The Most Shocking Job Ads You Won't Believe Exist | Crazy Recruitment Stories #2

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • In this Funny Work Fails compilation, we take a look at some of the craziest recruitment stories ever, and the terrible job ads that resulted. From ridiculous questions to ridiculous requirements, these job ads will make you laugh (and cringe).
    If you're looking for a truly toxic work environment, you'll want to avoid these signs! In this second compilation of The 5 most TOXIC Job ads you'll ever see, we'll show you the signs that a job is too toxic for you to handle. From unmanaged expectations to toxic bosses, these signs will help you avoid the worst possible job experience.
    To see more please follow me on all other platforms:
    TikTok: / ben.askins
    Instagram: / benaskins.official
    LinkedIn: / askinsben


  • @chadnorris8257
    @chadnorris8257 6 місяців тому +118

    "Not for people who need a stable, well paying job." Well at least they're up front about it. Most companies don't say it to your face like that.

    • @traceyc130
      @traceyc130 5 місяців тому +8

      That was written by a hr people who‘s on their way out.

    • @UberHeroMystic
      @UberHeroMystic 5 місяців тому +4

      It’s more a reflection of a failing business that can’t fully support the people they hire. Bankruptcy seems like it’s in their future.

    • @zonked1200
      @zonked1200 5 місяців тому +7

      @@UberHeroMystic Either that or a startup of some kind.

  • @zonked1200
    @zonked1200 5 місяців тому +92

    One guy did that to me twice. I drove out to his office and he didn't show up. we talked again and he apologized for being late and we reschedule. He did it again. The next time he apologized and we rescheduled, I didn't bother going.

    • @michaelmartin9022
      @michaelmartin9022 3 місяці тому +5

      The PI at a (terribly organised, aren't they all?) lab I used to work in failed to turn up to interview a PHD candidate twice. When she said she was going to look elsewhere, suddenly she was the one in the wrong.
      I thought about piping up "not learned any lessons, then?" from the corner, but I already had an exit strategy of my own planned.

  • @chad0x
    @chad0x 4 місяці тому +9

    "She must be good looking and give the boss massages and do odd jobs like cooking and cleaning" HAHAHAHA! WTF?

  • @genma200sj
    @genma200sj 4 місяці тому +78

    As someone who has done IT for the last decade and a half, I can say with 100% certainty that you should never take an IT internship. just find a help desk 1 position and learn there. Don't ever do for free what you can get paid for.

    • @tfodthogtmfof7644
      @tfodthogtmfof7644 4 місяці тому +11

      As someone that has worked in telecommunications networking any company that wants an unpaid intern in an IT field should be put on the great big red flag list ”never work for this company”. I actually had an HR interviewer (interviewing me for a job they basically had to give me because they bought the company to get me and my boss’s skill sets) that “we don’t care about the technical skills because those can be taught to anyone. We care about your soft skills and abilities.” To which I replied “Do you always start your interviews insulting the people you are interviewing? If you could train anyone why did you buy our company? You bought us because we are competing in areas and doing things you have not been able to do.”

    • @suzybearheart530
      @suzybearheart530 4 місяці тому +4

      Yep - I used to be a recruiter and I remember the IT department wanted an intern. That intern actually made more money hourly than I did, so I knew it was legit. I had no problem filling that slot and the intern that got hired said it was an amazing experience. Very challenging, and intense but rewarding.

  • @just_passing_through
    @just_passing_through 6 місяців тому +18

    2:14 Unpaid internships should be legislated out of existence. It’s nothing short of slave labour. Regardless of whether the intern manages to secure a paid position or not, as soon as one unpaid internship reaches an end, another one is offered, and they company continues the cycle.

    • @rahulshah1408
      @rahulshah1408 6 місяців тому +3

      Only the well off can do an unpaid internship. As you said slave labour.

  • @eliblessed
    @eliblessed 6 місяців тому +17

    for number 4, sounds like a kickstarter thing. while the post sounds ridiculous, I do like that they let people know upfront

    • @gytosas
      @gytosas 5 місяців тому +2

      it is sort of a challenge not a regular job. Might be something I would go for in my 20s

    • @robertwillis4061
      @robertwillis4061 4 місяці тому

      ​@@gytosasI would never go near a new start business. They have a 70% first year failure rate. In 9 months time you will be unemployed again. With a closed business on your resume and no references available.

    • @gytosas
      @gytosas 4 місяці тому

      @@robertwillis4061 that's why I said in my 20s. These days are gone and I would not risk it anymore

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@robertwillis4061 funny enough, I've got 3 closed businesses on my resume. One interviewer asked me "if I hire you, will i go out of business?" 😂

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому

      @@Kelly_Ben Please tell me you replied with "probably, shall we find out?"

  • @McCnutty
    @McCnutty 3 місяці тому +1

    I was asked in an interview why I wanted to work there. I said I don't, and as soon as I can find a better one I would be off. They offered me the job and I ended up staying there for over 2 years.

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому

      The fact they hired you is a good sign did the job turn out all told?

    • @McCnutty
      @McCnutty 3 місяці тому +1

      @@traveller23e It was ok to start with. I was trained as a Skiver (leather trimmer). It went down pretty fast once they opened their overseas factories, where the product was cheaper to make, then work dried up for us and eventually the company left our town all together. So, 2 years I was there for. I had a serious motor accident while I was there, I was treated well by the company and had no complaints there, but things got a little difficult for a few years after I left.

  • @dg20120
    @dg20120 2 місяці тому

    In the first one, it was pretty pointless to respond. I’m pretty sure the applicant had already lost interest.

  • @Slimmark2
    @Slimmark2 6 місяців тому +4

    If not for money, why the fuck else would I apply for a job???

    • @reginabillotti
      @reginabillotti 4 місяці тому

      Sometimes people want job experience or something to do rather than immediate payouts. If your living expenses are covered by mom and dad, or a spouse, student financial aid, a pension, or any other sort of income, you can afford not to worry about whether it offers a living wage or not.

  • @aliorr9356
    @aliorr9356 3 місяці тому

    Does anywhere outside of America actually do unpaid internships?

  • @jasmith85
    @jasmith85 5 місяців тому

    The last one sound like he has the worlds manhood.

  • @davinasquirrel7672
    @davinasquirrel7672 6 місяців тому +1

    "Paid internship" = 4 months of unpaid training (and two months interning and being paid)?
    Not so sneaky exploitation!
    There are very few jobs that require 4 months of training - and the jobs that would, would be in a whole different salary bracket to 'foot in the door'. Opposite end of the spectrum.
    The absolute cheek of these companies.

  • @WlmaAlexender-zl6nx
    @WlmaAlexender-zl6nx 5 місяців тому

    We should know the company.

  • @Sd12sx23
    @Sd12sx23 3 місяці тому

    8 rounds of interviews? Thats more vetting than we do for electing a president.
    The "thick skinned" one I get. Maybe could have worded it differently, but if you're working with kids, then, yeah, you need a thick skin.

  • @Ineddiblehulk
    @Ineddiblehulk 6 місяців тому

    I’m not convinced that these aren’t made up by this creator

  • @Cynicalgeek743
    @Cynicalgeek743 4 місяці тому

    Hmm. Employers aren’t required to explain why they have rejected a candidate. One sure way to achieve this is to give the potential employer attitude when at interview. Yes, it may be irritating when you are on time and they are late but pointing this out won’t win you any friends in the interview. Why apply for a job where you don’t know the salary? Turning up and stating that it isn’t enough makes it pointless for the employer to offer you the job knowing you’ll reject their offer, or worse still engage in fruitless time-wasting negotiations. Again, using censorious language in the interview itself would recommend to most employers “stay away from this candidate”. Surprisingly perhaps for the self-entitled commentators on this channel, employers don’t want to hire trouble. They don’t owe you a living and don’t have to hire you. In real life they don’t have to work hard to find the super special talent you supposedly have underneath that petulant and rude exterior. Whinge away to your heart’s content about how “it’s just not fair”. Mock and denigrate employers from the moral high ground you think you occupy. See what all of this gets you; a long stay in your childhood bedroom jealous of people who have things, opportunities and a life. There is a price they have paid to get these that you’re not prepared to pay. No-one’s going to seek you out, accommodate your inflated ego and bile and pay you millions whilst you lambast them. Just once, stop to consider how you would deal with people like yourself if you were the employer. Just once be honest with yourself. This will get you a lot further than railing against the machine.

  • @GMMedic
    @GMMedic 5 місяців тому +70

    They should be legally required to post the salary in the ads. I have spent hours preparing a custom resume, applying and interviewing for jobs that I later found to be a total waste of my time because I simply couldn't work for so little money! I never would have considered the position had I known in advance what it paid.

    • @ZBM-jj1xr
      @ZBM-jj1xr 5 місяців тому +15

      If they don't give an indication of the salary in the ad, then you already have your answer: it won't be in any way near market value. If they did offer market value then they wouldn't avoid the subject and actually use it to get people to apply. When they also shame you for asking they are actually further demonstrating they won't pay you fairly. The goal of a job is first and foremost to be able to pay for your life. You are not there to perform a volunteer work.

    • @GMMedic
      @GMMedic 5 місяців тому +15

      @@ZBM-jj1xr Actually, almost NONE of the job ads mentions a salary. Only the municipal or government jobs and only because hey are required. In NY state they actually just passed a law making it mandatory to advertise a salary range because it's just ridiculous.

    • @elliscrane
      @elliscrane 5 місяців тому +10

      They just made this exact thing law in Washington State (USA). Employers must now accurately disclose the salary range for each position in their ads. It was done to prevent companies from low balling women/POC in the same jobs white male counterparts of equivalent experience/education were being offered. I work in law and I know my office manager pulled every job ad she could find to make sure we were offering market rates on not only attorneys, but legal staff (there is a 1.5% unemployment rate for legal staff in Seattle). She didn't want to risk anyone being coaxed away. It created a healthy, competitive market. Those who are still trying to low ball can't get applicants.

    • @natk1105
      @natk1105 2 місяці тому

      I don't know what job ad sites are common in other countries, but in my country it's usually possible to fiddle around with the search filters to figure out which salary ranges the ad has been listed in. For example, once I've found a job I'm interested in, I'll search for it by name on the job ad website with different search criteria and see in which searches it shows up in the results. It's usually a range of at least 20k but it's enough to judge whether it will be worth my time or not.

  • @MutantDestroyer
    @MutantDestroyer 6 місяців тому +132

    the "what money?" response was perfect

    • @IAmStillNotMatthew
      @IAmStillNotMatthew 5 місяців тому +9

      I left my previous job at the end of last May, got promised a raise, got fired instead so they can grab someone else for my role at minimum wage. I got told on Tuesday that Wednesday will be my last day and then they turned around and asked me to stay 2 more extra days(June 1-2) to fill in until the replacement comes.
      The project manager always said "You're getting your money for this/that" to everyone, in the last 2 days in May I think I asked back almost 10 times "what money?" and in the extra 2 days in June I told him twice that I know them well enough that they won't pay for those days, I wasn't.

  • @malachiXX
    @malachiXX 4 місяці тому +18

    I think my jaw dropped to the floor when the job requirements were "attractive", "train in massage" and "cooking and cleaning". This person wants a paid servant and personal sex worker all rolled into one

  • @gimmeaminett2859
    @gimmeaminett2859 5 місяців тому +39

    I remember applying for a part-time job whilst at uni within a Swiss watch company’s boutique store. In the entire run up to the job offer I was told that we don’t discuss pay rate, even in the job interview. I was only going to find out after my first month there… so I said no

    • @ZBM-jj1xr
      @ZBM-jj1xr 5 місяців тому +13

      Is that even legal? You can't sign a contract without knowing all the ins and outs and pay is the biggest part of the puzzle.

    • @gytosas
      @gytosas 5 місяців тому +3

      worst case scenario you would be paid minimum wage. In this case I would take the job to find out it is an expensive brand after all and they would not want people telling they cheap out on salaries. Perhaps it was really large to even discuss.

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому +1

      @@gytosas You would think, but a lot of famous brands seem to be largely running on momentum. They cheap out where they can just like everyone else, sometimes more (they can get better contracts with suppliers because of their name).

  • @MrRobinhalligan
    @MrRobinhalligan 6 місяців тому +32

    unpaid internship is a crap way of doing things, in New Zealand the law states about unpaid internship is it is voluntary and, "A voluntary internship will only be legal if your work does not economically benefit the employer.”

  • @amandabeaty1492
    @amandabeaty1492 6 місяців тому +59

    When I was younger and working retail, I'd always get the dumbass question of, "Why do you want to work at Home Depot?“ Because I need a job to like eat and stuff wasn't a sufficient answer. I think I pulled something out of my arse like, I have a passion for lumber...

    • @reginabillotti
      @reginabillotti 4 місяці тому +7

      I had someone ask me "What do you know about our company?" for a cashier job. What exactly do I need to know about the company in order to operate the till?

    • @amandabeaty1492
      @amandabeaty1492 4 місяці тому +4

      @@reginabillotti It's stupidity.

    • @kerrysater157
      @kerrysater157 3 місяці тому +2

      I HATE that question! The answer is always because you need a job and money but companies take it as an insult that you aren't thrilled to be there. Retail sucks and most people wouldn't do it if they didn't have to

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@reginabillotti I'm a programmer and hate when they start interviews that way...there are so many tech companies competing for the 2024 "dumbest name of the year" award and I just apply to the positions that look vaguely interesting and not terrible, do you really expect me to know your name off the top of my head? Half the time when I get a callback after applying I don't remember the ad at all...

    @PUREBOILINGRAGE55 6 місяців тому +45

    Unpaid training is illegal. Very illegal

    • @jennythompson7513
      @jennythompson7513 6 місяців тому +9

      It should be, but in a number of places it unfortunately is not only accepted but mandatory.

    • @SykoticBanana
      @SykoticBanana 5 місяців тому +6

      I have nothing but contempt for companies that use internships. This sort of work is only possible for the already well off.

    • @wendyblaauw2578
      @wendyblaauw2578 3 місяці тому +1

      Exposure is better than money 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @michaelmartin9022
      @michaelmartin9022 3 місяці тому

      Unless you're in the UK, then it's "Workfare". William Wilberforce is spinning in his grave.

  • @pg4662
    @pg4662 6 місяців тому +56

    That last one has a hundred red flags flapping in the wind!!

    • @asherandai1000
      @asherandai1000 5 місяців тому +8

      No it doesn’t! They abandoned the flags entirely and just painted everything red!

    • @soldat88hun
      @soldat88hun 5 місяців тому +4

      They want a maid, they are just going the wrong way about it.

    • @pauldickhoff3594
      @pauldickhoff3594 5 місяців тому +4

      Sounds like Andrew Tate.

    • @danakchampion
      @danakchampion 3 місяці тому

      No red flags. They just put out the red light.

  • @zlozlozlo
    @zlozlozlo 6 місяців тому +19

    Those ads had more red flags than a Labor Day parade in the Soviet Union.

  • @sahhull
    @sahhull 4 місяці тому +7

    There's not many positives in being self employed but...
    Not having to bend and scrape to massage the boss/supervisor ego is the best thing.

  • @BillAngelos
    @BillAngelos 4 місяці тому +10

    If they asked those questions like "what money?" then its clear that they didn't need this email in the first place. They'd moved on long before they got the rejection letter.

    • @jonnyh2667
      @jonnyh2667 3 місяці тому +1

      I was thinking the same thing. Candidate care factor was zero well before this point.

  • @nickdavis6676
    @nickdavis6676 6 місяців тому +27

    Your channel reminds me why quitting my job was an amazing life choice and how lucky I am to have my current employer.

  • @G.G.8GG
    @G.G.8GG 4 місяці тому +8

    I thought the days when job seekers would accept a long unpaid internship were over. IMO, the problem with an employee investing months in proving himself on the job is that very few companies honor that kind of commitment and will hire and fire the same way they acquire office furniture.
    The exception would be when it's a truly rare opportunity that is vital in your field and can make or break your career.

    • @TheImprovised
      @TheImprovised 2 місяці тому +1

      Even in those cases, there are paid internships even if it's minimum.

    • @dhenderson1810
      @dhenderson1810 2 місяці тому

      The one advantage is that you can use that internship on your resume, which helps you get jobs at other places in that industry.

  • @thevinmeister5015
    @thevinmeister5015 5 місяців тому +11

    People who use the dollar sign instead of money are tools.

  • @dantekrux2000
    @dantekrux2000 6 місяців тому +8

    The operations assistant one really bugs me. Why not call it a trainee assistant manager? Even if you keep the pay the same, at least that way when the employee eventually leaves they have something to put down on their CV as experience

  • @MrMojo23100
    @MrMojo23100 6 місяців тому +25

    For #2 I had a similar experience. I was working at a hotel as the Stores Officer when the Purchasing Officer quit. I was expected to do both roles, ordering all the stock and food for a 5-star hotel but still on a minimum wage salary.

    • @gytosas
      @gytosas 5 місяців тому

      and you did, didn't you? For example I expect every nice lady to show t*ts when I ask - I guess success rate would be ZERO. So why you do what you not paid for ehh?

  • @SouledHumans
    @SouledHumans 6 місяців тому +9

    "If I'll be in second command, can you refer to me as Number One?"

  • @gregdenson7544
    @gregdenson7544 5 місяців тому +6

    Unpaid internships keeps rich people rich and poor people poor.

  • @carlhicksjr8401
    @carlhicksjr8401 6 місяців тому +5

    'Critical thinking skills required'....
    You know, most of the time 'critical thinking skills' is used to identify the bullshit in the company and avoid it. You REALLY want me to do that? A'ight....

  • @davinasquirrel7672
    @davinasquirrel7672 6 місяців тому +12

    Creepy boss requires 'attractive' assistant that can 'model and dance' - plus get trained in sports massage, due to boss doing MMA.
    Sounds like creepy boss is as bad at MMA as he is at being a descent human...

    • @tomhaskett5161
      @tomhaskett5161 6 місяців тому +3

      'Sports' massage? You know immediately what part he wants to be 'massaged' 😁

    • @sakatababa
      @sakatababa 4 місяці тому +1

      i bet this is someone from adrian tates war room or something similar

  • @madspetersen5545
    @madspetersen5545 6 місяців тому +10

    The second one is great. I think it is awesome to show that in the job description.
    We made a job description that first listed 10 reasons why NOT to apply. Long hours, shifting direction, little direction, risk that the company goes belly up, etc..

  • @CammieRacing
    @CammieRacing 7 місяців тому +20

    I'm self employed. I've had 3 job interviews in the motorsport industry and not one would tell me the salary - on top of this I would've been required to move to rather expensive areas.

    • @suzbone
      @suzbone 6 місяців тому +7

      That's so outrageous, it acts as a filter to keep you from working for psychopaths. Imagine the bastard who would presume a person should relocated to work for them without having a signed contract in hand, _but without even knowing the fucking wage???_ OW MY BRAIN

    • @ZBM-jj1xr
      @ZBM-jj1xr 5 місяців тому +3

      They did tell you what the salary is, just in a roundabout way. The salary is going to be completely shit and you'll barely be able to get by. If they offered anything competitive then they wouldn't be so embarrassed to tell you what it is.

  • @adrianjameSASbury
    @adrianjameSASbury 5 місяців тому +6

    Just started watching your videos, great content with a good range of incidents.
    Nothing is as satisfying as giving an innocent looking well written middle finger to your employer and walking into the sunset.
    Screenshot everything, collect company literature and in particular company policies.
    Prove that they are breaking their own policies, whether its training/promises/promotion or benifits.
    I've not worked at many places in my almost 40 years of employment, but I've walked away from a few places unlocking 'Legend Status' 😂

    • @Cynicalgeek743
      @Cynicalgeek743 4 місяці тому

      You’ve stolen IP and are proud of it? I’d be grateful you walked away

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому

      @@Cynicalgeek743 OP doesn't necessarily imply that, if you save all this data on your company laptop you should be good to go.

  • @TheRealLarissa
    @TheRealLarissa Рік тому +77

    Is that last one for Andrew Tate?

    • @SilviuHoratau
      @SilviuHoratau 6 місяців тому +9

      That's exactly what I thought 😅

    • @suzbone
      @suzbone 6 місяців тому +13

      * Must be able to wash and wax my _Bugatti_

    • @totallypointlessvideos3832
      @totallypointlessvideos3832 6 місяців тому +3

      I was just about to write that 😂😂😂

    • @rahulshah1408
      @rahulshah1408 6 місяців тому +3

      May as well add: live on premises.

    • @hannahcallow6374
      @hannahcallow6374 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@rahulshah1408with the option of leaving eventually

    @V4NLIFE_CANADA 7 місяців тому +14

    I should make a living out off applying to those kind of companies and then just live off the lawsuit settlements

  • @kylehammer9154
    @kylehammer9154 4 місяці тому +5

    Last one is Steven Segal lol.

  • @chad0x
    @chad0x 4 місяці тому +3

    "We are offering below market rates, because we ave chosen to do that."

  • @jhjhjhjhjhjhify
    @jhjhjhjhjhjhify 7 місяців тому +8

    I suppose the one thing you can say about those first two ads is that they’re at least honest about how they’re going to f*ck their potential workers over. I’ve been in the position where things like low pay, lack of training, lack of stability etc. only became clear to me later.
    That last one though… wtf.

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому

      Ironically it's always those bad startups with toxic bosses that are going to completely fuck you over that talk about loyalty.

  • @jodenclash
    @jodenclash Рік тому +8

    You see so many of these nowaday :(
    Great video!

  • @Indigo445nm
    @Indigo445nm 6 місяців тому +2

    I find the content interesting but the videos seem to be cut like a few seconds too soon.

    @V4NLIFE_CANADA 7 місяців тому +8

    Americas corporate world is rotten to the core 😂 Canada is heading this way too, but still doable

  • @me8042
    @me8042 3 місяці тому +2

    When did it become such a horrible crime to want to know the salary? Companies think that wanting to be compensated for their work is the most horrible thing in the world. Bet the coo’s, CEO’s, and upper management want their inflated salaries!

  • @RickopotamusRocks
    @RickopotamusRocks 3 місяці тому +3

    The most shocking thing to me about the first example is that the company actually emailed the candidate to tell them they didn't get the position rather than just ghosting them. Although I'm sure if they weren't extremely petty they would have ghosted.

  • @JJGunner3
    @JJGunner3 4 місяці тому +2

    you should name the companies that are doing these things. Because, really, is anything ever going to change otherwise?

  • @pompommania
    @pompommania 5 місяців тому +4

    "So people won't apply just for the money" lol it's called volunteering. Anybody else wants to get payed fairly.

    • @ZBM-jj1xr
      @ZBM-jj1xr 5 місяців тому +2

      That is literally what a job is, something you do for the money. Anything you do for just the experience or pleasure is called a hobby or volunteer work. If they say they want to avoid people doing it just for the money, then you can be rest assured that they pay absolute shit and opt out.

  • @robertphillips6296
    @robertphillips6296 4 місяці тому +3

    "Hello, can you come Work for us with any pay or benefits?"

  • @waterbottle4782
    @waterbottle4782 3 місяці тому +1

    I would be angry too if the recruiter were late, after all if I were late they would not consider hiring me for the job.

  • @chefjamesmacinnis
    @chefjamesmacinnis 6 місяців тому +12

    Internships that are not part of a college program should be illegal

    • @suzbone
      @suzbone 6 місяців тому +3

      *Paid* internships CAN be great opportunities for young people though, especially in some industries.

  • @dougsholly9323
    @dougsholly9323 3 місяці тому +1

    Every single conclusion this guy came to is one possible way to interpret these, but he is passing them off as fact. Sorry, I came away thinking this guy is a clown rather than aghast at these job postings. I mean, the one about the 'not stable job' is probably a startup that may or may not make it. They are being honest up front that only people willing to take a risk should apply. But this guy is believing they are saying that job stability isn't important, when there is literally nothing in posting that would lead you to believe that.

  • @tomonetruth
    @tomonetruth 3 місяці тому +1

    1:00 (number 4) I see nothing wrong with this one - it seems honest. If I needed a stable job, I'd rather know before I applied that this job wasn't going to be stable. It could be a great job for someone, but the implication here seems to be that because it's not the perfect job, either they pretend it is something it isn't, or they shouldn't offer it at all. That's bonkers.

  • @Bokkie100k
    @Bokkie100k 3 місяці тому +1

    The last one probably seriously considered putting bl*w jobs in there as well

  • @Papaduke
    @Papaduke 6 місяців тому +2

    Is the last spec working for Andrew Tate

  • @YenRug
    @YenRug 5 місяців тому +1

    That last one sounds like it was written by Andrew Tate...

  • @Klaymour28
    @Klaymour28 6 місяців тому +1

    the floating text box simply makes me want to vomit! Otherwise the channel is fun

  • @sneauxone
    @sneauxone 4 місяці тому +1

    Plus, you need to pay tuition for the internship. 😢

  • @abkeener81
    @abkeener81 5 місяців тому +3

    It seems to me that the mma dude just wants a side piece.

  • @Whalewraith
    @Whalewraith 3 місяці тому +1

    I've had a lot of basic jobs in my life. One thought always occurs to me when the boss wants you to go that extra mile or show initiative.
    If were any good at stuff we wouldn't be working in a minimum wage no skills needed environment.

    • @Kelly_Ben
      @Kelly_Ben 3 місяці тому

      Actually, I disagree. I'm self employed, and had several "good" jobs over the years. But I also work part time at a big retailer. I was recently given a big raise without asking, and tons of appreciation. I always go the extra mile. It's not just good for raise time, it's great for building skills for your resume that will help you earn more wherever you go. No one got anywhere good in life by giving the bare minimum.

    • @Whalewraith
      @Whalewraith 3 місяці тому

      @@Kelly_Ben and thats fine to disagree. Tbh a lot comes down to the boss. I spent years at Tesco used to work for a great Polish guy. Our team would always have his back if he needed a favour. I did several years in a row working overnight on Christmas day & New years eve skeleton crew, just because I knew he would be knee deep in it with me. Then we got a new guy who i wouldn't have called an ambulance for if he was bleeding out in front of me.

  • @mikapeltokorpi7671
    @mikapeltokorpi7671 3 місяці тому

    In the early 90s, there was a company acquired by a US company 130 miles away from our university, and they offered a summer job/internship. No salary, not even range of it, but "it will be competitve". But I have to move here and rent a flat for that three months. "It will be competitive". This was after drinving 130 miles, factory tour and one hour job interview with whole, about 20 strong, development team. I had to decline.
    Back in uni next week I talked about this strange experience in the uni. EVERYBODY had been contacted by the company. Then I realized that the circled number on top of my CV was not some sort of score. It was my ordinal number. I think I can disclose it: it was 47.

  • @tomhavenith2330
    @tomhavenith2330 2 місяці тому

    A year ago I got a phone call from a HR person of a company I did an unpaid internship for about 10 years ago. They still had me in their database (allowing that seemed a good idea back then). Needless to say, they exploited the shit out of me and treated me like crap.
    Their question was, That I was listed as a good and reliable worker eligible for rehire and if I was interested in a job opportunity. I answered 'heck no - I wouldn't want to work for them even if they doubled my actual salary'.
    As I said, she sounded very tired. She thanked me for my time and closed the call. I think it wasn't the first, or the second or the third time she got that kind of answer.
    It might be that chicken finally are coming home to roost.

  • @malachiXX
    @malachiXX 4 місяці тому

    16 weeks training upaid? Are you able to still claim Employment Insurrance during that period or since you now have a 'job' you are disqualified?

  • @OldNavajoTricks
    @OldNavajoTricks 3 місяці тому

    If I was a time bank and you came cap in hand asking me for 40 hours a week for an unknown repayment amount, what do you think that I would say to you?

  • @jasonl122
    @jasonl122 2 місяці тому

    I thought the 2nd job ad was really helpful. Startups can be chaos yet potentially profitable for employees in since the beginning. It can be high risk and its much better that people know this on the way in.

  • @chiefrocka8604
    @chiefrocka8604 6 місяців тому +1

    Does mma
    Creeps people the F out

  • @MrGrumblier
    @MrGrumblier 3 місяці тому

    That last one sounds like Andrew Tate. He loved to do his UA-cam videos while getting a massage.

  • @sjTHEfirst
    @sjTHEfirst 3 місяці тому

    Sounds you have to also have your own bowler hat with a steel rim to perform odd jobs. 😂😂

  • @morbontg
    @morbontg Місяць тому

    Did that last guy put out a job add for a wife that he listed as a personal assistant?

  • @RobertLeighJames92
    @RobertLeighJames92 3 місяці тому

    1st problem.... Weeks of consideration!

  • @RobertLeighJames92
    @RobertLeighJames92 3 місяці тому

    Welcome to modern day work. No wonder everyone else is so disenfranchised

  • @aeternosolus52
    @aeternosolus52 4 місяці тому

    America has "In God we trust" on its money, but is perfectly happy to ignore 1 Timothy 5:18 in the Bible (NIV Version) which says "The labourer is worthy of his wages". Internships are a disgusting use of people for free labour and should be abolished. In the UK we don't have these, if you work, you get paid, no exceptions.

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому

      To be fair (and I cannot believe I'm actually defending the US's approach to both capitalism and religion) the bible is large and heterogeneous enough that one could pick out bits to support essentially any viewpoint.

  • @amberswindlehurst4498
    @amberswindlehurst4498 Місяць тому

    oh god, I'm living the operations assistant one 😭

  • @davidstevens3934
    @davidstevens3934 4 місяці тому

    "Why aren't we getting better applicants?!"

  • @LBlank
    @LBlank 3 місяці тому +1

    Too many jobs don't tell you the salary. I don't even bother looking at these roles.

    • @Sd12sx23
      @Sd12sx23 3 місяці тому

      For sure. I bet the person posting the job and interviewing candidates knew what their salary would be before they applied.

  • @ABuddhistAndAJew
    @ABuddhistAndAJew 2 місяці тому

    Last guy sounded like he was hiring a wife...

  • @javaskull88
    @javaskull88 3 місяці тому

    That last ad was cringe. Did Andrew Tate write it?

  • @rosemaryjones5550
    @rosemaryjones5550 4 місяці тому

    No 1 I’m creepy and can’t overpower you

  • @sakatababa
    @sakatababa 4 місяці тому

    4:50 is this add from adrian tate or some of his cronies?

  • @peterlabos5956
    @peterlabos5956 4 місяці тому +1

    That last one was terrifying.

  • @laur100
    @laur100 3 місяці тому

    Damned if I can find the first part of this.

  • @pikachugirl2897
    @pikachugirl2897 5 місяців тому

    Do people seriously apply for these jobs?
    Surely nobody’s working for “alpha male dude bro” in #1, unless they’re actually an escort and being remunerated extra, for the cooking and cleaning.

  • @JambieLionheart
    @JambieLionheart 2 місяці тому

    Is the last one seriously legal? O.o

  • @Caktusdud.
    @Caktusdud. 4 місяці тому

    I feel bad for the last dude.
    Man just needs help getting a wife.
    Ima just go and pay the guy a visit.

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому +1

      Please don't, there are so many other guys looking for a wife who aren't so creepy about it

    • @Caktusdud.
      @Caktusdud. 3 місяці тому

      @@traveller23e Ok I wasn't actually going to do that (who would be the creep then?) But even if I did, I didn't mean it with ill intent. Man just needs a little help that field of things. Thats all.

  • @dcanes5720
    @dcanes5720 6 місяців тому

    I guarantee most of the apps for the last job were from Eastern European girls…. I would bet money on it

  • @PeckiePeck
    @PeckiePeck 5 місяців тому

    What a crock of shit that second listing was.

  • @Elle-fp5uy
    @Elle-fp5uy 5 місяців тому

    That's not an internship that's slavery.

  • @justsomeone64
    @justsomeone64 6 місяців тому

    The hell do you find these stories?😅

  • @notabannedaccount8362
    @notabannedaccount8362 6 місяців тому

    American Capitalism! 🇺🇸

  • @cathunter3874
    @cathunter3874 6 місяців тому

    Where is #1?

  • @rahulshah1408
    @rahulshah1408 6 місяців тому +2

    I respect the second company. It’s good for a retiree like me. I don’t mind contributing for purpose and not for salary. I’m volunteering at a friend’s company.

    • @traveller23e
      @traveller23e 3 місяці тому

      If you're a retiree you'll also likely have the sort of experience they'll need to get their project up and running.

  • @TheCatMomma
    @TheCatMomma 6 місяців тому

    #1 The applicant was well outta line..

    • @standard7272
      @standard7272 6 місяців тому +3

      Or the offer was so ridiculously low that he took it as a personal insult.
      But seriously, I've never received a rejection letter with this much details as to why I was rejected. So for me this sounds like a fabrication.

    • @joseislanio8910
      @joseislanio8910 5 місяців тому +1

      The recruiter and hiring manager were late, that combined with a way too pow offer would let anyone who had to use a day off pissed

  • @richardkeating7300
    @richardkeating7300 6 місяців тому +1

    That last one lol.

    • @steves1015
      @steves1015 6 місяців тому +1

      When I heard it, Immediately thought "Andrew Tate, is that you?"

    • @richardkeating7300
      @richardkeating7300 6 місяців тому

      @@steves1015 lol yeah you're right I had to watch it again to remind me.