Fuck that, rambo reviving is what keeps most games ticking. Those battle medics that swoop in, sliding across any terrain with their trusty needle in hand. Those are the real winners.
Jayshawn yeah but if your under a lot of enemy fire and you rub in and get the revive your severely risking getting yourself killed and getting your guy you revived killed again which is usually the case
I really wish more people revived more. As a Medic main, I want to use the grenade launcher and such every now and then but I know that I'll be one of the only one's reviving
I do that mostly when something else is going on, i need to heal, but ill always put an order. If you just be a little patient, ill come through. But yeah sometimes when i die i see medics but they WALK RIGHT PAST ME
10 Basic rules of how not to suck at BF1: 1: Spot. 2: Spot more and EVERYthing (Tanks and planes too). 3: Join a squad, Join the biggest squad available (the more the merrier). 4: If you're Squad Leader, Give Orders. (Free XP). 5: Squads, FOLLOW Orders. (Free XP). 6: Never Leave a captured point if there's still an enemy alive on it. 7: Cap points in order. Unless the match is locked over a point then get behind enemy lines, cap something to draw the enemy back so your team can successfully push. 8: Always retake your 'gimme', or 'first' point if the enemy cap it or they'll outflank you in droves. 9: Do your class JOB. Don't just shoot enemies, this isn't CoD. Heal/Revive, Supply Ammo, Spot for others or Kill tanks. 10: Don't 'Skip' to wait to redeploy in the map screen. Unless you really don't want to be revived where you are. WAIT for the revive timer to time-out. Reviving you saves tickets.
May Bluekin their your teams life line so if your tickets run out the enemy wins like in bf4 playing rush you only have 100 lives to rush and objective but then they replenish once you do but that's only rush all other game modes you have a fixed amount of lives wether it be 600 or 300 depending on the server tickets are your life line always check.
May Bluekin You know the points that go up and when they get to 1000 you win? Well, when you respawn the enemy gets one. When you're revived they don't.
Do skip at the right time so that it matches up with when the timer would run out naturally because there is a delay that only wastes your time. Also do skip if their a) isn't a medic or b) is just a tard who doesn't know the difference between his gun and her needle.
Nicholas Parry I always skip but there's those times that I feel like a dick cus I don't see a medic coming and by the time I see them approaching it's to late
About capturing points in order: generally if your team is doing well you should capture points in order, then stop advancing one you own the majority of them. If your team is doing bad, flank and capture points behind enemy lines. This will hopefully disrupt the other team and help you win. I have been on teams while playing solo and achieved victory because our squad constantly attacked/defended the other teams main point (A or E on Argonne Forest for example)
At least on Xbox, spotting had a cooldown on BF4 as well...What I'm wondering is if BF1 if you try to spot but don't get anything, does the spot still apply to cooldown?
Honestly, I had to get a XIM4 to play the game on my PS4. I was executing the ground and sky by mistake, and losing advantages all the time, all because controllers are pure aids for FPS. Now that I am able to use my mouse and keyboard, the game has been life changing for me. I am no longer a burden to my team lol
Very useful tips Machine. As a first time Battlefield player transitioning from Call of Duty, these tips will be very important for me to keep in mind as I adapt to the overall style and gameplay mechanics. This is one game I really want to strive to be good at, so thank you for posting these guides. I've been a subscriber since 30,000 and your videos are always entertaining. Keep up the great work!
1:09 Unnecessary reload, duck and either strafe outwards away from cover killing him with the 12 extra rounds or peak on a different angle, retreating and reloading when he is less than a meter away from the corner means he could have pivoted to the left when you retreated into the building dropping you (sorry i couldn't help but point that out) Also 1:30 a quick reminder to all medics DONT REVIVE PEOPLE AFTER THEY HAVE JUST BEEN SHOT WITHOUT CLEARING THE AREA! Also remember when flanking that often times especially in operations that enemies will usually be constantly spawning to your back streaming back into the fight so find make sure to always have a wall of some sort to your back so the spawning enemies don't catch you off guard Aside from that *please* listen to Broken people, he speaks the truth.
Oh yes and i forgot to mention a little trick i do to enable me to look around whilst sliding and sprinting, the issue with the technique is that moving your thumb to press circle stops you from being able to rotate your view. I find that keeping my middle finger on the fire button i can use my pointer finger and curve it over the top of the controller to press circle whilst rotating with the right stick using my now freed thumb. Hope it helps
nope already been doing that for a long time. also i reload as often as i can even if it is unnecessary because i find myself dying due to running out of ammo more than dying because of a reload. you have a pistol for a reason and if somebody catches you in a reload its very fast and only takes 2 shots to kill with a revolver. so try to take cover and reload if you have to and dont go shooting till you run out because you might find that one magazine isn't enough to kill a group that may be in front of you and the last thing you want is to run out while you are out of cover. so take some shots, take cover, and reload because those few extra rounds might save you the game.
Doing what for a long time? I wasn't referring to you i was referring to a mistake made on the part of Broken, he could have dropped that guy and then moved into the building or around it and reloaded. Or he could have reloaded behind the gun emplacement. He could have also pulled a pistol but when your enemy has an LMG it's risky. Also pistols may come in handy when dealing in CQB situations my personal favourite for the medic class is the MLE universal pistol as i can quickly slide into a room or under an assaults shotgun and put them down in combination with the mondragon or Selbstlader. Aside from that i was simply addressing the majority of PS4 players out there who seem to be oblivious to these aspects of combat, if you already do these things good for you :)
Going to have to disagree on 1:09 Watch how I'm playing, I'm checking the left side and middle area over and over, and patrolling between them. The reload is to get ready for an enemy flank from the middle; there's not many teammates here so I need to try and shut down the area as much as I can, so hence reloading early, looking right, then coming back. Basically I'm playing the public meta here and controlling the map. I could have not reloaded, carried on firing at those guys and push up, but that risks getting flanked from the middle, which happens often in games of rush like this. Your Criticism is fine, but you gotta look at the bigger picture here with this one =)
You made a smart play and were able to capitalize on it. People rush in and die, then they wonder why they are not top of the board, with a good kdr. They suicide out of greed for one more kill. I play the same way. Sometimes even retreating, and then bating the enemy team from behind one by one. Then swoop in behind the remains of the squads and wipe them all out. Some real one man army shit. Although I do play strongly within a squad, ya sometimes have to go rogue, or if your teammates all die, you have to carry on the fight. Better to play smart and careful. That is the deadliest way to play. If I have to I will retreat till they give up. Usually they assume I am either dead or long gone. Also smart on your part to reload like that. Better to reload from cover than to run your guns dry and be caught out in the open.
I've been subbed since the start of BF1 but it's weird how your videos never show up in recommended. I literally have to go to your channel to watch if there's additional content on the page. Doesn't happen to me with other BF youtubers. I hope it helps. And also as always amazing video!
Humps Dumps No that would be way unfair seriously in bf1 the only way to appear on the minimap is 2 get spotted in all other bf games if you fire your gun your in the minimap
I played with a guy who dove on the ground in every situation. Without cover, right in the middle of an objective, when enemies saw him, and he did not even have his gun facing them. They just ran over and shot his ass every time. He died like shit, I'd wipe them all out, and take the objective, every time. He said he didn't wanna play with me because he thought I was no good. I was top of the board, and showcased every game, with a kd that showed I killed an average of three to four people for every death I had, without medic support. I had a bunch of games where I beat the next highest player on either team by thousands, and had quite a few rounds where I got 40-68 kills per match and died less than 8 times. I even had a couple where I went 68 kills with zero deaths. One was tank whoring. lol. But the rest were legit and running different kits. He was at the bottom of the board every game.
With the one with capturing points in order, people love to flank and distract the team, like say on the Map Giants Shadows since everyone will most likley be fighting to keep the center you could easily drive a scout car along the outer rims of the map to get to E. this is from the German stand point of the map, it causes confusion and splits within the team
I agree. When there is a stale mate at a capture point, sometimes i will go out of order. Then ask for back up and eventually the squad spawns on you then takes the capture point. It distracts/disorganizes the opposing team.
Amiens, Empires edge, Giant shadow, Sinai Desert & Suez the best strategy is to go straight for the opposing teams first objective, if you do capture it you can almost sandwich them in or having them chasing back to recapture it, even if you don't can slow the team down making the push for easier for your team.
It's also annoying as hell lol. Suddenly your A is being captured and the whole team is at C so I have to yell at everyone to protect the back obj's. And to add insult to injury, my team often doesn't even care to take the backlines back and just wants the middle. Honestly most of the games I'm in I just patrol backlines since no one else does.
I have done this many times. If your team does this quickly and effectively enough you can get the enemy in a pincer move. Then, with your team flooding them from both sides you will destroy the enemy.
I don't think I've seen anybody else ever make a video like this. It's a cool idea and I think u nailed it. I got something outta it in terms of my own gameplay PLUS, it was fun to watch.
Playing as a fucking sniper is the biggest mistake players make. Playing Rush? They don't help secure the objectives, just sit at the back getting the odd kill or two. Playing Conquest? They don't help secure the flags, just sit at the back getting the odd kill or two. Playing Operations? They don't help secure the objective, just sit at the back getti- Oh , you get the idea. Just a note to you sniper fanboys: Sitting outside a flag capture area shooting the enemy doesn't help capture the objective. At all. The enemy will just respawn on the objective you're sitting there looking at through your fucking scope. Everyone who plays the objective on any mode hates you. I can guarantee it.
If I need to take an objective I usually sit within my SMLE Marksman's sweetspot range popping flares towards the objective and once I think the objective is clear and my squad is on it to help I'll pull out my Mars and charge in...Operations I usually stick to counter-sniping unless it's Argonne, when I switch to the Russian 1895 Infantry for the close-quarters intense action on that map...trying to snipe on Argonne is useless with how small and tightly-packed the map is...
+Skitchy Yes, and i'm still waiting for a response which will possibly make me alter my opinion slightly . Somehow I think i'm gonna be in for a long wait. I've played thousands of objective based rounds across all battlefield games, and any time i'm on a team mainly dominated by snipers I already know we've lost. The only way, yes the ONLY way to win is to keep pushing forward. Not keep the back of the fucking map company leaving your teammates with no choice but to spawn on you and then have to run 200 meters just to get back in the fight . Recently DICE created a server for conquest which had the sniper class disabled. I think even the developers are trying to tell you people something...
+Skitchy Lol throwing gas grenades or smoke is exactly what I do too. If gives me a brief feeling of joy during my 200m run back to the objective. Another tactic i've taken to applying (only when we're waaaaaay beyond winning, won't do it normally) is taking a truck or tank up to their sniper spot and parking it infront of them. When they get up to move I simply follow them and park infront of them again once they assume their camping position. I'll also deploy the tanks smokescreen to piss off multiple snipers camping next to eachother. :) And I never drop them ammo or health...Ever. They should piss off back to team deathmatch modes and leave the objective based modes to the players who are willing to support their team and don't mind getting their hands dirty.
you absolutely should've had not skipping revives, in particular if you die while capping a flag, or playing a game where tickets matter such as operations. this should be like #3 on your list
Hey Broken Machine I've been following you and I want to let you know you have the most precise and well informed tips online in my opinion. keep up the great work, and continue to slaughter!!!
You really understand me. I love watching people rushing but when i tried to do it, it's really hard to do so thanks for tips I'll try to not repeat my mistake
best way to make a crucial revive in a dangerous situation: pop smoke around the man needing a revive, get him quickly, and then get the hell out of there before the enemy notices he got up
Nice video bro! I do make the mistake of shooting while moving but I think I am good on everything else! Great tips! It's the little things that can help make you a better player.
Always watch your back... I can't even remember how many times I got shot in the back because I trusted a team of randoms to watch the other door/window behind me..
Great video man! some of these tips actually helped my gameplay. meant to ask though, what do you record with? I play PS4 but your gameplay in the background looks so smooth. Is it like a cap device? I would really like to know!
Dude there is no time to revive because everyone skips it after a few seconds. Most people seem to be new to BF and don't understand, that they have to wait a little bit. As for the walking while shooting part, I really have to care for that too.
Ever since battlefield 3, Ive literally made it a habit to spot something (even if I don't plan on attacking it or interacting with it) that way I know exactly where my target is and so do my team mates. It helps you just by making your target more visible and easier to track and and If I fail to take out the target before I die, my team mates can take over and if they do, not only do I get an assist for helping to take that target out, but there's always that spot bonus as well. I literally spot everything from mines, to tanks, infantry, planes, boats. Anything that is spottable, I will spot it and I know that sounds like a hassle but I'm so used to it and it takes literally no time at all. It's just a quick push of the button above your trigger so to me it's well worth that split second. And since bf3 I bet if I were to round up all of the spot bonus points I've ever gained from bf3,4 and 1 combined, I'm sure it would be more than enough to level up!!! Even though it's a mere 25 points. It adds up, especially since I would spot everything!
There are many more I could add, that others have already mentioned below, but I'll chime in with one that has really been getting under my skin the past month. That is, reviving me in the worst places. Revived in fire, nade spam, in front of a tank, etc. So many medics focus on the skulls instead of their surroundings. Like, I can be patient and wait, or release, don't tank our scores and bring our team down because you want revive stats or something
A very common mistake people do is not waiting for revives in ticket games. They are keeping spacebar pressed as soon as they die to respawn quicker, as if they want to lose another ticket as fast as possible I guess...
The fact about the Rambo medic .Whenever I was a medic on BF1 I had to rush to revive the dead players,fact is that even if u don't have any enemy around u they will still skip the revive even if ur 1 meter away from them,that makes you just smash the TV when your playing something like rush or operations
Great tips as usual broken! I play a scout and spotting is so useful and important for your team! whether the enemy is miles away or just in front of me am spamming that right bumper!
I'm surprised you didn't mention anything about force respawning. I can't count how many people give up the opportunity to be revived and just go straight to respawn instead of waiting five seconds for me or some other medic to revive them.
Another tip- always try to stay *on side* whilst going for flags. In other words stay on your capped flags side, less chance of being caught out. Giants shadow for example- u have A and B, enter C or D from A,B. side. sounds simple but it reduces random deaths alot.
i've just started getting decent at the attack plane and it infuriates me that the vast majority of my team fails to spot enemies... I really wish people would get to grips with the simple art of pressing r1 every now and then!
Yes many new players who play as medic make the mistake of reviving me in front of a visible enemy who will wait for him to revive me and then kills me as well as the medic. It's very common now
Machine, one thing you should have mentioned, when playing operations and you're attacking and 90% of the team is playing snipers... should probably take a different class because you wont capture shit when 90% of the team is on the other side of the map most of the game
Gotta pick and choose when to rush. I am one to encourage a strong push when we are losing ground. But I also end up with more kills and less deaths than those I am telling to back me up. I usually run point when we are getting knocked back. It scares everyone else too much. Sometimes I have to rush by myself. But I usually take the flag and wave people in for free cap points.
Similar to your point about people pushing to hard, noobs in tanks and vehicles that push to far into enemy areas. You see it almost every game, some guy with his light tank will go straight through C and get demolished by grenades and AT rocket guns. Tanks are the best weapon your team has and so many new players panic and get rekt. All you have to do is hang back a bit behind your infantry and pick off the enemies before proceeding to the next objective.
James N Literally all of the times I've been killed by a tank have been by people below level 7. Usually they're COD players getting a hard on for being able to use vehicles. So they play like they do on COD. Rushing. It's fun to watch.
I think particularly the point about being patient is one that needs to be shared more often. It feels like whenever manoeuvre myself into a great flanking position, waiting for the right moment to start taking out enemies, some rando spawns on me and instantly gives away our position (usually without even getting a kill). Or when I park up in a light vehicle and move to the gunner seat to take out an enemy push, someone will always spawn in the driver seat and then drive us right into the middle of the advancing enemies...
People who do not know how to use the dreadnought. On Fao Fortress and Empire's Edge it is very rare (for me at least) to find a player in position 1 who will move the dreadnought at all when the best spot for it is closer to and parallel to the shore. Although more susceptible to enemy artillery and explosives from land, the time it takes for shell bombardments to reach targets from those in positions 1 and 2 is reduced and AA guns on the dreadnought can support much better (they can fire at land units as well as torpedo boats, planes).
I like the tips but personally disagree with pushing flags in order because sometimes it is just not possible to to push to the next flag due to heavy enemy presence and is sometimes good to capture behind them so your team can spawn there and as a result the enemy is trapped between two flags and cannot fight two angles well
I got one. If your tank is about to be destroyed , you sit in it and die. Specially with newer players . They see the tank health is going low , they jump out, enemy steals it. No more tanks spawning for your team until someone takes that stolen tank out. And may god help your team if they take it to their spawn point to camp with it.
Number 1 tip : Get good .Although in seriousness capping flags in order and defending any flank attacks on the OBJ closest to spawn is the big one as far as I see it , that and being able to aim. Best thing to do is play with a decent squad who are about that PTFO . Your videos are informative and concise. Kudos .
My only prob with number 5 is that our movements make it very easy for the other enemy to predict which point we would be going to next. However, yes, your are right, it does keep your team close and you can cap points quicker 👌
Good tip for getting better; record your own gameplay and watch it back with a cool, critical head. Ask yourself what did I do wrong? What did I do right? Am I running around with my gun pointing at the ground? Am I running blindly around corners? Am I thinking tactically? Am I sticking with my squad and following orders? That sort of thing.
Easily the most annoying thing is when people skip their revive as your standing on top of them. You can see how far away I am from you, just wait 2 more seconds.
The Rambo revive, lol. I am definately guilty of that one on a few occasions.
I try to be like that guy from hacksaw ridge lol
Sometimes we just want to save lives T-T
Lol rambo is me whenever i play medic
Fuck that, rambo reviving is what keeps most games ticking. Those battle medics that swoop in, sliding across any terrain with their trusty needle in hand. Those are the real winners.
Jayshawn yeah but if your under a lot of enemy fire and you rub in and get the revive your severely risking getting yourself killed and getting your guy you revived killed again which is usually the case
Is it possible to slide across the ground in Bf1?
@Essey Afewerki Thank you
Medics who are 5 METERS away from you and won't revive you.
GPlays I've had medics use my dead body to hide in..... and then they just get up and run away
GPlays same i get so mad cus some of them just have no clue.
Retards who skip right after they die.
I really wish more people revived more. As a Medic main, I want to use the grenade launcher and such every now and then but I know that I'll be one of the only one's reviving
I do that mostly when something else is going on, i need to heal, but ill always put an order. If you just be a little patient, ill come through. But yeah sometimes when i die i see medics but they WALK RIGHT PAST ME
10 Basic rules of how not to suck at BF1:
1: Spot.
2: Spot more and EVERYthing (Tanks and planes too).
3: Join a squad, Join the biggest squad available (the more the merrier).
4: If you're Squad Leader, Give Orders. (Free XP).
5: Squads, FOLLOW Orders. (Free XP).
6: Never Leave a captured point if there's still an enemy alive on it.
7: Cap points in order. Unless the match is locked over a point then get behind enemy lines, cap something to draw the enemy back so your team can successfully push.
8: Always retake your 'gimme', or 'first' point if the enemy cap it or they'll outflank you in droves.
9: Do your class JOB. Don't just shoot enemies, this isn't CoD. Heal/Revive, Supply Ammo, Spot for others or Kill tanks.
10: Don't 'Skip' to wait to redeploy in the map screen. Unless you really don't want to be revived where you are. WAIT for the revive timer to time-out. Reviving you saves tickets.
Spot on
Thirdofherne what are tickets
May Bluekin their your teams life line so if your tickets run out the enemy wins like in bf4 playing rush you only have 100 lives to rush and objective but then they replenish once you do but that's only rush all other game modes you have a fixed amount of lives wether it be 600 or 300 depending on the server tickets are your life line always check.
May Bluekin
You know the points that go up and when they get to 1000 you win? Well, when you respawn the enemy gets one. When you're revived they don't.
Do skip at the right time so that it matches up with when the timer would run out naturally because there is a delay that only wastes your time. Also do skip if their a) isn't a medic or b) is just a tard who doesn't know the difference between his gun and her needle.
I'm that guy who rushes way too much, and doesnt have the skill to stay alive while doing it.
AnzaEJ you're not alone
How bout players not waiting to b revived?
How about medics that don't revive?
I guess you're lucky ;)
Nicholas Parry I always skip but there's those times that I feel like a dick cus I don't see a medic coming and by the time I see them approaching it's to late
Why wait when medics don't revive in BF1?
Me sniping
Person: standing still
Second snipe
Person:stands still
Me:shoots in front of him
Person:still stands still
That time when you order objective D and all of your squad is trying to take their objective F.
I could post some game play, and it would be the top 20 things not to do
do it hehe
Weapon dof off?
No auto aim?
Can you make a new settings video some new settings in game
Great tips and video. really can't stand the snipers that hold right at the back of the map, contributing almost zero towards the game.
cheers Evil Noodle. That does get annoying!
About capturing points in order: generally if your team is doing well you should capture points in order, then stop advancing one you own the majority of them.
If your team is doing bad, flank and capture points behind enemy lines. This will hopefully disrupt the other team and help you win.
I have been on teams while playing solo and achieved victory because our squad constantly attacked/defended the other teams main point (A or E on Argonne Forest for example)
spotting on ps4 sucks IMO....seems like it only works half the time!
John Rohrer agree i half of the time i press: R1R1R1R1and dont spots a guy,who i am seeing
John Rohrer Ikr its super annoying
if you spam the spot button it has a cooldown I think, i saw it on one of the tips that flashes up in game
there is a cool down for spotting. so dont spam it.
sry4head oh really? Thanks for the tip
People should also remember that spotting in BF1 has a cooldown. So spamming that R1 or Q won't work anymore.
At least on Xbox, spotting had a cooldown on BF4 as well...What I'm wondering is if BF1 if you try to spot but don't get anything, does the spot still apply to cooldown?
first EVER console player i see that does NOT have the potato aim like everybody else, bravo
looked like pc gameplay at first, then i saw the ps4 buttons on right
Well it can be PC but the guy can use Controler just so ya know :)
If that is the case, then hes a God, he can outperform people who are using more precise tools (mouse, keyboard) with a dang controller. HOW
TheWeeky Well..
Some people have experience.!
Honestly, I had to get a XIM4 to play the game on my PS4. I was executing the ground and sky by mistake, and losing advantages all the time, all because controllers are pure aids for FPS. Now that I am able to use my mouse and keyboard, the game has been life changing for me. I am no longer a burden to my team lol
3:03 "Think before you fire"
*shows montage of endless continuous quickscoping*
You can think before you quickscope..
The point incase you missed it was think before firing immediately.. you may be giving away a good position.. =P
Bonus: don't reload for every kill you make, try to check your bullets and check if is safe to reload you have a pistol if you run out off bullets...
im a pretty solid player, i always fuck this up though, i remember dying this way since the mw2 days hahah still havent learned!
@@theyoyokingman1 I blame CounterStrike for the constant reloading habit.
Very useful tips Machine. As a first time Battlefield player transitioning from Call of Duty, these tips will be very important for me to keep in mind as I adapt to the overall style and gameplay mechanics. This is one game I really want to strive to be good at, so thank you for posting these guides. I've been a subscriber since 30,000 and your videos are always entertaining. Keep up the great work!
1:09 Unnecessary reload, duck and either strafe outwards away from cover killing him with the 12 extra rounds or peak on a different angle, retreating and reloading when he is less than a meter away from the corner means he could have pivoted to the left when you retreated into the building dropping you (sorry i couldn't help but point that out)
Also remember when flanking that often times especially in operations that enemies will usually be constantly spawning to your back streaming back into the fight so find make sure to always have a wall of some sort to your back so the spawning enemies don't catch you off guard
Aside from that *please* listen to Broken people, he speaks the truth.
Oh yes and i forgot to mention a little trick i do to enable me to look around whilst sliding and sprinting, the issue with the technique is that moving your thumb to press circle stops you from being able to rotate your view. I find that keeping my middle finger on the fire button i can use my pointer finger and curve it over the top of the controller to press circle whilst rotating with the right stick using my now freed thumb. Hope it helps
nope already been doing that for a long time. also i reload as often as i can even if it is unnecessary because i find myself dying due to running out of ammo more than dying because of a reload. you have a pistol for a reason and if somebody catches you in a reload its very fast and only takes 2 shots to kill with a revolver. so try to take cover and reload if you have to and dont go shooting till you run out because you might find that one magazine isn't enough to kill a group that may be in front of you and the last thing you want is to run out while you are out of cover. so take some shots, take cover, and reload because those few extra rounds might save you the game.
Doing what for a long time? I wasn't referring to you i was referring to a mistake made on the part of Broken, he could have dropped that guy and then moved into the building or around it and reloaded. Or he could have reloaded behind the gun emplacement. He could have also pulled a pistol but when your enemy has an LMG it's risky. Also pistols may come in handy when dealing in CQB situations my personal favourite for the medic class is the MLE universal pistol as i can quickly slide into a room or under an assaults shotgun and put them down in combination with the mondragon or Selbstlader. Aside from that i was simply addressing the majority of PS4 players out there who seem to be oblivious to these aspects of combat, if you already do these things good for you :)
Going to have to disagree on 1:09
Watch how I'm playing, I'm checking the left side and middle area over and over, and patrolling between them.
The reload is to get ready for an enemy flank from the middle; there's not many teammates here so I need to try and shut down the area as much as I can, so hence reloading early, looking right, then coming back.
Basically I'm playing the public meta here and controlling the map. I could have not reloaded, carried on firing at those guys and push up, but that risks getting flanked from the middle, which happens often in games of rush like this.
Your Criticism is fine, but you gotta look at the bigger picture here with this one =)
You made a smart play and were able to capitalize on it. People rush in and die, then they wonder why they are not top of the board, with a good kdr. They suicide out of greed for one more kill. I play the same way. Sometimes even retreating, and then bating the enemy team from behind one by one. Then swoop in behind the remains of the squads and wipe them all out. Some real one man army shit. Although I do play strongly within a squad, ya sometimes have to go rogue, or if your teammates all die, you have to carry on the fight. Better to play smart and careful. That is the deadliest way to play. If I have to I will retreat till they give up. Usually they assume I am either dead or long gone. Also smart on your part to reload like that. Better to reload from cover than to run your guns dry and be caught out in the open.
I've been subbed since the start of BF1 but it's weird how your videos never show up in recommended. I literally have to go to your channel to watch if there's additional content on the page. Doesn't happen to me with other BF youtubers. I hope it helps. And also as always amazing video!
I wish there was some type of indication when your spotted. Just a little icon in the corner of the screen or something like that
Humps Dumps No that would be way unfair seriously in bf1 the only way to appear on the minimap is 2 get spotted in all other bf games if you fire your gun your in the minimap
Going prone without cover. Lol.
Stingy how is steffany?
I played with a guy who dove on the ground in every situation. Without cover, right in the middle of an objective, when enemies saw him, and he did not even have his gun facing them. They just ran over and shot his ass every time. He died like shit, I'd wipe them all out, and take the objective, every time. He said he didn't wanna play with me because he thought I was no good. I was top of the board, and showcased every game, with a kd that showed I killed an average of three to four people for every death I had, without medic support. I had a bunch of games where I beat the next highest player on either team by thousands, and had quite a few rounds where I got 40-68 kills per match and died less than 8 times. I even had a couple where I went 68 kills with zero deaths. One was tank whoring. lol. But the rest were legit and running different kits. He was at the bottom of the board every game.
With the one with capturing points in order, people love to flank and distract the team, like say on the Map Giants Shadows since everyone will most likley be fighting to keep the center you could easily drive a scout car along the outer rims of the map to get to E. this is from the German stand point of the map, it causes confusion and splits within the team
I agree. When there is a stale mate at a capture point, sometimes i will go out of order. Then ask for back up and eventually the squad spawns on you then takes the capture point. It distracts/disorganizes the opposing team.
Amiens, Empires edge, Giant shadow, Sinai Desert & Suez the best strategy is to go straight for the opposing teams first objective, if you do capture it you can almost sandwich them in or having them chasing back to recapture it, even if you don't can slow the team down making the push for easier for your team.
It's also annoying as hell lol. Suddenly your A is being captured and the whole team is at C so I have to yell at everyone to protect the back obj's. And to add insult to injury, my team often doesn't even care to take the backlines back and just wants the middle. Honestly most of the games I'm in I just patrol backlines since no one else does.
I have done this many times. If your team does this quickly and effectively enough you can get the enemy in a pincer move. Then, with your team flooding them from both sides you will destroy the enemy.
Everything about your videos are always spot on. You are a true
professional. Thanks for the tips!
Fantastic gameplay and commentary. Just found your channel and subbed after the first video I watched.
Thanks for your tips and streams BrokenMachine. You absolutely made me love this game more.
I don't think I've seen anybody else ever make a video like this. It's a cool idea and I think u nailed it. I got something outta it in terms of my own gameplay PLUS, it was fun to watch.
Playing as a fucking sniper is the biggest mistake players make.
Playing Rush? They don't help secure the objectives, just sit at the back getting the odd kill or two.
Playing Conquest? They don't help secure the flags, just sit at the back getting the odd kill or two.
Playing Operations? They don't help secure the objective, just sit at the back getti- Oh , you get the idea.
Just a note to you sniper fanboys: Sitting outside a flag capture area shooting the enemy doesn't help capture the objective. At all. The enemy will just respawn on the objective you're sitting there looking at through your fucking scope. Everyone who plays the objective on any mode hates you. I can guarantee it.
hey now i play sniper/support and all i do is sit on the point and shoot lmao
If I need to take an objective I usually sit within my SMLE Marksman's sweetspot range popping flares towards the objective and once I think the objective is clear and my squad is on it to help I'll pull out my Mars and charge in...Operations I usually stick to counter-sniping unless it's Argonne, when I switch to the Russian 1895 Infantry for the close-quarters intense action on that map...trying to snipe on Argonne is useless with how small and tightly-packed the map is...
Snipers who use spotting flares can be really useful when capturing objectives
+Skitchy Yes, and i'm still waiting for a response which will possibly make me alter my opinion slightly . Somehow I think i'm gonna be in for a long wait. I've played thousands of objective based rounds across all battlefield games, and any time i'm on a team mainly dominated by snipers I already know we've lost. The only way, yes the ONLY way to win is to keep pushing forward. Not keep the back of the fucking map company leaving your teammates with no choice but to spawn on you and then have to run 200 meters just to get back in the fight . Recently DICE created a server for conquest which had the sniper class disabled. I think even the developers are trying to tell you people something...
+Skitchy Lol throwing gas grenades or smoke is exactly what I do too. If gives me a brief feeling of joy during my 200m run back to the objective. Another tactic i've taken to applying (only when we're waaaaaay beyond winning, won't do it normally) is taking a truck or tank up to their sniper spot and parking it infront of them. When they get up to move I simply follow them and park infront of them again once they assume their camping position. I'll also deploy the tanks smokescreen to piss off multiple snipers camping next to eachother. :) And I never drop them ammo or health...Ever. They should piss off back to team deathmatch modes and leave the objective based modes to the players who are willing to support their team and don't mind getting their hands dirty.
you absolutely should've had not skipping revives, in particular if you die while capping a flag, or playing a game where tickets matter such as operations. this should be like #3 on your list
Hey Broken Machine I've been following you and I want to let you know you have the most precise and well informed tips online in my opinion. keep up the great work, and continue to slaughter!!!
Never knew about the larger mini map button on PS4, thanks TheBrokenMachine!
Love the videos man, great chillax tips and gameplay
You really understand me. I love watching people rushing but when i tried to do it, it's really hard to do so thanks for tips I'll try to not repeat my mistake
best way to make a crucial revive in a dangerous situation: pop smoke around the man needing a revive, get him quickly, and then get the hell out of there before the enemy notices he got up
Some good advice here. Even though I'm not bad myself at battlefield it's still nice to watch your video.
I wholeheartedly concur with your assessments.
Nice video bro! I do make the mistake of shooting while moving but I think I am good on everything else! Great tips! It's the little things that can help make you a better player.
indeed, skill is in the details =P cheers
Ain't that the truth!
Great tips! You earned a new subscriber :)
Thank you! hope they help! Appreciate the sub Alessia, cheers =)
Great list and great gameplay man! I definitely need to work on #3 and #1..
Right on target as always, Mr Machine. love how you effortlessly combine excitement, a sense of calm and inspiration in all your vids.
I have no idea how I do it xD
I feel the same way. I think it's part of your personality. As far as I'm concerned, it comes naturally to you.
Always watch your back... I can't even remember how many times I got shot in the back because I trusted a team of randoms to watch the other door/window behind me..
also another thing could be that when people see the light tanks or the truk ones they go straight for the kill and they all get kills don't rush ...
Spotting is also a major help to vehicals (especially planes). Anytime I'm flying and someone spots targets on the ground, I light them up.
Great video man! some of these tips actually helped my gameplay. meant to ask though, what do you record with? I play PS4 but your gameplay in the background looks so smooth. Is it like a cap device? I would really like to know!
Dude there is no time to revive because everyone skips it after a few seconds. Most people seem to be new to BF and don't understand, that they have to wait a little bit.
As for the walking while shooting part, I really have to care for that too.
Ever since battlefield 3, Ive literally made it a habit to spot something (even if I don't plan on attacking it or interacting with it) that way I know exactly where my target is and so do my team mates. It helps you just by making your target more visible and easier to track and and If I fail to take out the target before I die, my team mates can take over and if they do, not only do I get an assist for helping to take that target out, but there's always that spot bonus as well. I literally spot everything from mines, to tanks, infantry, planes, boats. Anything that is spottable, I will spot it and I know that sounds like a hassle but I'm so used to it and it takes literally no time at all. It's just a quick push of the button above your trigger so to me it's well worth that split second. And since bf3 I bet if I were to round up all of the spot bonus points I've ever gained from bf3,4 and 1 combined, I'm sure it would be more than enough to level up!!! Even though it's a mere 25 points. It adds up, especially since I would spot everything!
Thanks! you have helped me out a lot from just watching 2 of your videos
There are many more I could add, that others have already mentioned below, but I'll chime in with one that has really been getting under my skin the past month. That is, reviving me in the worst places. Revived in fire, nade spam, in front of a tank, etc. So many medics focus on the skulls instead of their surroundings. Like, I can be patient and wait, or release, don't tank our scores and bring our team down because you want revive stats or something
A very common mistake people do is not waiting for revives in ticket games. They are keeping spacebar pressed as soon as they die to respawn quicker, as if they want to lose another ticket as fast as possible I guess...
The fact about the Rambo medic .Whenever I was a medic on BF1 I had to rush to revive the dead players,fact is that even if u don't have any enemy around u they will still skip the revive even if ur 1 meter away from them,that makes you just smash the TV when your playing something like rush or operations
Agree with your points. Good video. Thanks for uploading.
Another great tutorial keep it up Thebrokenmachine.
Great tips as usual broken! I play a scout and spotting is so useful and important for your team! whether the enemy is miles away or just in front of me am spamming that right bumper!
Cheers pedro, hope they help!
Everyone talks about using the correct distance for various guns but how do you even know hour far you are from your target 😔
I'm surprised you didn't mention anything about force respawning. I can't count how many people give up the opportunity to be revived and just go straight to respawn instead of waiting five seconds for me or some other medic to revive them.
Another tip- always try to stay *on side* whilst going for flags. In other words stay on your capped flags side, less chance of being caught out. Giants shadow for example- u have A and B, enter C or D from A,B. side. sounds simple but it reduces random deaths alot.
Such a fantastic video! Much appreciated.
np Steve O!
"Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake."
This man plays war.
Thank you for your video men 👍🏼
Nice video with some different tips that even a battlefield veteran can learn from
Very helpful thanks heaps for this
SPOTTING..SPOTTING..SPOTTING !! Thanks for putting this on the list. This is my biggest peeve!
good tipes man thank you ..you are the best
seriously, its hard to concentrate on what broken is saying when the clip is so much awesome
Great tips, thanks!! 😄
Welcome back, and thanks! Hope to hear that they've helped.
I like how in these clips the enemy just runs around in the open not firing back 90% of the time. Most games you're dead before you even see them.
You know what I hate about some people on battlefield?
When teammates just don't flank the enemy!
Great stuff bro :) . That rush game tho, ayyy
cheers dude, best map for rush IMO.
i've just started getting decent at the attack plane and it infuriates me that the vast majority of my team fails to spot enemies... I really wish people would get to grips with the simple art of pressing r1 every now and then!
Thanks you helped a lot subbed while ago in the notification squad
Hit the nail on the head with this one. Hopefully this helps some people out!
Yes many new players who play as medic make the mistake of reviving me in front of a visible enemy who will wait for him to revive me and then kills me as well as the medic. It's very common now
Machine, one thing you should have mentioned, when playing operations and you're attacking and 90% of the team is playing snipers... should probably take a different class because you wont capture shit when 90% of the team is on the other side of the map most of the game
Hmmm, capturing flags in order and not rushing the objectives. I very rarely win games like that.
Gotta pick and choose when to rush. I am one to encourage a strong push when we are losing ground. But I also end up with more kills and less deaths than those I am telling to back me up. I usually run point when we are getting knocked back. It scares everyone else too much. Sometimes I have to rush by myself. But I usually take the flag and wave people in for free cap points.
Similar to your point about people pushing to hard, noobs in tanks and vehicles that push to far into enemy areas.
You see it almost every game, some guy with his light tank will go straight through C and get demolished by grenades and AT rocket guns. Tanks are the best weapon your team has and so many new players panic and get rekt.
All you have to do is hang back a bit behind your infantry and pick off the enemies before proceeding to the next objective.
James N Literally all of the times I've been killed by a tank have been by people below level 7. Usually they're COD players getting a hard on for being able to use vehicles. So they play like they do on COD. Rushing. It's fun to watch.
I think particularly the point about being patient is one that needs to be shared more often. It feels like whenever manoeuvre myself into a great flanking position, waiting for the right moment to start taking out enemies, some rando spawns on me and instantly gives away our position (usually without even getting a kill). Or when I park up in a light vehicle and move to the gunner seat to take out an enemy push, someone will always spawn in the driver seat and then drive us right into the middle of the advancing enemies...
Best voice on youtube, best videos on BF1
People who do not know how to use the dreadnought. On Fao Fortress and Empire's Edge it is very rare (for me at least) to find a player in position 1 who will move the dreadnought at all when the best spot for it is closer to and parallel to the shore. Although more susceptible to enemy artillery and explosives from land, the time it takes for shell bombardments to reach targets from those in positions 1 and 2 is reduced and AA guns on the dreadnought can support much better (they can fire at land units as well as torpedo boats, planes).
I'd add that moving from a good spot too early can be a bad thing too. Gotta try to find a good middle ground. This goes for any battlefield really
I like the tips but personally disagree with pushing flags in order because sometimes it is just not possible to to push to the next flag due to heavy enemy presence and is sometimes good to capture behind them so your team can spawn there and as a result the enemy is trapped between two flags and cannot fight two angles well
I got one. If your tank is about to be destroyed , you sit in it and die.
Specially with newer players . They see the tank health is going low , they jump out, enemy steals it. No more tanks spawning for your team until someone takes that stolen tank out. And may god help your team if they take it to their spawn point to camp with it.
Broken you are awesome! Next time my dad gets payed he said he would get bf1 for us because of you! Thank you!
Number 1 tip : Get good .Although in seriousness capping flags in order and defending any flank attacks on the OBJ closest to spawn is the big one as far as I see it , that and being able to aim. Best thing to do is play with a decent squad who are about that PTFO . Your videos are informative and concise. Kudos .
Nice done Broken thanks for the tips 👍👍👍👍
np Bellson Bellson, cheers, hope they help!
I'll try to do my best....as always lol
awesome as always !
Thank you for sharing!!!
np Angie! Hope they help you =)
it helped me a lot! even though I am still suckss.....
My only prob with number 5 is that our movements make it very easy for the other enemy to predict which point we would be going to next. However, yes, your are right, it does keep your team close and you can cap points quicker 👌
not spotting is my no.1 gripe with this game and not letting medics revive you
great video!
Good tip for getting better; record your own gameplay and watch it back with a cool, critical head. Ask yourself what did I do wrong? What did I do right? Am I running around with my gun pointing at the ground? Am I running blindly around corners? Am I thinking tactically? Am I sticking with my squad and following orders? That sort of thing.
Great video!!!
ayyy machine . when's the next 1 man army . those vids are insane
soon Shivaan =)
I always go straight to the point closest to the enemy base and keep them busy there while my team takes the rest.
thanks. I always have seen people pointing and I'm like. why is that needed and also how? now I know how. thanks! also awesome vid
Congrats, after watching 5 of your videos I am now gonna subscribe to you :)
04:38 you are trying to heal team mate but he is still burning :D:Ddd why did ı laugh this ıdk :D
I don't cap the flags in order if the squad agrees with it. sometimes we are to get the choke flag.
I do all of these things and battlefield is my very first fps game. I'm surprised I'm better then most people I see playing on the game
Easily the most annoying thing is when people skip their revive as your standing on top of them. You can see how far away I am from you, just wait 2 more seconds.
Really helped me tbh maybe look out for snipers and post according to location
Glad to hear that =)