I was born with a job that I failed at (babies don't fix broken marriages); I'm the black sheep of the Generation X and of my family, if I had feelings it might hurt, or I might actually give a fuck when mothra says "You'll never own Your own place, learn to accept it." Look at me not giving a fuck and scheming to do it . . .
@@timrankin8737 so tell me... what problems have you solved? Gen X are in the roughly 40-60 age band... ie, most of our managers and political leaders. Yet the country looks like somebody put Courtney Love and Reverend Jim in charge of things. So again, what problems are you shlt-talkers solving?
Speaking of hustling, I started playing pool at 9, and got really good. Started collecting money by 12. Mom asked me, how'd I make my money and I told her I get paid for playing pool. I didn't even know why they were giving me money, but they were and I didn't question it. Lol As an adult, I knew what I was doing. However, my first job was babysitting other people's kids. I started that when I was 8. Four years out on the street, from dawn til past dusk, really forced me to grow up. So by 8, I knew how to take care of others in an emergency, cause no one was there for me.
Yes, we are the missing generation because we don't want to be found. Just leave us alone. But thanks for thinking about us, it means a lot. At least someone is thinking about us because our parents sure as hell didn't.
Exactly! I hear people say that they were working or really busy. Ummm, unlike now? Seriously? Nope. I heard that when we were 18 we were out. And I question why I was so messed up in my twenties. Because I had ZERO guidance.
Still here trying to get out of burning pyre America! Sry if this offends anyone but I’m so tired and over it all in this country….need out! I’m tired of hustling, taking care of others, being payed garbage in crap jobs, just done with it ALL! I felt like I was 30 when I was 8 and 80 when I was 20. By now I’m about as old as a vampire in done too much, seen too much I shouldn’t have, and been through too much over the years.
@@zofiajaneczek184 not me. I won’t be chased out of the country my Papa fought in WWII for. I will stand and fight to save the United States. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Started learning to cook and do laundry at 5. Took care of siblings, cousins, etc. starting at 7. Started taking care of elderly relatives, and friends of the family in my early teens. Got my first paying job at 12. Left home at 18.
51F- I remember standing on a chair to wash dishes. I had my own lawn business at age 12. I started my first corporation job at McDonald’s at age 15 and fully funded all of my school clothes, personal expenses, and eventually my car and insurance. By the time I was 18 I knew more about business and budgeting than most 30 year olds today.
Yep. I paid my dues and moved into a little cabin in the woods. I'll still watch the grandchildren, but on my schedule. There are no words to reflect the amount of peace that I have found being responsible for only myself and taking care of my own messes and nobody else's.
Where's GenX currently staring straight at the ages our parents retired with full benefits and realizing we are in no way a decade from retirement that includes country wide trips, boats, and multiple campers let alone the 55 some of our parents retired at. GenX got all the responsibility but none of the authority for most of our lives. We're tired, we're still angry, and we're fed up. We are not the generation of "slackers" we are the generation who spends so much time cleaning up other generations messes we don't have time to mind our own.
I prefer being "forgotten" since it means I'm not asked to continually do shit for others. I'm 55 and have been doing shit for others for 50 years. I'm done and happy to be ignored and forgotten. 😁
Same here. Most of us Gen Xers and older millennials overseas have our families to think about, not that we're not aware of everything going on around us. I prefer not to be part of a clique, to be honest.
I will also be 55 this year, 1969 Gen X. Honestly hope I can get to the forgotten stage. I am a caregiver and on top of that am constantly being asked to help others in my family and friend group. I like the sound of being left alone. How did y’all get there? 😎
Responsible? Don't look like that when I walk out into the real world. Or, are you suggesting that Generation X aren't any of our managers, executives or political leaders?
Amen to that sister! We were helping, working, raising our siblings they wouldn't let us rest there was always something for us to do by our adult parents. I'm tired and doing my own thing now. We don't do drama you take your little sensitive ass elsewhere been there done that now we get to live! Life is pain you just get used to it and you deal with it that's how we Gen-X-ers did it.
If the typical boomer works about 35 years before they can retire, then I've past that mark 15 years ago. Started working at 8, getting paid to babysit other people's kids, and now I'm 51. I should have already been retired. I am finally taking time for me though, and trying to heal.
My parents used me as child labor. Been working my ass off since I was 7 years old on the Tree farm. I'm fucking tired. I never really had a childhood.
@@wendysuper4186 My family came from farm workers and the girls had to do everything that's where I rebelled! I told my mom once I'm tired of being the cook, the maid and the damn landscaper! I butted heads with my mom about my brothers not pulling their weight! She always sided with them that was my culture spoil the boys the girls work hard and do everything.
Somebody got offended by "Latch Key Kids" which is truly what our generation is. We are the original test dummies, that is the reason the next 3 gens have the rules in place they have.
Yep! I have worked in some form or another since I was 12. Also had chores at home and moved out on my own at 17. Was a mom at 20. Became a stay at home mom at 28 but I still worked…babysat, ran my kids all over the place, etc. Have homeschooled my two youngest for the past 13 years. My husband and I are contractors and work together. I’m a grandma now and I actually look forward to watching my grandkids because I can tell my husband “sorry, I can’t work today, I have to watch the grandkids” LOL Then again my daughter doesn’t take advantage of the free babysitting. Most of the times I have watched the kids it was for appointments, not leisure. I raised that girl right.
Family gatherings. I was the oldest female grandchild. My mom told me I had to help clean up after the meals, and I did, for twenty fucking years. Watching the other grandkids sit around and do nothing. Forgive me if the thought of family gatherings don't perk the same response that it does for you. It just meant work for me. And a slow brewing anger that has led to me not going to family events now that my parents are dead. I am not your maid.
I'm not fond of family gatherings, myself. A few years ago, I started noticing how one of my older male paternal cousins just let his kids not come to Friday lunch, when their paternal grandparents said to come. If my sisters and I pull that nonsense, my parents would have never heard the end of the complaints, criticisms, etc.
As a boomer, I raised my kids a lot more lenient than I was raised. My parents were from the Greatest gen and the Silent generation. Dad was a lot older than Mom. But they l8ved through the Depression. I wanted my kids to know how to care for themselves and their families. Thats why I started so young teaching them so young. But when chores were done we were having fun. I think all of you turned out pretty great.
And we raised our kids and now we care for you in your declining years with full knowledge that Social Security will be bankrupt and our 401K's will be lost in the next Great Depression/ World War that your vainglorious attitudes and grasping leadership will inevitably bring. We face our maturity with the full knowledge that the future generations will not care one wit about our comfort and will be eager for our demise. Thank you for your kind words. Pat yourself on the back for a job done.
God Bless!!! I had to work so hard for ZERO money because 'family'. Nobody helped me for free, that family mentally fell away when Gen X grew up and got a voice.
Touche'!!!! Preach it !!! Once again Sherrie,very well said!! You represent our generation with such spunk and class!!! Thank for being our voice of reason and putting hatersi n their place!!!
Damn right we've worked hard we've paid our dues and now we want to enjoy the fruits of our labors and if pushed we may be older but unlike this younger generation we have the ability step up and rise to the occasion rather than throwing tantrums
"I was born in New York City on a Monday. It seems I was out shining shoes about Tuesday noon." - James Brown. I was a paperboy when I turned 12 and have pretty much stayed working ever since.
Told my SIL when our daughter announced she was expecting, and he started talking we could watch the kids. I'll help out, but no one except their dad & I raised our kids so don't look at me like I'm going to raise yours. I'm going to be grandma, not momma #2. I did my duty, if you chose to bring kids into this world that means you're willing to sign up for what it takes to raise them.
AMEN!!! You just described my entire life!!! Thank God. I felt like the only one out there. I am SO tired. Tired of managing everything around me and doing everything myself. I have spent the last few years trying to unwind and relax. I have handed over the reigns to other people regarding animal rescue, managing a community, helping others, working, fixing things, volunteering, managing a household, etc. I realized I can't do it anymore and keep the pace. I'm tired. I want to retire. And I don't feel guilty anymore. It's somebody else's turn to pick up the slack because I'm drained and done! The other thing I've had to get used to is accepting help from others. I'm so used to doing everything myself but I can't anymore.
Amen! I had a bunch of chores as a kid. Mowed the yard with a lawnmower with only 3 wheels! I was 10! First job at 15. It would kill these kids if they had to do half of what I had to do.
What a wussy. Lawnmower? I wish. I had to cut the grass with scissors... those little blunt ones they give you in kindergarten. Plus I had to eat the trimmings.
@@oakmaiden2133 Yeah... Her whole clip was just whining about her Mom not taking her kids for the entire weekend to go party. I've seen the whole clip about Gen X being selfish. She's entitled and crazy.
@@lorireed8046 I think you're talking about the wrong video. Gen X'ers don't do that. We are over-givers and we are fucking TIRED now from doing everything for everyone else. We need a break! So step up to the plate and do your own work!
@@wendysuper4186 Hmm that's what I said . The clip (entire video) was the lady complaining about how her Gen X mother wasn't babysitting weekends so the real Mom of the kids could go party. I saw this entire video before not just this cut version.
Damn right we’re tired. Think that’s gonna stop us from fixing the truck and doing the yard work and house work on Saturday? Nah, have that coffee, pop the ibuprofen, and get that shit done.
Yeah, I was almost fired for not ordering paper. Thankfully my supervisor threw in for me and I started my 1st career there. She tossed the book on my desk, and I started learning from it.
You are awesome! I started working at age 11 in my parents print shop, cut the grass and the neighbors for free, and made macrame necklaces to sell. Made my first pot of chili in elementary school.
Ayyyyeeee!!! I love this for us!!! This has made me laugh and cry all at once…can’t much in this world squeeze me like this. You nailed this. Many thx Lady S!!!
Don’t forget those of us taking care of boomers, millennials and Zers with a couple Alphas thrown in the mix. We are still taking care of everyone while being ignored and now they want to ask where we are? In the background taking care of business like we always have been.
Every year I'm asked what I want for my birthday. Every year I ask for an empty house so I can have complete silence and no responsibilities but myself. I'll be 50 soon and haven't received it yet.😂
💯 I didn't realize it's a generational thing, cleaning up others' messes. My first career was that, and I left bc of it. Only to take my 2nd career in guess what? Cleaning up others' messes, only in a different industry. My word, even my personal life is cleaning up others' messes. I need a cocktail. 🍹🧉🍶
We basically mastered the art of going unnoticed to such perfection since our earliest days of childhood that it's become second nature to us. We don't try to hide in plain sight we just do it naturally.
We are the forgotten generation, people only think about "boomers" and "millennials". Very rarely do they bring up "GenX'ers". We like it that way. We get to sit quietly and watch everything that's going on. We sit and watch the world burn. The "boomers" started the fire and the "millennials" are fanning the flames.
I like to explain it by the example of youth services/centers at the time... the societal wave of change. Boomers we could argue were the first real teens and young adults, this transition period between youth and adulthood, and this required extensive investment... young adulthood especially being the first generation to significantly move into higher education and trade schools... So, when we (jones/genx) were kids most of the youth services/centers were geared to boomer teens and young adults and to be fair, it was needed to fill in the gaps of public education that hadn't quite caught up as youth centers provided basic life skills and career training in addition to recreation, along with fulfilling the gaps of many of the radical sociocultural changes of the period, but by the time, we became teenagers, most of that was redirected towards millennial kids.. because divorced and/or both parents working became the norm. And our resentments are formed because largely an entire our jones/x generation was skipped over.. they didn't know what do with us, plus the ups and downs of the global market, meant we were in greater competition with our parents/guardians/elders for jobs and education... many industries went out and soon, you saw older adults taking over traditional youth jobs like paper routes and working as baggers, stockers, convenience clerks.. we also saw a lot more working adults returning to college or going to trade schools, and there many govts offered them incentives to retrain... which also meant, we were in competition for funding. Post baby boom, most of us (jones, x, elder millennial) were accident children and it showed.. gg/sg/bg many felt trapped by their kids by the time we came along, the older feeling like they failed even when they had more resources, advice on hand... the creation of the ideal, the nuclear family, was new, different from the past, more separated, more isolated from the extended branches as well as just friends, and that did lot of damage, let alone events of the eras and employment that took them away from home. for younger SG & BB you find many talking about themes of feeling like they had predetermined destiny and nobody was asking what they wanted, and there weren't really many examples of alternatives, open doors or even windows to peer thru... so, lot of their pop psych became focused on me, me, me - "I'm ok, you're ok" but reality being they weren't. self actualization became another theme - if you can dream it, you can be it... but hard to do when you're running on a hamster wheel and you've got dependents, be it young children or older parents (shorter life spans, more adverse health problems earlier on)... you find many that resented how they were raised, and in turn, that also came with how they raised their children... which in turn, we raised opposing or askew to that, and the cycle continues indefinitely, going forward or back. our themes were feeling like we didn't have any destiny, that we were minuscule in the expanse of the universe and choices, for myself and many of my peers, we just had to keep moving... when we stopped moving that's when trouble set in. Plus a past based in compartmentalization, which led to double, triple, quadruple lives.. where our parents might have been asking "what do I want" we had to dig deep down to answer "how do we feel" .. hence, where we're the most feeling is when it comes to the arts because that was our safe space for expression, where we could let the walls come down between the expectations we faced in each facet of our lives... we had masks for work, school, home, friends, wherever, whenever... we repress a lot. which is one reason why traditional therapy doesn't work so well for our crowd. . . alternative therapies, like parts work, recreation, creative is a generally more effective way to reach an X. . . coming at us from the side, distracting us with another task than going straight on to our game face. what was hard for the older gens to reach us was many tried to come back around when we became teens and young adults but after a feral childhood, it was too late to return to those roles... and truth, most of them came in too heavy handed... so, communication was shutdown from every angle. "8stops7 - Question Everything (Video)"
I got my first job at the age of 12. Also in that year I lied about my age so I could join the Army Cadets, I learned to shoot a Lee Enfield 303 and I started smoking! From there I turned feral! 🤘🏻😎🏴 GenX and proud of it.
oh yeah? Well I was changing my own diapers at 4 months old. I couldn't yet crawl, so had to roll to the kitchen to make my bottles. Even circumcised myself. Boy was that one PISSED OFF badger...
@@TheBorderRyker yeah and I expected people to believe mine. Good ol'Generation X. Getting butt-hurt and trying to look like badasses for over 50 years.
If people want you around, but you don't feel wanted, that means there's a problem there that needs attending. Sure, I like to kick my fellow Gen-X ers in the pants (I think I'm actually part of a yet-to-be recognized generation that preceded Gen X) but I have too many friends and relatives my age who are lonely, but putting on that fake-tough Gen X horseshlt facade instead of doing what Gen X PURPORTS TO BE GOOD AT... rolling up their sleeves and getting things done. I'm 57 and have ZERO Gen X friends except my knucklehead younger brothers Brady and Scotty. Nobody my age ever wants to leave the house. There's something wrong with them. They don't even want to be around other Gen-X ers. It's solitude that's starting to look too much like sociopathy.
I'm Gen X & this hit's different as it's on muthafckng point like nothing else & on a whole other level that JST THIS CONTENT is on all done w sheer perfection mic drop bitches. Luvs it!!! ❤❤❤❤❤🤓🤓🤓🤓
I'm an older millennial, and I can actually relate with you GenXers. When my brothers and I were growing up, we had chores from sun up until sun down (we had farm animals) as well as our schooling. God forbid any of us ever said we were bored. Our parents would find stuff for us to do 😂
Sweetie we are the unspoken word and NO, we are not looking to be the spoken word..don’t worry..we’re good..way wayyy wayyyy back there. Thanks for caring
I've reached the age where I'm happy to step back at work and watch these next generations navigate the work day. It's like watching a tornado blow overhead. Debris flying, ego's erupting, entitlement crying, rework getting reworked, and none of them can figure out why it's such a shit show. Meanwhile, I'm laying in the ditch giggling like I'm 12 again. Wish I was as smart as all them....when I was their age. Lol 😂
I just cooked breakfast food for dinner because I wanted it. I made a ham steak with hash browns and scrambled eggs. It was delicious and I cooked it. My husband was so happy to just get stuff we love to eat. You don’t have to have anything at a certain time when you get older. Eat what you want. Make your own rules
I can't remember a time where I wasn't making money, in elementary I shoveled snow, raked leaves, mowed lawns and I had a collection agency business in my neighborhood where I went every day and ran errands to get their lunches for money....early edition of skip the dishes I guess...lol..that was in like 79, 80 or so..I used to make about 5 dollars a day just doing that..I'm 56 now and still make money and will til the day they bury me...
These younger generations are clueless. I have worked since I was 14. I had my share of financial struggles. I’m tired of hearing the younger ones say, they are struggling and can’t make it. They can make it, just not living the lifestyle they are accustomed to compliments of their parents. You cannot start out in life at the same position your parents are in. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up! Stop acting they deserve a trust fund.
There is considerably less of us. Our parents had newly approved methods to prevent us or to kick us out pre-term. The rest tried the third option of leaving us outside all day unattended. ✌🏻❤
Hell yah! Oooo silence…music to my old at gen x ears….oh wait I’m funkin deaf now that’s what it is. Or am I just to the point I tune absolutely everything out? Idk 😂😂😂
As a Gen Xer, I can relate to some of the things that the Real Slim Sherri has experienced. I've lived in a region where there have been wars, I've babysat my sisters and learned through trial by error, I've applied to colleges during my senior year of high school as though I knew I would graduate and go to college, and the only subject I asked for help with a homework assignment was with math (i.e., word problems using algebra), etc.
You’re wonderful, I never thought anything of influences until I found you enjoy everything that you say because you’re right Eddie from the UK🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 God bless you
Gen X/ A Ignored and forgotten species. When we act the way we feel and not the way sociaty expects us to act ( because of our age ) we are looked upon as strange and possibly of need of therapy. Its lonely to be ignored and forgotten. Its refreshing to see you enjoying your life the way you feel and not the way people think you should act, and I say " screw anyone who doesn't GET IT" " !!!!!! 💋❤❤❤❤❤👍
Hell yeah!
I'm exhausted and if your name is drama, be gone!!!
Coming from the generation that can't complain about the price of tea in China loud enough...
Hell, we been hustling since before WE knew what hustling meant.
Hustling that is just a normal Gen X way of getting sh%t done. We're the problem solvers. The firemen. The ones u come too when SHTF .
I was born with a job that I failed at (babies don't fix broken marriages); I'm the black sheep of the Generation X and of my family, if I had feelings it might hurt, or I might actually give a fuck when mothra says "You'll never own Your own place, learn to accept it." Look at me not giving a fuck and scheming to do it . . .
@@timrankin8737 so tell me... what problems have you solved? Gen X are in the roughly 40-60 age band... ie, most of our managers and political leaders. Yet the country looks like somebody put Courtney Love and Reverend Jim in charge of things.
So again, what problems are you shlt-talkers solving?
Speaking of hustling, I started playing pool at 9, and got really good. Started collecting money by 12. Mom asked me, how'd I make my money and I told her I get paid for playing pool. I didn't even know why they were giving me money, but they were and I didn't question it. Lol
As an adult, I knew what I was doing.
However, my first job was babysitting other people's kids. I started that when I was 8.
Four years out on the street, from dawn til past dusk, really forced me to grow up. So by 8, I knew how to take care of others in an emergency, cause no one was there for me.
Yes, we are the missing generation because we don't want to be found. Just leave us alone.
But thanks for thinking about us, it means a lot. At least someone is thinking about us because our parents sure as hell didn't.
Absolutely! You said it!
Amen to that!
My parents still don't. When they notice I needed help, and they do... its always a set up to make it worse for me and best for their ego,'s.
Too true. Maybe it should have been Gen Afterthought. "oh yeah, and the boy, what was his name?" ;)
Exactly! I hear people say that they were working or really busy. Ummm, unlike now? Seriously? Nope. I heard that when we were 18 we were out. And I question why I was so messed up in my twenties. Because I had ZERO guidance.
But it’s sweet she’s asking about us!! “It’s 2024, do you know where Gen X at?”
Touché! 😂
We're at home, avoiding ppl, minding our own business, lol.
I love her speaking skills.
Still here trying to get out of burning pyre America! Sry if this offends anyone but I’m so tired and over it all in this country….need out! I’m tired of hustling, taking care of others, being payed garbage in crap jobs, just done with it ALL! I felt like I was 30 when I was 8 and 80 when I was 20. By now I’m about as old as a vampire in done too much, seen too much I shouldn’t have, and been through too much over the years.
@@zofiajaneczek184 not me. I won’t be chased out of the country my Papa fought in WWII for. I will stand and fight to save the United States. 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Started learning to cook and do laundry at 5. Took care of siblings, cousins, etc. starting at 7. Started taking care of elderly relatives, and friends of the family in my early teens. Got my first paying job at 12. Left home at 18.
You're not Generation X. You're PWT. Big difference.
Our Gen doesn’t need to hear this but I have to say I love you keep spitting that gospel sister 😂
51F- I remember standing on a chair to wash dishes. I had my own lawn business at age 12. I started my first corporation job at McDonald’s at age 15 and fully funded all of my school clothes, personal expenses, and eventually my car and insurance. By the time I was 18 I knew more about business and budgeting than most 30 year olds today.
So truuuuue…lol it all started with a lemonade stand haha. Bitches be gone!, we got this.
Our hide and seek skills will NEVER be defeated!!!
*Bigfoot has entered the chat*
Yes! 😆
People Who Asked: 0
Gen X: Our hide & seek skills will never be defeated! T-shirt 👕❤
Yep. I paid my dues and moved into a little cabin in the woods. I'll still watch the grandchildren, but on my schedule. There are no words to reflect the amount of peace that I have found being responsible for only myself and taking care of my own messes and nobody else's.
i built my own car out of Legos and an Etch-A-Sketch.
Ahhh sounds blissful!
@@Random_847 It is. It really is.
I can't wait to do that!! I've been thinking about living the same way!! My Grandparents moved and lived like that long ago.
Where's GenX currently staring straight at the ages our parents retired with full benefits and realizing we are in no way a decade from retirement that includes country wide trips, boats, and multiple campers let alone the 55 some of our parents retired at. GenX got all the responsibility but none of the authority for most of our lives. We're tired, we're still angry, and we're fed up. We are not the generation of "slackers" we are the generation who spends so much time cleaning up other generations messes we don't have time to mind our own.
Boom shakalaka.
"All the responsibility, none of the authority"
Nailed it
I prefer being "forgotten" since it means I'm not asked to continually do shit for others. I'm 55 and have been doing shit for others for 50 years. I'm done and happy to be ignored and forgotten. 😁
Same here. Most of us Gen Xers and older millennials overseas have our families to think about, not that we're not aware of everything going on around us. I prefer not to be part of a clique, to be honest.
THIS, this, this, and this. A freaking MEN.
Exactly 💯. I'm 55 too.
Same here!!
I will also be 55 this year, 1969 Gen X. Honestly hope I can get to the forgotten stage. I am a caregiver and on top of that am constantly being asked to help others in my family and friend group. I like the sound of being left alone. How did y’all get there? 😎
Absolutely. 100%. Thank you, from a 1966 model. You said it so perfectly. We're fkkn tired of being, "the responsible ones."
Responsible? Don't look like that when I walk out into the real world. Or, are you suggesting that Generation X aren't any of our managers, executives or political leaders?
Amen to that sister! We were helping, working, raising our siblings they wouldn't let us rest there was always something for us to do by our adult parents. I'm tired and doing my own thing now. We don't do drama you take your little sensitive ass elsewhere been there done that now we get to live! Life is pain you just get used to it and you deal with it that's how we Gen-X-ers did it.
If the typical boomer works about 35 years before they can retire, then I've past that mark 15 years ago. Started working at 8, getting paid to babysit other people's kids, and now I'm 51. I should have already been retired. I am finally taking time for me though, and trying to heal.
My parents used me as child labor. Been working my ass off since I was 7 years old on the Tree farm. I'm fucking tired. I never really had a childhood.
@@wendysuper4186 My family came from farm workers and the girls had to do everything that's where I rebelled! I told my mom once I'm tired of being the cook, the maid and the damn landscaper! I butted heads with my mom about my brothers not pulling their weight! She always sided with them that was my culture spoil the boys the girls work hard and do everything.
Somebody got offended by "Latch Key Kids" which is truly what our generation is. We are the original test dummies, that is the reason the next 3 gens have the rules in place they have.
Millennials I know get confused when I say I was a latchkey kid. "What's that?"
Yep! I have worked in some form or another since I was 12. Also had chores at home and moved out on my own at 17. Was a mom at 20. Became a stay at home mom at 28 but I still worked…babysat, ran my kids all over the place, etc. Have homeschooled my two youngest for the past 13 years. My husband and I are contractors and work together. I’m a grandma now and I actually look forward to watching my grandkids because I can tell my husband “sorry, I can’t work today, I have to watch the grandkids” LOL
Then again my daughter doesn’t take advantage of the free babysitting. Most of the times I have watched the kids it was for appointments, not leisure. I raised that girl right.
Omg... you're so right. We started working so young, and now we gotta babysit the grandkids....WHEN do we get to rest, lol.
Pfft. You're a spoiled princess. I went to work at the steel mill with my Dad when I was 2.
Gen X... we are what is actually keeping everything afloat. Gex X isn't the Forgotten Generation, we are the missing fu**ing link.
Family gatherings. I was the oldest female grandchild. My mom told me I had to help clean up after the meals, and I did, for twenty fucking years. Watching the other grandkids sit around and do nothing. Forgive me if the thought of family gatherings don't perk the same response that it does for you. It just meant work for me. And a slow brewing anger that has led to me not going to family events now that my parents are dead. I am not your maid.
I'm not fond of family gatherings, myself. A few years ago, I started noticing how one of my older male paternal cousins just let his kids not come to Friday lunch, when their paternal grandparents said to come. If my sisters and I pull that nonsense, my parents would have never heard the end of the complaints, criticisms, etc.
As another female Gen Xer (1977), Sherri, I LOVE YOU!
As a boomer, I raised my kids a lot more lenient than I was raised. My parents were from the Greatest gen and the Silent generation. Dad was a lot older than Mom. But they l8ved through the Depression. I wanted my kids to know how to care for themselves and their families. Thats why I started so young teaching them so young. But when chores were done we were having fun. I think all of you turned out pretty great.
And we raised our kids and now we care for you in your declining years with full knowledge that Social Security will be bankrupt and our 401K's will be lost in the next Great Depression/ World War that your vainglorious attitudes and grasping leadership will inevitably bring. We face our maturity with the full knowledge that the future generations will not care one wit about our comfort and will be eager for our demise.
Thank you for your kind words. Pat yourself on the back for a job done.
God Bless!!! I had to work so hard for ZERO money because 'family'. Nobody helped me for free, that family mentally fell away when Gen X grew up and got a voice.
Touche'!!!! Preach it !!! Once again Sherrie,very well said!! You represent our generation with such spunk and class!!! Thank for being our voice of reason and putting hatersi n their place!!!
Gen X 1972, absolutely and we love the quiet 😊
Thanks for another entirely accurate video. You know me better than I know my Gen X self.
Thank you so much. We invented the hustle and staying invisible while doing it. 😊
Damn right we've worked hard we've paid our dues and now we want to enjoy the fruits of our labors and if pushed we may be older but unlike this younger generation we have the ability step up and rise to the occasion rather than throwing tantrums
"I was born in New York City on a Monday. It seems I was out shining shoes about Tuesday noon." - James Brown. I was a paperboy when I turned 12 and have pretty much stayed working ever since.
This statement is so true, my mother asked my father one time to get a dishwasher and his statement was, "Why when we got two of them"..😂
Told my SIL when our daughter announced she was expecting, and he started talking we could watch the kids. I'll help out, but no one except their dad & I raised our kids so don't look at me like I'm going to raise yours. I'm going to be grandma, not momma #2. I did my duty, if you chose to bring kids into this world that means you're willing to sign up for what it takes to raise them.
Haha! Excellent! 😄 Put him in his place, did ya? 😁
Your so right. We work our AS- off. And really still do ,because because slot of younger people don't work. And live of their parents.
AMEN!!! You just described my entire life!!! Thank God. I felt like the only one out there. I am SO tired. Tired of managing everything around me and doing everything myself. I have spent the last few years trying to unwind and relax. I have handed over the reigns to other people regarding animal rescue, managing a community, helping others, working, fixing things, volunteering, managing a household, etc. I realized I can't do it anymore and keep the pace. I'm tired. I want to retire. And I don't feel guilty anymore. It's somebody else's turn to pick up the slack because I'm drained and done! The other thing I've had to get used to is accepting help from others. I'm so used to doing everything myself but I can't anymore.
Amen! I had a bunch of chores as a kid. Mowed the yard with a lawnmower with only 3 wheels! I was 10! First job at 15. It would kill these kids if they had to do half of what I had to do.
What a wussy. Lawnmower? I wish. I had to cut the grass with scissors... those little blunt ones they give you in kindergarten. Plus I had to eat the trimmings.
I was born in Bmore and what ur saying is absolutely,WORD! WE DON'T PLAY...
The girl was all mad about her gen x parent not being her kid's parent. That was her whole whining . LoL 😂
Aaah what?😮
@@oakmaiden2133 Yeah... Her whole clip was just whining about her Mom not taking her kids for the entire weekend to go party. I've seen the whole clip about Gen X being selfish. She's entitled and crazy.
@@lorireed8046 I think you're talking about the wrong video. Gen X'ers don't do that. We are over-givers and we are fucking TIRED now from doing everything for everyone else. We need a break! So step up to the plate and do your own work!
@@wendysuper4186 Hmm that's what I said . The clip (entire video) was the lady complaining about how her Gen X mother wasn't babysitting weekends so the real Mom of the kids could go party. I saw this entire video before not just this cut version.
Damn right we’re tired. Think that’s gonna stop us from fixing the truck and doing the yard work and house work on Saturday? Nah, have that coffee, pop the ibuprofen, and get that shit done.
My younger coworkers always called me "the make-it-happen guy" - shit man, in my day you cut the mustard or you took massive hell for it.
Yeah, I was almost fired for not ordering paper. Thankfully my supervisor threw in for me and I started my 1st career there. She tossed the book on my desk, and I started learning from it.
You are awesome! I started working at age 11 in my parents print shop, cut the grass and the neighbors for free, and made macrame necklaces to sell. Made my first pot of chili in elementary school.
Ayyyyeeee!!! I love this for us!!! This has made me laugh and cry all at once…can’t much in this world squeeze me like this. You nailed this. Many thx Lady S!!!
Damn straight!!!!!!
Preach Sister from a different mister!
Yaaasss! I just turned 57 and I'm still hustling! I run two businesses on my own and love it!
Don’t forget those of us taking care of boomers, millennials and Zers with a couple Alphas thrown in the mix. We are still taking care of everyone while being ignored and now they want to ask where we are? In the background taking care of business like we always have been.
Yes! That's why GenX is also called the Sandwich Gen. We've gotten lost among all that we do.
I have 1 millennial son (31), 2 gen z (20 & 17,) and a baby Gen Alpha (10)!!! 😂❤
with the way the country's being run, I'd say you've FAILED MISERABLY AT "taking care" of anything but yourselves.
Every year I'm asked what I want for my birthday. Every year I ask for an empty house so I can have complete silence and no responsibilities but myself. I'll be 50 soon and haven't received it yet.😂
I am glad I am not alone in this for my birthday and Christmas. All I want is peace and quiet.
How about a juice box and a coloring book instead? That would work for me
there's a word for that:
@@yossarian6799because they want to spend their birthday, the way they want to spend their birthday?
Speak the truth. We do exist and we are the GOAT.
Exactly! I'm done cleaning up other peoples messes!😂
yeah. It's always somebody _else's_ mess.... never your own. Funny, innit???
💯 I didn't realize it's a generational thing, cleaning up others' messes. My first career was that, and I left bc of it. Only to take my 2nd career in guess what? Cleaning up others' messes, only in a different industry. My word, even my personal life is cleaning up others' messes. I need a cocktail. 🍹🧉🍶
We basically mastered the art of going unnoticed to such perfection since our earliest days of childhood that it's become second nature to us. We don't try to hide in plain sight we just do it naturally.
OMG! I love this lady! 😂😂😂
As a gen x of advanced maternal age, i feel like 3 generations of motherhood rolled into one
My word that a lot. Thank you x 3.
We are the forgotten generation, people only think about "boomers" and "millennials". Very rarely do they bring up "GenX'ers". We like it that way. We get to sit quietly and watch everything that's going on. We sit and watch the world burn. The "boomers" started the fire and the "millennials" are fanning the flames.
You got that fucking right! 😂
And Gen X will put out the fire. You can count on that.
I like to explain it by the example of youth services/centers at the time... the societal wave of change.
Boomers we could argue were the first real teens and young adults, this transition period between youth and adulthood, and this required extensive investment... young adulthood especially being the first generation to significantly move into higher education and trade schools...
So, when we (jones/genx) were kids most of the youth services/centers were geared to boomer teens and young adults and to be fair, it was needed to fill in the gaps of public education that hadn't quite caught up as youth centers provided basic life skills and career training in addition to recreation, along with fulfilling the gaps of many of the radical sociocultural changes of the period, but by the time, we became teenagers, most of that was redirected towards millennial kids.. because divorced and/or both parents working became the norm. And our resentments are formed because largely an entire our jones/x generation was skipped over.. they didn't know what do with us, plus the ups and downs of the global market, meant we were in greater competition with our parents/guardians/elders for jobs and education... many industries went out and soon, you saw older adults taking over traditional youth jobs like paper routes and working as baggers, stockers, convenience clerks.. we also saw a lot more working adults returning to college or going to trade schools, and there many govts offered them incentives to retrain... which also meant, we were in competition for funding.
Post baby boom, most of us (jones, x, elder millennial) were accident children and it showed.. gg/sg/bg many felt trapped by their kids by the time we came along, the older feeling like they failed even when they had more resources, advice on hand... the creation of the ideal, the nuclear family, was new, different from the past, more separated, more isolated from the extended branches as well as just friends, and that did lot of damage, let alone events of the eras and employment that took them away from home. for younger SG & BB you find many talking about themes of feeling like they had predetermined destiny and nobody was asking what they wanted, and there weren't really many examples of alternatives, open doors or even windows to peer thru... so, lot of their pop psych became focused on me, me, me - "I'm ok, you're ok" but reality being they weren't. self actualization became another theme - if you can dream it, you can be it... but hard to do when you're running on a hamster wheel and you've got dependents, be it young children or older parents (shorter life spans, more adverse health problems earlier on)... you find many that resented how they were raised, and in turn, that also came with how they raised their children... which in turn, we raised opposing or askew to that, and the cycle continues indefinitely, going forward or back.
our themes were feeling like we didn't have any destiny, that we were minuscule in the expanse of the universe and choices, for myself and many of my peers, we just had to keep moving... when we stopped moving that's when trouble set in. Plus a past based in compartmentalization, which led to double, triple, quadruple lives.. where our parents might have been asking "what do I want" we had to dig deep down to answer "how do we feel" .. hence, where we're the most feeling is when it comes to the arts because that was our safe space for expression, where we could let the walls come down between the expectations we faced in each facet of our lives... we had masks for work, school, home, friends, wherever, whenever... we repress a lot. which is one reason why traditional therapy doesn't work so well for our crowd. . . alternative therapies, like parts work, recreation, creative is a generally more effective way to reach an X. . . coming at us from the side, distracting us with another task than going straight on to our game face.
what was hard for the older gens to reach us was many tried to come back around when we became teens and young adults but after a feral childhood, it was too late to return to those roles... and truth, most of them came in too heavy handed... so, communication was shutdown from every angle.
"8stops7 - Question Everything (Video)"
In all fairness, when we were stuck with that "X" in our generation name, it was already all over in that respect.
@@SmallSpoonBrigade so true.
I got my first job at the age of 12. Also in that year I lied about my age so I could join the Army Cadets, I learned to shoot a Lee Enfield 303 and I started smoking! From there I turned feral! 🤘🏻😎🏴
GenX and proud of it.
oh yeah? Well I was changing my own diapers at 4 months old. I couldn't yet crawl, so had to roll to the kitchen to make my bottles. Even circumcised myself. Boy was that one PISSED OFF badger...
@@yossarian6799 the difference is that my story is true. I really don’t give a sh!t whether you believe me or not.
@@TheBorderRyker yeah and I expected people to believe mine. Good ol'Generation X. Getting butt-hurt and trying to look like badasses for over 50 years.
@@yossarian6799 that’s me told. I wish I was as cool as you. 🙄
@@yossarian6799 you seem to have some problem?!
If you‘re so disgusted, why read the comments?! 😂
We are the middle child of generations and we like it that way.
Hell, we love being forgotten. I even change my number occasionally just to piss the kids off.
Thank you for remembering to bring up most of the crap jobs I forgot we did.
You are so right!!
Hell yeah😂. I've got trees and dogs and zero drama! Life is good 👍
This is my absolute favorite among all your great posts! Soooo true. Say it GenX syster. I need a cocktail.
We’re working. That’s where we are.
I’m hounded to visit but when I go, I’m mostly ignored. It’s like I’m just a plant or an ornament.
If people want you around, but you don't feel wanted, that means there's a problem there that needs attending. Sure, I like to kick my fellow Gen-X ers in the pants (I think I'm actually part of a yet-to-be recognized generation that preceded Gen X) but I have too many friends and relatives my age who are lonely, but putting on that fake-tough Gen X horseshlt facade instead of doing what Gen X PURPORTS TO BE GOOD AT... rolling up their sleeves and getting things done.
I'm 57 and have ZERO Gen X friends except my knucklehead younger brothers Brady and Scotty. Nobody my age ever wants to leave the house. There's something wrong with them. They don't even want to be around other Gen-X ers. It's solitude that's starting to look too much like sociopathy.
Unseen? Geez, I remember when that's ALL we ever heard about! Gen X this ... Gen X that ... Every where about every thing!
Just like with baby boomers. You don't hear much about either group these days. They've moved on & we're passe. 😁
Yes! This! Thank you for saying it!
Lord have mercy!! Preach Sister!!!
Collecting glass pop bottles for change
I'm Gen X & this hit's different as it's on muthafckng point like nothing else & on a whole other level that JST THIS CONTENT is on all done w sheer perfection mic drop bitches. Luvs it!!! ❤❤❤❤❤🤓🤓🤓🤓
I'm an older millennial, and I can actually relate with you GenXers. When my brothers and I were growing up, we had chores from sun up until sun down (we had farm animals) as well as our schooling. God forbid any of us ever said we were bored. Our parents would find stuff for us to do 😂
Oh, honey, you wish we had disappeared. We are learking the shadows just like a shark waiting to take a bite 😂
Amen sister 🙏
Sweetie we are the unspoken word and NO, we are not looking to be the spoken word..don’t worry..we’re good..way wayyy wayyyy back there. Thanks for caring
I started mowing lawns since the age of 10. Painted a house at 12. inside and out. I was roofing houses by 16.
I've reached the age where I'm happy to step back at work and watch these next generations navigate the work day. It's like watching a tornado blow overhead. Debris flying, ego's erupting, entitlement crying, rework getting reworked, and none of them can figure out why it's such a shit show. Meanwhile, I'm laying in the ditch giggling like I'm 12 again. Wish I was as smart as all them....when I was their age. Lol 😂
I love watching the newly minted 20 too 30ish year Olds taking care of business. While I stand back with the fatherly advice when it is asked for.
This explains everything.
Another winner! 😊❤✌️🇨🇦🍁 circa '67
Amen I’m exhausted 😩
I just cooked breakfast food for dinner because I wanted it. I made a ham steak with hash browns and scrambled eggs. It was delicious and I cooked it. My husband was so happy to just get stuff we love to eat. You don’t have to have anything at a certain time when you get older. Eat what you want. Make your own rules
We had to eat sand. Well... sand and scrapple.
Ha! We even started a lawn mowing business around the neighborhood!!
Gen X is like the Middle Child
41 years of mowing everybody's grass and it's time to retire! 😂 Gen X!❤
I can't remember a time where I wasn't making money, in elementary I shoveled snow, raked leaves, mowed lawns and I had a collection agency business in my neighborhood where I went every day and ran errands to get their lunches for money....early edition of skip the dishes I guess...lol..that was in like 79, 80 or so..I used to make about 5 dollars a day just doing that..I'm 56 now and still make money and will til the day they bury me...
These younger generations are clueless. I have worked since I was 14. I had my share of financial struggles. I’m tired of hearing the younger ones say, they are struggling and can’t make it. They can make it, just not living the lifestyle they are accustomed to compliments of their parents. You cannot start out in life at the same position your parents are in. You have to start at the bottom and work your way up! Stop acting they deserve a trust fund.
Thank you beautiful lady. Yes, sweet, sweet silence!
There is considerably less of us. Our parents had newly approved methods to prevent us or to kick us out pre-term. The rest tried the third option of leaving us outside all day unattended. ✌🏻❤
Preach sister🙌
Hell yah! Oooo silence…music to my old at gen x ears….oh wait I’m funkin deaf now that’s what it is. Or am I just to the point I tune absolutely everything out? Idk 😂😂😂
“We’re enjoying the sound of sweet, sweet silence “… 😂 I know that’s right! So glad I found your channel… 🌻
Right on!
You are fabulous...thanks for taking the words right out of my mouth😊❤
I don't mean to be hard, but when I look a the kids from generations after GenX I am amazed how many don't have ANY chores.
Welcome to out lives! You sum it up so perfectly Sherri! Cheers
A energy weapon makes perfect sense. Ty Gina.
I literally been taking care of myself since three
Thank You Sherri!!!! Sweet, succinct, and on the nose. 👍
We struggle in silence ❤❤ppl just don’t know our pain we endure
Sheri is a mood, and i feel it!
As a Gen Xer, I can relate to some of the things that the Real Slim Sherri has experienced. I've lived in a region where there have been wars, I've babysat my sisters and learned through trial by error, I've applied to colleges during my senior year of high school as though I knew I would graduate and go to college, and the only subject I asked for help with a homework assignment was with math (i.e., word problems using algebra), etc.
It cannot be understated - the silence is bliss
You’re wonderful, I never thought anything of influences until I found you enjoy everything that you say because you’re right Eddie from the UK🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 God bless you
My thoughts exactly.... Hey... Nothing better than do your own thing under the radar...
Nice to hear that some other generations care about us. We're here. Now go away. Great vid Sherri. Just subscribed to support my fellow X'er.
Amen sister!!! I thought I was the only 1 that had those opinions 😅
Gen X/ A Ignored and forgotten species. When we act the way we feel and not the way sociaty expects us to act ( because of our age ) we are looked upon as strange and possibly of need of therapy. Its lonely to be ignored and forgotten. Its refreshing to see you enjoying your life the way you feel and not the way people think you should act, and I say " screw anyone who doesn't GET IT" " !!!!!! 💋❤❤❤❤❤👍