🌸 Đừng quên đăng ký kênh Happiness Garden để nhận ngay những mẹo hay chăm sóc phong lan và giữ vườn luôn rực rỡ nhé! 🌿💖 ua-cam.com/channels/e17cNrFtLCNufimisJV3GA.htmlfeatured?sub_confirmation=1
Hi there!! I LOVE your approach to orchid care and growing. I dislike the guys in YT who spend 15 mins of nothing than talk and the real subject is hardly touched; I really appreciate your "silent" but incredibly REAL care for these beautiful plants. Thank you for all you do to help us, orchid plant lovers, to understand the subject at hand. Oh, You got a new subscriber here!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
@@Happinessgarden666 There is a saying in english that say "a picture is worth a thousand words". In your case, is "a video is worth a million words". I understand what you say about the CC but all I had to do is watch you and that was very clear to me. Take care!
Exactly, I feel the same too. Especially, I, being very impatient, I would skip the video if they start talking and trying to be funny and friendly when the matter is important, well , I would say to myself, " ughhh, I'm here to learn something about that topic, not listen to your stupid monologue that doesn't even touch the topic I'm here for 🙄🙄".
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. My videos have subtitles in different languages. If you do not understand, choose subtitles with appropriate language to understand the video content. Or comment below this video I will reply in a reasonable time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. My videos have subtitles in different languages. If you do not understand, choose subtitles with appropriate language to understand the video content. Or comment below this video I will reply in a reasonable time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Never seen the garlic and ginger solution, that's very interesting and clearly effective! How many times can you reuse the solution? How long can you store it? I would like to try this with my other types of houseplants as well 💖💖
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ـــ ماتخسر والو !!!! جربها عليك يا الله ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ -البصر وعلاقته بـ سرة البطن:- . هل تعلم ان((سرة البطن)) هي هبه لنا من الخالق. . جاء رجل عجوز هندي عمره 62 سنه كان نظره ضعيف جدا في العين اليمنى ويكاد لايرى واخبره الطبيب البرفسور الهندي ((آجي دوبي)) ان عيونه صحيحه فقط الاوعيه الدمويه التي تغذي العين قد جفت ولذا هو لن يرى ابدا مره اخرى، الا اذا تغذت الاوعية والاورده وتخلصت من الجفاف ونصحه ان يضع كل يوم قبل ان ينام زيت زيتون في سرة بطنه لعل وعسى ان ترجع اوعية واوردة عيونه للعمل مرة اخرى وبالفعل داوم العجوز ورجع واصبح يرى كما كان. فمن هنا تبين انه من ناحية علميه اول جزء يتكون او يخلق بعد حدوث الحمل هو السره ثم يرتبط عبر الحبل السري. بعد الولاده علميا تضل السره دافئه لمدة 3 ساعات والسبب ان التغذية تصل للجنين من السره. . ولهذا السبب جميع الأوردة في جسم الإنسان مرتبطه بسرته ولذا فهي نقطه مهم لجسمنا. السره هي الحياه نفسها! خلف السره (متصلة بشكل او باخر بالسرة في النهاية ) يوجد اكثر من 72000 وريد. مجموع الاوعيه الدمويه في جسم الإنسان استخدام الزيت للسره يعالج : 1 - ضعف البصر. 2 - قصور البنكرياس الوظيفي. 3 - تشقق الشفايف. 4 - تشقق كعب القدم. 5 - يجعل الوجه مضئ. 6 - يجعل الشعر لامع. 7 - يعالج الام الركب والمفاصل. 8 - يعالج جفاف . 9 - يعالج العين. 10 - يعالج فطريات الاظافر. 11 - يعالج جفاف الجلد واشياء اخرى كثيرة ... قبل النوم بالليل ضع 3 نقط من زيت الزيتون أو السمن الاصلي (الحيواني) او زيت جوز الهند على السره وانشرها او امسحه حوالي بوصه ونصف حول السره. -لالم الركبه: بالليل قبل النوم ضع 3 قطر من زيت الخروع في السره وامسح الى بوصه ونص حول السره. -للرعشه والخمول ولالام المفاصل ولجفاف الجلد: بالليل قبل النوم ضع 3 قطر من زيت المسترده في السره وامسح به الى بوصه ونص حول السره. -لماذا تضع الزيت في السره: السره تستطيع ان تحدد ايش من وريد فيه جفاف وتمرر له الزيت عشان يفتحه. -لما الطفل يكون عنده مغص في بطنه ندهن بطنه بزيت حول السره المغص يروح. -جرب هذا فليس منه ضرر. تقدر تحتفظ بقطاره فيها الزيت المطلوب جنب السرير. قطر الزيت في السره ودهنها قبل ماتنام. فضلا وليس أمرا علق ب تم واعمل متابعة #من_اجل_امي_احترم_النساء #سيد_العشماوي🌹 #من_اجل_امي_احترم_جميع_النساء
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. My videos have subtitles in different languages. If you do not understand, choose subtitles with appropriate language to understand the video content. Or comment below this video I will reply in a reasonable time.
Thank you so much for your kind words and virtual hug! I’m really happy to be able to share my knowledge about orchid care and help you. If you need subtitles, the Happiness Garden channel has created subtitles in multiple languages. Please check the description of the latest video for instructions on how to enable subtitles in your preferred language. Wishing you success with your orchids and lots of happiness! 🌸😊
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Merhaba benim orkidenin kökleri çürümüş sadece kökleri kaldı neyapmalıyım neolur cevap verırseniz sevinirim teşekkürler sevinirim. Orkide yapragınıda yosuna koydum ama hiç köklenmiyor neolur cevap verırseniz sevinirim kalan kökleri de çürüyor
Her seferinde farklı bir şeyler sunuyorsunuz.Tam onu yapıp kenara koyuyoruz, yeni bir yöntem. Ve sorulara hızlı cevaplar gelmiyor. Biz üstümüze düşeni yapıyoruz.Sıra sizde beyefendi.Bekliyoruz. Teşekkürler
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Coloco na pequena estufa água comum ou a água de alho com gengibre? Já perdi várias orquídeas por não saber cuidar Uberaba MG obrigada por compartilhar
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Obrigado por assistir ao vídeo. Desejo-lhe sucesso e sempre feliz na vida. O vídeo eu criei legendas em vários idiomas diferentes. Se você não entender, escolha legendas (CC) com linguagem apropriada para entender o conteúdo do vídeo com clareza.
I did what you have done cleaning up two old Orchids, the only difference is I used rice water and the garlic, and no ginger. I soaked the plants for 2 days and repotted in new bark mix. I hope I have the same success.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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I used garlic water on my orchids when I had a moth and chewed all my orchids, especially one of them with young leaves. The other ones recovered fast but the last one is struggling, the difference is that the rest of them have thick leaves, they look almost like plastic. I checked the roots and are very strong and green but the leaves are keep getting yellow, maybe because they are full with old holes from the moth, any advice on it? Thank you!
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life. On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please select subtitles (CC) in the appropriate language to clearly understand the video content.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
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Big Hello from South Africa.......your videos are very helpful.......Can I propogate baby orchids from hybrid orchids that I bought at the local store?
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*_I wish i could make various sized orchid display cases that maintain a Perfect temperature and Humidity!!??_** and sized for 1;3;5;&10 orchids!! And make the height variable too! Like 8"in-2'!?* _If they already exist please advise location of potential acquisition!!??_ 🤔🤦🏼🤷🏼😁👍🏻💙👏🏻 #oneDay #pleaseAdvise!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life. The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please turn on the appropriate CC subtitles to understand the video content clearly. Or comment down below this comment and I will reply at the right time.
My wife bought baby cymbidium orchids from an online shop. These orchids are really tiny in size and roots are drying. Can this organic treatment you show revive the orchids and they can grow more strong roots? I would appreciate your help. Many thanks. Adc
PLS NEED YOUR HELP IM FOLLOWING YOUR VIDEOS N ADORE. JUST SAVING 2 ORCHIDS PLANTS . ONE HAS ALMOST NO ROOTS. N LEAVES DRYING LESS GREEN N NOT HEALTHY. I had dipped all n wiped leaves too in banana water sieved as per video. N re potted. After few days I did same but with aloe Vera. N aloe water . Ok. But shall I remove the root less plant n do upside down with cinnamon n aloe water pls do suggest need your advice 💚💚💖💖💖💚🙏
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Подскажите пожалуйста, что сделать архидее чтобы она начала пускать цветоносы? После первого цветения прошло уже 4 года, а растут только листья и корни.
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🌸 Đừng quên đăng ký kênh Happiness Garden để nhận ngay những mẹo hay chăm sóc phong lan và giữ vườn luôn rực rỡ nhé! 🌿💖
Hi there!! I LOVE your approach to orchid care and growing. I dislike the guys in YT who spend 15 mins of nothing than talk and the real subject is hardly touched; I really appreciate your "silent" but incredibly REAL care for these beautiful plants. Thank you for all you do to help us, orchid plant lovers, to understand the subject at hand. Oh, You got a new subscriber here!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
@@Happinessgarden666 There is a saying in english that say "a picture is worth a thousand words". In your case, is "a video is worth a million words". I understand what you say about the CC but all I had to do is watch you and that was very clear to me. Take care!
Exactly, I feel the same too. Especially, I, being very impatient, I would skip the video if they start talking and trying to be funny and friendly when the matter is important, well , I would say to myself, " ughhh, I'm here to learn something about that topic, not listen to your stupid monologue that doesn't even touch the topic I'm here for 🙄🙄".
love the video...no talking, just showing us how to do it....PERFECT!
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Kolay gelsin verdiğiniz bilgiler için Çok teşekkür ediyorum iyi günler dilerim
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The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
Thank you for sharing 5 week progress
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
The video I have created subtitles in many different languages. If you do not understand, please choose subtitles (CC) with appropriate language to understand the video content clearly.
رووووعة عاشت ايدك على هذا الفيديو الجميل،، حيث نبات الكاردينيا من النباتات تحتاج إلى عناية وزراعة خاصة 🙏🌹
Thank you so much
Thank you so much for your interesting videos. Your instructions in planting and growing orchids are very helpful.
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Благодарю! Шикарное видео! Очень помогло в реанимации орхидейки, просто , доступно, ничего лишнего, с переводом просто потрясающе!!!!! 😍❤🙏🙏🙏
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Brilliant tips, thank you for sharing
Thank you for watching the video. Wish you success and always happy in life.
So beautiful flowers 🌷nice share 👍😃
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Gracias por compartir sus conocimientos para mejorar la vida de nuestras plantas y las nuestras.
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감사합니다 영상 잘보고 따라 심었습니다
잘 순이 나오리라 믿습니다 늘 건강하시고 행복하세요
답장이 왔어요
저도 알고싶어서요
알려주시면 고맙겠
very helpful!
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Благодарю за ролик а также за субтитры.
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Thanks you so much ❤
Thank you very much
Nasıl güzel maşşallah
Thank you so much.... This video so helpful to me. I'm so sad with my Orchids before. ❤❤❤
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Молодец все здорово получилось
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Very informative thanks
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Danke dafür ☺
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Cok guzel anlattiniz tesekkurler
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Thank you vidio four shering❤❤❤❤❤
Cute and beautiful idea to display and grow at the same time
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Never seen the garlic and ginger solution, that's very interesting and clearly effective! How many times can you reuse the solution? How long can you store it? I would like to try this with my other types of houseplants as well 💖💖
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ـــ ماتخسر والو !!!! جربها عليك يا الله ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ
-البصر وعلاقته بـ سرة البطن:-
هل تعلم ان((سرة البطن)) هي هبه لنا من الخالق.
جاء رجل عجوز هندي عمره 62 سنه كان نظره ضعيف جدا في العين اليمنى ويكاد لايرى واخبره الطبيب البرفسور الهندي ((آجي دوبي)) ان عيونه صحيحه فقط الاوعيه الدمويه التي تغذي العين قد جفت ولذا هو لن يرى ابدا مره اخرى، الا اذا تغذت الاوعية والاورده وتخلصت من الجفاف ونصحه ان يضع كل يوم قبل ان ينام زيت زيتون في سرة بطنه لعل وعسى ان ترجع اوعية واوردة عيونه للعمل مرة اخرى وبالفعل داوم العجوز ورجع واصبح يرى كما كان.
فمن هنا تبين
انه من ناحية علميه اول جزء يتكون او يخلق بعد حدوث الحمل هو السره ثم يرتبط عبر الحبل السري.
بعد الولاده علميا تضل السره دافئه لمدة 3 ساعات والسبب ان التغذية تصل للجنين من السره. .
ولهذا السبب جميع الأوردة في جسم الإنسان مرتبطه بسرته ولذا فهي نقطه مهم لجسمنا. السره هي الحياه نفسها!
خلف السره (متصلة بشكل او باخر بالسرة في النهاية ) يوجد اكثر من 72000 وريد. مجموع الاوعيه الدمويه في جسم الإنسان
استخدام الزيت للسره يعالج :
1 - ضعف البصر.
2 - قصور البنكرياس الوظيفي.
3 - تشقق الشفايف.
4 - تشقق كعب القدم.
5 - يجعل الوجه مضئ.
6 - يجعل الشعر لامع.
7 - يعالج الام الركب والمفاصل.
8 - يعالج جفاف .
9 - يعالج العين.
10 - يعالج فطريات الاظافر.
11 - يعالج جفاف الجلد واشياء اخرى كثيرة ...
قبل النوم بالليل ضع 3 نقط من زيت الزيتون أو السمن الاصلي (الحيواني) او زيت جوز الهند على السره وانشرها او امسحه حوالي بوصه ونصف حول السره.
-لالم الركبه:
بالليل قبل النوم ضع 3 قطر من زيت الخروع في السره وامسح الى بوصه ونص حول السره.
-للرعشه والخمول ولالام المفاصل ولجفاف الجلد:
بالليل قبل النوم ضع 3 قطر من زيت المسترده في السره وامسح به الى بوصه ونص حول السره.
-لماذا تضع الزيت في السره:
السره تستطيع ان تحدد ايش من وريد فيه جفاف وتمرر له الزيت عشان يفتحه.
-لما الطفل يكون عنده مغص في بطنه ندهن بطنه بزيت حول السره المغص يروح.
-جرب هذا فليس منه ضرر. تقدر تحتفظ بقطاره فيها الزيت المطلوب جنب السرير. قطر الزيت في السره ودهنها قبل ماتنام.
فضلا وليس أمرا علق ب تم واعمل متابعة
#من_اجل_امي_احترم_النساء #سيد_العشماوي🌹 #من_اجل_امي_احترم_جميع_النساء
Son mi ilusiòn lograr una orquidea con vida, y màs si florecen, gracias por este video asombroso. Saludos desde Salamancam¡, Gto Mèxico.
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thanks for your information
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It was timely tip. Thank you.
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Terimakasih sudah berbagi ilmu yg luarbiasa,akan saya coba pada bunga angger saya yg hampir mati
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Отличный способ!
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Good job
Thank you so much for your kind words and virtual hug! I’m really happy to be able to share my knowledge about orchid care and help you. If you need subtitles, the Happiness Garden channel has created subtitles in multiple languages. Please check the description of the latest video for instructions on how to enable subtitles in your preferred language. Wishing you success with your orchids and lots of happiness! 🌸😊
Thanks,, from. Bekasi. West java
Hallo from Greece 🇬🇷!! Thanks a lot for the tips!🌹
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Dikasik apa itu tdi kok ada apinya
Merhaba benim orkidenin kökleri çürümüş sadece kökleri kaldı neyapmalıyım neolur cevap verırseniz sevinirim teşekkürler sevinirim. Orkide yapragınıda yosuna koydum ama hiç köklenmiyor neolur cevap verırseniz sevinirim kalan kökleri de çürüyor
Her seferinde farklı bir şeyler sunuyorsunuz.Tam onu yapıp kenara koyuyoruz, yeni bir yöntem. Ve sorulara hızlı cevaplar gelmiyor. Biz üstümüze düşeni yapıyoruz.Sıra sizde beyefendi.Bekliyoruz. Teşekkürler
Замечательное видео , все четко и ясно
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Thank You for sharing your knowledge 🙏
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Obrigada pela a informações, já perde muitas por não saber cuidar.
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Great information! Will definitely try this on my struggling orchids. Thank you for sharing this great idea!😊
Did it work?
Yes it has, actually.
I love you do that thanks 👍👍👍
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... Yeah ! ... I liked it ! ...
Obrigada pelo carinho,São Paulo,Brasil 👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
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Thanks 🥰
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Gracias por compartir 🌸
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У вас такие красивые руки.
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Amazing vidio beautifoul all
Thank you so much
Que lindo amei essa dica de cuidar de orquídeas.👏👏👏
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Thank you.❤
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Obrigado Estou aprendendo passo a passo.
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Відео -- просто супер! Дякую
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Coloco na pequena estufa água comum ou a água de alho com gengibre? Já perdi várias orquídeas por não saber cuidar Uberaba MG obrigada por compartilhar
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Uma ótima dica obrigada por esse aprendizado assistindo de Sete Lagoas Minas gerais aí vai meu like. Boa noite 🌟🌻🌟
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I did what you have done cleaning up two old Orchids, the only difference is I used rice water and the garlic, and no ginger. I soaked the plants for 2 days and repotted in new bark mix. I hope I have the same success.
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@@Happinessgarden666 On my channel I recently posted a big flower on my Cattleya Orchid ua-cam.com/video/LwBI-dUCtmU/v-deo.html
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This was very interesting. thanks. How long til those 2 new little ones grow a stem and flowers?
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Amazing good
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Uma. Ótima escola de aprendizado . muito obrigado
Hello i am fromage France
From fromage aussi 😂
Trimakasih totoriai nya, sangatlah bermanfaat bagi pencinta anggrek.
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I will try it.
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Parabéns vou tentar fazer igual. Me inscrevi no canal. 😉👏👏👏
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Did you have success with your orchid using the tips in the video?
Thnku 4 the tips. How long after (in weeks?) was that last part of the Video showing they had roots? Thankyou!
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It may take 3-6 weeks. Don't lose faith.
Thank you vidio four Shering
Thank you!
Khublei shibun. From India
Спасибо за науку комментировать пока нечего учусь пока спасибо
thank you
Muchas gracias
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Hálásan köszönöm szépen 🙏
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I used garlic water on my orchids when I had a moth and chewed all my orchids, especially one of them with young leaves. The other ones recovered fast but the last one is struggling, the difference is that the rest of them have thick leaves, they look almost like plastic. I checked the roots and are very strong and green but the leaves are keep getting yellow, maybe because they are full with old holes from the moth, any advice on it? Thank you!
I like the other blogger the male vietnamise i like his doing
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Dios te bendigas eso es asi
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This is beautiful… can I grow orchids in Norway? It’s extremely cold here
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On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
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Vườn hoa anh đẹp quá a ạ
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Thanks for sharing❤
thank you
hi..i love your tips...thanks...can you tell me if its ok to give my phaleanopsis an hour of morning direct sun ?
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Gostei demais! Obrigada!
Hay quá
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Love all what you do ❤😅😊
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I have 2 orchids and I try the garlic only but I saw your ginger and garlic I'm try it
유익한 정보 감사드립니다
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Thank you
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113❤잘배워봅니다 너무나예쁜꽃들 예쁘요~🩵💜💙
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chào bạn . lan hay bị úng hoạc thối lá non , là bệnh gì . mình cảm ơn
bệnh do vi khuẩn gây nên
Terimakasih tipsnya
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*_I can't place the music, but its familiar!?_*
_Is that just from UA-cam videos or are they from TV shows/movies??_
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@@Happinessgarden666 *no, i just want to know **_about the BACKGROUND MUSIC!?_*
Wowww que bellezas!!!!
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Very interesting:) but isn't fungus or mold growing in this greenhouse? Due to high humidity...🤔 don't the plants get moldy?
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What planting medium are you using? (What type of moss and wood chips?) do you have a link to them?
Thank you for watching the video. Wishing you success and happiness in life.
On the channel, I have built many different methods of caring for and restoring orchids for you to choose from.
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@@Happinessgarden666 yes your captions doesn’t say what the potting medium is. Do you have the type you used for the moss and the wood chips
Buenos días, se puede aplicar esta receta a una cattleya sin raíces y con una sola hoja y 4 bulbos, muchas gracias y bendiciones
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@@Happinessgarden666 buenas tardes por favor traducir al español o castellano muchas gracias por su atención bendiciones
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Здравствуйте. А воду в тепличке меняете или как залили и не трогаете до появления новых корней?
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Asla cevap vermiyor, sadece like ve otomatik cevap geliyor. Çok üzücü 😓
Teşekkürler ama bende aynısını yaptım ama 5 hafta oldu hiç kök atmadı yosun yoktu pamuğu sarıp ucunu suya saldım sizce olurmu türkiyeden selamlar
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Big Hello from South Africa.......your videos are very helpful.......Can I propogate baby orchids from hybrid orchids that I bought at the local store?
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Классно , у вас есть такие магазины . 👍
Классно , у вас есть такие магазины . 👍
Классно , у вас есть такие магазины . 👍
Desde dominicana. Realice eze metodo no me funciono. Consejo por favor
Parabéns trabalho lindo, já me escrevi 😍👏
hello, thank you for your advice, can you tell me what is the moss you are using when you want to grow extra roots please? Thank you.
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*_I wish i could make various sized orchid display cases that maintain a Perfect temperature and Humidity!!??_** and sized for 1;3;5;&10 orchids!! And make the height variable too! Like 8"in-2'!?*
_If they already exist please advise location of potential acquisition!!??_
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Merci ⚘ ⚘ beaucoup ⚘ ⚘ Partagé ⚘ ⚘
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Trimakasih banyak ilmunya luar biasa
Ada 1 pertanyaan selama 5 minggu berapa kali media itu diberi air?
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My wife bought baby cymbidium orchids from an online shop. These orchids are really tiny in size and roots are drying. Can this organic treatment you show revive the orchids and they can grow more strong roots? I would appreciate your help. Many thanks. Adc
Для наращивания корней и листьев можно водой с чесноком и имбирём поливать орхидеи?
PLS NEED YOUR HELP IM FOLLOWING YOUR VIDEOS N ADORE. JUST SAVING 2 ORCHIDS PLANTS . ONE HAS ALMOST NO ROOTS. N LEAVES DRYING LESS GREEN N NOT HEALTHY. I had dipped all n wiped leaves too in banana water sieved as per video. N re potted. After few days I did same but with aloe Vera. N aloe water . Ok. But shall I remove the root less plant n do upside down with cinnamon n aloe water pls do suggest need your advice 💚💚💖💖💖💚🙏
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Подскажите пожалуйста, что сделать архидее чтобы она начала пускать цветоносы? После первого цветения прошло уже 4 года, а растут только листья и корни.
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