I just wasted an afternoon trying to do this, from an A12 to a new A15. wifi wouldn't connect. I didn't try it the way you show in the video. Transfer cable wouldn't work because theres not enough room on the old phone to create a backup. I had to delete a bunch of stuff and do a partial transfer. That got things moving but I still need to import more.
i got locked out of my phone can i still unlock it even after it says try again in 24hrs? i set up my face to unlock the phone as well but when it sat for more then four hours it went to lock down for the code i made it simple to remember for example i did 20-40--50 that way you only have to remember 3#
If you take your sim card out of your old phone and install it in the new Galaxy A15 phone, I don't think the Samsung Smart app will work for transferring data. In that case, how does one make the data transfer?
Transfer contacts, photos and videos from another android phone you own. Step 1, Log into your gmail account, the same account as your old phone. Job complete.
📍Find more helpful A15 videos here ➡bit.ly/LearnMyA15
📍Here are the accessories I use with my A15➡amzn.to/4cutFcZ
Brilliant video, very clear and simple on what to do, loved it, thanks a million👍
Your voice is really clear; and you speak slowly. I'm getting an A15 soon.
I'm 73 years old and just got this phone -- SUPER HELPFUL
This guy is very clear and precise and this helped me get my new phone setup with info from my old phone, top notch.
Super good
This was a fantastic video! Every single topic was one I wanted to know how to do! I'll definitely watch the rest! Thank you SO MUCH!
Happy the video helped!
Think you for time❤😊
Thanks so much bro i wanted to move my photos to my new phone
Hi, does the smart switch process also work if your old phone is a Motorola, and your new phone an A15 4G? Thanx.
I just wasted an afternoon trying to do this, from an A12 to a new A15.
wifi wouldn't connect. I didn't try it the way you show in the video.
Transfer cable wouldn't work because theres not enough room on the old phone to create a backup. I had to delete a bunch of stuff and do a partial transfer. That got things moving but I still need to import more.
I am trying to get some pics and music off my ipod 5th gen to a galaxy a15 5g can u help me out? Thank you
Can partial fingerprints work with the sensor? My fingers were burned when I was a small child & tripped and fell on a furnace grate. Thank you!
I'm not sure :(...
Question: I have a Samsung A10s. I need more storage. Should i buy a new cellphone, A15, or should i buy a SD card? Thanks in advance.
buy a15
New Phone
Thank you for the smart switch. I’ll be switching from iOS
Welcome to Samsung my friend.
i got locked out of my phone can i still unlock it even after it says try again in 24hrs? i set up my face to unlock the phone as well but when it sat for more then four hours it went to lock down for the code i made it simple to remember for example i did 20-40--50 that way you only have to remember 3#
For transferring between phones it would have been better if you had shown 2 phones side by side.
If you take your sim card out of your old phone and install it in the new Galaxy A15 phone, I don't think the Samsung Smart app will work for transferring data. In that case, how does one make the data transfer?
Download the smartswitch app on both phones. Then you can remove the Sim card and it should work fine.
Transfer contacts, photos and videos from another android phone you own. Step 1, Log into your gmail account, the same account as your old phone. Job complete.
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