The gold glinted in the dirt. I reached for it in the midst of a field of carnage. _Why must it always end this way?_ A flash of memory: another field, another time, another glint of gold. We'd been locked in this endless battle since time began. Continually reincarnating, constantly seeking to gain the upper hand. Oceans of red spilling in our struggle for domination. For now, I was once again the victor. "Until we meet again, brother," I whispered to the blood on the crown.
E o legenda tristă, muzica redă tensiunea, lupta , voința de nestăpânit și dorința de a ajunge încoronat cu această coroană indiferent cum ,chiar și prin mârșăvie. Finalul îl știm ...vărsarea sângelui inocent
The gold glinted in the dirt. I reached for it in the midst of a field of carnage.
_Why must it always end this way?_
A flash of memory: another field, another time, another glint of gold.
We'd been locked in this endless battle since time began. Continually reincarnating, constantly seeking to gain the upper hand. Oceans of red spilling in our struggle for domination.
For now, I was once again the victor.
"Until we meet again, brother," I whispered to the blood on the crown.
Awesome mix. Listening to this while doing code reviews and this music makes me feel like this code will save the world! Lol!
Code red for, 🩸BLOOD ON THE CROWN 👉👑
This is my new favorite compilation I think... every single song is just mindblowingly superb
So beautiful. The hard and fast then the beautiful slow rebuild❤
Gracias gracias hermoso, inspiradora musica ❤❤❤❤
Fantastic music !
E o legenda tristă, muzica redă tensiunea, lupta , voința de nestăpânit și dorința de a ajunge încoronat cu această coroană indiferent cum ,chiar și prin mârșăvie. Finalul îl știm ...vărsarea sângelui inocent
Master piece
Спасибо! 🙏💕 Я просто без ума, это превосходно.
The kingdom falls 9:00
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Sometimes the King have the crown spilled with blood
Ты молодец!!!!@ 💕
This reminds me of Macbeth.
can you share the live wallpaper
"Lust of Power" feels very Tron: Legacy.
the blood stays on the blade
True true or us it... 1:16 @shadow_mage
Leaving blood on the blade would erode and dull the blade over time.
@@Zeaiclies it's a quote from Gangs of New York
I know.
I was telling you the science against do it. lol