . I can only know whether I am saved or not.
I can tell others the gospel, try to mature along side them, experience a live long process of doubt & belief, failure & success . . . I know what my Bible tells me & all who believe that Jesus is who He says He is & that He accomplished what His Father sent Him to do, is all He asks of us to be saved & eternal life is ours - then the Holy Spirit gets to work on you in your life!!! AMEN.
Jesus' brother James tells us, "you will know them by their works" - well, by that, Donald is probably more of a Christian than I am . . . "Judge not lest you be judged!" does NOT mean we are not to judge others, it means HOW we judge others is how we will also be judged . . . that double-digit sword is incredible, isn't it!!!
People are NOT good moral people. None are good, No not one. The heart is desperately wicked!
Tell me you're a Calvinist without telling me you're a Calvinist.
He’s not Calvinist this is literally in the book of Ecclesiastes
You misspelled Romans and Psalms (which Romans is citing)
Romans 3:10-18 ESV
[10] as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; [11] no one understands; no one seeks for God. [12] All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” [13] “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” [14] “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” [15] “Their feet are swift to shed blood; [16] in their paths are ruin and misery, [17] and the way of peace they have not known.” [18] “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
@@ryanreeves6347 I see we have one of these haughty fake Christian’s here who flaunts there knowledge. Hi mister Pharisee.
“Which my soul still seeks but I cannot find: One man among a thousand I have found, But a woman among all these I have not found. Truly, this only I have found: That God made man upright, But they have sought out many schemes.””
Ecclesiastes 7:28-29 NKJV
@@noybiznatchare you serious that’s what the Bible said has nothing to do with a Calvinist
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!🙏🏻❤️😊
God doesn't exist
@@augusto1126 why do you say that?
@@JoshuaTwentyFour15 there is no evidence of a god
@ what evidence do we have to disprove God? If there is none in the affirmative, do we have evidence to disprove God?
I pray for Richard Dawkins. I hope he gets saved and becomes a Christian
That would be awesome!
No one is too difficult for God to reach, but those who have hardened their hearts and are arrogant, choose to reject God. He will not override our free will, but I too pray for Dawkins, as he is so very deceived 🙏
I pray for Donald Trump’s becoming a true believer and as much as our Country desperately needs him to win in November I would rather see him become a brother in Christ than to beat Kamala Harris. A Nation’s survival is less important than anyone’s eternal salvation. The difficult thing for me, that I need to overcome, is praying for those openly embracing Marxism like Kamala Harris but praying for those whose policies and behaviors we find disgusting is expected of us by our Savior and is instrumental in changing how we see them. When you invest time in praying for them they become personal and easier to understand as fellow sinners in need of a Savior.
Dawkins is just going by the evidence before him.
The atheist community would lose their hair over that one.
🤣 He’s far better than many Christians.
I pray those two young men took that seriously and make a change, turn away from their sins and chase God. Ray Comfort is great at this. You could see their faces changing as they began to understand a little.
She is saying she doesn’t want Jesus to pay for her sins. Leaning on her own understanding. Pray for God to change her heart.
She needs Proverbs 3:5-6!
@@boardtodeath46 purgatory ceased to exist during the time after Jesus died & before He rose from the tomb - He took all OT saints spirits to heaven & proclaimed victory over fallen angels & demons . . . ALL will believe, because all knees will bend & all tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, but only after the 1,000 year earthly reign will we be judged at the White Throne Judgement - but just to imagine . . . 1,000 years when no one will question whether God is real or not . . . what a different world that will be to exist in - so incredibly exciting!!! No more Athiests or Agnostics, just pure choice, do you want to follow Christ or not - okay, He is not going to force anyone into heaven who doesn't want to be there!!!
@@boardtodeath46 I think you & I are in agreement on more Scriptural truth than we disagree on . . . I'm not a Universalist, nor Catholic, fighting off 5-point Calvinist false doctrine - it's complicated, to much for comments . . . but I do believe God's plan is to save so many more than will be damned!!!
But Jesus made it clear that not all will choose to come to Him, for sin to be forgiven & forgotten for righteous rewards - others are not evil, but are lost in confused deception, I pray for all these to be part of the mass of people that can't be counted in Rev. 7:9-17 & then still the nation of Israel & more will be saved.
I long for the day when we think back & try to remember this short span of time of such horrid sinful existence & THANK GOD for His brilliant patience, grace & mercy for salvation! All Glory to God, through His Son, Jesus Christ our LORD!
@@boardtodeath46 Ah . . . tell me, just HOW does one possibly prepare for the Tribulation? As described by Jesus Himself, as a time never before & never again experienced upon the face of the earth - the wrath of GOD!!!
No one can hide from God, a third of life on earth, then another third of what's left, then those who survive until the demons are released will wish for death & even that will be impossible to escape the torment.
Have you really even read the Bible? OT, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah or Revelation???
I think I need to take back what I said earlier, perhaps we don't agree on many things after all - my preparation for the Tribulation is to believe in the blood of Christ, the Word of God & the blessed hope of the Rapture! Evidently you & I are not reading the same Bible, or believing the true gospel as preached by Jesus's Apostles - if I am not raptured, then I will be die for Christ during the Tribulation because I will not take the mark of the beast, or somehow God will keep me alive until the end, but half the world's population will die.
I'd rather believe Jesus promise that He will come to take His own to where He has prepared a place in His Father's mansion!!!
I will be praying for you & your loved ones, my dear friend who is loved by God, but you have got to wake up!
Keep Preaching Ray, you are a true inspiration!!!
I really like the simple way he brings the truth to these people who think they can be saved only by being good and morally irreproachable...
Ray is a legend !!!
We love Ray. God bless
The pure joy on Ronnie's face after the prayer...priceless.
Have to be Broken
Absolutely 👍
@@Brucev7 Well, Satan was designed - a bit broken, to be fair...
Even pre Job.
Prayers for our leaders.🙏
1 Thessalonians 16-18
I learned to not talk down on anyone, but pray for them instead.
Saying that you're a "good person" is like saying 'what a beautiful trash heep'. None are good but God, no not one. 4:55
Even Jesus himself said there is but one that is good and that’s the Father! So, to say that you’re perfect is false! I would say to revaluate yourself! You will always be a sinner can’t change that one! That in my opinion is the new false doctrine being shared by all these churches!
So you can remain Gay, You can commit adultery, lie, steal, murder blaspheme God but as long as you said some words to accept Christ you are now perfect. Bologna on that one! Being a believer is everyday repentance, humility, understanding of your condition as a sinner and trusting in the fact that Christ paid the price and interceded for your fallen self! It’s not about us whatsoever! It’s about Jesus Christ and in fact the whole Bible is about Him! Thinking we are perfect can lead a person astray and back into sinfulness.
Romans 3:10. Still in the Bible. “None righteous, no not one”
It's sad, but true. ALL humanity is fallen. A child doesn't have to be taught selfishness, greed, etc.
How amazing would it be if Richard Dawkins accepted Jesus. What a testimony!! Let all pray for him!
Yes and the Lord of Heaven is willing and able.
Amen I agree that would be incredible if his blind eyes were opened to the truth very soon!
I am so grateful to have this video to help me remember where my focus needs to be after watching the debate😣Thank you Jesus!
Amen! I got smoked on the battlefield of sexual temptation, but I have been delivered and now I honor God and stay abstinent 3 years! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!
I was abstinent until my wedding night. We have been happily married now for 20 years. I stongly recommend it as both a spiritual and pragmatic-wisdom matter.
Excellent video Ray Comfort, thank you!
What a blessing to see Ronny saved and his joy just after Ray finished praying for him! You could see he started out all jovial, then became more and more serious as the Holy Spirit spoke to him through Ray. I have tears of joy every time someone repents and is born again!
I had tears in my eyes listening to Richard Dawkins watching him struggle for a moment over “which religion is better.” We really do have the law in us without being told.
That interaction with Ronnie was so beautiful. I could see his realization. Praise the Lord for his salvation. I pray that he keeps his eyes on Jesus.
Ronny was near tears, beautiful!
Have to be Broken
Satan and his demons have been released on the Earth…give your soul to Jesus…time is shorter than anyone of us can know🙏🙏
What do these demons look like?
That's true
God bless you
I deserve hell, I deserved God's righteous wrath, but because of Christ, by faith i been saved by grace. Unmerited grace that is from God. We need to understand the gospel, understand scripture, God's Word.
God alone is good.
His Salvation is awesome‼️
@@boardtodeath46you can’t earn grace by works, we are given grace by god through faith and nothing else
@@boardtodeath46 John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved, through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them
Romans 4:4 Now, to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.
Grace is given by God !!! not earned by works
@@boardtodeath46indeed brother we must bear fruit. For the tree is known by it's fruit. how can you still be sinful if the tree itself is Jesus.
@@boardtodeath46 that’s a lot of things you as a sinner is saying, you have yet to back anything up with scripture, your saying if you don’t do all these works you won’t be saved.
Thank you Ray for all that you do 🙏
I love what Ray did when he said to the young man, “I’ve addressed your intellect…now I’m going to address your conscience…” as a way to be transparent and straightforward about what his intentions are. That is so powerful! ❤
Seeing the Holy Spirit bringing conviction of sins and the understanding of the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf… it never gets old!!
Thank you Ray and friends. We love you guys.
God bless you and your ministry Brother Ray Comfort
Make America Godly Again. Stay in Prayer. America Shall be Saved. In Jesus name I pray.
Melinda, don't you know America is under the judgment of God this very moment. Read Romans 1:18-32.
Man, i love Ronnie's disposition, you see he has passion for the Lord. Lord Jesus, I pray that you guide Ronnie, and all those around him, to the cross that is your manifested love for us while we are still sinners, you died for us.
Thank you for today, and every day, for life is a gift, and eternal life is a free gift poured out for all who believe in you as their savior. Amen
A m e n
Ronnie was delightful, I hope he continues his journey to Jesus.
I know, I’d love to hang out with Ronnie and the other guy (was his name given?) one day in the new Jerusalem that comes down from Heaven. Both of these young men seem like great individuals! 😊❤ May God bless you both, men!
His name was Cy@@mattd624
Wow, I love the Holy Spirit working in the lives of these young men. I pray they continue to grow in grace
Personally neither Trump nor Harris give me the Christian vibe. However, I don’t know if either is saved. I’ll say that Trump appears the more moral of the two. Regardless, I’m not voting for either based upon their salvation. I’m voting for the best candidate for President.
Let me put it this way. I’m a Christian but I’d make a horrible President. I’m voting for Trump based upon his policies that helped Americans in the past.
Speaking from Australia, I’d be voting for Trump as well… But RFK Junior is walking with Christ? I don’t understand the American politics, but is there a chance that RFKJ could end up as president? Don’t know if he’s even in the running?
@@christinemclatchie He dropped out and is backing Trump now but even if he was still running I don't think he would have won. He's a third party candidate and I don't think a third party candidate has ever won the election.
I agree scout!
@kintsugi-c6uhe dropped out bro
◄ Daniel 8:25 ►
And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand
C. S. Lewis "God uses crooked sticks to make straight lines".
I pray for the salvation of Trump, Haris and all those in Govt. who need to come to Christ.
What religion am I?
No religion
Jesus is reality not religion❤
Absolutely religion tells you, you gotta work to earn salvation Christianity Says there is nothing you can do to earn salvation but believe in the finished work of Jesus when he died on the cross took our punishment we deserved satisfied God’s wrath that was against us. and all you do is repent be sorry for your sins transfer your trust from yourself put it in Jesus and you got God’s promise the will grant you eternal life Rom 6-23
@@AllenThomas-us6xm - Jesus said not everyone who says to him "Lord, Lord" will enter heaven but only the one who DOES the will of our heavenly Father. I don't know why so many seem to think they can't DO God's will (at least to the best of their ability) AND at the same time give Jesus the credit INSTEAD of boasting or giving themself the credit. It seems to me many of my brothers & sisters in Christ take the Bible verse about 'so no one can boast' out of context or they just don't discern it properly. Of course neither I nor any other Christian will be perfect, but we can still take it seriously to strive to DO the will of God, & when we do that, we can STILL give Jesus the credit & not be boastful. Yes, we ARE saved by his grace & mercy, but we MUST take up our cross & FOLLOW Jesus by Living his teachings & also share the gospel if we have an opportunity to - not just "believe" in who he is & that he was resurrected. Even the devil believes that. In fact, the devil KNOWS. that. I will NEVER think Jesus let himself be tortured to death so people can sin as much as they want. God is not mocked. God & Jesus know our heart, mind, attitudes, & actions. In the very early days of Christianity, some people were already trying to say that people could sin as much as they want because of Jesus's crucifixion, & they had to be spoken against in the Bible. Yes, I think someone could live a partying, selfish life & then be dying in an ambulance & call out to Jesus with trust, faith, repentance, & an open heart, accepting Jesus, & yes, that person can go to heaven even if he or she hasn't had a chance to take up their cross & follow Jesus. But God & Jesus know if that person would just go back to their old ways if given a chance. None of us will be judges on Judgment Day. God is our judge.
@@AJ-yw7hf “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
John 6:40 KJV
Beautiful brother thank you for sharing the Gospel freely with the lost! “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the LORD”
If the souls of these two candidates don’t matter or count to me then neither does my opinion about them. JESUS said “whoever does not gather with ME, scattereth.” Matt.12:30
I'm voting for Trump again. I believe he wants to help the U.S.A. I believe God saved him for a purpose to help .
Trump is a Atheist
Trump is saved ?
Saved from assassination
@@tcro58 ohhh 👍
Thank you so much for another incredibly well done video! I am powerfully moved by by Living Waters Ministry! I love the compassion, love, and earnestness you have for the unsaved. I’m inspired and have become passionate about evangelism too. Thanks again and God bless you all at Living Waters!
It's not about religion, it's about having a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, abiding in Him, walking in Spirit and truth. Being in the word of God every day, not by just being a hearer but by being a doer. Denying yourself and your flesh, picking up your cross daily and walking in faith., with the help of the Holy Spirit. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. All kavod to God. ❤❤
The term "religion" these days had another meaning just like many words do in the dictionary.. I guarantee that I you were to used the "relationship" card with your employer, they would still forbid you from talking about Jesus while at work. so we as "believers" needs to find ways to go around that so they would not be able to stand up in court.
Amen 🙏🏻❤️🙌
Thank you Living Waters 🙏🏽
There is no one righteous, not one.
Let’s pray about how to honor God before we vote. We have power to do some good here. 🙏🏼
Trump has always given the glory to Jesus Christ. Look it up. There is not one pastor or preacher running for President but Trump vs the demoncrats is better.
Roe was never overturned, it was kicked back to the States.
Please allow me to clarify: Roe v Wade was a Supreme Court ruling. It was federal in scope. It is no longer is in effect, because it was overturned. Now only state laws affect the “right” to kill your child in the US. Let’s continue to help people know what it is that begins inside of the mother’s womb at conception-a human being-and that no law should encourage such, no matter how small or voiceless. There are some exceptions such as when the life of the mother is in danger, for the baby will likely die if the mother dies because of the baby’s growth in a fallopian tube. Better to save one life than save no life. But as tech improves, maybe both lives can be saved one day. ❤
Roe was overturned but abortion continues to be legal. This is because the hearts of women are desperately wicked. But the stage is now set such that a change of heart can result in a change of law.
Beautiful listening to this man witnessing so brilliantly and seeing the conversion! Thank you Jesus!
We are all sinners. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re no longer a sinner.
I Cor. 6:9-10 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1Co 6:11
"And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
Being religious doesn't make you a Christian.
The pharisees were extremely religious.
President Trumps past really doesn't define him now, after he was saved.
Yep. 1,994 years after the crucifixion of Jesus in 30 AD, his few followers now number nearly 2 Billion. But just 25.5 million Jews in the entire world. 1.5 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus, 1.4 billion Chinese, but just 25.5 million Jews. Truly, as Jesus said, their house was left unto them desolate -- that fig tree will never bear fruit again. The Republican CHURCH became the synagogue of Satan (Rev. 3: 9) when ALL the NAR Prophets proclaimed Trump CHOSEN by God to be like Cyrus and build a NEW TEMPLE in Jerusalem. Matthew 24: 24. "Not one stone shall remain standing."
We're voting for a president; not federal pastor. I'm more concerned with their policies than their church slogans.
How can a person prove their faith to another person? They can't; they can only prove that to God.
I think the ability to vote is an answer to some prayers. Pray for good leadership, but you still need to vote. If you ever wonder why leadership in the world has gotten so lousy is because Christians don't vote - they think they're too busy praying?
I think he was saying trump is also about religion bc he is boasting about how his good works and being a 'good' person which no one is good but God and God is who transforms us. Trump clearly isn't transformed when he gets on stage and name calls everyone also he is for the Abraham accords which is taking completely different religions and merging them together like Muslim Christian Catholic etc look into it trump says he is for he Abraham accords almost every speech now he wants a one world religion he is not godly in the slightest. He is not born again. He is prideful and constantly boasts about himself and what he has done. The bible says pride goes before a fall. Be vigilant if you follow a prideful egotistical man who constantly puts other people down and calls them losers etc
@@Exposerofevil88your right. But there still hope for him and if you pay attention to the beginning of the video God has used way worse people to do his will.
And ask yourself is the opposing side better? They are promoting LGBTQ in schools promoting abortion and helping there billionaire devil worshiping friends destroy society. I’m voting for 45
Trump 2024🇺🇸🫡
Christ is King✝️🙏
Wait…the Abraham Accords…I don’t see any terms redefining religions in it. It does talk about keeping “interfaith dialogue” open. That’s a good thing in my opinion, and does not mean combining religions. These agreements seem to be about how each group agrees to behave towards one another.
Can you point to a specific part of one of these agreements Trump and the others signed which specifies combining religions? ❤
@@mattd624 they set up buildings one next to the other showing how they are coming togeher for each faith. Also the bible says the way is narrow and few find it that's bc our only hope is in Jesus so if trump was a true Christian he wouldn't merge together with other religions or make peace deals with them that's what this Abraham accords is doing is causing a pact to be formed between these different religions coming together's basically saying that Christians cant be against what muslims believe and vice versa it will eventually be signed into law that you have to be ok with their new world religion be vigilant trump wants guillotines back for a reason
Watching this gave me goosebumps. ❤❤
Ronnie! The angels are rejoicing!!! May God use you in such a mighty and powerful way! ♥️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️
Whoever wins, Christ is king.
And the bible mention the Great tribulation too.
Amen and Amen 🙏🙏
Just remember Christ is King of Israel only.
@@lauraontiveros3432 Christ Jesus is for the Jews and The Gentiles. John 14:6, Jesus proclaimed, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In other words, there are no options on the route to eternal life-there is only one way, and Jesus is that way. Christ Jesus is King, our Lord, Our God, Our Saviour. Amen.
Can you imagine what this world is going to be like when Christians get raptured.
Yup, I think I read about it somewhere. 🤔
Millions of times worse than it is now.
I'm looking for The Rapture any second now.
Can you imagine what this world will be like when Christian’s start making the changes needed in order for God’s Kingdom to start to merge with this world❣️ in each space of dominion, in each realm, and each land that starts to allow for God’s Kingdom to truly operate through them!
the rapture, as it is presently understood by the American church ala the Left Behind Series, is a false doctrine.
This world is not our home and we are not here to build God's kingdom. We are here to share the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ so others will join God's family. It will be Jesus that brings the kingdom with Him when He returns back and steps foot on the earth again. Jesus said for us to eagerly wait and watch for Him. There will still be a tribulation and an antiChrist in the 3rd temple and the world will have a rude awakening. The church will be gone. The antiChrist will cause the world to worship him and to take his Mark or die. And when it's all said and done this earth and all that's in it will be destroyed, including the antiChrist and Satan and the false prophet who deceived the world. A new heaven and a new earth will be created by God. All things will made new.
Praise God “exactly right now “ ❤
God bless & protect you, brother Ronnie !!
Ray, you are brilliantly gifted by God! I love to listen to you preach! You are so compassionate and straightforward. God bless your ministry, may it reach many who need to hear the truth! ❤
🎉 ✨🧬🙏🏾 prayers for Trump
Prayers for both and our country
Love those young men❤ God bless them and their relationship with Him🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Repent and believe the gospel. Everybody needs Jesus. Only Jesus can save and change lost sinners. Jesus wiñs and the devils lose be on Jesus's side.
i love the title, "fight like a man", amen God Bless Brothers!!!
Ronnie’s response after praying for salvation is priceless. A look of true joy. Thankful he is now my brother in Christ Jesus.
If you love me, keep my commandments. Faith without works is dead; having faith in Christ without putting in the effort to live the ten commandments is worthless.
This is false salvation. Your works are cheap. Lord Jesus Christ's work is perfect and complete for salvation. Trust Him alone.
Matthew 22: 36-40 (and let no "lawyer" deceive you -- Matthew 22: 35.) Project 2025 just triggered the final schism in all 1,000 denominations of Protestants. That is the culmination of the 200-year-old Jesuit plot to destroy the 500-year-old Reformation with 100's of wild and divergent Dogmas and Doctrines. Over 93% of men and women are nearly deaf and blind spiritually. They "see" and "hear" nothing, except perhaps, once or twice in a lifetime, while asleep. We call that, Normal. Matthew 5: 9.
@@donlaflair1789Exactly! Works follow if you're saved through Jesus. Jesus paid it All!
I heard it was in Escrow....
What wasn't corrected in all of their comments about moral goodness is that our desire to be good doesn't come from fear of hell and a desire to "achieve" Heaven. That desire to honor God comes from our love for Him. When we turn away from our own ways, to follow God, He fills us, with his Holy Spirit (writing his "law upon our hearts"), and because of his mercy and grace toward us, by the prompting of his Holy Spirit, we love Him and desire to obey his commands.
Exactly. Many people are influenced (more than they realize) by Roman Catholic theology.
They simply don't understand verses like Colossians 1:13, Acts 26:18, Luke 17:21....
They haven't read 1st John.
They haven't become NEW CREATURES in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
When the Holy Spirit indwells (John 14:16-17, Romans 8:9 & 14) EVERYTHING is different, as you say. We immediately begin to see as God sees. We love everything that is holy, innocent, pure, just, righteous.
That's precisely why "his commands are not burdensome"! (1st John 5:3).
They are certainly burdensome to the unsaved/carnal.
Matthew 18:3. "Unless you be converted and become as a child..."
Being born again/born of the Spirit (as Jesus says "you must be" in John 3) is a real experience and it changes one from the inside forever.
The Bible says “ A fool says in his heart there is no God “
We just love you Ray, thank you so much for what you do and share.
I am shocked and in disbelief that Cenk said this. WOW. This shows that prayer works. Let's remember to repent, pray, and fast for these politicians and this country.
Only one king of kings and lord of lords...all (that means all) shall bow, all shall face the one true God.
1:30 God puts people into positions of authority to work His will, however I wouldn’t say Trump is like David. David went against God but later repented. Regardless, Nathan still informed David that due to his missteps his children will suffer and the kingdom will suffer.
Agreed. We need to stop using David and Samson as examples for Trump. David and Samson repented by sinning against God, Trump doesn’t feel the need to repent. Hope he does though.
Mr. TRUMP is BEING used by God in an UNUSUAL way. Whatever will be WILL BE. We are the ones that CHOOSE whom we will SERVE. This battle is between Right & Wrong, NOT Right and Left.
Both parties have the SAME GOAL and manulipated by the SAME Leaders.
It's a prophecy that Trump will not be a praying president but he will become a praying president!!!
Why are you showing these extremely evil people on their bias evil show???
How do you know if he won't repent? @@katierucker2870
Why do so many believers sit home and not vote!? God help believer’s gain wisdom 🙏
They don't like either candidate.
Some preachers and pastors have erroneously taught that Christians are to be kept separate from politics.
Jehova witnesses
@@alexmoreno1172 jw's are not believers
Conscience won't allow some to vote.
Praise God for these boys listening and taking their salvation seriously! I'm so happy for them and their families ❤
But I’ll take him before her!! He does what he says he going to do. Bad thing is he only has 4 years to “unwreck” this country.
I agree. I'm in the UK, but I really hope you get Trump as president again.
And yet, as you say, 4 years will be gone in a flash. See how fast Biden, Harris, Obama, Pelosi, or whoever, trashed America within days and weeks of taking the Whitehouse.
All Hallows' Eve Brawl, y'all, on October 31st -- same day in 1517, that Martin Luther posted his treatise. Orange V Black. Be sure to wear a Guy Fawkes mask, because Q plans to blow up Congress with the Dems and RINOs inside. Q cues the coup. Our Civil War will be uncivil -- women and children FIRST -- for the Win-Win. There won't be a Next Generation, and the devil gets to prove mankind unfit for God's kingdom. Final judgement is set for 10/10/26. Daniel 7: 9-14. So many so horribly taught.
Psalms 2:1-12 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. ✝️🛐
None are good, save one. Unbelievers have no right to judge believers, or those who claim to know CHRIST. I pray for the atheists eyes to be open. I'm not perfect, just forgiven. But every day according to the Bible, I must work out my own salvation after I am born again.
There is NO work outside of Christ's sacrifice for your salvation. The bible is crystal clear that if it be by grace its grace alone, and the moment you add your own works, it's no longer grace but work. Please believe and trust Jesus Christ alone for salvation. This is what the Bible means when it says work out your salvation. Mentally work out the fact that salvation is by His grace without works.
Ephesians 2:8
Pray for Ana's soul 🙏🏼✝️
Thank you for making this video, Brother. I have been thinking the same thing, but it is good to see it documented in this way.
Praise God! Thank You so much for Your precious ministry ✝❤🔥 Blessings and Greetings from Austria/Europe. Pastor Peter
I am grateful for your ministry under God.
It's not religious or religion. It is having a relationship with JESUS
Just remember that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL, whether anyone likes it or not! GOD ALMIGHTY ALWAYS GETS WHAT HE WANTS!
Final judgment for the devil and dragon is set for 10/10/26. Daniel 7: 9-14. Revelation 12: 12-13.
The devil intends to prove mankind unfit for God's kingdom with a worldwide nuclear war -- God vs God vs Not God vs No God in the Name of God. "After all," the devil argues, "Jesus, HIMSELF, tried to teach these beasts to love one another 1,994 year ago -- almost two full days in Heaven. Surely, the Ancient of Days will judge Man at fault. Or Jesus. Not Me."
The devil is delusional, but OVER 93% of men and women are nearly deaf and blind spiritually. We call that, Normal. It has always been like this -- as in the days of Noah. This is NOT the 2nd Coming in the flesh; it's the fulfillment of the resurrection. John 16: 7-15.
Awesome teaching. Blessings and shalom
This was so beautiful to see them accepting the Lord and their face change in understanding the gospel.... Hallelujah 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
God bless the man who said exactly right now 🙏
Wow.... Ronnie was READY ❤ God help him...lead him to Truth, help him in his journey.
All people need to know the Hebrew word for repentance means to TURN BACK TO GOD AND HIS WILL.
Repentance is not just telling God that you're sorry ~ Repentance is completely forsaking your sins and pursuing God with all your heart.
That woman will wail on judgement day crying for mercy but God will turn away and say i never knew you!!!!!!! I cannot pray for something that is not God's will!!!!!!!
The WORD is not a religion! It is THE meant WAY OF LIFE. Religion was not with the WORD. The WORD was with GOD the Father.
Our role is Christians is not to find Christians and vote for them although that would be a good thing probably. But our role is to vote for those who will preserve the peace and preserve the principles in the Bible of individual nations, border, security, morality, justice, and peace as well as law and order. Kamala Harris falls short of these qualities.
Thank you, Ronnie.
True Christianity is not a religion, it’s a living FAITH ❤ and a relation with the Living God ♥️
If you have to be perfect to be used by God there would be nobody for God to use.
When I hear them say God and not Jesus, I become very suspicious
Lord help us and have mercy on us. Help us turn from our evil ways and turn to you. And god get the glory
Jesus never taught war -- Matthew 5: 44-48 Matthew 5: 9 -- but we wage war in the NAME of Jesus. Matthew 7: 22.
Almost no one "saw" anything besides an eclipse on April 8th 2024. What is the sign of Jonah? Jonah 3: 4 . . . yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. 5 So the people of Nineveh believed God . . . 8 . . . yea let them cry mightily unto God and turn from their wicked ways and from the violence that is in their hands." God vs God -- IS I vs I AM began in Israel on 10/7/23.
"Because if you say tomorrow God, then you are saying no to God today."
Ronnie is precious! I think I saw a little lump in his throat like he was holding in some emotional reaction. “Exactly right now” love it
Lost interest after the first question.
“Are things better now than 4 years ago?”
Kamala: So, my plan for my presidency is…”
She didn’t bother to answer the question.
A question or two later, Trump starts a rant about something that had nothing to do with the question.
Neither were interested in anything but smearing the other. Didn’t learn or hear anything new that hasn’t been in clips or rallies over the last couple years.
Lackluster and disappointing really.
ABC was the biggest loser.
This really didn't accomplish anything, but it wasn't a debate between President Trump & harris either. It was actually President Trump vs Muir, linsey & harris. Those moderators frequently debated President Trump for harris & never one time called her out on even one of her nonstop lies.
You have more "tolerance" for lunacy than me. 🙊 I prepared outreach materials for this week instead. We'll get the leader we deserve. We all bear some guilt for the state of the U.S
Yeah. And also "Look, I grew up in a muddle class family..."
Nobody really needed the debate to know how each one would perform in office. We've seen both of them in action and are only hope is Trump, whether you like him or not. His policies are much more in line with Christian values.