깊은 낮잠을 자고 아무도 없는 저녁에 눈을 뜨면 그렇게 마음이 공허할 수가 없더라고요. 지금처럼요. 처마밑에서 비를 피하며 누군가를 떠올렸을 피스풀님의 앞날에는 추억에만 머무르지 않아도 되는 고운 시간들이 기다리고 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 저는 오늘도 뭐가 현실이고, 뭐가 꿈인지 구분되지 않는 하루였어요. 오늘 밤은 다시 잠에 들기 위해 피스풀님이 녹음해 올려주신 소리 밑에서 습관처럼 찾아오는 외로움을 피해 마음을 달래보아야겠네요. 제가 본 오늘이 언젠가 꿈에서 보았던 장면인 것만 같은데, 앞으로 다가올 시간은 어떨지 너무 캄캄하기만 해서 가슴이 먹먹하네요. 땅이 마르고 다시 비가 오듯, 우리 삶도 자연의 섭리대로 온전하게 제 길로 흘러갈 수 있길 기도하고 내일을 살아내기 위한 휴식에 다시 들어가 보아야겠네요. 가끔 들러 쉬었다 갑니다. 고맙습니다.
하나님은 당신을 존재자체로 사랑하십니다 그 분 안에서 진짜 사랑을 받아보세요… 영접하는자 곧 그 이름을 믿는 자에게는 하나님의 자녀됨의 권세를 주십니다 16 ○하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 그를 믿는 자마다 멸망하지 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이라 요한복음 3:16 RKB 우연히 본 댓글이지만 공감되서 댓글 적고갑니다:). 사랑하고 축복합니다.
Does anyone else ever feel super safe and relaxed when you’re outside watching the rain fall and you’re underneath something that keeps you dry. I typically get goosebumps and feel so so safe.
yes :))) i love being inside watching the rain- whether i’m in school or at home, it’s so so much better being inside when it’s raining. i feel cozy and so so safe and content. i feel less guilty staying inside to be lazy
@@airbornemelody6156 you just described what I fell when there is rain coming. I could never describe the feeling to family or friends for the 19 years of my life.
Where I live, it doesn't rain often. When it does however, I can't hear it or it happens when I'm resting. The immaculate sound quality makes it feel like I'm standing out in the rain, and is oddly meditative. Makes me just want to forget about life and just be here for awhile.
비 소리중 최곱니다 ㆍ들으면서 자다가 잠시 잠이 깰때는 너무나 정겹고 마음이 편합니다 ㆍ어릴적 농촌 생활로 늘 바쁘신 어머니도 이렇게 비가 오는 날이면 제게 팔베게를 해주시고 비소리를 자장가로 들으며 낮잠을 잤었는데 깨어나면 어머니가 옆에 계시면 얼마나 좋았는지 어머니가 그립습니ㆍ구독 .좋아요 꾸우욱 눌러 놓아서 그런가 수리로 노출되어 찾기도 아주 편하답니다
Makes me happy to see so many different languages all enjoying one common sound. Happy wishes to all. Tomorrow may be the best day of your life! Stay and find out 😌
@@calebsmithwick8470 god bless bro I turned 20 this year and I was perfectly fine this afternoon every hour things have gotten worse, right now walking is hard, the lower back is feeling severely bruised and my fever is red hot making me shake, I did recently stop taking weed to go to sleep so I run warm boiling baths at night to soak in which helps fall asleep, I’m running one now as I type, hopefully the symptoms don’t make me go ICU 😟
If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this.
Same. Puts me at ease when I see the first couple drops sprinkle out and then it starts coming down at a mild/relaxing pace. It’s so soothing to hear and see
As someone from UK, I’m genuinely more soothed by the silence of no rain and clear skies. It’s probably because we get relief rainfall most often, and the only sound from that type of rainfall is the annoying tapping against the windows/roof instead of the nice shattering sound against the floor.
@@largenaq2935 yea I can totally see why u think that. I’m in America which does rain quite often and some hate it because of reasons u listed but some like it such as me. My roof goes over my window so I don’t get the taps 😈. I’m lucky haha
Don't forget to smell the roses every once in a while. Time goes by so quick, it's easy to forget about all those little things that make life meaningful.
This nature sound really heals my soul. Whoever is reading this, I hope you find peace and harmony for your day. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise, it'll be okay. Peace be with you, my friend. ❤️
To whoever is reading this, you are loved. You are blessed. Your dreams are manifesting as we speak. Time is on your side. Everything will work out in your favor. May you find more love, peace and prosperity.
왜인지 크게 힘들다거나 스트레스가 몰려오는 일은 없었는데 그간 차곡히 쌓인게 이제야 느껴진건지 반복되는 삶이 지겹고 학업 스트레스로 저녁마다 자는게 너무 어려웠어요 아침에 눈 뜨는 것도 싫었구요 새벽에 6시까지도 뜬눈으로 밤을 새기도 하고 가끔은 3시에 눈이 감길 때도 있어서 하루에 3-4시간도 채 못잤는데 일주일전에 이 영상을 보고 요즘은 5-7시간 정도 자고 있어요 학업 스트레스로 잠도 잘 못잤고 힘들고 스트레스도 많이 받았지만 공부 열심히 해서 얻은 결과물을 보면 너무 뿌듯해요 앞으로 공부 열심히 해서 기말고사도 꼭 잘 보고 잠도 많이 자면 좋겠네요!!
Man this is beautiful! One time when I was a teenager, me and my friends hung out at our Church building for new years. Just a few of us. At about 4am a friend gave me a lift home. I was sleepy from spending time with my friends. So happy. The roads were empty, and the rain was falling hard. I got home. Into bed. And fell asleep as the rain beat down on the roof of the extension outside my window. It's a moment I'll likely never forget. I love the sound of the rain. I love the mood of a quiet night. This video hits those memories. Thank you.
한국 안간지 아니 못간지 4년째네요.. 한국비 그리워요 비를 참 좋아하는데 아니지 빗소리를 좋아해요 쓸쓸한것이 너무 좋아요 외롭고 쓸쓸한 감정이 나쁜것만은 아니더라구요 빗소리 영상 나뭇잎에 부딪치는 저 빗소리 너무 좋네요 앞날이 두렵고 막막한데 잘할수 있겠죠? 바닥까지 모두 경험해봤는데 뭐가 더 두려울게 있을까요.. 잘하자 가끔 이 빗소리도 들으며 여유챙기고 외로움도 느껴가며… 천둥번개 동반한 비도 좋은데 지금 이정도도 아주 좋네요
@@murkotron oh thats interesting, I thought it was because it meant that the plants were being watered/dry spells are over. also I think it just makes nice sounds in general and makes me feel cooler (temperature wise)
If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this. It's gonna get better real soon~
Imma go a bit nerdy here but I think it’s to do with millions of years ago when humans would be searching for a water source so we now enjoy it as it used to be a sign of “ok so we aren’t dying of thirst for a few more days”
To whoever reads this. Don't stress. Listening to the sounds of nature. I hope everything is good for you. I wish us all a great sleep while listening to this wonderful video! Well done my friend! Thanks for sharing! 💚💙💜
The relaxing feeling during rain is quite primal. We instinctively know that no predators hunt during heavy rain. That’s (at least partly) why we feel so safe.
This nature sound really heals my soul. Whoever is reading this, I hope you find peace and harmony for your day. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise, it'll be okay. Peace be with you, my friend. ❤😆
Idk about anyone else but I just wanna go out in the rain and lie down and watch the dark sky and feel the breeze..and think about all the positive things in your life and to rethink about how far in life you have gotten and keep going..
Leí en un libro hace años qué la pasión humana por la lluvia no es solo por el hecho de la relajación, si no qué es algo ancestral. Cuando nuestros ancestros escuchaban el sonido de la lluvia lo asociaban con fertilidad y abundancia, de ahí fue pasándose de generación en generación 🌧️🌧️
I'm just impressed by how unnecessary it was to edit in these sweeping camera shots, and random zooms. They're beautifully done and not expected at all of an audio focused video. Love it.
Just let the rain wash away your worries! Every moment is a fresh beginning! I truly wish everyone here gain a abundance of peace and love. Believe in you, you're Amazing🍀 Much love💟
اللهم إننا نسألك زيادةً في الدين، وبركةً في العمر، وصحةً في الجسد، وسعةً في الرزق، وتوبةً قبل الموت، وشهادةً عند الموت، ومغفرةً بعد الموت، وعفوًا عند الحساب، وأمانًا من العذاب، ونصيبًا من الجنه، وارزقنا النظر إلى وجهك الكريم
I remember my time in the army and having been in South Korea. Wonderful place, don’t know why so many hated it. The rain is beautiful and when it starts to pour it POURS. Many a soggy nights doing combat exercises in a massive week long downpour.
I have been listening to this every night with my son since he was born 4 years ago. It is the most soothing and relaxing playlist I have come across thus far. We love it. Thank you
good night my friend, i apreciate your kindness we need more people like you in the world, I hope you had a nice night and that you are doing well in life, have a nice life my friend
I’ve had this dream for a couple years now, but I know it will most likely never come true. I want to move to an eastern country, such as Japan, or South Korea, some place like that. Start a new life, get a job at a local restaurant or store, and live on my own in a city. I don’t come from a wealthy family, and I’m not that academically gifted, so my chances of getting into a good school, or moving away, are very slim. I’m in a pretty bad situation, and just long for this change. Hopefully one day I can achieve it, but I don’t know. I know probably nobody will read this, but just thought I should share. Godspeed.
Kept waking up in that weird space where you're awake and asleep at the same time thinking I smelled rain, love this was so peaceful thanks for a good nights sleep.
@@Sorgestr Cold exposure actually strengthens our immune system. This is why some people choose to take cold showers. What you definitely don't want to do, is run out into the cold when you're already ill. That's asking for trouble. If you're healthy, cold exposure is fine.
깊은 낮잠을 자고 아무도 없는 저녁에 눈을 뜨면 그렇게 마음이 공허할 수가 없더라고요. 지금처럼요. 처마밑에서 비를 피하며 누군가를 떠올렸을 피스풀님의 앞날에는 추억에만 머무르지 않아도 되는 고운 시간들이 기다리고 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 저는 오늘도 뭐가 현실이고, 뭐가 꿈인지 구분되지 않는 하루였어요. 오늘 밤은 다시 잠에 들기 위해 피스풀님이 녹음해 올려주신 소리 밑에서 습관처럼 찾아오는 외로움을 피해 마음을 달래보아야겠네요. 제가 본 오늘이 언젠가 꿈에서 보았던 장면인 것만 같은데, 앞으로 다가올 시간은 어떨지 너무 캄캄하기만 해서 가슴이 먹먹하네요. 땅이 마르고 다시 비가 오듯, 우리 삶도 자연의 섭리대로 온전하게 제 길로 흘러갈 수 있길 기도하고 내일을 살아내기 위한 휴식에 다시 들어가 보아야겠네요. 가끔 들러 쉬었다 갑니다. 고맙습니다.
하나님은 당신을 존재자체로 사랑하십니다
그 분 안에서 진짜 사랑을 받아보세요… 영접하는자 곧 그 이름을 믿는 자에게는 하나님의 자녀됨의 권세를 주십니다
16 ○하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 독생자를 주셨으니 이는 그를 믿는 자마다 멸망하지 않고 영생을 얻게 하려 하심이라
요한복음 3:16 RKB
우연히 본 댓글이지만 공감되서 댓글 적고갑니다:). 사랑하고 축복합니다.
하나님이 왜 나와 진짜 분위기 다 잡체네.
kank homeoeoeo
Idk how people disliked this, you came for rain and you got rain, it's not gona sound different than the rain outside your house
Rain was not heavy enough.
5/7 Rain not wet enough.
2/10 the rain sounds like me pissing on a homeless person
Libtards got scared and it triggered there ptsd. They had no choice, there’s no manager to cry to
@@connorgeslak8032 ?
The fact that people from all around the world are enjoying this video just shows how universally loved the sound of rain is
I saw this message go from 10 hours to 11 hours. Idk why but i feel cool now, i never saw a comment go up a hour
@Someone Yep! Same with the sounds of fire.
Amen brother!
im just bedazzled at the fact that its 8hrs lmao
One minute bruh
Does anyone else ever feel super safe and relaxed when you’re outside watching the rain fall and you’re underneath something that keeps you dry. I typically get goosebumps and feel so so safe.
yes :))) i love being inside watching the rain- whether i’m in school or at home, it’s so so much better being inside when it’s raining. i feel cozy and so so safe and content. i feel less guilty staying inside to be lazy
Iya bang
very much so!
@@airbornemelody6156 you just described what I fell when there is rain coming. I could never describe the feeling to family or friends for the 19 years of my life.
Where I live, it doesn't rain often. When it does however, I can't hear it or it happens when I'm resting. The immaculate sound quality makes it feel like I'm standing out in the rain, and is oddly meditative. Makes me just want to forget about life and just be here for awhile.
Didn’t expect to see you here
Personally, it feels like we found another internet checkpoint
@@Fanaticalight I agree with you, this is a great and realistic video and it is very relaxing to listen to
I feel like we're all here for a reason
hi fanatica how are you
비 소리중 최곱니다 ㆍ들으면서 자다가 잠시 잠이 깰때는 너무나 정겹고 마음이 편합니다 ㆍ어릴적 농촌 생활로 늘 바쁘신 어머니도 이렇게 비가 오는 날이면 제게 팔베게를 해주시고 비소리를 자장가로 들으며 낮잠을 잤었는데 깨어나면 어머니가 옆에 계시면 얼마나 좋았는지 어머니가 그립습니ㆍ구독 .좋아요 꾸우욱 눌러 놓아서 그런가 수리로 노출되어 찾기도 아주 편하답니다
Makes me happy to see so many different languages all enjoying one common sound. Happy wishes to all. Tomorrow may be the best day of your life! Stay and find out 😌
I wish I can enjoy this with someone lol
I’ve got COVID lad tomorrow is going to be scary 😟
@@skiimask2922 ive had it twice. It isn’t that bad. Note that I’m only 23 though. I’ll pray for strength. Have a good day mate.
@@calebsmithwick8470 god bless bro I turned 20 this year and I was perfectly fine this afternoon every hour things have gotten worse, right now walking is hard, the lower back is feeling severely bruised and my fever is red hot making me shake, I did recently stop taking weed to go to sleep so I run warm boiling baths at night to soak in which helps fall asleep, I’m running one now as I type, hopefully the symptoms don’t make me go ICU 😟
If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this.
Rain is literally the most relaxing thing to listen to, I also love to watch the rain outside whenever it starts up
Same. Puts me at ease when I see the first couple drops sprinkle out and then it starts coming down at a mild/relaxing pace. It’s so soothing to hear and see
As someone from UK, I’m genuinely more soothed by the silence of no rain and clear skies. It’s probably because we get relief rainfall most often, and the only sound from that type of rainfall is the annoying tapping against the windows/roof instead of the nice shattering sound against the floor.
@@largenaq2935 yea I can totally see why u think that. I’m in America which does rain quite often and some hate it because of reasons u listed but some like it such as me. My roof goes over my window so I don’t get the taps 😈. I’m lucky haha
...unless it turns into a hurricane.
Мама это ты?
Props to the camera guy who stood there for 8 hours
A real one 💯
and not moving an inch for 8 hours
What a baller
@Cookien't Ñ
Don't forget to smell the roses every once in a while. Time goes by so quick, it's easy to forget about all those little things that make life meaningful.
and we all sat here for 16 hrs cause we all know we replayed it.
@@CryptoXCraze exactly
This is nice🌹🥀
@@natedonthate4291 ❤️❤️
Yet there is always a promise
This nature sound really heals my soul. Whoever is reading this, I hope you find peace and harmony for your day. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise, it'll be okay. Peace be with you, my friend. ❤️
Lmk ik lmk
Peace with you, good karma to you too⭐️❤️
I saw this comment at 10PM so tell me how am I going to find peace and harmony but thanks anyway
thanks stranger ♥
Gracias, y que tú también tengas un gran día 😗
To whoever is reading this, you are loved. You are blessed. Your dreams are manifesting as we speak. Time is on your side. Everything will work out in your favor. May you find more love, peace and prosperity.
Amen thank you❤
thank you
8 hour long vid and no ads... true legend
if it had ads it was kinda bad, cause ads just break all this type of video
@@zombifiedbailey15 weird flex
@@alexespinozacastro1066 ikr? i thought ppl who got yt premium existed only in legends
not using adblock? you are wild sir
@@alexespinozacastro1066 what did he say the comment was deleted
Como llegue aquí no lo se, como llegaste hasta acá tampoco, lo que se es que te terminaste relajado con esto.
me lo recomendo youtube
@@giospampiumpium1251 x2
Confirmo, recién lo está recomendado
왜인지 크게 힘들다거나 스트레스가 몰려오는 일은 없었는데 그간 차곡히 쌓인게 이제야 느껴진건지 반복되는 삶이 지겹고 학업 스트레스로 저녁마다 자는게 너무 어려웠어요 아침에 눈 뜨는 것도 싫었구요 새벽에 6시까지도 뜬눈으로 밤을 새기도 하고 가끔은 3시에 눈이 감길 때도 있어서 하루에 3-4시간도 채 못잤는데 일주일전에 이 영상을 보고 요즘은 5-7시간 정도 자고 있어요 학업 스트레스로 잠도 잘 못잤고 힘들고 스트레스도 많이 받았지만 공부 열심히 해서 얻은 결과물을 보면 너무 뿌듯해요 앞으로 공부 열심히 해서 기말고사도 꼭 잘 보고 잠도 많이 자면 좋겠네요!!
У меня на улице идет дождь, и я смотрю как идет дождь)гениально))
Та же фигня прямо сейчас. Почему бы не списать это на проделки искусственного интеллекта? Посмотрел погоду и выдал рекомендации…
у меня тоже дождь)
Good evening my friend have a great night
Nice melody can make your mind fresh and feel relaxed 🌹
Great night hey do you still reply tho
No existe nada más relajante que el sonido de la lluvia.
coincido mister
Coincido master
I’m in love with this piece, thank you for sharing. Wishing you joy, success, and tranquility
sometimes I wish to enjoy this with someone, I'm still happy that there is so many people here just enjoys to listen to so common thing
i main xiao
You will one day :)
I mean…..wtw…
I enjoy it with myself and wouldnt want a 2nd person. She/he would be a hindrace to my peace
Oh hi xiao
I just got recommended and I just came here to say
Man that place is so beautiful
Man this is beautiful! One time when I was a teenager, me and my friends hung out at our Church building for new years. Just a few of us. At about 4am a friend gave me a lift home. I was sleepy from spending time with my friends. So happy. The roads were empty, and the rain was falling hard. I got home. Into bed. And fell asleep as the rain beat down on the roof of the extension outside my window. It's a moment I'll likely never forget. I love the sound of the rain. I love the mood of a quiet night. This video hits those memories. Thank you.
Sounds like an awesome memory Duncan. Nights like that are so special.
한국 안간지 아니 못간지 4년째네요..
한국비 그리워요
비를 참 좋아하는데 아니지 빗소리를 좋아해요
쓸쓸한것이 너무 좋아요
외롭고 쓸쓸한 감정이 나쁜것만은 아니더라구요
빗소리 영상 나뭇잎에 부딪치는 저 빗소리 너무 좋네요
앞날이 두렵고 막막한데
잘할수 있겠죠? 바닥까지 모두 경험해봤는데 뭐가 더 두려울게 있을까요..
잘하자 가끔 이 빗소리도 들으며
여유챙기고 외로움도 느껴가며…
천둥번개 동반한 비도 좋은데
지금 이정도도 아주 좋네요
Something about rain is so comforting
it's evolutionary. predators do not hunt when it rains so our prehistoric ancestors knew they're safe when they heard this
@@murkotron really? Thats crazy and actually interesting. Cool to know
@@murkotron oh thats interesting, I thought it was because it meant that the plants were being watered/dry spells are over. also I think it just makes nice sounds in general and makes me feel cooler (temperature wise)
@@murkotron well scientists could never prove evolution so that’s just more of a theory than anything
@@hyrulenick Uh-huh, yeah, mate, very interesting, keep me posted.
If you're reading this, I hope that day comes real soon where your wildest dreams come true. Where you finally feel that you are at peace with yourself and your surroundings. May your life be full of joy, strength, light, and ease. May you lead a life full of positivity and greatness. You got this. It's gonna get better real soon~
Nice melody can make your mind fresh and feel relaxed 🌹
Thank you so much and wish the best for you, Love and Light
Solo la escuche un rato y hasta sentí q me caigan gotas de una gotera😅❤️.... Me relajo bastante 🙌❤️
Tú techo Bro , ten cuidado
Aguas que eso son goteras no es lluvia
Mi casa es de cartón xd por eso
Sentí un poco de frío por las gotas. 😁
하루 몇시간 안자는 편이라, 짧은 시간이라도 잠을 좀 잘 자야하는데.. 그래서 빗소리 찾다가 이 영상 발견 후 늘 듣고 있어요.. 도움 많이 받고 있다고 감사하다고 인사드리고싶어서 글 남깁니다. 많은 분들이 도움 받고 계실거라 생각해요...
Who doesn't like that peaceful sound of rain hitting the ground? Even when it hits grass, you get that fresh Earthy smell. Greetings from TeXas.
Hello from New Mexico 😁
Hello fellow Texan.
@@unediblebreakfast1789 I have family in Austin and McAllen
its raining in houston rn
Hello from GerMany
This a whole vibe
You made it yet?
I hate u so much
you are everywhere go away
I think the sound of rain sparks a primal instinct in all of us. It gives life
Imma go a bit nerdy here but I think it’s to do with millions of years ago when humans would be searching for a water source so we now enjoy it as it used to be a sign of “ok so we aren’t dying of thirst for a few more days”
빗소리 너무 좋네요. 아파트에 살다보니 이런 소리 듣기 쉽지 않았어요. 잘때 꼭 틀고 자는데 비오는날의 나른함 느끼며 기분좋게 잠들수 있어서 좋아요. 감사해요.
이상하게 아무도 한국말을 못해요
Ютуб поражает своими алгоритмами. Никогда такого не смотрел и на те)
Я тут спать собрался и на те))
@@Alextraza77 тоже)
La tuya porsia caso
Под это спать можно
Esto si que totalmente relajante para dormir, literalmente de las cosas maravillosas para conciliar el sueño
Totalmente de acuerdo con usted, es lo más relajante del mundo
Confirmo x3
En efecto x4
What cours i dinnxi tu en te put
Спасибо рекомендациям Ютуба, ведь это именно то, что я не хотел и даже не задумывался.
Теперь я знаю, что есть и такие видео.
в жару самое оно! ))
@@frankgrimes8143 мазохист
To whoever reads this. Don't stress. Listening to the sounds of nature. I hope everything is good for you. I wish us all a great sleep while listening to this wonderful video! Well done my friend! Thanks for sharing! 💚💙💜
Oooohhh this is strangely more soothing then I thought it would be. So peaceful 💕
👍🌹You the one so peaceful 🍹🍸🥂.
white noise, u're welcome
Was listening to this without headphones, plugged them in and almost didn’t realize a difference.
The sound on this video is absolutely amazing
Я из России
Это дорога такая прекрасная, что мне хочется на ней лежать
Да-а-а-а-а-а, как же я хочу эту дорогу
@@TaxesTexas Хахаха, ты же ее хочешь?Но она тебе не даст
Qrator облом
@@qrator2982 Хих
차이코프스키 꽃의정원 캬 명곡입니다~ 클래식음악처럼 좋은음악이 또있을까요? 감동 그자체입니다.
양평 갈산공원 좋습니다.
봄에는 벚꽃이 예쁘고
여름이면 남한강에서 불어오는 바람이 시원합니다.
The relaxing feeling during rain is quite primal. We instinctively know that no predators hunt during heavy rain. That’s (at least partly) why we feel so safe.
Horror Movies: *am I a joke to you?*
Of course predators still hunt during heavy rain.
But also, all living things depend on and gravitate toward water. Water is life-giving for us, so we like rain.
이상하게 아무도 한국말을 못해요
Me: *has an awful night at work*
UA-cam: may I recommend some rain sounds?
Me: :,)
Yes :’))
@@Aesth3tic_Angel h..hai
@@Mysta-Kun dude don't
@@ppepojpe8987 fineeee 🙄
@@Mysta-Kun ayo?
many people dislike rain but I love it soo much that when I hear the sound my mood goes up immeditally. the vibe, the smell, little breeze..
여기 댓글달아주신 분들 덕분에 참아왔던 눈물도 나고 나만 힘들다고 생각했는데 조금 위안이 되네요. 너무 힘들고 우울했고 최근 안좋은 소식도 들어서 속상했는 데 마음이 조금 편해졌어요. 감사합니다. 잘 듣고 가요!
I don’t know what this said but I can feel what it says x
Sipo mi bro todo el rato, puras bendiciones pa usted
Yes! Wait... No!
한적한 숲길이네요
이런 길은 역시 밤비 영상이 젤 잘 어울립니다.
분위기 있는 영상과 바닥에서 들려오는 빗소리의 조화에 귀가 즐겁습니다. ^^
Nice melody can make your mind fresh and feel relaxed 🌹
I hope everyone that is reading this succeeds in life and accomplish everything they dream of doing 🙏 ✨ ❤
greetings from Brazil bro take care and stay safe. Same wish for you and family.
와영상이진짜너무좋아요 제가진짜 저기에 가있는듯한 느낌이들고 비오는날 혼자 밤에산책했을때랑 느낌이똑같아서 놀랬어요 ㅠㅠ 진짜 잘보고갑니다 힐링대박..
God bless everyone. If you are reading this, you are in alignment with the Universe. Stay blessed forever ✨
Thank you 🙏🏾 Same to you 🤍🙏🏾
Thank you, I needed to hear this ❤️❤️
wtf are you talking about, im reading this and im dumb as fuck
@@jaredpereztorres394 spirtual and religous type stuff idk
It’s so amazing how many different people and languages have found this video
i know! im spanish so i can relate, haha :)
I know, I'm very impressed! :O
I am a french canadian and I agree
russian with u ahah
نعم يا صديقي i agree
Listens more than once:
Brain: "I've heard this rain before..."
I mean your brain isn't wrong
This nature sound really heals my soul. Whoever is reading this, I hope you find peace and harmony for your day. Whatever you're going through right now, I promise, it'll be okay. Peace be with you, my friend. ❤😆
Most calming thing in existence...especially when ur tired
Literally the best thing ever is when you are on a car trip half asleep leaning on the window at night with heavy rain and a long trip
@@poodiepie6140 I think me and u would be good friends
@@poodiepie6140 yes sir
думаю чего ж мне не хватает в жизни
Ютуб: держи чел
Тоже в реках?
@@Goblin-vs4wc причём уже раз 6 в реках
А,это алгоритмы ютуба чтоль?)
Я думал тип просто мне попался видос так как я смотрю ASMR
Мне не хватает мозгов , думаю Ютуб мне его не даст .
@@the_pilot_Dacas я тож смотрел
Idk about anyone else but I just wanna go out in the rain and lie down and watch the dark sky and feel the breeze..and think about all the positive things in your life and to rethink about how far in life you have gotten and keep going..
No ads, this is a man who truly cares about others and their sleep👍
В России рекламу отключили
Immediately after hearing this I said out loud to myself, “this is so soothing”. Thank you for sharing
Leí en un libro hace años qué la pasión humana por la lluvia no es solo por el hecho de la relajación, si no qué es algo ancestral. Cuando nuestros ancestros escuchaban el sonido de la lluvia lo asociaban con fertilidad y abundancia, de ahí fue pasándose de generación en generación 🌧️🌧️
Muchas gracias estimado hombre guardaré este comentario en mi memoria
@@croissant9980 xd
Es que el sonido de la ducha es otro nivel
Сразу же чувствуется Петрикор *(землистый запах,который ощущается после дождя)*
О а я всегда думал как же это называется,этот запах просто кайф невьебенный
Этот "запах" когда-то был причиной множества заболеваний и эпидемий...
@@Lockstream чего?
@@justnumber3408 и почему же?
Теперь мы знаем что такое Петрикор,но мы это забудем.
I'm just impressed by how unnecessary it was to edit in these sweeping camera shots, and random zooms. They're beautifully done and not expected at all of an audio focused video. Love it.
*I can't stop listening to this rain sound every time coz I love it.*
Just let the rain wash away your worries! Every moment is a fresh beginning! I truly wish everyone here gain a abundance of peace and love. Believe in you, you're Amazing🍀 Much love💟
Nice melody can make your mind fresh and feel relaxed 🌹
Much Love and Blessings
I had an amazing time watching this video! What a great way to experience the world. Thank you!!! : )
다른곳에서도 많은 빗소리를 들었지만 여기 빗소리가 제일 좋은것 같아요 싱그러움?
뭔가 무겁지않고 가벼운...? ^-^♡
기분 좋아지는 소리 들어며 잠시 쉬렵니다
اللهم إننا نسألك زيادةً في الدين، وبركةً في العمر، وصحةً في الجسد، وسعةً في الرزق، وتوبةً قبل الموت، وشهادةً عند الموت، ومغفرةً بعد الموت، وعفوًا عند الحساب، وأمانًا من العذاب، ونصيبًا من الجنه، وارزقنا النظر إلى وجهك الكريم
Cadê os BRSSSS aqui MN !!!! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 Brasil... Sonzinho bom neh
Desafortunadamente no están xd
Aqui kkj
Me deu uma vibe estranho amg mdsss
Tmj 😂😂😂
The sound of rain is wonderfully relaxing, thanks for sharing the video
이 음악을 공유 해주셔서 감사합니다. 여러분 모두가이 음악을 즐기고 편안하게 쉬실 수 있기를 바랍니다
Nice melody can make your mind fresh and feel relaxed 🌹
Какая красота, будто вернулся в юность...🌧👍
I remember my time in the army and having been in South Korea. Wonderful place, don’t know why so many hated it. The rain is beautiful and when it starts to pour it POURS. Many a soggy nights doing combat exercises in a massive week long downpour.
You're so brave 😮
Wow this is so beautiful and so relaxing I really enjoyed it great work thanks for sharing 😍🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷
Lluvia: Existe
Yo: día relajante 🌆
para dormir
Espero tengan la sensación de dormir con alguien con este sonido, excelente.
@@someone-yeah-123 que decís gordito, sabes menos de fútbol vos, andate
@@el_francotirador_yt xd
porque tan especifico el titulo del video
Al fin comentario en español entiendo el inglés pero me gusta que hayan muchos idiomas :D
the rain helps me think about my family and what i want to do with them when the sky is grey and it's raining it just helps me to reflect off my self
Stunning birds, magnificent colors! Such beauty.
Me ayudo mucho a dormir, me relaja el sonido de la lluvia, me recuerda a cuando estaba en la universidad :3
Yo leyendo los comentarios y me has recordado que pronto entro a la universidad. Me ha dado nervios de nuevo
@@imneivv4569 tu puedes hacerlo ✨ dale con todo :B
@@imneivv4569 x2 empiezo el 14, tu?
Yo sin poder ir a la universidad por que soy muy burro
@@Songs-nm1bc x2
I have been listening to this every night with my son since he was born 4 years ago. It is the most soothing and relaxing playlist I have come across thus far. We love it. Thank you
Лучшие 8 часов непрерывного просмотра...
Да что-ты, 8 часов точно не смотрел
Ясно то, почему ты бледный.
Yo there are two Ryuzaki here
Wishing everyone who is watching the video have a safe and happy day with their families. I love rain ❤
2 ляма человек: как интересно.
вчера утром было 1.3 миллиона просмотров
на ночь включают
Для сна топчик
Да, это лучшее природное явление
Реклама яндекс маркета:вдруг резко начинается.
Я: А здорово ты это придумал! Я даже в начале не понял. Молодец!
"А ловко ты это придумал"* правильней
у меня тоже)))
Традиция такая
빗소리 너무 좋네요
영상도 너무 예뻐요♡
ทุกครั้งที่ได้มองดูสายฝน ท่ามกลางธรรมชาติ มันผ่อนคลาย สบายใจ
we love it~~~hello korea !!
as somebody who’s not a rain person, it’s interesting seeing other peoples comments about how it makes them feel 🙏🏽
how does it make you feel?
@@savannavargas5988 not much really. i’ve also never really sat through it for a long period of time
Funny becoz u have rainzzz in ur name
It’s beautiful, it’s refreshing, it waters the plants, it sounds nice it looks nice when you’re indoors all cosy or even just running around in it
@@memphisrainezzzz7040 i highly recommend it. depending on the situation and my emotions it makes me feel so many different deep things
매우 편안한 음악, 좋은 하루 되세요😍💖
Good night everyone, even though we don't know each other, you are a good person and thank you for trying your best in life, lots of love
good night my friend, i apreciate your kindness we need more people like you in the world, I hope you had a nice night and that you are doing well in life, have a nice life my friend
Such a human sound.... Rain on the roof. This is beautiful.
@@kevinroa1921 stop it
I’ve had this dream for a couple years now, but I know it will most likely never come true. I want to move to an eastern country, such as Japan, or South Korea, some place like that. Start a new life, get a job at a local restaurant or store, and live on my own in a city. I don’t come from a wealthy family, and I’m not that academically gifted, so my chances of getting into a good school, or moving away, are very slim. I’m in a pretty bad situation, and just long for this change. Hopefully one day I can achieve it, but I don’t know. I know probably nobody will read this, but just thought I should share. Godspeed.
Hope your dreams will come true, also I saw this so happy, not sad🥰
Do your best and update us when it does eventually happens ok
Good luck man
You can catch that dream sooner or later! Or perhaps in the next few years! Keep on believeing!
I agree with everyone here. Godspeed. Keep dreaming and thinking and then plan for it. Every action happened because of a thought
Замечательные звуки, если не можешь уснуть с высокой температурой. Сразу чувствуется прохлада и умиротворение
This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness!!!
Vai Brasil 🇧🇷 sonzinho bom dmais pra relaxar e dormir
n estou ouvido só passei para marcar presença kkkkkkkk
Argentina 1 - Brasil 0
Wunderschönes Video, mach ruhig mehr davon, sind wirklich gut :)
Kept waking up in that weird space where you're awake and asleep at the same time thinking I smelled rain, love this was so peaceful thanks for a good nights sleep.
Thanks for sharing this video, beautiful sound off rain 🌧
Me encanta sentir ese frío que me da cuando escucho sonidos de lluvia
x2 :)
When it rains it is so cozy to just curl up in a blanket and listen to the sound of rain hitting the roof
I don't care if I catch cold, I'll always walk outside when I hear this sound.
walking in the rain at night gives me the feeling of peace especially when I'm alone
you can't get sick from being in the cold. that's not how it works
@@utub1473 cold weakens immune system, which can make you sick any time - or how does it work?
@@Sorgestr Cold exposure actually strengthens our immune system. This is why some people choose to take cold showers. What you definitely don't want to do, is run out into the cold when you're already ill. That's asking for trouble. If you're healthy, cold exposure is fine.
@Safwaan Google is your friend.
Watching this is just beautiful to listen rain is the best weather