We have finally passed that moment when people and especially skilled pilots were ridiculed for so many years, it's time for the whole truth to come out.
On the same topic, Lt Ryan Graves Uncertain Vector Twitter feed of 24th August shows his invitation letter to the Mexican Congress UAP public hearing (which he has accepted) to be held on September 12th at 4pm. There will be representatives from across the globe with a broad spectrum of experiences on the subject and it looks interesting, particularly if there is a live feed and translation. But nothing about this in the MSM, so will Talk TV consider reporting on it?
@hungryj5340 which March the one where antifa and BLM burned down buildings a historic library and were trying to break into the white house or the one where police escorted and welcomed people in ???
I had lunch with a couple of friends - one a long term friend who is an astrologer and the other, a lady I'd only recently met who was an astrophysicist and used to work for NASA, I thought it might be awkward but the astrophysicist wasn't in the least dismissive and in fact said that she had seen things that she couldn't explain and we would find incredible!
@@worldofameiso5491 She didn't go into details unfortunately! And I don't know enough to have been able to ask pertinent questions if she had done! I have another friend who saw one above what seemed to be an old airfield as there were windsocks at regular intervals. She said it was as big as two lanes of a major road and about 30 feet above her and her friend. The front carried a bank of bright lights. It kept pace with the traffic then zoomed off.
Japan air lines cargo flight 1628 incident is a must to watch and what happend afterwards. This occured on 17 November 1986. My friend who was a civil servant was threatened with his job and his millitary and civillian pensions because of what i told him. The captain and first officers log books were classified after this incident. Thanks to people like Christian we are now getting the truth.
That’s weird, cause I’m not a pilot and I’ve seen and have video of silver UAP 2 times in my life. 20 years apart but still seen them on the ground in daylight.
# me too, positive UAP s twice during my career. 1. circular silver orb accompanied by two smaller ones over Berkshire UK 2. cigar shaped object above us at a couple of thousand feet over London.
Same model as the 2-3 seat Tic-Tac, with the cigar elongated to 6-12 seats, and the sphere is 1-seat. Probably made by Lockheed(-Martin) Skunkworks by copying retrieved ET vessels.
@@IveraghboySame reason we use UFOs to smuggle jet parts to Iran - so the rich elite can continue dominating us and playing war games like it's medieval times. It's a cruel farce. If we had UFOs the way we have cars, there would be no controlling humanity anymore. We wouldn't need governments to organize our few resources because we'd have so much energy from the UFO power systems.
I have a pilot friend who flew for a very wealthy family in the 1990’s-2000’s and I asked him if he had ever seen a UFO? He knew that I witnessed the Phoenix Lights Craft in 1997 as it glided about a football field above our heads and he knew that I was extremely interested in the topic. He had been a pilot for almost 20 years when this conversation happened and he told me that if you are a pilot and have been in the skies for a while you have definitely seen things that you can’t explain. He told me that one time he was flying the family from San Francisco to Hawaii he spotted 3 lights that were really high above him. He told me that private jets fly a little bit higher than a commercial jet at around 40,000 feet and these lights were way above them. He radioed in to ask if there was any military flights in his area and they told him that there weren’t. Plus he was not aware of any plane that could operate at this height. He estimated that it was above 75,000 feet and the only plane that he knew of was the SR-71 Blackbird but it was not flying at this time. Plus whatever these objects were,where in a triangle formation and they would blink in and out sometimes. He seen them for about 20-25 minutes and then they just shot off at incredible speeds. This happened in the late 90’s.
Holey moley!!! It was three lights in a TRIANGLE formation!?! That's astounding!!! I waw two lights once in a line formation, and then I saw four lights in a trapezoidal formation. The amazing thing though was the time that I saw three lights in a square formation. Try explaining THAT with physics as we understand it!
So because the military wouldn't speak to your friend as a lowly simple pilot and he didn't have the knowledge to know off any other aircraft that this is a clear sign of aliens coming among us??
@@Paulstrickland01 Did I say anything of the sort in what I wrote? My friend just told me about his experience after I told him about my Phoenix Lights experience. He couldn’t identify whatever was flying above him and he was a pilot in the military prior to him being a private pilot and he couldn’t make heads or tails of what he seen. He never reported it because at that time you would be ridiculed and possibly loose your wings. Which happened to the Japan Air pilots in 1986 when they encountered a massive craft that was tracked on radar and the radar tapes plus the recordings between the plane and air traffic control are out there. The head of the FAA also had come forward after he retired,John Callahan, and he told the story of the CIA coming in and they confiscated the radar data and audio recordings but John had made copies prior to that. He was told that this never happened and to keep his mouth shut. He did until after he retired and came forward with the tapes. I’m glad that there is less and less stigma for these pilots being military or civilian/commercial pilots are coming forward with their experiences. They are seeing these craft daily for years now. From what David Grusch has said along with the over 40 first hand witnesses to these legacy retrieval and reverse engineering programs have told the IG and Congress in private settings they have said that it’s “non-human intelligence “. They have given the IG of the intelligence community the names of these programs,locations of the craft and bodies and the people running these programs. We have not been privy to this information because it’s all classified and hopefully this new legislation written by Chuck Schumer passes and the people and private aerospace companies by law will need to come forward with what they have hidden away.
@danielbradler6546 Yes very clearly. It was a massive gunmetal black chevron shaped craft and it had three lights on each side of its “wings” and a larger amber colored one at the tip. It was completely silent until the left wing was directly above us and that’s when we heard but mostly felt throughout our whole body a buzzing/humming sound. I can best compare it to that of very high voltage power lines or transformer. There was also some sort of distortion in between the wings in the empty space that also went onto the very inside of the wing’s edge. It reminded me of when you pump gas into your car and the fumes distort the air around the gas nozzle. It became blurry in that area. When it was directly above us that’s when I felt a ominous sensation and actually got a little scared because I didn’t know what was going to happen. Because it was completely silent when it came up our way. It was so massive that we couldn’t see the other side of it. People who seen it from the streets said that it was a mile across which I would not doubt. I was 19 years old when it happened and I’m 45 years old now and I still have not seen anything even come close to this crafts size. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is 2,722 feet which is basically half a mile. So if you put two of those buildings end to end that would be the wingspan of whatever this craft was. Just to give you some perspective. I can still close my eyes and picture that thing as if it happened last night and not 26 years ago. It’s just something that I will never forget. We were at the right place at the right time. Just dumb luck that we seen it from the mountain top across the street from our house.
I’d like to get a tissue sample from a cattle mutilation and run toxicology and chemical spectroscopy analysis. I’ve been a pharmacologist/biochemist for 25 years and I’m still just as intrigued about the phenomena as I was in my younger years. I called a ranch in 2004 that reportedly experienced one of these incidents and was met with stonewalling, stuttering over the phone & empty continuously rebuffed promises of a meeting until I simply moved on. Off topic one of the labs I did contract work for were the first to discover the fentanyl epidemic in the US before law enforcement even caught on, the “mysterious” deaths didn’t start in specific centralized locations like with the crack epidemic, rather they started simultaneously in multiple states within days of each other, the pattern was discovered once they started running the numbers and investigating. It was almost as if, dare I say it; it was all orchestrated by someone or something/an organized/well funded/well educated group. There are so many strange things occurring in the US simultaneously that even a novice investigator or just an extremely nosey person could chase a rabbit holes worth of information, such as people in multiple cities dying from a poison found in a plant root that grows only one place in the world. I sincerely encourage people of all backgrounds to “learn” how to be nosey & start paying attention to & start asking questions about their surroundings. Idk if there are UFO/UAP’s but there is most certainly some substance to this, either manufactured or para-natural in nature.
A few years ago, I saw an interview with the former chief pilot of German Lufthansa. Since he was retired, he was able to tell straight from the heart what he had seen over the decades as an aviator, which eluded explanation. The mere fact that there are considerably more civilian pilots than military pilots increases the number of sightings enormously. In this context, one must not forget the sports pilots and glider pilots. Glider pilots are often underestimated. They can easily stay in the air for 6, 7 or even 8 hours if a motor machine has long since had to go down to refuel. In addition, the long-distance world record of glider pilots is over 2000 kilometers, which cannot be achieved by many types of sport aviation. But at night, of course, we are mainly dependent on sightings of airline machines... The suggestion would be to talk to as many former professional pilots as possible and to collect and evaluate their experiences. Of course worldwide. And what I would actually be very interested in is which reports about the "Foo Fighter" have been compiled. And by all warring factions...
Even though the craft are solid but look hazy and even undefinable to the eye, it is just the science of electrical engineering/plasma physics. As these craft operate due the laws of electromagnetism and not the failed guesswork of the Einsteins (man and wife) and his devotees that followed his warped way of thinking. As a craft powers up (gets electrically charged up) and travels through the atmosphere it can be seen in Plasma Discharge Mode 2 (glow mode) or rather the atmosphere reacting with the craft can be seen. As we know from particle accelerators when a charged particle is put into an electromagnetic field it will, loose weight, move faster and spin. And when a charged craft moves, it is moving through the earth's electromagnetic field. With the voltage gradient between the negatively charged earth and the positively charged ionosphere rises by about 100 Volts per meter up through the atmosphere. Most everybody has been soft hypnotized and mainly through the main stream media, to believe we are alone in the universe and that the 'standard model' guesswork being undoubtedly correct. But both are totally wrong and so people are shocked when the guesswork is shown to be just that, very silly guesswork. But of course it had to be this way until the human species grew up a bit and got over its own ego. The E=mc2 equation was just taken from just slightly longer and existing electromagnetic equations kicking around at that time, with its meaning then corrupted, by changing mass to matter and ignoring any electromagnetic involvement. So what it actually means is- Energy (matter in motion) is Equal to the electromagnetic force and associated radiation (spectrum) within the mass and which gives matter, the mass and also, the motion. And so showing that mass (as well as the speed of the Electromagnetic Spectrum) is variable, depending on the electromagnetic force it has within the matter state and which can change depending on external charged environment it finds itself in. So, Matter is a description of atoms whether singular, or together as molecules and can be found in different matter states, be that Gas, Liquid or Solid, with any of these three matter states, being able to be ionised and so be regarded as a plasma. With the mass being the amount of electromagnetic energy the matter has and which also depends on its external electromagnetic environment.
Back in the 1970s I was in my mid twenties. Extremely fit and strong. I could lift car engines out of cars with my bare hands. Played rugby, second row, never afraid of anything. Then one day I came out of a library in Cardiff, and saw two people looking up at the sky, pointing at something. I looked up and saw a shimmering metal ball - and I was terrified !! Ran back to my car and locked the doors. Still can't explain why.
I had 2 experiences. 1st. 12th story high sitting on my balcony back then and a yellow light was like floating by on my hight maybe 150 meter away. Then after few minutes it just disappeared. My neighbor next to me saw it also. 2nd. I was walking door to door for my job. Rang a door. While waiting I turned around looking at the sky and. I saw 10 bright lights dancing in the sky above the clouds. Different colours. Meanwhile the customer already stood behind me watching the same event.
Well, 200,000 flights a day in the U.S and I haven't heard of these UAPs causing any major problems. What is causing problems is crowded airways from so many planes and busy airport runaways.
A few years ago I and my husband watched a large round ufo on the Manchester flight path. Over Blackburn Lancashire. This ufo was the size of a football pitch and we watched for half an hour. I went into the house to get my phone which was charging. I bent down to pick my phone up and a branch from my tree light stuck into my eye. All I remember from that night was washing my eye. I or my husband do not remember anything else. The day after I did attend the eye clinic for a check and was told I might have a tumour. Since I have been seeing an eye consultant.
I've seen starlink hundreds of times. None of my sightings are even remotely like starlink. I think you misidentified me with someone else.@@Man_fay_the_Bru
Yea. When it happens to you, you will understand. I have seen a couple. Was driving during the closest one that would have looked any good on camera. Driving = not going to pull out my phone. Really wanted to. Also didn’t want to kill anyone. And most of the time, it’s very fleeting. It’s not just gobsmacking to the point that you are mesmerized and not thinking immediately about proving it to internet strangers… and usually by the time you reconsider… gone. People who don’t believe this are not good people. Im sorry. But the fact that folks think this is made up… it’s misanthropy. People aren’t lying man. They are real. There are videos and pictures. It’s such a dead point at this point. Go find the footage. Its real. The end.
@@JimmyKlef How convenient that everyone who ever sees one is in a position when it is unsafe to take a picture. Pull the other one. You seriously expect me to believe that in all the alleged sightings not a single one was in a position to get good and convincing footage?
The UK, EU and NATO need to play catch up. Once USA or another Country shares evidence, will other Nations follow or tighten their stance even further?
Yeah, well some of 'em are manned vehicles from elsewhere. Myself and some co-workers had a very bizarre experience and it was not some earthly military. I had a mammoth, silent, triangular craft about 125-foot above my head. That thing was not from around here - period. It was March 0f 1994 in Michigan and these things were being seen all over the state back at that time.
Once you see how fast they are, they can't be anything to do with human technology. It's not even on the drawing boards. Some kind of inertia dampening and it would require more than fusion could produce, gigawatts.
Thanks so much for your re-assurance. I will sleep well now knowing with certainty that the 'tic tac' thing which went from 80,000ft to 50ft in under a second was just ol' Uncle Sam's MIC having some fun. Its so obvious. 😊 BTW, have you read that UFO report to congress a while back..?
@@nigeltooby7681 People desperately want these things to be of terrestrial origin and a lot of people, including myself, have had very weird experiences that prove otherwise. People don't invent UFO stories - there's absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Dag christiaan, voor mij zijn uaps niet interessant meer, zoveel en zo erg vaak uaps gezien. Is wel fascinerend hoe veel verschillende er zijn whaha. Zelf ook paar videos kunnen maken en heeeel veel fotoos. Amerikaanse sites wilden 1 video graag gebruiken. Groeten en hee, ik vraag mij niet meer af of er meer is, dat weet ik
I noticed Garry Heseltine didnt say anything about the Caple Green movie even tho he spoke about bentwaters , very disappointing , are they releasing this film or arnt they.😮
Crosssection of human, yes. Who think it is hocus pocus. I always say: you just have to see it for yourself. In the beginning i found it strange and found myself a little upset why when i saw an uap, it seemed that no one else saw it or Just Gave an explanation ! Of that what they saw was something they knew, existed. Regards
They were being overtaken by swarm of red lights...........sounds like a typical night as a taxi driver on the m25 between Gatwick and Heathrow ........ Aliens exist , so does my mother-in-law ............I know what scares me more :)
It's interesting, but I know that there are scientists who are listening for signals and scientists who are tracking objects in space.First contact would be huge.It's said that there is a whole system of events that would follow a first contact event and I don't believe that any of these things have taken place so I have trouble believing the majority of the rumours
A lot of the reports or "story's" are BS, but some are not. The thing that gets me about SETI is why look across the galaxy when its easier to look in our own sky's. SETI seems setup to fail.
There are lights in the sky, sure. I've seen lights I can't explain. Are they from another world? No, not likely. It's all one design, to promote fear. I fear that if a "hypothetical" person had full control of all media, it would be very easy (also inevitable) to deliberately warp the minds of the viewers. Just that possibility is all i need to discount and ignore them. They simply can not be trusted to tell anyone the truth about anything. Once one has complete control, why would one tell the truth? They could create anything. News will blur into Hollywood.
Nothing will ever happen from this. Just more people talking. We will never know the truth. Might as well come to grips with it and not get too excited people...
@@garygasman1 Right, but as I said, we will never know the truth. We'll hear all the stories, but will never know exactly what "they" are, or get any serious explanation from the govt
The us have ufo/uap's they have been back engineering downed crafts since 1941 then in 1947 at Roswell some reports recon they have recovered 12 crafts plus multiple bodies.
His name is pronounced with an H sound, not a Dutch G sound, and Holland is not the Netherlands. Holland is part of the Netherlands, namely 2 counties on the West coast called Noord Holland and Zuid Holland.
No real,beyond any doubt footage.Maybe pilots should carry small digital cameras,or fit a planes version of dashcams in the cockpit.Lets see some solid evidence.
The new recent sighting commercial pilots are seeing is Starlink, people hate to hear that but it’s true, you can match the actual sightings up with a starlink map, and they match exactly, why do people or better yet pilots refuse to believe this, ego maybe? Let’s get better and updated training for these pilots in identifying what they are seeing
Not only do they appear in other countries, gibralta, but the craft I viewed in rural Australia on 4/5 and 7 Feb coincided with a 'Chinese balloon' and other craft over North America. The 12 craft I watched on 22 Feb ( US 21st) coincided with US airforce calling off training after its pilots encountered a 'swarm' of UAPs. Swarming is exactly the word for their behaviour. I'd seen nothing remotely resembling a UFO in 70 years. It's odd how weird stuff started in mid-2020 just after Earth's skies emptied due to covid. There's definitely something going on up there and a pox on the governments denying us at least a level of disclosure.
I once had a very eerie experience where I saw a REALLY strange object in a kitchen. It was definitely saucer shaped and seemed to have some strange protrusion emanating from it. It turned out it was my ex girlfriend chucking a frying pan at me.
Im covering a lot of these incidents on my Facebook quest for UFO UAP disclosure page . I have spoken with many American air crews about craft they regularly saw ,on Atlantic routes for decades While i was on air operations.
The thing is Micheal no one cares who in hell who you spoke to you because Unless you or they have physical proof like a dead body to throw on the table or some indestructible predator style metal it's meaningless to the over 80 long years of word of mouth. We deserve better here.
Spelling his name correctly would help. Christiaan van Heijst , CHRISTIAAN VAN HEIJST . With that spelling you can find him and see his images, publications. What is wrong with you TalkTV not knowing how to type?
The home grown military technology must be very advanced beyond what we see .The question has always been was some of this technology reverse engineered from a craft/s that have come from elsewhere. Until there is proven and documented evidence I have to keep an open mind. The idea of people from other planets has been apparent for the last 60years or more, it's a bit like the chicken and the egg, and if they are amongst us that would explain a lot and make a cracking film.
Why are ALL UFO photo's/video apparently taken on a potato from the 1880's? All of our 4k/8k/12k digital camera technology and yet NOBODY can EVER take a decent, clear shot?
We have literally scores of satellites taking images of every square inch of the earth around the clock. I'm calling psy-op until one crash lands in my back garden!
They know how to prevent that. The sightings goal is to see our reaction and prepare mankind for a future contact. If scientists, governments and people in general show an open mind, without fear, the ETs will apear more and give us better proof of their existence.
Still waiting to hear about The Gulf War "Oil Rain Orbs" Stories of 3 Days/nights where some 50 or 60 flying balls of chrome that never were still, they appeared to be undulating, spinning, collapsing and expanding all at the same time at once as they slowly then quickly flew through the burning Rain of Oil that Saddam chose to spew all over the place during the War
We have finally passed that moment when people and especially skilled pilots were ridiculed for so many years, it's time for the whole truth to come out.
The government should have never ridiculed people for telling the truth. Shame on Uncle Sam.
On the same topic, Lt Ryan Graves Uncertain Vector Twitter feed of 24th August shows his invitation letter to the Mexican Congress UAP public hearing (which he has accepted) to be held on September 12th at 4pm. There will be representatives from across the globe with a broad spectrum of experiences on the subject and it looks interesting, particularly if there is a live feed and translation. But nothing about this in the MSM, so will Talk TV consider reporting on it?
Lyin Ryan hasn’t actually seen anything but in other versions of his nonsensical story he has, guys a clown
@@Man_fay_the_Bru There's a lot of disinformation out there but it's time to disclose what the government has, enough time has been wasted.
(Clown facing a mirror.)
WTF? 👎
Keep this up and we'll get some truth.
great interview
Thanks for sharing the TRUTH and not hiding it
and how do you know he's not hiding anything for safety of his family?
What truth? It's been over 80 years and no whistle-blower has ever brought any real evidence.
@@mgnishibuya1he is not hiding anything.
Interesting interview. Thanks Chris Tarrant for interviewing this Dutch dude !
What !
Chris Tarrant ??? Haha
Lol! I actually believed you for a second!
Someone needs to organize a march on Capitol Hill that's full of witnesses who want answers. L
@hungryj5340 which March the one where antifa and BLM burned down buildings a historic library and were trying to break into the white house or the one where police escorted and welcomed people in ???
They won't have answers. They will only create more questions.
I wouldn’t do that while the CCP is occupying your government.
1. Programed responses are lame
2. Infinate possibilities and humanity is still brainwashed
3. Know your potential
@@MsTammi125Have you listened to yourself Ms Tammie?
I had lunch with a couple of friends - one a long term friend who is an astrologer and the other, a lady I'd only recently met who was an astrophysicist and used to work for NASA, I thought it might be awkward but the astrophysicist wasn't in the least dismissive and in fact said that she had seen things that she couldn't explain and we would find incredible!
Angela, Babe, don't just leave us hanging, tell us what she told you...
@@worldofameiso5491 She didn't go into details unfortunately! And I don't know enough to have been able to ask pertinent questions if she had done!
I have another friend who saw one above what seemed to be an old airfield as there were windsocks at regular intervals. She said it was as big as two lanes of a major road and about 30 feet above her and her friend. The front carried a bank of bright lights. It kept pace with the traffic then zoomed off.
Astronomer?* Hopefully?
@@Haveuseenmyjetpack Afraid not! But at least not abducted....
Japan air lines cargo flight 1628 incident is a must to watch and what happend afterwards. This occured on 17 November 1986.
My friend who was a civil servant was threatened with his job and his millitary and civillian pensions because of what i told him.
The captain and first officers log books were classified after this incident.
Thanks to people like Christian we are now getting the truth.
I'm getting very impatient with the U.S. promise of disclosure. Any day, week, month now...
What is taking so long?
That’s weird, cause I’m not a pilot and I’ve seen and have video of silver UAP 2 times in my life. 20 years apart but still seen them on the ground in daylight.
# me too, positive UAP s twice during my career.
1. circular silver orb accompanied by two smaller ones over Berkshire UK
2. cigar shaped object above us at a couple of thousand feet over London.
were you high
Same model as the 2-3 seat Tic-Tac, with the cigar elongated to 6-12 seats, and the sphere is 1-seat. Probably made by Lockheed(-Martin) Skunkworks by copying retrieved ET vessels.
@@StephenGillie So why are they still using Rockets to go to the Moon ?
@@IveraghboySame reason we use UFOs to smuggle jet parts to Iran - so the rich elite can continue dominating us and playing war games like it's medieval times. It's a cruel farce. If we had UFOs the way we have cars, there would be no controlling humanity anymore. We wouldn't need governments to organize our few resources because we'd have so much energy from the UFO power systems.
They're not, but other countries are!
Thank you for reporting this subject.
Can anyone tell me why the mainstream news media are mostly ignoring this ??
Ask them!
Nice see Howard
I have a pilot friend who flew for a very wealthy family in the 1990’s-2000’s and I asked him if he had ever seen a UFO? He knew that I witnessed the Phoenix Lights Craft in 1997 as it glided about a football field above our heads and he knew that I was extremely interested in the topic. He had been a pilot for almost 20 years when this conversation happened and he told me that if you are a pilot and have been in the skies for a while you have definitely seen things that you can’t explain. He told me that one time he was flying the family from San Francisco to Hawaii he spotted 3 lights that were really high above him. He told me that private jets fly a little bit higher than a commercial jet at around 40,000 feet and these lights were way above them. He radioed in to ask if there was any military flights in his area and they told him that there weren’t. Plus he was not aware of any plane that could operate at this height. He estimated that it was above 75,000 feet and the only plane that he knew of was the SR-71 Blackbird but it was not flying at this time. Plus whatever these objects were,where in a triangle formation and they would blink in and out sometimes. He seen them for about 20-25 minutes and then they just shot off at incredible speeds. This happened in the late 90’s.
Holey moley!!! It was three lights in a TRIANGLE formation!?! That's astounding!!! I waw two lights once in a line formation, and then I saw four lights in a trapezoidal formation. The amazing thing though was the time that I saw three lights in a square formation. Try explaining THAT with physics as we understand it!
So because the military wouldn't speak to your friend as a lowly simple pilot and he didn't have the knowledge to know off any other aircraft that this is a clear sign of aliens coming among us??
@@Paulstrickland01 Did I say anything of the sort in what I wrote? My friend just told me about his experience after I told him about my Phoenix Lights experience. He couldn’t identify whatever was flying above him and he was a pilot in the military prior to him being a private pilot and he couldn’t make heads or tails of what he seen. He never reported it because at that time you would be ridiculed and possibly loose your wings. Which happened to the Japan Air pilots in 1986 when they encountered a massive craft that was tracked on radar and the radar tapes plus the recordings between the plane and air traffic control are out there. The head of the FAA also had come forward after he retired,John Callahan, and he told the story of the CIA coming in and they confiscated the radar data and audio recordings but John had made copies prior to that. He was told that this never happened and to keep his mouth shut. He did until after he retired and came forward with the tapes. I’m glad that there is less and less stigma for these pilots being military or civilian/commercial pilots are coming forward with their experiences. They are seeing these craft daily for years now. From what David Grusch has said along with the over 40 first hand witnesses to these legacy retrieval and reverse engineering programs have told the IG and Congress in private settings they have said that it’s “non-human intelligence “. They have given the IG of the intelligence community the names of these programs,locations of the craft and bodies and the people running these programs. We have not been privy to this information because it’s all classified and hopefully this new legislation written by Chuck Schumer passes and the people and private aerospace companies by law will need to come forward with what they have hidden away.
@danielbradler6546 Yes very clearly. It was a massive gunmetal black chevron shaped craft and it had three lights on each side of its “wings” and a larger amber colored one at the tip. It was completely silent until the left wing was directly above us and that’s when we heard but mostly felt throughout our whole body a buzzing/humming sound. I can best compare it to that of very high voltage power lines or transformer. There was also some sort of distortion in between the wings in the empty space that also went onto the very inside of the wing’s edge. It reminded me of when you pump gas into your car and the fumes distort the air around the gas nozzle. It became blurry in that area. When it was directly above us that’s when I felt a ominous sensation and actually got a little scared because I didn’t know what was going to happen. Because it was completely silent when it came up our way. It was so massive that we couldn’t see the other side of it. People who seen it from the streets said that it was a mile across which I would not doubt. I was 19 years old when it happened and I’m 45 years old now and I still have not seen anything even come close to this crafts size. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is 2,722 feet which is basically half a mile. So if you put two of those buildings end to end that would be the wingspan of whatever this craft was. Just to give you some perspective. I can still close my eyes and picture that thing as if it happened last night and not 26 years ago. It’s just something that I will never forget. We were at the right place at the right time. Just dumb luck that we seen it from the mountain top across the street from our house.
@@tomking7080 Words words and more words, boring. Come back with actual evidence.
I’d like to get a tissue sample from a cattle mutilation and run toxicology and chemical spectroscopy analysis. I’ve been a pharmacologist/biochemist for 25 years and I’m still just as intrigued about the phenomena as I was in my younger years. I called a ranch in 2004 that reportedly experienced one of these incidents and was met with stonewalling, stuttering over the phone & empty continuously rebuffed promises of a meeting until I simply moved on. Off topic one of the labs I did contract work for were the first to discover the fentanyl epidemic in the US before law enforcement even caught on, the “mysterious” deaths didn’t start in specific centralized locations like with the crack epidemic, rather they started simultaneously in multiple states within days of each other, the pattern was discovered once they started running the numbers and investigating. It was almost as if, dare I say it; it was all orchestrated by someone or something/an organized/well funded/well educated group. There are so many strange things occurring in the US simultaneously that even a novice investigator or just an extremely nosey person could chase a rabbit holes worth of information, such as people in multiple cities dying from a poison found in a plant root that grows only one place in the world. I sincerely encourage people of all backgrounds to “learn” how to be nosey & start paying attention to & start asking questions about their surroundings. Idk if there are UFO/UAP’s but there is most certainly some substance to this, either manufactured or para-natural in nature.
A few years ago, I saw an interview with the former chief pilot of German Lufthansa. Since he was retired, he was able to tell straight from the heart what he had seen over the decades as an aviator, which eluded explanation. The mere fact that there are considerably more civilian pilots than military pilots increases the number of sightings enormously. In this context, one must not forget the sports pilots and glider pilots. Glider pilots are often underestimated. They can easily stay in the air for 6, 7 or even 8 hours if a motor machine has long since had to go down to refuel. In addition, the long-distance world record of glider pilots is over 2000 kilometers, which cannot be achieved by many types of sport aviation. But at night, of course, we are mainly dependent on sightings of airline machines...
The suggestion would be to talk to as many former professional pilots as possible and to collect and evaluate their experiences. Of course worldwide. And what I would actually be very interested in is which reports about the "Foo Fighter" have been compiled. And by all warring factions...
Even though the craft are solid but look hazy and even undefinable to the eye, it is just the science of electrical engineering/plasma physics. As these craft operate due the laws of electromagnetism and not the failed guesswork of the Einsteins (man and wife) and his devotees that followed his warped way of thinking.
As a craft powers up (gets electrically charged up) and travels through the atmosphere it can be seen in Plasma Discharge Mode 2 (glow mode) or rather the atmosphere reacting with the craft can be seen.
As we know from particle accelerators when a charged particle is put into an electromagnetic field it will, loose weight, move faster and spin. And when a charged craft moves, it is moving through the earth's electromagnetic field. With the voltage gradient between the negatively charged earth and the positively charged ionosphere rises by about 100 Volts per meter up through the atmosphere.
Most everybody has been soft hypnotized and mainly through the main stream media, to believe we are alone in the universe and that the 'standard model' guesswork being undoubtedly correct. But both are totally wrong and so people are shocked when the guesswork is shown to be just that, very silly guesswork. But of course it had to be this way until the human species grew up a bit and got over its own ego.
The E=mc2 equation was just taken from just slightly longer and existing electromagnetic equations kicking around at that time, with its meaning then corrupted, by changing mass to matter and ignoring any electromagnetic involvement. So what it actually means is-
Energy (matter in motion) is Equal to the electromagnetic force and associated radiation (spectrum) within the mass and which gives matter, the mass and also, the motion.
And so showing that mass (as well as the speed of the Electromagnetic Spectrum) is variable, depending on the electromagnetic force it has within the matter state and which can change depending on external charged environment it finds itself in.
So, Matter is a description of atoms whether singular, or together as molecules and can be found in different matter states, be that Gas, Liquid or Solid, with any of these three matter states, being able to be ionised and so be regarded as a plasma. With the mass being the amount of electromagnetic energy the matter has and which also depends on its external electromagnetic environment.
A good guy to have on.
Back in the 1970s I was in my mid twenties. Extremely fit and strong. I could lift car engines out of cars with my bare hands. Played rugby, second row, never afraid of anything.
Then one day I came out of a library in Cardiff, and saw two people looking up at the sky, pointing at something. I looked up and saw a shimmering metal ball - and I was terrified !! Ran back to my car and locked the doors.
Still can't explain why.
Flight or fight mode.
I had 2 experiences.
1st. 12th story high sitting on my balcony back then and a yellow light was like floating by on my hight maybe 150 meter away. Then after few minutes it just disappeared. My neighbor next to me saw it also.
2nd. I was walking door to door for my job. Rang a door. While waiting I turned around looking at the sky and. I saw 10 bright lights dancing in the sky above the clouds. Different colours. Meanwhile the customer already stood behind me watching the same event.
Both seem like mental illness.
Bizarrely, I mind my own business daydreaming, and I STILL occasionally see Unexplained things in the sky.
Well, 200,000 flights a day in the U.S and I haven't heard of these UAPs causing any major problems. What is causing problems is crowded airways from so many planes and busy airport runaways.
aliens seems to prefer just slamming into ol good ground XD
@@TimRockIt Well, apparently whatever they are seeing hasn't caused any problems. Hell, they don't even know what they're seeing.
Aviation photographer yet didn’t get any photos 🤦🏼♂️
Don't aeroplanes have cameras all around?
A few years ago I and my husband watched a large round ufo on the Manchester flight path. Over Blackburn Lancashire. This ufo was the size of a football pitch and we watched for half an hour. I went into the house to get my phone which was charging. I bent down to pick my phone up and a branch from my tree light stuck into my eye. All I remember from that night was washing my eye. I or my husband do not remember anything else. The day after I did attend the eye clinic for a check and was told I might have a tumour. Since I have been seeing an eye consultant.
Waren het geen weerballonen?
This is the guy that MISIDENTIFIED starlink wasn’t it🤦♂️
@@PHJPC yes it was🤫
I've seen starlink hundreds of times. None of my sightings are even remotely like starlink. I think you misidentified me with someone else.@@Man_fay_the_Bru
In a day and age when everyone has a 20 mpeg camera in their pocket, yet noone ever photographs anything is the most remarkable thing about UFO's
Yea. When it happens to you, you will understand. I have seen a couple. Was driving during the closest one that would have looked any good on camera. Driving = not going to pull out my phone. Really wanted to. Also didn’t want to kill anyone.
And most of the time, it’s very fleeting. It’s not just gobsmacking to the point that you are mesmerized and not thinking immediately about proving it to internet strangers… and usually by the time you reconsider… gone.
People who don’t believe this are not good people. Im sorry. But the fact that folks think this is made up… it’s misanthropy. People aren’t lying man. They are real. There are videos and pictures. It’s such a dead point at this point. Go find the footage. Its real. The end.
@@JimmyKlef How convenient that everyone who ever sees one is in a position when it is unsafe to take a picture.
Pull the other one.
You seriously expect me to believe that in all the alleged sightings not a single one was in a position to get good and convincing footage?
"Heijst" is dutch word for "heather". So this guy is from the heather-covered hills, just like in Scotland.
I can so vouch for this info as we have watched for 10 years these so called orbs
The UK, EU and NATO need to play catch up. Once USA or another Country shares evidence, will other Nations follow or tighten their stance even further?
Yeah and I hear they dont even do those Rectal exams anymore.
I think they stopped after COVID lol
Share everything with Ryan Graves. Don't go to AARO
I think there is a lot of secret military research being undertaken - many of these sightings can be attributed to that.
Yeah, well some of 'em are manned vehicles from elsewhere. Myself and some co-workers had a very bizarre experience and it was not some earthly military. I had a mammoth, silent, triangular craft about 125-foot above my head. That thing was not from around here - period. It was March 0f 1994 in Michigan and these things were being seen all over the state back at that time.
What about the ones that can't??
Once you see how fast they are, they can't be anything to do with human technology. It's not even on the drawing boards. Some kind of inertia dampening and it would require more than fusion could produce, gigawatts.
Thanks so much for your re-assurance. I will sleep well now knowing with certainty that the 'tic tac' thing which went from 80,000ft to 50ft in under a second was just ol' Uncle Sam's MIC having some fun. Its so obvious. 😊
BTW, have you read that UFO report to congress a while back..?
@@nigeltooby7681 People desperately want these things to be of terrestrial origin and a lot of people, including myself, have had very weird experiences that prove otherwise. People don't invent UFO stories - there's absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose.
Keyword here is SWARM tells me that-
These are not the friendlies.
These are the whisperers.
The hive minded insectoid.
The Legion.
Dag christiaan, voor mij zijn uaps niet interessant meer, zoveel en zo erg vaak uaps gezien. Is wel fascinerend hoe veel verschillende er zijn whaha. Zelf ook paar videos kunnen maken en heeeel veel fotoos. Amerikaanse sites wilden 1 video graag gebruiken. Groeten en hee, ik vraag mij niet meer af of er meer is, dat weet ik
Still no pictures?
Yeah without evidences nobody in the world will believe this is hapenning
I noticed Garry Heseltine didnt say anything about the Caple Green movie even tho he spoke about bentwaters , very disappointing , are they releasing this film or arnt they.😮
Crosssection of human, yes. Who think it is hocus pocus. I always say: you just have to see it for yourself. In the beginning i found it strange and found myself a little upset why when i saw an uap, it seemed that no one else saw it or Just Gave an explanation ! Of that what they saw was something they knew, existed. Regards
Strange lights have appeared since time itself that doesn't mean their aliens.👽
They were being overtaken by swarm of red lights...........sounds like a typical night as a taxi driver on the m25 between Gatwick and Heathrow ........ Aliens exist , so does my mother-in-law ............I know what scares me more :)
these objects travel relativ to a higher unknown frame of reference
About time all the people who have been abducted and people who have sighted UFOS Anne from Australia xx ♥️♥️
“The eye”
It's interesting, but I know that there are scientists who are listening for signals and scientists who are tracking objects in space.First contact would be huge.It's said that there is a whole system of events that would follow a first contact event and I don't believe that any of these things have taken place so I have trouble believing the majority of the rumours
A lot of the reports or "story's" are BS, but some are not. The thing that gets me about SETI is why look across the galaxy when its easier to look in our own sky's. SETI seems setup to fail.
There are lights in the sky, sure. I've seen lights I can't explain. Are they from another world? No, not likely. It's all one design, to promote fear.
I fear that if a "hypothetical" person had full control of all media, it would be very easy (also inevitable) to deliberately warp the minds of the viewers. Just that possibility is all i need to discount and ignore them. They simply can not be trusted to tell anyone the truth about anything. Once one has complete control, why would one tell the truth? They could create anything.
News will blur into Hollywood.
Nothing will ever happen from this. Just more people talking. We will never know the truth. Might as well come to grips with it and not get too excited people...
@@garygasman1 Right, but as I said, we will never know the truth. We'll hear all the stories, but will never know exactly what "they" are, or get any serious explanation from the govt
America have just brought into law that the secret military complex has to disclose all info on UFOs by nxt year
Flight safety? More like Humanity's safety lol
The us have ufo/uap's they have been back engineering downed crafts since 1941 then in 1947 at Roswell some reports recon they have recovered 12 crafts plus multiple bodies.
His name is pronounced with an H sound, not a Dutch G sound, and Holland is not the Netherlands. Holland is part of the Netherlands, namely 2 counties on the West coast called Noord Holland and Zuid Holland.
No real,beyond any doubt footage.Maybe pilots should carry small digital cameras,or fit a planes version of dashcams in the cockpit.Lets see some solid evidence.
E.t phone home 😂
The new recent sighting commercial pilots are seeing is Starlink, people hate to hear that but it’s true, you can match the actual sightings up with a starlink map, and they match exactly, why do people or better yet pilots refuse to believe this, ego maybe? Let’s get better and updated training for these pilots in identifying what they are seeing
Did they take the jab?
Starlink is very easy to identify. No professional pilote will be confused.
@classifiedtopsecret4664 I wouldn't be so sure about that, they love going wild when not flying..
Most have cleared up that no way they can get confused with starlink
@@metalicminer6231 But starlink did not exist 25 ago? When air crews on the airline I worked for, was regular seeing disc & tic tacs.
Why don't they appear in other countries, other than America
They are so do your research before you decide to talk
They do!! Google UFOs in Brazil, South Africa, Russia, for example!
Not only do they appear in other countries, gibralta, but the craft I viewed in rural Australia on 4/5 and 7 Feb coincided with a 'Chinese balloon' and other craft over North America. The 12 craft I watched on 22 Feb ( US 21st) coincided with US airforce calling off training after its pilots encountered a 'swarm' of UAPs. Swarming is exactly the word for their behaviour.
I'd seen nothing remotely resembling a UFO in 70 years. It's odd how weird stuff started in mid-2020 just after Earth's skies emptied due to covid. There's definitely something going on up there and a pox on the governments denying us at least a level of disclosure.
@@TimRockIt "Please don't be angry."
@@garygasman1 I'm not really aware, I hope you can send me a link about these creatures so that I can learn more about them. Thank you
Operation Bluebeam well in swing this year
I once had a very eerie experience where I saw a REALLY strange object in a kitchen. It was definitely saucer shaped and seemed to have some strange protrusion emanating from it. It turned out it was my ex girlfriend chucking a frying pan at me.
Mystery solved!
i had something similar I saw outside my window when I just woke up from a nap, Not really sure if it was real or my mind was playing games
@classifiedtopsecret4664 Absolutely brilliant! I salute you, sir/madam, and you win the internet for today! If only I'd thought of that! LOL!
I too as a male steward on a British airgays flight from London to NewYork had a very qeer sexperience in the planes toilets..
Shields up, evasive maneuvers....
Im covering a lot of these incidents on my Facebook quest for UFO UAP disclosure page . I have spoken with many American air crews about craft they regularly saw ,on Atlantic routes for decades
While i was on air operations.
The thing is Micheal no one cares who in hell who you spoke to you because Unless you or they have physical proof like a dead body to throw on the table or some indestructible predator style metal it's meaningless to the over 80 long years of word of mouth.
We deserve better here.
@@Paulstrickland01 Exactly true
Exactly! No one gives a rats arse who you spoke to or what you SAY you saw. We want EVIDENCE or it didn’t happen.
Spelling his name correctly would help. Christiaan van Heijst , CHRISTIAAN VAN HEIJST . With that spelling you can find him and see his images, publications.
What is wrong with you TalkTV not knowing how to type?
Mars Germans!!
The home grown military technology must be very advanced beyond what we see .The question has always been was some of this technology reverse engineered from a craft/s that have come from elsewhere. Until there is proven and documented evidence I have to keep an open mind. The idea of people from other planets has been apparent for the last 60years or more, it's a bit like the chicken and the egg, and if they are amongst us that would explain a lot and make a cracking film.
Why are ALL UFO photo's/video apparently taken on a potato from the 1880's? All of our 4k/8k/12k digital camera technology and yet NOBODY can EVER take a decent, clear shot?
Because even with the most recent phone...the result will be crap.
People think its cgi when good quality is shown
We have literally scores of satellites taking images of every square inch of the earth around the clock.
I'm calling psy-op until one crash lands in my back garden!
They know how to prevent that. The sightings goal is to see our reaction and prepare mankind for a future contact. If scientists, governments and people in general show an open mind, without fear, the ETs will apear more and give us better proof of their existence.
@@movimentoraeliano4713 Yeah.....right.....okay. Best you start taking those meds again, pal.
Meh! I saw this, I was told that! Who cares.. It’s all meaningless unless you have evidence!
I have proof videos
people are so...whats the word..mullable..no....fullable.....no thats not it...... tullable....ah what is it.
A swarm of drones.....
On Africa it could be witches lol
Its not aliens
"SWARM Of Red Lights"? - Are those the debunked iphone laser "red lights"? LOL, show the video!
Shhhhmoke and a pancake?
Before or after they took the jab? 😂
You read my mind😂
Nice little psyop
...yh, I wonder why they are serving it up now,
Still waiting to hear about The Gulf War "Oil Rain Orbs" Stories of 3 Days/nights where some 50 or 60 flying balls of chrome that never were still, they appeared to be undulating, spinning, collapsing and expanding all at the same time at once as they slowly then quickly flew through the burning Rain of Oil that Saddam chose to spew all over the place during the War
Whoa, what? Source please?