"The trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money" - From an incompetent halfwit called Thatcher, 20 years before capitalism ran out of other peoples money to biblical proportions the likes of which we are still dealing with.
@@thomashall4886 I'll be sure to tell that to the communist peoples republic of China whose wages have risen by circa 10% every year for the last 25 years straight while the rampantly unrestrained capitalist wests people have gotten poorer and in the UK thanks to 40 years of Thatchers neoliberal economic policies we are experiencing the greatest decline in living standards since 18 bloody 30. It is not me who lives in a fantasy land my friend. Capitalism has decimated my nation and markets have asset stripped the majority workforce for the betterment of a handful at the top. That is the reality the UK faces today, among myriad other nations in this, the late stages of capitalism, that always was and always will be entirely incompatible with democracy which it prevents from entering into 70% of life spent at work and incentivises the corruption of what little remains. Of course Thatcher either didn't see any of this and so was either too stupid, or did see it and was too weak and malevolent, to have stood up for her nation and people before the minority capitalist classes whom she has bent this nation and future generation from her point onwards, over a fucking desk for. Now if you will excuse me, I have to figure out how to pay the greedy idle capitalist landlord half my income while trying to figure out how to keep the lights and heat on, despite working more hours than my parents. The gifts of Thatcher, one of the weakest leaders the UK ever had, and by God in heaven are we all paying for that today.
@@ZeroResurrected What has affording the ever shrinking price of internet got to do with eating and how does affording the internet negate 40 years of stagnant to falling wages for the bottom 53% of the UK earning the same or less than their counterparts were 40 years ago despite working longer hours and having more people in work per household than their parents did. And how are we better than Venezuela when we have masses of homeless people and they have built and given away or rent out for a peanut, 3 million homes in the last 5yrs alone.
But that is in essence what socialism does when implemented fully in societies like with eastern Europe and Russia or China. It's almost like todays generation needs a refresher on just how bad things get when social policies are implemented. It gives incentives for the poor to remain poor and get money from government for not working and punishes the wealthy and moneymakers by giving them pay more. And she was right, that is not how you create wealth and opportunity, nor how you create a republic and democracy that way.
eschersky No you idiot, it makes everyone poorer. How many times has socialism and communism failed for you far left idiots to get it. I think you people actually love tyranny and killing people but just won't admit it.
AND: Unregulated capitalism in its effort to maxmise profits & remain competitive soon runs out of cheap/slave/child labour. PS - Governments do NOT have money save for that which they have been mandated to spend by the electorate!!
itz4kix Governments do not have money save for that which they steal and extort from it's citizens; mainly the producers and innovators. PS: You have never witnessed unregulated capitalism how would you know?
mb1076 EXCEPT THAT: i] In countries with a strong sense of society & what it means [e.g. Scandinavian countries] they have high rates of taxation; that both rich & poor support & they do NOT consider taxation to equate to theft NOR extortion. But of course U are a selfish nasty little T-Party/Randroid/libertarian bag-of-shit!!
mb1076 i] I suggest U take the time to look at how Scandinavian countries use their resources. Especially Norway; which socialised the proceeds of its oil revenue & invested it abroad [so as to avoid the inflationary issues that such wealth can bring]: & now uses but a small %age of the interest from said investment to provide socialised services for its people. ii] Re: Tax. How can something that is GIVEN willingly be theft??
@@randomperson-pt3lv Don’t really understand why. Look at what’s it’s done to actual communist/socialist nations. They only prefer it now because they don’t know well the effects of communism and how it destroys economies, democracies, freedom, and opportunity.
@@t.k.1803 huh? bitch, they literally lived under communism and they overwhelmingly say they prefer it to capitalism. could it just be that the west has brainwashed you into believing that somehow communism isn’t freedom when 70%-80% that lived under it say it’s the ideal system lol?
@@randomperson-pt3lv I think we only have North Korea as a communist state now. The UK struggles to get the public sector down below 40% and China has a large private sector
@@wuddychunk1 no, there's also cuba and now bolivia. central america and the carribean have been trying to transition to communism for the longest, but every time they do, here comes america with a militarized coup.
I don't know about Europe, but in the US the rich have gotten richer at the expense of the poor and middle class. As the nation becomes wealthier it's people should gain purchasing power in proportion. Or are the working class unworthy?
I hope you don't attribute that to capitalism. Capitalism doesn't use lobbyists, in fact it forbids it. Are there lobbyists? Yes. Then what you have is not capitalism.
She might be talented at arguing, but that doesn't change the fact that what she sais is wrong and very contemptuous. If everybody had less, things would cost less, people could afford life at least as good as they do now. And if everyone had about the same, and not far less than one in hundred really much, the average perception of wealth would be alot better. It is really as simple as that, she was a liar.
***** and that gives you the right to under the threat of violence empty the bank accounts of the wealthy? The truth is that you are a lazy, immoral, narcissistic wretch, fueled only by envy like all leftists. You can no longer claim to be on the side of the poor since those poor people suffer more than *anyone* under a controlled market. It's not about the poor, it's about *you* and your incapability to accept your own mediocrity. Did you learn *nothing* from the 20th century? Google it you fucking idiot.
Fistwagon I think the problem is a lot of socialists want a nanny state and not a progressive system of climbing the ladder. However I do agree with the mixed economic system it allowed me to go from poor , educate myself and become accountant and now working on my own business. Without that ladder a lot of intelligent people would be stuck in the lower end of society unable to use their ability. In regards to a controlled market . I Think human needs should be heavily regulated such as water etc, where as everything else should be free-market
Man see the respect they have for each other. Like a student trying to talk to a teacher. Even though, they highly disagree, they laugh, they whine but don't forget the honourable prime minister.
And yes, there were a good time when politicians can debate like this, the two sides strongly disagree but still states reason and in a general good vibe. How can we achieve this in modern social media world, a question for us to reckon I reckon 🧐
I love the sense of fun they were having and how the Prime Minister was reacting with Parliament. We need this more. Regardless of who is in power, this is how we should debate. Now how we do it today.
If it wasn't for Margaret Thatcher Great Britain would be just a little island in the Atlantic. Here here Mrs. Thatcher. Indeed you were an Iron Lady. RIP.🇬🇧
+TrillBandit ID (FalseSense) The worst. Her history proves terrible. She made the rich richer and the poor poorer. She was a disgrace who sold her soul to money.
Radek Buczkowski You're an idiot. You don't even understand the point, and where is your source for the 4 billion? It's not funny and proves that you're thick as shit.
+TheEpicGameHub Yeah she made the rich rich and the poor poor but it was because of her that Britain has the wealth it has today...but her true crime was blackmailing paedophile ministers so she could remain prime minister which the allegations were only unearthed half a decade ago during the Jimmy Savile outrage. Privatising some big public sectors of industry also dealt a blow as Britain isn't truly owned by Britain and instead owned by the rest of the world...and now there is the migrant crisis, which I fully agree with Vladimir Putin and I think Britain should be saying the same: "In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians."
+neha doe yea Britain needs another prime minister to enact laws against gay people as thatcher did. Brittan needs another prime minister who destroyed manufacturing all across the nation as thatcher did. Brittan needs another prime minister to support a dictator who murdered tens of thousands of his own people(general pinochet) like Thatcher did. Brittan needs a prime minister who refuses to have any form of dialogue with our enemies causing the continued and unnecessary deaths and the delay of any form of peace process as Thatcher did. Brittan needs another prime minister to halve taxes on the rich and corporations as thatcher did. Don't make me laugh.
Given the will of my nation has been to firstly accept gay people as equal human beings, and secondly to apologize for historic mistreatment of gay people such as Alan Turing, without whom you wouldn't be typing on a computer, I`d say my general being is with the majority. Welcome to 2016. Thatchers choices destroyed the social fabric of this nation, was her choice to enact backwards laws on sexuality and lower taxes for millionaires and billionaires by 50% more important than her nations well being, no. But she did it anyway. Was her choice to crush unions resulting in 30 years of stagnant wages and eroded work conditions more important than the nations well-being? no. but she did it anyway. Was her removal of free milk from the poorest children in Englands schools for the nations well-being? no, but she did it anyway. Was her deregulation of the banking sector, removing the separation of personal and investment banking that would offer fuel to the 2008 collapse good for the nations well-being? many said no then in 1987, but she did it anyway. Was her friendship with a murderous dictator called General Pinochet good for the nations well-being? No, but she did it anyway, Was her adopting of Milton Friedman's neoliberal economic model sound judgement and good for the nations well-being? No, it stripped wages, threw out manufacturing, replaced wage increases with cheap credit and blew apart within 35 years. Very FUCKING BAD for the nation. But she did it anyway. You know nothing, not about me, nor about her.
Luciano G Your country will not be able to afford your "proper welfare state" much longer. You have a bad moon rising there. The visitors from the middle east will eventually outnumber you. They will then change your laws. You will then be forced to decide. Make it a wise one and good luck to you.
+akgeronimo501 we've had migration from the middle and far east for 50yrs. mulsim population is steady at less than 5 million. main birth increases coming from UK nationals over migrants. as for our laws, your talking crazy if you ever believe sharia will come to England. They can't even have it across all the Muslim countries let alone a western one. stop watching Fox news. pay attention to facts. the Muslim world has no desire, nor ability, to take over the western world. never mind the eastern.
@@katzy3798 Untrue. As she stated and is factually correct, all income brackets were higher at the end of her term rather than at the start. Dont spread lies around here. And dont do the same "but relatively". Yeah I'd rather have the poor and the rich richer, than the poor poorer and rich poorer.
@@lepathewarrior4445 Income brackets may indicate a growing economy but hey don't correlate with poverty and inequality here. Under thatcher Unemployment in the UK hit levels that were the highest they had been since ww2 (and may still be the highest since ww2 depending on 2020 covid numbers). Inequality and the amount of people living in poverty had the greatest increase under any PM in the last 50 years. Here's the data www.theguardian.com/politics/datablog/2013/apr/08/britain-changed-margaret-thatcher-charts economic growth and low inflation rates do not mean that people are able to afford the cost of living. Thatcher made the rich richer and the middle class and poor poorer, and this is supported by evidence.
Great example of a woman standing up for herself with poise, facts, and a firm stance. She had them eating out of her hand. I recall in an interview with Meryl Streep, she said that in her research of Thatcher, she uncovered how she learned about public speaking. Apparently, Thatcher had discovered that when a woman tries to raise to her voice to address the room, she often becomes shrill, and is subsequently ignored. It's a turnoff to audiences. She had to learn how to project her voice properly, which was very effective in this video. One can see that she got louder without getting shrill or rushed.
@@katzy3798 His argument had no feet. The gap between the lowest 10% and the Highest 10% is not a meaningful stat. If everyone is getting wealthier the rich getting richer isn't important. Does Leonardo DeCaprio owning a yacht prevent you from affording your rent? If his point was that inflation was growing greater than the wages of the bottom 10% then he would have a fucking point. Discarded such a meaningless statement with an equally meaningless statement is pure brilliance. He brought nothing to the table and was shooed away rapidly.
@Nathan Hoffman He sure did. But at least it was after he resurrected Jimmy Carter's misery index and got things back on track. Biden is still in the beginning and he's already blown past Reagan's worst confusing days on the job.
@@UDPride margaret thatcher destroyed britain's manufacturing industry which led to mass unemployment and funded death squads in northen ireland. i don't understand how anyone could like her unless they've been trapped in an echo chamber their entire lives and have never heard anyone from scotland or ireland talk about thatcher.
@@carlosalvarez4546 If only GB could have maintained the roaring economy and crime-free life they had just prior to Thatcher's ascension. It was going so well and felt like the industrial revolution.
The socialist wish to share the poverty rather than the wealth. They want to share the misery rather than the joy. Thatcher represented freedom, responsibility and human potential. I am grateful for her service to the nation and the fight against socialism.
Thing is, and has always been, the elites in charge in a socialist system live like royalty while the “peasants” should be grateful and shut their mouths.
As an American, I really get a kick out of Parliamentary behavior (behaviour?) vs. that of the U.S. Congress. It's not really reflective of any greater degree of integrity or courtesy in the States, especially since I think our current Congress is an open sewer of corruption, bribery, indifference, and nefarious duplicity unmatched in Britain. But our senators and representatives are more polite, and NEVER shout out at a speaker, and would be considered out of order and disciplined for doing so. In Parliament, it's really hilarious, a total shouting match and trading of insults. Otherwise, the Brits are so much more held in and polite than Yanks. Go figure. Would love to fly across the Pond to Londontown to sit in on a session or two. The accents alone would keep me mesmerized for days.
Yeah they're their own hive of scum and villany. Look up the start of supreme court sessions/cases they have the same vibe with the clerk or whoever doing a silly chant.
@@cca9837 And yet here we are still superior to your country. Our country is being destroyed from within by design, regardless my country will be storied and spoken of for time immemorial as having scaled the heights In every possible arena. As a Native American I am both proud and humbled whenever it comes to mind. 🇺🇲
Reading most recent comments only shows the downfall of western society where most people don't see how her words are now even more true than when she spoke them.
@@MicFt7 the fact that she financialised the country. Created a two tier country London and the rest. Unfortunately doing real harm to manufacturing but also the ability of the country to compete in manufacturing. She also privatised industries that were natural monopolies that only benefits the owners in those fields.
@@tonyclifton2230 What policies divided London from rest of country? What was the "real harm to manufacturing" when you say that outcome was also "abality of the country to compete in manufacturing"? What is wrong in privatisation when you clearly say it stopped monopolies? How on earth that last thing can "only benefit the owners in those fields"?! You wrote about things that in your opinion are effects of her policies (maybe you are right, but I don't know these policies). If privatisation in UK looked like in my homecountry (government sets up new CEOs and board and gives benefits for now theoretically "non government facilities") than yes, you are right in that last one, but if some rich guy or private company came with money and bought for example a still mill previously owned by government, you're dead wrong.
At the time many people of the Eastern bloc countries were getting rid of their socialist utopias. I agree with Thatcher. A socialist country is more egalitarian, everyone is poorer in it, except for a tiny minority at the top overseeing it all.
We went from this brilliant woman and pure exchange to a president that reads a few words off of a teleprompter and then turns and runs away as fast as he can so he doesn't have to answer questions.
@@richardstevens8839 calm down. I'm not referencing policies at all. I'm American and my statement was a heavy criticism towards our current president who doesn't have the balls to stand in front of opposition and take them on as she did in this video. He's a parasite that reads scripted sentences (barely) And then runs away to avoid any engagement.
Notice that those green leather seats are rammed full. Some days there.are less tha 11 or 12 of our highly paid politicians in there. Absolute no way Mrs Thatcher would tolerate that!
@@kerouacist I'm in my 40's, well over the age to remember her. I did not live in England, however I am Greek and experienced what the socialists did to Greece. You should be grateful the socialists weren't able to break her and get what they wanted or else my friend your nation would have had the same fate as Greece did 10 years ago. Socialism is nothing but a cancer to the world. Socialism is for the people not the Socialists...
@@kerouacist Hitler may have hated communists but he did lead the Nationalist Socialist Party which effectively made him a socialist. Just because he hated communism wouldn't make him a "Right Wing" leader. In conclusion, Hitler was a socialist and Hitler has nothing to compare with Thatcher's economic policies. See what I meant by socialism being a cancer? Socialist Hitler and his plans of world domination, Stalin with his aspirations of dominating Europe after the war, the traitorous Leftists in Greece who declared a civil war on their own countrymen after WWII with the purpose of greedily taking power by force... Accept it, socialism is a cancer... As for Greece being an ally of Nazi National Socialist Germany, you're wrong. Greece fought both Italy and Germany when they invaded Greece, and my great uncle was executed at the age of 15 by the Nazis because he was part of the resistance on Mount Olympus. Allies you say? I say re-read your history my brother.
no, she destroyed one of the only working instances of socialism which raised people out of poverty and created institutions such as the NHS and British steel which created jobs and routed work place exploitation
Deep Heat yes but with the mining industry and other forms of production gone all we have is banking in the south and if their is an economic crash we will be hit harder as we have little to export
0:53 Holy shit. She BTFO'd him in just 4 seconds and part of those two seconds was "Mr. Speaker". Master class rebuttal by the Iron Lady. She would be ashamed at what the U.K. chose to become these days. 1:03 *PERO QUE PUTIZA* ..... she absolutely destroyed him. This woman was knew exactly where to strike and how, making her points cutting and concise. 10/10.
As a pakistani-American, I whould be happy if both of my countries where in the control of the British again if it meant that someone like her was prime minister again
Has anyone noticed Thatcher never ever appears on BBC or other fake news ?... because she demolishes everyone before her and shows how pathetic and sub standard our current traitorous MPs are. She was a brilliant communicator.
Am I ok to use 6 seconds of this clip for my university project? Between 0:56-1:02? Obviously I will credit it at the end of my project as 'footage by: 'mynameiswhatever'.
The UK hasn't yet recovered from her corporate welfare. With that kind of luck, best stay away from casinos. After all, casino capitalism and conservative deregulation is the reason for every market crash since her reign.
Just look at the US right now. Britain may have shitty pandemic leadership and response, but our wanna be Reagan is fucking up our economy worse then yours. Just watch us fuck ourselves over and enjoy the show. No doubt we would watch the UK do the same if the witch (honorably a witch, she did in fact utilize girl power against the patriarchy) was reincarnated.
0:41 Simon really nails it. He asks: "Why are people in MY constituency less well off and less well housed," 😂 Because they voted for YOU Simon, that's why 🤣. Just as the majority of people in Hackney have been voting for Diane Abbot since 1987 and are worse off for it (except for Diane herself, who is so rich she could send both her son, and the kid of her chauffeur to private school. Meanwhile, under her control Hackney state schools became the WORST in the country) 🤣
I think you’ll find Abbot has no control over schools in her constituency. It’s funny how the conservatives have been in power for most of the time since the 1930’s, the country has gone to shit yet it’s somehow Labour’s fault. Just like the latest controversy over schools having to be closed because they’re in danger of failing to bits. So stop talking shite.
@@tompage8674 You do realise the Govt MP's don't control local council education policy don't you? The same as they don't control local govt spending on a litany of other things...as we sadly found in the case of Birmingham City council...who declared bankruptcy this week....due to massive fines for historic sex discrimination....so voting 'Socialist' really helped make the world a 'more equal place' in Birmingham didn't it? 🤣
In front of news cameras, the retired prime minister firmly told the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, "It was you who brought democracy to Chile."
What The Context? Well She Was Right!!!!! Chilean President/Leader Augusto Pinochet Did Bring Back Prosperity And Democracy Back To Chile 🇨🇱 He Turned The Chilean Economy Around!!!!! He Made Chile 🇨🇱 Into One Of The Most Prosperous Countries In South America!!!!!
"He would rather have the poor poorer, provided that the rich were less rich." Thatcher sure showed some skill in giving a negative spin on a reasonable question there.
That is what the question implied -- that the gap was a bad thing, even if the poor were better off than before. His complaint was about the gap and how someone compared to someone else, and not about whether or not an individual had improved his own situation over time.
I've listened to it again, and you're right. Thatcher's rebuttal was very apt. I'm not sure however, this was what the MP meant to say, because he seemed to disagree strongly with her. Anyway, that ought to teach him to choose his words more carefully next time.
Reasonable? Labour created 13% unemployment and 17% inflation. Thatcher lowered it to 5% unemployment and 4% peak inflation. The questions were stupid .
Regrettable that the issue this man raised is so impactful today. This was in 1990, and in the thirty years since, wages for the middle class have remained stagnant while the income of the rich has gone up 100× or more. You now have a hopeless generation of people to whom half gain no job off their indebting college degree and work in service jobs, 80% of whom live paycheque to paycheque, 50% of whom are in debt and 30% of whom who have no money to save at all. What we have here from Mrs. Thatcher, respect for her though I may have, is a group of adults woefully unaware of the trauma and desolation they are in the midst of creating.
She was given an easy ride that day, because it was her last appearance. But what she said is not common sense, it was clever political rhetoric. I doubt if, in private, she would deny that relative poverty is an issue, and that it is harder to live on a low wage in an affluent area than with the same wage in a less affluent area.
The socialists do have one good point and that is when it comes to housing. The affordability of housing has much better in most of Europe and in the USA in the 1970 ies. Housing costs have sky rocketed and it has led to a dangerous drop in fertility. I think we need some major, well through trough public housing schemes in the big cities in the industrialized world. The reason '' the market'' can not do this is because the construction and rental markets in most large cities in the world are characterized by oligarchy and not free competitive markets and these oligarchies only benefit from the situation ever deterioating.
Flaming Flashback there has always been and always will be a "wealth gap" in the world. Some people are smarter, harder workers, or just plain more lucky than others. Stop being jealous. Just be happy and proud to be alive. I'm speaking as someone who is lower middle class but living on less than I make so the family can be out of debt and happy to be alive. STOP BEING ENVIOUS OF THOSE WHO ARE MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN YOU! Stupid socialists, my goodness it must suck to be you...
Mpampis Pappas good intentions are noble but what matter are results. The good intentions of socialism and communism are never the results, quite the opposite actually.
I don't believe she really knew much about socialism. E.g she didn't realize how successful socialism was from Bismark's Germany to Scandinavian countries of our time. She was a wet dream of those wondering what really happened to Royal Empire owned by leisure class.
You mean scandinavian countries only reason their rich is because they have oil and soon will turn into a third world country due to socialist policies? Socialism is nothing but a net negative. Why can't people just admit it
Doesn't appear as you do either, since the vast majority of the Scandinavian countries GDP is generated by the private sector (i.e. capitalism). It's dynamism is what actually pays for the social programs. Thatcher had just witnessed a fully socialized country, the USSR, collapsing into a big, stinking pile of bankruptcy from the weight of its untenable obligations.
Just is just....classic. It's timeless. What a remarkable woman she was. Margarette, R.I.P. I hope to meet you one day on the other side, so I can finally shake your hand. Reagan too.
She completely (and perhaps deliberately) misses the point. Her "rather have the poor poorer" riposte is a very fine way to twist it, but Thatcher is representative of a system that only uses the poor so as to support the rich.
Just remember, when the gap gets wide enough the rich will need to live behind gates and the poor will come with pitchforks and torches. It's happened many times before.
Her argument is based on a fallacy that inequality somehow results in more economic growth. Not to mention that her justification is completely wrong. During and after her government, poverty increased while real wages and productivity have increasingly diverged from each other, with real wages lagging behind. Saying that average income has increased since 1979 means nothing if you are trying to ascertain the income and living standards of low income earners and in addition we don't even know if she's giving us nominal or real (adjusted for inflation) data. I wanted to watch this video to see what one of the most famous neo-liberal politicians had to say against socialism, but only found a simplistic and baseless argument that I might expect at a pub.
she is right. Inequality brings more wealth because not everyone is equal. Trying to make it equal means bring winners down so those who are not that successful can go up. Equality also leads to the lowering of standards and hiring quotas.
@@Nelcomarproductions How is she right? Take a look at some measure of inequality, such as the Gini coefficient, and tell me that inequality brings more economic growth*. It doesn't at all, in fact the most economically developed economies are among the most equal. Even in terms of economic growth, which isn't necessarily a great indicator of living standards, the simplistic neo-liberal argument falls apart. If you take into account a more multifaceted measure of living standards that includes, among other things, life expectancy, homicides, mental illness and social mobility. You will find that there is a remarkable correlation between equality and high living standards**. * en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_income_equality ** ua-cam.com/video/cZ7LzE3u7Bw/v-deo.html&ab_channel=TED
And she finishes with the line, you do not create a property owning democracy that way - well a large majority the younger generation are currently priced out of owning property. They are becoming disenfranchised.
Socialism has been tried in various forms for over a hundred years and has always failed, leaving the poor in those countries even poorer and worse off overall. The good times may roll for a while, but it always ends in tears and suffering.
Bullshit. Even the USSR had increased food productivity and distribution and innovated space travel. Capitalist Ukraine is stagnating, suffering from the crippling of its healthcare system and having to put up with the EU's bullshit of having to hike its gas prices to trade... you know, the shit Ukraine needs to heat its homes during those brutal Eastern European winters? EU is going to freeze Ukraine into submission. That's what capitalism means. Capitalism has been tried in various forms for over a hundred years and has always failed, leaving the poor in the countries it invades with its military even poorer and worse off overall... provided they get to live at all, for the hundreds of thousands to millions of people killed by the US military, they should be so lucky. Capitalism is an extension of royalism. It has, and will continue to cement dynastic power. If you cannot trust socialism as a cure, at least surely see that capitalism is failing one way or another, so much so that it too relies on violence to be maintained.
@@noeuro Just saying, it is an innovation nontheless. The point is you are ignoring the role of public funding that already occurs in capitalist society. Innovations are brought about by capital incentives yes, but I am critical of its current application at least. Some non-socialists who criticize this call it "corporatism" as if to differentiate it, but the tendency for corporations to have first dibs at tax dollars does make one question if there is an incentive to innovate if you are guaranteed protection from competition by the state. And whether or not corporatism and capitalism are truly different depends on whether your country has a mechanism, if any, to prevent capitalists from exercising disproportionate control within the government as is the case in the US.
@@noeuro If you have any expectations that capitalism protects the poor, you might consider the phenomenon that immigration and outsourcing are often most desirable in capitalist countries, ensuring wage stagnation and decline. Sure it buffs up the material conditions of the immigrant, but the value of the labor is always higher, otherwise they'd not have been hired.
the real wages of us citizens has been going down since the 70s probably on account of the same policies that Europe put into place.in the 70s you could feed a family of 4 on 60 dollars a week.i can hardley feed my self for a 2 weeks on that
Yes because that’s what the economy does the more money that is produced the higher the inflation. In 1970 £60 had the same spending power as £900 today, its simple economics
@1:50 wooooooooooooo Tall, nice clothes but above all hates the likes of Hitler a socialist ! imagine socialists in America. Thank you and REST in PEACE dear lady. i wish we had more women like you.
This is such a stupid comment its unbelievable, your ignorance astounds me, seriously congratulations, you are now one of the dumbest people i have ever seen! Hitler, A socialist... my god, you need to seriously read a book, and get your facts straight.
Kevin J.B. O'Connor ok, why not meet in the middle and agree he was a fascist/socialist or how about this one, fascist/marxist? re: clothing and national politics? come on now sir. it has to do with presentation, people's impressions of you, i know i really didn't need to say that. What if she dressed like beyonce or lil kim? or any number of women in hollywood. Who would take her serious?
She made the poor poorer and the rick richer so she lies, all you people who aren't from UK haven't got a clue. I'm from the UK and thats what she done for example she destroyed LIVERPOOL and MANCHESTER making them poorer, she also lied about the Hillsborough disaster, saying the fans where pick pocketing the dead fans and fighting police when they were trying to save each other.
She made people richer in Kent, everyone loves her in Kent. All you dumb idiots in the north can get fucked, you're all pack of dumbass. Everyone knows!
***** Funny because the only people who hate her are dumb poor fucks in the north of England, London and Scotland. Kent is probably the best and smartest county in Britain. Most people in the south of England benefited from her policy. She saved us from turning into shit like the other commie poor european countries like Spain, France, Greece and Italy. And she helped defeat the soviets and bring down the Berlin wall.
how are people who hate her dumb fucks they hate her, its not like they hate her for no reason you like her because she benefited you. people like me don't like her as she destroyed are community making us struggle, for example shutting down all the factory's in Liverpool giving people no work. and then slate us for the facts we don't get a job
Income inequality alone is insufficient to describe a particular economical situation, unless some details are implicit. For example, Thatcher here heavily implies that her model, although extremely uneven, improved income for everyone by a stronger margin than it would have under a socialist framework. In contrast, this MP was apparently implying that the rise in income inequality was indicative that companies were making massive profits that they clearly weren't sharing with their employees at the same rate rhan before... Which has not to do with socialism, but refers back to the UK model, specifically, which is under a liberal model. This can lead to two different views of this little exchange: a) Thatcher sidestepped the issue brought forth, by talking about a separate issue, thereby defeating a strawman instead of addressing the criticism. b) What Thatcher was meaning is that she chose the lesser of two evils, eventually yielding better results, although uneven ones. View A is more charitable to the speaker, while view B is more charitable to Thatcher. Either way, it amounts to comments on what was said, rather than the relevant bases for what was said, i.e. the actual data that would or wouldn't support any of those views, or both, or none.
"I detest every one of your socialist policies and pity the people of East Europe that have endured them" *nervous socialist laughter*
"The trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money"
- From an incompetent halfwit called Thatcher, 20 years before capitalism ran out of other peoples money to biblical proportions the likes of which we are still dealing with.
@@Nine-Signs Stop lying, that has never happened. Socialism has failed and bankrupted every country which has implemented that failed system.
@@thomashall4886 I'll be sure to tell that to the communist peoples republic of China whose wages have risen by circa 10% every year for the last 25 years straight while the rampantly unrestrained capitalist wests people have gotten poorer and in the UK thanks to 40 years of Thatchers neoliberal economic policies we are experiencing the greatest decline in living standards since 18 bloody 30.
It is not me who lives in a fantasy land my friend. Capitalism has decimated my nation and markets have asset stripped the majority workforce for the betterment of a handful at the top. That is the reality the UK faces today, among myriad other nations in this, the late stages of capitalism, that always was and always will be entirely incompatible with democracy which it prevents from entering into 70% of life spent at work and incentivises the corruption of what little remains.
Of course Thatcher either didn't see any of this and so was either too stupid, or did see it and was too weak and malevolent, to have stood up for her nation and people before the minority capitalist classes whom she has bent this nation and future generation from her point onwards, over a fucking desk for.
Now if you will excuse me, I have to figure out how to pay the greedy idle capitalist landlord half my income while trying to figure out how to keep the lights and heat on, despite working more hours than my parents. The gifts of Thatcher, one of the weakest leaders the UK ever had, and by God in heaven are we all paying for that today.
@@Nine-SignsAnd yet, you can still afford Internet. Feel free to move to Venezuela or Zimbabwe if you love socialism so much
@@ZeroResurrected What has affording the ever shrinking price of internet got to do with eating and how does affording the internet negate 40 years of stagnant to falling wages for the bottom 53% of the UK earning the same or less than their counterparts were 40 years ago despite working longer hours and having more people in work per household than their parents did.
And how are we better than Venezuela when we have masses of homeless people and they have built and given away or rent out for a peanut, 3 million homes in the last 5yrs alone.
"He would rather have the poor poorer provided that the rich were less rich." Nailed it.
That is not what was said. And making rich richer doesn't make the poor richer. Hence the gap he's talking about.
eschersky That's a direct quote. Go to 1:03. Did you actually watch the whole video?
That's what SHE says, and Hughes answers "No" as that's not what he meant.
But that is in essence what socialism does when implemented fully in societies like with eastern Europe and Russia or China. It's almost like todays generation needs a refresher on just how bad things get when social policies are implemented. It gives incentives for the poor to remain poor and get money from government for not working and punishes the wealthy and moneymakers by giving them pay more. And she was right, that is not how you create wealth and opportunity, nor how you create a republic and democracy that way.
eschersky No you idiot, it makes everyone poorer. How many times has socialism and communism failed for you far left idiots to get it. I think you people actually love tyranny and killing people but just won't admit it.
"A socialist is always happy until the government runs out of money", Margaret Thatcher.
Unregulated capitalism in its effort to maxmise profits & remain competitive soon runs out of cheap/slave/child labour.
PS - Governments do NOT have money save for that which they have been mandated to spend by the electorate!!
itz4kix Governments do not have money save for that which they steal and extort from it's citizens; mainly the producers and innovators.
PS: You have never witnessed unregulated capitalism how would you know?
i] In countries with a strong sense of society & what it means [e.g. Scandinavian countries] they have high rates of taxation; that both rich & poor support & they do NOT consider taxation to equate to theft NOR extortion.
But of course U are a selfish nasty little T-Party/Randroid/libertarian bag-of-shit!!
i] I suggest U take the time to look at how Scandinavian countries use their resources. Especially Norway; which socialised the proceeds of its oil revenue & invested it abroad [so as to avoid the inflationary issues that such wealth can bring]: & now uses but a small %age of the interest from said investment to provide socialised services for its people.
ii] Re: Tax. How can something that is GIVEN willingly be theft??
The only problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money!!!!
“And I hold his socialist policies with the same contempt as the people in Eastern Europe who’ve experienced them” lol savage
ah if only it were true. most people in the eastern block prefer communism to capitalism.
@@randomperson-pt3lv Don’t really understand why. Look at what’s it’s done to actual communist/socialist nations. They only prefer it now because they don’t know well the effects of communism and how it destroys economies, democracies, freedom, and opportunity.
@@t.k.1803 huh? bitch, they literally lived under communism and they overwhelmingly say they prefer it to capitalism. could it just be that the west has brainwashed you into believing that somehow communism isn’t freedom when 70%-80% that lived under it say it’s the ideal system lol?
@@randomperson-pt3lv I think we only have North Korea as a communist state now. The UK struggles to get the public sector down below 40% and China has a large private sector
@@wuddychunk1 no, there's also cuba and now bolivia. central america and the carribean have been trying to transition to communism for the longest, but every time they do, here comes america with a militarized coup.
Id love to see her debate sanders
She'd of killed sanders
You would? Well it's easily recreated. Just a throw a lion and a zebra in the same room.
I don't know about Europe, but in the US the rich have gotten richer at the expense of the poor and middle class. As the nation becomes wealthier it's people should gain purchasing power in proportion. Or are the working class unworthy?
I hope you don't attribute that to capitalism. Capitalism doesn't use lobbyists, in fact it forbids it. Are there lobbyists? Yes. Then what you have is not capitalism.
She might be talented at arguing, but that doesn't change the fact that what she sais is wrong and very contemptuous. If everybody had less, things would cost less, people could afford life at least as good as they do now. And if everyone had about the same, and not far less than one in hundred really much, the average perception of wealth would be alot better. It is really as simple as that, she was a liar.
"The gaps are growing" are words I've heard slobbered out by mercedes marxists my whole life. Thatcher nails it here.
Only problem is the gap IS growing.
***** and that gives you the right to under the threat of violence empty the bank accounts of the wealthy?
The truth is that you are a lazy, immoral, narcissistic wretch, fueled only by envy like all leftists.
You can no longer claim to be on the side of the poor since those poor people suffer more than *anyone* under a controlled market. It's not about the poor, it's about *you* and your incapability to accept your own mediocrity.
Did you learn *nothing* from the 20th century? Google it you fucking idiot.
Such insight from 7 words. Is your middle name Nostradamus?
***** I've argued with enough collectivists.
Fistwagon I think the problem is a lot of socialists want a nanny state and not a progressive system of climbing the ladder. However I do agree with the mixed economic system it allowed me to go from poor , educate myself and become accountant and now working on my own business. Without that ladder a lot of intelligent people would be stuck in the lower end of society unable to use their ability. In regards to a controlled market . I Think human needs should be heavily regulated such as water etc, where as everything else should be free-market
Man see the respect they have for each other. Like a student trying to talk to a teacher. Even though, they highly disagree, they laugh, they whine but don't forget the honourable prime minister.
She was something!, she was seen just about everywhere!.
That's right
@@TvshkaHumma ua-cam.com/video/917GV7m4zbE/v-deo.html
She's in the mud, there's still no respect for that evil creature
However 'honourable' gentleman is tinged with sarcasm
@@happyloner4400 sarcasm is fun. Its a form humour.
the crown got me here.
Same, 'that accent can't be right' - oh wait
Dude me three!!! Agent scully did well!
Same here. She’s my new hero lol.
@@jmack8767 for sure! That show is amazing
And yes, there were a good time when politicians can debate like this, the two sides strongly disagree but still states reason and in a general good vibe. How can we achieve this in modern social media world, a question for us to reckon I reckon 🧐
It was class, something I think modern world thought it was a joke
I love the sense of fun they were having and how the Prime Minister was reacting with Parliament. We need this more. Regardless of who is in power, this is how we should debate. Now how we do it today.
"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."
Margaret Thatcher
Lara Hillcoast 🤔🙄
Like giving money to death squads
@Black Patriot she was also the person who privatized housing
I feel as if she didn’t actually say that
If it wasn't for Margaret Thatcher Great Britain would be just a little island in the Atlantic. Here here Mrs. Thatcher. Indeed you were an Iron Lady. RIP.🇬🇧
She was a disgrace
God bless her!
Thatcher is the best thing to ever happen to England
+TrillBandit ID (FalseSense) The worst. Her history proves terrible. She made the rich richer and the poor poorer. She was a disgrace who sold her soul to money.
+TrillBandit ID (FalseSense) I would say Churchill (circa 1940) actually takes that title.
Agree, but her policies have allow the UK continued growth to this day. Her influence looms large.
Radek Buczkowski You're an idiot. You don't even understand the point, and where is your source for the 4 billion? It's not funny and proves that you're thick as shit.
+TheEpicGameHub Yeah she made the rich rich and the poor poor but it was because of her that Britain has the wealth it has today...but her true crime was blackmailing paedophile ministers so she could remain prime minister which the allegations were only unearthed half a decade ago during the Jimmy Savile outrage. Privatising some big public sectors of industry also dealt a blow as Britain isn't truly owned by Britain and instead owned by the rest of the world...and now there is the migrant crisis, which I fully agree with Vladimir Putin and I think Britain should be saying the same: "In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians."
Britain needs another Thatcher!
+neha doe yea Britain needs another prime minister to enact laws against gay people as thatcher did.
Brittan needs another prime minister who destroyed manufacturing all across the nation as thatcher did.
Brittan needs another prime minister to support a dictator who murdered tens of thousands of his own people(general pinochet) like Thatcher did.
Brittan needs a prime minister who refuses to have any form of dialogue with our enemies causing the continued and unnecessary deaths and the delay of any form of peace process as Thatcher did.
Brittan needs another prime minister to halve taxes on the rich and corporations as thatcher did.
Don't make me laugh.
+Luciano G Is your choice more important than your nation? Does mother nature make you get on your knees and take it?
Given the will of my nation has been to firstly accept gay people as equal human beings, and secondly to apologize for historic mistreatment of gay people such as Alan Turing, without whom you wouldn't be typing on a computer, I`d say my general being is with the majority. Welcome to 2016.
Thatchers choices destroyed the social fabric of this nation, was her choice to enact backwards laws on sexuality and lower taxes for millionaires and billionaires by 50% more important than her nations well being, no. But she did it anyway.
Was her choice to crush unions resulting in 30 years of stagnant wages and eroded work conditions more important than the nations well-being? no. but she did it anyway.
Was her removal of free milk from the poorest children in Englands schools for the nations well-being? no, but she did it anyway.
Was her deregulation of the banking sector, removing the separation of personal and investment banking that would offer fuel to the 2008 collapse good for the nations well-being? many said no then in 1987, but she did it anyway.
Was her friendship with a murderous dictator called General Pinochet good for the nations well-being? No, but she did it anyway,
Was her adopting of Milton Friedman's neoliberal economic model sound judgement and good for the nations well-being? No, it stripped wages, threw out manufacturing, replaced wage increases with cheap credit and blew apart within 35 years. Very FUCKING BAD for the nation. But she did it anyway.
You know nothing, not about me, nor about her.
Luciano G Your country will not be able to afford your "proper welfare state" much longer. You have a bad moon rising there. The visitors from the middle east will eventually outnumber you. They will then change your laws. You will then be forced to decide. Make it a wise one and good luck to you.
+akgeronimo501 we've had migration from the middle and far east for 50yrs. mulsim population is steady at less than 5 million. main birth increases coming from UK nationals over migrants.
as for our laws, your talking crazy if you ever believe sharia will come to England. They can't even have it across all the Muslim countries let alone a western one.
stop watching Fox news. pay attention to facts. the Muslim world has no desire, nor ability, to take over the western world. never mind the eastern.
She’s got charisma.... kind of Reminds me of Reagan
They’re from the same stock. True heroes, that actually helped all people.
@@jschapp77 if by "all" you mean the 1% then you correct for both
Yeah because she destroyed the UK the same way Reagan destroyed the US
@@Simon-tc1mc bullshit
difference is that the uk sees thatcher for what she was while the us still perpetuates the myth that reagan was a good president.
Being that boss and based for a lady in the 80's, without all the third wave feminism and wokeness... A true Queen I'd say!
There was only ONE true Queen during Thatcher's premiership, and her names started with an E.
We need her now this country does
+Hippie Eradicator we need her to get rid of these spongers
+Tonino Iburria Don't feed the troll, folks.
Save us from David Cameron!
+Tonino Iburria LOL you already have them now.
+Andrew Dent (Aramius) He IS the troll.
Iron Lady was a real and clever POLITICIAN!
my dad was much richer under her government compared to the Labour government before that
What a lucky guy. Most people were much poorer.
@@katzy3798 Untrue. As she stated and is factually correct, all income brackets were higher at the end of her term rather than at the start. Dont spread lies around here. And dont do the same "but relatively". Yeah I'd rather have the poor and the rich richer, than the poor poorer and rich poorer.
@@lepathewarrior4445 Income brackets may indicate a growing economy but hey don't correlate with poverty and inequality here. Under thatcher Unemployment in the UK hit levels that were the highest they had been since ww2 (and may still be the highest since ww2 depending on 2020 covid numbers). Inequality and the amount of people living in poverty had the greatest increase under any PM in the last 50 years. Here's the data www.theguardian.com/politics/datablog/2013/apr/08/britain-changed-margaret-thatcher-charts
economic growth and low inflation rates do not mean that people are able to afford the cost of living. Thatcher made the rich richer and the middle class and poor poorer, and this is supported by evidence.
Proves her statement correct.
Great example of a woman standing up for herself with poise, facts, and a firm stance. She had them eating out of her hand. I recall in an interview with Meryl Streep, she said that in her research of Thatcher, she uncovered how she learned about public speaking. Apparently, Thatcher had discovered that when a woman tries to raise to her voice to address the room, she often becomes shrill, and is subsequently ignored. It's a turnoff to audiences. She had to learn how to project her voice properly, which was very effective in this video. One can see that she got louder without getting shrill or rushed.
Her strawman of his argument helped too.
She's in the mud and hopefully she suffered.
@@katzy3798 His argument had no feet. The gap between the lowest 10% and the Highest 10% is not a meaningful stat. If everyone is getting wealthier the rich getting richer isn't important. Does Leonardo DeCaprio owning a yacht prevent you from affording your rent?
If his point was that inflation was growing greater than the wages of the bottom 10% then he would have a fucking point.
Discarded such a meaningless statement with an equally meaningless statement is pure brilliance. He brought nothing to the table and was shooed away rapidly.
She was a slag
Pretty good analysis, the louder we bark the less impactful our speeches are
Thatcher was a sharp-witted, quick-on-her-feet orator. Half the US feels Dementia Joe is in the same league. Think about that.
@Nathan Hoffman He sure did. But at least it was after he resurrected Jimmy Carter's misery index and got things back on track. Biden is still in the beginning and he's already blown past Reagan's worst confusing days on the job.
yeah thatcher was also a murderer that was disowned by her own party so maybe joe biden and her have more in common than you think
@@carlosalvarez4546 internet man accuses prime minister of murder. next week: ethnic cleansing and child sodomy.
@@UDPride margaret thatcher destroyed britain's manufacturing industry which led to mass unemployment and funded death squads in northen ireland. i don't understand how anyone could like her unless they've been trapped in an echo chamber their entire lives and have never heard anyone from scotland or ireland talk about thatcher.
@@carlosalvarez4546 If only GB could have maintained the roaring economy and crime-free life they had just prior to Thatcher's ascension. It was going so well and felt like the industrial revolution.
Ahh remember when MPs used to actually turn up to parliament to talk about things other than their expenses?
She did a great job on flipping the guys words around.
VoztokTV idiot. Let me guys 4 years on you wear a guy forks mask and have JC4PM in your facebook bio
10/10 strawman.
The socialist wish to share the poverty rather than the wealth. They want to share the misery rather than the joy.
Thatcher represented freedom, responsibility and human potential. I am grateful for her service to the nation and the fight against socialism.
Thing is, and has always been, the elites in charge in a socialist system live like royalty while the “peasants” should be grateful and shut their mouths.
As an American, I really get a kick out of Parliamentary behavior (behaviour?) vs. that of the U.S. Congress. It's not really reflective of any greater degree of integrity or courtesy in the States, especially since I think our current Congress is an open sewer of corruption, bribery, indifference, and nefarious duplicity unmatched in Britain. But our senators and representatives are more polite, and NEVER shout out at a speaker, and would be considered out of order and disciplined for doing so. In Parliament, it's really hilarious, a total shouting match and trading of insults. Otherwise, the Brits are so much more held in and polite than Yanks. Go figure. Would love to fly across the Pond to Londontown to sit in on a session or two. The accents alone would keep me mesmerized for days.
Yeah they're their own hive of scum and villany. Look up the start of supreme court sessions/cases they have the same vibe with the clerk or whoever doing a silly chant.
Usa is third world
@@cca9837 And yet here we are still superior to your country. Our country is being destroyed from within by design, regardless my country will be storied and spoken of for time immemorial as having scaled the heights In every possible arena. As a Native American I am both proud and humbled whenever it comes to mind. 🇺🇲
@@TvshkaHumma Western Europe, Japan, Australia > USA
@@TvshkaHumma Chill bro, only Europe and Asia matters in history. The new world is yet irrelevant in the big picture
Reading most recent comments only shows the downfall of western society where most people don't see how her words are now even more true than when she spoke them.
Her policies are still causing problems today. Don't pretend she was good she was the opposite.
@@tonyclifton2230please get educated. The world is going to hell because of bottom feeders like you.
@@tonyclifton2230 I'm not a Brit, I only know her main views.
But if you say that her policies are still causing problems today name some.
@@MicFt7 the fact that she financialised the country. Created a two tier country London and the rest. Unfortunately doing real harm to manufacturing but also the ability of the country to compete in manufacturing. She also privatised industries that were natural monopolies that only benefits the owners in those fields.
@@tonyclifton2230 What policies divided London from rest of country? What was the "real harm to manufacturing" when you say that outcome was also "abality of the country to compete in manufacturing"? What is wrong in privatisation when you clearly say it stopped monopolies? How on earth that last thing can "only benefit the owners in those fields"?!
You wrote about things that in your opinion are effects of her policies (maybe you are right, but I don't know these policies).
If privatisation in UK looked like in my homecountry (government sets up new CEOs and board and gives benefits for now theoretically "non government facilities") than yes, you are right in that last one, but if some rich guy or private company came with money and bought for example a still mill previously owned by government, you're dead wrong.
Thatcher was the best British PM since Churchill.
At the time many people of the Eastern bloc countries were getting rid of their socialist utopias. I agree with Thatcher. A socialist country is more egalitarian, everyone is poorer in it, except for a tiny minority at the top overseeing it all.
She dedeciated her life as prime minister to push nation to fit in into modern era, she was Great and beautiful prime minister.
We went from this brilliant woman and pure exchange to a president that reads a few words off of a teleprompter and then turns and runs away as fast as he can so he doesn't have to answer questions.
Brilliant Woman? She deregulated the building industry and now there is a multilevelled housing crisis - how did that one work out
@@richardstevens8839 calm down. I'm not referencing policies at all. I'm American and my statement was a heavy criticism towards our current president who doesn't have the balls to stand in front of opposition and take them on as she did in this video. He's a parasite that reads scripted sentences (barely) And then runs away to avoid any engagement.
@@richardstevens8839 Conservatives will forever blindly worship their idols.
@@krw73 That's much better than this blood sucking scum will ever be.
We went from a prime minister to a president??
30 years later even the Chinese and Russians now agree with Thatcher.
Notice that those green leather seats are rammed full.
Some days there.are less tha 11 or 12 of our highly paid politicians in there. Absolute no way Mrs Thatcher would tolerate that!
Respect to The Iron Lady. 👊
May her soul rest in peace.
@@kerouacist Sorry Mr. Socialist, but she was one of the best leaders the UK ever had.
@@kerouacist I'm in my 40's, well over the age to remember her. I did not live in England, however I am Greek and experienced what the socialists did to Greece. You should be grateful the socialists weren't able to break her and get what they wanted or else my friend your nation would have had the same fate as Greece did 10 years ago.
Socialism is nothing but a cancer to the world.
Socialism is for the people not the Socialists...
@@kerouacist Hitler may have hated communists but he did lead the Nationalist Socialist Party which effectively made him a socialist. Just because he hated communism wouldn't make him a "Right Wing" leader. In conclusion, Hitler was a socialist and Hitler has nothing to compare with Thatcher's economic policies.
See what I meant by socialism being a cancer? Socialist Hitler and his plans of world domination, Stalin with his aspirations of dominating Europe after the war, the traitorous Leftists in Greece who declared a civil war on their own countrymen after WWII with the purpose of greedily taking power by force...
Accept it, socialism is a cancer...
As for Greece being an ally of Nazi National Socialist Germany, you're wrong. Greece fought both Italy and Germany when they invaded Greece, and my great uncle was executed at the age of 15 by the Nazis because he was part of the resistance on Mount Olympus. Allies you say? I say re-read your history my brother.
@@corgs-1 stfu
Who's here from Theresa May?
lol me
this woman gives me the creeps.. hope May is nothing like that
Thatcher saved the UK.
She is exactly like that in deportment and gait and standing at the Despatch Box.
no, she destroyed one of the only working instances of socialism which raised people out of poverty and created institutions such as the NHS and British steel which created jobs and routed work place exploitation
Deep Heat yes but with the mining industry and other forms of production gone all we have is banking in the south and if their is an economic crash we will be hit harder as we have little to export
My Dad bought his first home under her government a strong woman not to be walked over.
Daisy Taylor Jones she broke down the class barriers.
my favourite quote is :there is no such thing as public money but only tax payers' money'
"you would rather make the poor poorer" she says that like she didn't do the exact same thing
0:53 Holy shit. She BTFO'd him in just 4 seconds and part of those two seconds was "Mr. Speaker". Master class rebuttal by the Iron Lady. She would be ashamed at what the U.K. chose to become these days.
1:03 *PERO QUE PUTIZA* ..... she absolutely destroyed him. This woman was knew exactly where to strike and how, making her points cutting and concise. 10/10.
She's in the mud, celebrate.. and try to learn some history and politics
She was correct the money does run out
If you can't generate the wealth, you have nothing to redistribute.
As a pakistani-American, I whould be happy if both of my countries where in the control of the British again if it meant that someone like her was prime minister again
She was absolutely correct and it happened here under Reagan and also under Bush Clinton lower taxes meant more revenue
Has anyone noticed Thatcher never ever appears on BBC or other fake news ?... because she demolishes everyone before her and shows how pathetic and sub standard our current traitorous MPs are. She was a brilliant communicator.
she isn't on the news because she's been dead, let alone retired, for years. glad I could clear that up got you
*Ouch!* We (USA) need someone like Thatcher right now
you have Trump. what's the complain?
@@houssamassila6274 Both as bad as each other
so does uk.
@@houssamassila6274 He’s not a legislator
@@roidetesreves2298 so?
Am I ok to use 6 seconds of this clip for my university project? Between 0:56-1:02? Obviously I will credit it at the end of my project as 'footage by: 'mynameiswhatever'.
This is probably her best summary of all those 11 and a half years.
What a graceful women who stands on her views and amazingly debates the other side ,so rare for a politician Uk was lucky they had her
She was a hideous excuse for a human being. Evil personified.
The UK hasn't yet recovered from her corporate welfare. With that kind of luck, best stay away from casinos. After all, casino capitalism and conservative deregulation is the reason for every market crash since her reign.
Woman, there was only one of her.
@@nonyadamnbusiness9887 yes and she’s dead. Hooray.
@@nonyadamnbusiness9887 Thank goodness for that! 'Shame there was that many!
This was so much more animated than today, where everyone is trying to be overly PC and polite, even when giving insults.
I believed in Thatcher, despite sleeping rough on the streets less than a mile from Parliament at the time. I still think she's right
Well, then read a book
Yeah, maybe she is right and the TONS of people literally partying on the streets after her death wrong.
Then I think I know how you ended up on the street
@@GeorgeRobertson92 how people ended up on the streets now? That is a stupid comment.
@@chrisaved1 time showed how they were wrong.
1:22 the reaction LMAO
How else should one act when being strawmaned?
I know she wasn't perfect and many people dislike her but damn was she good
Good at what making a speech or sending British factories abroad inflation unemployment or selling ak47s and land rovers to Iran
Her argument is purely based on the poor being less poor but she forgets to answer for the increasing gap. Populism at its finest.
What gap?Absolute poverty worldwide and the UK has been declining since the 1900
Yeah you know who argued the same thing; adolf hitler, your hero.... socialist POS.
Imagine Thatcher leading the Brexit-negotiations...
yeah this shit would have been dealt with immediately
No deal, hard brexit. Hands down.
Just look at the US right now. Britain may have shitty pandemic leadership and response, but our wanna be Reagan is fucking up our economy worse then yours. Just watch us fuck ourselves over and enjoy the show. No doubt we would watch the UK do the same if the witch (honorably a witch, she did in fact utilize girl power against the patriarchy) was reincarnated.
She was actually liking the EEC, though the EU didn't exist until 1993.
@@katzy3798 you are so stupid
0:41 Simon really nails it. He asks: "Why are people in MY constituency less well off and less well housed," 😂 Because they voted for YOU Simon, that's why 🤣. Just as the majority of people in Hackney have been voting for Diane Abbot since 1987 and are worse off for it (except for Diane herself, who is so rich she could send both her son, and the kid of her chauffeur to private school. Meanwhile, under her control Hackney state schools became the WORST in the country) 🤣
I think you’ll find Abbot has no control over schools in her constituency. It’s funny how the conservatives have been in power for most of the time since the 1930’s, the country has gone to shit yet it’s somehow Labour’s fault. Just like the latest controversy over schools having to be closed because they’re in danger of failing to bits. So stop talking shite.
You know individual opposition MPs don't control government funding for education don't you....
@@tompage8674 You do realise the Govt MP's don't control local council education policy don't you? The same as they don't control local govt spending on a litany of other things...as we sadly found in the case of Birmingham City council...who declared bankruptcy this week....due to massive fines for historic sex discrimination....so voting 'Socialist' really helped make the world a 'more equal place' in Birmingham didn't it? 🤣
@@tompage8674 They obviously don’t.
She was so fucking right
In front of news cameras, the retired prime minister firmly told the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, "It was you who brought democracy to Chile."
What The Context? Well She Was Right!!!!! Chilean President/Leader Augusto Pinochet Did Bring Back Prosperity And Democracy Back To Chile 🇨🇱 He Turned The Chilean Economy Around!!!!! He Made Chile 🇨🇱 Into One Of The Most Prosperous Countries In South America!!!!!
nothing is more democratic than organizing a coup to overthrow a democratically elected government to install a military dictatorship
No matter your policy , she was the real McCoy! 🇬🇧
"He would rather have the poor poorer, provided that the rich were less rich." Thatcher sure showed some skill in giving a negative spin on a reasonable question there.
That is what the question implied -- that the gap was a bad thing, even if the poor were better off than before. His complaint was about the gap and how someone compared to someone else, and not about whether or not an individual had improved his own situation over time.
I've listened to it again, and you're right. Thatcher's rebuttal was very apt. I'm not sure however, this was what the MP meant to say, because he seemed to disagree strongly with her. Anyway, that ought to teach him to choose his words more carefully next time.
Labour created 13% unemployment and 17% inflation. Thatcher lowered it to 5% unemployment and 4% peak inflation.
The questions were stupid .
We live in a socialist country though so I'm not sure what your point is!?
We provide government handouts to the unemployed, disabled and especially bankers. This is socialism. Please show yourself the door.
Just noticed John Major sitting behind her
Only the Iron Lady can bend the hammer and sickle
This is like a family dinner, so much fun. Hehe
Regrettable that the issue this man raised is so impactful today. This was in 1990, and in the thirty years since, wages for the middle class have remained stagnant while the income of the rich has gone up 100× or more. You now have a hopeless generation of people to whom half gain no job off their indebting college degree and work in service jobs, 80% of whom live paycheque to paycheque, 50% of whom are in debt and 30% of whom who have no money to save at all. What we have here from Mrs. Thatcher, respect for her though I may have, is a group of adults woefully unaware of the trauma and desolation they are in the midst of creating.
@@BF-27 Agreed. Whoosh.
This woman is a genius may she rest in peace
Limelight Raver Out of the top ten happiest countries in the world the majority are socialist. If you think not do enough research.
@@michaelgrant169 just no haha
Hahaha she rotting in hell with Reagan.
@@Luca-nu2zg For hating poor people
@@Luca-nu2zg saving the UK from what? Those peasants asking for decent wages?
She was given an easy ride that day, because it was her last appearance. But what she said is not common sense, it was clever political rhetoric.
I doubt if, in private, she would deny that relative poverty is an issue, and that it is harder to live on a low wage in an affluent area than with the same wage in a less affluent area.
Now i understand why MSM n all the left in England hated her. She said what idiots dont like hearing-the truth
She was straight forward great!.
NOV. 2020.
Dude, you dont need to put the date below your comment, this is UA-cam, we know you made a comment 11 months ago
America needs a leader such as this to save Americans from their toxic career politicians !
The socialists do have one good point and that is when it comes to housing. The affordability of housing has much better in most of Europe and in the USA in the 1970 ies. Housing costs have sky rocketed and it has led to a dangerous drop in fertility. I think we need some major, well through trough public housing schemes in the big cities in the industrialized world. The reason '' the market'' can not do this is because the construction and rental markets in most large cities in the world are characterized by oligarchy and not free competitive markets and these oligarchies only benefit from the situation ever deterioating.
Now it's the top 1% being better off than the 'lower' 99% rather than the top 10% being better off than the 'lower' 90% as was then.
Flaming Flashback there has always been and always will be a "wealth gap" in the world. Some people are smarter, harder workers, or just plain more lucky than others. Stop being jealous. Just be happy and proud to be alive. I'm speaking as someone who is lower middle class but living on less than I make so the family can be out of debt and happy to be alive.
STOP BEING ENVIOUS OF THOSE WHO ARE MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN YOU! Stupid socialists, my goodness it must suck to be you...
@@dcarts5616 socialists don't go bankrupt over medical bills
The free world waits in anxious hope for another Thatcher to stand up for individual freedom.
Britain needs her once again
No they bloody don't - we've got enough problems without...
Any person who say conservatives hate women.... I am extremely conservative and think thatcher is a bad ass. Period
She was and continues to be a hero for so many people, including myself.
And will continue to be the Hag of '79 to far more
+Martin Jones and I'm sure you will continue to be an irrelevant douche😊
The wicked witch is dead!
Socialist and communist aren’t about making a more equitable society. They are about power and control.
Yes. Power and control in order to make a more equitable society.
@@mpampispappas5131 we don't need some busybody bureaucrats or elected officials telling us what equitable should be.
@@devonmartinski6596 Well the point is for them not to be busybody bureaucrats
Mpampis Pappas good intentions are noble but what matter are results. The good intentions of socialism and communism are never the results, quite the opposite actually.
It's what's in THEIR best interest and the more power you grant the better off THEY are. Keep ignoring history sheeple.
I don't believe she really knew much about socialism. E.g she didn't realize how successful socialism was from Bismark's Germany to Scandinavian countries of our time. She was a wet dream of those wondering what really happened to Royal Empire owned by leisure class.
You mean scandinavian countries only reason their rich is because they have oil and soon will turn into a third world country due to socialist policies? Socialism is nothing but a net negative. Why can't people just admit it
Doesn't appear as you do either, since the vast majority of the Scandinavian countries GDP is generated by the private sector (i.e. capitalism). It's dynamism is what actually pays for the social programs. Thatcher had just witnessed a fully socialized country, the USSR, collapsing into a big, stinking pile of bankruptcy from the weight of its untenable obligations.
Adrian Caluag Norway is the only country with oil, do some research before you talk about a country, you dumbass
Nice little culturally-homogeneous society y'got there. Be a shame if something were to happen to it.
i don't you know what you're talking about
What does "liberal policy" mean in her speech?
Just is just....classic. It's timeless. What a remarkable woman she was. Margarette, R.I.P. I hope to meet you one day on the other side, so I can finally shake your hand. Reagan too.
Legendary …. Simply Legendary
Rest In Peace Mrs Thatcher...
Rot in Pieces Mrs Thatcher.
Ding dong
November 22nd 1990, Undertaker’s debut at Survivor Series.
She completely (and perhaps deliberately) misses the point. Her "rather have the poor poorer" riposte is a very fine way to twist it, but Thatcher is representative of a system that only uses the poor so as to support the rich.
Just remember, when the gap gets wide enough the rich will need to live behind gates and the poor will come with pitchforks and torches. It's happened many times before.
Under socialism, yes.
You need to be content with what you have. Not everyone can be wealthy.
What a Goddess! You are eternal, Baroness!
It's FANTASTIC that she is dead!
Rafael Kafka. That's the daftest thing I've heard all day.
The way she explained the gap using had gestures was amazing
Agree with her or not, she was formable!
We could do with her now, she’d sort this channel migrant scum out.
Her argument is based on a fallacy that inequality somehow results in more economic growth. Not to mention that her justification is completely wrong. During and after her government, poverty increased while real wages and productivity have increasingly diverged from each other, with real wages lagging behind. Saying that average income has increased since 1979 means nothing if you are trying to ascertain the income and living standards of low income earners and in addition we don't even know if she's giving us nominal or real (adjusted for inflation) data. I wanted to watch this video to see what one of the most famous neo-liberal politicians had to say against socialism, but only found a simplistic and baseless argument that I might expect at a pub.
she is right. Inequality brings more wealth because not everyone is equal. Trying to make it equal means bring winners down so those who are not that successful can go up. Equality also leads to the lowering of standards and hiring quotas.
@@Nelcomarproductions How is she right? Take a look at some measure of inequality, such as the Gini coefficient, and tell me that inequality brings more economic growth*. It doesn't at all, in fact the most economically developed economies are among the most equal. Even in terms of economic growth, which isn't necessarily a great indicator of living standards, the simplistic neo-liberal argument falls apart. If you take into account a more multifaceted measure of living standards that includes, among other things, life expectancy, homicides, mental illness and social mobility. You will find that there is a remarkable correlation between equality and high living standards**.
* en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_income_equality
** ua-cam.com/video/cZ7LzE3u7Bw/v-deo.html&ab_channel=TED
Man, Margaret Thatcher was awesome! I would've voted for her any day.
She seems to be the last honest prime minister of Britain
Margaret Thatcher was indeed one of the greatest leaders in History
Hahaha funny
And she finishes with the line, you do not create a property owning democracy that way - well a large majority the younger generation are currently priced out of owning property. They are becoming disenfranchised.
I love Thatcher, but you’re right.
This is the kind of politics I want back in the US. No one gets to be a corrupt coward.
Thatcher's death was celebrated with street parties 😂
You have to vote for it.
In the USA voting is optional in the name of freedom but the reality is it’s institutionalised apathy.
Socialism has been tried in various forms for over a hundred years and has always failed, leaving the poor in those countries even poorer and worse off overall. The good times may roll for a while, but it always ends in tears and suffering.
Bullshit. Even the USSR had increased food productivity and distribution and innovated space travel. Capitalist Ukraine is stagnating, suffering from the crippling of its healthcare system and having to put up with the EU's bullshit of having to hike its gas prices to trade... you know, the shit Ukraine needs to heat its homes during those brutal Eastern European winters? EU is going to freeze Ukraine into submission. That's what capitalism means.
Capitalism has been tried in various forms for over a hundred years and has always failed, leaving the poor in the countries it invades with its military even poorer and worse off overall... provided they get to live at all, for the hundreds of thousands to millions of people killed by the US military, they should be so lucky.
Capitalism is an extension of royalism. It has, and will continue to cement dynastic power. If you cannot trust socialism as a cure, at least surely see that capitalism is failing one way or another, so much so that it too relies on violence to be maintained.
@@tenchimuyo69 Woo yeah space travel has done so much for the poor 🙄. You people never learn. Smh.
@@noeuro Just saying, it is an innovation nontheless. The point is you are ignoring the role of public funding that already occurs in capitalist society. Innovations are brought about by capital incentives yes, but I am critical of its current application at least.
Some non-socialists who criticize this call it "corporatism" as if to differentiate it, but the tendency for corporations to have first dibs at tax dollars does make one question if there is an incentive to innovate if you are guaranteed protection from competition by the state.
And whether or not corporatism and capitalism are truly different depends on whether your country has a mechanism, if any, to prevent capitalists from exercising disproportionate control within the government as is the case in the US.
@@noeuro If you have any expectations that capitalism protects the poor, you might consider the phenomenon that immigration and outsourcing are often most desirable in capitalist countries, ensuring wage stagnation and decline. Sure it buffs up the material conditions of the immigrant, but the value of the labor is always higher, otherwise they'd not have been hired.
When we actually had a Parliament and a government
Tragic how it is now. More concerned with likes on twitter nowadays rather than actually governing
the real wages of us citizens has been going down since the 70s probably on account of the same policies that Europe put into place.in the 70s you could feed a family of 4 on 60 dollars a week.i can hardley feed my self for a 2 weeks on that
I spend way more than 70 a week.. But im italian.. so
because in 1970 became crisis and it killed the social capitalism that worked in 1930-1960s
Yes because that’s what the economy does the more money that is produced the higher the inflation. In 1970 £60 had the same spending power as £900 today, its simple economics
This is the first time I've seen any kind of positive response to Thatcher in any sense.
She was re-elected over and over again. What more do you need to know?
Neither Socialism or Communism would exist if everyone took responsibility for their actions, decisions and situation.
@1:50 wooooooooooooo Tall, nice clothes but above all hates the likes of Hitler a socialist ! imagine socialists in America. Thank you and REST in PEACE dear lady. i wish we had more women like you.
This is such a stupid comment its unbelievable, your ignorance astounds me, seriously congratulations, you are now one of the dumbest people i have ever seen! Hitler, A socialist... my god, you need to seriously read a book, and get your facts straight.
Jim Russels don't waste too much time explaining to stupid people.
leave them as smart Germans and other did. just leave em.
sandynyc1 Hitler was a fascist. "Socialist" is a term that means different things in different contexts.
Kevin J.B. O'Connor ok, why not meet in the middle and agree he was a fascist/socialist or how about this one, fascist/marxist?
re: clothing and national politics? come on now sir. it has to do with presentation, people's impressions of you, i know i really didn't need to say that.
What if she dressed like beyonce or lil kim? or any number of women in hollywood. Who would take her serious?
sandynyc1 Lol no, I think you need to look up the definition of those words...
Even as a Scot raised in Glasgow, she has a point.
Keep been brave. Been right is better than been popular.
Don't say that out loud.
Privatise the NHS, abolish welfare and rebuild Hadrian's Wall.
She made the poor poorer and the rick richer so she lies, all you people who aren't from UK haven't got a clue. I'm from the UK and thats what she done for example she destroyed LIVERPOOL and MANCHESTER making them poorer, she also lied about the Hillsborough disaster, saying the fans where pick pocketing the dead fans and fighting police when they were trying to save each other.
She made people richer in Kent, everyone loves her in Kent. All you dumb idiots in the north can get fucked, you're all pack of dumbass. Everyone knows!
TheNoraa890 Boy, you're funny! Is that Kent, Texas?
***** Funny because the only people who hate her are dumb poor fucks in the north of England, London and Scotland.
Kent is probably the best and smartest county in Britain.
Most people in the south of England benefited from her policy.
She saved us from turning into shit like the other commie poor european countries like Spain, France, Greece and Italy.
And she helped defeat the soviets and bring down the Berlin wall.
Shut up you fucking idiot!
how are people who hate her dumb fucks they hate her, its not like they hate her for no reason you like her because she benefited you. people like me don't like her as she destroyed are community making us struggle, for example shutting down all the factory's in Liverpool giving people no work. and then slate us for the facts we don't get a job
Income inequality alone is insufficient to describe a particular economical situation, unless some details are implicit. For example, Thatcher here heavily implies that her model, although extremely uneven, improved income for everyone by a stronger margin than it would have under a socialist framework.
In contrast, this MP was apparently implying that the rise in income inequality was indicative that companies were making massive profits that they clearly weren't sharing with their employees at the same rate rhan before... Which has not to do with socialism, but refers back to the UK model, specifically, which is under a liberal model.
This can lead to two different views of this little exchange:
a) Thatcher sidestepped the issue brought forth, by talking about a separate issue, thereby defeating a strawman instead of addressing the criticism.
b) What Thatcher was meaning is that she chose the lesser of two evils, eventually yielding better results, although uneven ones.
View A is more charitable to the speaker, while view B is more charitable to Thatcher. Either way, it amounts to comments on what was said, rather than the relevant bases for what was said, i.e. the actual data that would or wouldn't support any of those views, or both, or none.