As a former law enforcement officer whoever blamed this on heavy medal and marijuania is freaking stupid and does not need to be in any authority role. Damn politicians don't care about officers or the public.
😂 Same! Boxes of empty shells. -Shelly inscribed on my 9mm. -Photos of different rifles on my wall. Beautiful frames, too. -60 rounds 12 ga Dragon's Breath. -20 pounds of Thermite -600 bags of Ammonium Nitrate -50 cal Puff the Magic Dragon Gatling gun 120,000 rounds, too! I'm looking for an F-16. I think this comment has drawn some flags. LOL I never was in the military, but Dad talked about the fun he had with all those weapons he used. But your comment is spot on, but I live in Texas. 7 years old when I first shot my .22 cal. I had a lot of rifles and pistols from age 18 to 45. Now, I don't care to go hunting. I view life differently.
@@markmiller2263 "They?" Guess what? "They", like most civilized countries EXCEPT the US, don't believe that violence, or the worship of tools of violence, should be a part of our everyday lives of treated like toys. That's why 99.9% of the time we can stand in a line up for our Timmies coffee knowing that nobody in that line up packing a weapon under his jacket, and nobody stalking us or waiting for an opportunity to shoot just because he can or he's angry because he didn't get his breast milk that day. We value each other and the feeling of safety in society in Canada. It is very rare to have this kind of mass violence happen. Precisely because we don't worship the gun nor what the gun can do to others. We prefer to settle our problems civilly rather than like a bunch of rabid animals. That's not "wine and roses", that's decent human beings choosing between gun violence and peaceful living. The US made their bed, now they can sleep in it. Maybe stop complaining when other places make better choices and end up living more peaceful lives.
I always thought is was watching Bugs Bunny, the Road Runner,Yosemite Sam , etc, also going to pool halls and dancing was the cause of all this. They lied to me!!!
+jack mayhoff Nothing! Except to his lawyer who is grasping at straws to try and get him off from murder charges. The real problem is that in this liberal society no one is ever held accountable for their behavior. There is always some excuse given, too much sugar, too much TV, violent games, the devil marijuana. Actually this crap they said about pot is ridiculous. You can be mentally dependent on pot but the withdrawal would only be minor agitation and it sure as hell wouldn't cause anyone to go on a murder spree.
Yeah it’s like nutrients ....... place them next to tomatoe plants and they are nutrients, move them over besides the marijuana plants and they are called chemicals.
The pathetic inaction of the top command cost officers their lives - more than once. I served with the OPP as an auxiliary and had far more excellent firearms training than the RCMP officers did. I am SHOCKED that could happen - and thankful for all my training officers and command staff who believed it was necessary.
Marijuana thing isn't necessarily true but studies show loud music e.g heavy metal can cause increased stress and aggression so it could have pushed him over the edge if he was on his tippy toes at the edge of the cliff.
+HitHarderDubstep its a trigger, for a manic, NOT A reason.... This POS would have snapped sooner or latter. Marijuana is likely the reason he gave up and did NOT go out with a fire fight
people who listen to rap music kill people everyday with their thug wanna be bullshit. when was the last time u saw a metalhead killing another person? pppfffss
+Krumple Themal Not specifically heavy metal, any loud noises could make you more stressed and prone to violence so if your blasting your sound too high then it's a precursor.
@White girl Magic is just too Strong. SYSBM! ikr!☕ I have to have my coffee or coca cola!!! Caffeine withdrawals give me a migraine! But there is NO such thing as pot withdrawals!!🤣🤣
Unfortunately, it was obvious the RCMP officers weren't trained for this type of confrontation. Removing your uniform to hide in this type of incident is totally unacceptable.
What a ridiculous comment, It’s completely acceptable if it makes the difference between being killed because of your job/ uniform and going home safely once your job is done! Haters gotta hate eh!
Essentially itd be undercover cops. You know what those are right? I don't recall hearing them say that they stopped doing their job but just taken off the uniforms
@@water6887 you said what I would have said if I hadn’t said something different but that was alluding to the same…lol some people just don’t get it do they…🤷♂️
That's why liberal ways to think are naive and sadly detrimental. The other side can make the difference but instead they waste time listening to themselves.
@@scttiedsntknow Actually you should do more research, the term was created by Adolf Hitler when he created the first one. Although in this case the shooter did not use one, the assault rifle was made for military infantry, not civilians. Seriously you should do more research instead of listening to your own biased beliefs.
Yup. It's much easier to make the civilian version more demon like, which means it can be banned. To bad there is 380 million gun owners and maybe a few hundred of them. Apparently none of them paid any attention in history class.
@@hamburger8657 I don't think that's right. Hitler named the sturmgewehr translated to "assault rifle" but he had nothing to do with the design and in fact he most likely delayed its mass production do to logistical reasons. He certainly didn't create it. I guess you can say he allowed it to be built.
@@johnb.8687 I never said he created the design, I was saying that the term Assault rifle was a real thing, and where it comes from. Captain Dammit was saying that the term was created by liberals in the 1990s to vilify the weapon.
@@hyssean12 weed is pretty controlling i know it may sound funny but you can depend on that shit to survive without it may cost you to do some dumb shit.
This happened in my city, Moncton, New Brunswick. I was in a restaurant with family & friends. We came out at the same time the first officer was shot. We didn't know that at the time. A total of 5 officers were shot, 3 fatally, 2 injured. The section of the city that was shut down was very close to my Mom's house. I can't remember how many days the lockdown was in place. It was very scary. Helicopters going back & forth with searchlights, police everywhere. No admittance to the section of the city where the shootings occurred. Very nerve-wracking! I couldn't get to my Mom's place. My brother was visiting her at that time. They were nervous wrecks. The shooter was just after cops. Didn't bother with anyone else. Off his meds at the time. Found & arrested. Imprisoned for life. Came from a very nice family too.
I live in Missouri, where anyone, even a child, can legally carry a concealed firearm without any permits. This is where a few KC Chiefs fans showed they had more and bigger balls than the entire Uvalde, TX police department. Where we live, we have no police. Everyone is responsible for their own security. Local sheriffs encourage their citizens to train with and carry firearms here. We don't have mass shootings here. Criminals keep the violence mostly among their own. The citizens of Missouri are probably the best trained and armed citizens anywhere today.
@kevinmalone3210 Yes, there is a possibility of parole after 25 years, but it's not guaranteed, and there is no requirement to ever release them from prison, and if they are somehow released they're on parole til their death
weird how an AR-15 is now a "carbine" and an M1A is an "assault rifle"... Edit: the point I'm trying to make is that the media paints the AR-15 as an assault weapon yet the M1A is not because it's "featureless". However in this video they called the M1A an assault rifle because the bad guy was using it and the AR-15 a patrol carbine. I don't need all these technicality definitions of rifles and carbines, I'm well aware of the differences
A carbine is a shortened rifle, usually about a 16 inch barrel. A rifle is not always a carbine however. A rifle gets it's name due to the “rifling” inside the barrel, which causes the bullet to spinin order to stabilize it's flight path.Rifles can come in many different lengths, but most will be 20 - 28 inches. Rifle-like weapons with a barrel lengthof less than 20 inches are typically considered to be carbines. Weaponswith barrels greater than 20 inches are usually called rifles unless specifically called carbines by the manufacturer. By this definition, many so-called “Assault Rifles” would technically be carbines. Ya get what I'm trying say.!.
@@matthewvannacci3772 believe me, i know this. But people tend to call ar-15 platform rifles "assault weapons/rifles." However in their eyes an M1A is not an assault weapon because it doesnt have a pistol grip, retractable butt stock and easily detachable 30 round magazines. The gun simply desnt look as "scary" but in this documentary the ar-15 plarform rifle is a carbine and the bad guy using the m1a is using an assault rifle. I think the point i was trying to make went way over your head
I just wanted to add an additional comment after the recent gun ban last Friday. In the hands of the police like you see in the video, a .223 semi-auto is just a "police carbine," but it becomes an "assault-style weapon" in the hands of the Canadian people. This is an injustice.
+Flowrider except the media still calls it an assault rifle even when legally license gun owners buy them to use at a shooting range peacefully also civillians cant own assault rifles in canada as fully automatic guns have been prohibted from purchase for 40 years now
+mwmwmwmwmmdw Yes I'm well aware of our firearms legislation. Still have no problem with the terminology the media is using on this topic. The whole point is they're actually trying to avoid creating public aversion to the idea of equipping RCMP with more firepower. Maybe because they rightly feel some guilt. Maybe the media in Canada is beginning to feel partly responsible for the slow roll out of "patrol carbines" due to their previous hyping up of the supposedly deadly consequences of the evil taser after Vancouver.
He was an immature young male who liked smoking pot and playing video games and was into guns, you just described half of Wisconsin! And we don't have that shit going on down here!
They think possessing a gun is a psychological behaviour that can be modified by brute force legislation. In other words, they think of the umbrella term 'handguns', used in crime as responsible for society's gun problems.
The cops seem to be pretty amateur as well. Look at the collection of shots at 31:49. Their plate carriers are so low that the back plates arent even covering the upper sections of their hearts and their respiratory systems.
@@skim4me I'll take what's considered a riffle over a handgun any day, the legislative clowns don't know what they are even talking about when it comes to firearms The biggest difference is it's kind of hard to conceal a Mossberg 500 lol
It looks like Canada, you can't shoot someone, even in self defense. It's considered murder, unfortunately, there is no castle doctrine or stand your ground laws in Canada.
@@vladimirharkonnen458 21:05 That looks like a regular pump shotgun (m870?) and the M305B, and none of them requires an RPAL. A small detail to clarify, but yes.
Yeah that's a bunch of bullshit... Weed withdrawals.... Lol I have smoked on and off for 30 years.. Don't think so. Try heroin withdrawals.. People get sick and will do anything and isn't weed legal now in your land??? Lol. They blamed weed and music. I thought that happens only in America. Guess not.. I think the answer is very easy... More people more crazy shit.. That simple there's alot of mental illness in the world.
Odinsrage 14 if you smoke all day for years than quit you will have some pretty severe symptoms like irritation, irrational mood swings stuff of that sort, defiantly can’t compare too drugs that give you a physical sickness like heroin but I’ll tell you from my personal experience quitting weed when your dependent on it 24/7 is very hard
@@shanegarcia7057 And sorry but if you have that issue when you don't have weed then maybe your fucked in the head. Weed withdrawals don't exist. Try Heroin and see if weed WD bother you ever again. It won't because its in your head. Its true.
@@malcolm197 I agree. While videogames, music, guns, yada yada do appeal to those who are mentally unstable, they are not the CAUSE of it. They can further entice thoughts of homicide and whatnot due to videogames being violent, heavy metal being very aggressive, and whatnot, but it is not the full story. The full story starts with mental health, and I don't see why people don't understand that. _source: psychologically insane, depressed, and whatnot for almost my entire life_
@@onekingeighteen1k183 It is honestly so true. A white cop can shoot a white person. But a white cop can't shoot a black person? I don't know if the black people realize that, when a black cop shoots a white person, us whites don't flip out and call everyone racist. Murica brother. #DonaldTrumpIsOurPresident
@@Sovereign_Citizen_LEO IF you watch that video they show 2 shooters of different experience shooting a total of 30 rounds with 15, 10, and 6. The times don't change as much as people would think, especially If someone takes their time to practice. Most Police officers I've personally met and talked to either got most of their training either in their free time or getting on the Swat team, this may vary but as I said that is from who I've gotten to talk to. Police in general are very under-trained and under budgeted when people say they should be a citizens line of defense when in the video i posted above, it shows a rough average of 22 seconds to fire 30 rounds from a handgun. Thats 30 potential deaths, even with 6 round mags, when police can be minutes away. Now im not saying this to support the idea everyone should carry a gun, but I think magazine limits are not as effective as everyone would like to think. Theres also the factor a criminal is less likely to follow them, after all we banned murdering your fellow man yet people still do that.
Americans think it helps you could go buy a musket and you need no wait time it not hard to do the same a single shot rifle odd but I guess it helps kill less so by the time the cops are there
@@TimVette - I agree and that's what I was pointing out (sarcasm, -because 10 round mags are the limit in California, where I live). Especially given the increased firepower (velocity, bullet size) and accuracy of a rifle. It does take time to reload, and so there is a definite advantage to larger capacity magazines. That cannot even be argued. But the point is, someone with 5 or 10 round magazines can still be quite deadly (but at a disadvantage against someone with a similar weapon and a higher capacity magazine). And some people if they're very well practiced with their guns, can reload pretty quickly.
I'm honestly worried that if locals had been allowed to be armed(like in the US) he would have looked at civilians as targets because he would have been outgunned. The reason he didn't target civilians and told that lady that he wasn't looking to kill them was because he knew full well that they weren't any threat to him.
@@rootbeer2696 That’s BS… If civilians had access to firearms no crazy would even think to go off on a shooting spree! It’s because we are not allowed to define ourselves is why stuff like this happens!! Give us the right and ability to defend ourselves!!! Oh Canada we need to allow our citizens to protect themselves!! This could have been dealt with so much more differently!!
If the locals actually knew the truth about everything they might not have cared about it because if they had common sense they would of wanted answers about why there wasn't an investigation into the conduct of the five cops seven months earlier when a nineteen years 🗝️ kid was shot dead in cold blood.Not posing a threat of violence let alone dangerous and deadly but the city of Moncton know what really happened because they couldn't shut the mouths of people who witnessed everything.RIP
@@era273 How? He called it just how it is. For them to blame this on weed and metal music is incredibly ridiculous. His statement of "don't worry ma'am, I am not here for civilians. Just government officials." tells all we need to know about his motivation. But they don't want to have THAT discussion....
Imagine playing MW3 with this dude and he gets extremely toxic and talks about how he is going to shoot up some poeple. You brush it off as bluff and the next day this happens.
@@gremlin_uwu Automatic means you pull the trigger once and it dumps the entire mag.. there is *no such thing as an automatic ar15, they are all semi-automatics.. if you see an ar15 shooting automatic gunfire then it has m4 or m16 military cold-forged parts put on their rifle, meaning its no longer just an AR15* First AR15 was the semi-automatic, lesser grade copy of a vietnam standard issue military firearm, nowadays we have incredible technology.. and ill tell you one time than semi automatic varmit riffles (556, 22, 9mm,) shouldnt be you biggest problem about firearms
@@titaniumman_22 maybe if more people in Canada owned guns then hell since he didn't kill civis then one of them could have disabled him or killed him instead of letting those cops die
Phalanx I’ll say the “American” interpretation, probably the meaning for his “if other people had” usually people have more then pistols (which is what the officers had) in their homes. I’ve known and know many who have SCARs, M16s, Hunting rifles (snipers but not called snipers) and so on. There are examples of civilians stopping the criminal with their own weapons.
My time in law enforcement I worked 1st as a city officer where we were only allowed a side arm and a shotgun even though the city had a high crime rate I went to Maricopa County where we worked alone with back up close to an hour away. We were allowed to carry a variety of firearms. Most of us carried a 9mm, 147 grain Hydra-shock ( 50 rounds on you ) .40 or .45 cal sidearm, AR-15, 5.56, and high capacity 12 ga shotguns with a mix of.00 buck and lead slugs, because when a gunfight starts you are on your own for a long time.
That is absolutely true. I'm not surprised that some people go off the rails like this. Most people don't even realise how draconian the establishment has become, or how it's been for decades
I experienced a nearly identical problem when I was a police officer in the Atlanta area back after 9-11. We were totally outgunned by the average street gang/criminal, as well as a group of armed robbers who were hitting area banks. We carried 9mm's and shotguns. While our training was so far beyond any other agency and we won every gunfight for decades, we were definitely at a disadvantage. As the threats increased to us and the command staff and politicians dismissed our desperate pleas to step up our firepower, officers started secretly carrying and training AR-15's and AK's that they hoped they would never need. I left law enforcement at that time because I did not have the tools to do the job. Then after the deaths of two officers who were ambushed, they FINALLY opened a program where officers could buy their own carbines and go through training to qualify with them despite nearly all of us having been trained in the military to use them. But only sergeants could carry them. It took a LONG time to finally get them to the front line. Now things have FINALLY CHANGED and they have become an invaluable tool.
Dave, where did the hand guns originate from? I used to be a commisionare and did security for the RCMP and always had the impression it was safer then the US. Glad you were never shot or killed.
Oh boy, times have surely changed. Raised in a home where my father taught me about firearms and how to properly transport them and respect them seeing this is nuts. We had a shooter in a neighborhood much like my own last year and in both these cases the shooter stood out like a sore thumb and everyone knew what was going down when shots rang out. Situational awareness people I got that in the military and there’s allot of us in this neighborhood. There’s allot of us armed in this neighborhood but actually taking action to save lives and stop this person puts you and your family at risk of the law. That’s what’s wrong, people are afraid to act because their afraid of taking the law into their own hands and that’s screwed up. If you see a guy kitted out in full battle gear armed walking down the road in a residential neighborhood believe me my eyes are on you. I’m going to arm myself and I’m going to observe you all the while on the phone with authorities. You raise that weapon in a threatening manner IM DROPPING YOU. A grown man dressed like that armed too the teeth walking down a neighborhood, that’s a threat.
Ok Rambo.. You’d also be likely to shoot an innocent person or encourage someone who doesn’t have proper training to shoot an innocent person. It’s tricky in America, because in many states, people are legally allowed to walk the streets with these weapons. Also, in any given direction that you point your gun, there are likely other people down range of the possible shooter. It’s not as simple as the old west movies
@@Adam-of-the-earth now that I have more time to respond to your statement. The guy in the photo is dressed like Rambo. No one with combat experience would ever dress like that. I live in America and folks just don’t dress and arm themselves and walk through their neighborhood like that. Not seen that in 56 years. Lol if you do see it I guarantee the police will respond rather quickly. In very rural areas you might have someone walking down their dirt road to a home built range but if in a neighborhood they’ve got their weapon in a case. Here’s a good example, I had finished my deployment and was home and a friend and I had driven several hours to a very remote lake boat ramp early in the morning. We were in a gravel parking lot enjoying some coffee before we put our boat in. Two couples pulled in and put their boat in parked their vehicle and trailer and boarded their boat. Pulled away from their dock and was sorting things out probably 50 feet away. This guy pulls up in a beat up 4 door and parks behind some shrubs next to the lake probably 50 feet from us but doesn’t see us. He’s acting weird as hell sitting in his car cursing slamming his hand on his wheel. He gets out goes to his trunk and pulls a shot gun cursing the whole time and peeking through the bushes at the people that just put in. I just slid in to my jeep upholstered my 45, racked one and waited. Told my buddy this might get messy. I was waiting for the guy to raise the shot gun then I would have distracted him and if he had turned on me in a threatening matter I would have taken the shot. He kept moving from front to back of that car but never raised that gun. Finally he and I made eye contact and he got in his car and left throwing gravel everywhere. Thank God I had some cell phone I called it in and I warned the people in the boat. Weird they put their boat on their trailer and left. Fish and wildlife as well as the local sheriff caught the guy. Situational awareness and knowing how to use a firearm could save others and yourself. I didn’t have to pull the trigger, I didn’t show my weapon but if I had too I would have to save save others and myself. No this isn’t the Wild West and believe it or not shoot outs didn’t happen as much in that time period Hollywood per-trays everyone was pretty damn equal carrying a gun and getting shot was a death sentence. Lol and as far as innocent people getting shot well that comes to training as well you don’t just pray and spray you get into position and take your shot. I’ve seen assholes like this walking down a alley carrying a RPG or a AK with a tactical vest and that’s a target. Lol watched a guy trip holding a RPG round and blow up. Keep that cap on pal they don’t like to be dropped lol.
I agree with you man, if law doesn't effect to save innocent lives ill react by dropping him also, I also own gun and was tought like you, learn how to clear the gun and safely store them. I also do have a shotgun loaded for home defense, its loaded and sitting beside my pc desk within reach, NEVER wish to use it but if my life depends on survival..yes you bet
Imagine, Imagine, if this happened in the States. Half the trailers would have rifles and maybe 1 officer would have been killed before the neighborhood open fired on him.
lol... not according to the bias media... according to the media, an AR-15 in the hand of a police officer is a ''Patrol Carbine''... the same AR-15 legaly owned by a civilian with the proper license is called an ''assault rifle''...
It's a tactic they use in trying to negatively promote rifles in the hands of civilians and making people scared of them, although it's fine for the police because "they need them" while we don't. And the that tactic somehow works, people agree with this bs
blou32 when Toronto Police got carbines, they were labelled assault rifles or Military grade rifles. Left wing media hates guns. Period. Regardless of who owns them.
The actual definition of an 'assault rifle' is simply the automatic capability. If it can fire fully-automatic, and it's a rifle with a magazine, it's an assault rifle. Regardless of barrel length.
@@webleypug leave the big cities and it’s a different story as the overall. I travel a lot for work and seen the diversity in America. The news, Hollywood etc is just a singular echo chamber that only represents the small portion of America. A basic idea to explain this concept is a Hollywood high school movie. Ever noticed it’s always the same clicks and style overall. Most of the world thinks American schools are just like a Hollywood movie representation but honestly could you really relate to a Hollywood high school movie made in the last 30 years that was relevant at the time it came out or after since you where in school? If your not 55+ I’m pretty sure your answer is the same as a high school student right now. The reason is a group of people that export culture for a living gets an concept that they noticed gets attention and rolls with it until the viewers are so tired and look away. That’s why you see something like the news insult Trump when he was in office so much. It was business of viewership but when Biden got office and there wasn’t all these stuff to talk about with Trump, news companies had massive layoffs that has never been seen before in American History. It’s all a game of what they show and represent. For example why is there so much talk about what is male or female trans or whatever when they only represent .5% of the population. Heck with how the news talk you would think everyone would know atleast a single trans person and there all over. I’m just saying
Antares - Retired here, but my kids would probably agree with your movie analogy. Rural living is different all right, & it's a bit simpler to protect yourself. Yeah, what you initially posted is the way it SHOULD be. The radical feminist media whores with their beta-male mercenaries have got us so scared of our own shadows that we're looking suspiciously at one another or at the sky instead of at them. Been keeping track of all the enviro scares since the mid 60s & not ONE prediction has come true. MSM in the past 2-3 years is now the news (instead of reporting it), & most is lies, specious "facts", & perverted social engineering schemes (we all know someone in our lives who's gay, but who's ever know a trans?). Marxism predominates in the West now & it may be a very long time before we're free.
It's amazing that the killer's gun is an "assault rifle" and the cop's are semi automatic rifles. Also, since when is being homeschooled evidence of anything nefarious? These people definitely only want to you act and think one way or see you as a potential threat.
That's shocking they aren't equipped to defend themselves never mind defend the people. How can you send officers out to do a dangerous job so inadequately equipped in this day and age...
@Riseagainst Theleft I see you prefer your head in the sand. I'd be happy to mix up a hole of fresh, wet concrete. It's permanent so should work better. Think on it.
All those houses he casually walked by... anyone of them could have had an ar16.. but no.. we canadians are helpless sheep waiting for the slaughter. .. so many windows.. so many chances..
You must be an American. Here in CANADA, people do NOT walk around with a gun. Unless they have MENTAL ISSUES like that joker. Or are LAW officials. It's CHANGING now, though. Gangbangers are getting handguns from the US and getting wilder with Covid-19 and the cramp it put on their "style" and operations. So the Montreal SWAT just put a tender for heavier assault weapons using 7.62mm instead of the C8s and P90s they use.
man the interview at 13:00 hit me particularity hard, he was a sort of school officer at my school back in the day, and he was a rather strict but stand up guy, seeing him so broken...
This is why, in a sustained firefight, your goal is to gain and most importantly maintain contact. This is a foundational principle that we train in the military (at least in the US military), but I see it sadly missing in many LE situations (both in the US and this in Canada). When you are engaged, you maintain the engagement, regardless of who gets hit around you. The reasons you do this are manifold. First of all, it makes no sense to start treatment when you yourself are in danger...that has a nasty way of producing two casualties. Second of all, you maintain contact with the enemy and comms with your teammates. This allows comrades and also battle staff to track enemy movements, thereby better directing support assets and reinforcements to the fight. If you lose contact, your support assets will likely miss the enemy altogether or may walk into an ambush (as happened here). When you fail to maintain contact with an enemy force, that force then gains freedom of maneuver (which you deny by maintaining the engagement with them). This freedom of maneuver allows them to either escape or reposition to engage again from an advantageous position (as happened here). I don't blame the officer here. I believe that this is a systemic failure with the way that LEO are trained.
Find them, fix them, flank them, then f#$^ em...former 19d here, all I take from this is that Canada is a hell hole, those who desire security over freedom shall receive neither and I thank God that I live in a country where my neighbors have more firepower than the local sheriff
@Sean Marshall true that. I used to carry tourniquets and tampons, at least half a dozen each. Things don't weigh anything and you never know when they're gonna help save someone's ass. Agree on cover vs concealment as well. I see a lot of indecision from LE. They can't decide if they want to move in and engage or stand back and hold a perimeter and that leads to the weird situations where they're standing behind small trees in the middle of a killzone. You have to action quickly, either withdraw to a well-covered position or aggressively move to gain fire and maneuvers superiority to action on and kill your enemy.
That was my birthday that day. He walked across my front lawn ,I remember watching him walk by his eyes looked exactly how they described them. I am now 13 turning 14 soon. I will never forget that day. God bless all of the souls affected by this.
A famous man once said when you give up your freedom for safety you don't deserve neither one criminals break the law law abiding citizens have to pay for it
Right, because the solution isn't to keep this one guy from getting deadly weaponry, it's to give everyone else deadly weaponry so we can have more people getting shot. Typical gun nut logic.
@@mafuletrekkie Of course, the solution is to make everyone else give up their guns because of the actions of a small minority people and then ignore the law abiding gun owners when they no longer have the means to defend themselves from other forms of violent crime who are unaffected by gun control. Typical gun-grabber logic
This was a sad day for us here in New Brunswick and for the officers who lost there lives. Canada is very similar in a lot of things, one thing we notably differ in, is our gun culture. I joined the army at 16 (yes in Canada you can join the regular army at 16) in the infantry your shadow is your rifle, however many Canadians don’t know what a rifle is besides seeing them on tv, and movies. in a few comment it’s hit right on the head when we don’t address mental health issues. No matter where the next active shooter tragedy happens, it’s a sad day for humanity and also for legal gun owners who have done nothing wrong.
NO, you can't You need to be 17 AND have a guardian sign for you. You can't join the re4serves until 17 either. They have CADETS for kids. Maybe in the 1960s, but definitely NOT since the 80s at least.
Hes clearly mentally Ill but his mind twisted blame and anger at others rather than himself. A good person or healthy person who is mentally I'll gets help and doesn't add to the issues of the world.
It's crazy individuals, sure. But it's the soft liberal policies that made something like this possible. Trump is the shining example for the world that resistance is possible. Be tough on criminals and Communist/socialist scum!
I received a little "insiders tip" I left the city days before this happened. The dispatcher never took the caller seriously and only dispatched one officer at first. This Bourque guy is a Moncton hero. Now we see the things he talked about, all happening.
I wonder if the OPP could have done any better or The Sûreté du Québec or the Newfoundland Constabulary, if none of them could then We need better police training
@@alexanderfire9997 Hell No, we will just makes things worst. Like we always do, and we do mess it up will just make a propaganda movie about it and change the history like old-school John Wayne style.
@@bestnameonthisplatform352 there's differences between the two from my knowledge an assault weapon is a higher caliber weapon .556 and with a bigger barrel carbine is a semi automatic rifle fully automatic weapons are ban for public use but if I am wrong you can do your own research but there are a few differences.
@@wyettmunro470 I believe they are referring to "carbines" as in the M4 Carbine or similar variations. The M4 Carbine, H&K HK416, etc are fully automatic rifle that are generally calibered in 5.56 or 7.62. What a lot of civilians and even some law enforcement agents use is the "AR-15" which is understood to be a civilian version of the M4 Carbine (and other M4 style rifles that are full-auto). The biggest difference is the fact that AR-15's are semi automatic which makes them legal to own by most people. Fully automatic firearms generally can not be owned by civilians unless you have specific license(s). Said license(s) are typically for firearm manufactures, distributors or stores. EDIT: another thing to note, people in the comments seem to think a "carbine" is different than a "rifle". There are differences but those two words are simply used to describe the "style" of a firearm. If a rifles barrel length is less than 20" it's considered a carbine.
@@wyettmunro470 Right; the carbine was part of my military training, as was the Garand Rifle and Heavy Thirty machine gun. The carbine was light in weight, easy to carry, but not as accurate as the Garand. I don't know first hand about assault rifles, but I would not want to face one with only a carbine!
He literally told you why he did it and you invent all these reasons? Why cant you look at what he said, its a growing common sentiment that he took to the extreme.
19:56 You don't go through "withdrawl" from not having weed. He simply had mental health problems and that with the lack of sleep probably triggered him. The police were even warned about him before hand but it seems it was ignored.
Oh, it's all so simple. Thank you for enlightening us. You can most definitely have physical withdrawals from using cannabis. For myself, it was levels easier to quit smoking cigarettes, which are said to be harder to quit than heroine(which is an opiate). Opiates are known to be highly addictive with nasty physical withdrawals. Cannabis is known to activate some of the same receptors in the brain as opiates. It's common for people to repeat myths, misconceptions, old wives tales, and outright falsities, but please educate yourself since it can be harmful to spread such falsities.
Combo of all factors. 99.999999% of people will be grumpy for a couple days. But add mental Heath and the perfect series of events? If he had a bag at that moment, he would probably been playing Halo all day. Sadly for this guy and all others involved, he was broken inside, Very sad he did not find the help he needed. The really scary thing is, there are many more just like him. Please get help if the whole world seems against you. It really isn’t. People care about you. You may need to give some things up in your life but it’s worth it. You are worth it. Peace.
@@beelzebootthecanadiandevil9600 cannabis doesn't act on the same receptors as opiates. That's false. You have an entire endocannabinoid system inside your body. Opiates work the on mu-opiate receptor sites. You're wrong.
This is the worst news story doc I've ever seen. I literally hate this women and whoever produced this. They just blamed everything else they possibly could
yeah this is pretty bad i saw another video posted by a different channel covering the same story but it was much better an not jus throwing blame at everyone an everything
4:48 It's crazy, a PRIVATE gun owner in that situation could have smoked him before his spree took off Never surrender your right to bear arms in your own defense and the defense of others
eh, buddy *assaults defenseless subject* wait a sec *somebody actually shoots back* ehhh! *gets ptsd* yer sayin' *tears up in front of camera* that we *tears off uniform* we wuznt ready *looks tactical and badass in front of tv crew* for a real fight eh? *gets greased by one guy with a rifle*
An old ancient Persian king once said that "Soft countries breed soft men". Compared to the Canadian male of half a century ago, we are indeed a nation of softies.
At that time in Canada the mounties or local police were not allowed to carry long guns which is absolutely ridiculous. These mounties were trying to engage him with 9 mm handguns because that's all they're allowed to carry. They were going to call a special long gun team in but they were 2 and 1/2 hours away!!!???. The chief of the mounties there is a libtard idiot. And they have absurd laws there. In Canada if a citizen happened to have a hunting rifle in their house and decided to use it to take the shooter out...... that citizen would be arrested for murder. How ridiculously absurd is that!!.... but what does it matter Canada will be under Islamic rule in the very near future
ImpliedConsent it is actuly a smart move smarter than keep walking around in group of one underarm and with no other coerant stategie than just runing to him
you take the oath, you consent to duty and you follow procedure. this is the harsh reality. if you have the privilege of enforcing the law, holding power, and asserting your authority over others while you wear the uniform, you damn well put your life on the line when the situation requires it. you took an oath to serve and protect, and should therefore exercise both the privileges and liabilities that come with that position.
@@SportsSize I get you are trying to be funny here but I honestly dont see whats so funny about a cop getting shot and nearly killed trying to protect her community. I dont blame her for screaming she kind of got shot in the head out of the blue and had no time to prepare for what was to come. I gurantee you that you’d have a simular reaction but the truth of the matter is you dont have what it takes to put yourself in that situation to begin with.
Well believe it or not, you can go through withdrawal with ANY addiction. People get addicted to Marijuana, just like they get addicted to eating sandwiches. While not exactly nearly addictive as some drugs, ANYTHING can be addictive and in turn you can suffer from withdrawal from it.
+AsOiXX Well thanks for painting with that broad brush to encompass everything. I'm talking about real, physical addiction. Like physical pain, throwing up, and withdrawals on the chemicals in the brain. IE heroine, meth, coke, etc. No, "withdrawing" from marijuana has physical symptoms and had 100% nothing to do with why he did what he did. That was my point.
Marijuana withdrawal can be as bad as alcohol withdrawal for many and in rare cases can be fatal.What many weed smokers refuse to accept is that smoking weed can cause severe paranoia in many people and during withdrawal many people suffer intolerable paranoia and severe schizophrenia.
Sadly, that woman officer who paniced when she got shoot shouldnt be a officer, she paniced in a situation they cant panic in. This is what they are for, run towards the danger to help. Im not looking down on her, but a officer who panics the way she did aint a good -stable officer. that situation happend cus they didnt teamwork, noone lead, it was confusion and that can turn deadly.
So your telling me if you get shot in the head your just going to stay calm and not panic even a little bit and give directions to the guy that just shot you? Show some respect.
No panic can kill you quicker, and she didn’t need to go fight but needed to give out info on his whereabouts and her own. Their paid handsomely and have half the week off, training should take over in these situations. It just shows lack of.. which again is no excuse when given the tools and schedule they have. I say this bc I don’t want another poor girl or men in a situation they can’t handle and being injured without the proper training to save their own lives if needed.
They didn't. They detailed how the shooter spent his days before attacking, which is undisputed - nowhere did they say those three things made him murder police offers. You allergic to facts? Or just bad at listening comprehension? They mentioned isolation, mental health, obsession with weapons, anger issues, resentment and a feeling of being persecuted (possibly out of paranoia, which btw *can* be an outcome of heavy cannabis usage as well as due to psychotic breaks and types of schizophrenia), antisocial personality traits, lack of structure among other things.
Back from last year , i was thought that man was a kind because he asked neighbors to stay inside their houses and told them that he had a war with the government without shooting civilians
@@Bammer.Dyou misunderstand me ,!im sorry im not with killing any soul ! I want just to say that man was a normal just he had something psychological before he was sick and needs help
@@nicename6705 You say that, but they'd have a much easier time doing it here. You have underfunded police, a lot of civilians in large cities with no weapons, etc etc.
right. if these terrorists actually existed you would think at least 2 of them would be able to buy a handgun between them and a few rounds and shoot up a shopping mall or something, but nothing since 9/11 damn. Wonder why that is.
Most people who want to die or go to jail just die or go to jail, security around these things is also a huge factor but I get your point, threats posed by 'crazy terrorist hordes' are too often sensationalized by media hungry for viewings. If anything more concise and plain information would go a long way to completely eliminating tragedies like this.
You can withdrawal from weed, but Canada is too PC nowadays to just call the guy an insane lunatic that went on a rampage and wanted to kill people. Oh no, it has to be everything else's fault so he's almost a victim and we all need to change so this doesn't happen again rather than just helping the crazies.
You don't smoke, therefore you have no idea. Marijuana withdrawal isn't 'some bullshit' I know because I'm going through it right now. I smoke an eighth a day. I can see how with the right individual it could really send you off the deep end. You feel crazy for the first week, forget about sleeping/eating/socialising. And it lasts for at least a month before you see any improvement. This unlike your comment, is first hand experience talking.
The Fear Frequency You are over reacting. When I stop smoking weed I just feel a bit more moody or angry. I still get by everyday like a normal human. Stop overreacting.
You didn't smoke a half ounce every 3 days through a bong though did you? Im not over reacting. It's almost as if different things affect different people differently, different situations and life experiences. Your small mind isn't able to grasp such a basic concept without being told.
Oh yeah, a shotgun has an effective range of 45m, a pistol (in a running gunfight) maybe 25m tops -a rifle, ~1-200m. Effective volume of fire is a factor, and a semi-automatic rifle has an advantage there too. Keep in mind that the RCMP beat officers didn't have rifles.
Damn right.... You REALLY don't want the police treating every tragic stop like a firefight And so that's what we train them to do...traffic stops Not Rambo stuff
As a former law enforcement officer whoever blamed this on heavy medal and marijuania is freaking stupid and does not need to be in any authority role. Damn politicians don't care about officers or the public.
I agree
Politicians are the ones to blame! We will see more of this in the future
just like officers {not all} dont care ab the public.
Seems logical weed drove him to commit these
You right mate Some police are stepped how they got in the police i do not know mate
“A hand pistol” gee thanks for clarifying the hand part. I thought they were armed with foot pistols
I can’t 😂😂😂😂
Canada's finest
That bringing a knife to a gun fight comparison was bang on.
Shit if a 20 gauge shotgun, a box of empty shells, and a rifle manual are the makings of a psycho….. I’m screwed.
😂 Same! Boxes of empty shells.
-Shelly inscribed on my 9mm.
-Photos of different rifles on my wall. Beautiful frames, too.
-60 rounds 12 ga Dragon's Breath.
-20 pounds of Thermite
-600 bags of Ammonium Nitrate
-50 cal Puff the Magic Dragon Gatling gun 120,000 rounds, too!
I'm looking for an F-16.
I think this comment has drawn some flags. LOL
I never was in the military, but Dad talked about the fun he had with all those weapons he used.
But your comment is spot on, but I live in Texas. 7 years old when I first shot my .22 cal. I had a lot of rifles and pistols from age 18 to 45. Now, I don't care to go hunting. I view life differently.
Its Canada! What did you expect 😢they just think everything is wine and roses.
@@markmiller2263 "They?" Guess what? "They", like most civilized countries EXCEPT the US, don't believe that violence, or the worship of tools of violence, should be a part of our everyday lives of treated like toys. That's why 99.9% of the time we can stand in a line up for our Timmies coffee knowing that nobody in that line up packing a weapon under his jacket, and nobody stalking us or waiting for an opportunity to shoot just because he can or he's angry because he didn't get his breast milk that day.
We value each other and the feeling of safety in society in Canada. It is very rare to have this kind of mass violence happen. Precisely because we don't worship the gun nor what the gun can do to others. We prefer to settle our problems civilly rather than like a bunch of rabid animals. That's not "wine and roses", that's decent human beings choosing between gun violence and peaceful living. The US made their bed, now they can sleep in it. Maybe stop complaining when other places make better choices and end up living more peaceful lives.
Almost took this seriously until this was blamed on heavy metal lyrics and a "weed withdrawl"
Perfect Salad lmfao right
@Jeff L Canookistan!🤣🤣🤣
@Jeff L Canada now has a minority Liberal government. It will change fairly quickly, as Conservatives are rapidly growing in the western world.
Don't forget in there mind there thinking VIDEO GAMES DID THIS
I always thought is was watching Bugs Bunny, the Road Runner,Yosemite Sam , etc, also going to pool halls and dancing was the cause of all this. They lied to me!!!
wtf, video games, heavy metal and marijuana.. what does that have to do with anything ?
Because in today's society we have to find something to blame for our nonsense.
my friend injected 12 marijuanas and died bro!
+jack mayhoff it's easier to blame the society problems on that. lol
+jack mayhoff Nothing! Except to his lawyer who is grasping at straws to try and get him off from murder charges. The real problem is that in this liberal society no one is ever held accountable for their behavior. There is always some excuse given, too much sugar, too much TV, violent games, the devil marijuana.
Actually this crap they said about pot is ridiculous. You can be mentally dependent on pot but the withdrawal would only be minor agitation and it sure as hell wouldn't cause anyone to go on a murder spree.
+Joe Bandella yeah, injected them where, up his ass?
how come they call it a carbine when the police use it and an assault rifle when i own one?
Me and you would get along great!
Assault rifles technically aren't things, also RCMP didn't have "Long rifles" or "Carbine rifles" until after this incident.
Yeah it’s like nutrients ....... place them next to tomatoe plants and they are nutrients, move them over besides the marijuana plants and they are called chemicals.
@@Josh-wh6iv the had assault rifles before this incident, they had them since the Hollywood bank robbery shootout back in da 90's
@@oliverqueen8806 This is in Canada not the US...
The pathetic inaction of the top command cost officers their lives - more than once. I served with the OPP as an auxiliary and had far more excellent firearms training than the RCMP officers did. I am SHOCKED that could happen - and thankful for all my training officers and command staff who believed it was necessary.
Thank u for your service
So he killed the cops because he listened to heavy metal during a "marijuana withdraw"? Ahh I see now.
Marijuana thing isn't necessarily true but studies show loud music e.g heavy metal can cause increased stress and aggression so it could have pushed him over the edge if he was on his tippy toes at the edge of the cliff.
+HitHarderDubstep its a trigger, for a manic, NOT A reason.... This POS would have snapped sooner or latter.
Marijuana is likely the reason he gave up and did NOT go out with a fire fight
people who listen to rap music kill people everyday with their thug wanna be bullshit. when was the last time u saw a metalhead killing another person? pppfffss
+mEHpleSyrup that explains why gangs in da hood shoot each other.. heavy metal music..
+Krumple Themal Not specifically heavy metal, any loud noises could make you more stressed and prone to violence so if your blasting your sound too high then it's a precursor.
“Was sleep deprived and without money for marijuana, was possibly going through withdrawal” LMFAO WHAT
Yeah when she said marijuana withdrawal I literally said “what??” Out loud lol
EXACTLY my thought!!
They really said him being marijuana dependent was a reason for this happening
@White girl Magic is just too Strong. SYSBM! ikr!☕ I have to have my coffee or coca cola!!! Caffeine withdrawals give me a migraine! But there is NO such thing as pot withdrawals!!🤣🤣
@@clairestilwill5284 lol!!🤣
"heavy metal, marijuana, and firearms."
really... almost took this seriously.
they forgot beer
I guess I’m a killer to because I have all three 🤷♂️
You forgot games
gimme throwback mtn dew instead of dope and also bbq potato chips and some trailer park boys on netflix and im good
It's the public schools.
Unfortunately, it was obvious the RCMP officers weren't trained for this type of confrontation. Removing your uniform to hide in this type of incident is totally unacceptable.
What a ridiculous comment, It’s completely acceptable if it makes the difference between being killed because of your job/ uniform and going home safely once your job is done!
Haters gotta hate eh!
Essentially itd be undercover cops. You know what those are right? I don't recall hearing them say that they stopped doing their job but just taken off the uniforms
@@hotpotato4027 well if a officer male with red hair had hid his uniform but was armed in civilian clothing what could of gone wrong then……..
bro they were probably trying to blend in not to escape but to be able to gain the same advantage as the camo gave the shooter
@@water6887 you said what I would have said if I hadn’t said something different but that was alluding to the same…lol
some people just don’t get it do they…🤷♂️
I love how the media calls civilian sporting rifles "assault rifles" and call LE rifles "semi auto carbines"
great comment skin so true
SkintSNIPER262 it’s Canada we don’t use those for sport
Canad1an Map1e
Then you have never been to a firing range my friend 😉
That's why liberal ways to think are naive and sadly detrimental. The other side can make the difference but instead they waste time listening to themselves.
@@Rǒvull To me it's just funny that they call the same exact firearm two different names depending on who is holding it.
So when the police need one they're "carbines", but when a citizen has one it's an "assault rifle".
The term assault rifle was created in the mid-90s by the Liberals to create fear-mongerin it's not an actual thing
@@scttiedsntknow Actually you should do more research, the term was created by Adolf Hitler when he created the first one. Although in this case the shooter did not use one, the assault rifle was made for military infantry, not civilians. Seriously you should do more research instead of listening to your own biased beliefs.
Yup. It's much easier to make the civilian version more demon like, which means it can be banned.
To bad there is 380 million gun owners and maybe a few hundred of them. Apparently none of them paid any attention in history class.
@@hamburger8657 I don't think that's right. Hitler named the sturmgewehr translated to "assault rifle" but he had nothing to do with the design and in fact he most likely delayed its mass production do to logistical reasons. He certainly didn't create it.
I guess you can say he allowed it to be built.
@@johnb.8687 I never said he created the design, I was saying that the term Assault rifle was a real thing, and where it comes from. Captain Dammit was saying that the term was created by liberals in the 1990s to vilify the weapon.
"Without money for marijuana, he was possibly going through withdrawals".
Looool. Great journalism guys
Sounds like someone has never smoked
Ya that is just bullshit. They act like it's opiates or something.
@@hyssean12 weed is pretty controlling i know it may sound funny but you can depend on that shit to survive without it may cost you to do some dumb shit.
@@TheDarknessOfGames I just quit 2 months ago after 15 years daily smoking. Never once was I about to do something stupid. Sorry you are wrong .
@@hyssean12 nice congrats sounds like a guy who never ran out of money
This happened in my city, Moncton, New Brunswick. I was in a restaurant with family & friends. We came out at the same time the first officer was shot. We didn't know that at the time. A total of 5 officers were shot, 3 fatally, 2 injured. The section of the city that was shut down was very close to my Mom's house. I can't remember how many days the lockdown was in place. It was very scary. Helicopters going back & forth with searchlights, police everywhere. No admittance to the section of the city where the shootings occurred. Very nerve-wracking! I couldn't get to my Mom's place. My brother was visiting her at that time. They were nervous wrecks. The shooter was just after cops. Didn't bother with anyone else. Off his meds at the time. Found & arrested. Imprisoned for life. Came from a very nice family too.
Awesome got your 5 seconds of fame thanks for making it about you 🖕
@@hilaryinthewoodsliberal funded attacks
I live in Missouri, where anyone, even a child, can legally carry a concealed firearm without any permits. This is where a few KC Chiefs fans showed they had more and bigger balls than the entire Uvalde, TX police department. Where we live, we have no police. Everyone is responsible for their own security. Local sheriffs encourage their citizens to train with and carry firearms here. We don't have mass shootings here. Criminals keep the violence mostly among their own. The citizens of Missouri are probably the best trained and armed citizens anywhere today.
So life imprisonment in Canada means life, unlike in the US?
@kevinmalone3210 Yes, there is a possibility of parole after 25 years, but it's not guaranteed, and there is no requirement to ever release them from prison, and if they are somehow released they're on parole til their death
weird how an AR-15 is now a "carbine" and an M1A is an "assault rifle"...
Edit: the point I'm trying to make is that the media paints the AR-15 as an assault weapon yet the M1A is not because it's "featureless". However in this video they called the M1A an assault rifle because the bad guy was using it and the AR-15 a patrol carbine. I don't need all these technicality definitions of rifles and carbines, I'm well aware of the differences
A carbine is a shortened rifle, usually about a 16 inch barrel. A rifle is not always a carbine however. A rifle gets it's name due to the “rifling” inside the barrel, which causes the bullet to spinin order to stabilize it's flight path.Rifles can come in many different lengths, but most will be 20 - 28 inches. Rifle-like weapons with a barrel lengthof less than 20 inches are typically considered to be carbines. Weaponswith barrels greater than 20 inches are usually called rifles unless specifically called carbines by the manufacturer. By this definition, many so-called “Assault Rifles” would technically be carbines. Ya get what I'm trying say.!.
@@matthewvannacci3772 believe me, i know this. But people tend to call ar-15 platform rifles "assault weapons/rifles." However in their eyes an M1A is not an assault weapon because it doesnt have a pistol grip, retractable butt stock and easily detachable 30 round magazines. The gun simply desnt look as "scary" but in this documentary the ar-15 plarform rifle is a carbine and the bad guy using the m1a is using an assault rifle. I think the point i was trying to make went way over your head
Neither weapon is a Assault rifle
@@nathanbowman2151 it looks like the point i was trying to make has also eluded you...
Is that what he used.. the m1a1 semi auto. Damn that's my fav of pubg
I just wanted to add an additional comment after the recent gun ban last Friday.
In the hands of the police like you see in the video, a .223 semi-auto is just a "police carbine," but it becomes an "assault-style weapon" in the hands of the Canadian people.
This is an injustice.
Complete infringement
I don’t know much about Canada. But I’ve been watching Viva Frei for about a year....good luck northern friend.
That's what happens when you elect socialists to power.
Yeah this is why we don't need long guns retards.. just like what happened recently..
@@goon825 that sort of language is not constructive
it rubs me the wrong way that they call it a carbine in police hands but suddenly its an evil assault rifle when a civilian owns it
+mwmwmwmwmmdw It's an assault rifle when being used to assault the public and it's a carbine when being used as a tool to protect the public.
+Flowrider except the media still calls it an assault rifle even when legally license gun owners buy them to use at a shooting range peacefully
also civillians cant own assault rifles in canada as fully automatic guns have been prohibted from purchase for 40 years now
+mwmwmwmwmmdw Yes I'm well aware of our firearms legislation. Still have no problem with the terminology the media is using on this topic. The whole point is they're actually trying to avoid creating public aversion to the idea of equipping RCMP with more firepower. Maybe because they rightly feel some guilt. Maybe the media in Canada is beginning to feel partly responsible for the slow roll out of "patrol carbines" due to their previous hyping up of the supposedly deadly consequences of the evil taser after Vancouver.
Mostly the media. The Mounties out my way call them semi automatic rifles or carbines
It's the same for America.
He was an immature young male who liked smoking pot and playing video games and was into guns, you just described half of Wisconsin! And we don't have that shit going on down here!
Lot of anti-government radicals in NB
Well… we have active shooters and killings, alot of gun violence, but not because the guns did it, it’s because the population is violent.
It amazes me how little the media knows about guns. The concept of a rifle is not as difficult as they make it out to be.
Not all live by the gun, but these days at least guns and weapons are selling as fast as they’re stocked.
The media is a total joke today. Even this one couldn't help saying "it looks big and scary." SMH.
They think possessing a gun is a psychological behaviour that can be modified by brute force legislation. In other words, they think of the umbrella term 'handguns', used in crime as responsible for society's gun problems.
The cops seem to be pretty amateur as well. Look at the collection of shots at 31:49. Their plate carriers are so low that the back plates arent even covering the upper sections of their hearts and their respiratory systems.
They call that willful ignorance and I think the saying was invented for politicians because they love not knowing stuff
Withdrawals from marijuana?
Is this the 60's ?
He was crazy plain and simple, no excuses
Stay away from my smokes fed
Decided to do something crazy* not crazy .
Everyone in Canada has a rifle, because handguns are illegal, except the cops, they carry handguns...figure that one out.
Our government creates these people. The rcmp brass is in on it.
@@skim4me I'll take what's considered a riffle over a handgun any day, the legislative clowns don't know what they are even talking about when it comes to firearms
The biggest difference is it's kind of hard to conceal a Mossberg 500 lol
Just imagine if one of those homes had a civilian with an AR.
If this happened in my hometown someone would have shot him
It looks like Canada, you can't shoot someone, even in self defense. It's considered murder, unfortunately, there is no castle doctrine or stand your ground laws in Canada.
Justin 640 I live in Canada they need to change that law
@@jamesgreenhouse1613 Bullshit
They would have started backing up the shooter.
RIp, condolences to the family and friends.
Haven't had a puff in 3 days and just finished listening to a metalica cd...Look out world.
sup dog 🤣🤣🤣👍
🎥👀on lookout for u sup cat-dog
sup dog, sup all fairness it was Megadeth so you’ll be okay. 🤣
@Wade ur a God😂😂😂😭😭😭
(FBI) breaks in the house lol
"Who should have access to this weapon?"
Hunter Albers Americans!
I got a toy one--lol!!!
Jeff Canadian History
Everyone who passes their RPAL should have access to it.
@@vladimirharkonnen458 21:05 That looks like a regular pump shotgun (m870?) and the M305B, and none of them requires an RPAL.
A small detail to clarify, but yes.
No ones ever smoked weed and gone on a shooting spree its too much hassle
Plus it's hard to find munchies when your shooting police.
More set up propaganda, that's what they want us to think
Yeah that's a bunch of bullshit... Weed withdrawals.... Lol I have smoked on and off for 30 years.. Don't think so. Try heroin withdrawals.. People get sick and will do anything and isn't weed legal now in your land??? Lol. They blamed weed and music. I thought that happens only in America. Guess not.. I think the answer is very easy... More people more crazy shit.. That simple there's alot of mental illness in the world.
Odinsrage 14 if you smoke all day for years than quit you will have some pretty severe symptoms like irritation, irrational mood swings stuff of that sort, defiantly can’t compare too drugs that give you a physical sickness like heroin but I’ll tell you from my personal experience quitting weed when your dependent on it 24/7 is very hard
@@shanegarcia7057 And sorry but if you have that issue when you don't have weed then maybe your fucked in the head. Weed withdrawals don't exist. Try Heroin and see if weed WD bother you ever again. It won't because its in your head. Its true.
Duuuude! Did you see those gas prices at 15:28 !?!?!? I know the exchange rate isn't the same from CAN to US but damn! And that was 9 years ago!!!
Pretty reasonable price per litre. There are 4.546 litres in an Imperial gallon; US gallon is a bit smaller.
@@peggyrobertson8169 Oh, that makes sense. I forgot that US uses gallons, not liters. But still, wasn't that $13.46 a liter?
@@Not_The_FBI_1992 was most likely $1.34 a liter
here's an idea maybe it wasn't the guns the weed the video games or the heavy metal maybe he'll just out of his damn mind.
And why is he out of his damn mind
It's bc he must be brainwashed to think that the police are bad or something
It bothers me how people blames video games, music, guns, etc instead of mental illness
@@malcolm197 I agree. While videogames, music, guns, yada yada do appeal to those who are mentally unstable, they are not the CAUSE of it. They can further entice thoughts of homicide and whatnot due to videogames being violent, heavy metal being very aggressive, and whatnot, but it is not the full story. The full story starts with mental health, and I don't see why people don't understand that.
_source: psychologically insane, depressed, and whatnot for almost my entire life_
@@mwk740 Or just... mental illness / natural instability since a lot of that has also been proven to be genetic.
In America the police would have killed him then got called racist somehow.
Shut up this is American speaking to you.
but Canada is still North America, has the same 911 number call and use dollar
@@abdur1300 Haha the states I meant
That's true why cops get called racist for killing an active shooter idk but it's true
@@onekingeighteen1k183 It is honestly so true. A white cop can shoot a white person. But a white cop can't shoot a black person? I don't know if the black people realize that, when a black cop shoots a white person, us whites don't flip out and call everyone racist. Murica brother. #DonaldTrumpIsOurPresident
We not gonna talk about how he only used 5 round mags
right he was a good shot too
We should though, because that's a very valid point. Maybe it would have been much worse if they were 10 round mags right (sarcasm)?
@@Sovereign_Citizen_LEO IF you watch that video they show 2 shooters of different experience shooting a total of 30 rounds with 15, 10, and 6. The times don't change as much as people would think, especially If someone takes their time to practice. Most Police officers I've personally met and talked to either got most of their training either in their free time or getting on the Swat team, this may vary but as I said that is from who I've gotten to talk to. Police in general are very under-trained and under budgeted when people say they should be a citizens line of defense when in the video i posted above, it shows a rough average of 22 seconds to fire 30 rounds from a handgun. Thats 30 potential deaths, even with 6 round mags, when police can be minutes away. Now im not saying this to support the idea everyone should carry a gun, but I think magazine limits are not as effective as everyone would like to think. Theres also the factor a criminal is less likely to follow them, after all we banned murdering your fellow man yet people still do that.
Americans think it helps you could go buy a musket and you need no wait time it not hard to do the same a single shot rifle odd but I guess it helps kill less so by the time the cops are there
@@TimVette - I agree and that's what I was pointing out (sarcasm, -because 10 round mags are the limit in California, where I live). Especially given the increased firepower (velocity, bullet size) and accuracy of a rifle. It does take time to reload, and so there is a definite advantage to larger capacity magazines. That cannot even be argued. But the point is, someone with 5 or 10 round magazines can still be quite deadly (but at a disadvantage against someone with a similar weapon and a higher capacity magazine). And some people if they're very well practiced with their guns, can reload pretty quickly.
If only the locals could have been allowed to have a firearm to assist!
I'm honestly worried that if locals had been allowed to be armed(like in the US) he would have looked at civilians as targets because he would have been outgunned. The reason he didn't target civilians and told that lady that he wasn't looking to kill them was because he knew full well that they weren't any threat to him.
That’s BS… If civilians had access to firearms no crazy would even think to go off on a shooting spree! It’s because we are not allowed to define ourselves is why stuff like this happens!! Give us the right and ability to defend ourselves!!! Oh Canada we need to allow our citizens to protect themselves!! This could have been dealt with so much more differently!!
If the locals actually knew the truth about everything they might not have cared about it because if they had common sense they would of wanted answers about why there wasn't an investigation into the conduct of the five cops seven months earlier when a nineteen years 🗝️ kid was shot dead in cold blood.Not posing a threat of violence let alone dangerous and deadly but the city of Moncton know what really happened because they couldn't shut the mouths of people who witnessed everything.RIP
thlssss. ❤ @@laurietravels1188
Hear Hear!! Exactly 👍
In the industry, this is known as “Unprofessional Hack Tabloid Journalism” but call it what you want.
I call it Yellow Journalism.
it's actually called wing-taka fellow killer journalism
Cowardly comment
@@era273 How? He called it just how it is.
For them to blame this on weed and metal music is incredibly ridiculous.
His statement of "don't worry ma'am, I am not here for civilians. Just government officials." tells all we need to know about his motivation.
But they don't want to have THAT discussion....
I can’t imagine how hard it was for his dad to make that call to ID him.
Imagine playing MW3 with this dude and he gets extremely toxic and talks about how he is going to shoot up some poeple. You brush it off as bluff and the next day this happens.
@xRinneRebirthx 55 people thinks it's funny, because it is
I am in Texas. Please HONOR this Officer, and the others. Let’s help their families. Please.
Also, AR does *not stand for assault rifle*
It means Armalite Rifle
SHHH! we don't want the snowflakes knowing! the scarier it sounds the better for us!
For me it means Automatic Rifleman
@@gremlin_uwu Automatic means you pull the trigger once and it dumps the entire mag.. there is *no such thing as an automatic ar15, they are all semi-automatics.. if you see an ar15 shooting automatic gunfire then it has m4 or m16 military cold-forged parts put on their rifle, meaning its no longer just an AR15*
First AR15 was the semi-automatic, lesser grade copy of a vietnam standard issue military firearm, nowadays we have incredible technology.. and ill tell you one time than semi automatic varmit riffles (556, 22, 9mm,)
shouldnt be you biggest problem about firearms
Can you tell me what armalite means and it's origin? Just curious
javel rebite it’s the company that produced the first ar-15 for the army during Vietnam
Man got a 5 star wanted level
Oof i live in moncton😂
LMT_DAGER Nova Scotia here
LMT_DAGER you live on beachwood B
Ooontarriooo But where are the tanks tho?
Thought I could get along with this until they started blaming guns 🙄
i guess the guns will have a day in court
king valk, and Megadeth...that was the line to not cross. All seriousness went out the window.
@@titaniumman_22 maybe if more people in Canada owned guns then hell since he didn't kill civis then one of them could have disabled him or killed him instead of letting those cops die
@@kingvalk5219 dude the cops had guns. It didnt stop him.
Phalanx I’ll say the “American” interpretation, probably the meaning for his “if other people had” usually people have more then pistols (which is what the officers had) in their homes. I’ve known and know many who have SCARs, M16s, Hunting rifles (snipers but not called snipers) and so on. There are examples of civilians stopping the criminal with their own weapons.
My time in law enforcement I worked 1st as a city officer where we were only allowed a side arm and a shotgun even though the city had a high crime rate
I went to Maricopa County where we worked alone with back up close to an hour away.
We were allowed to carry a variety of firearms.
Most of us carried a 9mm, 147 grain Hydra-shock ( 50 rounds on you ) .40 or .45 cal sidearm, AR-15, 5.56, and high capacity 12 ga shotguns with a mix of.00 buck and lead slugs, because when a gunfight starts you are on your own for a long time.
Apparently Canadian journalism is still stuck in the 80’s.
I guess you prefer stateside news, that does nothing but lie to you, right zombie?
@@russellwilliams4317 calm down, ey? No need to get butthurt, he’s right.
@@nickleback3695 Explain? I highly doubt you can.
@@russellwilliams4317 give the man a break.
Withdrawal from weed?... are you joking. Ridiculous.
He knew what he was doing, he was messed up. The biggest problem is why??
citizens are regarded as livestock to our masters and their guards. they believe our rights are like a drivers licence, a revocable privilege.
That is absolutely true. I'm not surprised that some people go off the rails like this. Most people don't even realise how draconian the establishment has become, or how it's been for decades
He said corrupt government
Only he know that reason why and killing sometimes helps might sound crazy but you got to do what you got to do
At least he looked both ways before crossing the street.
Ah yes. Carbines make you EQUAL to the threat. Think about that for a second. Take all the time you need.
I have to say that i am amazed how calm the father sounded when he identified his son to 911
Robert Straatman probably didn’t know his son killed anyone at that point
@@philipwalsh9690 he knew there were multiple people killed at that point but he was in shock
Sounded like he thought he was being a good boy for turning his son in
He has to slow down he’s talking anyway to give that information clear
@@normandy8806 who and what are you ...!!?????
I experienced a nearly identical problem when I was a police officer in the Atlanta area back after 9-11. We were totally outgunned by the average street gang/criminal, as well as a group of armed robbers who were hitting area banks. We carried 9mm's and shotguns. While our training was so far beyond any other agency and we won every gunfight for decades, we were definitely at a disadvantage. As the threats increased to us and the command staff and politicians dismissed our desperate pleas to step up our firepower, officers started secretly carrying and training AR-15's and AK's that they hoped they would never need. I left law enforcement at that time because I did not have the tools to do the job. Then after the deaths of two officers who were ambushed, they FINALLY opened a program where officers could buy their own carbines and go through training to qualify with them despite nearly all of us having been trained in the military to use them. But only sergeants could carry them. It took a LONG time to finally get them to the front line. Now things have FINALLY CHANGED and they have become an invaluable tool.
If i was a cop yeah i would roll with an akm
Dave, where did the hand guns originate from? I used to be a commisionare and did security for the RCMP and always had the impression it was safer then the US. Glad you were never shot or killed.
Just carry what I do, a Ruger 57. It is one sweet pistol.
When it comes to cop's not being able to get their jobs done you can thank the libtards.
@@IndyDog-ns8ws Sure in the hell is.
I have one in my collection of different firearms
Civilian possession - " dangerous semi-automatic assault weapon"
Authoritarian possession - "carbine"
Oh boy, times have surely changed. Raised in a home where my father taught me about firearms and how to properly transport them and respect them seeing this is nuts. We had a shooter in a neighborhood much like my own last year and in both these cases the shooter stood out like a sore thumb and everyone knew what was going down when shots rang out. Situational awareness people I got that in the military and there’s allot of us in this neighborhood. There’s allot of us armed in this neighborhood but actually taking action to save lives and stop this person puts you and your family at risk of the law. That’s what’s wrong, people are afraid to act because their afraid of taking the law into their own hands and that’s screwed up. If you see a guy kitted out in full battle gear armed walking down the road in a residential neighborhood believe me my eyes are on you. I’m going to arm myself and I’m going to observe you all the while on the phone with authorities. You raise that weapon in a threatening manner IM DROPPING YOU. A grown man dressed like that armed too the teeth walking down a neighborhood, that’s a threat.
Bravo,I'm right with ya there, fella. Protect the innocent, to hell with the stupid.
Ok Rambo.. You’d also be likely to shoot an innocent person or encourage someone who doesn’t have proper training to shoot an innocent person.
It’s tricky in America, because in many states, people are legally allowed to walk the streets with these weapons.
Also, in any given direction that you point your gun, there are likely other people down range of the possible shooter.
It’s not as simple as the old west movies
@@Adam-of-the-earth I have proper training Adam lol more than know
@@Adam-of-the-earth now that I have more time to respond to your statement. The guy in the photo is dressed like Rambo. No one with combat experience would ever dress like that. I live in America and folks just don’t dress and arm themselves and walk through their neighborhood like that. Not seen that in 56 years. Lol if you do see it I guarantee the police will respond rather quickly.
In very rural areas you might have someone walking down their dirt road to a home built range but if in a neighborhood they’ve got their weapon in a case. Here’s a good example, I had finished my deployment and was home and a friend and I had driven several hours to a very remote lake boat ramp early in the morning. We were in a gravel parking lot enjoying some coffee before we put our boat in. Two couples pulled in and put their boat in parked their vehicle and trailer and boarded their boat. Pulled away from their dock and was sorting things out probably 50 feet away. This guy pulls up in a beat up 4 door and parks behind some shrubs next to the lake probably 50 feet from us but doesn’t see us. He’s acting weird as hell sitting in his car cursing slamming his hand on his wheel. He gets out goes to his trunk and pulls a shot gun cursing the whole time and peeking through the bushes at the people that just put in. I just slid in to my jeep upholstered my 45, racked one and waited. Told my buddy this might get messy. I was waiting for the guy to raise the shot gun then I would have distracted him and if he had turned on me in a threatening matter I would have taken the shot. He kept moving from front to back of that car but never raised that gun. Finally he and I made eye contact and he got in his car and left throwing gravel everywhere. Thank God I had some cell phone I called it in and I warned the people in the boat. Weird they put their boat on their trailer and left. Fish and wildlife as well as the local sheriff caught the guy. Situational awareness and knowing how to use a firearm could save others and yourself. I didn’t have to pull the trigger, I didn’t show my weapon but if I had too I would have to save save others and myself. No this isn’t the Wild West and believe it or not shoot outs didn’t happen as much in that time period Hollywood per-trays everyone was pretty damn equal carrying a gun and getting shot was a death sentence. Lol and as far as innocent people getting shot well that comes to training as well you don’t just pray and spray you get into position and take your shot. I’ve seen assholes like this walking down a alley carrying a RPG or a AK with a tactical vest and that’s a target. Lol watched a guy trip holding a RPG round and blow up. Keep that cap on pal they don’t like to be dropped lol.
I agree with you man, if law doesn't effect to save innocent lives ill react by dropping him also, I also own gun and was tought like you, learn how to clear the gun and safely store them. I also do have a shotgun loaded for home defense, its loaded and sitting beside my pc desk within reach, NEVER wish to use it but if my life depends on survival..yes you bet
Imagine, Imagine, if this happened in the States. Half the trailers would have rifles and maybe 1 officer would have been killed before the neighborhood open fired on him.
"This is America"
No people will help him hunting pigs
@@abdulazizali9935 no they'd do the opposite liberals don't own guns conservatives do
@@Gerardo-dt8xf north america in canada
@@abdulazizali9935 lol not helping him kill police can you read
so when it's police it's "patrol carbine", if civilians it's "assault rifle"
lol... not according to the bias media... according to the media, an AR-15 in the hand of a police officer is a ''Patrol Carbine''... the same AR-15 legaly owned by a civilian with the proper license is called an ''assault rifle''...
It's a tactic they use in trying to negatively promote rifles in the hands of civilians and making people scared of them, although it's fine for the police because "they need them" while we don't. And the that tactic somehow works, people agree with this bs
blou32 when Toronto Police got carbines, they were labelled assault rifles or Military grade rifles. Left wing media hates guns. Period. Regardless of who owns them.
service rifles, patrol carbine etc are all assault rifles.
The actual definition of an 'assault rifle' is simply the automatic capability. If it can fire fully-automatic, and it's a rifle with a magazine, it's an assault rifle. Regardless of barrel length.
The government always need to be reminded that its citizens have the power and the government should fear the citizens. Just saying.
Potential shooter spotted .
Amen to that!
You posted 2 years ago. This is 2023 & we're now a nation of eunuchs.
@@webleypug leave the big cities and it’s a different story as the overall. I travel a lot for work and seen the diversity in America. The news, Hollywood etc is just a singular echo chamber that only represents the small portion of America.
A basic idea to explain this concept is a Hollywood high school movie. Ever noticed it’s always the same clicks and style overall. Most of the world thinks American schools are just like a Hollywood movie representation but honestly could you really relate to a Hollywood high school movie made in the last 30 years that was relevant at the time it came out or after since you where in school? If your not 55+ I’m pretty sure your answer is the same as a high school student right now. The reason is a group of people that export culture for a living gets an concept that they noticed gets attention and rolls with it until the viewers are so tired and look away.
That’s why you see something like the news insult Trump when he was in office so much. It was business of viewership but when Biden got office and there wasn’t all these stuff to talk about with Trump, news companies had massive layoffs that has never been seen before in American History. It’s all a game of what they show and represent. For example why is there so much talk about what is male or female trans or whatever when they only represent .5% of the population. Heck with how the news talk you would think everyone would know atleast a single trans person and there all over. I’m just saying
Antares - Retired here, but my kids would probably agree with your movie analogy. Rural living is different all right, & it's a bit simpler to protect yourself. Yeah, what you initially posted is the way it SHOULD be. The radical feminist media whores with their beta-male mercenaries have got us so scared of our own shadows that we're looking suspiciously at one another or at the sky instead of at them. Been keeping track of all the enviro scares since the mid 60s & not ONE prediction has come true. MSM in the past 2-3 years is now the news (instead of reporting it), & most is lies, specious "facts", & perverted social engineering schemes (we all know someone in our lives who's gay, but who's ever know a trans?). Marxism predominates in the West now & it may be a very long time before we're free.
Canadian soldiers were outstanding in South Korea .Today men who are living protected in the offices are failing the residents and police
I have respect for the cops but they need more training... and guns
Nhi Vlog’s I completely agree with you.
True they need to have more extreme wepons to for more extra protection like uzies for example
More and more and more training
@@Chaching960 no cop in there right mind would use a Uzi smh
@@sgmjuju7170 haha I know right...."when he plays GTA 5 too much" lmao
"Some officers, who now realized they are the target, tore off their uniforms in self-defense." Why am I not surprised.
Lmao..definitely not America
Yeah for real like what the hell was that about?
it's a bit easier to take down someone if they aren't targeting you
SS gaurds did the same as the concentration camps were being liberated.
Cowards through the ages
@@calicored3076😂stop it they scary to it happens often 😂😂😂
It's amazing that the killer's gun is an "assault rifle" and the cop's are semi automatic rifles. Also, since when is being homeschooled evidence of anything nefarious?
These people definitely only want to you act and think one way or see you as a potential threat.
I can tell you have no idea what you’re talking about when It comes to guns because both guns are semi automatic
I distinctly remember a couple times in the video where his rifle was called "A semi automatic rifle".
@@ceremyjlarkson9475 I'm over 8min into it and they haven't used" assault" rifle yet
@@jhtsurvival Yeah, I think they're just using it so they don't say semi automatic rifle over and over and over again
@@micaheiber1419 LMFAOOOO
That's shocking they aren't equipped to defend themselves never mind defend the people. How can you send officers out to do a dangerous job so inadequately equipped in this day and age...
@Riseagainst Theleft I see you prefer your head in the sand. I'd be happy to mix up a hole of fresh, wet concrete. It's permanent so should work better. Think on it.
All those houses he casually walked by... anyone of them could have had an ar16.. but no.. we canadians are helpless sheep waiting for the slaughter. .. so many windows.. so many chances..
They at least need 30 round mags and a sight
You must be an American. Here in CANADA, people do NOT walk around with a gun. Unless they have MENTAL ISSUES like that joker. Or are LAW officials.
It's CHANGING now, though. Gangbangers are getting handguns from the US and getting wilder with Covid-19 and the cramp it put on their "style" and operations. So the Montreal SWAT just put a tender for heavier assault weapons using 7.62mm instead of the C8s and P90s they use.
man the interview at 13:00 hit me particularity hard, he was a sort of school officer at my school back in the day, and he was a rather strict but stand up guy, seeing him so broken...
@Ted Bundy name checks out
@Ted Bundy not even suprised
@Ted Bundy no they didn’t but you will tough guy
ya that hit hard, he was hurting hard over his fellow officers and not catching Justin yet
This is why, in a sustained firefight, your goal is to gain and most importantly maintain contact. This is a foundational principle that we train in the military (at least in the US military), but I see it sadly missing in many LE situations (both in the US and this in Canada).
When you are engaged, you maintain the engagement, regardless of who gets hit around you. The reasons you do this are manifold. First of all, it makes no sense to start treatment when you yourself are in danger...that has a nasty way of producing two casualties. Second of all, you maintain contact with the enemy and comms with your teammates. This allows comrades and also battle staff to track enemy movements, thereby better directing support assets and reinforcements to the fight. If you lose contact, your support assets will likely miss the enemy altogether or may walk into an ambush (as happened here).
When you fail to maintain contact with an enemy force, that force then gains freedom of maneuver (which you deny by maintaining the engagement with them). This freedom of maneuver allows them to either escape or reposition to engage again from an advantageous position (as happened here). I don't blame the officer here. I believe that this is a systemic failure with the way that LEO are trained.
Find them, fix them, flank them, then f#$^ em...former 19d here, all I take from this is that Canada is a hell hole, those who desire security over freedom shall receive neither and I thank God that I live in a country where my neighbors have more firepower than the local sheriff
@@Cyph3rX ok so now look at how much more cops have been killed in American you guys are a lot worse
@Sean Marshall true that. I used to carry tourniquets and tampons, at least half a dozen each. Things don't weigh anything and you never know when they're gonna help save someone's ass.
Agree on cover vs concealment as well. I see a lot of indecision from LE. They can't decide if they want to move in and engage or stand back and hold a perimeter and that leads to the weird situations where they're standing behind small trees in the middle of a killzone. You have to action quickly, either withdraw to a well-covered position or aggressively move to gain fire and maneuvers superiority to action on and kill your enemy.
Guy was one hell of a shot I'll give him that..
Well said.
“Make contact with, Close with, and neutralize the enemy.”
That was my birthday that day. He walked across my front lawn ,I remember watching him walk by his eyes looked exactly how they described them. I am now 13 turning 14 soon. I will never forget that day. God bless all of the souls affected by this.
You remember him walking across your lawn when you were 3……okay lol
A famous man once said when you give up your freedom for safety you don't deserve neither one criminals break the law law abiding citizens have to pay for it
Right, because the solution isn't to keep this one guy from getting deadly weaponry, it's to give everyone else deadly weaponry so we can have more people getting shot. Typical gun nut logic.
@@mafuletrekkie Of course, the solution is to make everyone else give up their guns because of the actions of a small minority people and then ignore the law abiding gun owners when they no longer have the means to defend themselves from other forms of violent crime who are unaffected by gun control. Typical gun-grabber logic
Your straw man is pretty flimsy lol
@@dunklederkleson7285 who
@@elvismburu1510 There is more straw in that argument than all of Nebraska.
Cop: Carbine
Civillian: Assault Weapon
We clear?
Civilians would not run into harm’s way and are not trained to appropriately respond to such situations. Too many naive comments.
This was a sad day for us here in New Brunswick and for the officers who lost there lives. Canada is very similar in a lot of things, one thing we notably differ in, is our gun culture. I joined the army at 16 (yes in Canada you can join the regular army at 16) in the infantry your shadow is your rifle, however many Canadians don’t know what a rifle is besides seeing them on tv, and movies. in a few comment it’s hit right on the head when we don’t address mental health issues. No matter where the next active shooter tragedy happens, it’s a sad day for humanity and also for legal gun owners who have done nothing wrong.
It was a wonderful day thank God for dead cops hallelujah
NO, you can't You need to be 17 AND have a guardian sign for you. You can't join the re4serves until 17 either. They have CADETS for kids.
Maybe in the 1960s, but definitely NOT since the 80s at least.
I’m pretty sure y’all’s gun culture is actually pretty similar, most people in the US don’t know rifles either.
@ buddy... I’m in Texas and own rifles.
Country folk sure but the rest no
@@thatsgangst6026 I'm sorry your parents are siblings. It must be really hard and confusing. I hope someday you find the help you so desperately need.
"Marijuana withdrawal ".... tell me you've never smoked weed without telling me you've never smoked weed 😅😅
Mental health yet again isn't the issue. Let's blame things that fit our agendas
But it is mental health because nobody with a healthy mind does that. But blaming is on music and video games isn’t the issue.
@@rachelamanor mental health is the issue, big time. They just blame things that fit their agenda is what this says
Hes clearly mentally Ill but his mind twisted blame and anger at others rather than himself. A good person or healthy person who is mentally I'll gets help and doesn't add to the issues of the world.
no amount of mental health treatment can cure a psychopath.
It's crazy individuals, sure. But it's the soft liberal policies that made something like this possible. Trump is the shining example for the world that resistance is possible. Be tough on criminals and Communist/socialist scum!
Gæti ekki verið meira sammála
They do make people violent
@@ATF-US No, they don't...
@@ATF-US nah they don't
And metal
Marijuana withdrawal? You gotta be kidding me.
Yep! Its a drug, you get withdrawals just like alcohol or cigarettes.
There are the small psychological things what comes after it.
I've been smoking dank too long.
Weed is for children, cocaine and pills is for adults.
COD ProCamp on god
@@mycrofts1234 is not a member of Mensa
I received a little "insiders tip" I left the city days before this happened. The dispatcher never took the caller seriously and only dispatched one officer at first. This Bourque guy is a Moncton hero. Now we see the things he talked about, all happening.
When I don’t have weed I don’t go out on a killing spree.
mtthedon aha I still can’t believe they tried to blame weed withdrawals
hey my comment was deleted but i got a notification. there must be some mistake lol.
you could. keep smoking see i helped someone today.
Who are you. Sincerely USMC
You dangerous bastarad you!!
From the research I've done, this law enforcement agency seems to not be able to handle most extreme situations Guns or No Guns.
Because they are like FBI in USA, they don't carry much powerful guns like FBI...
They sent wrong people to this scenario...
I wonder if the OPP could have done any better or The Sûreté du Québec or the Newfoundland Constabulary, if none of them could then We need better police training
Do they need American to help them?
@@alexanderfire9997 no we don't need America
(don't tell them about the oil sands)
@@alexanderfire9997 Hell No, we will just makes things worst. Like we always do, and we do mess it up will just make a propaganda movie about it and change the history like old-school John Wayne style.
This is stereotype levels of media propaganda. Almost like a parody
Sigvald the Magnificent Wdym?
The funny thing is that the suspect has a legally purchased assault rifle but when the cops have it it’s a carbine
@@bestnameonthisplatform352 there's differences between the two from my knowledge an assault weapon is a higher caliber weapon .556 and with a bigger barrel carbine is a semi automatic rifle fully automatic weapons are ban for public use but if I am wrong you can do your own research but there are a few differences.
@@wyettmunro470 I believe they are referring to "carbines" as in the M4 Carbine or similar variations. The M4 Carbine, H&K HK416, etc are fully automatic rifle that are generally calibered in 5.56 or 7.62.
What a lot of civilians and even some law enforcement agents use is the "AR-15" which is understood to be a civilian version of the M4 Carbine (and other M4 style rifles that are full-auto). The biggest difference is the fact that AR-15's are semi automatic which makes them legal to own by most people. Fully automatic firearms generally can not be owned by civilians unless you have specific license(s). Said license(s) are typically for firearm manufactures, distributors or stores.
EDIT: another thing to note, people in the comments seem to think a "carbine" is different than a "rifle". There are differences but those two words are simply used to describe the "style" of a firearm. If a rifles barrel length is less than 20" it's considered a carbine.
@@wyettmunro470 Right; the carbine was part of my military training, as was the Garand Rifle and Heavy Thirty machine gun. The carbine was light in weight, easy to carry, but not as accurate as the Garand. I don't know first hand about assault rifles, but I would not want to face one with only a carbine!
In a nation that has taken away the rights of the average citizen to self defense, still didn't keep this from happening.
Had the citizens been armed...... boom, game over.
He was armed boomer.
High five, hell yeah.
a citizen was armed. but i do get what you mean
Had even the cops been armed this wouldn't have happened
You telling me a security guard in America can be issued a patrol rifle but the RCMP has to fight to get a the equipment they need?
That's Liberals for you..
Yes. To properly equip officers means gun control the left keeps selling is a failure. Those officers died for ideological reasons.
@@dropshot5948 Well said..
Diversity is our strength.
Like payday 2: Cops can't arrest the mf but a mall cop on a coffee break does......
Reporter, " that doesn't make sense."
Darell Davies, " nothing at the RCMP does I'm afraid"
He literally told you why he did it and you invent all these reasons? Why cant you look at what he said, its a growing common sentiment that he took to the extreme.
I turned this shit off as soon as I heard the withdrawal part.
I still pay taxes for this useless pack of twats.
I usually go buy some more weed.
No bullets involved.
We usually discuss the many animals these people care for.
How much you wanna bet it wasn't withdrawal from the mary j but rather an SSRI or psychiatric med...the media always ignores that shit
Goldman Sachs being from canada will do that to a person
In canada people use horns to get ahold of their dealers??
19:56 You don't go through "withdrawl" from not having weed. He simply had mental health problems and that with the lack of sleep probably triggered him. The police were even warned about him before hand but it seems it was ignored.
Oh, it's all so simple. Thank you for enlightening us.
You can most definitely have physical withdrawals from using cannabis. For myself, it was levels easier to quit smoking cigarettes, which are said to be harder to quit than heroine(which is an opiate). Opiates are known to be highly addictive with nasty physical withdrawals. Cannabis is known to activate some of the same receptors in the brain as opiates.
It's common for people to repeat myths, misconceptions, old wives tales, and outright falsities, but please educate yourself since it can be harmful to spread such falsities.
Combo of all factors. 99.999999% of people will be grumpy for a couple days. But add mental Heath and the perfect series of events? If he had a bag at that moment, he would probably been playing Halo all day.
Sadly for this guy and all others involved, he was broken inside, Very sad he did not find the help he needed. The really scary thing is, there are many more just like him.
Please get help if the whole world seems against you. It really isn’t. People care about you. You may need to give some things up in your life but it’s worth it. You are worth it.
"Marijuana Withdrawal: Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment and More"
I've left a link for you to go ahead an educate yourself with. Feel free.
@@beelzebootthecanadiandevil9600 cannabis doesn't act on the same receptors as opiates. That's false. You have an entire endocannabinoid system inside your body.
Opiates work the on mu-opiate receptor sites. You're wrong.
This is the worst news story doc I've ever seen. I literally hate this women and whoever produced this.
They just blamed everything else they possibly could
yeah this is pretty bad i saw another video posted by a different channel covering the same story but it was much better an not jus throwing blame at everyone an everything
How was it too soon? Medias post things as fast as they could what do you expect from them
Mentally, women typically blame things other than trying to find a solution
It's crazy, a PRIVATE gun owner in that situation could have smoked him before his spree took off
Never surrender your right to bear arms in your own defense and the defense of others
"who should have access to this rifle?"
There I fixed your error guy.
Even Justin?
@@London_J yeah. if everyone was more comfortable with owning and using firearms he wouldn't have taken so many lives.
J05hFontenot has he gone in homes to hurt civilians they would have had NOTHING to defend themselves.
@@rgjr.6055 because they were unarmed. Are you aware of how many home invasions are thwarted in the US because of legal gun ownership?
Even terrorists and the insane?
"he spend hours playing video games listening to heavy metal and smoking pot" looks like I'm on a path for destruction. wish me luck
PifchoBG me to my man me too 🤣🤣🤣
PifchoBG you go boy
I suggest switching to Bluegrass and doubling up on the pot...
I’m an Canadian and holy, we are so soft
eh, buddy
*assaults defenseless subject*
wait a sec
*somebody actually shoots back*
*gets ptsd*
yer sayin'
*tears up in front of camera*
that we
*tears off uniform*
we wuznt ready
*looks tactical and badass in front of tv crew*
for a real fight eh?
*gets greased by one guy with a rifle*
nothsa44 Nice grammar skippy.
An old ancient Persian king once said that "Soft countries breed soft men". Compared to the Canadian male of half a century ago, we are indeed a nation of softies.
Lol yep
I don't think it's your people, I think It's your GOVERNMENT🇨🇦 that is SOFT!!!🇺🇸
RCMP THE KINDEST, nices , fair , good police men ,God Bless their families,sending love and prayers fr.P.E.I.❤
I believe radio failure was one of the main causes that killed those policemen. Freaking loss of communication in the middle of an operation.
No they were very carelessly stupid! They rushed in before assessing what they were facing.
Cops are RETARDS
You can't help Stupid
At that time in Canada the mounties or local police were not allowed to carry long guns which is absolutely ridiculous. These mounties were trying to engage him with 9 mm handguns because that's all they're allowed to carry. They were going to call a special long gun team in but they were 2 and 1/2 hours away!!!???. The chief of the mounties there is a libtard idiot. And they have absurd laws there. In Canada if a citizen happened to have a hunting rifle in their house and decided to use it to take the shooter out...... that citizen would be arrested for murder. How ridiculously absurd is that!!.... but what does it matter Canada will be under Islamic rule in the very near future
@@kingjames7273 which stems from communication moron
@@kingjames7273 that's how active shooters are handled, they're trained to run in immediately, even if they're alone
I love how they act like having lots of guns is any different then having 1-2. You can only use 1-2 at a time anyways 😂
Devin Hotline bruh you can have like 10 carbines on you.
DreamSteal yea? And that’s no more dangerous then someone with 1-2 on them.
@@devinhotline2721 yo i can use 3 at a time. figure that out :^)
They are acting like he was wielding 15 guns at once
"Some officers, who now realized they are the target, tore off their uniforms in self-defense." Time to find another job that doesn't require courage.
ImpliedConsent I wear the uniform and agree, 100%
ImpliedConsent it is actuly a smart move smarter than keep walking around in group of one underarm and with no other coerant stategie than just runing to him
you take the oath, you consent to duty and you follow procedure. this is the harsh reality. if you have the privilege of enforcing the law, holding power, and asserting your authority over others while you wear the uniform, you damn well put your life on the line when the situation requires it. you took an oath to serve and protect, and should therefore exercise both the privileges and liabilities that come with that position.
Ted Byszinski spoken like a true coward.
It's called being a human being and wanting to live. Also, smart if they wanted to get the guy without getting killed.
Great Production, I remember you from edmonton, Keep up the good work
25:45 "The carbine is used for distances 4 times that amount"
Shows a bolt-action rifle icon to represent a semi-auto carbine
OMG just noticed that
DUDE I THOUGHT I WAS STUPID I WAS LIKE “ That’s... not a semi.?
“Only thing I would change is I would bring some water “🤣🤣this guys cold 😂
no just dehydrated
Yeah lolololololol 😂😂😂😂😂😂 hilarious bro lolololololol
@@SportsSize mmm so funny
@@anirishcanuck6928 😆
@@SportsSize I get you are trying to be funny here but I honestly dont see whats so funny about a cop getting shot and nearly killed trying to protect her community. I dont blame her for screaming she kind of got shot in the head out of the blue and had no time to prepare for what was to come. I gurantee you that you’d have a simular reaction but the truth of the matter is you dont have what it takes to put yourself in that situation to begin with.
Marijuana withdrawal, are you kidding me?
Well believe it or not, you can go through withdrawal with ANY addiction. People get addicted to Marijuana, just like they get addicted to eating sandwiches. While not exactly nearly addictive as some drugs, ANYTHING can be addictive and in turn you can suffer from withdrawal from it.
+AsOiXX Well thanks for painting with that broad brush to encompass everything.
I'm talking about real, physical addiction. Like physical pain, throwing up, and withdrawals on the chemicals in the brain. IE heroine, meth, coke, etc. No, "withdrawing" from marijuana has physical symptoms and had 100% nothing to do with why he did what he did.
That was my point.
After 40 years of illicit usage, I can assure you I don`t worry about killing for it.
How asinine.
Marijuana withdrawal can be as bad as alcohol withdrawal for many and in rare cases can be fatal.What many weed smokers refuse to accept is that smoking weed can cause severe paranoia in many people and during withdrawal many people suffer intolerable paranoia and severe schizophrenia.
Bet you never smoked a goddam joint in your life, but GAWD knows you know better.
Some people also get paranoid about cats.
Sadly, that woman officer who paniced when she got shoot shouldnt be a officer, she paniced in a situation they cant panic in. This is what they are for, run towards the danger to help. Im not looking down on her, but a officer who panics the way she did aint a good -stable officer. that situation happend cus they didnt teamwork, noone lead, it was confusion and that can turn deadly.
So your telling me if you get shot in the head your just going to stay calm and not panic even a little bit and give directions to the guy that just shot you? Show some respect.
No panic can kill you quicker, and she didn’t need to go fight but needed to give out info on his whereabouts and her own. Their paid handsomely and have half the week off, training should take over in these situations. It just shows lack of.. which again is no excuse when given the tools and schedule they have. I say this bc I don’t want another poor girl or men in a situation they can’t handle and being injured without the proper training to save their own lives if needed.
They seriously blame heavy metal, violent games and WEED?!
They didn't. They detailed how the shooter spent his days before attacking, which is undisputed - nowhere did they say those three things made him murder police offers. You allergic to facts? Or just bad at listening comprehension?
They mentioned isolation, mental health, obsession with weapons, anger issues, resentment and a feeling of being persecuted (possibly out of paranoia, which btw *can* be an outcome of heavy cannabis usage as well as due to psychotic breaks and types of schizophrenia), antisocial personality traits, lack of structure among other things.
Back from last year , i was thought that man was a kind because he asked neighbors to stay inside their houses and told them that he had a war with the government without shooting civilians
So you believe he us a kind man for only killing who he wanted? Wake up.
Your my favorite idiot. Its okay to kill, as long as you warn people that they are not the target. Your an idiot. Dumb dumb dumb.
@@Bammer.Dyou misunderstand me ,!im sorry im not with killing any soul ! I want just to say that man was a normal just he had something psychological before he was sick and needs help
@@Bammer.D stop crying
@@mud1003 i get it. Your head is up you're ass for the warmth.
Instead of trying to confront him they should have called in the Colonel to talk him down
What are you talking. RAMO.
Thank-You mamm, great report
only 5 round mags and he killed 3 trained cops is not about guns is the will to skill
This was one lunatic improvising...can you imagine 8 well armed terrorists with a practised plan? WE ARE UNDEFENDED CANADA
the problem is it wouldn't happen here they would go blow up America
they'd just ask to have them stop killing
@@nicename6705 You say that, but they'd have a much easier time doing it here. You have underfunded police, a lot of civilians in large cities with no weapons, etc etc.
right. if these terrorists actually existed you would think at least 2 of them would be able to buy a handgun between them and a few rounds and shoot up a shopping mall or something, but nothing since 9/11 damn. Wonder why that is.
Most people who want to die or go to jail just die or go to jail, security around these things is also a huge factor but I get your point, threats posed by 'crazy terrorist hordes' are too often sensationalized by media hungry for viewings. If anything more concise and plain information would go a long way to completely eliminating tragedies like this.
Criminalizing gun owners, marijuana withdrawal... i don't smoke but i know that's some bullshit.
my house was put on lock down cause of him
You can withdrawal from weed, but Canada is too PC nowadays to just call the guy an insane lunatic that went on a rampage and wanted to kill people. Oh no, it has to be everything else's fault so he's almost a victim and we all need to change so this doesn't happen again rather than just helping the crazies.
You don't smoke, therefore you have no idea. Marijuana withdrawal isn't 'some bullshit' I know because I'm going through it right now. I smoke an eighth a day. I can see how with the right individual it could really send you off the deep end. You feel crazy for the first week, forget about sleeping/eating/socialising. And it lasts for at least a month before you see any improvement. This unlike your comment, is first hand experience talking.
The Fear Frequency You are over reacting. When I stop smoking weed I just feel a bit more moody or angry. I still get by everyday like a normal human. Stop overreacting.
You didn't smoke a half ounce every 3 days through a bong though did you? Im not over reacting. It's almost as if different things affect different people differently, different situations and life experiences. Your small mind isn't able to grasp such a basic concept without being told.
Great Big UP video from France 🇨🇵👌💪😎👍
Imagine he did this shit in Texas shit the citizens would've took him down
Man walks down the street with a pistol threatening to shoot cops, meanwhile the neighbors have 20 guns pointed at him.
Walmart. Enough said.
@@shanecrews4141 attacking illegals who cant bear firearms legally you donut
@@shanecrews4141 you can't carry firearms at walmart
Some 3 year old pulls out a Barrett
so one semi auto rifle and a shotgun is called "Out gunning" the cops?
Oh yeah, a shotgun has an effective range of 45m, a pistol (in a running gunfight) maybe 25m tops -a rifle, ~1-200m. Effective volume of fire is a factor, and a semi-automatic rifle has an advantage there too. Keep in mind that the RCMP beat officers didn't have rifles.
Damn right....
You REALLY don't want the police treating every tragic stop like a firefight
And so that's what we train them to do...traffic stops
Not Rambo stuff
Stupid proposition isn't it. They just want to disarm us so they can make us slaves.
And just think if Chuck Norris was wielding them........while withdrawing from pot.