Mercedes A class W169 drive shaft boot replace on tripod spider slide joint,Antriebswellenmanschette

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • - Hei salut prietene , in acest video iti voi arata cum am inlocuit eu protectia de cauciuc la drive shaft la masina mea Mercedes A class W169 , protectia din partea cu tripoda , am fost nevoit sa desfac fuzeta de pe brat si sa desfiletez piulita capatului de planetara , in video tiam aratat toti pasii care tu trebuie sai urmezi pentru a face aceasta operatiune singur.
    - Hello friend, in this video I will show you how I replaced the rubber protection on the drive shaft on my Mercedes A class W169 car, the protection on the side with the tripod, I had to unscrew the spindle from the arm and unscrew the nut at the end planetarium, in the video I showed all the steps you need to follow to do this operation yourself.
    - Hei venn, i denne videoen vil jeg vise deg hvordan jeg byttet ut gummibeskyttelsen på drivakselen på min Mercedes A klasse W169 bil, beskyttelsen på siden med stativet, jeg måtte skru av spindelen fra armen og skru av nut at the end planetarium, i videoen viste jeg alle trinnene du må følge for å gjøre denne operasjonen selv.
    - Hallo vriend, in deze video laat ik je zien hoe ik de rubberen bescherming op de aandrijfas van mijn Mercedes A-klasse W169-auto heb vervangen, de bescherming aan de zijkant met het statief, ik moest de spindel van de arm losschroeven en de nut aan het einde planetarium, in de video liet ik alle stappen zien die je moet volgen om deze operatie zelf uit te voeren.
    - Hallo Freund, in diesem Video zeige ich Ihnen, wie ich den Gummischutz an der Antriebswelle an meinem Mercedes A-Klasse W169 Auto ersetzt habe, den Schutz an der Seite mit dem Stativ, ich musste die Spindel vom Arm abschrauben und den abschrauben Nuss am Ende Planetarium, in dem Video habe ich alle Schritte gezeigt, die Sie befolgen müssen, um diese Operation selbst durchzuführen.
    - Tere sõber, selles videos näitan teile, kuidas vahetasin oma Mercedes A klassi W169 autol veovõlli kummikaitse, statiiviga küljel oleva kaitse, pidin võlli käe küljest lahti keerama ja lahti keerama. mutter planetaariumi lõpus, näitasin videos kõiki samme, mida peate selle toimingu ise tegemiseks järgima.
    - مرحبًا يا صديقي ، في هذا الفيديو ، سأوضح لك كيف استبدلت الحماية المطاطية على عمود القيادة في سيارتي Mercedes A class W169 ، والحماية على جانب الحامل ثلاثي القوائم ، واضطررت إلى فك المغزل من الذراع وفك المسمار الجوز في نهاية القبة السماوية ، لقد عرضت في الفيديو جميع الخطوات التي تحتاج إلى اتباعها للقيام بهذه العملية بنفسك.
    - ආයුබෝවන් මිත්‍රයා, මම මගේ Mercedes A පන්තියේ W169 මෝටර් රථයේ ඩ්‍රයිව් ෂාෆ්ට් එකේ රබර් ආරක්ෂණය ප්‍රතිස්ථාපනය කළ ආකාරය, ට්‍රයිපොඩ් සමඟ පැත්තේ ඇති ආරක්ෂාව, මම මෙම වීඩියෝවෙන් ඔබට පෙන්වන්නම්, මට අතේ ඇති ස්පින්ඩලය ගලවා ඉස්කුරුප්පු ඇරීමට සිදු විය. nut at the end planetarium, වීඩියෝවේ මම මෙම මෙහෙයුම ඔබම කිරීමට ඔබ අනුගමනය කළ යුතු සියලුම පියවර පෙන්වමි.
    - Hej ven, i denne video vil jeg vise dig, hvordan jeg udskiftede gummibeskyttelsen på drivakslen på min Mercedes A klasse W169 bil, beskyttelsen på siden med stativet, jeg var nødt til at skrue spindlen af ​​armen og skrue af nut at the end planetarium, i videoen viste jeg alle de trin, du skal følge for at udføre denne operation selv.
    - Moien Frënd, an dësem Video weisen ech Iech wéi ech de Gummi Schutz um Drive shaft op menger Mercedes A Klass W169 Auto ersat hunn, de Schutz op der Säit mam Stativ, ech hunn d'Spindel vum Aarm missen ofschrauwen an de nut um Enn Planetarium, am Video hunn ech all Schrëtt gewisen, déi Dir maache musst fir dës Operatioun selwer ze maachen.
    - Dia duit a chara, san fhíseán seo taispeánfaidh mé duit conas a chuir mé in ionad an chosaint rubair ar an seafta tiomána ar mo charr Mercedes A rang W169, an chosaint ar an taobh leis an tripod, bhí orm an fhearsaid a dhíscriú ón lámh agus an fearsaid a dhíscriú. cnó ag an planetarium deireadh, san fhíseán thaispeáin mé na céimeanna go léir is gá duit a leanúint chun an oibríocht seo a dhéanamh tú féin.
    - Hej vän, i den här videon ska jag visa dig hur jag bytte ut gummiskyddet på drivaxeln på min Mercedes A klass W169 bil, skyddet på sidan med stativet, jag var tvungen att skruva loss spindeln från armen och skruva loss nut at the end planetarium, i videon visade jag alla steg du behöver följa för att göra denna operation själv.
    - Bonjour l'ami, dans cette vidéo je vais vous montrer comment j'ai remplacé la protection en caoutchouc sur l'arbre de transmission sur ma voiture Mercedes classe A W169, la protection sur le côté avec le trépied, j'ai dû dévisser l'axe du bras et dévisser le écrou à la fin du planétarium, dans la vidéo, j'ai montré toutes les étapes à suivre pour effectuer cette opération vous-même.
    - Olá amigo, neste vídeo vou mostrar como troquei a proteção de borracha no eixo de transmissão do meu carro Mercedes A classe W169, a proteção na lateral com o tripé, tive que desparafusar o fuso do braço e desparafusar o nut at the end planetário, no vídeo mostrei todos os passos que você precisa seguir para fazer


  • @gijbuis
    @gijbuis 5 місяців тому +1

    It's a pity that you didn't use a work light shining inside the wheel mounting. Then we could see better how you are repairing the tripod spider slide joint. This is exactly what our mechanic is going to do to my Mercedes A-150 from 2008 during a repair tomorrow. Currently my auto performs well, with the exception of the wheel mounting, which is extremely bumpy. Driving over uneven roads, tiled roads, or road speed humps requires reducing the speed to a very slow walking pace. It looks as though replacing the rubber cap is difficult. It looks as though there is a danger of damaging or tearing the new rubber cap.

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  5 місяців тому

      Lower ball joint problem , i have video change this part.

  • @Optimised7
    @Optimised7 Рік тому +1

    whats happening @20:55 ? how do you tighten the silver tie? sorry if thats a basic question, I'm a novice and it looks very intricate/ hard to tighten. thanks

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  Рік тому +1

      I didn't have the light and I turned off the video to put the phone in a position where I could see what I was filming, and that moment of putting the necklace on the boot is an easy one, you can't do anything wrong, it has 2 or 3 guides that enter in the universal holes and adjusted to the diameter in which you position them, then you just have to tighten it and that's it..., if you have any other questions, I'm waiting for you with a comment or you can see this operation on another car in another video that you can find in my per channel, the operation is one and the same for all types.

  • @kurtata1
    @kurtata1 Рік тому +1

    I have w169 A180 CDI Automatic transmission. I have to change complete Drive shaft front right. Do you know, should I drain the transmission oil first to put the drive shaft out? Thanks

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  Рік тому +3

      put a large tray under the car and weigh how much oil has flowed out of the box and add new oil with exactly the same amount

    • @GiovanniMariani-qc3zw
      @GiovanniMariani-qc3zw 7 місяців тому

      Ciao devo montare il semiasse sinistro completo dal lato cambio ce una molla devo fare qualcosa di preciso o basta inserirlo nel cambio poi volevo sapere perché non hai tirato giù quel pezzo vicino al cambio mettevi la crociera (treppiede) e la cuffia e rimontavi tutto non hai fatto così per non fare uscire olio dal cambio?

  • @robertociavarella4798
    @robertociavarella4798 8 місяців тому +1

    ciao ma non ha il fermo dalla parte del cambio e quando lo togli non esce olio ?

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  8 місяців тому

      I also had this fear before taking it apart, but the automatic transmission does not leak oil when you remove the part

    • @robertociavarella4798
      @robertociavarella4798 8 місяців тому

      @@AutoMotohowto46 il mio e manuale ma basta tirarlo non ce nessun fermo

  • @przemogoli8811
    @przemogoli8811 Рік тому +1

    Jakie objawy byly

  • @YNP37
    @YNP37 Рік тому +1

    You did good job. Does it work smoothly ? I have a w245 b150 mercedes and my car's drive shaft was in bad situation. Repair shop's worker said to me we should change all of the drive shaft then I bought new one it's brand GKN. After that they ınstalled new one while I drive the car when speed up 80 kmh car is start shaking. Probably new part is not get fitted my car or they didn't installed properly. What is your suggestion ?.

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  Рік тому +2

      I had the same problem at a constant speed of 50-60km/h, but in my case the cv boot was destroyed and the tripod was dry no vaseline, I hoped it was not broken , it was visibly worn but when I moved it left and right it was fixed and OK after I installed it , I still did a road test and the trepidation disappeared , did you change only the tripod with the 3 rollers or the complete drive shaft? , if you put the new tripod in the worn groove it's in vain ..., the tremors can still appear because of the ovalized brake discs , but if you don't feel it steringwheel it's out of the question.

    • @YNP37
      @YNP37 Рік тому

      We have changed complete drive shaft as left and right. Although car is shaing. What you mean of worn groove could you describe please. Where is located.

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  Рік тому

      @@YNP37 the "cup", so to speak, the one where you put the vaseline, the one under the engine , but if you have changed completely, this is not the case with you , I say balance the wheels and check the brake discs.

    • @ticktime6569
      @ticktime6569 Рік тому +1

      Car shaking is probably due to aftermarket axles. It happened to me too and a MB technician confermed the issue to me. Aftermarket ones don't fit properly in the gearbox creating vibrations

    • @AutoMotohowto46
      @AutoMotohowto46  Рік тому +2

      @@ticktime6569 i have cv joint worn …