BC was the worst this I ever did to my body! I love hearing people finally saying they are trying to regulate themselves without the hormones! I swear it took my body a long while to adjust back to normal but I don’t regret my decision! Good luck to you as you navigate the new normal! 🥰
Thank you for sharing!! I truly believe BC is the cause for a lot of my body issues!! I'm so excited for my body to flush on the hormones. It's been tough but I'd rather my body function on its own as much as possible. Thank you for the hope!!
BC was the worst this I ever did to my body! I love hearing people finally saying they are trying to regulate themselves without the hormones! I swear it took my body a long while to adjust back to normal but I don’t regret my decision! Good luck to you as you navigate the new normal! 🥰
Thank you for sharing!! I truly believe BC is the cause for a lot of my body issues!! I'm so excited for my body to flush on the hormones. It's been tough but I'd rather my body function on its own as much as possible. Thank you for the hope!!