  • Опубліковано 8 січ 2025


  • @jayviktor6130
    @jayviktor6130 3 роки тому +46

    I've grown up around dogs. My mother would keep a dog for about two years, and get rid of it. I've been around an Akita, Rottweiler, Pug, Bull Mastiff, Mastiff, and Pit Bull. I can say without doubt, that the Bull Mastiff was the gentlest, most tolerant, and protective dog. Truly the best dog breed I've experienced. I have a Bull Mastiff now, and he'll be by my side for life!

    • @TheBigChad
      @TheBigChad Рік тому +3

      10 years is a short life for a human

    • @flameking3544
      @flameking3544 Рік тому

      @@TheBigChad lol

    • @afakbaig6287
      @afakbaig6287 Рік тому +1

      hii bro.the dogs u mentioned u had owned tell bro which one among them was most fearless ,firce who upon seeing a stranger person or seeing a stranger dog he it would tear that Pearson or to that dog .bcoz i want a type of dog who would be stronger and most aggresive .plx telll bro

    • @jayviktor6130
      @jayviktor6130 Рік тому +5

      @@afakbaig6287 That'll get you nothing but court costs and heartache. Any dog can be fierce when it knows its Master is in danger. But if you're looking for a loyal, nobel, and powerful guard dog, I recommend either a Bull Mastiff or Cane Corso. German Shepherds are good too if you can handle the shedding, plus they're much cheaper.

    • @stephenjacks2785
      @stephenjacks2785 Рік тому +1

      @@jayviktor6130 not
      To mention the gsd will bark at a sparrow fart

  • @lizrobertson8126
    @lizrobertson8126 3 роки тому +10

    We recently brought our Bullmastiff puppy home after years of research! We purchased your training program and have found it to be so incredibly useful and helpful. We are now Bullmastiff lovers for life.

  • @secret946
    @secret946 2 роки тому +5

    Grew up with Bullmastiffs and they are so powerfull,yet gentle and loving to their owners

  • @kellygreaves3068
    @kellygreaves3068 3 роки тому +7

    You are bang on. I have a Bullmastiff Rottweiler. She is amazing. I love her eagerness to learn and desire to please... when she feels like it...lol. I should also mention she is professionally trained and I agree socialization is key. She knows when it is time to be business, I can freely take her everywhere with me and I never feel unsafe, have to worry about clutching my purse, she walks with confidence and authority (proud) people generally move for her

  • @corawalkswithdogs330
    @corawalkswithdogs330 4 роки тому +17

    Saw this and haaad to watch, my sister and I live together and she just got her Bullmastiff puppy that I’ve started training to show. And I’ll be getting my Rottweiler next year!

    • @bored742
      @bored742 4 роки тому +1

      Let's hope.you have a big home not just a silly little apartment with no garden

    • @streettunesz919
      @streettunesz919 3 роки тому


  • @Shadowtear25
    @Shadowtear25 4 роки тому +7

    Everything I've been researching tell me i need a bullmastiff in my life and home! Thank you so much for your informative videos, you're an excellent speaker in front of a camera, love following this channel.

  • @2830stephen
    @2830stephen 4 роки тому +20

    i always had beagles but my wife wanted to get a bullmastiff I never would have imaged how affectionate and loving he is to our family . He is truly one of the family couldn't love him more

    • @sukhtiwana4596
      @sukhtiwana4596 4 роки тому +1

      Have you got any tips for a first time beagle owner?

    • @20FreeWill
      @20FreeWill 4 роки тому +1

      Your wife has good taste . Beagles are cool tho

    • @bored742
      @bored742 4 роки тому

      I bet the new dog slobbets everywhere it's not nice 1 bit

    • @20FreeWill
      @20FreeWill 4 роки тому +1

      @@bored742 I have a bull mastiff , doesnt slobber much at all

    • @bored742
      @bored742 4 роки тому

      @@20FreeWill , and how do you find this breed with all the bad health they go through?? , and also the guy in the vid says not to have short bursts of play with the mastiff as you need to.look after it's bones surley this is a bad thing as all dogs love to play

  • @joemiller3739
    @joemiller3739 4 роки тому +9

    I think you hit the nail on the head with this video ... As a rottweiler owner I couldn’t agree more with what you have said... they are amazing dogs in the correct hands with proper training . my boy is a very loving family pet but if some one (which we have had ) come into the garden/home uninvited he will protect his home with all he’s got

  • @mohawkriver2539
    @mohawkriver2539 4 роки тому +8

    I have a mix of these 2 breeds .He was a gift for my 12 year old son.This dog is absolutely amazing.My son has a 4 legged guardian angel

  • @gerrydixon619
    @gerrydixon619 3 роки тому +28

    We have owned 4 Bullies, one female, and three males. My female was the spiciest and guardy of them all with a really high prey drive, but my males were very intimidating with their size. My fawn boy was tall around 28 inches and weighed around 130 lbs, the lean machine we called him! He once 'pinned' a man that made his way into our back yard (said he wasn't sure where the front door was, yeah,, right!). Our dog was in the garden asleep heard the latch go on the back gate and he was up and running. I came out of the house hearing a load of shouting to find a stranger pinned up against the wall. My dog had literally body-slammed him there!
    I am female and not that big, once when I was jogging in a park, my red boy was way off over the other side of the field. A male jogger came into the park and started to jog around behind me. Out of nowhere, Harley was there putting himself in between me and the male jogger. The poor guy looked quite worried!! He also did the same when I was out alone with him over the local farmer's fields. Some guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and Harls stopped dead hackles up and just stood there looking at the man. I leashed him and the guy gave us about a 10-foot gap, lol. All the time, Harley never took his eyes off him. They are amazing natural guards. Love your channel btw ❤

    • @sin3358
      @sin3358 2 роки тому +1

      One of the main reasons why I want to have a mastiff ❤️❤️ I wonder if training them will be an issue though. I heard they're not necessarily the easiest to train, but they're very laid back and smart so perhaps it won't be a big issue for a first time dog owner. Idk if it's a good idea to get them as a first timer, I hope by the time I decide to finally get one, I'll have enough information to know what I'm doing, as well as have enough money to afford any dog trainers in case things go awry

    • @stephenjacks2785
      @stephenjacks2785 Рік тому +1

      @@sin3358 with the right guidance and some common sense on your part i dont see you having any issues, you are already underestimating yourself
      I was for some 25 years involved in training personal protection and guard dogs as well as police dogs i now have a female bullmastiff and i can say i wont be going back to your gsd, rottie, or dobes

  • @CharityUniqueBlackwell
    @CharityUniqueBlackwell 4 роки тому +8

    I'm getting a Rottweiler puppy in January and I am appropriately stoked about it :)

  • @robertlibby9716
    @robertlibby9716 Рік тому +6

    I used to have Billmastiffs. What I loved was they didn't pursue the baddies but stayed next to me and protected us.

  • @Daniel-hv1hp
    @Daniel-hv1hp Рік тому +5

    The bullmasstiff is slightly taller then Rottweiler

  • @johnlaseter9434
    @johnlaseter9434 5 місяців тому

    Love the info and the energy!! Thanks Will

  • @julieemery8907
    @julieemery8907 4 місяці тому

    We have a bullmastiff & it's true they are a massive baby.
    Our big girl is 1 year old & about 9 stone but still wants to sit on our knees. She is very loving & cute❤

  • @danielmarcum4754
    @danielmarcum4754 4 роки тому +2

    2 of my favorite breeds with the boxer

  • @spencergostin
    @spencergostin Місяць тому

    I owned both - at the same time - two males - everyone said they would end up killing each other - how wrong they were - the two of them were best of buddies all their lives - they used to sleep back to back - even in the pub - a sign they completely trusted each other. The Rottie was taller and longer than the bullmastiff but weighed 14lbs less - 164lbs and 178lbs - the Bullmastiff had a much bigger chest. The Rottie was the boss but used to mother the Bullmastiff - the Rottie would lick the Bullmastiff's head until it was sopping - and if the Rottie stopped the Bullmastiff would give him a nudge as if to say - keep going. Unfortunately, they did not live long lives the Rottie lived to just short of his ninth birthday and the Bullmastiff lived for another fourteen months until the age of eight and a half. He never seemed the same after his pal passed. I now have a Shih Tzu who is still going strong at the age of thirteen. As the vet said to me - the little ones are much tougher than the big ones in many ways.The Rottie was definitely more intelligent and there was never any dereliction from his duty when it came to guarding the house - for the Bullmastiff guard duty was optional - depending on how comfortable he was on the sofa. The Rottie was never bothered by bad weather - he would take thunderstorms and hail stones in his stride - he would lay down in the snow - the Bullmastiff would walk back into the house if it was raining or if there was snow on the ground - and storms and fireworks terrified him - he would become quite frantic - he would climb up onto you and try and hug you during the firework season - the Rottie was unperturbed by noise - he might bark - but in a way that suggested he was ready to take on all comers.

  • @Prod.AJDIDIT
    @Prod.AJDIDIT 4 роки тому +4

    That’s a sick tattoo! Great video as well .

  • @here_we_go_again2571
    @here_we_go_again2571 Рік тому +1

    I agree with you.
    Bullmastiffs are much better family dogs than Rotties.
    Bullmastiffs have a lower prey drive, they also guard by staying near the owner; not racing out to meet the intruder.
    The English Mastiff is much more laid back than the Bullmastiff; but they are huge!
    For a family pet, neutering is helpful. I don't think spaying the females make a difference in the temperament;
    but it will prevent your home and dog (indirectly kids) being mobbed my wandering male dogs.
    There is a discussion about when or if to neuter a large dog breed. However if the animal is neutered too late it has
    already picked up some habits that a family might find objectionable. (Desire to roam, aggression, humping)

  • @muffinthemoggy4359
    @muffinthemoggy4359 3 роки тому +5

    After 100 years. Comments enabled on this channel.

  • @Carlosmanmanman
    @Carlosmanmanman 4 роки тому +5

    You’ve got to do a Bullmastiff compared to a Dogue de Bordeaux. Your videos are the best!

  • @bckazee
    @bckazee 2 роки тому +2

    My rottie is such a sweet derpy boy lol. And I've literally never felt safer. My dog is great with people I know, but if he feels someone is making me uncomfortable, that switch flips and he turns into cujo.

  •  4 місяці тому

    my opinion after watching this video... the Bullmastiff is safer to have around kids and family. Also they are slower to react so you havea better chance to stop a undesired trait.
    Thanks for this video it was really well put together i have subscribed and going to watch all the videos . I was going to get a cane corso but the Italian cane corso looks way different in UK then the ones they have in Italy almost like a Labrador.

  • @deeptoot1453
    @deeptoot1453 4 роки тому +1

    FINALLY!! I cam comment underneath one of his videos!!

  • @taniaanders658
    @taniaanders658 4 роки тому +3

    What is the comparison of health issues such as cancer, eye issues and joints? 50/50 or dependant on responsible breeding. By the way, your videos are great!!!

  • @advent35
    @advent35 4 місяці тому

    Both are beautiful dogs. I've had both. My service dogs are rottweilers, and they are amazingly dependable and loyal. Yes, you have to be strong and reliable, too. good breading is a must!

  • @Shock2Aloy
    @Shock2Aloy 4 роки тому +2

    I have a Rotty mastif mix and he’s mostly rotty but he has a mastif head so it’s huge

  • @sifisokhumalo272
    @sifisokhumalo272 4 роки тому +3

    I love both breeds, can this dog learn to live together from a young age as I can't decide which breed I want?

  • @scottgordin9709
    @scottgordin9709 6 місяців тому +2

    Been doing research on this breed for about six months now, and I've come to the realization that my next pup will definitely be a female Bullmastiff.

    • @spicencens7725
      @spicencens7725 5 місяців тому

      Same here! I've owned 2 lovely, well behaved Rotts in my life & currently have a laid back Presa/Dane mix.
      If not for the affordability factor, my next pup would have been another Presa.
      I've learned so much about the Bullmastiff and am absolutely in love with them!

    • @julieemery8907
      @julieemery8907 4 місяці тому +1

      We have always had terriers but my daughter always wanted a big dog to lie with and cuddle up with so we got a bullmastiff girl. Omg she is so loving, she is a year old & about 9 stone but still wants to sit on your knee.
      Just ha e to say, be prepared when you get home when you have a bullmastiff, they go mental, it's like you have been away forever. I'm so glad we got out Brenda she is an amazing girl, full of love & craziness. You need to get a Brenda.

  • @mjunior8142
    @mjunior8142 3 роки тому +1

    Your videos are spot on!! I have one and he's literally the best 💛

  • @30cjbeast
    @30cjbeast 3 роки тому

    Hope your account gets way more followers bro! Great content keep going strong! 💪💪💪 thank you for the info

  • @418laylah
    @418laylah Рік тому +1

    I had a female Rottweiler for 11years. She was calm and Not aggressive at all. Loved people. Everyone in the dog park. Cared less for the otger dogs. Now i have a Mastweiler. 11 weeks. Shes very sweet. Should be interesting 😂

  • @solomonstello
    @solomonstello 3 роки тому +2

    You know what sounds really good?
    A Rottweiler Bullmastiff mix.

  • @MIKE-qi8vw
    @MIKE-qi8vw 6 місяців тому

    could you plz make vid about mastiff mom and willer dad mix kids like mine?

  • @caseyjean489
    @caseyjean489 Рік тому

    I have the lovliest rottweiler.. he is not stubborn, but I put a lot of time into him. He's 10 years old now.
    I think I just lucked out with his temperament tbh, he is very easy going but has risen to the occasion when its been appropriate ❤️

  • @fayecummings1946
    @fayecummings1946 3 роки тому +2

    Great video! One question.. how different is a Bullmastiff to a Dogue de Bourdeaux?
    I presently have a DDB, a Rottweiler and an American bully. Have never had a Bullmastiff.... and now that all of my dogs are getting on in age, will eventually have to get a puppy... who I would get while the others are still around to help him learn the ropes and rules around the family and the pack. I'm considering the Bullmastiff and since I have a big affectionate, loving and stubborn DDB.. was wondering what the difference is between the DDB and the Bullmastiff...
    Maybe you can do a video?

    • @willathertonbullmastiffsho7064
      @willathertonbullmastiffsho7064  3 роки тому +1

      Hey Faye, thanks for watching and reaching out. We'll see what we can do about making a video to answer your question! You might be pleased to know that we've just started a Bordeaux show: ua-cam.com/channels/W3M6qqQeJF-oO70xvFh47Q.html

    • @fayecummings1946
      @fayecummings1946 3 роки тому

      @@willathertonbullmastiffsho7064 Thanks!

  • @kuldeepsayal391
    @kuldeepsayal391 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent sharing.

  • @schwarz1237
    @schwarz1237 8 місяців тому

    I have found a Bull Mastiff lived at a road, she ist so calm. I have had never a better Dog.

  • @cr8244
    @cr8244 3 роки тому

    Super helpful Video! Great content!

  • @heatherm8736
    @heatherm8736 3 роки тому +3

    The bullies smooshy face is just irristible

  • @TheDorsetWoodCleaver
    @TheDorsetWoodCleaver Рік тому

    Hi Will, we're planning ahead to get a Bull Mastweiler in the next year, do you know of any good breeders in the UK please?

  • @rajanvaidya464
    @rajanvaidya464 4 роки тому

    Wow you always select right topic!👍

  • @davebruce5320
    @davebruce5320 4 роки тому +1

    My two favourite breeds

  • @barking.dog.productions1777
    @barking.dog.productions1777 2 роки тому +2

    I have owned bred and trained Rotties exclusively for over 40 years - pretty much spot on here... You need to train rotties basically from birth - Given proper training and socialization they are the best breed on earth - true story, and I am not biased at all!🤣 LOL

  • @mkshffr4936
    @mkshffr4936 10 місяців тому

    I really think the bull mastiff might be a good breed for me but their lifespan is so short. We lost our Queen Abbey the Labby just before her 16th birthday. It was very hard.

  • @jamiewoolacott7462
    @jamiewoolacott7462 3 місяці тому

    Will my name is Jamie from Brisbane Australia.have a Bullmastiff /Bordeaux.Sheds red pine needles 24/7 all year round ( bullmastiff shape bordeaux colour) he has done for last 10 yrs ive had him. vet certified perfect health.53 kg can walk 4 kms comfortably.The best mate of mine on the back of my ute,but its fuckin torture vaccuuing (hoovering) the car seats/carpet in house,
    why does drop so much hair?

  • @robbo9020
    @robbo9020 4 роки тому

    so what if you have a bull mastiff x rottweiler puppy?

  • @tomsantella5538
    @tomsantella5538 10 місяців тому

    Both great

  • @isaaksimmons6121
    @isaaksimmons6121 4 роки тому

    Great video!

  • @joshyy5986
    @joshyy5986 3 роки тому

    I want a dog for security and good pet, rotty or mastiff?

    @MARMELADIOPTHA 3 роки тому +1


  • @intellectualgladiata
    @intellectualgladiata 3 роки тому +3

    Owned both and favour the Rottweiler. The health issues that plague the Bullmastiff are simply unacceptable and the working capability and drives have been largely bred out which explains why you never see Bullmastiffs any more in working roles. The Rottweiler's intelligence is several levels above the BM. Love the temperaments of both but the heartbreak and financial burden that comes from the health problems in the BM make it dog I would no longer take as a gift.

  • @bulllea
    @bulllea 4 роки тому +1

    both are molossers . and molossers will love you to the moon and back .

  • @rexandcompany3933
    @rexandcompany3933 4 роки тому +1

    Are bullmastifs good natural guardians(do they need training)?
    Can you tell me like from your experience with Roxy, for example will a female bullmastif protect you or your home?
    And are they good with other dogs like could you have a staffy or something like that and a bullmastif?

    • @willathertonbullmastiffsho7064
      @willathertonbullmastiffsho7064  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks for watching! We actually have a video looking at the temperament of Bullmastiffs which you might find helpful: ua-cam.com/video/3_McxKTjxLs/v-deo.html

  • @Sachindev999
    @Sachindev999 3 роки тому

    Excellent video..Please make a video on BullMastiff vs English Mastiff

  • @antonyjohns
    @antonyjohns 4 роки тому

    I hav one labrador. She s 13 yr old. When i go for my job , my mom is alone . So i was planin to buy a breed which ll b a bettr guard dog. I was planin to buy a rottie . Bt my friends are discouragin me by saying i wont b able to handle the breed. Can anyone please suggest me a guarding breed which will be easy for me .
    My requirements , it should b easy to groom , hav guardian instincts. I am from india , kerala .

    • @willathertonbullmastiffsho7064
      @willathertonbullmastiffsho7064  4 роки тому +1

      Thank so much for watching! We have a video over on one of our sister channels looking at the top 10 guard dog breeds that might be helpful for you to watch: ua-cam.com/video/6S1ZPrsJFpk/v-deo.html

  • @the_crypto_gambler
    @the_crypto_gambler 4 роки тому

    One question. Why Bullmastiffs are so hard to get in UK???

    • @shane-oshaunason7590
      @shane-oshaunason7590 4 роки тому +1

      They’re not IMO. Where have you looked?

    • @lorenzo1697
      @lorenzo1697 4 роки тому +2

      Just search “bullmastiff breeders near me”

    • @the_crypto_gambler
      @the_crypto_gambler 4 роки тому

      Pets4homes mainly but there's hardly any in South West Region.

    • @cblandblueyonder
      @cblandblueyonder 4 роки тому

      I used the kennel club site - but did have to go through two or three breeders, and reserved mine before the litter was born! However, I didn't want to rush, a BM with dodgy health or temperament would be a handful.

    • @johnwingate8799
      @johnwingate8799 4 роки тому

      They kill people

  • @totallynotfaketrustme
    @totallynotfaketrustme 7 місяців тому

    I am so tired of people saying “high level” it sounds gimmicky

  • @FrankRivera-k9q
    @FrankRivera-k9q 4 місяці тому

    I would disagrees with the opinion on rottweilers. I knew a mechanic who had a 150 lb male rottie. The dog loved people especially children because he knew kids would play with him. Rottweilers are like people. sometimes they're very friendly other times there not.

  • @Mrnobody-x6s
    @Mrnobody-x6s Рік тому

    Is Bullmastif good decision for first timer?

  • @davidshattock9522
    @davidshattock9522 2 роки тому

    The big Victorian houses used to keep two dogs like a bullterrier or similar and a larger dog like some type of mastiff thinking being if some poor mistaken idiot comes in through a window they can't fight two dogs off at two different heights picture the scene on chewing your ankle off and the big brother working on the non walking rest of what's left not at all pretty is it.

  • @Hereward47
    @Hereward47 2 місяці тому

    It really does make me laugh how a sales pitch story about “Crossing the Alps with the Romans” is still trotted out about the Rottweiler.
    Let’s be honest 90% of dog breeds are 19th/20th century recreations of supposed historical breeds.

  • @kaycamille1544
    @kaycamille1544 22 дні тому

    Whilst a agree with most of what this guy says having had rottweilers and breeding bull mastiffs for many years i found the bull mastiffs to be far more dog aggressive have had to keep father and sons separate as given the chance will fight to the death if given the chance , even the females too are not tolerant to other dogs . But having said that they are great guard dogs . any of my bull mastiffs would be silent never bark to deter a stranger . will let them enter but spring to action when necessary and pin and hold rather than attack a stranger . very trustworthy towards children . rotweillers are quicker to react but need a firmer hand around strangers . Both these breeds need alpha owners and are not for a novice

  • @harishsriram2640
    @harishsriram2640 4 роки тому

    Upload a video of bullmastiff vs great dane bro

  • @Salahmed562
    @Salahmed562 3 роки тому +1

    For some reason Will gives off the vibe that's he's not a fan of the Rottweiler.

  • @kinglik854
    @kinglik854 Рік тому

    I don’t know. I’ve been researching and it seems like the bullmastiff is hit or miss as far a guard dog. Most just seem really nice and chill. Although there has been some that seem like decent guard dogs.

    • @jacenthegreat9536
      @jacenthegreat9536 Рік тому +2

      My Bullmastiff doesn't let people inside our home no matter what he only lets them in when I get out or my siblings are out. But he blocks me to scan the stranger or visitors just incase.

  • @cha0s529
    @cha0s529 3 роки тому +1

    Yea some of the things you said about the rottie are not true probably because your saying this cause you had a bull mastiff

  • @DG-zv4bl
    @DG-zv4bl 4 роки тому +1

    In the thumbnail that looks more like a boerboel than a bullmastiff. The bullmastiff would have a more square shaped, broad head and short snout while that one has a more longer face which is more. boerboel. Surely you could have found a picture of a boerboel and tell the difference!!!

  • @melvinchavers4116
    @melvinchavers4116 4 роки тому +1


  • @gtb5216
    @gtb5216 3 роки тому

    That ain't no bullmastiff

  • @user-hv2qi2xb9v
    @user-hv2qi2xb9v 4 роки тому +1

    What have you done to your hand? If thats a tattoo you should be ashamed.

    • @jhaych
      @jhaych 3 роки тому +1

      Why? Is it hurting you?

  • @omenakakku-gz5dm
    @omenakakku-gz5dm 3 роки тому


  • @OMENA1500-cm6db
    @OMENA1500-cm6db 7 місяців тому