Correct watering of orchids - sprinkling and fertilizing the orchid

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • It turns out that watering orchids usually involves the most errors we make when growing these plants. Often they are watered too abundantly or inappropriately, which for some specimens means certain death. So what should you be careful about?
    The most important rule - always avoid stagnation of moisture. Roots should not have contact with water, because it causes them to rot. Therefore, we plant orchids in a suitable substrate, which is designed to drain water. In addition, we never pour water on the list so that it does not remain in their hollows. It also causes the plant to rot.
    Water with body temperature or room temperature is best used for watering orchids. It should be soft water with low calcium content. How to get it? We can pour water into a watering-can and leave it overnight.
    The water can also be softened by cooking. And how often should you water orchids? The iron rule sounds - only when the substrate dries sufficiently. This can be easily checked by lifting the pot. It should just seem light. It is usually enough to water plants once a week. Freshly transplanted orchids and plants that stand above the radiators turned on, as well as those that are just in full bloom, also tolerate a second watering during the week. Orchids standing in cooler rooms, eg in an unheated room, can be watered less frequently, eg every 10 days.
    And another question. How to water orchids? There are many possibilities. You can put the plant under the tap for about 2-3 minutes, of course without a casing and rinse the substrate with water at room temperature or slightly warmer. The stream of water is directed to the ground, not to the plant. Rinsing a plastic pot, eg once a month, allows you to remove the rest or excess fertilizer. This method works well with fast-drying substrates. You can water orchids in the same way as other plants, watering can, directly on the ground, without pouring the leaves. Then pour the excess water out of the casing so as not to cause the root rot. Still another way is watering the orchids through the podiąk, or dipping in the reins. Pour the water into the bowl, put the plant in it for a few or several minutes, remove it and put it back in the casing. However, it must be remembered that if all plants are immersed in the same container, there will be a significant risk of bacterial, fungal or pest diseases being transmitted.
    It is recommended that the orchids be watered in the morning. As a result, they have enough time to dry out before the cooler evening.
    To properly water and fertilize orchids, you should carefully observe the plants. Different species of orchids have their own cycle of vegetation, specific growth phases and periods of rest that may be more or less pronounced. We can see the growth period after the orchids release new roots, a new heart leaf appears or last year's rush begins to form pseudobulbs or flower shoots begin to grow.
    In the period of growth, it is extremely important to increase watering and fertilization gradually and gradually. If we do not notice that the orchid has entered a growth phase and we provide it with too little nutrients, there will be no flowers and the plant will disappear. This is quite a common mistake.
    We have already talked about the fertilization of orchids, so only a few words of reminder. Although they are plants with low nutritional requirements, you can not give up their nutrition. The correct diet is just as important for plants as the correct diet and vitamins in human nutrition.
    Plants that are at rest do not require fertilization. They do not require frequent watering. However, in the growth and flowering phase, it is completely different. It is worth remembering that the fertilizer is most effectively absorbed by the moist substrate, so we first water the plant, and then we fertilize it. It also protects the roots. You can use liquid fertilizer, sticks or nutrients in application. Whichever way we choose, the most important is the regularity and appropriate concentration of the fertilizer used. Always follow the directions on the packaging. The scarcity of nutrients often results in a lack of flowers, and the excess of the salinity of the roots that will turn brown will become soft and will not take in water or fertilizer.
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    / izabella.schick
    He described: Joachim
    He translated: Joachim