I'm prepared to go through it no matter what, let God's will be done, let me and my name die with me but the name of Jesus live forever. If I suffer through the tribulation, fine, I'll pour my blood out for the gospel, if He takes us, fine.
Gabriel, you won't have to go through The Tribulation. Jesus died on the Cross and rose in three days, your faith and trust in Jesus will protect you from Tribulation. The church is the bride of Christ, He loves His bride, He's not going to beat us up !
@@jjsam5375 I've heard both arguments on the bases of when Christ will return and if His people will go through the tribulation of not. The Bible isn't all that clear and I'm pretty sure that everyone will have to. Revelation does say that Gods people will still be on Earth during this time.
I beg to differ, thousands of people died on the cross, there are worse deaths. It doesn’t take away from his sacrifice or his love for us. Imagine being stung by one of the gian locust, scorpion things in the book of revelation and being unable to die!!
* I for one believe in the Gospel of the Grace of God that Paul was commissioned by Jesus Christ to preach to the gentile nations ( Acts 20:24 ). I'm saved by grace alone and not of any works. If you think you must do something extra for your salvation like suffering for Jesus ( works ), then your salvation is dependent upon works like the Jew. All unbelievers and the nation of Israel will be part of the Tribulation. Israel will still be looking for her Messiah to then set up her millennium kingdom. The gospel that Jesus and His disciples preached only to the Jewish people ( Matt. 9:35 and Matt. 10:5--7 ) was called the Gospel of the Kingdom, and will be implemented at the end of the Tribulation. I have been sealed and will not face the wraith that is to come during the Day of the Lord (Rev. 3:10 ).
Tribulation was reduced by half and again to a 5 month period (as even the elect could be convinced by Lucifer) the season of the locust, may to september
Sterling Crowne I was previously taught that the rapture was revealed to Paul in his heavenly visit/ vision and not to Jesus , it’s all very confusing to me there’s so many different beliefs all referenced to the bible it becomes hard to know what’s right and wrong anymore I’ve now just resigned myself to believing that I’m Preparing to be beheaded for my proof and love for god should the worst be true don’t know what else to expect now c
It takes about an hour and a half to actually READ (or listen) to the Book of Revelation. I encourage everyone to read/listen to it at least once a week. I guarantee you that the more you read/listen, God really opens your eyes/understanding of the book. The more you read it as a whole, the more you get it. Read, read, READ!
Do you think there is rapture or no rapture and we get tribulation. It reads to me no rapture and we get tribulation which is read pretty straight forward if you ask me
Persecution FROM the world because of our faith yes, but NOT THE WRATH OF GOD, which is THE TRIBULATION, from which we have been saved. Rom 5:9 I Thess 5:9 Col 3:6 - are you sons of disobedience?
@@flauntinggg2w812 The rapture BEFORE wrath is poured out on the earth is literally found all throughout the Bible.. Daniel 12;1 teaches the rapture. Matthew 24:29-31 teaches the rapture Luke 17:26-36 teaches the rapture Mark 13:24- 26 teaches the rapture Isaiah 26:19-21 teaches the rapture Revelation 6:12 thru revelation 8 teaches the rapture Job 5:19 teaches the rapture 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 teaches the rapture 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17 Teaches the rapture The first resurrection of the DEAD in Revelation 20 is the FIRST resurrection of the millennium age, not the CHURCH age. How do we know this? Because of the resurrection of the 2 witnesses in Revelation before Armageddon , because of the resurrection of the great multitude seen IN HEAVEN during the events of the 6th seal before any angel is given a trumpet. This guy doing this video can’t even properly define the word TRIBULATION which is clear when he assumes Matthew 24:29 “immediately after the tribulation of those days.” Is after wrath. The term “the tribulation”. Is MAN MADE ! Nowhere in scripture does it refer to the time of wrath as “ The Tribulation!” Nowhere! The truth is tribulation is simply defined as troubles and distress, things the earth has ALWAYS had. So AFTER tribulation comes GREAT tribulation and wrath. Matthew 24:29-31 is actually a RAPTURE event.
Thanks, Lex. I'm so glad for this video. Since I was a child, I couldn't understand how my family and grandparents explained the rapture theory, since their ideas were not supported by the bible. I would read the verses, and then ask them to explain how it was all supposed to make sense, combining the theory with the verses. It just didn't. But I was taught that if it didn't make sense, then it was because I just didn't get it. I am coming to the realization that much of the "christian" things I have been taught since childhood are unscriptural, and the truth is just straight forward and simple. It's all right there. People just need to read the Word without a preprogrammed mental filter on.
There is no rapture theory It plainly tells us in God's Word that The lord will meet the body if Christ in the air .. we have already been judged at the Cross . The Scriptures say that one must be ready to escape the wrath to come upon the earth !
There are clearly two groups of people, at least. The woman is one group and her offspring are another group. One is protected while the other goes through a war with the dragon. I propose that there is actually another group but, at least, that there are two groups is evident. The third group is the bride. At the wedding there is the Bridegroom, the bride, the friends of the Bridegroom, the servants, the guests at the wedding, the one guest who is kicked out of the wedding and those outside. The Bridegroom is Yeshua. Yeshua called John, the Baptiser, a friend of the Bridegroom, so saints who believed prior to Yeshua's death, the servants at the wedding Yeshua said are the prophets. The one kicked out didn't have the clothing of righteousness or didn't do the law with faith in the blood of the Lamb, those outside are unbelievers. The bride are those who do the law with faith that the blood of the Lamb saves them. There are three instances of a rapture. The bride taken first. The woman taken when given wings like an eagle. The offspring of the woman remain to see Yeshua's return and are raptured at the first resurrection. Keep in mind context whenever Yeshua is explaining something or the book of Revelation is indicating something because our Father is dealing with different groups of people who will be in His kingdom.
Love, love, love sound doctrine! Truth is all that matters! It does us NO GOOD to cling to lies. Having believe the pre-trib lie for 25+ years, I thank God Almighty for leading me to TRUTH! I'll take truth over a comforting lie any day!
Totally agree. It does us no good to not be prepared for tribulation if we are told we will not go through it at all. We are no better than our master. Amen. Yah be with you
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Bravo. I’ve tried to explain that the rapture theory is not Biblical but the Resurrection is, and they are NOT the same thing, but for some reason it doesn’t register. Isn’t it amazing how the Holy Scriptures shed so much light on man made commentaries and disapprove them.
I fell for alot of lies whilst being a Christian. But the rapture was the ONE THING I just couldn't agree to. Reading the Scriptures Yeshua made it very clear how things would play out in Matthew 24. And He doesn't mention anything about a secret rapture, even to His own disciples. The fact that Hollywood jumped on board with rapture movies should make any serious follower of the Messiah question this theory. People read into the Scriptures what they want to see - not for what it truly says. Thank you for this teaching Lex. Shalom
Songs when i first became a believer i did not study scripture. I how ever, at an invitation of a fellow believing friend, went to see a film at a local Church about end times and jesus' eminent return. In that film people were raptured prior to tribulation and non christians were left behind. That film made an impression on me and as a result i believed in a pre trib rapture for a very long time. Then something happened. I started to do my own study in the scriptures. I soon understood by studying the bible that the pre trib rapture is false.
it happened in chian when Chinese christians where persecuted by the communist , they Jesus would rapture them any moment to escape their great tribulations . since Jesus did come many gave up their faith to save their lifes as they lost all hope. God nevere promised as safety from persecution. its like Joining the an army and expecting that there will no threat to our life . If people can fight and die under extreme tribulations with great endurance for a nation state that would perish how much more should we christians must be ready overcome the world for the kingdom of God
@@trp2413 agreed Jesus promised blessings and healing both spiritual and physical for believers but never did he or apostles promised deliverance from prosecution for all the 12 apostles except John and the apostle Paul where martyred
I never realized that the one taken was wicked and the one left was righteous. That makes such perfect sense surrounding all the events that happen at Christ's return. Thanks so much for pointing that out!
So this is how Messiah will establish his thousand year reign? When He returns with the dead, we that are alive will then be transfigured in the twinkling of an eye?Great insight. Do you have a video that goes through Revalation? Thank you.
N0TS0SUBTLE, NO!!! Please read and study that verse for yourself instead of listening to false teachers. If you are raptured it’s because you are the wicked.
If you study out the word "taken" it explains it a lot. "...one will be taken" by the antichrist. As in "I was taken by her beauty". "Many will be deceived". When antichrist arrives with his "signs and wonders", MANY will be enamored with him. (taken)
Rod, I have studied out the original GREEK text, (NT is not in Hebrew) you misunderstood my post. I was not promoting rapture theory. Quite the opposite. Those "taken" are those that believe Anti-christ is the real Christ returning. They are "taken" by his wonders. They don't go anywhere. They are enamored by his charisma. He comes in peace and prosperity. They fall for the last lie and believe he is the real deal. Then comes the seventh trump. Christ's glorious return. No one is ever "raptured".
Absolutely excellent preaching!!!!! Matthew 23 - 24 was one of the first scriptures I read when I first started reading the Bible when I was 15 I am now 58) and I have never believed the rapture theory.
I believe all of us as Christians need not publicly argue over this. It only serves to make Christians look weak and untrustworthy to those that are not Christians. The main thing is that Jesus is God, and died for our sins. God told us that His ways are above our ways, His thoughts are above our thoughts. We are not going to 100% understand some things in the Bible, I don't believe it's humanly possible. I also don't believe we need to worry about such details when it brings division in the Church. God gave us everything and more that we need to know for our lives, and made it very clear. Those are the topics that cannot be disputed or debated when it comes to doctrinal beliefs. For example, Jesus is the one true Messiah. Clearly, any true Christian should believe and know this doctrine is 100% true. However, the rapture, pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, old earth theory, young earth theory, premillennialism, amillennialism, you get the point, these are great doctrinal topics for debate, but not for harsh words or "this is the way it is absolutely", because honestly, you don't know 100% and neither do I. For every argument you make, another apologist will make a counter credible argument. It is much better that we lift each other up and have discussions about these topics, not public arguments. All glory to the one TRUE GOD!
I agree that we will not understand everything. However, we need to seek the truth about all things. We do not want to be deceived by lies. The rapture doctrine is a dangerous lie because it tells believers that they will escape tribulation. Remember the parable of the sower and the different types of soil? The seed that fell on rocky soil was received with joy and sprang up quickly, but when tribulation came they fell away. (Matthew 13:20-21) People who believe in the rapture have a misplaced faith, and when the tribulation comes and they are not raptured, they will lose faith and fall away. They did not listen when Yeshua warned us that we will face tribulation.
I completely agree that we should seek the truth. Though I agree with your statement that we as Christians will live through the tribulation, I don't believe there is any Christian apologist alive or past that can say with 100% certainty that the doctrine of the rapture is wrong. There are quite a lot of verses that point to such an event. You make strong arguments, but so do other apologists in the opposing view. My point is that many of the comments being made have been slandering each other and making the Church turn in on itself. We must stand together, even when we disagree on doctrine and be the united Church for Christ. Also, I would argue Matthew 13:20-21 is talking more about people that like the idea of Jesus and being a Christian, but not truly being saved, having roots in Jesus, and falling away because of that reason. A truly saved person, is always saved and rooted in Jesus, even if they are a "cold Christian".
Yea, then what will happen when satan returns pretending to be Jesus? 2 Thess 2:3 & Rev 13:7. You will NOT be able to buy or sell FORCING you to take the mark & LOSING your salvation. Best sound the alarm now my friend. Don't be a FOOLISH virgin. Make ready for WAR.
God will supply all our needs, He always has and always will. During the tribulation new Believers/Saints will have the same choices to make as Church age Saints had to follow Jesus, or Satan. Satan will be given the power to destroy and that includes Believers during that period of time. (the mark of the beast is a choice)
I find it ironic that those who fight to perpetrate the rapture doctrine tell everyone that those who says there is no rapture are the ones taking verses out of context. I look at it this way, there is no rapture I will have to be tested by going though the tribulation (tribulation kinda means being tested as the usual saying is "Trials and Tribulations"). But hey if I am rapture before hand, yahoo...but it will not be a let down for me if I am not. Those that believe this doctrine will be so disappointed as to shake their belief to the very core. In fact my theory is this is what causes the great falling away.
TR Outrider your hypothesis on the great falling away is a good hint of post trib but if I may expand on your comment that “it will be a time of testing your faith” is no understatement due to that fact that those that don’t take the mark on the hand or forehead will not be able to buy or sell without that mark so it’s a definitely plan ahead scenario an prayer/trusting in God to provide for 3 an one half years...
I don't think the falling away will be disappointment & giving up I think they we be very happy to follow the Beast. They will be excited to see the political messiah because that is what they expect. They will help persecute real Christian believers. The pre-tribbers will join all the other unbelievers in the strong delusion. I say this because they already make up pure fiction instead of reading the Bible. Believing another lie is easy unless you have the truth.
It's interesting how some think because they don't have persecutions or trials in life that it must mean the 7 year trib. If you are not being persecuted, you must be a friend of the world according to the bible.
TR Outrider yup this is also what I think will happen... they are so at peace knowing (the lie) that we'll be ruptured before the tribulations that when it doesn't happen their faith will be shaken. As for me I try to pray and prepare my self physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually for what's to come. As they say, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Most importantly keep your faith strong, solid as an immovable mountain and your heart as peaceful as a lake undisturbed by waves and ripples.
it happened in chian when Chinese christians where persecuted by the communist , they Jesus would rapture them any moment to escape their great tribulations . since Jesus did come many gave up their faith to save their lifes as they lost all hope. God nevere promised as safety from persecution. its like Joining the an army and expecting that there will no threat to our life . If people can fight and die under extreme tribulations with great endurance for a nation state that would perish how much more should we christians must be ready overcome the world for the kingdom of God
1 Thess 4 and 2 Thess 2 In 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 a CLEAR SEQUENCE 1/ The COMING of Jesus 2/ The TRUMPET of God 3/ The RESURRECTION and THEN 4/ The Harpazo where we are ALL seized and MOVED TOGETHER to MEET JESUS!!!! The TRUTH is THIS! BEFORE the Harpazo can HAPPEN the COMING of Jesus Christ and the RESURRECTION must happen FIRST!!!! Paul Declares a CLEAR SEQUENCE and a CLEAR DISTINCTION on the COMING, the RESURRECTION and then the HARPAZO! Paul Also CLEARLY declares in 2 Thess 2 what MUST take place BEFORE the COMING of Jesus Christ and BEFORE we are GATHERED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus . Paul said this Sequence: 1/ The Apostasy 2/ The Revealing of the Son of Perdition 3/ The COMING of Christ 4/ Our GATHERING together to Meet Jesus 5/ The Destruction of the Son of Perdition! That is the TRUTH!!! When you PUT the Truth of what Paul says TOGETHER it is like this! 1/ The Apostasy 2/ The Revealing of the Son of Perdition 3/ The COMING of Jesus 4/ The TRUMPET of God 5/ The RESURRECTION and THEN 6/ The Harpazo where we are ALL seized and MOVED TOGETHER to MEET JESUS, yes that is OUR GATHERING Together to meet Jesus! 5/ The Destruction of the Son of Perdition! That is the TRUTH! We MUST exalt what Gods WORD says! What Paul TEACHES is in Harmony with what Jesus TAUGHT!!! Jesus said this to YOU and I! Blessed and Holy are we if we Partake in the First Resurrection!!!
@Nice Clips I will say the Following about the Rapture which is True and Scriptural! The Greek Word for Rapture is Harpazo! Harpazo is a Greek Word that ONLY means to be seized by another person or by a Force and be moved from one location to another! The Greek Word Harpazo is a word that is used in only 13 different places in the New Testament BUT when you look at all of those 13 places you can 100% Clearly see that its Meaning is Consistent! In all 13 places it means to be seized and moved from one location to another! It can be done by man, by Satan and by God or Gods Agents EG Angels! Harpazo is ONLY used ONCE out of all of those 13 places in Relation to Jesus COMING for us and that only place in all Scripture is in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18! Paul makes it 100% Clear that the PAROUSIA of Jesus MUST take place FIRST and at that PAROUSIA of Jesus the Event called the RESURRECTION takes place and then we will be Raptured to Meet Jesus! That PAROUSIA of Jesus is spoken of in many places in Scripture! That RESURRECTION event is also spoken of in many places in Scripture! That Greek Word PAROUSIA simply means the COMING of Jesus when His Presence will be encountered just as His COMING was Encountered at His FIRST COMING when He appeared on Earth! Jesus talks about His FUTURE Parousia in many places and what must happen before that PAROUSIA! Paul also talks about that same FUTURE Parousia of Jesus and what MUST happen before that PAROUSIA! Paul and Jesus also talk in many places about that RESURRECTION that MUST take place at the PAROUSIA of Jesus! In 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul spends the whole Chapter talking about the RESURRECTION event and how it was Jesus that was the First to be Resurrected and Changed from Mortal to Immortal! Paul makes it 100% Clear that in the RESURRECTION two things happen! 1/ The Dead in God are Resurrected INCORRUPTIBLE! 2/ The Believers that are alive on the earth that are Alive at the PAROUSIA of Jesus are Changed from Mortal to IMMORTAL! They are the Two Things that happen in the RESURRECTION before we are raptured! Paul makes it 100% Clear! Paul says NOT all DIE But all will be CHANGED!!! This CHANGING of all in God MUST take place in the RESURRECTION before we will be Raptured! Only those that are in the RESURRECTION Event are GOING to be RAPTURED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus! Paul also makes it 100% Clear that this PAROUSIA of Jesus and our Being GATHERED TOGETHER To Meet Jesus will NOT HAPPEN until the Apostasy takes place FIRST and the Son of Perdition MUST also be Revealed to all! Once this APOSTASY takes place and that Son of Perdition is Revealed by doing all that is Prophesied of him THEN and ONLY Then will Jesus be COMING to GATHER us TOGETHER To Himself by the Rapture and Jesus will Destroy that Son of Perdition with the Brightness of His PAROUSIA!!! The Word of God is Very Clear about this Truth about the rapture and what must happen before the rapture! Jesus Himself said That His PAROUSIA will only take place in the Days after the Tribulation has ended!
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Revelation 3:10 KJV Explain this then
I will say the Following about the Rapture which is True and Scriptural! The Greek Word for Rapture is Harpazo! Harpazo is a Greek Word that ONLY means to be seized by another person or by a Force and be moved from one location to another! The Greek Word Harpazo is a word that is used in only 13 different places in the New Testament BUT when you look at all of those 13 places you can 100% Clearly see that its Meaning is Consistent! In all 13 places it means to be seized and moved from one location to another! It can be done by man, by Satan and by God or Gods Agents EG Angels! Harpazo is ONLY used ONCE out of all of those 13 places in Relation to Jesus COMING for us and that only place in all Scripture is in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18! Paul makes it 100% Clear that the PAROUSIA of Jesus MUST take place FIRST and at that PAROUSIA of Jesus the Event called the RESURRECTION takes place and then we will be Raptured to Meet Jesus! That PAROUSIA of Jesus is spoken of in many places in Scripture! That RESURRECTION event is also spoken of in many places in Scripture! That Greek Word PAROUSIA simply means the COMING of Jesus when His Presence will be encountered just as His COMING was Encountered at His FIRST COMING when He appeared on Earth! Jesus talks about His FUTURE Parousia in many places and what must happen before that PAROUSIA! Paul also talks about that same FUTURE Parousia of Jesus and what MUST happen before that PAROUSIA! Paul and Jesus also talk in many places about that RESURRECTION that MUST take place at the PAROUSIA of Jesus! In 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul spends the whole Chapter talking about the RESURRECTION event and how it was Jesus that was the First to be Resurrected and Changed from Mortal to Immortal! Paul makes it 100% Clear that in the RESURRECTION two things happen! 1/ The Dead in God are Resurrected INCORRUPTIBLE! 2/ The Believers that are alive on the earth that are Alive at the PAROUSIA of Jesus are Changed from Mortal to IMMORTAL! They are the Two Things that happen in the RESURRECTION before we are raptured! Paul makes it 100% Clear! Paul says NOT all DIE But all will be CHANGED!!! This CHANGING of all in God MUST take place in the RESURRECTION before we will be Raptured! Only those that are in the RESURRECTION Event are GOING to be RAPTURED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus! Paul also makes it 100% Clear that this PAROUSIA of Jesus and our Being GATHERED TOGETHER To Meet Jesus will NOT HAPPEN until the Apostasy takes place FIRST and the Son of Perdition MUST also be Revealed to all! Once this APOSTASY takes place and that Son of Perdition is Revealed by doing all that is Prophesied of him THEN and ONLY Then will Jesus be COMING to GATHER us TOGETHER To Himself by the Rapture and Jesus will Destroy that Son of Perdition with the Brightness of His PAROUSIA!!! The Word of God is Very Clear about this Truth about the rapture and what must happen before the rapture! Jesus Himself said That His PAROUSIA will only take place in the Days after the Tribulation has ended!
Thank you brother! This is forever the greatest argument, as true believers, that we engage in. Of course, I heard this a long time ago from a church that's saying the same things you did in this video. The enemy has deceived so many on so many different "doctrines" that the Word of God says the opposite on. Either unlearn the lies or loose your allotted inheritance. When I first accepted Christ in my life as a young boy, satan laughed at me (literally and very audibly). Now, I'm laughing at his foolishness. I need to watch more of your videos. God bless you brother! Keep them coming!
Satan’s greatest ambassadors are not pimps, politicians, or power-brokers, but pastors. His priests do not peddle a different religion, but a deadly perversion of the true one. His troops do not make a full-out frontal assault, but work as agents, sneaking into the opposing army. Satan’s tactics are studied, clever, predictable, effective. Therefore, we must always remain vigilant. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-16a).
Yep, I DON'T want to be part of the 'taken', there's still lots of work to do here in the service of the Lord. I think that's one reason we're given the Armor of the Lord. Thank you!
Thanks, I have always thought the same ... if I am in the love of Jesus why would I abandon those in need of being saved for the lord. I will stand right next to as a Soldier of Jesus Christ ...
The taken ones are the ones that live right and ready and puts lots of effort in keeping on the right path. It is almost the same as to say there should have been no flood in Noah's days cause almost no one was ready and did not believe so no flood please. The Bible clearly say that Jesus will come like a thieve in the night and take His bride and be ready. Then there will still be people after the "rapture" that will wake up and realise the Bible is true and will only then follow God but they will be part of the great tribulation and will be killed for believing and preaching the Gospel.
I've found your channel! This is amazing. I'm scanning carefully for lies or mistakes and haven't seen any yet.. not that I'm an expert. I've read my bible much and came to similar less well spoken conclusions. But being a layman mostly occupied with work and supporting my family I haven't the time to organize that subject like you have. All I could do for this subject was to file it away that if I'm left behind, I knew there were parts in the bible that told that it was a thing and I could help out my family with that if the situation ever came up. You actually put it down in a comprehendible biblical message here. Thanks.
This channel has cleared up so much of my confusion. Also, I realize something amazing. At 7:00, Matthew 24:29-31 is in parallel to the creation. "The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." versus: "the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also." - Genesis 1:16
I will say the Following about the Rapture which is True and Scriptural! The Greek Word for Rapture is Harpazo! Harpazo is a Greek Word that ONLY means to be seized by another person or by a Force and be moved from one location to another! The Greek Word Harpazo is a word that is used in only 13 different places in the New Testament BUT when you look at all of those 13 places you can 100% Clearly see that its Meaning is Consistent! In all 13 places it means to be seized and moved from one location to another! It can be done by man, by Satan and by God or Gods Agents EG Angels! Harpazo is ONLY used ONCE out of all of those 13 places in Relation to Jesus COMING for us and that only place in all Scripture is in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18! Paul makes it 100% Clear that the PAROUSIA of Jesus MUST take place FIRST and at that PAROUSIA of Jesus the Event called the RESURRECTION takes place and then we will be Raptured to Meet Jesus! That PAROUSIA of Jesus is spoken of in many places in Scripture! That RESURRECTION event is also spoken of in many places in Scripture! That Greek Word PAROUSIA simply means the COMING of Jesus when His Presence will be encountered just as His COMING was Encountered at His FIRST COMING when He appeared on Earth! Jesus talks about His FUTURE Parousia in many places and what must happen before that PAROUSIA! Paul also talks about that same FUTURE Parousia of Jesus and what MUST happen before that PAROUSIA! Paul and Jesus also talk in many places about that RESURRECTION that MUST take place at the PAROUSIA of Jesus! In 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul spends the whole Chapter talking about the RESURRECTION event and how it was Jesus that was the First to be Resurrected and Changed from Mortal to Immortal! Paul makes it 100% Clear that in the RESURRECTION two things happen! 1/ The Dead in God are Resurrected INCORRUPTIBLE! 2/ The Believers that are alive on the earth that are Alive at the PAROUSIA of Jesus are Changed from Mortal to IMMORTAL! They are the Two Things that happen in the RESURRECTION before we are raptured! Paul makes it 100% Clear! Paul says NOT all DIE But all will be CHANGED!!! This CHANGING of all in God MUST take place in the RESURRECTION before we will be Raptured! Only those that are in the RESURRECTION Event are GOING to be RAPTURED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus! Paul also makes it 100% Clear that this PAROUSIA of Jesus and our Being GATHERED TOGETHER To Meet Jesus will NOT HAPPEN until the Apostasy takes place FIRST and the Son of Perdition MUST also be Revealed to all! Once this APOSTASY takes place and that Son of Perdition is Revealed by doing all that is Prophesied of him THEN and ONLY Then will Jesus be COMING to GATHER us TOGETHER To Himself by the Rapture and Jesus will Destroy that Son of Perdition with the Brightness of His PAROUSIA!!! The Word of God is Very Clear about this Truth about the rapture and what must happen before the rapture! Jesus Himself said That His PAROUSIA will only take place in the Days after the Tribulation has ended!
There is a lot of pressure by fellow Christians to believe in pre trib , it's almost a "given", I went along with it without really looking at the biblical evidence, now I hope for a pre trib rapture, but am preparing for tribulation. It's very disturbing that in my church , it has become almost heretical to question pre trib doctrine. Alarm bells are ringing
Matthew 24 solves it all ! no rapture and the taken part: like the days of Noah those who are taken are the ones who are killed not beamed up to heaven. And those of us who are left behind are still here and must stand firm to the return of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. please read the chapter as a whole to see the truth.
Matthew 24 are the first seals- after the 24 elders are in Gods throne room - The first fruits of the harvest of souls- Gods faithful sons- the wedding super isn’t until the full body of the bride is complete - at the very end!
I really appreciate this. It was driving me crazy because I didn't see any proof of a rapture. People will call you all sorts of things for just not agreeing with them
Lex, you make a good argument but I'm not convinced. I view Enoch as the first rapture "type" and Noah and family as believers that were protected THROUGH the tribulation. In the parable of the 10 virgins, all 10 were looking for the groom (Christ) but only five had oil (Holy Spirit), five were take to the wedding, the last five go through the great tribulation.
We will be protected through the tribulation, but that does not mean we will be taken out of this earth. The five virgins with oil entered the kingdom when the groom returned, the other five did not get to enter. This says nothing about them facing tribulation or avoiding tribulation.
I'll make this easy: Noah and his family were protected and kept from wrath by God. The ark is a type or picture of the rapture to come. "As the days of Noah were, so also shall it be at the coming of the son of man" The ark and Noah's flood are analogous events.
erictheBaptist Yeah, what about Revelation 12:6 & 14? I think it's possible that those verses could be linked with the Isaiah verse you mentioned. I'm not trying to take any analogy too far. It just seems to me that Noah was still in the world and, in fact, that's proved by the verses following the flood.
erictheBaptist you are confusing the wrath of God with the tribulation period. They are two separate events. Further moré, how do you answer jesus' use of the word s "taken away by the flood" as an análogy when he returns?
There are clearly two groups of people, at least. The woman is one group and her offspring are another group. One is protected while the other goes through a war with the dragon. I propose that there is actually another group but, at least, that there are two groups is evident. The third group is the bride. At the wedding there is the Bridegroom, the bride, the friends of the Bridegroom, the servants, the guests at the wedding, the one guest who is kicked out of the wedding and those outside. The Bridegroom is Yeshua. Yeshua called John, the Baptiser, a friend of the Bridegroom, so saints who believed prior to Yeshua's death, the servants at the wedding Yeshua said are the prophets. The one kicked out didn't have the clothing of righteousness or didn't do the law with faith in the blood of the Lamb, those outside are unbelievers. The bride are those who do the law with faith that the blood of the Lamb saves them. There are three instances of a rapture. The bride taken first. The woman taken when given wings like an eagle. The offspring of the woman remain to see Yeshua's return and are raptured at the first resurrection. Keep in mind context whenever Yeshua is explaining something or the book of Revelation is indicating something because our Father is dealing with different groups of people who will be in His kingdom.
I appreciate your videos! I respectfully want to add this food for thought... doesn’t the last trumpet (of tribulation) take place BEFORE the bowls of judgement? Does it not stand to reason (within context) that the Lord would remove His people before the bowls of judgment, but at the last trumpet?
This is where you're describing something that the Bible does not say in your context, learn biblical history. It doesn't say "the last trumpet in Revelation", IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN WRITTEN BY JOHN YET! 😉It says "THE LAST TRUMPET" The last before Jesus returns! So you're giving out and believing false rapture doctrine of the lack of understanding. It's clear when it happens, at the end of the 7 years and Jesus will instantly slay the wicked on His return in one blow, riding a white horse, wearing white, it's described in revelation. It will be instant Justice meted out to the wicked still alive on Earth. Those of us left will be the elect/saved and we will rule the world in complete love and peace with Jesus a 1000 years. None of the rapture doctrine make a lick of sense against the Bible and prophecy.
The "last trumpet" as in Revelation is what you're referring to as the "seven trumpets and seven bowls." That's not what is implied at all. It's pretty clear, anyone with a modicum of wisdom can read the word, ask the Lord for wisdom, think of the history of when these things are said and figure this out. It was a fool that invented the rapture. Uneducated in comparison to any person with wisened godly sense. Besides. The Bible warms against listening to those with "secret wisdom" for the Bible very sternly. The fact of the matter is--if there was a "rapture" there would be words for it in Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic and it would certainly be spoken about by Jesus. By the prophets and the Lord. I feel that's a VERY important thing for God to accidently leave out, don't you??? This should leave everyone who ever had a hint of doubt about a rapture with an obvious answer in that itself. God failed to ever bring it up, ONCE. Smells fishy, find you think? And it was cooked up only 170 some odd years ago? Sure, sounds legit to me. So many people in my family much more paper educated than me but into it and preach or preached it in their life times. They NEVER question anything they were taught in church and it IS NOT EVEN BIBLICAL! But my biblical education and experience and I.Q. far surpasses most of theirs.
@@HandlingItAll hey thanks for answering. It was a genuine question bc I am just trying to learn. Okay so, can you tell me how the scripture where Paul says two people will be (I think He said milling?) one will be taken and another left behind? I appreciate this discussion very much.
Well it does not quite add up with this interpretation of the scriptures. We are told we do not know the day nor the hour he will return so be ready at all times. If he is coming back only at the end of the tribulation, we will know when he's coming. Also, Paul would never of had to rebuke the people who had quit their jobs and sat on the mountain top waiting for Jesus if they were waiting for the end of the tribulation for him to return. The early believers knew Jesus was coming back before he came to set up his kingdom on earth. Also, Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
Absolutely correct..Christ constantly warned people to be ready because it could happen at any time. If it doesn’t happen until after the tribulation then all of that teaching was really for nothing because everyone would know when it would be.
The feast of trumpets is the ONE feast that you never knew "the day or the hour" in advance because it occurs on the first day of the month. The month according to the original Biblical reckoning of time began at the first sighting of the new moon by two witnesses. People would know within a day or two when it would happen based on the previous new moon, but wouldn't know in advance the exact "day or the hour." People err in their understanding because we foolishly assume that they used a calculated calendar such as we inherited from the pagan Babylonian system.
Amen brother! This video is so good to hear! People need to wake up instead of being comfy cozy in their own little worlds unmotivated to worry about anything. Rhere an over assurance that the world is already won! The Lord has a battle plan for us to be part of! :) God Bless You! :)
How is this video "good to hear"? Do you actually _want_ to be left here to face the woes and plagues The Lord will send to unbelievers? I'm grateful that no man can steal my blessed Hope despite many who twist Scripture and lie to people about believers being left behind. Perhaps not all post-tribbers purposely lie but they don't know how to rightly divide The Word of Truth. Christ isn't going to leave His body (Colossians)/His Bride (Ephesians 5:25-27) on earth to face God's wrath. He said we (believers) are not destined to wrath. *1 Thessalonians 5:9* - _For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our LORD Jesus Christ,_ The only people who will be left here to face God's wrath are unbelievers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If John The Apostle, a believer of the gospel of Jesus Christ, was taken to heaven and shown things, by God, _"which must be hereafter,"_ my question to you is... _"hereafter"_ what? What _else_ could *Revelation 4:1-2* be talking about if it's not talking about a catching away of believers before Jacob's Trouble? The church wasn't present for the first 69 weeks intended for Israel, so why would the church be here for the 70th week? The Church and Israel are two different things. Who are the 24 elders dressed in white and wearing crowns in *Revelation 4:4?* They certainly aren't on earth. *Revelation **7:13**-14* - _And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb._ This is proof that the 24 elders *ARE NOT* people who were left behind! There is an obvious distinction. How is being left here to face God's wrath comforting to _anyone?_ Christ purchased the church/His bride with His own blood. *Acts **20:28* - _Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood._ He paid for us believers and He's coming back to take us to the place He prepared for us. It can't get any better than this! *John 14:2* - _In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also._
Do It Like The Bereans I do not fear death... I pray that the holy spirit will lead you to a peace that surpasses all understanding that includes peace about death! I prayed for it and received it, and you can too! The Holy Spirit wants vigilant Christians who are ready for anything, focused not on heaven but on others' salvation!
Please, explain why the LORD told us to pray that we will be accounted worthy to escape the things that are to come upon the earth during the tribulation period, and pray that we will be accounted worthy to go before HIM in HIS day ???
Because the Lord expects people to prepare to escape the great tribulation in much the same way that Jewish bridegrooms expected their brides to prepare for their arrival to take them home. But those who aren't prepared are left behind.
We should not waste time and energy debating pre-trib, prost-trib or no rapture. None of us is guaranteed the next five minutes; therefore, it would be more profitable to put our time and energy into loving God, and loving others as our selves and backing up this love by doing good so that others may see our example and follow.
@@cryptojihadi265 you are so wrong....but more important is who you say Jesus is....? The Lord Jesus Christ, God in the flesh? You have to know him, to be with Him and the Father and the Holy Spirit....
MEECHIE Johnson not trying to be arrogant, but to be truthful you haven't been reading enough. Every single time the Great Tribulation is mentioned, you will not see a Christian anywhere in those texts. Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, all being spoken to the Jews and about Jews in the context of Jews. And Paul's letter of Thessalonians, that is directed towards the church aka the non-jews. Obviously the Apostle Paul being the minister to the Gentiles he was given a different dispensation of gospel. Please reread.
Theres more than 1 ressurection and rapture... I prefer to call it the time of jacobs trouble or Daniel's 70th week as opposed to rapture. People tend to want to straw man ideas or concepts that are biblical but don't necessarily show up in one word like rapture or bible or trinity but the ideas are all over scripture...
Donna ⚠️ You'd obviously know who are the two most popular UA-cam preacher's favouring the rapture theory, correct ❓ Yes, I'm referring to Gene Kim and Robert Breaker (ROBBER of TRUTH and BREAKER of laws and commandments). Both these theorists claim the rapture is imminent, but the Bible also makes it clear there will be a gathering FIRST. So, by this time all the rapture believers should already be gathered together in ONE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. QUESTIONS: 1) Are the believers gathered together in ONE PHYSICAL PLACE for the rapture ❓ 2) Where is this location❓Florida, San Jose, Mexico, desert, forest, jungle...❓
This channel is an example of eisegesis. You assume that there is no pretrib rapture and then you read that into the interpretation of the rapture verses. Try exegeses where you read the scripture with no preconceived notion and glean the meaning out of it. That is sound Bible hermeneutics. Why there are so many cults is because of using eisegesis to interpret scripture. Someone once said that you can twist any meaning out of the Bible if you torture it enough.
When will the resurrection take place? ‘In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.’ 1 Corinthians 15:52 There are pastors convinced the resurrection of the elect will take place at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. They believe the last trumpet blown has to be the 7th trumpet. (1 Thes. 4:16, 1 Cor. 15:52) They teach the Two Witnesses somehow represent the church. After the 7th trumpet sounds, they insist the church will be resurrected and ascend into heaven in a cloud. This interpretation has four critical errors. 1. The mystery of the saints receiving incorruptible bodies will take place when the trumpet of God sounds. (1 Cor. 15:50-52, Mat. 24:31, 1 Thes. 4:15-17) The mystery of God will be completed in the days before the 7th trumpet sounds. (Rev. 10:7) Which means 208 the 7th trumpet can’t be the same trumpet blown at the coming of our Lord. (1 Thes. 4:15-16) 2. God will sound the last trumpet at the resurrection of His elect. (1 Cor. 15:52, I Thes. 4:16) Only angels sound the seven trumpets. (Rev. 8:1-13; 9:1-21; 11:15) 3. Nowhere in scripture are the Two Witnesses ever called the church. 4. During the great tribulation, between the 6th and 7th seals, a great multitude go up to heaven. (Mat. 24:21-22, Rev. 7:9-17) During the day of the Lord, between the 6th and 7th trumpets, the Two Witnesses go up to heaven. (Rev. 9:13; 11:7-15) There is no resurrection of the dead in Christ at the 7th trumpet. There is no gathering of alive believers. People won’t be having fun, getting married. Our Jesus certainly won’t be coming back like a thief in the night at the 7th trumpet. Without a doubt, Satan is using this deception as a smokescreen to prevent many from understanding the timing and consequences of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mat. 24:4-5, 30-31, 36-39, 1 Thes. 4:13-17, 2 Thes. 2:1)
Rapture: Who is taken and who is left? Jesus says the lost are taken, the left behind are saved, and the accounts of Noah and Lot confirm this:Luke 17:26/28 And as it was in the days of Noe/Lot, ...the flood came, and them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37-41, 22:13, Genesis 7:23, 19:24,29, Isaiah 8:14-15, Ezekiel 33:4, Zechariah 13:8-9 Who is taken (killed)? Who is left (saved)?In every Scripture, the wicked are taken (killed), and the righteous are left behind (saved).
Please explain this: post-tribbers seem to get really mad at pre-tribbers. Why? What does it matter for me to hope/ believe/ pray for an earlier rapture?
There is no rapture (pre or post). When Messiah returns we will be gathered together with Him into His kingdom here on earth. The dead will be resurrected and the living will be transformed, but we are not raptured to heaven.
UNLEARN the lies. I didn't say anything about heaven. I just want to be snatched away from Earth and meet Jesus in the air, sooner rather than later. Where He puts me after that is up to Him.
If that's true, then where does the Great White Throne Judgement take place? Nothing here lasts forever. Either the sun will swallow us or Andromeda will take us out. I think you are mixing the fact that we need to take back the land of Israel with the last day. We will be made to dwell in the land safely, the world will know that YHWH sent His Son, then, when people still don't repent, hence the curse for anyone who doesn't go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in Zechariah 14, the Lord takes us before the angel in Rev. 7 holds back the winds. If the Earth doesn't have any winds and large things are falling from the sky, what does that mean?
+Natasha Mudfor... 'get really mad' may not be the appropriate response. However, if a teaching is false and dangerous then we should refute it. The error of premillenialism is that it (a) denies that Jesus is reigning in His kingdom now - contradicting Colossians 1:13 for example. and (b) anticipates a return to old covenant living (earthly temple, human priesthood, sacrificial system, Jewish superiority).. all of which were done away in Christ. Premillenialism is not discovered by exegesis of the Bible but only ever by imposing it's paradigm on the Bible. For example, in the vision of Daniel 9:24-27 is there any mention of an indefinite time gap? No. 7+62+1 exactly equals 70. Of anti-christ, a covenant between Israel and anti-Christ? None of these things are there but pre-mills insist that they are. That is a distortion of scripture. Can't get much more serious error than that.
+Darya Hupp.. .your questions about the time of judgement and what happens to this old world are addressed by Peter (2 Peter chapter 3). 'But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up' and 'But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men'. The end is very simple, not at all like the popular 'end-times' scenarios make out.
So I have a question. As you stated that in matthew 24 was talking or stating that the rapture would be after tribulation. So in Revelation 16:12, talks or gives statement to almost the same event, now at the point in time when the 6th seal was broken, are they stating about the same topic that will occure though it may not be the same word for word?
+Do It Like The Bereans ... what do you have in mind? Where in Revelation (or anywhere else) do we find a left-behind style secret rapture? You need to be specific.
That is wrong in so many ways, and the first and most important is that Jesus paid the price for you. If you don't believe that then you need to question your own salvation and see if you are one of His children yet.
Can you help me with something...what does Jesus mean in Rev. 3:10 when He says..." Because you have kept the word of my perseverance, I will keep you from the time of testing coming on the whole earth."
About your video of the rapture. I watched your video about the rapture twice, and felt the urgency to get things clear for myself about this doctrine, since I consider it of great importance, and I used to consider you a good master of the Scriptures. I respect you, but as a believer, I took this matter seriously. I have to admit you made me doubt it, but I took the time to carefully read the passages in the Bible that you mention, and I personally come to the conclusion that there is a rapture. My honest conclusion, after reading and analizing the verses in their whole chapter contexts. I encourage you to carefully read them. To me, in all given portions of the Word, it's pretty clear: first the dead will rise, THEN US, will gather with the Lord in the clouds. Also, we'll be TRANSFORMED from a animal body to an incorrupted, espiritual one. The reference you make about the angels gathering and taking the good plants INTO the Lord's barn. Also mentioning, from Yeshua Himself, that the angels Will gather us from the 4 corners. It's not even implicit, all this is plain and explicit. Please reconsider your opinion, because I think you are mileading people and bringing confusion.
Marco Silva ... brother when I came to the same heartfelt search for rapture GOD answered me clear as day and rapture is true. I don’t need man to open my eyes when the Holy Spirit and GOD Show me. I find a lot on this channel to be religion still living under old covenant and missing what JESUS frees us from.
so right. YOu know, its scarry to think that IF ONE teaches a FALSE doctrine then they are under Gods wrath ( remember, there is a strong responsibility therin) and i personally would not want that hanging over my head unless i was 110% sure and really, there are two good arguments for and against ( no matter what i personally beleive). Perhaps we all need to take a long breath and rethink a lot of our actions since folks are looking to preachers for spiritual and life guidance......
Im new to this channel and his teaching about the Law vs Grace was completely wrong. I would take what he says with a grain of salt and let the Holy Spirit guide you in the Word.
So actually none of us goes to heaven gods kingdom with Jesus placed as king is here on earth. Revelation even says the tent of god (Jesus) will remain with them on earth
What does our Lord mean by ‘Immediately after the tribulation of those days’? “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Matthew 24:29 Let’s remember the 70th week of Daniel is never called the tribulation period. (Daniel 9:24) When our Lord says after the tribulation of these days, He is referring to the tribulation of the first five seals on the outside of the heavenly scroll. (Mat. 24:4-26, Rev. 6:1-11) The events from the first three seals, the beginning of sorrows, will take place in the first half of the seven years. (Mat. 24:4-8, Rev. 6:1-6) The Lamb of God will open the 4th seal in the middle of the 70th week. (Rev. 6:7-8, Mat. 24:9-26) This marks the beginning of the great tribulation of the saints by the Beast. (Mat. 24:21-22, Rev. 13:3-7) Martyrs are seen in heaven after the 5th seal opens. (Rev. 6:9-11) Immediately after the tribulation of the first five seals, the sun, moon, and stars will lose their light. (Mat. 24:29, Rev. 6:12-17, Joel 3:15, Isa. 13:10) The Son of Man will come with the dead in Christ and His angels after the opening of the 6th seal. (Mark 13:24-27, 1 Thes. 4:14-15)
Unearned I agree, there is no pre-trib rapture, I think this is important because it causes us to think about others instead of just thinking about ourselves and how we will be safe. Instead of how we can save others
Get it right. We can't save others. Only Jesus saves. We are to Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
@@achristianconvertedtochris5862 great point, tell about Jesus Christ NOW, before the rapture, so more can go...This is true...rapture...our Lord Jesus Christ will call us us to meet Him in the clouds to be with HIM for evermore...we are not appointed to God's WRATH....
God's time is not linear like ours is so when He reigns with those who were beheaded, they get 1st dibs so to speak, it could be happening right now. What's happening on Earth during that time? Where is everyone else? I was dead and now I'm alive. I died and Christ now lives in me. I have been "resurrected" spiritually. If all this is talking about the resurrection of the dead, then no one will be alive when Messiah comes back and what Paul said about the living being taken 2nd isn't true. What tribulation happens 1st? The demons coming up from the ground and killing mankind? No, all those tribulations after the 6th seal happen to those who refuse to repent. Rev. 7 has the children of God sealed 1st and then the Earth and mankind are destroyed. This is why the sound of the shofar kinda scares me. Matthew 24:29-31 is talking about the 6th seal and all the trumpets afterwards that destroy the Earth and mankind. They all involve things falling from Heaven. We should be looking for something huge coming our way. (Side note: If you look at all those who are sealed with the seal of God before this happens, it totals the dimensions of the New Jerusalem measured in Rev. & the New Jerusalem is made in Heaven 1st before it comes down. It will last forever.) The 5 seals have already been opened, they've been open for a long time. Matthew 24: 37-42 doesn't say that the righteous will be left behind. I have no idea where you just got that. Very weird, bro. Remember how Paul said that the living will be taken 2nd? This would make all the tribulations in the book of Rev. happen to the righteous if the righteous are left behind. Yeshua was praying the our Father wouldn't allow us to be killed because the world hates us. Like you said, context. We aren't going to have a world left anyway by the way we treat it. Our oceans are already plastic. Shalom, pray that neither you or I are infected with the spirit of false teaching. False teaching is a serious offense.
Nobody who espouses the pre tribulation rapture says that it is a secret rapture. Those are your words to provide a straw man argument that you can easily knock down.
Wow, you literally took all of the verses out of context and not finishing verses. It says God has not appointed us to wrath, Rev 4 begins with Jesus breaking the seals judging the world. Very strange interpretation...
We are not appointed to wrath. The wrath is not for us, it is for the wicked. We will be protected from wrath. However, that does not mean we will be taken out of the earth.
Joshua Matthews no, you are confusing the wrath of God with the tribulation. They are two separate events. The wrath of God are the 7 vials poured out on earth AFTER tribulation.
jogmas12 Yes agreed.after the tribulation of those days. The rapture and resurrection come just before Gods wrath. Rev7. Also antichrist is to be revealed to the body of Christ which means we are present at the beginning of the tribulation. We then suffer persecution once the restrainer stops restraining and wait to be raptured or suffer death for Christ.This purifies the bride ready for the bridegroom to be taken for the wedding feast.
How did the children of Israel eat in the wilderness...Is God not going to take them into the wilderness again for 3 and a half years during the great tribulation????????? Do we the church not have a better covenant than them?????????? Rev 12 :17 tells us both Israel(Jacobs trouble) and the church(the Great tribulation) will be hunted down by the antichrist/beast. Are you an OVERCOMER...You will need to be to EAT. Find your manna....Find your water....find your quail.... FIND YOUR FAITH.....Be an overcomer and love not your life unto the death.
Hard to believe but I learned all this more than 20 years ago in a Pentecostal church. It was very unpopular at the time and I guess still is, but this is exactly what that pastor taught. 11 years ago I woke up to Torah and left main stream Christianity.
No wonder there is a lot of confusion...not even clear passages can make men like this man accept plain, unbiased truth. The same rigmarole of the first video...Signing off at 4:51...
Hey brother I just found your channel and I am leaning towards moving away from the current modern Christian church and finding a messianic Christian church , I'm still praying and learning I had a quick question that I don't need a longer answer than you wish to give just for my own learning. Do you believe that angels came to earth in Genesis 6 and mated with human females creating Giants ? Thanks brother I'm going to keep learning any prayers are well received
That is what the text seems to be saying. I have seen other explanations of it, but it seems that the fallen angel theory makes the most sense to me right now.
Drew Lord it will be the best thing you ever do and ask Lord to speak truth into your life and open your eyes and ears to see truth.Satan is crafty but he is not Adonai,Adonai gives us truth when we ask for it.I go to a messianic church now. Diconnecting from the "church" and having a body of believers all working to here truth through God's words Blessings and Shalom brother!
Drew Lord I have been on the messianic path for a few months now and it is the absolute best choice(other than my salvation) I've ever made. The bible makes so much sense and is so deep now. I love the Old Testament, which I didn't read much of before. I have found Yahweh and Yeshua and my eyes are now truly opened. I have not been able to find a church to attend but there are many messianic home groups. I want to encourage you to take this path because it is fulfilling.
This is a terrible thought that we will suffer down here during the tribulation, that we will be tested for our faith. We will Be martyed for our faith in Jesus.
Great video! Well put together. Relaying this message to people however is very difficult as I am sure you know. The bible also says that whoever teaches these doctrines that tribulation will not come unto the believers of Christ is committing a sin. I refer to AMOS 9 which is about the day of the lord 9:10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent, us. People need to ask Jesus to open their eyes and hearts so that they might not be deceived by the deception that God himself will bestow upon the earth 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: God says that this deception would be so great that even the elect if it were possible would believe it Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Indeed they don’t want to hear the truth... anymore they are so deceived . That happen to me til one day my eyes were open thanks to Abba Yah. Thanks to this channel the true lies are being Exposed ... 👍there is no pre-rapture before tribulation. Our faith will be tested and must go thru the fire 🔥 which is “tribulation.” We must persevere til the end. Shalom!!!
This was a good point, it will not be a secret. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 1 Thessalonians 4:16
bro lex, been listening to your videos over the last week and have been impressed by your insight. got wind of your ministry after listening to your interview with bro rob skiba. I to have been trying to unlearn the lies and have come to many of the same conclusions as you with regards to scripture, not sure about the law but I can see your argument, also not sure about the resurrection of the dead at the end of the 1,000 year rule but rather come to the conclusion that it's during the 1,000 year rule and that they are judged at the end by the final test when the enemy is released for a short time. good work bro, I'm a fan lol :)
Thanks brother. The first resurrection happens when Messiah returns, this is the resurrection of the righteous. After the thousand year reign, the rest of the dead will be resurrected for the great white throne judgment, and if their name is not in the book of life they will be cast into the lake of fire. Hope that makes it more clear.
UNLEARN the lies : RGR that bro but thinking that Yeshua said there is to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous those who do good things to a resurrection of life, but those who do vile things to a resurrection of judgement this would imply that they are going to get a period of time to prove themselves. plus who are those of the heavenly calling going to rule if they don't get a resurrection till the end of the 1,000 years ( Hebrews 3:1 & Revelation 20: 4-6). when it says the rest of the dead don't come to life till the end of the 1,000 years I'm thinking this means that they are still dead in there sins till they pass the final test when there names are written in the book of life, Yeshua said something on these lines when he said let the dead bury the dead!
During the thousand year reign, there will still be people on the earth who were not resurrected or given immortality yet. There are also people who are currently dead who will not be resurrected at the first resurrection. Those two groups will face the judgment of the great white throne, and some will be allowed into the kingdom and others will be cast into the fire. But, those who are part of the first resurrection will not face the great white throne judgment, because they have already received eternal life.
It's like God has given me a liar compass. I knew it didn't sound right when thy preached about the rapture, just as the time they spoke about the trinity and the Holy Spirit being a separate person. I haven't even really read the bible then. God bless you brother.
So... according to this video, the "glorious hope" is a big let-down. The Tribulation is not for the Church to endure. It is called the "time of Jacob's Trouble" for a reason. The Tribulation is for the testing of unbelieving Israel. Matt.24 I agree is not about the Rapture. 1Thessalonians 4 and John 14:1-6 are about the Rapture. The Church is not destined for judgment.
nate johnson I speak however I want to! I'm very bold you know. the lies that I've unlearned made me this way. and I got it from Michael Rood.. people can't handle him too
You are right Nate, and that goes for Christian singers and Christian bands. You will hear songs where the singer acts as if he is God speaking. What's next? Should we also accept a pastor who preaches as if he is God, and we are hearing his words directly? This is not a small matter. It's disgusting these so-called Christian singers whose words pretend to be from the very mouth of God.
I agree that there are many that take this subject and scriptures out of context, but After numerous hours studying this subject, i can tell you that the Word of God teaches about the Rapture.
That is what a lot of people seem to think, but I have not seen it. The Bible says we are going to live, die, and resurrect, and live eternally on earth with God. Not a single verse says we will ever leave the earth.
PLEASE READ CAREFULY Brother, It's a little puzzling, it took time, and there is more to come and understand. When studying the subject I ended up with 14 pages front and back; including OT parallels. After the Spirit revealed most of the understanding of the Lords Day, the Day of Wrath, the coming of the Lord, the Day of Vengeance, also Daniel 9:27 (70th week= years), Zechariah 13:9 (a third part, the remnant), Matthew 24 (in part the destruction of Jerusalem and part of the last times), Jeremiah 30 the time of Jacob's Trouble referring to Israel and Judah in the 7 year tribulation, where God is going to give the courts to the gentiles, try them, then, it was more clearer. Most people will apply these to us gentiles, when in reality it's mostly for Israel, and that's where most of the confusion comes. Also, we have to understand that God blinded Israel for their disobedience and unbelief and extended grace and salvation to the gentiles to provoke them to jealousy and "until the fullness of the gentiles be come in, as Paul said in Romans 11:25", this trying period for Israel will not start, of course at this point the antichrist will be in place already, and this is where I came to the conclusion that we will be gone, we will be taken for a moment until God tries Israel for the seven years, then bring us back to rule and reign, as indicated in 1 Thessalonians 4 etc. How much tribulation are we (in America) going to experience and or see? even though we see judgement taking place, I don't know. But there is many countries where millions are being killed for having the Word of God handy; for believing in Jesus. Millions that have to hide to have service, etc. There is of course a lot more to it, for I just scratched the surface. Many blessings to you and your fam. NOTE TO READER OTHER THAN "UNLEARN THE LIES", this has been my personal study, I encourage you to seek the face of God in prayer and get deep in His Word so the Spirit can open your eyes. Many Blessings.
The Way, Truth & Life Jesus : Thank you for clarifying, "Most people will apply these to us gentiles, when in reality it's mostly for Israel, and that's where most of the confusion comes". You have hit the nail on its head. Rapture of the Body of Christ is before Jacob'sTrouble. Believers who rightly divide see it so clearly. (Actually, I'm quite new to interpreting using right division, but is has helped me immensely.) God bless.
UNLEARN the lies I'm not understanding. Because Jesus said he is going to prepare a place for us. And his father's Mansion are many rooms. So how are we not leaving Earth? I'm just not understanding
4.5 decades walking with him , no matter how many hundreds of studies in this topic whether self study or group studies especially heaps of the pre trb return teachings . It's always been very clear n simple to what your saying l totally agree clear as day .. But at the end of the Day ,, it's His day,, WOW what that looks like is way beyond my imagination ... getting closer now ..
I always use Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43, and 47-50 to refute the rapture narrative. Those unwilling to learn quickly reject those text and stay with their traditions.
What will happen when believers in Christ do not get raptured up. Say he lied, fall away and take the mark. Well that will not be a good thing for them, but then they never knew him to begin with.
+Yellow Jacket Sue.. .. in summary, how would Chuck Missler explain the 'not precede' bit. We know from John 11:23 [“I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.] that the resurrection is at the Last day, and from 1 Thess 4:15 that living saints will not precede (rise ahead of) that time. That therefore eliminates any 'prior' 'secret' rapture. Does Chuck Missler agree with this?
Yellow Jacket Sue i dun no yeller jacket. Jesus said as in the days of noah the flood TOOK them away, and noah and his family STAYED. Jesus was using this to describe the latter days of his return. Those who are not saved will be taken out or taken away.
Lupinsoverload Are you an historical scholar? Koine Greek and Hebrew Scholar or a scholar in the ancient cultures raised up by God through the centuries to teach his people as God commanded? Obviously not. Thinking you will understand the deep things of the Word without such helps as SCRIPTURE calls them this is the height of arrogance. You are a true novice.
QUESTION: At the 8:09 mark, you cover Matthew 24:37ff. Regarding who will be taken and who will be left, you define those taken as the ones who are wicked. Isn't it possible that those who are taken are, instead, the same righteous ones that are "taken" up to meet the Lord in the air" in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 (just as the ones who were taken by the Ark were "taken" away from destruction into the Lord's protection, and those "left" were destroyed by the Flood)? I submit that that would be a more accurate picture of those "taken" and those "left" in Matthew 24.
someone needs to "Unlearn, Unlearn the lies" lol. the rapture is biblical and a mystery. The sabbath and the ten commandments christians are NOT UNDER. "The law of the spirit of life in Christ JESUS set us free from the law of sin and death" the law of moses brings death and condemnation and is FEARFUL. The law of Love Causes us to draw close to the throne of Christ Boldly to receive mercy in our time of need.
Hi Lex. I wish to know if you can please explain to me what is the meaning of 1 thessalonians 4:17, because I was always made to believe that this was a pre- rapture event but was never explained to me clearly and since I've started to dollow your channel I've come to learn that this is not true. Can you please explain? Thanks. God Bless you!!😁👍
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 clearly states that Jesus comes with a shout, with the voice of an 'archangel' and with 'the' trumpet of God. Jesus IS DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN to meet the dead IN CHRIST (not all the dead) and us who are alive. IN REVELATION 19:15 "The armies of heaven follow Him on white horses. From His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike the nations. There is no doubt whatsoever that Thessalonians shows Jesus calling his elect, us, and the dead in Christ with the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God. When we hear the CALL, we are caught up together in the clouds to MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR. Whereas in Revelation 19:15 JESUS comes TO STRIKE THE NATIONS AND IN HIS MOUTH HAS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD TO STRIKE! He does not strike in Thessalonians 4:13-17, he comes for ONE PURPOSE WHICH IS TO CALL US. Also, MATTHEW 24:40 "Two will be in the field, one will be taken, the other will remain, two will be in bed, one will be taken the other one remains" is undeniably the rapture. Matthew 24:40 is not about Jesus descending to strike the Nations, it is to come and take us with Him , as in Thess. 4:13-17. Simple, is it not?
Is the rapture supposed to be preceded by the trump of God and a shout of the archangel? Every person I have ever talked to about the rapture has never said that. It is always “in an instant” with no warning. Anyway, 1 Thessalonians and revelation 19 are the same event, the fact that one section says one things and the other has different details does not wan they are different. There is no rapture (pre trib or otherwise) except the one that occurs when Jesus returns again.
+Georgia Warren -I like to illustrated the concept of rapture does exist and it was shown in the bible. Are you ready to study? Acts 8:39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. Use blueletterbible.org; check box [Strong's] this will give you the translation in Greek. Look up verse Acts 8:39 look at 'caught away' G726 -Harpazo (Greek) translated to Latin -> rapturo -> rapture Other places in the bible that suggested rapture? Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. 2 Kings 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Acts 1:9-11 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. I just noticed in Acts 1:11 for the first time. it said 'this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.' Jesus was taken up in the cloud. Something suggest to me Jesus will come back as he left. Quietly...? It will not be visible to all. ie it will Not BE like what's described in Matt 24:30-31
+Georgia Warren... behind the idea of an end-times rapture etc is a belief that Jesus has not yet fulfilled promises to Israel and therefore HE has to come back an do that. However neither Jesus nor the apostles ever taught or allowed for that option. Rather they taught that Jesus HAS fulfilled His role as Messiah completely and is currently enthroned as King. Look for example at Colossians 1:13 'For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son The Kingdom is now. Also do a study on the use of OT quotes in the book of Acts. For example 15:14-18 where James uses quotations from Amos and Isaiah to prove that Jesus IS SEATED on the throne of David. You will find similar in the sermons of Acts 2 and 3. Premill skirts around these evidences.
Ken bro thanks! I was very new to this idea 3 months ago but the more I look into it the more I don't believe there will be a rapture like the left behinds books say. I still need to study to show myself approved and that is the path I am on. I no longer just take what my old church gave me, I now try to see everything with new eyes-like a child-and everything HAS to be backed up with scripture!
Hi Georgia ... yes everything has to be scripture-based, ie drawn from scripture not imposed onto scripture. Whenever people list verses in support of a secret rapture they are actually taking references to the second coming and claiming they refer to a different event. An example is 1 Corinthians 15. They claim v51,52 'we will all be changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye' refers to a secret rapture. However the context is of the last trumpet (v52), the destruction of Death (v54) and the end (v24). This is all second coming/last day/judgement language. Until that time Jesus is reigning and will continue to reign. For He must reign 'until He puts all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy to be abolished is death'. Futurists claim Jesus will BEGIN to reign at the second coming. The Bible teaches He reigns UNTIL the second coming and then hands all rule to the Father. This is also seen in Psalm 110:1-3
I'm not clear on this: 'caught up together with them in the clouds' would mean being taken up. How is it that the ones left behind are the good guys then?
We are caught up to meet our Lord at His return. We are then taken to be with Him in Jerusalem where He will reign over the earth for a thousand years. We are not taken out of the world.
I'm prepared to go through it no matter what, let God's will be done, let me and my name die with me but the name of Jesus live forever. If I suffer through the tribulation, fine, I'll pour my blood out for the gospel, if He takes us, fine.
Gabriel M. I love your willingness to be faithful to the end despite the tribulation you have to endure!
Gabriel, you won't have to go through The Tribulation. Jesus died on the Cross and rose in three days, your faith and trust in Jesus will protect you from Tribulation. The church is the bride of Christ, He loves His bride, He's not going to beat us up !
Gabriel M. I like what you said, let the name of Jesus stand above all other even if I am never remembered, God bless you.
@@jjsam5375 I've heard both arguments on the bases of when Christ will return and if His people will go through the tribulation of not. The Bible isn't all that clear and I'm pretty sure that everyone will have to. Revelation does say that Gods people will still be on Earth during this time.
There is no doubt believer will go thru tribulation.
Full of respect n
Thx for incouragement.
No matter what we go through during the Tribulation nothing will even come close to what Jesus the Christ went through on the cross for all of us.
I beg to differ, thousands of people died on the cross, there are worse deaths. It doesn’t take away from his sacrifice or his love for us. Imagine being stung by one of the gian locust, scorpion things in the book of revelation and being unable to die!!
@@bayoucountry3331 none of them gave their lives, their entire lives, for us. None of them battled and conquered death. So, I beg to differ.
* I for one believe in the Gospel of the Grace of God that Paul was commissioned by Jesus Christ to preach to the gentile nations ( Acts 20:24 ). I'm saved by grace alone and not of any works. If you think you must do something extra for your salvation like suffering for Jesus ( works ), then your salvation is dependent upon works like the Jew. All unbelievers and the nation of Israel will be part of the Tribulation. Israel will still be looking for her Messiah to then set up her millennium kingdom. The gospel that Jesus and His disciples preached only to the Jewish people ( Matt. 9:35 and Matt. 10:5--7 ) was called the Gospel of the Kingdom, and will be implemented at the end of the Tribulation. I have been sealed and will not face the wraith that is to come during the Day of the Lord (Rev. 3:10 ).
true saying, bro
You know Jesus said other will suffer more than him.
It's better to be prepared for the tribulation and surprised by the rapture than to be prepared for the rapture and surprised by the tribulation.
rrowland8757 well said 🙏🏼👍
Tribulation was reduced by half and again to a 5 month period (as even the elect could be convinced by Lucifer) the season of the locust, may to september
Sterling Crowne I was previously taught that the rapture was revealed to Paul in his heavenly visit/ vision and not to Jesus , it’s all very confusing to me there’s so many different beliefs all referenced to the bible it becomes hard to know what’s right and wrong anymore I’ve now just resigned myself to believing that I’m
Preparing to be beheaded for my proof and love for god should the worst be true don’t know what else to expect now c
Shepherd's Chapel has an excellent study on the rapture theory. Also the tribulation, which seems to be reduced to only five months.
You are still confused you seem to have no discernment in your studies
It takes about an hour and a half to actually READ (or listen) to the Book of Revelation. I encourage everyone to read/listen to it at least once a week. I guarantee you that the more you read/listen, God really opens your eyes/understanding of the book. The more you read it as a whole, the more you get it. Read, read, READ!
Jesus took the time to bleed, we can take the time to read.
Do you think there is rapture or no rapture and we get tribulation. It reads to me no rapture and we get tribulation which is read pretty straight forward if you ask me
@JesusChrist IsTruth&LoveForALL I believe so as well. Because the new earth comes right? Like we don't go anywhee
It's interesting that ,in the Bible, tribulation is always something that the people of God go through.
Persecution FROM the world because of our faith yes, but NOT THE WRATH OF GOD, which is THE TRIBULATION, from which we have been saved.
Rom 5:9
I Thess 5:9
Col 3:6 - are you sons of disobedience?
@@sigalsmadar4547 Within the tribulation we will be killed for our faith? It says so in the Bible, you disregarded everything said in the video.
The rapture BEFORE wrath is poured out on the earth is literally found all throughout the Bible..
Daniel 12;1 teaches the rapture.
Matthew 24:29-31 teaches the rapture
Luke 17:26-36 teaches the rapture
Mark 13:24- 26 teaches the rapture
Isaiah 26:19-21 teaches the rapture
Revelation 6:12 thru revelation 8 teaches the rapture
Job 5:19 teaches the rapture
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 teaches the rapture
1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
Teaches the rapture
The first resurrection of the DEAD in Revelation 20 is the FIRST resurrection of the millennium age, not the CHURCH age.
How do we know this?
Because of the resurrection of the 2 witnesses in Revelation before Armageddon , because of the resurrection of the great multitude seen IN HEAVEN during the events of the 6th seal before any angel is given a trumpet.
This guy doing this video can’t even properly define the word TRIBULATION which is clear when he assumes Matthew 24:29 “immediately after the tribulation of those days.”
Is after wrath.
The term “the tribulation”. Is MAN MADE ! Nowhere in scripture does it refer to the time of wrath as “ The Tribulation!” Nowhere!
The truth is tribulation is simply defined as troubles and distress, things the earth has ALWAYS had.
So AFTER tribulation comes GREAT tribulation and wrath.
Matthew 24:29-31 is actually a RAPTURE event.
Robert Nieten, there is tribulation, which we all go thru on earth, and the Great Tribulation. Which Jesus spoke of in Matt 24:21.
Thanks, Lex. I'm so glad for this video. Since I was a child, I couldn't understand how my family and grandparents explained the rapture theory, since their ideas were not supported by the bible. I would read the verses, and then ask them to explain how it was all supposed to make sense, combining the theory with the verses. It just didn't. But I was taught that if it didn't make sense, then it was because I just didn't get it. I am coming to the realization that much of the "christian" things I have been taught since childhood are unscriptural, and the truth is just straight forward and simple. It's all right there. People just need to read the Word without a preprogrammed mental filter on.
There is no rapture theory
It plainly tells us in God's Word that The lord will meet the body if Christ in the air .. we have already been judged at the Cross . The Scriptures say that one must be ready to escape the wrath to come upon the earth !
YES, it comes down to this;
Believe what you read,
Not read what you believe.
There are clearly two groups of people, at least. The woman is one group and her offspring are another group. One is protected while the other goes through a war with the dragon. I propose that there is actually another group but, at least, that there are two groups is evident.
The third group is the bride. At the wedding there is the Bridegroom, the bride, the friends of the Bridegroom, the servants, the guests at the wedding, the one guest who is kicked out of the wedding and those outside.
The Bridegroom is Yeshua. Yeshua called John, the Baptiser, a friend of the Bridegroom, so saints who believed prior to Yeshua's death, the servants at the wedding Yeshua said are the prophets. The one kicked out didn't have the clothing of righteousness or didn't do the law with faith in the blood of the Lamb, those outside are unbelievers. The bride are those who do the law with faith that the blood of the Lamb saves them.
There are three instances of a rapture. The bride taken first. The woman taken when given wings like an eagle. The offspring of the woman remain to see Yeshua's return and are raptured at the first resurrection.
Keep in mind context whenever Yeshua is explaining something or the book of Revelation is indicating something because our Father is dealing with different groups of people who will be in His kingdom.
Love, love, love sound doctrine! Truth is all that matters! It does us NO GOOD to cling to lies. Having believe the pre-trib lie for 25+ years, I thank God Almighty for leading me to TRUTH! I'll take truth over a comforting lie any day!
Yes! 😊 Amen!
TruthSeeker I love the way you expressed yourself!
@Sterling Crowne chapter 12 doesnt show anything about a rapture
@Sterling Crowne another thing according to the book of ezekiel a day on the prophetic books represents a year so 3.5 years would be 1260 years
Totally agree. It does us no good to not be prepared for tribulation if we are told we will not go through it at all. We are no better than our master. Amen. Yah be with you
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Bravo. I’ve tried to explain that the rapture theory is not Biblical but the Resurrection is, and they are NOT the same thing, but for some reason it doesn’t register. Isn’t it amazing how the Holy Scriptures shed so much light on man made commentaries and disapprove them.
I fell for alot of lies whilst being a Christian. But the rapture was the ONE THING I just couldn't agree to. Reading the Scriptures Yeshua made it very clear how things would play out in Matthew 24. And He doesn't mention anything about a secret rapture, even to His own disciples. The fact that Hollywood jumped on board with rapture movies should make any serious follower of the Messiah question this theory. People read into the Scriptures what they want to see - not for what it truly says. Thank you for this teaching Lex. Shalom
Songs when i first became a believer i did not study scripture. I how ever, at an invitation of a fellow believing friend, went to see a film at a local Church about end times and jesus' eminent return. In that film people were raptured prior to tribulation and non christians were left behind. That film made an impression on me and as a result i believed in a pre trib rapture for a very long time. Then something happened. I started to do my own study in the scriptures. I soon understood by studying the bible that the pre trib rapture is false.
it happened in chian when Chinese christians where persecuted by the communist , they Jesus would rapture them any moment to escape their great tribulations . since Jesus did come many gave up their faith to save their lifes as they lost all hope. God nevere promised as safety from persecution. its like Joining the an army and expecting that there will no threat to our life . If people can fight and die under extreme tribulations with great endurance for a nation state that would perish how much more should we christians must be ready overcome the world for the kingdom of God
@@trp2413 agreed Jesus promised blessings and healing both spiritual and physical for believers but never did he or apostles promised deliverance from prosecution for all the 12 apostles except John and the apostle Paul where martyred
jogmas12 yeah my mom took me to one of those Rapture movies when I was like eight years old I've been scared shittless ever since
Sterling Crowne I just did. Show me in that chapter where it supports a pre-tribulation rapture?
I never realized that the one taken was wicked and the one left was righteous. That makes such perfect sense surrounding all the events that happen at Christ's return. Thanks so much for pointing that out!
Post-Apostolic Church I am glad you found it helpful
So this is how Messiah will establish his thousand year reign? When He returns with the dead, we that are alive will then be transfigured in the twinkling of an eye?Great insight. Do you have a video that goes through Revalation? Thank you.
N0TS0SUBTLE, NO!!! Please read and study that verse for yourself instead of listening to false teachers.
If you are raptured it’s because you are the wicked.
If you study out the word "taken" it explains it a lot. "...one will be taken" by the antichrist. As in "I was taken by her beauty". "Many will be deceived".
When antichrist arrives with his "signs and wonders", MANY will be enamored with him. (taken)
Rod, I have studied out the original GREEK text, (NT is not in Hebrew) you misunderstood my post. I was not promoting rapture theory. Quite the opposite. Those "taken" are those that believe Anti-christ is the real Christ returning. They are "taken" by his wonders. They don't go anywhere. They are enamored by his charisma. He comes in peace and prosperity. They fall for the last lie and believe he is the real deal. Then comes the seventh trump. Christ's glorious return. No one is ever "raptured".
Thank you Lex! I've been saying this forever. It's good to hear someone who is better know saying it also.
He is lying
Absolutely excellent preaching!!!!! Matthew 23 - 24 was one of the first scriptures I read when I first started reading the Bible when I was 15 I am now 58) and I have never believed the rapture theory.
Maureen Bletcher, good for you.
Me neither, it never made sense.
I believe all of us as Christians need not publicly argue over this. It only serves to make Christians look weak and untrustworthy to those that are not Christians. The main thing is that Jesus is God, and died for our sins. God told us that His ways are above our ways, His thoughts are above our thoughts. We are not going to 100% understand some things in the Bible, I don't believe it's humanly possible. I also don't believe we need to worry about such details when it brings division in the Church.
God gave us everything and more that we need to know for our lives, and made it very clear. Those are the topics that cannot be disputed or debated when it comes to doctrinal beliefs. For example, Jesus is the one true Messiah. Clearly, any true Christian should believe and know this doctrine is 100% true. However, the rapture, pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, old earth theory, young earth theory, premillennialism, amillennialism, you get the point, these are great doctrinal topics for debate, but not for harsh words or "this is the way it is absolutely", because honestly, you don't know 100% and neither do I. For every argument you make, another apologist will make a counter credible argument. It is much better that we lift each other up and have discussions about these topics, not public arguments.
All glory to the one TRUE GOD!
I agree that we will not understand everything. However, we need to seek the truth about all things. We do not want to be deceived by lies. The rapture doctrine is a dangerous lie because it tells believers that they will escape tribulation. Remember the parable of the sower and the different types of soil? The seed that fell on rocky soil was received with joy and sprang up quickly, but when tribulation came they fell away. (Matthew 13:20-21)
People who believe in the rapture have a misplaced faith, and when the tribulation comes and they are not raptured, they will lose faith and fall away. They did not listen when Yeshua warned us that we will face tribulation.
I completely agree that we should seek the truth. Though I agree with your statement that we as Christians will live through the tribulation, I don't believe there is any Christian apologist alive or past that can say with 100% certainty that the doctrine of the rapture is wrong. There are quite a lot of verses that point to such an event. You make strong arguments, but so do other apologists in the opposing view.
My point is that many of the comments being made have been slandering each other and making the Church turn in on itself. We must stand together, even when we disagree on doctrine and be the united Church for Christ. Also, I would argue Matthew 13:20-21 is talking more about people that like the idea of Jesus and being a Christian, but not truly being saved, having roots in Jesus, and falling away because of that reason. A truly saved person, is always saved and rooted in Jesus, even if they are a "cold Christian".
Yea, then what will happen when satan returns pretending to be Jesus? 2 Thess 2:3 & Rev 13:7. You will NOT be able to buy or sell FORCING you to take the mark & LOSING your salvation. Best sound the alarm now my friend. Don't be a FOOLISH virgin. Make ready for WAR.
God will supply all our needs, He always has and always will. During the tribulation new Believers/Saints will have the same choices to make as Church age Saints had to follow Jesus, or Satan. Satan will be given the power to destroy and that includes Believers during that period of time. (the mark of the beast is a choice)
Unlearned the truth. That's not what the Greek says.
Brother, that’s what absolutely sooo informative. I’m kinda shook brother. 🙏🏼 continue to spread the Word of Truth. God Bless🙏🏼👍
I find it ironic that those who fight to perpetrate the rapture doctrine tell everyone that those who says there is no rapture are the ones taking verses out of context. I look at it this way, there is no rapture I will have to be tested by going though the tribulation (tribulation kinda means being tested as the usual saying is "Trials and Tribulations"). But hey if I am rapture before hand, yahoo...but it will not be a let down for me if I am not. Those that believe this doctrine will be so disappointed as to shake their belief to the very core. In fact my theory is this is what causes the great falling away.
TR Outrider your hypothesis on the great falling away is a good hint of post trib but if I may expand on your comment that “it will be a time of testing your faith” is no understatement due to that fact that those that don’t take the mark on the hand or forehead will not be able to buy or sell without that mark so it’s a definitely plan ahead scenario an prayer/trusting in God to provide for 3 an one half years...
I don't think the falling away will be disappointment & giving up I think they we be very happy to follow the Beast. They will be excited to see the political messiah because that is what they expect. They will help persecute real Christian believers. The pre-tribbers will join all the other unbelievers in the strong delusion. I say this because they already make up pure fiction instead of reading the Bible. Believing another lie is easy unless you have the truth.
It's interesting how some think because they don't have persecutions or trials in life that it must mean the 7 year trib. If you are not being persecuted, you must be a friend of the world according to the bible.
TR Outrider yup this is also what I think will happen... they are so at peace knowing (the lie) that we'll be ruptured before the tribulations that when it doesn't happen their faith will be shaken. As for me I try to pray and prepare my self physically, mentally, emotionally and most importantly spiritually for what's to come. As they say, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Most importantly keep your faith strong, solid as an immovable mountain and your heart as peaceful as a lake undisturbed by waves and ripples.
it happened in chian when Chinese christians where persecuted by the communist , they Jesus would rapture them any moment to escape their great tribulations . since Jesus did come many gave up their faith to save their lifes as they lost all hope. God nevere promised as safety from persecution. its like Joining the an army and expecting that there will no threat to our life . If people can fight and die under extreme tribulations with great endurance for a nation state that would perish how much more should we christians must be ready overcome the world for the kingdom of God
'Caught Up' spiritually in heart and mind...after 1000 year kingdom on earth we will go to the new earth/heaven with god.
Rapture- NO. Resurrection on the Last Day- YES.
1 Thess 4 and 2 Thess 2
In 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 a CLEAR SEQUENCE
1/ The COMING of Jesus
2/ The TRUMPET of God
and THEN
4/ The Harpazo where we are ALL seized and MOVED TOGETHER to MEET JESUS!!!!
BEFORE the Harpazo can HAPPEN the COMING of Jesus Christ and the RESURRECTION must happen FIRST!!!!
Paul Also CLEARLY declares in 2 Thess 2 what MUST take place BEFORE the COMING of Jesus Christ and BEFORE we are GATHERED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus .
Paul said this Sequence:
1/ The Apostasy
2/ The Revealing of the Son of Perdition
3/ The COMING of Christ
4/ Our GATHERING together to Meet Jesus
5/ The Destruction of the Son of Perdition!
That is the TRUTH!!!
When you PUT the Truth of what Paul says TOGETHER it is like this!
1/ The Apostasy
2/ The Revealing of the Son of Perdition
3/ The COMING of Jesus
4/ The TRUMPET of God
and THEN
6/ The Harpazo where we are ALL seized and MOVED TOGETHER to MEET JESUS, yes that is OUR GATHERING Together to meet Jesus!
5/ The Destruction of the Son of Perdition!
That is the TRUTH!
We MUST exalt what Gods WORD says!
What Paul TEACHES is in Harmony with what Jesus TAUGHT!!!
Jesus said this to YOU and I!
Blessed and Holy are we if we Partake in the First Resurrection!!!
@Nice Clips I will say the Following about the Rapture which is True and Scriptural!
The Greek Word for Rapture is Harpazo!
Harpazo is a Greek Word that ONLY means to be seized by another person or by a Force and be moved from one location to another!
The Greek Word Harpazo is a word that is used in only 13 different places in the New Testament BUT when you look at all of those 13 places you can 100% Clearly see that its Meaning is Consistent!
In all 13 places it means to be seized and moved from one location to another!
It can be done by man, by Satan and by God or Gods Agents EG Angels!
Harpazo is ONLY used ONCE out of all of those 13 places in Relation to Jesus COMING for us and that only place in all Scripture is in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18!
Paul makes it 100% Clear that the PAROUSIA of Jesus MUST take place FIRST and at that PAROUSIA of Jesus the Event called the RESURRECTION takes place and then we will be Raptured to Meet Jesus!
That PAROUSIA of Jesus is spoken of in many places in Scripture!
That RESURRECTION event is also spoken of in many places in Scripture!
That Greek Word PAROUSIA simply means the COMING of Jesus when His Presence will be encountered just as His COMING was Encountered at His FIRST COMING when He appeared on Earth!
Jesus talks about His FUTURE Parousia in many places and what must happen before that PAROUSIA!
Paul also talks about that same FUTURE Parousia of Jesus and what MUST happen before that PAROUSIA!
Paul and Jesus also talk in many places about that RESURRECTION that MUST take place at the PAROUSIA of Jesus!
In 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul spends the whole Chapter talking about the RESURRECTION event and how it was Jesus that was the First to be Resurrected and Changed from Mortal to Immortal!
Paul makes it 100% Clear that in the RESURRECTION two things happen!
1/ The Dead in God are Resurrected INCORRUPTIBLE!
2/ The Believers that are alive on the earth that are Alive at the PAROUSIA of Jesus are Changed from Mortal to IMMORTAL!
They are the Two Things that happen in the RESURRECTION before we are raptured!
Paul makes it 100% Clear!
Paul says NOT all DIE But all will be CHANGED!!!
This CHANGING of all in God MUST take place in the RESURRECTION before we will be Raptured!
Only those that are in the RESURRECTION Event are GOING to be RAPTURED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus!
Paul also makes it 100% Clear that this PAROUSIA of Jesus and our Being GATHERED TOGETHER To Meet Jesus will NOT HAPPEN until the Apostasy takes place FIRST and the Son of Perdition MUST also be Revealed to all!
Once this APOSTASY takes place and that Son of Perdition is Revealed by doing all that is Prophesied of him THEN and ONLY Then will Jesus be COMING to GATHER us TOGETHER To Himself by the Rapture and Jesus will Destroy that Son of Perdition with the Brightness of His PAROUSIA!!!
The Word of God is Very Clear about this Truth about the rapture and what must happen before the rapture!
Jesus Himself said That His PAROUSIA will only take place in the Days after the Tribulation has ended!
Not sure Nice Clips why you have stopped me from Commenting when I believe in a Post Tribulation COMING of Jesus Christ!
“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
Revelation 3:10 KJV
Explain this then
@Nice Clips what did he mean by the hour then
The idea of a Pre-Trib rapture is an insult to those who were martyred for their faith. Why weren’t they “raptured?”
The Rapture is a convenient way to bug out of having to do NOTHING to prepare for tribulation to come.
Being prepared for the rapture is accepting Christ as Lord and Savior... being prepared for the tribulation is depending on your own.
I will say the Following about the Rapture which is True and Scriptural!
The Greek Word for Rapture is Harpazo!
Harpazo is a Greek Word that ONLY means to be seized by another person or by a Force and be moved from one location to another!
The Greek Word Harpazo is a word that is used in only 13 different places in the New Testament BUT when you look at all of those 13 places you can 100% Clearly see that its Meaning is Consistent!
In all 13 places it means to be seized and moved from one location to another!
It can be done by man, by Satan and by God or Gods Agents EG Angels!
Harpazo is ONLY used ONCE out of all of those 13 places in Relation to Jesus COMING for us and that only place in all Scripture is in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18!
Paul makes it 100% Clear that the PAROUSIA of Jesus MUST take place FIRST and at that PAROUSIA of Jesus the Event called the RESURRECTION takes place and then we will be Raptured to Meet Jesus!
That PAROUSIA of Jesus is spoken of in many places in Scripture!
That RESURRECTION event is also spoken of in many places in Scripture!
That Greek Word PAROUSIA simply means the COMING of Jesus when His Presence will be encountered just as His COMING was Encountered at His FIRST COMING when He appeared on Earth!
Jesus talks about His FUTURE Parousia in many places and what must happen before that PAROUSIA!
Paul also talks about that same FUTURE Parousia of Jesus and what MUST happen before that PAROUSIA!
Paul and Jesus also talk in many places about that RESURRECTION that MUST take place at the PAROUSIA of Jesus!
In 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul spends the whole Chapter talking about the RESURRECTION event and how it was Jesus that was the First to be Resurrected and Changed from Mortal to Immortal!
Paul makes it 100% Clear that in the RESURRECTION two things happen!
1/ The Dead in God are Resurrected INCORRUPTIBLE!
2/ The Believers that are alive on the earth that are Alive at the PAROUSIA of Jesus are Changed from Mortal to IMMORTAL!
They are the Two Things that happen in the RESURRECTION before we are raptured!
Paul makes it 100% Clear!
Paul says NOT all DIE But all will be CHANGED!!!
This CHANGING of all in God MUST take place in the RESURRECTION before we will be Raptured!
Only those that are in the RESURRECTION Event are GOING to be RAPTURED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus!
Paul also makes it 100% Clear that this PAROUSIA of Jesus and our Being GATHERED TOGETHER To Meet Jesus will NOT HAPPEN until the Apostasy takes place FIRST and the Son of Perdition MUST also be Revealed to all!
Once this APOSTASY takes place and that Son of Perdition is Revealed by doing all that is Prophesied of him THEN and ONLY Then will Jesus be COMING to GATHER us TOGETHER To Himself by the Rapture and Jesus will Destroy that Son of Perdition with the Brightness of His PAROUSIA!!!
The Word of God is Very Clear about this Truth about the rapture and what must happen before the rapture!
Jesus Himself said That His PAROUSIA will only take place in the Days after the Tribulation has ended!
Thank you brother! This is forever the greatest argument, as true believers, that we engage in. Of course, I heard this a long time ago from a church that's saying the same things you did in this video. The enemy has deceived so many on so many different "doctrines" that the Word of God says the opposite on. Either unlearn the lies or loose your allotted inheritance. When I first accepted Christ in my life as a young boy, satan laughed at me (literally and very audibly). Now, I'm laughing at his foolishness. I need to watch more of your videos. God bless you brother! Keep them coming!
Thanks for your ministry and sharing of important messages and text, Lex. God bless you.
Satan’s greatest ambassadors are not pimps, politicians, or power-brokers, but pastors.
His priests do not peddle a different religion, but a deadly perversion of the true one.
His troops do not make a full-out frontal assault, but work as agents, sneaking into the opposing army.
Satan’s tactics are studied, clever, predictable, effective. Therefore, we must always remain vigilant.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-16a).
Yep, I DON'T want to be part of the 'taken', there's still lots of work to do here in the service of the Lord. I think that's one reason we're given the Armor of the Lord. Thank you!
Thanks, I have always thought the same ... if I am in the love of Jesus why would I abandon those in need of being saved for the lord. I will stand right next to as a Soldier of Jesus Christ ...
The taken ones are the ones that live right and ready and puts lots of effort in keeping on the right path. It is almost the same as to say there should have been no flood in Noah's days cause almost no one was ready and did not believe so no flood please. The Bible clearly say that Jesus will come like a thieve in the night and take His bride and be ready. Then there will still be people after the "rapture" that will wake up and realise the Bible is true and will only then follow God but they will be part of the great tribulation and will be killed for believing and preaching the Gospel.
I've found your channel! This is amazing. I'm scanning carefully for lies or mistakes and haven't seen any yet.. not that I'm an expert. I've read my bible much and came to similar less well spoken conclusions. But being a layman mostly occupied with work and supporting my family I haven't the time to organize that subject like you have. All I could do for this subject was to file it away that if I'm left behind, I knew there were parts in the bible that told that it was a thing and I could help out my family with that if the situation ever came up. You actually put it down in a comprehendible biblical message here. Thanks.
This channel has cleared up so much of my confusion.
Also, I realize something amazing. At 7:00, Matthew 24:29-31 is in parallel to the creation. "The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light. The stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken." versus: "the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also." - Genesis 1:16
I will say the Following about the Rapture which is True and Scriptural!
The Greek Word for Rapture is Harpazo!
Harpazo is a Greek Word that ONLY means to be seized by another person or by a Force and be moved from one location to another!
The Greek Word Harpazo is a word that is used in only 13 different places in the New Testament BUT when you look at all of those 13 places you can 100% Clearly see that its Meaning is Consistent!
In all 13 places it means to be seized and moved from one location to another!
It can be done by man, by Satan and by God or Gods Agents EG Angels!
Harpazo is ONLY used ONCE out of all of those 13 places in Relation to Jesus COMING for us and that only place in all Scripture is in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18!
Paul makes it 100% Clear that the PAROUSIA of Jesus MUST take place FIRST and at that PAROUSIA of Jesus the Event called the RESURRECTION takes place and then we will be Raptured to Meet Jesus!
That PAROUSIA of Jesus is spoken of in many places in Scripture!
That RESURRECTION event is also spoken of in many places in Scripture!
That Greek Word PAROUSIA simply means the COMING of Jesus when His Presence will be encountered just as His COMING was Encountered at His FIRST COMING when He appeared on Earth!
Jesus talks about His FUTURE Parousia in many places and what must happen before that PAROUSIA!
Paul also talks about that same FUTURE Parousia of Jesus and what MUST happen before that PAROUSIA!
Paul and Jesus also talk in many places about that RESURRECTION that MUST take place at the PAROUSIA of Jesus!
In 1 Corinthians Chapter 15 Paul spends the whole Chapter talking about the RESURRECTION event and how it was Jesus that was the First to be Resurrected and Changed from Mortal to Immortal!
Paul makes it 100% Clear that in the RESURRECTION two things happen!
1/ The Dead in God are Resurrected INCORRUPTIBLE!
2/ The Believers that are alive on the earth that are Alive at the PAROUSIA of Jesus are Changed from Mortal to IMMORTAL!
They are the Two Things that happen in the RESURRECTION before we are raptured!
Paul makes it 100% Clear!
Paul says NOT all DIE But all will be CHANGED!!!
This CHANGING of all in God MUST take place in the RESURRECTION before we will be Raptured!
Only those that are in the RESURRECTION Event are GOING to be RAPTURED TOGETHER to Meet Jesus!
Paul also makes it 100% Clear that this PAROUSIA of Jesus and our Being GATHERED TOGETHER To Meet Jesus will NOT HAPPEN until the Apostasy takes place FIRST and the Son of Perdition MUST also be Revealed to all!
Once this APOSTASY takes place and that Son of Perdition is Revealed by doing all that is Prophesied of him THEN and ONLY Then will Jesus be COMING to GATHER us TOGETHER To Himself by the Rapture and Jesus will Destroy that Son of Perdition with the Brightness of His PAROUSIA!!!
The Word of God is Very Clear about this Truth about the rapture and what must happen before the rapture!
Jesus Himself said That His PAROUSIA will only take place in the Days after the Tribulation has ended!
All Glory to Our Gracious Saviour Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 Amen
Thank you so much for your written explanation, Brother. God bless you
thanks for the clarity, you explained it well praise the lord.
There is a lot of pressure by fellow Christians to believe in pre trib , it's almost a "given", I went along with it without really looking at the biblical evidence, now I hope for a pre trib rapture, but am preparing for tribulation. It's very disturbing that in my church , it has become almost heretical to question pre trib doctrine. Alarm bells are ringing
Thank you so much for exposing these lies, by sharing the Truth of God's word with us! 🙏🏻💛
Matthew 24 solves it all ! no rapture
and the taken part: like the days of Noah those who are taken are the ones who are killed not beamed up to heaven. And those of us who are left behind are still here and must stand firm to the return of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. please read the chapter as a whole to see the truth.
Matthew 24 are the first seals- after the 24 elders are in Gods throne room - The first fruits of the harvest of souls- Gods faithful sons- the wedding super isn’t until the full body of the bride is complete - at the very end!
I really appreciate this. It was driving me crazy because I didn't see any proof of a rapture. People will call you all sorts of things for just not agreeing with them
Lex, you make a good argument but I'm not convinced. I view Enoch as the first rapture "type" and Noah and family as believers that were protected THROUGH the tribulation. In the parable of the 10 virgins, all 10 were looking for the groom (Christ) but only five had oil (Holy Spirit), five were take to the wedding, the last five go through the great tribulation.
We will be protected through the tribulation, but that does not mean we will be taken out of this earth. The five virgins with oil entered the kingdom when the groom returned, the other five did not get to enter. This says nothing about them facing tribulation or avoiding tribulation.
I am of the Pan-Trib thought: It will all pan out iaw God's will. :-) Great teaching, saw some stuff in a new light. Thank you!
I'll make this easy: Noah and his family were protected and kept from wrath by God. The ark is a type or picture of the rapture to come. "As the days of Noah were, so also shall it be at the coming of the son of man" The ark and Noah's flood are analogous events.
Or ... the ark is a picture of the Saints being protected in the world while death and destruction happens all around them.
read Isaiah 26:20
Marcus, don't take the analogy too far.
Yeah, what about Revelation 12:6 & 14? I think it's possible that those verses could be linked with the Isaiah verse you mentioned.
I'm not trying to take any analogy too far. It just seems to me that Noah was still in the world and, in fact, that's proved by the verses following the flood.
erictheBaptist you are confusing the wrath of God with the tribulation period. They are two separate events. Further moré, how do you answer jesus' use of the word s "taken away by the flood" as an análogy when he returns?
There are clearly two groups of people, at least. The woman is one group and her offspring are another group. One is protected while the other goes through a war with the dragon. I propose that there is actually another group but, at least, that there are two groups is evident.
The third group is the bride. At the wedding there is the Bridegroom, the bride, the friends of the Bridegroom, the servants, the guests at the wedding, the one guest who is kicked out of the wedding and those outside.
The Bridegroom is Yeshua. Yeshua called John, the Baptiser, a friend of the Bridegroom, so saints who believed prior to Yeshua's death, the servants at the wedding Yeshua said are the prophets. The one kicked out didn't have the clothing of righteousness or didn't do the law with faith in the blood of the Lamb, those outside are unbelievers. The bride are those who do the law with faith that the blood of the Lamb saves them.
There are three instances of a rapture. The bride taken first. The woman taken when given wings like an eagle. The offspring of the woman remain to see Yeshua's return and are raptured at the first resurrection.
Keep in mind context whenever Yeshua is explaining something or the book of Revelation is indicating something because our Father is dealing with different groups of people who will be in His kingdom.
I appreciate your videos! I respectfully want to add this food for thought... doesn’t the last trumpet (of tribulation) take place BEFORE the bowls of judgement? Does it not stand to reason (within context) that the Lord would remove His people before the bowls of judgment, but at the last trumpet?
Well what happens after the 7th trumpet sounds in revelation 11?
This is where you're describing something that the Bible does not say in your context, learn biblical history. It doesn't say "the last trumpet in Revelation", IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN WRITTEN BY JOHN YET! 😉It says "THE LAST TRUMPET" The last before Jesus returns! So you're giving out and believing false rapture doctrine of the lack of understanding. It's clear when it happens, at the end of the 7 years and Jesus will instantly slay the wicked on His return in one blow, riding a white horse, wearing white, it's described in revelation. It will be instant Justice meted out to the wicked still alive on Earth. Those of us left will be the elect/saved and we will rule the world in complete love and peace with Jesus a 1000 years.
None of the rapture doctrine make a lick of sense against the Bible and prophecy.
The "last trumpet" as in Revelation is what you're referring to as the "seven trumpets and seven bowls." That's not what is implied at all. It's pretty clear, anyone with a modicum of wisdom can read the word, ask the Lord for wisdom, think of the history of when these things are said and figure this out. It was a fool that invented the rapture. Uneducated in comparison to any person with wisened godly sense. Besides. The Bible warms against listening to those with "secret wisdom" for the Bible very sternly. The fact of the matter is--if there was a "rapture" there would be words for it in Hebrew, Koine Greek, Aramaic and it would certainly be spoken about by Jesus. By the prophets and the Lord. I feel that's a VERY important thing for God to accidently leave out, don't you??? This should leave everyone who ever had a hint of doubt about a rapture with an obvious answer in that itself. God failed to ever bring it up, ONCE. Smells fishy, find you think? And it was cooked up only 170 some odd years ago? Sure, sounds legit to me. So many people in my family much more paper educated than me but into it and preach or preached it in their life times. They NEVER question anything they were taught in church and it IS NOT EVEN BIBLICAL! But my biblical education and experience and I.Q. far surpasses most of theirs.
@@HandlingItAll hey thanks for answering. It was a genuine question bc I am just trying to learn. Okay so, can you tell me how the scripture where Paul says two people will be (I think He said milling?) one will be taken and another left behind? I appreciate this discussion very much.
You are a breathe of fresh air, the text are clear.
Well it does not quite add up with this interpretation of the scriptures. We are told we do not know the day nor the hour he will return so be ready at all times. If he is coming back only at the end of the tribulation, we will know when he's coming. Also, Paul would never of had to rebuke the people who had quit their jobs and sat on the mountain top waiting for Jesus if they were waiting for the end of the tribulation for him to return. The early believers knew Jesus was coming back before he came to set up his kingdom on earth.
Also, Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
21 For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
Absolutely correct..Christ constantly warned people to be ready because it could happen at any time. If it doesn’t happen until after the tribulation then all of that teaching was really for nothing because everyone would know when it would be.
The feast of trumpets is the ONE feast that you never knew "the day or the hour" in advance because it occurs on the first day of the month. The month according to the original Biblical reckoning of time began at the first sighting of the new moon by two witnesses. People would know within a day or two when it would happen based on the previous new moon, but wouldn't know in advance the exact "day or the hour." People err in their understanding because we foolishly assume that they used a calculated calendar such as we inherited from the pagan Babylonian system.
AMEN...pray they get it...soon
@@shawnglass108 Amen
Thank you! This reconfirm my hope for humanity! Blessings to you and your family! Thank you for clarifying the light in love.
He us so wrong, please study/pray about this.
@@donnaparsons2233 do you have scripture to back this up?
@@donnaparsons2233 I can't believe the strong delusion is happening!! Wow !
Alot of Christians are saying God's return is evil!!
Amen brother! This video is so good to hear! People need to wake up instead of being comfy cozy in their own little worlds unmotivated to worry about anything. Rhere an over assurance that the world is already won! The Lord has a battle plan for us to be part of! :) God Bless You! :)
Thanks Cory
How is this video "good to hear"? Do you actually _want_ to be left here to face the woes and plagues The Lord will send to unbelievers?
I'm grateful that no man can steal my blessed Hope despite many who twist Scripture and lie to people about believers being left behind. Perhaps not all post-tribbers purposely lie but they don't know how to rightly divide The Word of Truth.
Christ isn't going to leave His body (Colossians)/His Bride (Ephesians 5:25-27) on earth to face God's wrath. He said we (believers) are not destined to wrath.
*1 Thessalonians 5:9* - _For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our LORD Jesus Christ,_
The only people who will be left here to face God's wrath are unbelievers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If John The Apostle, a believer of the gospel of Jesus Christ, was taken to heaven and shown things, by God, _"which must be hereafter,"_ my question to you is... _"hereafter"_ what?
What _else_ could *Revelation 4:1-2* be talking about if it's not talking about a catching away of believers before Jacob's Trouble?
The church wasn't present for the first 69 weeks intended for Israel, so why would the church be here for the 70th week? The Church and Israel are two different things.
Who are the 24 elders dressed in white and wearing crowns in *Revelation 4:4?* They certainly aren't on earth.
*Revelation **7:13**-14* - _And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb._
This is proof that the 24 elders *ARE NOT* people who were left behind! There is an obvious distinction.
How is being left here to face God's wrath comforting to _anyone?_
Christ purchased the church/His bride with His own blood.
*Acts **20:28* - _Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood._
He paid for us believers and He's coming back to take us to the place He prepared for us. It can't get any better than this!
*John 14:2* - _In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also._
Do It Like The Bereans I do not fear death... I pray that the holy spirit will lead you to a peace that surpasses all understanding that includes peace about death! I prayed for it and received it, and you can too! The Holy Spirit wants vigilant Christians who are ready for anything, focused not on heaven but on others' salvation!
@Levigyrl J how am I funny? Scripture is pretty clear believers will meet Jesus in the air and will escape God's wrath.
@@corydanielwolf5684 I'm ready to go when God takes me. But I know that I wont be facing His Wrath, as His Word says.
Please, explain why the LORD told us to pray that we will be accounted worthy to escape the things that are to come upon the earth during the tribulation period, and pray that we will be accounted worthy to go before HIM in HIS day ???
Because the Lord expects people to prepare to escape the great tribulation in much the same way that Jewish bridegrooms expected their brides to prepare for their arrival to take them home. But those who aren't prepared are left behind.
We should not waste time and energy debating pre-trib, prost-trib or no rapture. None of us is guaranteed the next five minutes; therefore, it would be more profitable to put our time and energy into loving God, and loving others as our selves and backing up this love by doing good so that others may see our example and follow.
@@cryptojihadi265 you are so wrong....but more important is who you say Jesus is....? The Lord Jesus Christ, God in the flesh? You have to know him, to be with Him and the Father and the Holy Spirit....
Check out the Book written by Lee Brainard. "You've been lied to." It speak on what the early church fathers taught. Amazing.
I used to believe in the pre-tribulation rapture until I started studying the Word of God. Great break down 👌👍
MEECHIE Johnson not trying to be arrogant, but to be truthful you haven't been reading enough. Every single time the Great Tribulation is mentioned, you will not see a Christian anywhere in those texts. Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, all being spoken to the Jews and about Jews in the context of Jews. And Paul's letter of Thessalonians, that is directed towards the church aka the non-jews. Obviously the Apostle Paul being the minister to the Gentiles he was given a different dispensation of gospel. Please reread.
GT Abraham read Luke 10.25-37 Luke 18.18-30 John 14.15 John 14.23 John 15.6 John 15.10-11 Matt 7.21-27
@@gtabraham3454 Amen...this guy is leading all astray....
Theres more than 1 ressurection and rapture... I prefer to call it the time of jacobs trouble or Daniel's 70th week as opposed to rapture. People tend to want to straw man ideas or concepts that are biblical but don't necessarily show up in one word like rapture or bible or trinity but the ideas are all over scripture...
Donna ⚠️ You'd obviously know who are the two most popular UA-cam preacher's favouring the rapture theory, correct ❓
Yes, I'm referring to Gene Kim and Robert Breaker (ROBBER of TRUTH and BREAKER of laws and commandments). Both these theorists claim the rapture is imminent, but the Bible also makes it clear there will be a gathering FIRST.
So, by this time all the rapture believers should already be gathered together in ONE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION.
1) Are the believers gathered together in ONE PHYSICAL PLACE for the rapture ❓
2) Where is this location❓Florida, San Jose, Mexico, desert, forest, jungle...❓
This channel is an example of eisegesis. You assume that there is no pretrib rapture and then you read that into the interpretation of the rapture verses. Try exegeses where you read the scripture with no preconceived notion and glean the meaning out of it. That is sound Bible hermeneutics. Why there are so many cults is because of using eisegesis to interpret scripture. Someone once said that you can twist any meaning out of the Bible if you torture it enough.
When will the resurrection take place?
‘In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.’ 1 Corinthians 15:52
There are pastors convinced the resurrection of the elect will take place at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. They believe the last trumpet blown has to be the 7th trumpet. (1 Thes. 4:16, 1 Cor. 15:52) They teach the Two Witnesses somehow represent the church. After the 7th trumpet sounds, they insist the church will be resurrected and ascend into heaven in a cloud. This interpretation has four critical errors.
1. The mystery of the saints receiving incorruptible bodies will take place when the trumpet of God sounds. (1 Cor. 15:50-52, Mat. 24:31, 1 Thes. 4:15-17) The mystery of God will be completed in the days before the 7th trumpet sounds. (Rev. 10:7) Which means
the 7th trumpet can’t be the same trumpet blown at the coming of our Lord. (1 Thes. 4:15-16)
2. God will sound the last trumpet at the resurrection of His elect. (1 Cor. 15:52, I Thes. 4:16) Only angels sound the seven trumpets. (Rev. 8:1-13; 9:1-21; 11:15)
3. Nowhere in scripture are the Two Witnesses ever called the church.
4. During the great tribulation, between the 6th and 7th seals, a great multitude go up to heaven. (Mat. 24:21-22, Rev. 7:9-17) During the day of the Lord, between the 6th and 7th trumpets, the Two Witnesses go up to heaven. (Rev. 9:13; 11:7-15)
There is no resurrection of the dead in Christ at the 7th trumpet. There is no gathering of alive believers. People won’t be having fun, getting married. Our Jesus certainly won’t be coming back like a thief in the night at the 7th trumpet. Without a doubt, Satan is using this deception as a smokescreen to prevent many from understanding the timing and consequences of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mat. 24:4-5, 30-31, 36-39, 1 Thes. 4:13-17, 2 Thes. 2:1)
Thanks Lex, for helping me unlearn the lies that I've been taught.
Thanks for your good work . God bless those with simple heart to whom GOD will reveal his words and prophecy.
Rapture: Who is taken and who is left? Jesus says the lost are taken, the left behind are saved, and the accounts of Noah and Lot confirm this:Luke 17:26/28 And as it was in the days of Noe/Lot, ...the flood came, and them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37-41, 22:13, Genesis 7:23, 19:24,29, Isaiah 8:14-15, Ezekiel 33:4, Zechariah 13:8-9 Who is taken (killed)? Who is left (saved)?In every Scripture, the wicked are taken (killed), and the righteous are left behind (saved).
Please explain this: post-tribbers seem to get really mad at pre-tribbers. Why? What does it matter for me to hope/ believe/ pray for an earlier rapture?
There is no rapture (pre or post). When Messiah returns we will be gathered together with Him into His kingdom here on earth. The dead will be resurrected and the living will be transformed, but we are not raptured to heaven.
UNLEARN the lies. I didn't say anything about heaven. I just want to be snatched away from Earth and meet Jesus in the air, sooner rather than later. Where He puts me after that is up to Him.
If that's true, then where does the Great White Throne Judgement take place? Nothing here lasts forever. Either the sun will swallow us or Andromeda will take us out. I think you are mixing the fact that we need to take back the land of Israel with the last day. We will be made to dwell in the land safely, the world will know that YHWH sent His Son, then, when people still don't repent, hence the curse for anyone who doesn't go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in Zechariah 14, the Lord takes us before the angel in Rev. 7 holds back the winds. If the Earth doesn't have any winds and large things are falling from the sky, what does that mean?
+Natasha Mudfor... 'get really mad' may not be the appropriate response. However, if a teaching is false and dangerous then we should refute it.
The error of premillenialism is that it (a) denies that Jesus is reigning in His kingdom now - contradicting Colossians 1:13 for example. and (b) anticipates a return to old covenant living (earthly temple, human priesthood, sacrificial system, Jewish superiority).. all of which were done away in Christ. Premillenialism is not discovered by exegesis of the Bible but only ever by imposing it's paradigm on the Bible. For example, in the vision of Daniel 9:24-27 is there any mention of an indefinite time gap? No. 7+62+1 exactly equals 70. Of anti-christ, a covenant between Israel and anti-Christ? None of these things are there but pre-mills insist that they are. That is a distortion of scripture. Can't get much more serious error than that.
+Darya Hupp.. .your questions about the time of judgement and what happens to this old world are addressed by Peter (2 Peter chapter 3).
'But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up' and 'But by His word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men'. The end is very simple, not at all like the popular 'end-times' scenarios make out.
So I have a question. As you stated that in matthew 24 was talking or stating that the rapture would be after tribulation. So in Revelation 16:12, talks or gives statement to almost the same event, now at the point in time when the 6th seal was broken, are they stating about the same topic that will occure though it may not be the same word for word?
I agree with this 100%. I pray to be left behind. God bless you brother. :)
Thank you. Blessings to you as well.
Dane serala you PRAY to be left behind? are you crazy? I suggest you read Revelation and reconsider.
+Do It Like The Bereans ... what do you have in mind? Where in Revelation (or anywhere else) do we find a left-behind style secret rapture? You need to be specific.
Dana Salares yes, and is not just like the deceiver, the devil, who likes to twist and turn the truth around?
That is wrong in so many ways, and the first and most important is that Jesus paid the price for you. If you don't believe that then you need to question your own salvation and see if you are one of His children yet.
Can you help me with something...what does Jesus mean in Rev. 3:10 when He says..." Because you have kept the word of my perseverance, I will keep you from the time of testing coming on the whole earth."
About your video of the rapture.
I watched your video about the rapture twice, and felt the urgency to get things clear for myself about this doctrine, since I consider it of great importance, and I used to consider you a good master of the Scriptures. I respect you, but as a believer, I took this matter seriously. I have to admit you made me doubt it, but I took the time to carefully read the passages in the Bible that you mention, and I personally come to the conclusion that there is a rapture. My honest conclusion, after reading and analizing the verses in their whole chapter contexts.
I encourage you to carefully read them. To me, in all given portions of the Word, it's pretty clear: first the dead will rise, THEN US, will gather with the Lord in the clouds. Also, we'll be TRANSFORMED from a animal body to an incorrupted, espiritual one.
The reference you make about the angels gathering and taking the good plants INTO the Lord's barn. Also mentioning, from Yeshua Himself, that the angels Will gather us from the 4 corners. It's not even implicit, all this is plain and explicit.
Please reconsider your opinion, because I think you are mileading people and bringing confusion.
Marco Silva ... brother when I came to the same heartfelt search for rapture GOD answered me clear as day and rapture is true. I don’t need man to open my eyes when the Holy Spirit and GOD Show me.
I find a lot on this channel to be religion still living under old covenant and missing what JESUS frees us from.
so right. YOu know, its scarry to think that IF ONE teaches a FALSE doctrine then they are under Gods wrath ( remember, there is a strong responsibility therin) and i personally would not want that hanging over my head unless i was 110% sure and really, there are two good arguments for and against ( no matter what i personally beleive). Perhaps we all need to take a long breath and rethink a lot of our actions since folks are looking to preachers for spiritual and life guidance......
Im new to this channel and his teaching about the Law vs Grace was completely wrong.
I would take what he says with a grain of salt and let the Holy Spirit guide you in the Word.
Thank you for this clarifying video. Lately I've seen videos claiming 2 raptures, so confusing
He just mixed everything up, keep searching, please...pray about this...
So actually none of us goes to heaven gods kingdom with Jesus placed as king is here on earth. Revelation even says the tent of god (Jesus) will remain with them on earth
You're right ! Heaven will literally be a city on the earth.
Does revelation 14 teach against this? It says the reaping of the ripe or righteous is first then the reaping of the wrath of God
this is so true and from the Bible!
You are awoke bro, may Yah bless and keep you. Shalom.
He is blinded and deceived....Lord help them see....
What does our Lord mean by ‘Immediately after the tribulation of those days’?
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Matthew 24:29
Let’s remember the 70th week of Daniel is never called the tribulation period. (Daniel 9:24) When our Lord says after the tribulation of these days, He is referring to the tribulation of the first five seals on the outside of the heavenly scroll. (Mat. 24:4-26, Rev. 6:1-11) The events from the first three seals, the beginning of sorrows, will take place in the first half of the seven years. (Mat. 24:4-8, Rev. 6:1-6) The Lamb of God will open the 4th seal in the middle of the 70th week. (Rev. 6:7-8, Mat. 24:9-26) This marks the beginning of the great tribulation of the saints by the Beast. (Mat. 24:21-22, Rev. 13:3-7) Martyrs are seen in heaven after the 5th seal opens. (Rev. 6:9-11) Immediately after the tribulation of the first five seals, the sun, moon, and stars will lose their light. (Mat. 24:29, Rev. 6:12-17, Joel 3:15, Isa. 13:10) The Son of Man will come with the dead in Christ and His angels after the opening of the 6th seal. (Mark 13:24-27, 1 Thes. 4:14-15)
Замечательно! Разъяснение детальное, библейское. Спасибо, брат.
Unearned I agree, there is no pre-trib rapture, I think this is important because it causes us to think about others instead of just thinking about ourselves and how we will be safe. Instead of how we can save others
great point
UNLEARN the lies + thank you
Get it right. We can't save others. Only Jesus saves. We are to Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
@@achristianconvertedtochris5862 great point, tell about Jesus Christ NOW, before the rapture, so more can go...This is true...rapture...our Lord Jesus Christ will call us us to meet Him in the clouds to be with HIM for evermore...we are not appointed to God's WRATH....
2Timithoy 2:15 Is very important when studying Gods word, it clears up a lot of common confusion. This is a perfect example of that importance.
God's time is not linear like ours is so when He reigns with those who were beheaded, they get 1st dibs so to speak, it could be happening right now. What's happening on Earth during that time? Where is everyone else? I was dead and now I'm alive. I died and Christ now lives in me. I have been "resurrected" spiritually. If all this is talking about the resurrection of the dead, then no one will be alive when Messiah comes back and what Paul said about the living being taken 2nd isn't true. What tribulation happens 1st? The demons coming up from the ground and killing mankind? No, all those tribulations after the 6th seal happen to those who refuse to repent. Rev. 7 has the children of God sealed 1st and then the Earth and mankind are destroyed. This is why the sound of the shofar kinda scares me. Matthew 24:29-31 is talking about the 6th seal and all the trumpets afterwards that destroy the Earth and mankind. They all involve things falling from Heaven. We should be looking for something huge coming our way. (Side note: If you look at all those who are sealed with the seal of God before this happens, it totals the dimensions of the New Jerusalem measured in Rev. & the New Jerusalem is made in Heaven 1st before it comes down. It will last forever.) The 5 seals have already been opened, they've been open for a long time. Matthew 24: 37-42 doesn't say that the righteous will be left behind. I have no idea where you just got that. Very weird, bro. Remember how Paul said that the living will be taken 2nd? This would make all the tribulations in the book of Rev. happen to the righteous if the righteous are left behind. Yeshua was praying the our Father wouldn't allow us to be killed because the world hates us. Like you said, context. We aren't going to have a world left anyway by the way we treat it. Our oceans are already plastic. Shalom, pray that neither you or I are infected with the spirit of false teaching. False teaching is a serious offense.
What are you talking about?
Nobody who espouses the pre tribulation rapture says that it is a secret rapture. Those are your words to provide a straw man argument that you can easily knock down.
Wow, you literally took all of the verses out of context and not finishing verses. It says God has not appointed us to wrath, Rev 4 begins with Jesus breaking the seals judging the world. Very strange interpretation...
We are not appointed to wrath. The wrath is not for us, it is for the wicked. We will be protected from wrath. However, that does not mean we will be taken out of the earth.
Joshua Matthews no, you are confusing the wrath of God with the tribulation. They are two separate events. The wrath of God are the 7 vials poured out on earth AFTER tribulation.
Then how are we going to eat when we refuse to take the mark of the beast?
Yes agreed.after the tribulation of those days.
The rapture and resurrection come just before Gods wrath.
Also antichrist is to be revealed to the body of Christ which means we are present at the beginning of the tribulation.
We then suffer persecution once the restrainer stops restraining and wait to be raptured or suffer death for Christ.This purifies the bride ready for the bridegroom to be taken for the wedding feast.
How did the children of Israel eat in the wilderness...Is God not going to take them into the wilderness again for 3 and a half years during the great tribulation????????? Do we the church not have a better covenant than them?????????? Rev 12 :17 tells us both Israel(Jacobs trouble) and the church(the Great tribulation) will be hunted down by the antichrist/beast. Are you an OVERCOMER...You will need to be to EAT. Find your manna....Find your water....find your quail.... FIND YOUR FAITH.....Be an overcomer and love not your life unto the death.
Hard to believe but I learned all this more than 20 years ago in a Pentecostal church. It was very unpopular at the time and I guess still is, but this is exactly what that pastor taught. 11 years ago I woke up to Torah and left main stream Christianity.
No wonder there is a lot of confusion...not even clear passages can make men like this man accept plain, unbiased truth. The same rigmarole of the first video...Signing off at 4:51...
It's interesting though, in the Bible, that it's always the people of God that God delivers through tribulation, not from it.
"Lies Exposed & Truth Revealed" is a must read for all Christians along with their Bibles
Thank you for a very good lesson! Keep up the great work!
Thank you
Lex do you believe in the Pre-Wrath rapture?
I believe in the resurrection that will take place when Messiah returns
Hey brother I just found your channel and I am leaning towards moving away from the current modern Christian church and finding a messianic Christian church , I'm still praying and learning
I had a quick question that I don't need a longer answer than you wish to give just for my own learning. Do you believe that angels came to earth in Genesis 6 and mated with human females creating Giants ? Thanks brother I'm going to keep learning any prayers are well received
That is what the text seems to be saying. I have seen other explanations of it, but it seems that the fallen angel theory makes the most sense to me right now.
UNLEARN the lies yes I've done a lot of research on that topic and I feel the same , thank you
Drew Lord it will be the best thing you ever do and ask Lord to speak truth into your life and open your eyes and ears to see truth.Satan is crafty but he is not Adonai,Adonai gives us truth when we ask for it.I go to a messianic church now. Diconnecting from the "church" and having a body of believers all working to here truth through God's words
Blessings and Shalom brother!
+Drew Lord.. Hi Drew, what do you mean by 'messianic Christian'? Are there different categories of Christians?
Drew Lord I have been on the messianic path for a few months now and it is the absolute best choice(other than my salvation) I've ever made. The bible makes so much sense and is so deep now. I love the Old Testament, which I didn't read much of before. I have found Yahweh and Yeshua and my eyes are now truly opened. I have not been able to find a church to attend but there are many messianic home groups. I want to encourage you to take this path because it is fulfilling.
This is a terrible thought that we will suffer down here during the tribulation, that we will be tested for our faith. We will Be martyed for our faith in Jesus.
Great video! Well put together. Relaying this message to people however is very difficult as I am sure you know. The bible also says that whoever teaches these doctrines that tribulation will not come unto the believers of Christ is committing a sin. I refer to AMOS 9 which is about the day of the lord 9:10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent, us. People need to ask Jesus to open their eyes and hearts so that they might not be deceived by the deception that God himself will bestow upon the earth
2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
God says that this deception would be so great that even the elect if it were possible would believe it
Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
You are right, people have been deceived and they do not want to hear the truth.
Indeed they don’t want to hear the truth... anymore they are so deceived . That happen to me til one day my eyes were open thanks to Abba Yah. Thanks to this channel the true lies are being Exposed ... 👍there is no pre-rapture before tribulation. Our faith will be tested and must go thru the fire 🔥 which is “tribulation.” We must persevere til the end. Shalom!!!
This was a good point, it will not be a secret.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1 Thessalonians 4:16
bro lex, been listening to your videos over the last week and have been impressed by your insight. got wind of your ministry after listening to your interview with bro rob skiba. I to have been trying to unlearn the lies and have come to many of the same conclusions as you with regards to scripture, not sure about the law but I can see your argument, also not sure about the resurrection of the dead at the end of the 1,000 year rule but rather come to the conclusion that it's during the 1,000 year rule and that they are judged at the end by the final test when the enemy is released for a short time. good work bro, I'm a fan lol :)
Thanks brother. The first resurrection happens when Messiah returns, this is the resurrection of the righteous. After the thousand year reign, the rest of the dead will be resurrected for the great white throne judgment, and if their name is not in the book of life they will be cast into the lake of fire. Hope that makes it more clear.
UNLEARN the lies : RGR that bro but thinking that Yeshua said there is to be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous those who do good things to a resurrection of life, but those who do vile things to a resurrection of judgement this would imply that they are going to get a period of time to prove themselves. plus who are those of the heavenly calling going to rule if they don't get a resurrection till the end of the 1,000 years ( Hebrews 3:1 & Revelation 20: 4-6). when it says the rest of the dead don't come to life till the end of the 1,000 years I'm thinking this means that they are still dead in there sins till they pass the final test when there names are written in the book of life, Yeshua said something on these lines when he said let the dead bury the dead!
During the thousand year reign, there will still be people on the earth who were not resurrected or given immortality yet. There are also people who are currently dead who will not be resurrected at the first resurrection. Those two groups will face the judgment of the great white throne, and some will be allowed into the kingdom and others will be cast into the fire. But, those who are part of the first resurrection will not face the great white throne judgment, because they have already received eternal life.
UNLEARN the lies : good stuff bro, I think we are on the same page on this, blessed are the meek since they shall inherit the (flat) earth.
Exactly, the meek shall inherit the earth (not be taken off of it).
Awesome! This confirms that all Jewish and unsaved gentiles and jews will go into the tribulation. Thank you
A little leaven leavens the whole lump. :(
It's like God has given me a liar compass. I knew it didn't sound right when thy preached about the rapture, just as the time they spoke about the trinity and the Holy Spirit being a separate person. I haven't even really read the bible then. God bless you brother.
Well put. Shalom.
So... according to this video, the "glorious hope" is a big let-down. The Tribulation is not for the Church to endure. It is called the "time of Jacob's Trouble" for a reason. The Tribulation is for the testing of unbelieving Israel. Matt.24 I agree is not about the Rapture. 1Thessalonians 4 and John 14:1-6 are about the Rapture. The Church is not destined for judgment.
Amen brother hallelujah forevermore
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it
Please which bible version are you using?
Thus says YHWH :" There is NO pre tribulation rapture "!!
beware of the
pre-trib-rap-trap !
YahushaGloryKing do not speak as if you are God. only re speak what He has spoken directly.
nate johnson
I speak however I want to!
I'm very bold you know.
the lies that I've unlearned made me this way.
and I got it from Michael Rood.. people can't handle him too
You are right Nate, and that goes for Christian singers and Christian bands. You will hear songs where the singer acts as if he is God speaking. What's next? Should we also accept a pastor who preaches as if he is God, and we are hearing his words directly? This is not a small matter. It's disgusting these so-called Christian singers whose words pretend to be from the very mouth of God.
Where did YHWH say this please?
YahushaGloryKing + Michael Rood is rude. Mabe that is a gift for him. But you still need to ex plane your self. GOD did.
Came across this today. I have a question. What is the difference between the 'rapture' and the 'second coming of Christ'? This has puzzled me.
I agree that there are many that take this subject and scriptures out of context, but After numerous hours studying this subject, i can tell you that the Word of God teaches about the Rapture.
That is what a lot of people seem to think, but I have not seen it. The Bible says we are going to live, die, and resurrect, and live eternally on earth with God. Not a single verse says we will ever leave the earth.
It's a little puzzling, it took time, and there is more to come and understand.
When studying the subject I ended up with 14 pages front and back; including OT parallels. After the Spirit revealed most of the understanding of the Lords Day, the Day of Wrath, the coming of the Lord, the Day of Vengeance, also Daniel 9:27 (70th week= years), Zechariah 13:9 (a third part, the remnant), Matthew 24 (in part the destruction of Jerusalem and part of the last times), Jeremiah 30 the time of Jacob's Trouble referring to Israel and Judah in the 7 year tribulation, where God is going to give the courts to the gentiles, try them, then, it was more clearer. Most people will apply these to us gentiles, when in reality it's mostly for Israel, and that's where most of the confusion comes. Also, we have to understand that God blinded Israel for their disobedience and unbelief and extended grace and salvation to the gentiles to provoke them to jealousy and "until the fullness of the gentiles be come in, as Paul said in Romans 11:25", this trying period for Israel will not start, of course at this point the antichrist will be in place already, and this is where I came to the conclusion that we will be gone, we will be taken for a moment until God tries Israel for the seven years, then bring us back to rule and reign, as indicated in 1 Thessalonians 4 etc. How much tribulation are we (in America) going to experience and or see? even though we see judgement taking place, I don't know. But there is many countries where millions are being killed for having the Word of God handy; for believing in Jesus. Millions that have to hide to have service, etc. There is of course a lot more to it, for I just scratched the surface.
Many blessings to you and your fam.
NOTE TO READER OTHER THAN "UNLEARN THE LIES", this has been my personal study, I encourage you to seek the face of God in prayer and get deep in His Word so the Spirit can open your eyes.
Many Blessings.
The Way, Truth & Life Jesus : Thank you for clarifying, "Most people will apply these to us gentiles, when in reality it's mostly for Israel, and that's where most of the confusion comes". You have hit the nail on its head. Rapture of the Body of Christ is before Jacob'sTrouble. Believers who rightly divide see it so clearly. (Actually, I'm quite new to interpreting using right division, but is has helped me immensely.) God bless.
UNLEARN the lies I'm not understanding. Because Jesus said he is going to prepare a place for us. And his father's Mansion are many rooms. So how are we not leaving Earth? I'm just not understanding
Doulos of Christ Jesus c
4.5 decades walking with him , no matter how many hundreds of studies in this topic whether self study or group studies especially heaps of the pre trb return teachings .
It's always been very clear n simple to what your saying l totally agree clear as day ..
But at the end of the Day ,, it's His day,, WOW what that looks like is way beyond my imagination ... getting closer now ..
He has a beard he must know what he’s talking about .
I always use Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43, and 47-50 to refute the rapture narrative. Those unwilling to learn quickly reject those text and stay with their traditions.
They are blinded from the truth for a reason.
@@lesliecrawford1336 I agree with that but I also believe their strong connection to tradition compels them to not seek the truth.
@@JamesPreech you are exactly right! You took the words right out of my mouth.
- idolizing Israel, (the state) and using the name, "Yeshua" is also a recent thing.
Yeah right caz Hebrew is just a recently formed language right??? No
What will happen when believers in Christ do not get raptured up. Say he lied, fall away and take the mark. Well that will not be a good thing for them, but then they never knew him to begin with.
I hope they are not the seed that falls away because of tribulation spoken about in the parable of the sower.
You really should listen or read Dr. Chuck Missler.
+Yellow Jacket Sue.. .. in summary, how would Chuck Missler explain the 'not precede' bit.
We know from John 11:23 [“I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.] that the resurrection is at the Last day, and from 1 Thess 4:15 that living saints will not precede (rise ahead of) that time. That therefore eliminates any 'prior' 'secret' rapture. Does Chuck Missler agree with this?
Yellow Jacket Sue i dun no yeller jacket. Jesus said as in the days of noah the flood TOOK them away, and noah and his family STAYED. Jesus was using this to describe the latter days of his return. Those who are not saved will be taken out or taken away.
Lupinsoverload Are you an historical scholar? Koine Greek and Hebrew Scholar or a scholar in the ancient cultures raised up by God through the centuries to teach his people as God commanded? Obviously not. Thinking you will understand the deep things of the Word without such helps as SCRIPTURE calls them this is the height of arrogance. You are a true novice.
Chuck was wrong.
Definitely trust Chuck Missler more than this guy.
QUESTION: At the 8:09 mark, you cover Matthew 24:37ff.
Regarding who will be taken and who will be left, you define those taken as the ones who are wicked.
Isn't it possible that those who are taken are, instead, the same righteous ones that are "taken" up to meet the Lord in the air" in 1 Thessalonians 4:13 (just as the ones who were taken by the Ark were "taken" away from destruction into the Lord's protection, and those "left" were destroyed by the Flood)?
I submit that that would be a more accurate picture of those "taken" and those "left" in Matthew 24.
someone needs to "Unlearn, Unlearn the lies" lol. the rapture is biblical and a mystery. The sabbath and the ten commandments christians are NOT UNDER. "The law of the spirit of life in Christ JESUS set us free from the law of sin and death" the law of moses brings death and condemnation and is FEARFUL. The law of Love Causes us to draw close to the throne of Christ Boldly to receive mercy in our time of need.
+Ted Myrrh .. biblical? Exactly how do you arrive at a secret rapture from scripture?
Ted Myrrh God is not real
Please explain Matthew 16 verse 28 .. Thank you
Hi Lex. I wish to know if you can please explain to me what is the meaning of 1 thessalonians 4:17, because I was always made to believe that this was a pre- rapture event but was never explained to me clearly and since I've started to dollow your channel I've come to learn that this is not true. Can you please explain? Thanks. God Bless you!!😁👍
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 clearly states that Jesus comes with a shout, with the voice of an 'archangel' and with 'the' trumpet of God. Jesus IS DESCENDING FROM HEAVEN to meet the dead IN CHRIST (not all the dead) and us who are alive. IN REVELATION 19:15 "The armies of heaven follow Him on white horses. From His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike the nations.
There is no doubt whatsoever that Thessalonians shows Jesus calling his elect, us, and the dead in Christ with the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God. When we hear the CALL, we are caught up together in the clouds to MEET THE LORD IN THE AIR. Whereas in Revelation 19:15 JESUS comes TO STRIKE THE NATIONS AND IN HIS MOUTH HAS A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD TO STRIKE! He does not strike in Thessalonians 4:13-17, he comes for ONE PURPOSE WHICH IS TO CALL US. Also, MATTHEW 24:40 "Two will be in the field, one will be taken, the other will remain, two will be in bed, one will be taken the other one remains" is undeniably the rapture. Matthew 24:40 is not about Jesus descending to strike the Nations, it is to come and take us with Him , as in Thess. 4:13-17.
Simple, is it not?
Is the rapture supposed to be preceded by the trump of God and a shout of the archangel? Every person I have ever talked to about the rapture has never said that. It is always “in an instant” with no warning. Anyway, 1 Thessalonians and revelation 19 are the same event, the fact that one section says one things and the other has different details does not wan they are different. There is no rapture (pre trib or otherwise) except the one that occurs when Jesus returns again.
You are so clear and correct!! Thank you for bringing you Godly knowledge to us!! God bless you, Brother!
Brought up in a "rapture" believing church but started questioning it not too long ago and I still am unsure of the answer.
What questions do you have?
+Georgia Warren -I like to illustrated the concept of rapture does exist and it was shown in the bible. Are you ready to study?
Acts 8:39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.
Use blueletterbible.org; check box [Strong's] this will give you the translation in Greek. Look up verse Acts 8:39 look at 'caught away'
G726 -Harpazo (Greek) translated to Latin -> rapturo -> rapture
Other places in the bible that suggested rapture?
Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
2 Kings 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
Acts 1:9-11 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
I just noticed in Acts 1:11 for the first time. it said 'this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.'
Jesus was taken up in the cloud. Something suggest to me Jesus will come back as he left. Quietly...? It will not be visible to all. ie it will Not BE like what's described in Matt 24:30-31
+Georgia Warren... behind the idea of an end-times rapture etc is a belief that Jesus has not yet fulfilled promises to Israel and therefore HE has to come back an do that. However neither Jesus nor the apostles ever taught or allowed for that option. Rather they taught that Jesus HAS fulfilled His role as Messiah completely and is currently enthroned as King. Look for example at Colossians 1:13 'For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son The Kingdom is now. Also do a study on the use of OT quotes in the book of Acts. For example 15:14-18 where James uses quotations from Amos and Isaiah to prove that Jesus IS SEATED on the throne of David. You will find similar in the sermons of Acts 2 and 3. Premill skirts around these evidences.
Ken bro thanks! I was very new to this idea 3 months ago but the more I look into it the more I don't believe there will be a rapture like the left behinds books say. I still need to study to show myself approved and that is the path I am on. I no longer just take what my old church gave me, I now try to see everything with new eyes-like a child-and everything HAS to be backed up with scripture!
Hi Georgia ... yes everything has to be scripture-based, ie drawn from scripture not imposed onto scripture. Whenever people list verses in support of a secret rapture they are actually taking references to the second coming and claiming they refer to a different event.
An example is 1 Corinthians 15. They claim v51,52 'we will all be changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye' refers to a secret rapture.
However the context is of the last trumpet (v52), the destruction of Death (v54) and the end (v24). This is all second coming/last day/judgement language. Until that time Jesus is reigning and will continue to reign. For He must reign 'until He puts all His enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy to be abolished is death'.
Futurists claim Jesus will BEGIN to reign at the second coming. The Bible teaches He reigns UNTIL the second coming and then hands all rule to the Father. This is also seen in Psalm 110:1-3
Who are those sitting on a throne and given authority to judge before the first resurrection?
The Father and Christ and the heavenly beings associated with them as assessors.
I'm not clear on this: 'caught up together with them in the clouds' would mean being taken up. How is it that the ones left behind are the good guys then?
We are caught up to meet our Lord at His return. We are then taken to be with Him in Jerusalem where He will reign over the earth for a thousand years. We are not taken out of the world.
Taken up is what is referred to as Rapture.. the discussion in this video is about its timing..
Shalom and Ahavah