Sure, TEMPO or Temporarily, is a short-term type of change in the forecasted weather conditions that is expected to last less than an hour each time and not more than half the period for which it is forecasted. Ex: TEMPO 0911/0916 5000 HZ FEW030 This means that temporarily between 1100 UTC and 1600 UTC of the same day (9th) there will be a temporarily change in weather in terms of visibility will be 3000 meters with Haze and a few clouds at 3000 ft. The important thing here to notice is that after 1600 UTC the weather condition will either go back to what it was previously forecasted before the TEMPO group or it could further change, depending on that's after TEMPO. Hope that helps
Thanks great work pilot.
Please clarify Tempo defination within TAF
Sure, TEMPO or Temporarily, is a short-term type of change in the forecasted weather conditions that is expected to last less than an hour each time and not more than half the period for which it is forecasted.
TEMPO 0911/0916 5000 HZ FEW030
This means that temporarily between 1100 UTC and 1600 UTC of the same day (9th) there will be a temporarily change in weather in terms of visibility will be 3000 meters with Haze and a few clouds at 3000 ft. The important thing here to notice is that after 1600 UTC the weather condition will either go back to what it was previously forecasted before the TEMPO group or it could further change, depending on that's after TEMPO.
Hope that helps
Where is link
Are you from Canada 🇨🇦