"And there are still too many Swiss politicians and citizens that want to join the EU. They are more than drunk, they must be brain dead!" - Or they just got enough money to commit treason against their own country. :-(
Laut Qualitätsmedien war das ja ein Ischias-Anfall. Jetzt weiß ich endlich was ich meiner Frau erzählen kann, wenn ich mal sternhagelvoll nach Hause komme.
DIESER Ischia (ohne s)? www.si-wine.it/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/510x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/t/o/tommasone_terradei_ischia_bianco.jpeg
@ Paulo Cardoso Severe back problems , .........I agree , hahaha , ....."Down the neck" ! Oder auf norddeutsch : "nich' lang' snacken , Kopp in'n Nacken"! Might be quite harmful for the spine , or not ?
Paulo, are you blind, paid, or just a troll? I had several times in my life the serious back problems and also I was several times totally drunk. So I can tell that Juncker moves like a drunk man, not like a man with back problems. + his stupid smile of a drunkard and impertinent kisses.
And this man is in charge of the EU. Simply unbelievable. The other delegates just go along and accept this behavior?? Glad Britain is leaving this mess!!
Dokładnie. Z całą tą otoczką sukcesu... Mnie przeraża, że ten człowiek nie jest za to powszechnie atakowany, nie jest zmuszony do ustąpienia, ani tzw. 'liderzy ue' nie zrzucą go do zsypu. Dziennikarze na konferencjach prasowych nie pytają dlaczego był pijany/czy dzisiaj też jest pijany...
To tylko pokazuje jak działają i jaką siłę mają media. Jak ignorują, udają - nie ma tematu, nie ma problemu. Jak media by chciały to mogłby zniszczyć polityka, któremu zrobiliby jak w zaciszu domowym pije Raldera 2%. Robiąc nagonkę i niszcząc kogoś. Dlatego warto myśleć samemu i samodzielnie tworzyć sobie opinie. pozdrawiam
na interi napisali "Przewodniczący KE tłumaczył to zapaleniem nerwu kulszowego. fakty.interia.pl/swiat/news-problemy-junckera-z-utrzymaniem-rownowagi,nId,2605974#
God, so much ignorance! He suffered a car accident in 1989 and several months of coma which, together with his sciatica, make him unable to walk property.
Adriano Adri, you're doing a good job for the public relations consultancy of the EU Commission president but you wont sway our opinions, nice try. I hope Junker is reducing his alcohol consumption for the sake of his health.
Junkers is a product of German political thought. From the point of view of Angela Mackerel is a great politician. Obedient and fully disposable, like D.Tusk. He is not the only one, the whole European Commission functions under the dictation of Germany. "Perfect politicians"
Trump comes to Europe and what does he see? These retarded morons with the drunk guy leading them in the suicide. It is a disgrace. As a European I say sorry to all Americans because of our leaders.
Wie kann einer , der Europa präsentieren will , so in der Öffentlichkeit auftreten ?? DAS ist eine SCHANDE !!!! Pfui teufel !!!! Eine Rede hätte noch gefehlt !!!! Unglaublich , da kann man sich vorstellen , was hinter geschlossener Tür noch so abgeht !!!
Imagine the mileage the mainstream media would make out of this if he were somehow on the Leave side of the argument! It would be all over BBC and Channel Four.
Damn this will be a big story tomorrow across europe. How embarrasing it is that the president of EU cant stay sober during such an important meeting. He need to go.
As far as I'm concerned our country is huge beneficiary of EU budget and the whole integration process in general. Furthermore, EU is constantly reformed, there is no one easy way to meet all interests of each country. Juncker is drunk, it's obvious, disgusting and disgracefull, I'm sure he will pay consegences for that. But! His behaviour has nothing to do with quality and condition of EU. You should be proud of being part of EU, unless you are uneducated moron or russian troll.
Dawid Machaj Yes: EU leaders helping someone who is struggling with pain but showed up nevertheless to do his job. That IS what the EU is: collaboration and helping eachother.
The old duffer is pissed out of his head after yet another bout with the brandy bottle. I heard a lame excuse that his sciatica was troubling him - nonsense-I am76 and have sciatica and it doesn't make me act like that. Another give-away of his inebriation is his kissing and embracing all and sundry.
Juncker is definitely drunk (once again). What pisses me off are media stating that he is ill but somehow managed to make it for the meeting (what a hero!). We are not stupid, the guy is a alcoholist and shouldn't have such an important job.
The media just repeats what Junkers said he had. They would be bad media if they didn't mention that. Junker said he has health issues, obviously he wouldn't admit alcohol use. Newspapers are there to represent not to judge.
There is no legal procedure to check if this man is under alcohole influence?It's a shame,to see high rank official representing EU in such state.....and it's not his first time!!!
being boss, cuz he can walk correctly? I from Hungary and hes corrupt too. BUT much less than western european leaders. he deny refugees, cuz he wanted to elected again.
And this guys makes the laws we have to observe.....THINK ABOUT....and then they point the fingers on people, when they complain against their foolish laws, treating them of populists.....and this man went to negotiate trades agreements with Trump on behalf of Europe......and no one objected ? I must be in a nightmare....
My first think too, but sorry, but Boris had much more Live & charisma in his drunken body as the whole EU -REGIME- 4th-REICH incl. all Traitors & democRATs! GODSPEED.
Norway and all of Scandinavia also certainly know who Mr Duda is and Mr Kaczynski for that matter too! Mr Kaczynski, Mr Duda and Mr Orban are our defenders of western civilisation in Europe.
A forklift driver drinks a beer before the shift, gets a random check and he is fired by midday. A politician stumbles acrosd and gets escorted by 10 other politicians publicly, is ok. After all he wasn't drunk, just dizzy from the heat... Joke. Should be banned from politics, for like forever.
"Wir beschließen etwas, stellen das dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, was passiert. Wenn es dann kein großes Geschrei gibt und keine Aufstände, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter - Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein Zurück mehr gibt." - Zitat Jean-Claude Jucker 1999
manipulierte hostie Wir brauchen keine Politiker, die sich berauschen. Egal ob legal, oder illegal. Wie kann so einer Politik betreiben? Er erscheint betrunken bei der Arbeit. Ich bekäme dafür eine Abmahnung! Junker hat sich damit disqualifiziert. Ihm fehlt es an Disziplin, Charakter und Vorbildfunktion.
Ha ha, anyone else would be sacked for being intoxicated at work! Its not as if they haven't got anything important to do that might need a clear mind. Oh wait... Aren't these the people governing Europe?
Craig Brexit. Mass migration all makes sense now! Merkel- what shall we do about mass migration Mr junker? Junkers blathered response- yeah its sound, let em all in! The more the merrier.
This is completely unacceptable and disgraceful.
Doesn't seem like he's drunk, more like he's got some back problem.
Naum, don't get me wrong bud, but next thing I would buy if I were you is high-quality eyeglasses.
Giorgi Kvatchadze you can clearly see that he’s walking like he’s got a stick up his ass.
He said he has painfull back since many years.
Poor Juncker. People have been thinking he's a drunkard for years but it was a back pain all along...
He is only 63 years old. I would have assumed he was in his 80s.
...but he not drink 😌🎶🍷🍸🍹🍸🍸🍸🍸🗽 👌
Je ožratý!
MegF 😆🤣🍻🍷!!!
Mick Jagger is 75 and few days ago was singing and dancing almost lime the old days.
Here in holland they say he had a pain in the back, like come on how dumb you think we are. Europe is a total clown fest.
shame on the whole world
M R And here in Britain they say that the Russians have poisoned him with Novichok .
Dragan Penchev, dont give them ideas
Well, he seemed to have another pain in his face muscles, too. Probably that's why he looked so stupid and had that silly grin at min 3.27
He HAS severe backs problems.
Seriously people: think for a minute!
Nothing shows the condition of EU better than Juncker himself.
the Elite has already signed in blood the end of the Christian White Europe since the 1920s... but only now it gets seen in its full glory...
And there are still too many Swiss politicians and citizens that want to join the EU. They are more than drunk, they must be brain dead!
rafał czerwiński
Him. And Merkel, with her shaking. What is her problem? Early parkinson or something?
"And there are still too many Swiss politicians and citizens that want to join the EU. They are more than drunk, they must be brain dead!" - Or they just got enough money to commit treason against their own country. :-(
63 years old, my foot! The Queen is in her 90's with a known knee ailment but walks without a care in the world. So I ask: how now?
He suffered a car accident in 1989 and coma for several months. Furthermore he has sciatica. This is why he isn't able to walk properly.
Drunk at work? For immediate dismissal!
No one elected him so one will dismiss him. That's EU democRATSy.
He's permanently pissed!
He's the King of Europe ! Who are you peasant to judge him ?:))
who says he's drunk? he cold be seriously ill
That's Philipinian Fever hahahah
Laut Qualitätsmedien war das ja ein Ischias-Anfall. Jetzt weiß ich endlich was ich meiner Frau erzählen kann, wenn ich mal sternhagelvoll nach Hause komme.
Inkl. Kopfschmerzen und Erbrechen, sind alles Begleiterscheinungen.
DIESER Ischia (ohne s)?
SchweinAusStein Mr junker is a Drunk, no good,. we want him to continue drinking if not more so we can enjoy his death
Nein, dieser Ischias (mit s)
Jean-Claude Drunker
He has got severe back problems and he showed up... He is not drunk. -_-
Frutson Nobody ever vote him but somehow many people like him. include me.
Paulo Cardoso Are you an idiot, or are you just playing it?
@ Paulo Cardoso
Severe back problems , .........I agree , hahaha , ....."Down the neck" !
Oder auf norddeutsch : "nich' lang' snacken , Kopp in'n Nacken"!
Might be quite harmful for the spine , or not ?
i dont think he is drunk. he's probably ill
0:54 Flying woman ?!?!? I must stop drinking...
he works so much, he is tired by his hard job..... respect please !!
Unbelievable. So embarrassing. This is a No-Go indeed.
André Berlin
Jesus Christ...
He has severe back problems. That was the issue.
How much do you get paid to shill for the EU?
K How much do you get paid to be an idiot?
Paulo, are you blind, paid, or just a troll? I had several times in my life the serious back problems and also I was several times totally drunk. So I can tell that Juncker moves like a drunk man, not like a man with back problems. + his stupid smile of a drunkard and impertinent kisses.
He challenged a Slav president Poroshenko who was able to drink more vodka and he lost.
He thought he would win. 😅😅😅
Poroshenko is jewish, not Slav.
These people know they are going down.
There is no worry. They stole money for several generations ahead.
And this man is in charge of the EU. Simply unbelievable. The other delegates just go along and accept this behavior?? Glad Britain is leaving this mess!!
For this kind of back pain in Italy Police take away your driving license ...
So these are the elite? Jesus wept.
Is this where my taxes goes, and for the ''refugees''?
You Sir, are correct.
Juncker to idealne odbicie obecnej UE
Dokładnie. Z całą tą otoczką sukcesu... Mnie przeraża, że ten człowiek nie jest za to powszechnie atakowany, nie jest zmuszony do ustąpienia, ani tzw. 'liderzy ue' nie zrzucą go do zsypu. Dziennikarze na konferencjach prasowych nie pytają dlaczego był pijany/czy dzisiaj też jest pijany...
To tylko pokazuje jak działają i jaką siłę mają media. Jak ignorują, udają - nie ma tematu, nie ma problemu. Jak media by chciały to mogłby zniszczyć polityka, któremu zrobiliby jak w zaciszu domowym pije Raldera 2%. Robiąc nagonkę i niszcząc kogoś. Dlatego warto myśleć samemu i samodzielnie tworzyć sobie opinie. pozdrawiam
Nie, bo ja po 2 browarkach już mam jazz, a na następny dzień kaca.
Kurwa, u mnie gdyby ktoś przyszedł do pracy pijany, to z miejsca byłaby wezwana policja...
na interi napisali "Przewodniczący KE tłumaczył to zapaleniem nerwu kulszowego.
Can you imagine the outcry if Trump was seen in this state? But EU leaders smile and kiss drunk Juncker.
God, so much ignorance!
He suffered a car accident in 1989 and several months of coma which, together with his sciatica, make him unable to walk property.
Adriano Adri, you're doing a good job for the public relations consultancy of the EU Commission president but you wont sway our opinions, nice try.
I hope Junker is reducing his alcohol consumption for the sake of his health.
An european Yeltsin.
We have the leaders we deserve
Not true, Juncker Stuka is not elected.
What, merkel, macron, may, these are better? We get the "leadership" the majority are willing to accept, sadly.
Καπτεν Χαρλοκ Deserve? Nobody could vote for him.
Junkers is a product of German political thought. From the point of view of Angela Mackerel is a great politician. Obedient and fully disposable, like D.Tusk. He is not the only one, the whole European Commission functions under the dictation of Germany. "Perfect politicians"
That was too much mr. Juncker...imediately resign before its too late for Europe.....disgusting
Music Man Jesus Christ...
He has severe back problems. That was the issue.
Look at the staring face of Trump! He knows:)
Trump comes to Europe and what does he see? These retarded morons with the drunk guy leading them in the suicide. It is a disgrace. As a European I say sorry to all Americans because of our leaders.
Imagine if it was trump :)
Imagine if it was Maxine Walters
Trump doesn't drink
Media would be all over it then
or Kaczyński xd
Only job where you can show up drunk and not get canned.
da fehlen einem echt die Worte....
Just one more sign of the EU becoming more and more of a soviet-like regime.
Wie kann einer , der Europa präsentieren will , so in der Öffentlichkeit auftreten ?? DAS ist eine SCHANDE !!!! Pfui teufel !!!! Eine Rede hätte noch gefehlt !!!! Unglaublich , da kann man sich vorstellen , was hinter geschlossener Tür noch so abgeht !!!
how nice- his friends hold him- so he is able to stay... amazing! I love friendship... freindship at work... great!
The wind is to strong for him :)
When you're high AF but you have a NATO meeting at 5
What are you trying to say?
Dyramesch Nothing. He just wants to be cool and get some likes..
He wants to say that no high-profile meeting is a barrier to get drunk.
More like when you invested too much willpower money and time in organising thr destructiin of Europe as a people and culture.
Drunk junk
Leute passt auf, dass ihr am Wochenende nicht so übertrieben feiert, sonst quält euch auch der "Ischias" :-D
Wenn der Kater so heißt...
His public behaviour has been reprehensible for years but he is protected as he does the work of the establishment.
Imagine the mileage the mainstream media would make out of this if he
were somehow on the Leave side of the argument! It would be all over BBC
and Channel Four.
Damn this will be a big story tomorrow across europe. How embarrasing it is that the president of EU cant stay sober during such an important meeting. He need to go.
Well, it is NOT. Not in Italy, at least.
No mention of this on the major papers or TV broadcast. Surprise, surprise.
If I go in such a state to work they would immediately fire me... as a tax payer I expect the same treatment for Juncker.
This is really a show. We are in very good hands people.
When you come back from a Friday night and one of your mates has had too much to drink.
And this is in a position that effects millions of ppl
He had to drink, he was scared of meeting with Trump
this actually seems quite likely. So this is what we got as a result of one's clown visit, another one exposing himself
Today's European Union at its finest
Juncker probably is nostalgic on Brezhnev. ua-cam.com/video/V6Qy1JLurCI/v-deo.html
Appears drunk if anyone else did that at work they would be dismissed
I though only politicians from my country are crazy I was wrong 🤣🤣🤣
The music Stromae's "Alors On Danse" fit perfectly for Jean-Claude walking :)
This is how EU looks like
As far as I'm concerned our country is huge beneficiary of EU budget and the whole integration process in general. Furthermore, EU is constantly reformed, there is no one easy way to meet all interests of each country.
Juncker is drunk, it's obvious, disgusting and disgracefull, I'm sure he will pay consegences for that. But! His behaviour has nothing to do with quality and condition of EU. You should be proud of being part of EU, unless you are uneducated moron or russian troll.
You forgot the american idiots
Looks like FUUUUNNNN !:)))
Dawid Machaj
Yes: EU leaders helping someone who is struggling with pain but showed up nevertheless to do his job. That IS what the EU is: collaboration and helping eachother.
Are you an idiot, or are you just playing it?
The old duffer is pissed out of his head after yet another bout with the brandy bottle. I heard a lame excuse that his sciatica was troubling him - nonsense-I am76 and have sciatica and it doesn't make me act like that. Another give-away of his inebriation is his kissing and embracing all and sundry.
Bruce Maclennan touchy feally bastard at best of times
Who on Earth voted for the old boozer?
Oh yeah, nobody...
merkel ask juncker-how much did you drink?Is any one else drunk like you?Juncker: today I've drink only with Jack Daniels.
Juncker is definitely drunk (once again). What pisses me off are media stating that he is ill but somehow managed to make it for the meeting (what a hero!). We are not stupid, the guy is a alcoholist and shouldn't have such an important job.
Mattia Santangelo Communist propaganda like the cccp used to be. I call it fake news
Mattia Santangelo that’s what we in the USA call “fake news”
This is marxist style. The same was in USSR.
The media just repeats what Junkers said he had. They would be bad media if they didn't mention that. Junker said he has health issues, obviously he wouldn't admit alcohol use. Newspapers are there to represent not to judge.
geronimo Think about if it was Trump. Before teling that media is soo neutral.
EU at it's finest...Lord help us all now! He's completely trashed.
If I wouldd ever go to work this drunk i would be fired on the spot.
The look Trump had to Juncker at 1:55. PRICELESS. it's like "and I'm the bad guy"
There is no legal procedure to check if this man is under alcohole influence?It's a shame,to see high rank official representing EU in such state.....and it's not his first time!!!
Jesus Christ...
He has severe back problems. That was the issue.
Yeah I plan of having some severe back problems tonight as well.
My dear proud fellow Europeans. This is EU. *This is you.* Enjoy.
An Alcoholic piloting the plane?
covergold - at least he is not in charge of nuclear weapon.
Asia Grabowska He doesnot need any nuclear weapons, he and his corrupted EU are toxic enough...
2:54 Viktor Orban ,,Like a boss,, :D
FCVP71 Orban is the Best. Juncker is a fucking drunk Bastard
That's Poroshenko
CBTheMechanic Orban wears a green tie.
What did he do 'like a boss'? I didn't see anything special LOL
being boss, cuz he can walk correctly? I from Hungary and hes corrupt too. BUT much less than western european leaders. he deny refugees, cuz he wanted to elected again.
And this guys makes the laws we have to observe.....THINK ABOUT....and then they point the fingers on people, when they complain against their foolish laws, treating them of populists.....and this man went to negotiate trades agreements with Trump on behalf of Europe......and no one objected ? I must be in a nightmare....
Es ist nicht mehr auszuhalten!!!!! Dexit!!!!!
Und ein Nexit bitte.
M R Wir können ja zusammen Was machen ;)
Schulter an Schulter.
Auf gleicher Augenhöhe.
M R Schönes Wochende...Hier noch Was zum "Lachen" ua-cam.com/video/3w72zhEUhqI/v-deo.html
1:55 😀
I want to know what Trump is thinking at this moment about the EU
yes I caught the way he looked at juncker and moved on swiftly!
He's propably thinking how CNN and other liberal propaganda would treat him, if he presented himself in a disgusting way as Juncker did.
Trump doesn't drink.
Do you really think Trump has the ability to think?
Marcio de la Getto ...Trump doesnt touch alcohol since his elder brother died because of it dude.
Jeltsin is back!
My first think too, but sorry, but Boris had much more Live & charisma in his drunken body as the whole EU -REGIME- 4th-REICH incl. all Traitors & democRATs! GODSPEED.
...and he was elected by his people.
N3eur0 Yeltsin was funny when he drank, this guy is a disaster!!!!
get fired for drinking at work!!!!!!
it was the Kremlin-Vodka
This is European Union. This is the leader. Complete decadence.
László Horváth give us back the money then
1:58 Polish President have a lot of laughs XD
central Europe knows who Mr. Duda is.
Zielona Papuga, Ty też widocznie coś piłeś :P
lay off soroš media.
Norway and all of Scandinavia also certainly know who Mr Duda is and Mr Kaczynski for that matter too! Mr Kaczynski, Mr Duda and Mr Orban are our defenders of western civilisation in Europe.
Trump pulls Melania away from the drunk letch
Hold him to account and remove him!! ....🤔 oh yeh, we can’t
Too many of our seniors can't even get someone to bring them a glass of water.
Oh der arme, hat bestimmt zu viel Gartenarbeit gemacht 😉.
Einen wohlgesonnenen Gruß in die Welt 👍🏼
Juncker's NATO summit: 🍺🍷🍷🍺🍾🍺🤪🤮😴
Augsburger Puppenkiste.Wahnsinn
als Augsburger muss ich entschieden gegen diesen Vergleich protestieren
The EU octopus.... what an drunken machinery !!!
Let him knock the ground and just leave him there.
We all deserve a new Europe!
Now we have a Jelzin of our own :D
Die ganze Veranstaltung wirkt irgendwie gruselig
Jean Claude Drunker
Just Clown Drunker
..Doctor..why my hands are shaking so much?
-Maybe..you drink to much?
-To much? Now way..half of each drink ends on the floor..
The only 'back' problem he suffers from is knocking too many 'back'.
Glad to see what our hard working tax dollars go towards.
Dollars ? And still the bexity idiots didn't notice and voted for your comment , easy to fool the Prats isn't it ? Still we knew that !
Only the very best booze for them. Water for the rest of us!
Like Boris Jelzin...
What a shame! He should be immediately sacked for being drunk at work as anyone else!
A forklift driver drinks a beer before the shift, gets a random check and he is fired by midday. A politician stumbles acrosd and gets escorted by 10 other politicians publicly, is ok. After all he wasn't drunk, just dizzy from the heat... Joke. Should be banned from politics, for like forever.
Les chariots élévateurs sont dangereux, aucunes comparaisons, mais il devrait être banni de la politique, je suis d'accord :-)
As far as I can see, he treated his back pain with alcohol. :DDD
BTW my back hurts too... must have some more beer...
Das ist die EU, total besoffen!
I think Juncker was pissing himself, while standing there with his legs opened
So einer kassiert EU Gelder....jeder Beamte der sich so verhalten würde, wäre entlassen worden!
He like LSD, Joints, Drugs and rock roll. In Germany we call him Mr. Alcoholic Wodka Gorbatschow.
High as a kite. Pathetic. He's fired.
Why do all of them tolerate such scandalous behaviour?
because if he falls, they all fall
Ko Cho so they can all stay on the gravy train and we should drag them out and string them up...treasonous bastards
Because they get good money from us. So they keep their mouth shut (and keep the breath while the boozehound is kissing them)...
Because they know he is not drunk- but has Problems with his Ischias...
Jonas Reichert Drunk
Wie peinlich, kein Wunder dass die EU ausgelacht wird mit solch einem Repräsentanten.
this video makes me so proud my Croatia joined EU. and it took us years to get to these "western standards"!
Good luck for Sunday!
Ty man.
One miserable enemy for Germany and for Europa !!!
Have a drink, have a drink, have a drink on... Mr. Juncker. Some day soon he `ll be an inmate in a mental home!
Perfekt EU Portrait
"Wir beschließen etwas, stellen das dann in den Raum und warten einige Zeit ab, was passiert. Wenn es dann kein großes Geschrei gibt und keine Aufstände, weil die meisten gar nicht begreifen, was da beschlossen wurde, dann machen wir weiter - Schritt für Schritt, bis es kein Zurück mehr gibt." - Zitat Jean-Claude Jucker 1999
Daniel Pütz Wir trinken und warten ab was passiert, wenn niemand was merkt, trinken wir weiter, bis es kein Zurück gibt. 😁
Er ist ein schlechtes Vorbild😨😞😲😩
manipulierte hostie Wir brauchen keine Politiker, die sich berauschen. Egal ob legal, oder illegal. Wie kann so einer Politik betreiben? Er erscheint betrunken bei der Arbeit. Ich bekäme dafür eine Abmahnung! Junker hat sich damit disqualifiziert. Ihm fehlt es an Disziplin, Charakter und Vorbildfunktion.
Junker is drunk as a sailor
Cheers mate !!! 🍸🍺🍻🍷🍹
Ha ha, anyone else would be sacked for being intoxicated at work! Its not as if they haven't got anything important to do that might need a clear mind. Oh wait... Aren't these the people governing Europe?
Helping one of your mates home from a night out on a Saturday.
Craig Brexit. Mass migration all makes sense now! Merkel- what shall we do about mass migration Mr junker? Junkers blathered response- yeah its sound, let em all in! The more the merrier.
Der Onkel von Schulz. Die haben die Sucht und den Größenwahn gemeinsam