TSM vs Immortals | Game 1 Grand Finals S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 Play-Offs Boston | TSM vs IMT G1
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- IMT vs TSM G1 finals NA LCS - Immortals vs TSM game 1 PlayOffs lol eSports NA LCS Summer 2017.
LoL eSports S7 NA LCS Summer 2017 - TSM vs Immortals Game 1 | League of Legends NA LCS 2017 IMT vs TSM G1 VOD 1080p Full HD.
first match of Stream 1 - Immortals vs TSM best of 5 Game 1.
TSM vs IMT G1 full game in HD 1080p.
Team Solomid Line-up:
Hauntzer - top Gnar
Svenskeren - jungle Gragas
Bjergsen - mid Syndra
DoubleLift - ADC Xayah
Biofrost - support Rakan
Immortals Line-up:
Flame - Top Cho'Gath
Xmithie - Jungle Jarvan IV
Pobelter - Mid Galio
Cody Sun - ADC Tristana
Olleh - Support Morgana
Patch: 7.16 - Season 7
Game date: 03.09.2017 | 09/03/2017 | September 3rd 2017
Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena
Casters: Phreak, Kobe and Jatt
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Watchin in 2022 such a good year of lcs
Step 1: Pick Cho'Gath.
Step 2: Lose game.
There is no Step 3.
"Flame is out of there." 😂 Idk why I laughed so hard.
Very nice game TSM
wait is this just a rerun of playoffs???
imortals 1st game comp 3 tanks one support 1 carry GEGE
morgana Q accuracy 100%
John Erwin he hits a minion with one at 22:22 so that sorta counts a miss
John Erwin and he missed at 10:16. So no
and 0% Black Shield accuracy lol
comment accuracy 0%
44:26 Phreak says "3 to go to make it 3 in a row". Is this scripted?
CrouchinCorner He misspoke is all. Happens to all of us.
those guys don't even know when herald dissapears lol
IMT you can do it! #IMTWIN
funny how bjerg has an skt skin hahahaha
who is that champion... 4th banned by immortals what the heck who is that??
Erica Lesser orianna i think
24:06 what does that look like to you???
Morgana was nowhere to be found. Every stun after the first 5 minutes missed
Dumb draft by IMT. Three tanks and an ADC that cannot step forward. Lost from minute 1.
To be honest, TSM will win Worlds and maybe, just maybe let SKT win one game in finals. TSM 3-1 over SKT for Championship
wake up from ur dream dude ;p
HaHa Reality buddy Reality
what u snortin?
Lol everyone said that with ROX last year and look what happened 😂
Biodaddy carry!
35:38 buuurp
Everyone ready to watch NA get stomped at worlds? How are our pros this sloppy?
NA gets stomped every year lol :/
just happy clg isnt going. moo is a shit humanbeing.
Lets go IMT!
get tyranosaurus rekt
stop picking Galio mid.
KR and LPL finals are really, really good game. NA no have level.
Alejandro Maciz Nice english haha
Alejandro Maciz KR>LPL>NA>All the remaining regions except EU>EU
Did you watch Rift Rivals? Or do you enjoy not having your delusions shattered?
Connor Miles rift rivals' final is best of 5 with each team only play once or twice. Korean teams such as skt are all known the best in best of 5 on their own and skt only lost one bo5 against other regions
Not to mention during stage they won against each lpl team twice and only fell once in the final. Talk about someone who only look at the result
Enjoy having Bjerg and Sven before Trump kicks them out of the country.
They'ren't illegal...
The fact you think that actually matters is hilarious.
They move to Canada. Boom! Still NA #CHECKMATE
As a matter of fact, Mexico is NA too!
Very true. Every small fuck you to Trump counts.
easy win.
IMT played so badly
NA top players are actually so bad lmao, any diamond korean team would beat them all
brandon hassell shows that he has a lack of knowledge and writes like he doesnt understand how bad north america is.
You can look at IEM how mid-tier LCK teams got demolished by top-tier NALCS teams(1st place CLG vs 6th place JAG?), moron.
LoL..talk about try hard. Rakan is so stupid broken.