ya i skipped the last one, because it wasnt really for me. this one however has: king brodd/gargants, ironjawz/big pig, and the introduction of Trugg with a Model... its basically made for me. great cover art, i know the lore will be awesome! so i basically get spoiled, because i'm all in on destruction... poor ogors. haha but they have the awesome Maw Pit coming soon!
It's getting to the point where the addon books like codexs and army books are as much as a good new computer game. It's pretty crazy, especially since they're usually FAQed right off the get go and they're only good for a few years.
ya buying books is becoming an entire hobby of its own. i do love the content, but find myself less, and less excited for the next run... I had hoped 10th would see less required books, but that does not look like the case.
awesome deal! i like the ragers, and i think the changes with ardboyz points, will have me taking a unit or two. but i'm tempted to get multiple pigs, and embrace the rolling thunder-bacon!
I can see why people are excited by the big pig, but GW's pricing continues to surprise. I just cannot fathom the pricing of the Brutes. In isolation as being simply three dudes, and then relative to the other releases at the same time.
Pay 50 bucks for a book that doesn't read like a novel, or sail the seas. Hmm wonder what will happen
ya i skipped the last one, because it wasnt really for me. this one however has: king brodd/gargants, ironjawz/big pig, and the introduction of Trugg with a Model... its basically made for me. great cover art, i know the lore will be awesome! so i basically get spoiled, because i'm all in on destruction... poor ogors. haha but they have the awesome Maw Pit coming soon!
It's getting to the point where the addon books like codexs and army books are as much as a good new computer game. It's pretty crazy, especially since they're usually FAQed right off the get go and they're only good for a few years.
ya buying books is becoming an entire hobby of its own. i do love the content, but find myself less, and less excited for the next run... I had hoped 10th would see less required books, but that does not look like the case.
Bought 2 ragers, 2 ardboyz, 1 ardboy boss, the big pig and klonk with helper for 235€ so 90€ cheaper than directly from GW
awesome deal! i like the ragers, and i think the changes with ardboyz points, will have me taking a unit or two. but i'm tempted to get multiple pigs, and embrace the rolling thunder-bacon!
I can see why people are excited by the big pig, but GW's pricing continues to surprise. I just cannot fathom the pricing of the Brutes. In isolation as being simply three dudes, and then relative to the other releases at the same time.
Wanted to get some but with those prices might just wait till Christmas to see new deals and if these get on sale from some local stores.
So many insane price hikes here.
Those AOS box is not hitting retail yet, i mean pre order.
Its really expensive now....
car or new Pigs?
haha, i want you to be exaggerating... but this is probably accurate!
Welp, should have known to not get too excited for these. Here I come 3D print proxies
BOYCOTT, PROTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*hour early on pre-order*
Release was a clownshow. Every USA LGS online store and LGS in area only got 2-3 boxes of each kit and 2-3 books.
I don’t vibe with age of sigmar but big pig is immaculate
I bought the cheaper version of the book, but the miniatures didn't really interest me - especially at these prices.
There’s like 10 models in that vanguard!!! What a rip off.
Hard pass GW