What the B.C. government knew about the flood threat | Come hell... B.C. under water

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • In Come hell… B.C. under water we examine the devastation in B.C. after catastrophic flooding and look at how the provincial government should have seen this coming.
    #CBCFifthEstate #BC #Flood
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    About The Fifth Estate: For four decades The Fifth Estate has been Canada's premier investigative documentary program. Hosts Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley continue a tradition of provocative and fearless journalism. The Fifth Estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians - delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy.

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3 тис.

  • @TC-yh9xo
    @TC-yh9xo 2 роки тому +562

    The biggest problem is man has built cities on old lake beds and flood plains. You can not harness mother nature. I have great empathy for all those affected. There is no easy solution. Very tragic to say the least.

    • @vohnhooper9883
      @vohnhooper9883 2 роки тому +26

      You hit the nail right on the head! Positive thoughts n blessings to those affected

    • @leanderrowe2800
      @leanderrowe2800 2 роки тому +53

      Our arrogance is our biggest enemy. We think we can conguer everything including nature.

    • @c.a.greene8395
      @c.a.greene8395 2 роки тому +29

      The Taoist knows you can not change the flow of water. It's impossible.
      This land is way below sea level. It IS a delta, which means it is a winter flood plain.
      They have know for decades this land would one day be reclaimed by water, they had 30 years to relocate. They chose to stay because they are stupid and would rather loose everything including their lives than relocate. I have zero sympathy for stupid people.
      Now everyone in bc will have home owners insurance go up to pay for these stupid peoples mistakes...

    • @TC-yh9xo
      @TC-yh9xo 2 роки тому +9

      @@c.a.greene8395 I agree with you somewhat. However I would not say they are stupid people. I'm sure many were born and raised in this valley. There are generations that all call it home. We see these types of catastrophies happening world wide. I'm sure the first settlers did not know about global warming.

    • @c.a.greene8395
      @c.a.greene8395 2 роки тому +45

      @@TC-yh9xo there were no first settlers in this area.
      The native tribes only ever used the lower mainland and the valley during summer months as it has always flooded in winter, that's why it is called a DELTA.
      When this eara was first settled, they had winter water issues and many farms were lost annually.
      After putting in pumping stations many of the families were told to move, the pumps wouldn't last forever and the government would ot be compensating anyone if they were to stay and be flooded once again.
      This is why I say they were stupid for staying...how many times does the government need to tell you to move before you pick up and go?
      Personally I have seen it often as I worked for a hatchery in the Port renfrew area which is also a delta flood plain.
      Many campers would give me the finger when I would tell them to move. They never understood how waterfall accumulated in rivers, and it takes 3 days for the water that falls today to make it into the rivers and streams. IF they are tidal fed, and it's high tide when the water begins entering the river - the entire area could flood 120 feet overnight - killing all those who refuse to move....
      After I have saved them they usually try to give me the 'we didn't know ' story, not realizing it was me who told them 8 hrs before to move or risk drowning...
      So yeah, I call it stupidy because that is exactly what causes people to believe it's gonna happen to someone else and not them

  • @leslieboles6439
    @leslieboles6439 2 роки тому +200

    Trying to make lakebeds into farmland was the first mistake.
    The Sacramento valley has experienced floods for similar reasons. Developers are allowed to build homes in known floodplains. Home buyers are not told this and then when the flooding happens developers and government agencies who permitted these developments are not held accountable.

    • @kenlieberman4215
      @kenlieberman4215 2 роки тому +11

      Floodplains make the best farmland. The problem is the infrastructure. In NA everything is spread out - one home per farm. A better system would be a village system with houses clustered together on high land, and the farms clustered together. The floods enrich the soil.

    • @SAGAWISIW30
      @SAGAWISIW30 2 роки тому +6

      Flood brings in nutrients remember Egypt .. learn from the past ,,,,it's a blessing don't cry😦😦

    • @kathyinwonderlandl.a.8934
      @kathyinwonderlandl.a.8934 2 роки тому +5

      I grew up in Sacramento. So sad to think of how things have changed since the 50s. It was perfect area then into the 70s..now as elsewhere, people are paying the price of bad planning and money bought things that shouldn’t have .

    • @kathyinwonderlandl.a.8934
      @kathyinwonderlandl.a.8934 2 роки тому +3

      @@kenlieberman4215 they need people with knowledge to plan the future of this area. You’d be a good start🌟

    • @leslieboles6439
      @leslieboles6439 2 роки тому +3

      @@kenlieberman4215 yes, good solution.

  • @robertcroteau5597
    @robertcroteau5597 2 роки тому +7

    When you drain a lake and it fills back in that's not climate change

  • @davider3568
    @davider3568 2 роки тому +235

    I'm sympathetic to all the individuals affected by this terrible situation. One thought is an observation from a college professor who taught me a Geography course in Kamloops years ago. He said "...never buy a house on a flood plain..." It is a lesson I've never forgotten.

    • @resb8748
      @resb8748 2 роки тому +33

      💯💯💯💯 a lake is a lake..a flood plain is a flood plain...a swamp is a swamp...water will always reclaim its boundaries

    • @lynebenoit5124
      @lynebenoit5124 2 роки тому +8

      Ahhhhhh, yes!!!! Logic here please, DONT BUILD YOUR HOUSE WHERE THERE WAS A LAKE, and open your eyes we are in ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE, not just CLIMATE CHANGE, are set of living arrangements is over time to rethink how we are going to live in the next ten to twenty years

      @loveYAHUAH.YAHUSHUAH 2 роки тому +4

      Exodus 20
      ❤️Exodus 20:1 And YAHUAH יהוה spoke all these words, saying,
      ❤️Exodus 20:2 I am YAHUAH יהוה your YAHUAH יהוה, which have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
      ❤️Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other idols before me.
      ❤️Exodus 20:4 You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the land beneath, or that is in the water under the land:
      ❤️🙌Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I YAHUAH יהוה your YAHUAH יהוה AM a jealous YAHUAH יהוה, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
      ❤️🙌Exodus 20:6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
      ❤️Exodus 20:7 You shall not take the name of YAHUAH יהוה your YAHUAH יהוה in vain; for
      YAHUAH יהוה will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain.
      * in vain means not important .
      ❤️Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it קודש:set apart .
      -👉sabbath is Saturday sunrise to sunday sunrise 👈
      ‏Set apart קודשQUDeSH
      Exodus 20:9 Six days you shall labour, and do all your work:
      ❤️Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of YAHUAH יהוה your YAHUAH יהוה
      : in it you shall not do any work, you , nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates:
      ❤️🙌Exodus 20:11 For in six days YAHUAH יהוה made heavens and land, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore YAHUAH יהוה prospered the sabbath day, and set apart it.
      Exodus 20:12 Honour your father and your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which YAHUAH יהוה
      your YAHUAH יהוה gives you .
      🚫Exodus 20:13 You shall not murder.
      🚫Exodus 20:14 You shall not commit adultery.
      🚫Exodus 20:15 You shall not steal.
      🚫Exodus 20:16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
      🚫Exodus 20:17 You shall not covet your neighbour's house, you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any thing that is your neighbour's.
      🙌Exodus 20:18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off.
      Exodus 20:19 And they said unto Moses, You speak with us, and we will hear: but let not YAHUAH יהוה speak with us, lest we die.
      ❤️Exodus 20:20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for YAHUAH יהוה is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that you all sin not .
      Exodus 20:21 And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where YAHUAH יהוה was.
      Exodus 20:22 And YAHUAH יהוה said unto Moses, Thus you shall say unto the children of Israel, you all have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.
      Exodus 20:23 You all shall not make with me idols of silver, neither you shall all make unto you idols of gold.
      -should not make idols of gold or silver.
      Exodus 20:24 An altar of land you shall make unto me, and shall sacrifice thereon your burnt offerings, and your peace offerings, your sheep, and yours oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto you, and I will prosper you.
      Exodus 20:25 And if you will make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone: for if you lift up your tool upon it, you had polluted it.
      Exodus 20:26 Neither you shall go up by steps unto my altar, that your nakedness is not discovered thereon.

    • @wrp3621
      @wrp3621 2 роки тому +14

      Yup, I lost everything in a flood and can tell you if you live near water, don’t be suprised if it ends up in your living room someday. Try to blame whoever you want, but it’s a simple thing really.

    • @Christina1969
      @Christina1969 2 роки тому +6

      I totally agree, my husband and I moved to Canada 1998 everyone told us to buy property in bc/ lower mainland. We didn't because we both were worried about the flood plane which the lower mainland is and earthquake region.
      We did buy something in the mountains but moved away in 2006 because of the ongoing fires, to Saskatchewan. We didn't regret that decision once since we moved here.

  • @willj4243
    @willj4243 2 роки тому +86

    This documentary is a fantastic example of modern day investigative journalism that has become increasingly rare in recent years. Great work on this one.

    • @jupitereye4322
      @jupitereye4322 2 роки тому +10

      It's crap, politically charged as usual.

    • @removedbyutube
      @removedbyutube 2 роки тому +3

      @@jupitereye4322 well, it was the governments fault, and it all starts with the leadership.

    • @jupitereye4322
      @jupitereye4322 2 роки тому +1

      @@removedbyutube Well, to some degree, yes, but I am more alluding to the whole "global warming" narrative. They keep saying how we need to do more to address the global warming issue, none of that is happening and there is zero chance of fixing that. At best it will take 100 years to reduce the emissions by an insignificant percentage. We are too hooked on technology, means of transportation, life routines... there is no other way to efficiently melt steel without fossil fuels, and manufacture vast mountains of products. As for the whole logging situation, Canada absolutely depends on logging. Perhaps better planning would help, where to exploit the forest and re-plant, but that will take again another few decades to grow forests for this purpose. Another thing is that climate change is highly complex, we can't simply change our policies and production and fix it all. Perhaps some simpler solutions ought to be looked at, like better zoning, road planning, updating geological surveys...

    • @atodaso1668
      @atodaso1668 2 роки тому

      @@removedbyutube Every politician over the last 30 years that did nothing but study is responsible for this.

    • @TooBadToBeAway1
      @TooBadToBeAway1 2 роки тому

      Totally agree.

  • @pattiwhite9575
    @pattiwhite9575 2 роки тому +82

    How the government wipes it hands of any responsibility is mind blowing.

    • @pablow2009
      @pablow2009 2 роки тому +6

      Of course blaming the weather change helps them to push the new agenda

    • @carriec4443
      @carriec4443 2 роки тому +1

      Lovely Socialism.

    • @SureRon
      @SureRon 2 роки тому +1

      Specifically woke British Columbia / California

    • @adamkou5475
      @adamkou5475 2 роки тому +2

      @@carriec4443 It's interesting how people are blaming socialism for this. Most of the areas that got flooded are private properties. If you love capitalism so much, it appears to me that it should be the property owners who should pay for all the flood damages, clean up and flood protection facilities themselves. And so the provincial government did the right thing by not getting involved.

  • @johnpatrick1588
    @johnpatrick1588 2 роки тому +34

    That Frasier river causes trouble. In May 1894 it ran 8 meters high flood because of snowmelt. Abbotsford not always farmland because it was a lake. Nature made it a lake again.

    • @Chahlie
      @Chahlie 2 роки тому +2

      There was an interview with a person who was so grateful that the previous owner of their house had raised it up, so only the first floor flooded. In another community the building that houses the seniors centre has flooded twice over the years and they are still wanting to rebuild it in the same spot even though they can't get insurance. It's nuts.

    • @allenschmitz9644
      @allenschmitz9644 2 роки тому +2

      yea from the pic's you can see the water is roof top..no salvage anything on those farms after a winter under water.

  • @mocat1
    @mocat1 2 роки тому +61

    Tone done? Jfc. Really glad she refused to do so. Gutted that decades of neglect have had such a catastrophic impact to so many people in BC.

  • @Bobcagon
    @Bobcagon 2 роки тому +14

    In late May of 1948, an enormous snowpack coupled with an unusually warm, late spring sent disastrous amounts of snow melt into the valley. It wasn't long before the Fraser River overflowed.
    Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission were the hardest hit. Rich farmland disappeared beneath a sea of filthy, brown water. Hundreds of houses were swallowed up.

    • @samiullahk7223
      @samiullahk7223 2 роки тому +4

      hmm covid19 seems to have done the similar kind of sudden cooling and rain amd snow episodes like the post WW2 era. but everyone likes to jump on the climate chmage bandwagon

  • @diannemccarroll2367
    @diannemccarroll2367 2 роки тому +17

    If there were warnings three wks prior to the landslides why were the general population altered? It would make sense to allow people to prepare. Moving animals, packing personal items and finding alternative shelter.

  • @brianwalker1933
    @brianwalker1933 2 роки тому +2

    Water always collects in “low lying areas” so why build there?
    Smart people will always build on…High ground.

  • @gloriousgreeneryltd.
    @gloriousgreeneryltd. 2 роки тому +24

    The BC floods were totally preventable & the governments are completely responsible

    • @forthefunofit3230
      @forthefunofit3230 2 роки тому +1

      AND the idiots that lived in an OLD LAKE BED!!!!!!

  • @susanparker1374
    @susanparker1374 2 роки тому +1

    Gotta love that dog rescue, cutest thing ever! 26:07

  • @charityrocks
    @charityrocks 2 роки тому +1

    This is so heartbreaking. First the lake was so abundant it was like an indigenous grocery store. They drained it to create farmland for the colonists and force the indigenous into starvation. Now the government knows there was going to be a problem so they gave the water rights back to the municipalities who couldn't have possibly known the dangers. The government did know the dangers though didn't they? That's how they solved their problem. Pass on the accountability to someone else. Destroy the indigenous communities again and make the people suffer. Just as long as they are not the ones accountable right! Government is supposed to protect their people not allow them to suffer and literally die only to save their own reputations! This is absolute corruption.

  • @rhondiryan4756
    @rhondiryan4756 2 роки тому +7

    Absolutely horrific. !!

  • @solarslayer612
    @solarslayer612 2 роки тому +9

    Very sad and a disgrace on both provincial and federal government level.

  • @JohnSmith-ps7hf
    @JohnSmith-ps7hf 2 роки тому +1

    I'm glad that Vancouver is doing ok.

  • @ninja1antelope
    @ninja1antelope 2 роки тому +36

    Braun “worried about the long term impact…”. His actions, or lack thereof says otherwise….

    • @blairthandi7058
      @blairthandi7058 2 роки тому

      Wanna know something funny. Our city is embarrassing. The Abby police and our military are the ones saving us. Just last night, they closed highway one to put tiger dams on it, and that could potentially save a lot of properties from going under water.

  • @MTB_Rider_96
    @MTB_Rider_96 2 роки тому

    This has happened all over North America thousands of times. The federal government put huge efforts into conducting geological surveys that get ignored by the local county and city planners. The USGS surveys stated that specific areas Will Flood again during the next major rain event. The City and County allowed the neighborhoods to be built anyway - completely ignoring the USGS. And yes, these neighborhoods were completely flooded several times.

    • @david50665
      @david50665 2 роки тому +1

      canadians just love to do endless studies and surveys without doing any actual work. This is because it is less costly than the actual work but they get almost the same credit for it. Therefore they get the benefit of having the feeling of exercising prudence and action and getting something done ( a pile of paper known as a report). This goes on for 40-50 years of reporting while nothing actually gets done but the feeling is great until disaster strikes

  • @foxwonderland8467
    @foxwonderland8467 2 роки тому +1

    So WHAT EXACTLY is the NUMBER of LIVESTOCK LOST?? Some one needs to share this number

  • @tamifinnigan4661
    @tamifinnigan4661 2 роки тому +14

    The number one word most often heard in 2021 from politicians mouths.. the oscar goes to the word "uhh". 😔🤒

  • @shemeon
    @shemeon 2 роки тому +4

    Unbelievable. This is criminal. Please let it be a lesson the government learns at least.

    • @ElectricBikeReview
      @ElectricBikeReview 2 роки тому

      People are turning to each other, using tools like Facebook because the truth is that the government will always show up to collect taxes, but is limited in its ability to support or resolve every situation where support is needed. Dollars collected do not cover those repaid because the people in government need to be paid snd their understanding of local issues is limited. Even insurance companies, which tend to have more incentive to respond, are struggling to keep up with the changes in our world and inflation as governments create new dollars to fill gaps in their budgets and stabilizing housing and stock markets.

  • @altgenesis
    @altgenesis 2 роки тому

    It's not climate change. It's climate. These people did not build for the past. They built for the past 50 years. There are 100 year storms and there are 200 year storms and 500 year storms and 1000 year storms. You build in the mountains and you take your chances with local weather disasters. With only one road you can easily get cut off. Governments aren't going to prepare for 100 year storms. Especially for small towns. Governments just react to disasters after they happen. Hopefully they buy equipment that can take care of 100 year storms. Canada needs more heavy helicopters and heavy equipment but they are no match for mother nature. Just because you never "saw" a Tornado before doesn't mean they haven't occurred in the past 200 years.

  • @FlyByNick
    @FlyByNick 2 роки тому +4

    It's time for all of these govt's to be replaced. They've become complacent and no longer represent the people.

  • @lorismith621
    @lorismith621 2 роки тому

    People please listen I know we are all frustrated and we are all right, It’s probably a combination of everything that’s been mentioned in the comments But don’t turn on each other Now more than ever we must open our hearts and listen to each other without anger I’m listening to all of you and I think you all have very valid points Its clear we have all been complaisant in this Thinking or hoping someone else will do the job, they are supposed to do Well it’s clear that “someone “ hasn’t been doing their job ! But use your intelligence what can you do to help I send love and light to you all and be safe

  • @BdManus
    @BdManus 2 роки тому +1

    If you are going to build on a former lake bed, build everything higher than it is now.

  • @terrybuker4600
    @terrybuker4600 2 роки тому +9

    Truly hard to watch that devastation. Another hard realization is Mother Nature took some of her land back in that valley. She loaned it for a bit but took it back. :(
    Can't help but wonder, where has all the Climate Tax that B.C. has been paying Trudeau for the last 6 years being spent?

    • @-LightningRod-
      @-LightningRod- 2 роки тому

      did YOU do Your Taxes? its pretty self explanatory

  • @BritneyWaldron
    @BritneyWaldron 2 роки тому

    It’s really crazy in BC now. Lack of resources, jobs and food. Infrastructure is falling apart

  • @carlagarrett3244
    @carlagarrett3244 2 роки тому +1

    knowing and being able to deal with it. keep saving lives emergency personnel - heroes all!

  • @agingwithgracegratitudeand140
    @agingwithgracegratitudeand140 2 роки тому +7

    My heart felt blessings to all effected by this very avoidable mess! Letting the government get away with building cities where the boss wants lakes is reckless, ignorant and impossible!
    This earth dictates always has and always well! Anyone not being able to collect insurance is being abused and neglected by the government and their mafia attitude. They alone are responsible for this!

  • @atecelsupport6265
    @atecelsupport6265 2 роки тому

    same problems back home always had a storm we called it typhoon, god bless guys

  • @youngdn.s.r1021
    @youngdn.s.r1021 2 роки тому +8

    I live in south eastern interior, logistics are horrible, we are running out of supplies

    • @ARolls-dd2zd
      @ARolls-dd2zd 2 роки тому

      No one seems to care no food is getting to the interior, are they going to starve us?

    • @youngdn.s.r1021
      @youngdn.s.r1021 2 роки тому

      @@ARolls-dd2zd lol there food I live in interior near Cranbrook & our stores low to but country has logistic warehouses which haven't been activated yet

  • @danelcutler6467
    @danelcutler6467 10 місяців тому

    I didn’t realize that all those homes were built on a lake bed. Wow, that’s terrible.

  • @CreativeRedundancy
    @CreativeRedundancy 2 роки тому +6

    It's brave and more proactive people that gave others a better chance, more lead time and with their efforts lessen the blow. Those who helped get the word out, help sandbag , helped people with their own boats, time , fuel and resources. You are truly extraordinary. For those still in dealing with it. May your strength and will not give out yet. Show why Canadian people are " true north strong" May the stories remind us what we do have. As we the people see these events happening, we the people of this vast country need to be alert and proactive. If not for yourself, do it for community , love ones, co-workers, friends and family. Learn from this, reinforce from this so less people are hurt the next time. Take CaRe Canadian people .

  • @cgs1308
    @cgs1308 2 роки тому

    Best way to get out of a situation, completely AVOID IT in the first place.

  • @lovepeace5845
    @lovepeace5845 2 роки тому

    This reminds me of a song we sung in primary school. “Don’t build your house on a sandy land, don’t built it too close to the shore. It might look kind of nice, but you’ll have to built it twice...”. I feel no sympathy for the stupid. I think we call it ‘natural selection’.

  • @jessrouse8475
    @jessrouse8475 2 роки тому +7

    The woman in the blue coat is a hero . 💙 we need more like her

    • @ARolls-dd2zd
      @ARolls-dd2zd 2 роки тому

      It's a thankless job but if you're not listened to you need to be louder and get more people on your team, take social action, so I don't see her as a hero, she failed to sound an alarm big enough for something to be done.

  • @dickfitswell3437
    @dickfitswell3437 2 роки тому +28

    Atmospheric Rivers have been around for a very long time. They are nothing new they are just trying to scare you. Most of these problems are people living nearbye Rivers and oceans.

    • @Tormentality
      @Tormentality 2 роки тому


    • @daviscampbell9020
      @daviscampbell9020 2 роки тому +5

      In this case living in a old lake that was emptied.

    • @az956
      @az956 2 роки тому +2

      Uh, like that’s ok dude, the earth is like, flat so, like the water will just fall off into space and stuff, like eh? 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @tabithadebolt1708
      @tabithadebolt1708 2 роки тому

      Ya, they're called "storms" from where I'm from.

    • @reverendjimjones9061
      @reverendjimjones9061 2 роки тому

      @@tabithadebolt1708 the incessant use of the term atmospheric rivers is laughable at best, fits perfectly with the climate alarmism narrative portrayed herein, yesterday the weather network showed a newborn puppy fighting the floodwaters all of two inches deep,, lol

  • @bridecolbourne1305
    @bridecolbourne1305 2 роки тому

    There are no words to express the uselessness of those government officials,but it did expose there inability and lack of qualifications to hold their positions so their positions should be taken from them.

  • @mouse9665
    @mouse9665 2 роки тому +4

    That's so sad. So much lost. In what seems government ignores the threat.

  • @markwalker2307
    @markwalker2307 2 роки тому +1

    First thing they blame is climate change. One thing I know about the Pacfic Northwest is this : it rains....
    ... A LOT ! IT ALWAYS HAS.

  • @djtrancerobbie9806
    @djtrancerobbie9806 2 роки тому

    Its so sad. And i work on highway 8 so far 3 washout is coming together. My heart goes out to all people live in the flooded area. I was told it will take year to compleat Highway 8.

  • @thepunadude
    @thepunadude 2 роки тому +6


    • @-LightningRod-
      @-LightningRod- 2 роки тому

      yo keep that nonsense in the basement

    • @tabithadebolt1708
      @tabithadebolt1708 2 роки тому

      @@-LightningRod- Get your booster !

    • @dsgee97
      @dsgee97 2 роки тому


  • @JustAThought155
    @JustAThought155 2 роки тому +10

    Tough to see. Sad to see such loss, flood victims. My thought: the famous settlers continued and continue to expand while dismissing the law of the land. So, this is what it means when the Bible states, “You reap what you sow.” Sadly, too many folks believe(d) the system(s) that promise(d) great living without realizing the land should have never been built upon.

  • @bobinabuddy
    @bobinabuddy 2 роки тому

    Lack of response…..horrific that no warning given….sue the pants off the provincial government and any other professional that said they. Knew what was coming and did NOTHING

  • @2coolartsmusicmom572
    @2coolartsmusicmom572 2 роки тому +6

    This is just so devastating for everyone involved. We can all be wiped out in an instance by nature and negligence.

  • @mrbilal1987
    @mrbilal1987 2 роки тому +11

    October 24, 2021. I'll probably will never forget that storm. It brought over a foot of rain to some parts of the San Francisco Bay Area in just over 24 hours. And, we can't forget the winds either. But since that was a major rain event on top of a record drought, the ground just sucked up all the water within a few days. Strange times we're living in.

    • @-LightningRod-
      @-LightningRod- 2 роки тому +1

      good luck friend

    • @HeatherBoo916
      @HeatherBoo916 2 роки тому

      That rain wouldn't stop here in Sacramento, CA. Was truly a trip.

    • @meganhoward8820
      @meganhoward8820 2 роки тому

      Im always going to remember the ice storm of 1998 in Canada. We git buried in ice. Trees all broke power lines down. We were without power for about a week. Cars covered in 4 inches of ice. I was just a kid so the only thing i had to worry about was how awesome sledding would be. But we had no hydro or heat. No way to cook. Pipes freezing and bursting. Mind you it was only about a week but thats the storm i will never forget.
      I hope you and your family and friends are safe and taken care of.

    • @Flowergurl2000
      @Flowergurl2000 2 роки тому +1

      Yep, we need to learn this is the new norm.

    • @-LightningRod-
      @-LightningRod- 2 роки тому

      @@meganhoward8820 verk kind words and thoughtful Megan, it is Our Job to remember how We all got here

  • @LaCurlySue562
    @LaCurlySue562 2 роки тому

    Forgive my ignorance and I don't mean to sound insensitive, but, if the land was a lake and clearly wants to be a lake, why won't they let it be a lake and folk move elsewhere? Instead of trying to "stop the water" that clearly keeps coming back to where it always was?

  • @pendizzy6352
    @pendizzy6352 2 роки тому

    Shame on government smaaaaame . How is this allowed to happen . I'm so angry at the STRAIGHT UP RACISM . why no alerts . No Help ??

  • @LizMarshallBlogs
    @LizMarshallBlogs 2 роки тому

    Excellent reporting.

  • @peppersadventure
    @peppersadventure 2 роки тому

    Government incompetence at its finest.

  • @alwayslearningthankyou2708
    @alwayslearningthankyou2708 2 роки тому

    Don't build in a flood plain and then complain when you get flooded. You could have raised the levels of all your buildings knowing the waters would eventually return to the lake you built in.

  • @ronnieellis9524
    @ronnieellis9524 2 роки тому +1


  • @donnacsuti4980
    @donnacsuti4980 2 роки тому +4

    Heartbreaking to see I hope the national and provincial governments step up.

  • @dougwedel9484
    @dougwedel9484 2 роки тому

    This makes no sense to me. Stop building in flood plains. Give people incentives to build on higher elevations and mark out the flood plain zones so people know they can't continue to have buildings there. The flood plains actually allow water to slow down as it goes downstream. Building dikes to prevent water from flooding over riverbanks causes worse flooding downstream. If you want to build on a flood plane, make the buildings strong enough to withstand that flooding, same as fireproofing and earthquake proofing.

  • @altgenesis
    @altgenesis 2 роки тому

    Beautiful country but dangerous to live in. You should expect this. The Government should help when it happens because it will happen and should be prepared for with contingency funds. But the corrupt Government will just make that money disappear.

  • @register1430
    @register1430 2 роки тому +5

    Another win for 5th. Campbell Gov took a hit on this. The Trudeau jab was a little cheap. Watch out for Mt Baker next.

  • @patricialacerda5460
    @patricialacerda5460 2 роки тому

    There's no mother earth
    There's only GOD ALMIGHTY, the creator of it all and There's no how powerful the waters can be but how powerful GOD ALMIGHTY is!!!!
    Repent, see this as opportunity to turn to JESUS CHRIST. He is in control of it all, allowing all things to happen and He is the only one who can help us all. Be blessed in Him all of you!!!

  • @RonnieToo
    @RonnieToo 2 роки тому +5

    Looks like Mother Nature is taking flood planes, lake beds and natural flood areas back.
    Are these heavy rain events very rare or would floods happen a couple of times every 100 years?
    There always seems to be repercussions when man drains marshlands, wetlands and diverts natural waterfowl from the land or Dams lakes to control water flow keeping some un naturally high and when storms hit then the water has no where to go and the water backs up filling in the low lying land.
    Forest fires are bad and when there is no ground cover plants and trees then we will get erosion or worse landslides.
    How many of these huge flooding rainfall do we think Canada has seen since the End of the last ice age... quite a few I would think and the water would flow where it had flowed before.

  • @ryanhopwood1148
    @ryanhopwood1148 2 роки тому

    It’s “super paranormal” for a tornado to hit west coast.

  • @ElectricBikeReview
    @ElectricBikeReview 2 роки тому +4

    The woman at 38:00 has a true heart. She is praying for THE LAND and the life that depends on it, including her own. How beautiful and wise she is. While our existence is ever changing, as with the Earth, we are stewards and aware and capable unlike any other life here. This revelation also exists in the Christian Bible, where God urged people to care for creation, and not spill the blood of our brothers and sisters.

    • @brianweir9885
      @brianweir9885 2 роки тому

      how is she any wiser than everyone else that was effected by the water? Because you both are people who believe in prayer? LOL.

  • @Stereostupid
    @Stereostupid 2 роки тому

    The lady said it perfectly it doesn't make sense to manage water because no physical man can

  • @jamesbond1231
    @jamesbond1231 2 роки тому +89

    Almost like governments don't really have your best interest in mind.. eh?

    • @dickfitswell3437
      @dickfitswell3437 2 роки тому +25

      After learning about the Prime Minister and the Wii foundation and then the Prime Minister and the oil company corruption and the firing of the first female AG or whatever Canada calls it because she wouldn't go along with what he said.. yep he doesn't give a f*** about anybody

    • @dorianmclean6755
      @dorianmclean6755 2 роки тому +10

      Dont ever rely on them....they are dumbstruck out of touch for one thing...
      We are in a 'new phase ' of life in our solar system

    • @jillsmcfarland2001
      @jillsmcfarland2001 2 роки тому +13

      "Corporations aren't your friend"

    • @tabithadebolt1708
      @tabithadebolt1708 2 роки тому +3

      @@jillsmcfarland2001 Yes, the pharmasuitical corporations that are pushing the vax.

    • @kevinchavarria6792
      @kevinchavarria6792 2 роки тому +2

      They drained sumas lake around the Abbotsford area so yeah they never cared it's all about greed as always governments not giving a F

  • @gtaasmronline4926
    @gtaasmronline4926 2 роки тому +448

    The way the Abbotsford mayor laughs “we didn’t need to scare people they already knew” makes me sick.

    • @emjay2d
      @emjay2d 2 роки тому +60

      Thats exactly when I looked at the comments to find this one immediately.
      Sir, they should be scared. And you didnt give them the information they needed.
      Too busy trying to save face, not lives.

    • @AaronDrake22
      @AaronDrake22 2 роки тому +38

      Me too the man should be taken out of office along with a couple higher-ups who didn’t take any responsibility

    • @AaronDrake22
      @AaronDrake22 2 роки тому +23

      What was it last year china was opening up dams and flooding their own communities without warning the people just seems kind of similar and that’s a communist country

    • @rubies2905
      @rubies2905 2 роки тому +2

      Honestly, smfh

    • @janice8514
      @janice8514 2 роки тому +13

      Same here. What a horses a$$!

  • @butterflygirl2285
    @butterflygirl2285 2 роки тому +65

    No one ever mentions that a lot of these problems occur when builders place structures on land that was never meant to be built on.

    • @mirekchance
      @mirekchance 2 роки тому +6

      You can't make a statement like that, its not agenda compliant lol...

    • @johnmactavish4838
      @johnmactavish4838 2 роки тому +7

      This is all First Nation land. None of it was meant to be built upon. Get out, colonizers.

    • @thetravelingphotographer6885
      @thetravelingphotographer6885 2 роки тому +3

      Prime example New Orleans!

    • @pinkpearl1967
      @pinkpearl1967 2 роки тому

      Everyone mentions it, all the time.

    • @butterflygirl2285
      @butterflygirl2285 2 роки тому

      @@pinkpearl1967 I wan't hearing about it in this specific documentary.

  • @carmenlajoie2719
    @carmenlajoie2719 2 роки тому +131

    Turning mountain sides into sawdust does not help. Cutting down all trees & leaving 50% on the ground, to rot is asking for trouble

    • @SpicyTexan64
      @SpicyTexan64 2 роки тому +2

      You obviously don't know a lot about logging.

    • @DaBaiTube
      @DaBaiTube 2 роки тому +3

      @@SpicyTexan64 what are they wrong about?

    • @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276
      @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 2 роки тому +7

      @@SpicyTexan64 Do you know how valley erosion works?

    • @cherylsibson2529
      @cherylsibson2529 2 роки тому +1

      Could you imagine where the province would be if they left the lake alone, and made another area into farmland?

  • @musikmaan
    @musikmaan 2 роки тому +200

    Consider the fact that this flooding happened in the late 1800’s, and again in the mid 1900’s yet they still keep building in a flood plain… 👏🏻

    • @4777hamza
      @4777hamza 2 роки тому +12

      even in Japan - theire was a cemented stone erected on the hillside that warned not to build any lower(or else it'd be too close to the sea) but guess what... the Tsunami destroyed everything - ironically

    • @brendawiebe1589
      @brendawiebe1589 2 роки тому +18

      But no one wants to really talk of those……no climate change story there

    • @amandachristmas9682
      @amandachristmas9682 2 роки тому +10

      Not the late 1800. It was drained in 1920, flooded again in 1942, then 1990, and now 2021....I give it another 10 years before it floods again

    • @justme-dm7sb
      @justme-dm7sb 2 роки тому +13

      Its the same in the US. In Washington state if you pay a county enough money for a "special" permit, then you can build on flood plains and landslides. Then they sell those houses to unsuspecting people moving from other states. We all know what is there and we try to tell them. They won't believe you anyway. They think we are just unhappy that they come here and vote out our way of life with restrictive laws. As much as that may be true, we are not lying to them about the floods and landslides. Then it happens and they snivel. Wow. If I were moving to another geographical area I would want to know all about it before I bought or built a house in any particular place. People are so entitled. They were warned, just not by our GREEDY government. Why do people completely trust any government? Politicians are KNOWN liars.
      And they wonder why we are keeping our guns. SMH.

    • @Doug_Morgan
      @Doug_Morgan 2 роки тому +5

      @@amandachristmas9682 It flooded back in 1894 before it was drained. It was called the Great Flood.

  • @georgejohnson3579
    @georgejohnson3579 2 роки тому +30

    My condolences to the survivors for their loss family, friends and well being.

  • @jimrussell3367
    @jimrussell3367 2 роки тому +91

    Millions for studies and consulting and not a thin dime for the actual work . Finger pointing by senior governments. this is how everything in Canada works .

    • @GregoryJByrne
      @GregoryJByrne 2 роки тому +2

      Because they are building VTVL rockets to get off the planet before our solar system's crossing over thru tour galaxies electromagnetic gravitational plane the Great Year Resets the planet.
      AS for the floods you have to stop slow the water in the hills before it gets into the valleys. It is too late once it gets into the valleys. Weirs, S turns, Sacrificial flood plains etc.
      We are in the END TIMES!
      Just like Jesus tried to tell US with his reference to 7 stars, Precession cycles in his hand and the 1,000 years reign because it takes a Millennia for our solar system to cross over thru the milky way causing EMP pillars of fire, Oort cloud comet impacts and global east to west cataclysmic Tidal waves that wash over the continents and freeze into the continental glaciers lowering sea levels, AGAIN.
      Watch for the Conjunction of the planets, with the 2033 conjunction being the beginning of the END.
      Covid like CO2 is a comfortable LIE built upon yet another inconvenient truth.
      The baby Boomer who were born en mass 76 years ago are starting to die en mass from the usual suspects of seasonal Flu which leads to Pneumonia and old age. Coincidentally identical symptoms as Covid.
      The MASK of the BEAST to BUY or SELL is a pretext for the depopulation FINAL SOLUTION vaccine + 5G before the Great Year Resets the Planet again.
      If we don't wake up it won't be a New World Order but a Brave New World Order as in the moves.
      It takes 10 years to develop a vaccine IF and only IF you can isolate the virus. What variant are the LIARS on now? 5 th because we are in the 5 th seasonal FLu season.
      BLM/ALM Divide and Conquer is the modus operandi of the evil families who think they are better than other humans because of their inbreeding purity of blood eugenics ideology.
      Abortion, LGBTQ, Sterilization, Euthanasia, China One child policy are all depopulation policies before the END TIMES happen because our solar system is crossing over thru our galaxies electromagnetic gravitational plane center, now for the next millennia.
      Jesus loved all races because there is only one race the HUMAN race & only one minority the INDIVIDUAL human.
      I fear all of his pain and suffering will have been for naught because we as humans are still cowards being led by the bad shepherds Chosen people ideology.

    • @briand01
      @briand01 2 роки тому +1

      @@GregoryJByrne Nothing is going to end trust me well not for like 5 million years or so.. and 5G is just the 5th generatoin of Cell phones

    • @albback8176
      @albback8176 2 роки тому +4

      Government bears the greatest level of responsibility, but the truth is that we all contributed to problems that developed over decades. Deforestation, over-consumption of resources and poor land and environmental management accumulated to this crisis. Nothing happens in isolation, and no one escapes responsibility, to be honest.

    • @GregoryJByrne
      @GregoryJByrne 2 роки тому

      @@albback8176 CO2 is nor has it ever caused our solar system or planets climate to change.
      Our solar system is crossing eclipsing our galaxies electromagnetic gravitational plane and will be for the next 1,000 years causing the END TIMES. It is called the Precession of the 7 north stars. Every 12th millennia our solar system eclipses the galactic plane milky way causing the amount of Electromagnetic/gravitational energy to rise causing the END TIMES.
      Temperature is rising first and CO2 follows as the Arctic thaws. Cause and effect.
      Earth is a closed loop that self regulates co2 with life by combining CO2 with H2O to capture the EM energy of the galaxy via the Sun.
      Energy is neither created nor destroyed. On this planet. All EM energy comes from the galactic nucleus/Bulge.
      Good luck.

    • @GregoryJByrne
      @GregoryJByrne 2 роки тому

      @@briand01 SRY to burst your bubble that is not what the evidence shows.
      Actually no 5G is halfway into the microwave oven range.

  • @laurakilner7124
    @laurakilner7124 2 роки тому +236

    It started with the Provincial Government, abdicated alerts, and abdicated the leadership required to alert emergency services and people to a growing situation in need of immediate attention. The Mayor of Abbotsford did not issue alerts, saying look out your window, he abdicated alerts. This was doomed from the beginning.

    • @PolumbiusTheThird
      @PolumbiusTheThird 2 роки тому

      are you from merrit? how bad was/is it?

    • @laurakilner7124
      @laurakilner7124 2 роки тому +8

      @@PolumbiusTheThird From Kamloops This Week "When the Coldwater River breached its banks in a massive flood event on Nov. 15, the force of the water was so powerful it carved a new channel through a residential neighborhood of Merritt."

    • @laurakilner7124
      @laurakilner7124 2 роки тому +2

      @@PolumbiusTheThird Issued at 5:30 p.m. (Sunday) Nov 14th a flood warning by the River Forecast Centre. River levels are expected to ease later Monday (Nov 15th).

    • @laurakilner7124
      @laurakilner7124 2 роки тому +3

      @@PolumbiusTheThird Issued Nov 14th by the City Of Merritt - Evacuation Information: "Due to major rainfall in the Coquihalla area, BC River Forecast Centre have issued a flood warning which includes the City of Merritt.
      As a result, the City of Merritt has placed all properties within the Coldwater River 200 year flood plain on Evacuation Alert.
      Residents should prepare a 72-hour kit and move valuable possessions out of low-lying areas.
      We will monitor throughout the night, and the next communications will be at 11:30 PM on Sunday, November 14."

    • @PolumbiusTheThird
      @PolumbiusTheThird 2 роки тому +1

      @@laurakilner7124 holy smokes

  • @KKBosch_Music
    @KKBosch_Music 2 роки тому +13

    There's always plenty of blame to go around, but the way this was handled was/is tragic! As always it's a "wait and see" policy with government. We waited, now what??? Shame on you all!!

  • @IceManLikeGervin
    @IceManLikeGervin 2 роки тому +25


    • @russellnorton9940
      @russellnorton9940 2 роки тому +5

      exactly. part of the covid scam

    • @stoptrudeau42
      @stoptrudeau42 2 роки тому +1

      @@russellnorton9940 yup check my wake up playlist

    • @wendy-rh0n
      @wendy-rh0n 2 роки тому +7

      Exactly..All planned..The Great reset..

    • @-LightningRod-
      @-LightningRod- 2 роки тому +1

      Half Assed Arguments Repeated by Parrots

    • @tabithadebolt1708
      @tabithadebolt1708 2 роки тому +6

      @@-LightningRod- Bah - ha - ha. Shouldn't you be getting your booster ?

  • @vancouverterry9142
    @vancouverterry9142 2 роки тому +65

    It's the Canadian Management Protocol: FIRST we must ALWAYS make absolutely, completely, 100% certain that absolutely EVERY last horse has been stolen from the barn BEFORE we consider the possibility of perhaps talking about the idea of exploring whether we should put an item on a future agenda about forming a steering committee to suggest the type of committee that should be formed to consider if we should at some future time consider creating some new overpaid positions and appropriate bureaucracy for examining the feasibility of buying a lock for the barn door.

    • @bissetttom1738
      @bissetttom1738 2 роки тому +9

      well put!

    • @TheThora17
      @TheThora17 2 роки тому +5

      Hahahaha! Good job

    • @garyleclerc9360
      @garyleclerc9360 2 роки тому +1

      not helpful. Do you have any ideas?

    • @vancouverterry9142
      @vancouverterry9142 2 роки тому +2

      @@garyleclerc9360 I doubt if we need much in the way of new ideas for dealing with, or preventing, a disaster like this because the individual components of the disaster are, by and large, OLD PROBLEMS that the pro's know how to deal with. Probably the existing know-how and knowledge base WAS adequate BEFORE the disaster -- it just wasn't used, that's the problem. I can say from personal experience and observation that there are LOTS of people in Western Canada who have the analytic and practical skills to anticipate and protect against, to some degree at least, many of the individual components of this disaster. People who have the hands-on skills and management skills in some of the long-established lines of work in BC (such as earth moving, mixing and pouring concrete in isolated locations under tough conditions, road and bridge building etc.) always give thought to possible disasters and what sort of safety nets can be put in place ahead of time, assuming someone somewhere is providing the finance.
      LOTS of workers in logging, heavy construction, oil, earth moving, heavy transportation, and the related support services could grapple effectively to some degree, at least, with putting some safety nets and partial protections in place for disastrous flooding. Things like dikes, building dikes, bank stabilization, shoring up and stabilizing roads, emergency generators for living quarters, medical access and egress, supply lines for remote or isolated crews, mixing and pouring concrete in isolated locations, shipping and assembling precast bridges, ensuring possible rescues if necessary, etc. -- these are all skills that LOTS of people have in BC and those COMMON skills could have prevented SOME of the damage, at least, that's been done in this disaster if anyone had hired them to do that.
      Those are OLD PROGLEMS, the pro's know how to deal with them but someone has to come up with the budget and order the action to get started. It's the sort of work that would be involved in a lot of the protection that wasn't done, and it's that same type of work that will be involved in a lot of the rebuilding that'll have to be done now. We have the talent on every level, from labour, to skilled labour, to management, to engineering and scientific analysis. No problem there -- it's the money and the executive order to do it that is the missing piece.

    • @johannaholmgren8088
      @johannaholmgren8088 2 роки тому

      Yes. That's how it's always been done, and by God! THAT'S the way we are going to continue doing it!

  • @briangarrow448
    @briangarrow448 2 роки тому +11

    You get what you pay for. Choose your leaders wisely. Voting for officials who will make flood control and human safety a priority is everyone’s responsibility.

  • @kbee1735
    @kbee1735 2 роки тому +89

    Mayor Braun is an id…! Who’s going to send the warning out if he won’t ? Take responsibility for your lack of response

    • @tabithadebolt1708
      @tabithadebolt1708 2 роки тому +2

      He does not have to - he's a politiction.

    • @S.s.s_88
      @S.s.s_88 2 роки тому +2

      Yes he has no clue don't know how they got elceted total failure

    • @diannemccarroll2367
      @diannemccarroll2367 2 роки тому +1

      It's the mayor responsibly to do what's best for the population. If he can't do what's required he should be relieved of his duties. This is an elected position which means his pay cheque comes out tax payers monies.

    • @The_Cat_Authority
      @The_Cat_Authority 2 роки тому +1

      maybe try taking responsibility for yourself.

  • @stormriderkaos
    @stormriderkaos 2 роки тому +90

    I don't see how the whole population of Abbotsford would be "scared" by an emergency warning (by text message?) about pending floods in the Sumas Prairie and other low lying areas. Abby Mayor should rethink his logic on that one.

    • @pierre-jean-jacques3050
      @pierre-jean-jacques3050 2 роки тому +9

      Right?! I feel it would've been 10x more terrifying having 0 warning or time to prepare

    • @everanon4914
      @everanon4914 2 роки тому +13

      I think he should rethink his capability for the job"

    • @daniel213141
      @daniel213141 2 роки тому +3

      @@everanon4914 It would be tough for anybody, but he did look like he was in over his head a few times.

    • @KN-gl2xk
      @KN-gl2xk 2 роки тому +3

      As an abbotsford resident I would have greatly appreciated a text. We had no warning. Just our own instincts.

    • @The_Cat_Authority
      @The_Cat_Authority 2 роки тому

      So the mayor read your comment and he has sent me to apologize to you for his poor handling of the situation. He hopes that you can forgive him and would ask they you not post mean comments about him on UA-cam videos.

  • @elainenunes7955
    @elainenunes7955 2 роки тому +11

    The Canadian government needs a drastic turnover, get some people the cares about ALL the people, do not leave 300 people at peril. Extremely poor decision of the mayor.

    • @forthefunofit3230
      @forthefunofit3230 2 роки тому

      sounds like the US 'officials"....as long as i'm safe--the little people can take care of themselves....

  • @CrustyUgg
    @CrustyUgg 2 роки тому +54

    Trudeau is too busy worrying about looking like “a nice guy who is all about diversity” .. he can’t be bothered with the things that really matter..

  • @JuniperTreeee
    @JuniperTreeee 2 роки тому +11

    "Why send out an alarm that would scare 120k people. All they needed to do was look out the window... everyone already knew." That is illogical. If they already knew than hearing an alarm wouldn't scare them overly.

    • @montana_rc
      @montana_rc 2 роки тому

      exactly. if I got an alert during a 'unprecedented' (I'm starting to hate that term) rainfall that's putting a good number of city residents at risk, I wouldn't be upset about it. lots of people were finding out about evacuations through social media and journalists, not government comms.

  • @johnnytshi
    @johnnytshi 2 роки тому +4

    Everytime I hear "community is coming together", I just think "gov is useless, why am I paying tax"

  • @Xocolatben
    @Xocolatben 2 роки тому +20

    100 years ago, a lake was drained so man could tame nature.
    People built and lived on the LAKE BED.
    The water, CAME BACK.
    Beginning, middle and end of story.

    • @CharMinsky
      @CharMinsky 2 роки тому +2

      Postscript. The hubris of humanity. They stay and continue to dream they are gods.

  • @marktwain368
    @marktwain368 2 роки тому +20

    Thank you CBC for your usual in-depth and accurate reporting that gives Canadians an honest and sober look at a disaster. It's a shame for B.C. and the Fraser Valley residents and farmers to experience such a catastrophe and will take years to recover, if at all. And the additional heartache First Nations bands face in the loss of their spiritual home, along with their material home compounds this tragedy. I hope we learn something here...

    • @dfunckt
      @dfunckt 2 роки тому +1

      Thanks for that hilarious comment. hahahaha CBC... accurate reporting LOL

    • @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276
      @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 2 роки тому +2

      @@dfunckt what was inaccurate about this video?

    • @DSMillwright
      @DSMillwright 8 місяців тому

      @@pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 The Fifth Estate is the honest wing of the CBC. The rest of it is an absolute joke!

  • @The_Music_Sanctuary
    @The_Music_Sanctuary 2 роки тому +13

    I think Abbotsford needs a new Mayor, and BC a new Government, and Canada needs to finally get rid of PM Turdeau who finally showed up a week later. Yup, our great Country, a friggin joke!

  • @The_Tiffster
    @The_Tiffster 2 роки тому +198

    Deputy Premier's attitude really explains everything. We need leadership that exhibits integrity. Excuses, deflections and defensive hostility will ensure nothing improves.

    • @fogsmart
      @fogsmart 2 роки тому +11

      Did you expect anything less from the NDP?

    • @niborselrahc4651
      @niborselrahc4651 2 роки тому +19

      @@fogsmart I think it was said that responsibility was downloaded in 2003. If memory serves that was a BC Liberal government. The drunk driver was it not , Gordon Campbell. Mr. personal responsibility. This happened because no one wants to spend the money. Could be the BC Liberals in there and the same thing would happen.

    • @seabiscuit726142
      @seabiscuit726142 2 роки тому +6

      I wouldn't trust that guy walk my dog!

    • @northpole9311
      @northpole9311 2 роки тому +1

      Vote green if you want change

    • @joeidaho5938
      @joeidaho5938 2 роки тому +8

      Truth is, that's just normal political behaviour, regardless of which party or people are in power. Sad, but true. The problem often with these comments is the absolute blindness of partisan politics. No partisan can truly deny that. Way too much bullshit among both politicians, as well as their hyper partisan supporters.

  • @kevinbetter4741
    @kevinbetter4741 2 роки тому +23

    The weather is not going to get better. Canada has the best engineers. Our native and indigenous peoples. The government has done studies and never asked the indigenous to sit in to remedy the problems. This is unacceptable.

    • @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276
      @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 2 роки тому

      THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! indigenous land use practices are the answer. We need to listen to indigenous people and let them guide us through this when they offer to, and support them in every way we can because they know the land better than the government ever will.

    • @brianweir9885
      @brianweir9885 2 роки тому

      Last time I checked .... they didn't escape the landslides or floods either.... I'm also not familiar with Native highway engineering practices back in the day... feel free to prove me wrong though. In fact I believe most tribes were nomadic and usually moved to different locations depending on the season.

    • @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276
      @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 2 роки тому

      @@brianweir9885 It is a misconception that all First Nations had a traditionally nomadic lifestyle. Ironically, BC is one of the places where communities were predominantly sedentary, and managed the land in a way that would allow for literal thousands of years of occupancy. All northwest coastal First Nations in BC, and most BC mainland First Nations (where this flooding is taking place) were not and are not nomadic. Seasonal nomadic lifestyles were more common among Inuit and interior indigenous groups and had more to do with seasonal food availability than avoiding disasters. And the fact that First Nations were also affected is why this is so important. If their knowledge is actually listened to by policymakers, many disasters like this could be avoided. Also, from what I read, I'm pretty sure op is not referring to highway engineering. They are referring to traditional land use practices (metaphorical "landscape engineering") that prevent disasters like landslides, wildfires, famines, etc. Because First Nations have lived in BC for thousands of years longer than settlers have, their knowledge is extremely valuable. Traditional land use practices from indigenous groups all over the world could help us prevent or mitigate natural disasters.
      A few resources if you want to learn about traditional ecological knowledge and land management (feel free to let me know if you want any more info)
      God bless!

    • @brianweir9885
      @brianweir9885 2 роки тому

      @@pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 I will commend you on getting me to click on the first link only to find what I thought I would. Useless information in relation to the current issue in Sumas, (or Merrit for that matter) that lead to a mass of other links, all of which I'm sure would be equally useless when dealing with global supply chains, mass population and.. money. I know we like to put the Indigenous people up a pedestal now a days... However, they are still just people... and to suggest they weren't victims of nature disasters in the past is just plain false, if they were nomadic or not. It wouldn't take any culture centuries to realize weather and environmental patterns and adapt. The fact you have to tell me what you think the op was referring to just proves his original statement wasn't that strong to start out with... Natives have no magical engineering knowledge for building train tracks through mountains, highways through valleys, or city's by rivers that makes them a must -go- to for planning. Which is what we are dealing with... not "traditional" land uses. However.. should I ever look to start a settlement of 50 or less in a remote area... I will consider seeking out an elder for a story or 2.

    • @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276
      @pinnipedwithhumanqualities5276 2 роки тому

      @@brianweir9885 I think you would find "Sacred Ecology" by FIkret Berkes and interesting read.

  • @lindathomas2408
    @lindathomas2408 2 роки тому +136

    Better to Sound the Alarm than to let People lose everything. This person who didn’t sound the Alarm, needs to be fired immediately. Listen to the people……the live ones. Unreal.

    • @tjmarx
      @tjmarx 2 роки тому +5

      You have to understand the threat to life complacency brings. It's like the boy who called wolf, and it's incredibly dangerous.
      Let's say they pull the alarm, people go crazy and evacuate but then nothing happens. People will be mad at all that expense, but a week later when the alarm gets pulled again fewer will do anything and that puts lives at risk.
      The more times you pull an alarm and nothing happens, the fewer people will respond to the alarm.
      More people stand to be injured or risk their lives from complacency than do from pulling an alarm later than ideal. So it becomes a situation where you have to opt for the lesser of two evils in order to keep the most amount of people safe.

    • @cosmoray9750
      @cosmoray9750 2 роки тому

      Reaction Video: 60 Minutes

    • @caty9995
      @caty9995 2 роки тому +4

      @@tjmarx the thing is that they knew a long long time before this happened. They had alot of time to warn people without sounding an alarm. To at least give people the choice to leave and save their livelihood or if they wanted to wait it out a bit. Still when this catastrophe was at itsy beginning they should have been there to help prevent the flood. By ( They ) I mean the Government, the Army, and whoever else they could get. Should have been sandbagging way before it started. They knew this was eventually going to happen. No excuses.

    • @sethother8012
      @sethother8012 2 роки тому +4

      Then if it had have caused traffic jams and accidents and panic, and locked people into unsafe areas, you would be saying this man should have been fired for pulling the alarm for 160,000 people to warn 600.

    • @tjmarx
      @tjmarx 2 роки тому +3

      The thing is@@caty9995that's not true at all. The very first interview in this Mark Kelly sensationalism report is a meteorologist explaining that they didn't know until it was too late. They thought the system would drift south and miss BC entirely. They thought there would be snow.
      Remember, Mark Kelly has a habit of finding the most ridiculous people and then twisting what they have to say into a sensationalist story that doesn't exist. He tries to create outrage where none is due. He's a daily mail style of reporter.
      The army is a federal agency, not a provincial one.

  • @TheRm65
    @TheRm65 2 роки тому +6

    This short-sightedness is not unique to B.C. or Canada. Look at New Orleans, look at the people in California who build on cliffs overlooking (and then sliding into) the ocean. There are simply places on which you should not build and it's easy to figure out where these places are.

    • @vancouverterry9142
      @vancouverterry9142 2 роки тому

      What the point is in this disaster, however, is HOW CLEARLY THE DISASTER WAS PREDICTED in report after report after report commissioned by the government and given to supposedly interested, supposedly responsible, departments (plural) of the government.
      One report just 3 or so years ago detailed the likely ways a severe rainfall event would play out in those regions. The report said that IF ANY of the likely scenarios occurred, the result would be the biggest natural disaster in Canadian history.
      Pause and take note: If ANY of those eminently-probable likelihoods occurred, it would be the biggest natural disaster in Canadian history. If the people in charge don't take action on conclusions like that, of what value are such people?
      So there's no excuse for not protecting the province once that has been made clear, given how credible the report was and how consistent with all other studies and citings of imminent devastation simply waiting to happen.
      You cite New Orleans, but keep in mind that not all floodable land is inadequately protected -- dyking and preventing flooding is highly worked out and effective in some places.
      And in New Orleans, the levee on the lake was built by the Army Corps of Engineers. The city may have been in a false sense of security based on the assumption the Corps had done a competent job and that the existing levee was adequately designed. When Katrina came around to hit the levee, it had notched down quite a bit in severity and was much less than category 4 or 5 but nonetheless the levee turned out to be "under designed" as engineers would call it, and failed -- probably adequately built originally, but to inadequate specifications. There would have been a lot of engineers' signatures on the finished job, so perhaps they were in a false sense of security and their error was different than the gross negligence here in B.C.
      Don't be in a hurry to think the New Orleans disaster the BC disaster are directly comparable.

    • @TheRm65
      @TheRm65 2 роки тому

      @@vancouverterry9142 Let me ask you a question: if your house is in an area where you can look UP and watch seagoing ships traveling past, wouldn't it occur to you that living below sea level might not be a great idea regardless of what some government engineer told you? Or how about building an expensive house on a cliff overlooking the sea for the great view even as you watch the waves erode the cliff all around you? Or repeatedly losing your home to wildfire yet continuing to rebuild there (often with federal disaster aid funds)? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your statements (although I question the long-term reliability of dikes) and my point is that short-sightedness is not unique to any government or group of people. Predictions of disaster -- even the certainty of disaster -- are good to sell newspapers but rarely does anyone do anything to prevent or mitigate the injury. On an individual level consider people who smoke tobacco, use heroin/fentanyl/whatever, drive like maniacs, or oppose vaccinations in the face of a pandemic: why would anyone think these same people are any more rational when it comes to preventing collective disasters?

  • @ItsTheMunz
    @ItsTheMunz 2 роки тому +82

    Imagine building a city on a drained lake, having it flood every few decades, then blaming “climate change” when it floods again.

    • @codorin
      @codorin 2 роки тому +7

      its all publicitiy. wlecome to the unreal real world

    • @beverlyakhurstRitam8
      @beverlyakhurstRitam8 2 роки тому +9

      I am sure you feel this is helpful....but there is a bit more going on here.
      The floods were always from overflow during large spring melt of snowpack in the mountains.
      This has NEVER happened from rainfall in the Autumn. It has been called a 500 year event. November is our consistently rainiest month. It can rain almost every day. We got all that usual rain and then the entire months worth as well in less than 48 hours.
      Making simple statements is a lazy way of not looking at reality.
      Should they have built on a drained lake bed, heck no, but that was not the only place affected. There were towns under water who have never had that experience.

    • @ItsTheMunz
      @ItsTheMunz 2 роки тому +5

      @@beverlyakhurstRitam8 it is that simple. I think you’re not liking my comment because it addresses climate change. So to be clear, climate change likely contributed to the severity of this flood. But I guarantee you it’s literally a scientific fact that government incompetence contributed on a drastically greater level.

    • @beverlyakhurstRitam8
      @beverlyakhurstRitam8 2 роки тому +3

      @@ItsTheMunz Like or dislike aren't really a thing here. Dialogue that covers more than one point of a very large problem is what I am hoping for. Yes, government contributed. Every government that was part of this whole process for many long decades. But that does not make it a scientific fact. It is reality along with the reality that people who originally wanted the land for farming and then those that wanted it for homes are part of the problem, developers who should have known better, highway engineers who should have spoken up and how many generations of humans deciding if we wanted what nature had we could take it and find ways to outsmart the very thing we are made of.
      Since we are made of the elements of nature, basically we are trying to outsmart ourselves.
      I actually think the moniker climate change has dumbed down the whole issue. We have broken or maybe severed is a better word our very deep connection and required understanding of nature.
      Do I think government has done much right? No, nor do I think most of us have either. I will not belittle the people who lived there for their choice, nor will I treat every politician as if they are idiots, since they are as fallible as I am.
      But I do ask everyone to at least think a bit harder, make decisions based in what is good for everything alive and start repairing our relationships so that we are more willing to look out for each other? You bet.

    • @forthefunofit3230
      @forthefunofit3230 2 роки тому +4

      "man" WILL NOT take blame for trying to CHANGE mother nature---SHE will ALWAYS WIN!!!!!

  • @studiosandi
    @studiosandi 2 роки тому +67

    You can't expect help from government that deny there is a problem.

    • @jamieingels1190
      @jamieingels1190 2 роки тому +3

      @Real CanadianX It wouldn't surprise me. Everyone knows that the Monopoly geeks are going after the farmers right now.

    • @jaycvu
      @jaycvu 2 роки тому +6

      @Real CanadianX all the money they get from taxes , related to the so called climate change taxes, none go to protect communities. No forest management, no water ways management, no upgrading our highways and hospitals. It all goes to foreign aid and we get to suck on our own thumb 👍...

    • @gerryanthony4475
      @gerryanthony4475 2 роки тому

      2 -@@jamieingels1190 @

  • @andrewsawler875
    @andrewsawler875 2 роки тому +13

    Could this all have been prevented? Yes absolutely. Don't build on a lake and think you can tame one of earth's extremely powerful elements. It amazes me how we can blame the planet for doing as it does but still be dumbfounded when this happens. What would happen if you built your house on the highway? Exactly. Woe is me is unacceptable when you build a town on a lake you drained. End of story. Completely preventable. DON'T BUILD ON A LAKE.

    • @meganhoward8820
      @meganhoward8820 2 роки тому +3

      Spent 20 min looking for this comment. Thank you! They forced the water out so they could build. The water was always meant to be there. Not your home or your farm.
      Same with building below sea level like new orleans. And the shacks they build in florida that get ripped apart with the hurricane after Hurricane sending all that life stuff into the sea.

    • @andrewsawler875
      @andrewsawler875 2 роки тому

      @@meganhoward8820 unfortunately we are outliers in this mindset. The government and corporations are more to blame for climate changing than the average citizen. Whrn you deforest the soil becomes unstable, same with mining. BC did this to themselves by not replanting trees to stabilize soil, so on and so forth. Sorry guys but when you build in a puddle you're gonna have water.

    • @leanderrowe2800
      @leanderrowe2800 2 роки тому

      There's a reason why the lake was there. I wouldn't want to live below sea level.

  • @juiliethakur37
    @juiliethakur37 2 роки тому +5

    That was quite an interesting documentary investigation within the month of the disaster, Fifth Estate. Thank you.

  • @harissohail9394
    @harissohail9394 2 роки тому +38

    Failure of the government here to always “not scare people”
    Fear is necessary, it’s what allows you to survive.

    • @rainncorbin8291
      @rainncorbin8291 2 роки тому +2

      The government does nothing BUT SCARE PEOPLE. Wake up!!!!

    • @LLandS18
      @LLandS18 2 роки тому

      Agreed. Lying to people only makes them think up situations in their head. And there's nothing worse than that people need facts to make the proper decision

  • @superflyguy218
    @superflyguy218 2 роки тому +42

    The area where sumas lake sat in the 20's has sunk 20' due to subsidence. That means less water needed to flood just as bad now. Just like in California, Corcoran valley used to be a giant lake that they drained and the land has sunk 26' in the years since. Land will continue to sink and thus making flooding more prominent unfortunately.

    • @AnitaSouthall
      @AnitaSouthall 2 роки тому +7

      Really good point you make, all horticulturalist know that soil collapses on an annual basis. So needs topping up with additional fresh soil. If no one does this yes the land compacts and therefore effectively sinks. Add years of neglect and dumb decisions and it was a disaster just waiting to happen

    • @haveaniceday23
      @haveaniceday23 2 роки тому +2

      Why in the world are we building cities in natural lakes? So backwards. And then make man made lakes that are drying up. I am so perplexed how tf this stupidity happened

    • @gerald4027
      @gerald4027 2 роки тому

      People are building homes in death Valley dry lake and that's a bad idea ready to happen.

  • @brandy3198
    @brandy3198 2 роки тому +25

    They need to do what Winnipeg did decades ago and build a flood-way around the city to the Fraser river. Duff's Ditch has saved Manitoba and Winnipeg billions of dollars and kept our streets dry.

  • @mjk7505
    @mjk7505 2 роки тому +27

    It's odd that geo-engineering is never mentioned.

    • @amrtvideo
      @amrtvideo 2 роки тому +6

      finally someone with a brain mentioning the elephant in the room. Yes it is all Man-made by evil subhumans. research US AIRFORCE DOCUMENT AF 2025 FINAL REPORT. 1996.

    • @CharMinsky
      @CharMinsky 2 роки тому +5

      Why is that? Here in SoCal our weather has been so screwed up, I’m sure it’s unnatural. All that sky striping. It’s got to have an effect.

    • @CrystalMouse1
      @CrystalMouse1 2 роки тому +4

      Yes!!! Been watching the sky since 1996. Makes me sick. Literally. Been disabled my whole life

    • @Peaceful-Sheep
      @Peaceful-Sheep 2 роки тому +1

      Not really..without this catastrophic weather events, the man made climate change agenda is out the window. 😐

    • @Baraka_Obama_
      @Baraka_Obama_ 2 роки тому +2


  • @matejbenko8268
    @matejbenko8268 2 роки тому +3

    Like a east European I see so much bad things in CA. Uncontrolled logging, no highways just widening roads. Gravel and few centimetres of asphalt is not a highway. You can see those bridges are still good just parts of roads with out solid base are gone. Canada will learn. I saying that for years. Now is the time.

  • @diannemccarroll2367
    @diannemccarroll2367 2 роки тому +92

    You don't build dams and then just ignore them. The dams need to be repaired and updated on a regular basis. So basically the population can blame their government on all levels.

    • @lynebenoit5124
      @lynebenoit5124 2 роки тому +5

      When I made the decision to buy myself a house I made sure it was on soiled ground where risk of flooding is near to nothing, today people don’t take time to go see such risks before settling down and buying or building there homes.what kind of gouvernement would allow people to build house where there was a lake or a river???? I was brought up by parents that told me never depend on the gouvernement.

    • @Jer.Who.Cares369
      @Jer.Who.Cares369 2 роки тому +2

      It's all a part of their agenda to thin out the population.... It's sad.... They can stop this from happening. But they make excuses

    • @vkrgfan
      @vkrgfan 2 роки тому +5

      @@lynebenoit5124 it’s not about you Lyne and how clever you are in your choices.
      This is about BC farmers and their workers and Indigenous communities.
      The government knew about the issue of failing anti flood infrastructure, they know about climate change as well.
      Not investing and not warning people about the natural disaster is a crime.

    • @lynebenoit5124
      @lynebenoit5124 2 роки тому +2

      @@vkrgfan But don’t you think that depending on the government’s is not wise knowing how much they lie to people. Buying or building a house is one of the most important thing in one’s life and the ground in witch one choses to built it on is VERY IMPORTANT!!!! That’s one of the most important lessons my parents told me, when I got my house I made a study of the land that it was built on before buying it I would of never, never got a house were there was a river or lack, NEVER!!!! Know we are in ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE!!!! Not just climate change so we have to be even smarter and wiser then before because are set of living arrangements are over it’s a new ball game now and we have to think about how we are going to survive for the next ten years I strongly suggest you start BELIEVING in GOD, GOD so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son Jesus Christ so who ever BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have eternal life, God did not send his son in the world to condemned the world but to save it but if you don’t BELIEVE in the only son of God then you are already condemned for not BELIEVING in his son. Jesus Christ came down from heaven born of a virgin rapt himself in flesh died and shad his blood on the cross so we could be forgiven of all our sins past, present and future sins, salvation is a free gift from God not of any human efforts or following traditions so no could boast, just confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is lord and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised him from the grave three days after and you will be saved ❤️

    • @gzhang2543
      @gzhang2543 2 роки тому

      who is paying?

  • @nicevideomancanada
    @nicevideomancanada 2 роки тому +73

    Next summer I'm building a 26' Tinyhouse Trailer. At least it can be moved by a Pickup Truck. I think Canada should allow more Tinyhouse Communities.

    • @louisemckinney1021
      @louisemckinney1021 2 роки тому +7

      I like the way you think your absolutely right good idea finally!!!.

    • @terrigoulding559
      @terrigoulding559 2 роки тому +11

      I agree, just not in a flood zone.

    • @ElectricBikeReview
      @ElectricBikeReview 2 роки тому +5

      Unfortunately, my experience has been that zoning restrictions ensure only large permanent houses can be built that are valued highly and thus produce more property tax revenue. I’ve chosen to rent because it’s very flexible, fairly affordable if you share a house, and provides more space while being closer to amenities.

    • @stephss
      @stephss 2 роки тому +5

      Ha ha ha ha...in Canada there is no dry camping available. You cannot just pull up anywhere. Also, there are huge regulations on building those homes, and transporting them also. You're pipedream needs more homework. WELCOME TO CANADA....especially BC, where the bureaucratic red tape is a nightmare.

    • @lynebenoit5124
      @lynebenoit5124 2 роки тому +4

      Maybe people should not build there house where there was a lake or rivers, maybe take time before building a house to what kind of risk there is around. Climate change has been talk about since 1940’s. We were told about this years, years ago and just maybe don’t believe everything the gouvernement says!!!!🤔

  • @glenzigdan
    @glenzigdan 2 роки тому +46

    Check out B.C. historian Chad Reimer’s 2018 book, Before We Lost the Lake: A Natural and Human History of Sumas Valley.

  • @patrickboylan4901
    @patrickboylan4901 2 роки тому +4

    A wise old guy once told me: "Mother Nature works 24 hours/day and she works for free" ... hard to compete with that