@Mei Ki Hung 知道「社會保障號碼」呢個稱呼的美國華人,都知道英文 Social Security Number。如果你同啲唔太識英文嘅阿伯/師奶講「社會保障號碼」,講半日都唔會明,但一講「工卡號碼」,即刻知係咩。EAD 佢哋更加唔知係咩,喺美國講得中文,個個都用「工作證」一詞,識講英文的,都唔會用中文講呢啲嘢。 我做醫院、律師樓、社工、學校翻譯,國語同粵語,成日見啲貧苦大眾,所以好清楚。
@@linawu2462 hi! I applied for it about 10mth ago and they only asked for photo ID and proof of address, no mention of visa status. it's a secured credit card and the minimum is you put $300 on card, its also the credit line you have...
Hang in there Samson buddy. USA is the best place to be right now in the world. Not perfect but the best of the best for almost anything. Keep up the good work. If you are in NYC somehow maybe I can help you in someway. Let me know.
@@kalasend I do not think NYC is the best city to live in USA. But USA is the best place to live. NYC is too cold for some people. But I also live in Montana for few year and she has -60F. So NYC is not that bad. I live in NYC because my family live here. I love to live in the Rocky mounting area but we have to do compromise to fit our individual need. But do some research on the cities in USA and find the one fit your need.
Thank you Leon, actually I work in NYC. Except the cold weather, high living standard, insane traffic and parking fee, etc. 😝 I like the vibe and people here.
it is normal for SSN office not to have your info. the government agencies normally works independently and they do not talk to each other . Even if they do, SSN office may only have limited information of yours. you need to double check/ triple check with the department you need service on.
Get married is the best way to come to the States. DED??? What a waste of time! Time is money. How long can you wait without working? I suggest going to the UK.
How can you (Samson) stay in the US for this long without SSN? When I graduated in Canada and got a job offer in the US back in the mid-90s, the first thing (ID) I got was the SSN (on the first day I landed in New York). Without the SSN, you may not be able to open a bank account in the US, a US driver license, or rent a place in the US.
@@bok2288 Well said buddy. Let me add this. There are always some kind of unfairness around us. Some people born in a rich family. Some people born with incredible intelligence or physical strength. Those we can not control. In USA you will get a better fair chance to be successful if you put your mind into it. Again. She only give you a better fair chance. There is no guaranty on any of this. But in USA though even you fail totally then you still will not starve to death. We have safety net for that. As long as you did not fail for the wrong reasons. Like cheating or something like that. If you work hard and fail then few years or months later you can get back up and try again if you are ready.
講得好好,好清楚,期待Samson 其他的分享
感謝 Samson 講解得 如此清楚……
1. Work Authorization - 工作證
2. Social Security Card - 工卡
3. Social Security Number - 工卡號碼
@Mei Ki Hung 做過華人社區工作就會知道,所有人都叫 SS card 做工卡。
SSN 有不能工作同可以工作的。因為大部分人是合法居留,所以有人好方便咁叫工咭。但正式翻譯係社會安全號碼
我以為工咭是EAD card . 因為有tax id 都可合法工作
@Mei Ki Hung 知道「社會保障號碼」呢個稱呼的美國華人,都知道英文 Social Security Number。如果你同啲唔太識英文嘅阿伯/師奶講「社會保障號碼」,講半日都唔會明,但一講「工卡號碼」,即刻知係咩。EAD 佢哋更加唔知係咩,喺美國講得中文,個個都用「工作證」一詞,識講英文的,都唔會用中文講呢啲嘢。
@Mei Ki Hung 解釋都冇用,啲人唔會理你。你個工作係翻譯,令人明白你講乜,唔係要解釋。美國中文係咁就係咁,全美國華人都係咁用,你堅持唔用大眾嘅語言,係你有問題。
Thank you samson, 同樣都係等緊DED EAD card, 有同路人分享下好好。
可能投訴嘅人太多,最近USCIS局長Ur Jaddou講咗話會加快EAD嘅流程,追返落後嘅進度,影片裡面講嘅Angel都啱啱攞到啦,希望你都好快有!
So far he is the best candidate of the successor program.
Tks for sharing info
多謝分享 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Samson is very very presentable. Clear communication. Good job. 🤟🏼🙏🏻🫡
Samson 你好,非常感激你及蕭生的分享,我在10个月後拿到批準,現在请問有沒有办renewal 的经驗可以指教?再次感謝,祝平安喜樂。Linda
我喺德州 車牌可以用DED身份去申請 需要I94入境紀錄
另外Bank of America申請credit card唔洗SSN 可以開始build credit先
@@samsonelight 唔好意思@@想問下你SSN approve或者寄岀左之後會唔會有tracking number🙏 eg USPS ...Thanks:)
Tourist visa also ok for boa credit card?
@@linawu2462 hi! I applied for it about 10mth ago and they only asked for photo ID and proof of address, no mention of visa status. it's a secured credit card and the minimum is you put $300 on card, its also the credit line you have...
Hang in there Samson buddy. USA is the best place to be right now in the world. Not perfect but the best of the best for almost anything. Keep up the good work. If you are in NYC somehow maybe I can help you in someway. Let me know.
住西岸都話吖,你住NYC都會覺得🇺🇸係” Best of the best”? 唔係嘛?
@@kalasend I do not think NYC is the best city to live in USA. But USA is the best place to live. NYC is too cold for some people. But I also live in Montana for few year and she has -60F. So NYC is not that bad. I live in NYC because my family live here. I love to live in the Rocky mounting area but we have to do compromise to fit our individual need. But do some research on the cities in USA and find the one fit your need.
@@leon38688 我住北加,氣候唔錯,但樣樣都貴,🇺🇸係唔錯,但考慮到生活環境同移民政策,我都係鼓勵香港人去🇨🇦,環境好、福利好、港食多,入籍🇨🇦後搵🇺🇸工作簽證方便到等於唔駛簽證,就算未入籍,搵🇺🇸工作都係比較方便
Thank you Leon, actually I work in NYC. Except the cold weather, high living standard, insane traffic and parking fee, etc. 😝 I like the vibe and people here.
unfortunately i arrived in NYC in September last year, missed the DED chance by a month :( still figuring out what to do now…
多謝Samson詳細講解DED. 請問DED給港人可延期18个月和可工作外,對想讀書的香港人有否特別憂待呢?如減少學費或交如同當地居民學費等級?
@@samsonelight 有D關於留係美國既問題想問,有冇email或者contact可以pm?
@@samsonelight Samson兄你好,我都有些事情想請教你,希望可以email聯絡
Usually SSN takes longer. Just be patient. Harder to find a job in Canada. More opportunities in USA. Good luck to you all
More opportunities in USA for sure.
Just go to an SSA
@@jiyingyeung605 True. I was in Montana few years and the efficiency is 10 times better than NYC in almost all the gov services. If you can do that.
Apply for the ITIN, should be faster than social security
What the ITIN is, never heard that?
The best video US immigration visa
Be aware for scams!!! BEFORE you start working in US, you have to fill/sign these IRS forms (W-4, W-9, and I-9) with social security numbers.
yeah… i also wonder why the company can only find it out after 1 week. i think the very first form when i get any offer is the W-4!
it is normal for SSN office not to have your info. the government agencies normally works independently and they do not talk to each other . Even if they do, SSN office may only have limited information of yours. you need to double check/ triple check with the department you need service on.
good to share
睇你申請緊邊款移民同去到咩階段, 25年2月DED續唔續唔知,會唔會包新嚟既人都唔知, 用DED留美係無status, 所以轉唔到status (COS), AOS除外
DED 一定要去年8月23日前到達美國才可以。
Samson 想有免費VPN,我都忍唔住笑一笑,多謝你的分享!
為什么要離开 去美国移民 要早 找住機会
哇 你真係好幸運 我2020年7月就開始申請 雖然呢家有工卡打工 但係都未等到見移民官..
梗係自己搞~好容易,上網download 份表格再寄俾移民局‼️
Get married is the best way to come to the States. DED??? What a waste of time! Time is money. How long can you wait without working? I suggest going to the UK.
Of course you can't fill it up China in your application, the policy is not created for China but for helping people from Hong Kong.
@@CC言 你唔会觉得凍,因全國都有暖氣,绝少時間在街上行,睇美国臉色係杜老多嘅事,唔關市民事!但福利比美国好太多了!
@@slowsky3657 我弟弟在温哥华,我在洛杉矶,美国的人工比加拿大🇨🇦高很多,以药剂师为倒,加拿大仅是美国的一半左右。
@@tommyliang447 香港山頂樓價比旺角的貴唔止一倍!三藩市的油價比Modesto, Stockton 也貴很多, can’t compare oranges to apples. 就講before taxes and after taxes income 都好唔一樣!
How can you (Samson) stay in the US for this long without SSN? When I graduated in Canada and got a job offer in the US back in the mid-90s, the first thing (ID) I got was the SSN (on the first day I landed in New York). Without the SSN, you may not be able to open a bank account in the US, a US driver license, or rent a place in the US.
Yes you can rent any place or open a bank account in the U.S.
Agreed. USA gov should make it easier and faster.
唔係全部正確, 睇下你去邊個州, 我哋喺加州, 日常生活肯定係平過英國同加拿大, 唔係指餐餐出街食, 如果自己煮,依家雖然有通帳, 食物都唔會貴過香港,加拿大,英國……
True. But life is full of uncertainty. Do your best and hope for the best.
@@leon38688 但願如此
點解連謎米都要用嘩眾取寵嘅標題。邊個話 DED 可以申請移民?
click bait
God bless them all
@@view8932 庇护申请不下来怎么办,遣返回来.. 死得
@@陳甘來 不会遣返的,只是拿不到绿卡,工卡什么的都有,适合不想回来的人
@@view8932 刚刚我在微信群聊跟网友他们讨论,说到申请庇护的问题,一帮人认为这根本不可能,觉得我是空口说白梦话,你又不是什么出名人物,又不是有钱人,人家不会帮你的,一个狗屁不是的普通屁民有这个能耐吗? 是一个这样的情况,所以我想请问一下您,普通人要申请庇护的话的很难度大吗,要通过怎么一个过程呢?如果你知道的话望告知一下 国内很多人包括我也是不太了解,十分感谢。
@@tochik1226 笑死人,希望你立刻放弃中国国籍,立刻去到美国本土享受政治正确。
@@orbleh3622 我都不知幾想,放心冇人稀罕中國國籍,祝你生生世世代代留係大陸管轄地方如你所願
No. USA give you the best fair chance to success. It is all up to you to work hard and prove yourself.
@@bok2288 Well said buddy.
Let me add this. There are always some kind of unfairness around us. Some people born in a rich family. Some people born with incredible intelligence or physical strength. Those we can not control.
In USA you will get a better fair chance to be successful if you put your mind into it. Again. She only give you a better fair chance. There is no guaranty on any of this. But in USA though even you fail totally then you still will not starve to death. We have safety net for that. As long as you did not fail for the wrong reasons. Like cheating or something like that. If you work hard and fail then few years or months later you can get back up and try again if you are ready.
我亦是美國的下等公民,亦討厭住在Florida, 這裡的花草樹木長得比任何地方都快,要粗心園丁會不會skip 了這個星期,隔星期才來屋外草地和小徑已經滿是樹葉枯枝。泳池一個星期不照顧,水質走樣,一個月不照顧,綠苔滋生。泳池周圍的地方和家具至少一個月清潔一次。每天的家務,屋內的清潔工人二星期才來一次。又要粗心下年的重稅甚付,累啊!Weng 如果你在美國,不如回去做一等公民好了。