Test video: Cardassian Galor Types

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • Just a quick video to critique the Types 1, 2, and 3 Galor class.
    All 3 ships engage the K'Tinga class to show the relative power differences, with Felix controlling the Galors to level the playing field regarding skill.
    The Type 1 Galor has light colouring with a blue deflector. It is balanced to be lighter and faster than its successors, taking on more of a destroyer/interceptor feel. Armed with an earlier version of the Spiral Wave disruptor and anti-matter torpedoes. Overall the Type 1 is quite weak for its size.
    The Type 2 has the darker brown/orange colouring (WIP) seen in TNG's Ensign Ro with a red deflector. Balanced as more of a cruiser with stronger hull plating, more weapon placements and a heavier feel. Also uses Anti-matter torpedoes and the newer type of Spiral Wave disruptor. Overall a mid level ship and a big upgrade over the Type 1.
    The Type 3 is as seen in late TNG/early Ds9. Has the usual yellow/brown ds9 colouring. Basically just a better version of the Type 2 but with light plasma torpedoes.
  • Ігри


  • @chadwickst.clair-smythe4217
    @chadwickst.clair-smythe4217 3 місяці тому +2

    Very well done. One can see the development of this line of ship over 35 years. Cheers.

  • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
    @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 3 місяці тому +2

    I would say these are good. You did a really good job with the Type II's feel from the mid-seasons of TNG with the colors. Well done.

    • @adamlee2111
      @adamlee2111  3 місяці тому +2

      Thank you, I'm trying to do the Cardassian fleet justice! Their ships seem to be an afterthought with most mods and even the original release.
      The Type II is rapidly becoming my favourite Cardassian ship to fly, I'm looking forward to doing some Border Wars battles with these

    • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
      @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 3 місяці тому +2

      @@adamlee2111 I thank you that! The lack of good Cardassian ships has long been my pet peeve with BC. The other pet peeve is that most people actually misunderstand Cardassian ships, doctrine and capabilities. So, it is hard to really develop ships that due justice. The Galors are such a rapidly changing set of ships that it is hard to keep up with. The Cardassians had a very fruitful decade between 2365-2375 in terms of technological development, not unlike many countries before and after WWII. That you took the time to actually develop all three Galor types prior to the Dominion War is amazing. Taking the time to balance them as well. Truly great! We fans really do appreciate it particularly because alien ships are typically ignored by modders in general. Everyone wants 50th take on a Federation Starship. I look forward to the Dominion War variants, and the Keldons. Dare we hope for the Hutet?

  • @MSR-1701
    @MSR-1701 3 місяці тому +2

    I read testing different types of Galors, and my mind went to FASA.😅

  • @janeghudjars3496
    @janeghudjars3496 3 місяці тому

    These look quite good! I like the Type II as slightly more powerful than a Ktinga. Seems right for a Destroyer. I look forward to battles between the Galor Type 1 and Mirandas.

    • @adamlee2111
      @adamlee2111  3 місяці тому

      Thank you! I can't imagine a K'Tinga would match a Type II Galor, even if we disregard its age, the K'Tinga is a much smaller ship. I'll record a Miranda vs Galor I video for you 👍

  • @necroticavalon5176
    @necroticavalon5176 3 місяці тому +1

    What happened to K'Tinga's forward torpedoes?! We all know the thing has them.
    EDIT: Anyway yes, that's a very clear difference in power between all 3 Galor refits. Less between II and III then I and II. The Type I really feels like a ship from the 2330's. I think all the outcomes would've been mostly the same, but the Type II might have had a harder fight, if the K'tinga used it's forward torps.

    • @adamlee2111
      @adamlee2111  3 місяці тому +2

      The DS9 era K'Tinga's didn't have them, they fired a lance disruptor from the forward port instead

    • @necroticavalon5176
      @necroticavalon5176 3 місяці тому

      @@adamlee2111 That's absurd, we see K'tinga's from the same time in other shows firing them. I think you're falling into same trap you did with Cardie ships. Just because we rarely see K'tinga's firing torpedoes, doesn't mean they didn't have them. Plus what kind of ship design has aft torps, but no forward ones?? I mean ok, let's go by that logic, in the show, we never see the Vor'Cha firing torpedoes either. They fire beams, or that big disruptor pulse-ish thing. Does that mean Vor'cha should't have forward torpedoes either?
      Or hell, you put aft torps on the B'Rel class. Where do they fire from? It's impulse engines? Or the D'Deridex warbird. Where do they fire torps from, in the shows? That plate-like indent from the nose, where they also fire beams from. See what I mean? If you go by the show visuals, half the ships have only ONE weapon hardpoint, which fires whatever the episode wants it to fire. Oh, and let's not forget the one episode in TNG, where we see the Ent D firing phasers from it's TORPEDO TUBE in the front. XD
      And that forward 'port' isn't actually a weapon system on the K'Tinga, that's a deflector array that has integrated weapon systems. The disruptor lance, and torpedoes. Basically... stop being so bound by show-visuals. They're old shows, and effects were primitive to say the least. I think some re-interpretation is needed.
      Of course, it'll require balancing it out, but I really think K'tinga should have forward torpedoes. Especially since it has aft ones, now it just looks silly.

    • @adamlee2111
      @adamlee2111  3 місяці тому

      @@necroticavalon5176 I'm not bound to the shows, how could I be when they're so inconsistent? If I used DS9 visuals as a reference every ship would explode after 2 hits. With Voyager, I would have to somehow make Voyager survive for several minutes alone against a Tactical Cube whilst simultaneously being threatened by a handful of Kazon Raiders.
      I just saw the lance disruptor being used in Way of the Warrior where a torpedo tube would normally be and used it as an excuse to do something different. I don't want every ship to just be fore/aft torpedoes plus the usual array of energy weapons, there has to be variety.
      I think it makes sense here: the K'Tinga is ancient and fragile so fitting it with a lance weapon and keeping it at the rear of a formation is a sensible way for the Klingons to get some use out of a design that would otherwise be next to useless in a fleet battle.
      Sure, the K'Tinga wasn't used that way in the episode but like you said, the visuals need some interpretation: that same battle had Birds of Prey scaled as small as shuttlecraft, so small a person couldn't even stand up whilst on board 😂 Not to mention Vor'cha class ships being destroyed by 1 phaser blast and 1 torpedo.... then later in the show we see Martok's bird of prey taking on 3 Dominion Attack ships on its own (don't get me started on the BoP's absurd capabilities 😂)

    • @adamlee2111
      @adamlee2111  3 місяці тому

      @@necroticavalon5176 I could always do two variants of the K'Tinga, one with a forward torpedo tube and another with a lance disruptor?? Its reasonable that different variants existed given how long they were in service, and when refitting them for the Cardassian and later Dominion War the Klingons may have experimented with a few different configurations

    • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
      @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 3 місяці тому +2

      @@adamlee2111 I have always assumed, and I think Memory Alpha touches on it, there is the thought that the K'Tingas belonged to smaller houses not wealthy enough to purchase newer ships. So they modified the hell out of old ships. As a result, the capability of any given K'Tinga may differ from another. It terms of Doctrine and role, K'Tingas seem ideal as Destroyers: Heavier than the B'Rel and better suited for set-piece battles. The K'Tinga could either be a Torpedo Destroyer (T-Destroyer) that sacrifices beam firepower and shields for a good torpedo volley and maneuverability, or a regular Destroyer armed with Phaser Lance to provide heavy fire support for attack wings of B'Rels against enemy cruisers. Tactically, this means 1-2 K'Tingas would hang behind at Stand-Off range from an oblique angle to allow maximum support fires time using the Lance as the B'Rels close the range and attack. Speed is less important than shields that allows them to stay on station longer to deliver fire support. T-Destroyers use different tactics. The engage in squadrons of three, moving along on attack runs at medium range, loose torpedoes in a full spread, and then peel off running like hell. They require more speed at expense of shields.