A truly great voice has character, be it a rasp, a little gravel, a natural vibrato. Whatever it may be, that is what makes a song and singer memorable in the end ... At least to me.
learn to tune them out. listen to the "voice the style. Are they an artist or a performer, are they authentic or just performing a role. as for she talks to angels, guy good job, borderline artist, a little work and he will be artist. a few did awesome a few good performers and even fewer artists
I like Huntley , Live All Hiz Performance s , Love Hiz Long Hair , wish my hair was that Long , Beautiful,, He The Whole Voice, ❤❤❤ his Singing 🎶, It s Really Great , I listen to all the Songs , He has an Voice like an ANGEL 😇 ❤❤❤❤❤, ,,, from State of Maine--- new fan. 🦋 ❤❤
Yeah, what stands out for me is the fact that the tonality of his voice does not change when he is pushing 'volume' into it , very difficult to do for those ' raspy low voices', very difficult and so unusual to hear someone who can do that. Only a few trained bariton-opera-singers are able to do this , most of them go up 1 or 2 scales on the ladder.
Dan Mudd, a great name for a blues singer. That guy from Finland singing in Finish could totally be a power metal or viking metal singer. The audition with "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man went viral many times over.
These talented Artists deserve respect during Their performances. If those Judges would put away Their egos and shut up that would be great. They are so aggravating to watch. They are so disrespectful.
Which raspy male voice is your favorite? ✌
Kristopher Sorenson
That Aussie dude. Ring of fire. Was fire.
I like # 9 nd # 12, thank u very much
The very first one
A truly great voice has character, be it a rasp, a little gravel, a natural vibrato. Whatever it may be, that is what makes a song and singer memorable in the end ... At least to me.
It's not forced
That is why Miley smokes. She wants to sound like her dad.⁵⁵⁵
You are right! Same for me
Just unique and enjoyable to listen to. It moves you in some way.
and it doesn't just focus on being great at singing but focuses the most on conveying the feeling of the music and lyrics.
The backing bands are just excellent. Every time on point. To me they are the real heroes
Agreed ! They have to be able to play any style on demand, adapt to every singer.
Guy #2 really brought it! 👍 But all of the contestants were great!!
First guys voice is incredible!
Kristoffer’s voice is amazing
Aquaman singing frozen is the best thing I seen today.
I really loved that one too
He does look like Aquaman, lol and I really liked this one too
He did better than Madonna !
amen brother
Huntley- she talks to angels, was amazing!!!
Yes! Every single song he sang was absolutely amazing, it's clear to see why he and Niall were the WINNERS that season. Search it on YT and enjoy it.
She talks to angels was the one for me. Great vocals. 🌷🪻🌻😊🩷
learn to tune them out. listen to the "voice the style. Are they an artist or a performer, are they authentic or just performing a role. as for she talks to angels, guy good job, borderline artist, a little work and he will be artist. a few did awesome a few good performers and even fewer artists
Love that one
That's Huntley ❤ on UA-cam watch Nial Horan and Huntley singing "KNOCKING ON HEAVENS DOOR" you'll love it ❤
At 1:52 in this video .... this man opened his mouth and a beautiful spirit flew out !
Joe Cocker is one of my favorite artists🌻; His voice was unique....Excellent rendition of this great voice. 🐎
Kristoffer got something very special to his voice, I had some serious gosebumps :D
Huntley really does stand out. Very nice compilation.
Huntley also won the Voice.
The second man is a true Viking
I agree
I always love to hear a great cover of, "All Along The Watchtower." Thanks, Laurens!
I think they are all brilliant
True.the backup bands are justgreat.without them,where will be the singers?😮
I never thought any could do a Madonna better than the godmother until I heard the male cover of Frozen
that guy was just awesome really expected more turns for him.,
Boris Hristov (26:43) and Kaloyan (Aqua Man - 8:30) ❤ i am so happy to see the both BULGARIANS in this video 🎉 !!!
The guy who did Frozen by Madonna was brilliant.
I could swear it was Aquaman doing audition
Jason Mamoa 😂
@@gabrielanunciacao5275 Even has the eyebrow scar 😂
Dan Daniels can't be beat. He was amazing
Agree Ring of fire sounded sooo sooo gooood
Out of all the auditions from last year he was the only one I remembered I even forgot who the winner was. He truely has an incredible voice
He has that, shut up and listen, can’t take your eyes off him kind of thing going on. He had me 🤫 🤫 🤫 ing everyone.
I like the guy that sang ""HUMAN"" ,, HE has an good Voice too, Great singing 🎶 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Human is insane, this Voice is incredible
what's his name?
@@annielemaire2748 Boris Hristov
@annielemairi think he meant Huntley? "She talks to angels" e2748
The last guy is so amazing !!! ( No reason to get excited )
He absolutely blew me away, Wow!
Dan Daniels, pure voice, I don't care for song, his voice is real male voice! Stunning! Second, Arto Pesonen!
2nd guy sounded like a Viking!
Arto Pesonen is my Favorite. I love his voice! i dont understand a word, but it simply sounds awesome.
Walker Wilson singing some Leon Everette, good job! CLASSIC Country. Blake sure knows his Country music history.
@JohnThreeTwelve No one sings it better than Leon Everette who sang it first.
Levon Helm
Kristoffer Sørensen, Калоян Николов, Huntley and Борис Христов. Mesmerizing voices
She talks to Angels. That was amazing!!
That's Huntley ❤ he won! Go watch Nial Horan and Huntley singing "Knocking on heavens door" ❤ you'll love it!!!
Sensacional, grandes apresentações, show demais, Grandes artistas passaram por esse palco, são ótimos, Cantam lindamente, super afinados, show ♥♥♥
That dude did a great rendition of Light My Fire.. But i really liked the Muddy Waters Hoochie Choocie Man guy..
Deep raspy voices are the best. A couple didn’t do me right. Most were fantastic. 💙💙💙
Dropping it smooth
He sings real good I think he should make it ❤🎶🙏😍
That version of " the lost boy" is hundert time better than the original!!!
Where’s the French guy with the slide guitar that did another brick in the wall? Will Barber?
Yes, surprised he is missing in this list, he's the first guy that came to my mind
Been played too many times
Sawyer Fredericks is another who should be here
My favorite the guy who sang frozen. Love him ❤❤❤❤❤
Amazing voice I’m a fan already❤️
26:33 best performance by far i would have to say
sometimes i just wish that the judges would just be quiet and stop attention seeking enough for me to actually listen to the contestant
I agree but the director of the show directs them to be as expressive as they can so the camera can cut to them.
Absolutely true!
It's called the voice, not the judges
AMEN to that 🎉
The blues man amazing 👏 💙 🙌
A man singing Frozen with so much passion is a true man
Truly Aquaman
Walker Wilson is Awesome!!!!
8:33 I didn't know Aqua Man wanted to be a singer!! I hope he doesn't give his kingship of Atlantis and the seven seas! 😂😂 Great voice though.
I know right!
Wonderful 😊
Whew, James Boyle... you'd have given Peggy Fever!
Dan is a bestest. So many elements based upon his reality of voice.
Oh. The Viking executioner sings. Lovely ❤
My vote goes to Dan Mudd, that energy with that voice. :D
Great pipes like Joe Cocker❤
Huntley was magnificent last year on the Voice USA
I'll definitely 2nd that. From his audition, I picked him to win.
Sultry My man!! LOVE IT!
I like when the judges are excited about a performance and show it
Feaver 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This guys voice is amazing
Huntley was by far the best out of all these videos ❤
Wow love his voice
@@philkarloscorp9647 the singer
I like Dan Mudd the best 6:58
The Bulgarian candidate was amazing
Love his voice!
10:29 Onni Kivipelto HYSTERIA. 29:04
Dan Daniels voice is just as low as my income, lol
amazeing preformance.
I like Huntley , Live All Hiz Performance s , Love Hiz Long Hair , wish my hair was that Long , Beautiful,, He The Whole Voice, ❤❤❤ his Singing 🎶, It s Really Great , I listen to all the Songs , He has an Voice like an ANGEL 😇 ❤❤❤❤❤, ,,, from State of Maine--- new fan. 🦋 ❤❤
love his great voice.
One and two are both winners
But between the two gotta go with number two one powerful voice
The few judges who have real talent just listen while the rest have to act like the show is all about them.
Combination between dan and jessica .. low and high uffss... what an combination who agree????
Arto Pesonen of Finland was EPIC!
I closed my eyes and he relaxed my whole body, it was a soothing sound and song.
The man from Bulgaria slayed!!!
When auditions turn into concerts !!
Wow 😮
Dang... Singer 🏆
The first guy was fantastic
THOR has an amazing voice.
It’s cool the blues finally reached Berlin.
Jason the whistler, dude you so make me think you are a reincarnated Layne Staley of Alice and Chains!
Yeah, what stands out for me is the fact that the tonality of his voice does not change when he is pushing 'volume' into it , very difficult to do for those ' raspy low voices', very difficult and so unusual to hear someone who can do that. Only a few trained bariton-opera-singers are able to do this , most of them go up 1 or 2 scales on the ladder.
great preformance.
Great Frozen rendition
Dan Mudd, a great name for a blues singer. That guy from Finland singing in Finish could totally be a power metal or viking metal singer. The audition with "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man went viral many times over.
Dan Daniels ❤
Классная подборка, лайк.
Hawt guy singing Калоян Николов singing 'Frozen' by Madonna (Bulgaria, 2022),
James Boyle você é incrível
Cristopher magnífico
I love him🎉
Number 1 plz
These talented Artists deserve respect during Their performances. If those Judges would put away Their egos and shut up that would be great. They are so aggravating to watch. They are so disrespectful.
I have never heard Jonny be good played on a fiddle 😮
Love that version of watchtower.
28:51 The 'judge' is literally starstruck.
I went back and watched it and you're dead on they were blown away. A lot of good performances but this one was the best.
It's called the voice. Hence, when they begin, they are not focused on the looks but just the voice
Como se llama el primer tema a concursar
Please give The Voice Brazil a chance. There are plenty of great singers and covers!
Jason Momoa singing Madonna was insane
Dude at 9:12 look like a mix of Jason mamoa and Johnny depp in pirates of Caribbean