It's a nice story, but I doubt it's so clear-cut. What's more likely to have happened is that some groups of people were expelled from some areas by some other groups of people at various times... which makes for a much less persuasive story, since that story could be applied to anyone. Have you counted up how many places the British were kicked out of?
17 shops in Tredegar is pretty much a monopoly. The population now is only about 15000. A more interesting video might be to look at how an immigrant group got to dominate the commerce of the area and drive out the local businesses. It's interesting how your position flips depending on which immigrants are being discussed.
The communists showed us why Jews are so unjustly hated; the deadly sin of envy. For every intelligent, hardworking man, be they jewish, kulak or otherwise, there are a dozen dumber and lazier neighbours that can be incited to theft and murder without much difficulty. It's really very simple.
Just 17 shops?! That's a helluva lot for a supposed small refugee community placed in a small Welsh town, don't you think? Hows your whiite flight, sorry, move to Wales coming along? Have a good day, sunshine! 🌞👍🏻
@AzureSymbiote,. They dare to thrive and flourish and succeed through hard work and endeavour whilst maintaining family values, how's that for a possible reason !
There must be a reason they have been kicked out of more than 100 nations across the world and across all the time they have been an organised religion? The fact is no other group has ever been treated the same and there must be an actual reason behind it.
When people begin to explore the sources of the history, one day they discover the true enemies of the world. 'Indeed, brethren, you have become imitators of the Churches of God that are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you have suffered the same treatment from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the Prophets and also persecuted us. They displease God and have become enemies of the entire human race' (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 NCB)
Over 600 expulsions in fact. Logic demands that the expelled is somehow incapable of introspection regarding their own behaviour, nor learning from it. Easier to just blame everyone else and seek support for their myth of victimhood amongst the clumps of the unthinking, in the countries they continue to act like deeply annoying twatz in.
Oy vey it's such a crying shame, I'm certain that the people of Tredegar had no reason whatsoever to engage in such activities. I'm positive that the 17 merchant families did absolutely nothing to deserve such persecution. They never have done in all the cities, nations and regions of the world that they have been expelled from throughout history.
I'm glad he does this, because it exposes a bit of a double standard when talking about who cares so much about racism and which demographic it's acceptable to condemn or defend, for example, the left hate racism so much, but use antisemitic themes to brigade against Israel, which is just another virtue signalling movement in favour of Palestine. they'll defend anyone as long as they're Muslim
It just shows that immy grey shon of large numbers doesn't work, especially when areas are poor, survival instincts set in. If it had been large numbers of English people settling in Wales the reaction would have been the same, in fact 20/30 or so years ago the Welsh were burning the holiday homes of English people in Wales [same difference]. And now all us ethnic Brits are slowly being progromised in our own country.
How very true. I do find it odd how the jews have migrated only to find wherever they went after a while those who lived there before resented their coming. I worked for orthodox jews for 12 years and made several friends anong the less religious members and I moved overseas to work before there was any falling out. I was reasonably well accepted and I followed instruction when attending their ceremonies.
@@grahamt33 Dictionary definition of a pogrom. An act of organized cruel behaviour or khil ling that is done to a large group of people because of their race or religion: Low estimate, at least 1400 child Vick Tims in Rotherham, Rochdale etc because of their wht ethnicity. 22 young people killed in Manchester arena because it was assumed that they followed the wrong God or no God. Wht kids are lyed to in schools about their history and to h*te their race and their history. Most of us wht people are told we have always been and are race sist. All sounds and feels pretty pogromist to me.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb His comment deserves a more Intelligent response... don't you think Simon. PS have you never pondered the fact as to why both (Americans and Canadians) are inclined to circumcise babies and young boys?
If you go out and you encounter an a-hole, chances are you just met an a-hole. If you go out and you encounter 109 a-holes, well then YOU are the a-hole
Why didn't the same thing happen to the many Italian immigrants who set up cafés and shops in the area? The answer is because the Italians didn't EXPLOIT the locals and they INTEGRATED into the population. I have personal knowledge of this subject, whilst you Simon can hardly claim the same. P.S. your pronunciation stinks!
Similar story here in England, especially London. People like the Italians, Maltese, Greeks and Cypriots all worked hard and integrated, and have never caused trouble. They might have faced some prejudice and discrimination a long, long time ago, but that's all water under the bridge. Nobody bats an eyelid at a Mediterranean name here now.
Adrenachrome. Financial trickery. Thinking they are superior and that we are little more than cattle or slaves to serve them. There holy book that begins with T. Have a look at what the say about us. Revelations 3/9 in the bible. Are they all of the same mindset. Probably not. But many at the top of our societies are. You don't get kicked out of everywhere for being nice.
‘Only’ 17 shopkeepers from just 30 families. Only doesn’t really apply, does it? What’s missing from this account are the locals point of view. The Russian pograms have been shown to be grossly exaggerated. How about doing a video on how the Russian Jews controlled the alcohol trade and forced workers to buy their alcohol. This video might as well be called, ‘and then one day for absolutely no reason at all…’.
It was much more than just alcohol. The grain industry was also put under a strangle hold by a certain group of people and turned into an effective oligopoly. For Ivan Average, dirt poor at the best of times, the price of bread went wayyy up. Then there was the Black Sea waterfront and on it goes.
They own virtually every large brewery and distillery across the first world as well, along with virtually every large pharmaceutical producer. There are no coincidences.
We must surely understand that they are disliked by most of humanity. I have dealt with these creatures in the course of my work and I find them repulsive and anger inducing, just by being present.
I hear you are disliked by most people, ergo I don't like you either. Mcdonalds is one of the most popular food outlets on the planet- it doesn't mean their food is good.
@@chestermosburger3113 As a disciple, I have to tell you that your time is short. The events written in the Bible are unfolding before our very eyes and soon, all of false religion that now exists on the earth will be annihilated.
I've seen your other videos defending israel. So I've had a suspicion, and the way you've told this story makes me sure that you are not on the side of British people. I already knew about this incident, and I noticed your many omissions of key details on what occurred. Somehow even the 2013 BBC article is less biased than you on this event. There were coal strikes at many mines, and industrial workers wages were reduced in the area, putting locals into poverty. 17 jewish owned shops is absolutely a monopoly in a place like Tredegar, plus many of the jews were landlords. For Welsh people of the time, they felt that jews control their entire lives, and treated the Welsh like slaves. So that's why they were targeted. You make this video highlighting jews to be the victims in South Wales, meanwhile many hundreds of Welsh workers were dying in mining accidents. So what makes you pro immigration here?
@The Stallion Speaks you are spot on with telling the truth on what actually happened in Tredegar. Simon only tells part of the story here, which is a bit naughty.
So, TSS, who owned the coal mines. Also Jewish owned? And who reduced the miners' wages? You remark: "17 jewish owned shops is absolutely a monopoly in a place like Tredegar, plus many of the jews were landlords. For Welsh people of the time, they felt that jews control their entire lives," I am noting that word "FELT". No more than in my post about the Limerick pogrom, I am trying to work out why/how the jewish incomers were able to run successful shops etc. and the locals for some reason were unable to do so, or to have done so even before the J incomers arrived.
@Ron P That's just a guess Ron. Why would they pay 0% interest, only. And why would they pay minimum tax as opposed to the general population. I am trying to get a handle on the furore going on here among all the comments. lol.
@Ron P Yes, Ron. I was aware that they support one another. Will give (lend) money to each other in order for the borrower to get on his or her feet in business. The "loan" must be paid back of course. At least it shows solidarity if nothing else. I can imagine if I wanted to set up a business tomorrow no one would lend me the money personally! I would have to approach the bank like everyone else. Maybe that solidarity is what makes them successful.
@@doloresaquines1529 They support each other at the cost of local Welsh people that do not get a chance to start their own business because they're a wage slave to the controlling class. It creates resentment.
If I’m not mistaken one of the problems that occurred in the beginning with the Jewish shop keepers in Germany was when they decided to boycott the German businesses , this being done was very unpopular with the German people after all they where given full access to owning and operating a business same as any Germans
They were Germans though..otherwise what was Vizefeldwebel Fritz Beckhardt, Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, Member of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords, 17 victories as a pilot im the Imperial German Air Service in WW1
@@Blackcat-fw4tl Dunno mate. Write to Mark and I'm sure he would reply with an update. He is always open to fair minded questions. Don't believe any cynical propaganda about him. He's a nice guy! 😀
The more I research the j question the more I question the official narrative, why do they keep promoting Ann Frank when it has been proved in a Canadian court that the diaries are fake 🤔
When sefton delmer and the Duke of Portland, were concocting the hollowcoast myth, delmer said, the lie must be constantly refreshed and nurtured, lest the seeds of truth take root, circa1946👹
Simon, I find it quite intriguing that having moved to Wales the first history "lesson" you put out is not so much about the people and history of that country, but rather, about a small group of "strangers", who just happen to be jewish?
It's a cynical ploy on part of Simon to deceive UA-cam management into thinking that Simon is not a bigot; but Simon's deception won't last long, his cover will be blown to expose his bigotry and hypocrisy
Having moved to Wales for a while I can confirm a strong 'in group' preference by locals that manifests to 'all' outsiders not just specific groups. Only 17 doesn't sound like many but towns were nowhere near as large as today (most people lived in the countryside still) so as a percentage of the total shops/outlets it was probably quite large.
Your point did make me think. If he wanted to look into little known disasters of the early 20th century in South Wales, he might have started with the Universal Colliery disaster of 1913. This was the worst mining disaster in British history (most people seem to think it was Aberfan, which technically wasn't a mining disaster). At the Universal an astonishing 439 miners were killed in a single explosion. Many were just 14. Pretty well every street in every surrounding village lost someone. A 14-year-old from next door to my grandfather's terraced house was killed and a young man in his 20s on the other side died. My grandfather was one of those on the end of a shovel trying to dig them out. Needless to say, the families received paltry compensation and management received limited fines only. It was not even until 1981 that a memorial was erected near the site. The names, ages and addresses of all the men and boys who died are now recorded there. It is a very moving experience to go there. Perhaps Simon should go and take a look, and think again about his adopted home?
I bought a house from a couple. Apart from refusing to budge on price, I later discovered that the house is falling apart beneath expensive flooring. I should have got a second survey. You live and learn.
@Tristo Smitty of course he is. have you read the bible. simon was a snake LOL. of course this boomerino who served the rothschildbankinggovernment is trying to protect the last 400 years of protestant destruction of christendom lol
"Pogrom" was a word used in August 1911 by home secretary Winston Churchill to describe the troubled situation in South Wales at that time, having ordered British soldiers to shoot striking Welsh colliers. You must place this event into context. A revolt against exorbitant food prices and increased rents in such austere times, is not antisemitism nor is it a "pogrom". Violence begets violence and if it was targeted in any way it was toward the British. Churchill is seen nowadays as an heroic figure and the nemesis of right wing racism, but look in more detail and you'll come across a litany of drunken disasters. Watching this video is like watching a man completing a jigsaw puzzle with a hammer. The Welsh are a curiously tolerant and welcoming people, despite your story telling.
Welsh don't say boyo and the English are fleeing here in droves - the things they complain about is what we've experienced in a different way for generations but now they know how it feels when one's own language - if not derided - certainly becomes a foreign tongue in towns where they used to feel at home. There is no gloating in this but a weary grimace as when it happens to you the penny drops and that is the only way you can understand the sensation and know it to be true. In your bones. Smart people in their ivory towers will eventually find out in their own way - it isn't something one can learn by reading about it.
@@celtspeaksgoth7251 Whether Welsh say Boyo or not is neither here nor there. I've been to areas in Wales where an English refugee would find it pretty difficult to fit in. Wales is the last stand of the British nation, not Saxon and foreigners are not very welcome.... hebrew or otherwise.
I'm from a partly Celtic and Jewish background, have lived in Wales all my life and I consider myself Welsh. If you think that Wales should only be populated by people who have 100% Welsh Celtic ancestry then it will be a very sparsely populated country.
@@mukhumor Well, I wasn't thinking specifically of Tiger Bay but it is a very good example of how some parts of Wales have been ethnically diverse for over a century. I believe that if you live in Wales, care about Wales and identify as Welsh then you are as Welsh as anyone other Welsh person. As South Wales was also colonised by the Romans and later on the Normans a lot of us also have those groups in our ancestry too.
Let's get one thing straight! The reason why the West today is so impoverished has nothing to do with supposed Jewish greed (greed which is common to us all). It is entirely due to the monopolistic nature of business. For years we have worshipped the free market, yet we failed to prohibit businessmen from paying politicians to legislate in their favour, thereby giving them an unfair advantage and allowing them to make monopolistic profits. This has nothing at all to do with Jewishness; it's just that some monopolists happen to be Jewish, some Christian, some Muslim, and some of other religions.
Very well put sir,it’s shocking the amount of anti Jewish comments I’m reading,nice to see a comment from somebody who knows what they’re talking about😊
@@71ibanez you'll be happy to know that many comments have been deleted. We can't have frank and honest debate on this topic for fear of "shocking" the sensibilities of our superiors.
I'm not tolerant or welcoming to people that have no right to be here . Enoch Powell MBE was the greatest PM we never had . Imagine a Britain if he had of gotten into power
Good times The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad is a good book that illustrates this alien revolutionary force entry into Britain, of course he was actually Polish himself so knew these people well.
The Jewish community who were being attacked in Tredegar weren't 'revolutionary forces' however, they were people with small businesses. In fact, it was a group of anti semitic Marxist agitators who were in Tredegar at the time who actually stirred up these pogroms.
There must be very good reasons why that ethnicity is so loved all over the world. Maybe it's their devotion to pushing socialism, communism and feminism while keeping their own culture strong.
Hopefully you have all noticed the way Mr Webb deftly tiptoes around the most important question that arises from the whole episode. Why were the jews of this town so hated by the local people ? Allegations of antisemitism don't cut it. In similar fashion you will never read the same question being asked about the anti jewish riots in Russia during the 1860s and 1880s. As per usual, antisemitism has been blamed and the rioters condemned. Mr Webb and his cohort do not want you to even ask let alone know the answer to that big question.
@@Pithead EVERYTHING, that was the point. Leo Frank was railroaded. Not surprising as Atlanta, GA in 1913 was not exactly the same as, say Pittsburgh, PA in 1913.
@@jamesslick4790 LMFAO are you seriously trying to act like Leo was some victim? "railroaded" they blamed some black guy and the locals wouldn't let the child rapist/murderer get away with it and took justice into their own hands.
I learnt a few years ago when visiting an area in Ontario, Canada, that Jews had been banned from certain beaches around Lake Simcoe in the middle of the last century.
Tredegar is my Paternal background. The "Riot Act" was read during the time you discuss but a very different story is told and remembered than the official one. South Wales has for many generations welcomed people of different ethnicity and or faiths. Families were going hungry in Tredegar at the time yet some did very well out of the hardships of the time. I for one am not ashamed of my town and ancestors, rather very proud.
I was born in, brought up, educated and lived in South Wales for the first 45 years of my life and have never heard a peep of anti-semitic sentiment, Simon. Tell you what I have heard throughout my time though is anti-Welsh bigotry.
I'm part Jewish, have lived in South Wales all my life and I can pretty much back up what you say, Sam. There's always the odd anti semitic a*** wherever you go but I would say that Wales is not a particularly anti semitic place to live now and neither was it a century ago either. *Also, interesting fact: quite a few Welsh people adopted Jewish sounding surnames because they were big fans of the Old Testament back in the day. That's in no way to minimise what happened here, though.
The nature of the Middle East is that it’s a region with many ethno-religious tribes and few, if any, clearly defined territorial boundaries. That’s always going to be problematic, but only one such tribe decided that the answer to their lack of a clearly defined territory was to completely ignore the fact that human beings are one of the most highly territorial species on the planet, and spread themselves across Europe infiltrating other people’s countries in their millions, whether the native people of those countries wanted them there or not. When the inevitable backlash occurred, instead of accepting that it was the result of their own mistake, they explained it by inventing a fictitious psychological illness which, they claim, gives people a completely groundless hatred of their tribe. A couple of thousand years later they went back to the Middle East and grabbed a tract of territory for themselves. They must be cursing their bad luck that, by sheer co-incidence, the displaced people of that territory caught the psychological illness that gives people a completely groundless hatred of their tribe. This sounds like some far-fetched tragi-comic science fiction story about the bizarre behaviour of some strange alien beings on another planet, but sadly, it’s happening here on Earth, and it isn’t fiction.
30 families owned 17 shops 😆 - i wonder what percentage of the indigenous population owned shops in that area! Let's not pretend those families didn't hold financial and political power within that community.
The old synagogue in Merthyr Tydfil is due to be completely renovated as a Jewish museum. There has been no anti Jewish sentiment whatsoever from any locals following the news of this. Many are pleased that such a visually stunning building will not be allowed to fall down, like most of the others in the town have.
@@poempadgett4664 it's pretty easy to find in fact it used to be common knowledge, if your having issues perhaps you should ask your career or grandkids to help you out when your online.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb Now try a touch of anti-Semitism and you won't have to abandon this UA-cam channel... it'll be gone before you could blink. But you know this.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb are you taking a break from doing your usual Zionist shit stirring playing different ethnics and religious groups against each other today.
Sorry about this, but Tredegar is pronounced tre-dee-gar. I’d guess Brynmore is really Brynmawr (pronounced brin-ma-wr). Bargoed likewise would be pronounced bar-goy-d.
@@Rusty-Hinge Ahhhh.....don't believe everything you see on TV. That's a big mistake to make, as films are often what's known as "fictional." That is to say, they're not real.
Hah, Wales! "You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the place names. Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick: you'll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight." Diolch am ddarllen! :)
Most Jews I know are well integrated into society, and most treat the synagogue like I treat the church: weddings and funerals. I have never been stabbed, mugged, or robbed by anyone from the Jewish community.
VERY disappointed at your coverage of this event - it is too simplistic and completely ignores the very real economic basis as to WHY this happened. The Jews were not targeted because they were jewish, but because of the economic stranglehold they had over the town including everyday products essential to living, and their effect upon the rents they charged the indigenous people. Plus, the disorder had dissipated BEFORE the military arrived. As you have moved to Wales, you should acquire more knowledge about the people - e.g. every Welsh town or village carries within it the history-in- mind of its people i.e. they have VERY long memories going back generations. Apropos of nothing in particular, very recently near me bi - lingual graffiti in large script along a main arterial road appeared saying "No more 2nd homes" - a kind of rebirth of the anti - british invasion of the 80's - Owain Glyndwr's spirit still lives on....Do take more care about what you post about the Welsh in any future video. You have been warned / counseled !
Graham,. I think we got the picture of why they were targetted. And as you say, every issue is always more complex and complicated that it might appear. However, it was mentioned that it was the owners of the mines who had brought the working populace to their knees, but cutting their wages. Odd that the people did not turn on the mine owners! But then they knew they would be met with robust (to say the least) reaction! I don't hold any brief for the Js, but running a business, any business, is not a charitable enterprise. Speaking of second homes we have the same problem in Ireland. Along Western seaboard, homes standing idle for most of the years except a few weeks in Summer. Bought by folks from the cities. No protests raised though. Many of those holiday "homes" are an eyesore and a blight on the landscape.
@@doloresaquines1529 I think it is called "Bungalow Blitz" and it has been going on for many years, partly due to the incredibly lax Irish Planning laws - I have seen it for myself and it is such a great shame...
@@grahamt33 Yes. Graham. It is actually called "Bungalow Blight" because it is a blight on the land. Beautiful Atlantic coastline destroyed by these ugly little buildings.
Thank you Simon for addressing these incidents. I am once again reminded that if we wanted to make sure these kinds of things did not happen, then we should not have let them into the country in the first place. Cant have a pogrom if they are not there already.
So basically you are saying here, that in order to AVOID antisemitism altogether, Western nations should install antisemitic legislation ??? Dude, someone was WAY ahead of you...... He started this lil "pure race" club, called the 3rd Reich, remember...? So what's your specific affiliation ? Muslim, Palestinian sympathizer., Leftist radical or just a good old fashioned neo-nazi ? Not that it really matters which "club" you belong to, their anti-Jewish rhetoric all pretty much sounds the same....pretty much your thing.... People should be judged by their actions & character, not their ancestral roots. And no, I have no Jewish ancestry, I just don't like (actual...) racists.....
The welsh have never like foreign cultures diluting their own. I remember when they burned the cars of tourists and holiday cottage owners so to paint this act as antisemitic is a bit disingenuous. Perhaps, for balance Simon you could do a video on the antisemitism shown by Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians? Mowing the lawn? Two shots one kill? Children signing their names on missiles used on civilian populations? I don't suppose you can as it's not on the script you are given is it?
@@JayDaniel905 Yes Arthur, those Palestinians aren't enjoying the enriching diversity, at least they have some arms to fight their cause, back here in the UK we have to just lump or like the enrichment.
@Eric,. And what a flourishing country it is,. It exports medicine, medical technology, IT , computer technology, agriculture, innovative agricultural methods, irrigation methods to name but a few of it's contributions to humanity!
There was a video on YT of a small park in London, where Jewish members of Haredim communities met to talk. Eventually, members of the Muslim community discovered this & descended on the park to be confrontational. Accusing Rabbis of eating kids during religious ceremonies & other crazy stuff. It showed who were the aggressors & who wanted to engage in conversation. Not surprisingly, I can't find the video anymore, which says a lot about who gets protection in the UK today.
its called "bloodLibel" and is well documented in history.....havent u noticed that anything to do with sex ewe all dee vee an see usually has them involved...think Epswine and all the other major players in that ..then Holly wood
I trained as a teacher and this was referenced in a lecture. I was young and was shocked so remember it. This was several years ago and thank you for signposting this piece of history
Why were you shocked? As if this hasn't happened before and won't happen again. You're a poor student of history and as a teacher, are likely contributing to the decline in British education.
@@vincentvanwyk5522 When you put a video on your youtube channel explaining the link between the two complicated pieces of history I'll try to watch it and then might be shocked.
@@markscript5746 yes. Well those who were so 'brutally' cleared from those towns in Wales. Were they for or against the indiscriminate murder of palestinians in 1947? I bet when it came to their own they didn't mind the odd bit of ethnic cleansing. And what was the result. Did they leave and go to Israel? I bet not
Ever heard of spite and envy, Johnny. If, for example,someone sets up a successful shop, and has the energy and know-how to run the shop, you can bet that those too ignorant or lazy to compete with that shop will find reason to set it on fire. Simple.
@@doloresaquines1529 the rioting in Tredegar had nothing to do with what you have mentioned above! We are mostly welcoming herre in the South Wales valleys unless our livelihood, and the house over our head is put at risk, which was certainly the case here. See THE STALLION SPEAKS comments above
@@Walesktf That's all right. I was expressing an opinion, and leaving the J question out of it altogether I see every day the envy of some because another person (not J) manages to open, run and make a go of a business through sheer hard work, and of course talent. I don't doubt the people in Wales are welcoming.
@@doloresaquines1529 synago-gue of Sa-tan if they are that successful why do the change there names when they enter other people countries what have they got to hide? Alot I think.
@@doloresaquines1529 they are jealous of whyte people and the country the have but that's why they are using all there I'll gotten gains and power to destroy them they can't Evan fight there own battles they hide in the shadows like gutless cowards.
Try emigrate to Israel and see what happens. So these pogroms are worse than what Israel did in 1947-48 murdering and cleansing palestinian towns? Ah, and talk to those soldiers killed in the 1940s and the bombing of the King David Hotel. Which is worse?
the thing is...we've established with your other videos that different tribes cant live side by side. so how can it be a surprise that )ews doesnt get along with anglos or hindus with pakistani muslims etc? im not saying progroms are good or anything. it just comes as a surprise that it's somehow more noteworthy when 'they' are targeted? insular communities within other nations tend to be targeted since they usually work together against the 'natives'. both out of necessity and also out of the feeling of being better/different. which is natural ofc.
i think a few things make it noteworthy. for one thing, the fact that we seldom fight back. (imagine doing this in Rotherham. they wouldn't be hiding in the attic.) for another thing, the threshold is so much lower than for other ethnicities. and for a third thing, even when we deport ourselves to our own little sandbox in the middle east, those who claim they can't live side-by-side with us are, for the most part, hardly encouraging. you miss us when we're gone, it seems. that last bit is the hardest for me to reconcile with. because to an extent, i do agree with you - some groups just get along better when they live separately, and that's alright.
It's unfortunate and regrettable how communities reject newcomers who will not assimilate but stick to their old habits. It seems that this is an universal human trait apparent in every culture. Those without the capacity of self reflection and criticism will bear the brunt of this behaviour for ever, never understanding that they are not unique.
I bet Rochdale, Rotherham, Luton, Leicester, Oxford etc had wished they’d reflected the newcomers, then maybe thousands of young girls wouldn’t have been raped, or continue to be raped.
@@andycommonsincanada 109+ territories and nations came to exactly the same conclusion. If you are curious to explore the history, I am sure you will reach the same conclusion. Please see the video I uploaded for details.
Funny business, anti-semitism. I grew up in a northern town with hardly any Jews in it, yet I acquired a robust anti-semitic vocabulary. Until I was about 11 or so, I thought a yid was any unpleasant person, and by sound association he or she must look like a young goat. I could say "Stop jewing!" as a synonym for cheating, and since I had never seen the word written, I imagined it spelled as "dewing". I knew what dew was, but a jew was something reserved for Sunday school.
I'm going too read about Tredegar on Wiki. I live not far from there and it's the first I've heard of this. Strange how it's never bee mentioned on the Welsh TV or the Welsh news.
Just a quick Welsh lesson. In Welsh the accent is placed on the 2nd syllable. For example Tred-ee gar. Welsh is difficult for the English I know so I’m not complaining. 😊 and Mawr is big in Welsh. So BrynMawr is mountain big. (Brin- Mowr). And mawr is a mutation of fawr
And don't you hate "Betsie Co-ed"? It drives me crazy when I hear it. I always think of an old lady who must have gone to a mixed sex school. The town needs big sign that says "Betoose a coid - to you lot"
@@spaceghost4475 Although, colloquially, it is subjective what constitutes a mountain, even in Welsh. I was on Mynydd Parys (Parys Mountain on a lot of maps) the other day. It's not really a mountain, it's a hill. The locals could equally have named it a hill (bryn) and English map makers called it a mountain, or vice versa. It doesn't really pay to split hairs in either language
@@alexdavis1541 What are you even going on about Saes? The person literally said "Bryn Mawr" which translates into big hill, evidently not "mountain big".
If I had been barred from 109 different pubs, and claimed that none of this was my fault, might be forgiven for not believing me.
It's a nice story, but I doubt it's so clear-cut. What's more likely to have happened is that some groups of people were expelled from some areas by some other groups of people at various times... which makes for a much less persuasive story, since that story could be applied to anyone. Have you counted up how many places the British were kicked out of?
@@pbrninja19 evidence?
Between 1904-06 the jews were kicked out of my city in Ireland, funny all happened around the same time, never their fault 🎻
@@pbrninja19 sir
"Media bias, control, & censorship / quotes of note"
Did you not tip?
17 shops in Tredegar is pretty much a monopoly. The population now is only about 15000. A more interesting video might be to look at how an immigrant group got to dominate the commerce of the area and drive out the local businesses.
It's interesting how your position flips depending on which immigrants are being discussed.
a MERE 17 shops owned by migrants, nothing to see here
Good point , but one that won’t be addressed.
The communists showed us why Jews are so unjustly hated; the deadly sin of envy.
For every intelligent, hardworking man, be they jewish, kulak or otherwise, there are a dozen dumber and lazier neighbours that can be incited to theft and murder without much difficulty.
It's really very simple.
Just 17 shops?! That's a helluva lot for a supposed small refugee community placed in a small Welsh town, don't you think?
Hows your whiite flight, sorry, move to Wales coming along?
Have a good day, sunshine! 🌞👍🏻
I'm from South Wales and as a sheep shagga I say you're gatekeeping, Simon.
I'm a sheep from Wales, and I'm pissed off with being continuously shagged.
I'd say ur an ignorant nutzi
@David Davies It is the season of Ram-A-Lamb right now. You're safe. Baaa
@@BigboyRoy100do your due dillingence and take a look into what countries see more court cases for shagging animals.
Irony. England!! 😂
I can't believe this one group keeps getting targeted for absolutely no reason.
mmmm weird. thrown out of every country thrice and they are so nice. mmm
@AzureSymbiote,. They dare to thrive and flourish and succeed through hard work and endeavour whilst maintaining family values, how's that for a possible reason !
@@user-sj8ki6ep5i 😂. You mean stir trouble, exploit, swindle and be generally arrogant and unpleasant.
@@StoneJenk They aren't generous or nice whatsoever.
109 goes brrrrr
When talking a small hatted tribe. Truth becomes hate and facts become anti semetic. You simply don't get kicked out of everywhere for nothing.
What you mean? I've been kicked out and barred from 109 pubs but hadn't done anything! Racist landlords were born hating me!
@@simonnotthepieman1581 same here. I get pissed and go on like a prick. I get kicked out of everywhere. But it's always someone else's fault.
There must be a reason they have been kicked out of more than 100 nations across the world and across all the time they have been an organised religion?
The fact is no other group has ever been treated the same and there must be an actual reason behind it.
When people begin to explore the sources of the history, one day they discover the true enemies of the world.
'Indeed, brethren, you have become imitators of the Churches of God that are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you have suffered the same treatment from your own countrymen as they did from the Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the Prophets and also persecuted us. They displease God and have become enemies of the entire human race'
(1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 NCB)
Never their fault. Over 300 expulsions in 113 countries. Right, Shimon?
some flawed logic right there
Over 600 expulsions in fact. Logic demands that the expelled is somehow incapable of introspection regarding their own behaviour, nor learning from it. Easier to just blame everyone else and seek support for their myth of victimhood amongst the clumps of the unthinking, in the countries they continue to act like deeply annoying twatz in.
*whisper* based....
Oy vey it's such a crying shame, I'm certain that the people of Tredegar had no reason whatsoever to engage in such activities. I'm positive that the 17 merchant families did absolutely nothing to deserve such persecution. They never have done in all the cities, nations and regions of the world that they have been expelled from throughout history.
"Gatekeeper Mode engaged!" - Simon Webbstein
I'm glad he does this, because it exposes a bit of a double standard when talking about who cares so much about racism and which demographic it's acceptable to condemn or defend, for example, the left hate racism so much, but use antisemitic themes to brigade against Israel, which is just another virtue signalling movement in favour of Palestine. they'll defend anyone as long as they're Muslim
It just shows that immy grey shon of large numbers doesn't work, especially when areas are poor, survival instincts set in. If it had been large numbers of English people settling in Wales the reaction would have been the same, in fact 20/30 or so years ago the Welsh were burning the holiday homes of English people in Wales [same difference]. And now all us ethnic Brits are slowly being progromised in our own country.
in group preference..a perfectly natural human trait
How very true. I do find it odd how the jews have migrated only to find wherever they went after a while those who lived there before resented their coming. I worked for orthodox jews for 12 years and made several friends anong the less religious members and I moved overseas to work before there was any falling out. I was reasonably well accepted and I followed instruction when attending their ceremonies.
@@davidpeters6536 sir
Media bias, control, & censorship / quotes of note
A B - "Pogromised" -What an hysterical and inaccurate statement -shame on you !
@@grahamt33 Dictionary definition of a pogrom.
An act of organized cruel behaviour or khil ling that is done to a large group of people because of their race or religion:
Low estimate, at least 1400 child Vick Tims in Rotherham, Rochdale etc because of their wht ethnicity.
22 young people killed in Manchester arena because it was assumed that they followed the wrong God or no God.
Wht kids are lyed to in schools about their history and to h*te their race and their history.
Most of us wht people are told we have always been and are race sist.
All sounds and feels pretty pogromist to me.
The only thing I have a against the Jews is the circumcising of baby’s for no reason, it’s sexual abuse in any language!
Golly, you mean that 60% of American men were sexually abused as babies? This is disturbing!
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb His comment deserves a more Intelligent response... don't you think Simon.
PS have you never pondered the fact as to why both (Americans and Canadians) are inclined to circumcise babies and young boys?
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb Not really sexual abuse but certainly genital mutilation, no matter on who or where it is performed.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb Now do female circumcision.
When you've been kicked out of every single European country throughout history you have to ask yourself no smoke without fire
Care to back that up with some examples?
@@71ibanez Mr Facetious
Austrian empire was quite fond of Jews. So you need to back up what you say with evidence
It's amazing how many people They upset.
A bad reputation is hard to shake
It's justified and they haven't changed, they've probably got worse actually.
Yes, those Welsh will always be regarded as revolting!
@@georgehetty7857 The English have had a go at these people in history also, my fellow Anglo Saxon.
@@5gpoweredrunt505 Check out the good people of York!
Is it a bad reputation or another reason
Poor things. Expelled from 109 European states and kingdoms (including England in 1290)... and kicked out of South Wales 🙂
Wales must have been the lowest of a low point.
If you go out and you encounter an a-hole, chances are you just met an a-hole. If you go out and you encounter 109 a-holes, well then YOU are the a-hole
Why didn't the same thing happen to the many Italian immigrants who set up cafés and shops in the area?
The answer is because the Italians didn't EXPLOIT the locals and they INTEGRATED into the population. I have personal knowledge of this subject, whilst you Simon can hardly claim the same. P.S. your pronunciation stinks!
He is a crypto Jew. What do you expect ?
Similar story here in England, especially London. People like the Italians, Maltese, Greeks and Cypriots all worked hard and integrated, and have never caused trouble. They might have faced some prejudice and discrimination a long, long time ago, but that's all water under the bridge. Nobody bats an eyelid at a Mediterranean name here now.
Apparently we are all just jealous because some divine being called g_d chose them as his special people.
Could someone tell me why they've been persecuted everywhere they go throughout history, long before the modern age where they wield power?
general trickery on all levels involving assets
See my comment and have a look at the free book pdf…
Adrenachrome. Financial trickery. Thinking they are superior and that we are little more than cattle or slaves to serve them. There holy book that begins with T. Have a look at what the say about us. Revelations 3/9 in the bible. Are they all of the same mindset. Probably not. But many at the top of our societies are. You don't get kicked out of everywhere for being nice.
Because the Catholic Church blamed them for "Killing Christ" and deserving external condemnation.
@@bertibear1300 could you say it in code, please? Your comment got Shoah'd
Not really a forgotten episode, but a meticulously recorded incident for hardening of a persecution complex and victim histrionics.
@Rampart,. It's real persecution and real victims, exactly like the incidents were recorded and from which records Simon gets his information from !
@@user-sj8ki6ep5i sure it was v 🙄🤣
@@WakaWaka2468 what’s the plan? who are the slave-owners? who are the slaves? why do the slaves feel sorry for the slave owners?
@@simondjangothe4349 go back to sleep
‘Only’ 17 shopkeepers from just 30 families. Only doesn’t really apply, does it? What’s missing from this account are the locals point of view. The Russian pograms have been shown to be grossly exaggerated. How about doing a video on how the Russian Jews controlled the alcohol trade and forced workers to buy their alcohol. This video might as well be called, ‘and then one day for absolutely no reason at all…’.
It was much more than just alcohol. The grain industry was also put under a strangle hold by a certain group of people and turned into an effective oligopoly. For Ivan Average, dirt poor at the best of times, the price of bread went wayyy up. Then there was the Black Sea waterfront and on it goes.
They own virtually every large brewery and distillery across the first world as well, along with virtually every large pharmaceutical producer. There are no coincidences.
We must surely understand that they are disliked by most of humanity. I have dealt with these creatures in the course of my work and I find them repulsive and anger inducing, just by being present.
I haven't had much to do with them over the years, but when I did interact with them, they weren't exactly friendly.
I hear you are disliked by most people, ergo I don't like you either. Mcdonalds is one of the most popular food outlets on the planet- it doesn't mean their food is good.
@@chestermosburger3113 As a disciple, I have to tell you that your time is short. The events written in the Bible are unfolding before our very eyes and soon, all of false religion that now exists on the earth will be annihilated.
I've seen your other videos defending israel. So I've had a suspicion, and the way you've told this story makes me sure that you are not on the side of British people. I already knew about this incident, and I noticed your many omissions of key details on what occurred. Somehow even the 2013 BBC article is less biased than you on this event. There were coal strikes at many mines, and industrial workers wages were reduced in the area, putting locals into poverty. 17 jewish owned shops is absolutely a monopoly in a place like Tredegar, plus many of the jews were landlords. For Welsh people of the time, they felt that jews control their entire lives, and treated the Welsh like slaves. So that's why they were targeted. You make this video highlighting jews to be the victims in South Wales, meanwhile many hundreds of Welsh workers were dying in mining accidents. So what makes you pro immigration here?
@The Stallion Speaks you are spot on with telling the truth on what actually happened in Tredegar. Simon only tells part of the story here, which is a bit naughty.
So, TSS, who owned the coal mines. Also Jewish owned? And who reduced the miners' wages? You remark: "17 jewish owned shops is absolutely a monopoly in a place like Tredegar, plus many of the jews were landlords. For Welsh people of the time, they felt that jews control their entire lives," I am noting that word "FELT". No more than in my post about the Limerick pogrom, I am trying to work out why/how the jewish incomers were able to run successful shops etc. and the locals for some reason were unable to do so, or to have done so even before the J incomers arrived.
@Ron P That's just a guess Ron. Why would they pay 0% interest, only. And why would they pay minimum tax as opposed to the general population. I am trying to get a handle on the furore going on here among all the comments. lol.
@Ron P Yes, Ron. I was aware that they support one another. Will give (lend) money to each other in order for the borrower to get on his or her feet in business. The "loan" must be paid back of course. At least it shows solidarity if nothing else. I can imagine if I wanted to set up a business tomorrow no one would lend me the money personally! I would have to approach the bank like everyone else. Maybe that solidarity is what makes them successful.
@@doloresaquines1529 They support each other at the cost of local Welsh people that do not get a chance to start their own business because they're a wage slave to the controlling class. It creates resentment.
If I’m not mistaken one of the problems that occurred in the beginning with the Jewish shop keepers in Germany was when they decided to boycott the German businesses , this being done was very unpopular with the German people after all they where given full access to owning and operating a business same as any Germans
Nutzi revisionism.
They were Germans though..otherwise what was Vizefeldwebel Fritz Beckhardt, Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class, Member of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with Swords, 17 victories as a pilot im the Imperial German Air Service in WW1
Thanks for bringing this up. In Simon's head it was all one way traffic against the chosen people.
@@jamespainter1302 anti semitism in Britain has as big a following as does the I Ran Away, outside NI
They havnt been very popular in hundreds of countries for centuries.
Go Figure!!!!!
Oh, those poor 4x2s! Why would anybody be so mean to them??? I will do some research....
Two hours later and I have joined Patriotic Alternative! 😎
How come pa aren't being allowed to be a political party ? The Ecp didn't have any problems?
@@Blackcat-fw4tl Dunno mate. Write to Mark and I'm sure he would reply with an update. He is always open to fair minded questions. Don't believe any cynical propaganda about him. He's a nice guy! 😀
The more I research the j question the more I question the official narrative, why do they keep promoting Ann Frank when it has been proved in a Canadian court that the diaries are fake 🤔
you only have to read some of the lines written in "her diary", to see it was written by an adult and not a 12 year old..... people are sheep
Just like the H word and everything that supposedly happened there is fake
When sefton delmer and the Duke of Portland, were concocting the hollowcoast myth, delmer said, the lie must be constantly refreshed and nurtured, lest the seeds of truth take root, circa1946👹
If people believe that it's real, I have a ballpoint pen to sell them.
@@david1964. Because much of it wasn't written by Anne Frank.
Simon, not Welsh, moves to Wales, receives a warm welcome, and immediately calls them racists.
I can think of another group that does the same thing, repeatedly.
The guy's a historian, not your mother.....
@@MauBast777 I haven't the foggiest idea what you mean by that. 😊
@@robinmorritt7493 Proves my point..... 😄
@@MauBast777 🙄
Simon, I find it quite intriguing that having moved to Wales the first history "lesson" you put out is not so much about the people and history of that country, but rather, about a small group of "strangers", who just happen to be jewish?
It's a cynical ploy on part of Simon to deceive UA-cam management into thinking that Simon is not a bigot; but Simon's deception won't last long, his cover will be blown to expose his bigotry and hypocrisy
Having moved to Wales for a while I can confirm a strong 'in group' preference by locals that manifests to 'all' outsiders not just specific groups. Only 17 doesn't sound like many but towns were nowhere near as large as today (most people lived in the countryside still) so as a percentage of the total shops/outlets it was probably quite large.
Gives a good idea of where Simon is working from and for, I would say.
Your point did make me think. If he wanted to look into little known disasters of the early 20th century in South Wales, he might have started with the Universal Colliery disaster of 1913.
This was the worst mining disaster in British history (most people seem to think it was Aberfan, which technically wasn't a mining disaster).
At the Universal an astonishing 439 miners were killed in a single explosion. Many were just 14. Pretty well every street in every surrounding village lost someone. A 14-year-old from next door to my grandfather's terraced house was killed and a young man in his 20s on the other side died. My grandfather was one of those on the end of a shovel trying to dig them out.
Needless to say, the families received paltry compensation and management received limited fines only.
It was not even until 1981 that a memorial was erected near the site. The names, ages and addresses of all the men and boys who died are now recorded there. It is a very moving experience to go there. Perhaps Simon should go and take a look, and think again about his adopted home?
The mossad secret space lazer is aimed at him. Must be that.
I’m from the Rhondda, my mothers generation used to say “your like a Jew” if you were a bit mean with money 🤣
Stereotypes often based in fact
Tony Blair used to say "Fucking Welsh!". Even before they voted (against him) for Brexit.
They say the same about Scots.
@@golden.lights.twinkle2329 And Yorkshire
@@golden.lights.twinkle2329 And crabs arses
I can remember when the Welsh nationalists burned English homes in Wales.
And me ! Englands glory , a good match
Welsh holiday home terrorists were great 😂
I bought a house from a couple. Apart from refusing to budge on price, I later discovered that the house is falling apart beneath expensive flooring. I should have got a second survey. You live and learn.
Most of the time you're on the mark Simon but you have a real blind spot with the Tribe.
Thats why he's allowed to stay on this platform.. ffs others have been banned for far less.
blind spot? nope, its deliberate subversion. imagine allowing the saturn worshippers into christendom LOL
Viva Israel.
@Tristo Smitty of course he is. have you read the bible. simon was a snake LOL. of course this boomerino who served the rothschildbankinggovernment is trying to protect the last 400 years of protestant destruction of christendom lol
@Tristo Smitty What a small minded comment. There is nothing wrong with being Jewish or any other religion.
What with the number of pogroms they've suffered it's a wonder they don't want to wipe us all out.
Oy vey
Perhaps they all have a bit of Jesus in them?
o vey
Patience please.
@@georgehetty7857 Jesus was not a jew. He called referred to them & their religion as Synagogue of Satan. Hence his murder.
"Pogrom" was a word used in August 1911 by home secretary Winston Churchill to describe the troubled situation in South Wales at that time, having ordered British soldiers to shoot striking Welsh colliers. You must place this event into context. A revolt against exorbitant food prices and increased rents in such austere times, is not antisemitism nor is it a "pogrom". Violence begets violence and if it was targeted in any way it was toward the British. Churchill is seen nowadays as an heroic figure and the nemesis of right wing racism, but look in more detail and you'll come across a litany of drunken disasters. Watching this video is like watching a man completing a jigsaw puzzle with a hammer. The Welsh are a curiously tolerant and welcoming people, despite your story telling.
Churchill was the Khazarians boy, fully bought and paid for 😭
@@jonbon8598 fucking sack shit started ww2 for those devil worshipper parasites
I hope he’s burning in hell
Every culture and nationality has been persecuted at some time in their history.
Particularly when a minority wants to rule the majority
Yes , the English are in their own country.
@Mark Jones The British race has 13 tribes the Anglos and Saxons are two of the 13 tribes
And then… for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Every single time.
Your icon is nicer than your real face ;)
@@HouseofComments lol
Yeah I’ve definitely got the face for a _Call Centre._
the Germans elected Rudolph Antler as chancellor.
I think you'll find foreigners are still pretty unwelcome in Wales Boyo. Not just hebrews. Wales for the Welsh.
Welsh don't say boyo and the English are fleeing here in droves - the things they complain about is what we've experienced in a different way for generations but now they know how it feels when one's own language - if not derided - certainly becomes a foreign tongue in towns where they used to feel at home. There is no gloating in this but a weary grimace as when it happens to you the penny drops and that is the only way you can understand the sensation and know it to be true. In your bones. Smart people in their ivory towers will eventually find out in their own way - it isn't something one can learn by reading about it.
@@celtspeaksgoth7251 Whether Welsh say Boyo or not is neither here nor there. I've been to areas in Wales where an English refugee would find it pretty difficult to fit in. Wales is the last stand of the British nation, not Saxon and foreigners are not very welcome.... hebrew or otherwise.
I'm from a partly Celtic and Jewish background, have lived in Wales all my life and I consider myself Welsh. If you think that Wales should only be populated by people who have 100% Welsh Celtic ancestry then it will be a very sparsely populated country.
@@katie2858 You mean Tiger Bay? Yeah we know, Shirley Bassey.
@@mukhumor Well, I wasn't thinking specifically of Tiger Bay but it is a very good example of how some parts of Wales have been ethnically diverse for over a century. I believe that if you live in Wales, care about Wales and identify as Welsh then you are as Welsh as anyone other Welsh person. As South Wales was also colonised by the Romans and later on the Normans a lot of us also have those groups in our ancestry too.
Let's get one thing straight! The reason why the West today is so impoverished has nothing to do with supposed Jewish greed (greed which is common to us all). It is entirely due to the monopolistic nature of business. For years we have worshipped the free market, yet we failed to prohibit businessmen from paying politicians to legislate in their favour, thereby giving them an unfair advantage and allowing them to make monopolistic profits. This has nothing at all to do with Jewishness; it's just that some monopolists happen to be Jewish, some Christian, some Muslim, and some of other religions.
Let's get one thing straight,the reason why the west today is so impoverished has everything to do with jews.
There you go fixed it for you 😜
Very well put sir,it’s shocking the amount of anti Jewish comments I’m reading,nice to see a comment from somebody who knows what they’re talking about😊
@@71ibanez you'll be happy to know that many comments have been deleted. We can't have frank and honest debate on this topic for fear of "shocking" the sensibilities of our superiors.
Oy vey. 🙄
Bloody well said.
I'm not tolerant or welcoming to people that have no right to be here .
Enoch Powell MBE was the greatest PM we never had .
Imagine a Britain if he had of gotten into power
Imagine the world if men like him were in power in every European colony and nation.
Oh no a culture trying to preserve it's self how scandalous and unheard of.
Good times
The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad is a good book that illustrates this alien revolutionary force entry into Britain, of course he was actually Polish himself so knew these people well.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I will make it my business to get hold of that book.
Yes, Blacklisted. That is one great read. Published in 1907. I have read and re-read this book.
The Jewish community who were being attacked in Tredegar weren't 'revolutionary forces' however, they were people with small businesses. In fact, it was a group of anti semitic Marxist agitators who were in Tredegar at the time who actually stirred up these pogroms.
Interesting, they were infuriated by what they believed was a foreign monopoly.
What business shenanigans did they employ.....most likely forming a oligopoly and then over charging the locals.
There must be very good reasons why that ethnicity is so loved all over the world. Maybe it's their devotion to pushing socialism, communism and feminism while keeping their own culture strong.
Orrr...could it be that those that oppose God's Chosen are occultists?
Hopefully you have all noticed the way Mr Webb deftly tiptoes around the most important question that arises from the whole episode. Why were the jews of this town so hated by the local people ? Allegations of antisemitism don't cut it. In similar fashion you will never read the same question being asked about the anti jewish riots in Russia during the 1860s and 1880s. As per usual, antisemitism has been blamed and the rioters condemned. Mr Webb and his cohort do not want you to even ask let alone know the answer to that big question.
Yeah, cos irrational hatred of God's Chosen is always laudable?
There was also a pogrom at a similar time in Atlanta Georgia, so the States also wasn't always a complete safe haven for Jews...
The US is a better place for Jews than ALMOST any other country on Earth, But of course FAR from perfect. No where is: Humans are like that.
Was that to do with the perfectly innocent Leo Frank?
@@Pithead EVERYTHING, that was the point. Leo Frank was railroaded. Not surprising as Atlanta, GA in 1913 was not exactly the same as, say Pittsburgh, PA in 1913.
@@jamesslick4790 LMFAO are you seriously trying to act like Leo was some victim? "railroaded" they blamed some black guy and the locals wouldn't let the child rapist/murderer get away with it and took justice into their own hands.
I learnt a few years ago when visiting an area in Ontario, Canada, that Jews had been banned from certain beaches around Lake Simcoe in the middle of the last century.
This video seems strange amongst all your other videos. Your attitude to immigration seems to shift depending on who is immigrating.
Tonight's Full English show on rumble will be of interest to anyone watching this video. It starts at 8pm.
I watch that a lot. What's it about tonight ? I would love to see the Ecp take off. 🏴
@@Blackcat-fw4tl See the last few mins of last night's show for a taster.
Intersting presentation. - As others have pointed out, what is lacking is any attempt to understand the locals.
Having grown up in a town almost the size of Tredegar, where the was just one Jewish shop-keeper, 17 shop-keepers seems a lot.
Bingo! 😎
Nutzi's are such sooky cry-babies
Tredegar is my Paternal background. The "Riot Act" was read during the time you discuss but a very different story is told and remembered than the official one. South Wales has for many generations welcomed people of different ethnicity and or faiths. Families were going hungry in Tredegar at the time yet some did very well out of the hardships of the time. I for one am not ashamed of my town and ancestors, rather very proud.
I was born in, brought up, educated and lived in South Wales for the first 45 years of my life and have never heard a peep of anti-semitic sentiment, Simon. Tell you what I have heard throughout my time though is anti-Welsh bigotry.
I'm part Jewish, have lived in South Wales all my life and I can pretty much back up what you say, Sam. There's always the odd anti semitic a*** wherever you go but I would say that Wales is not a particularly anti semitic place to live now and neither was it a century ago either. *Also, interesting fact: quite a few Welsh people adopted Jewish sounding surnames because they were big fans of the Old Testament back in the day. That's in no way to minimise what happened here, though.
The nature of the Middle East is that it’s a region with many ethno-religious tribes and few, if any, clearly defined territorial boundaries. That’s always going to be problematic, but only one such tribe decided that the answer to their lack of a clearly defined territory was to completely ignore the fact that human beings are one of the most highly territorial species on the planet, and spread themselves across Europe infiltrating other people’s countries in their millions, whether the native people of those countries wanted them there or not. When the inevitable backlash occurred, instead of accepting that it was the result of their own mistake, they explained it by inventing a fictitious psychological illness which, they claim, gives people a completely groundless hatred of their tribe. A couple of thousand years later they went back to the Middle East and grabbed a tract of territory for themselves. They must be cursing their bad luck that, by sheer co-incidence, the displaced people of that territory caught the psychological illness that gives people a completely groundless hatred of their tribe. This sounds like some far-fetched tragi-comic science fiction story about the bizarre behaviour of some strange alien beings on another planet, but sadly, it’s happening here on Earth, and it isn’t fiction.
Brilliant analysis, best commentary in this thread so far.
The welsh were pretty based
30 families owned 17 shops 😆 - i wonder what percentage of the indigenous population owned shops in that area! Let's not pretend those families didn't hold financial and political power within that community.
The old synagogue in Merthyr Tydfil is due to be completely renovated as a Jewish museum. There has been no anti Jewish sentiment whatsoever from any locals following the news of this. Many are pleased that such a visually stunning building will not be allowed to fall down, like most of the others in the town have.
Judea declared war on Germany first. And it didn't work out to well for them.
What’s the story with that, if so. Probably can’t find it on the internet, yo.
@@poempadgett4664 it's truly not that hard to find. Daily Express Friday March 24 1933
@@poempadgett4664 it's pretty easy to find in fact it used to be common knowledge, if your having issues perhaps you should ask your career or grandkids to help you out when your online.
@@poempadgett4664 find the full story by watching the documentary Europa The Last Battle
So,have you changed your plans to settle in Wales,Simon?
Why no! If I fled from all the anti-Semitism which I encounter in the world, then I would have abandoned this UA-cam channel a long while ago!
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb Now try a touch of anti-Semitism and you won't have to abandon this UA-cam channel... it'll be gone before you could blink. But you know this.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb it's almost as bad as the anti-Goyism we experience from the media every day.
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb Poor Simon has a thankless task 😂
@@HistoryDebunkedsimonwebb are you taking a break from doing your usual Zionist shit stirring playing different ethnics and religious groups against each other today.
Sorry about this, but Tredegar is pronounced tre-dee-gar.
I’d guess Brynmore is really Brynmawr (pronounced brin-ma-wr).
Bargoed likewise would be pronounced bar-goy-d.
And Swansea is pronounced "Greatest City in Wales". While Cardiff is pronounced " crap-ital shh-itty."
That’s not how I remember it being explained in that great Welsh film Twin Town.
Pretty Sh!ttie City. 😁
@@Rusty-Hinge Ahhhh.....don't believe everything you see on TV. That's a big mistake to make, as films are often what's known as "fictional." That is to say, they're not real.
Hah, Wales! "You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the place names. Never ask for directions in Wales, Baldrick: you'll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight." Diolch am ddarllen! :)
There were loyalist pogroms in Belfast against Catholics in 1969. They led to the emergence of the Provisionsl IRA.
Most Jews I know are well integrated into society, and most treat the synagogue like I treat the church: weddings and funerals. I have never been stabbed, mugged, or robbed by anyone from the Jewish community.
They pay others to do
@@paulking8055 Exactly, these fans don't understand how clever and sneaky that their favourite tribe are.
they don't riot, rape schoolgirls or deal drugs either
@@paulking8055 😄😄😄😄
What a load of bollox
you are ruled by them.
Simon is being a bit of a shill recently.
VERY disappointed at your coverage of this event - it is too simplistic and completely ignores the very real economic basis as to WHY this happened. The Jews were not targeted because they were jewish, but because of the economic stranglehold they had over the town including everyday products essential to living, and their effect upon the rents they charged the indigenous people. Plus, the disorder had dissipated BEFORE the military arrived. As you have moved to Wales, you should acquire more knowledge about the people - e.g. every Welsh town or village carries within it the history-in- mind of its people i.e. they have VERY long memories going back generations. Apropos of nothing in particular, very recently near me bi - lingual graffiti in large script along a main arterial road appeared saying "No more 2nd homes" - a kind of rebirth of the anti - british invasion of the 80's - Owain Glyndwr's spirit still lives on....Do take more care about what you post about the Welsh in any future video. You have been warned / counseled !
Graham,. I think we got the picture of why they were targetted. And as you say, every issue is always more complex and complicated that it might appear. However, it was mentioned that it was the owners of the mines who had brought the working populace to their knees, but cutting their wages. Odd that the people did not turn on the mine owners! But then they knew they would be met with robust (to say the least) reaction! I don't hold any brief for the Js, but running a business, any business, is not a charitable enterprise. Speaking of second homes we have the same problem in Ireland. Along Western seaboard, homes standing idle for most of the years except a few weeks in Summer. Bought by folks from the cities. No protests raised though. Many of those holiday "homes" are an eyesore and a blight on the landscape.
@@doloresaquines1529 I think it is called "Bungalow Blitz" and it has been going on for many years, partly due to the incredibly lax Irish Planning laws - I have seen it for myself and it is such a great shame...
@@grahamt33 Yes. Graham. It is actually called "Bungalow Blight" because it is a blight on the land. Beautiful Atlantic coastline destroyed by these ugly little buildings.
There was probably an upsurge in porn distribution and child abuse in the area that got blamed on the newcomers,?
To be fair, they did get millions if not billions of Chinese addicted to drugs, and built Shanghai with the proceeds, the little tinkers 💰👹
Thank you Simon for addressing these incidents. I am once again reminded that if we wanted to make sure these kinds of things did not happen, then we should not have let them into the country in the first place. Cant have a pogrom if they are not there already.
So basically you are saying here, that in order to AVOID antisemitism altogether, Western nations should install antisemitic legislation ??? Dude, someone was WAY ahead of you...... He started this lil "pure race" club, called the 3rd Reich, remember...?
So what's your specific affiliation ? Muslim, Palestinian sympathizer., Leftist radical or just a good old fashioned neo-nazi ?
Not that it really matters which "club" you belong to, their anti-Jewish rhetoric all pretty much sounds the same....pretty much your thing....
People should be judged by their actions & character, not their ancestral roots. And no, I have no Jewish ancestry, I just don't like (actual...) racists.....
Haha, gold.
The small hats are our Holy Cows!
Hello again Simon,
As a Welsh person, I found this video particularly disturbing.........
Tredegar is pronounced trih dee gah.
Same story repeated worldwide down through the ages. Of course the locals are blamed.
Thanks Simon for bringing this to light,I had absolutely no idea that this took place,keep up the good work sir😊
Tel aviv 2k a year troll
@@garyjohnson.. have a day off mate😉
The welsh have never like foreign cultures diluting their own. I remember when they burned the cars of tourists and holiday cottage owners so to paint this act as antisemitic is a bit disingenuous. Perhaps, for balance Simon you could do a video on the antisemitism shown by Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians? Mowing the lawn? Two shots one kill? Children signing their names on missiles used on civilian populations? I don't suppose you can as it's not on the script you are given is it?
@@JayDaniel905 Yes Arthur, those Palestinians aren't enjoying the enriching diversity, at least they have some arms to fight their cause, back here in the UK we have to just lump or like the enrichment.
@@71ibanez A day off from what?. exposing sock puppet accounts
Simon they are not popular anywhere ergo Israel and their nukes
@Eric,. And what a flourishing country it is,. It exports medicine, medical technology, IT , computer technology, agriculture, innovative agricultural methods, irrigation methods to name but a few of it's contributions to humanity!
@@user-sj8ki6ep5i Well then we best send them all there and there won't be any more problems.
Here we go again , the perpetual victims .
John Doyle Klier has completely debunked the 'official' 19th century Russian pogrom stories. He was head of Jewish and Hebrew Studies at UCL
Remember a mate from down there mentioning this, all he was told was 'They ' were taking the piss..hmmmm
Laconic Welsh.
There was a video on YT of a small park in London, where Jewish members of Haredim communities met to talk. Eventually, members of the Muslim community discovered this & descended on the park to be confrontational. Accusing Rabbis of eating kids during religious ceremonies & other crazy stuff. It showed who were the aggressors & who wanted to engage in conversation. Not surprisingly, I can't find the video anymore, which says a lot about who gets protection in the UK today.
Who was Simon of Trent?
@@joeshmoe7899 a Christian child, the Khazarians sacrificed to Moloch 👹💸💰
its called "bloodLibel" and is well documented in history.....havent u noticed that anything to do with sex ewe all dee vee an see usually has them involved...think Epswine and all the other major players in that ..then Holly wood
Don't forget Simon of Trent
Comments getting wiped... very telling
I trained as a teacher and this was referenced in a lecture. I was young and was shocked so remember it. This was several years ago and thank you for signposting this piece of history
Why were you shocked? As if this hasn't happened before and won't happen again. You're a poor student of history and as a teacher, are likely contributing to the decline in British education.
Were you shocked at the king David Hotel bombing. Were those who were cleared in wales for or against the murder of British soldiers in Palestine?
@@dondomingo6578 Please highlight your full contributions to OFSTED reports so that we can benefit from your insight
@@vincentvanwyk5522 When you put a video on your youtube channel explaining the link between the two complicated pieces of history I'll try to watch it and then might be shocked.
@@markscript5746 yes. Well those who were so 'brutally' cleared from those towns in Wales. Were they for or against the indiscriminate murder of palestinians in 1947? I bet when it came to their own they didn't mind the odd bit of ethnic cleansing. And what was the result. Did they leave and go to Israel? I bet not
Wonder what they was doing there to upset people?? Or do people behave like that for no reason?
Ever heard of spite and envy, Johnny. If, for example,someone sets up a successful shop, and has the energy and know-how to run the shop, you can bet that those too ignorant or lazy to compete with that shop will find reason to set it on fire. Simple.
@@doloresaquines1529 the rioting in Tredegar had nothing to do with what you have mentioned above! We are mostly welcoming herre in the South Wales valleys unless our livelihood, and the house over our head is put at risk, which was certainly the case here. See THE STALLION SPEAKS comments above
@@Walesktf That's all right. I was expressing an opinion, and leaving the J question out of it altogether I see every day the envy of some because another person (not J) manages to open, run and make a go of a business through sheer hard work, and of course talent. I don't doubt the people in Wales are welcoming.
@@doloresaquines1529 synago-gue of Sa-tan if they are that successful why do the change there names when they enter other people countries what have they got to hide? Alot I think.
@@doloresaquines1529 they are jealous of whyte people and the country the have but that's why they are using all there I'll gotten gains and power to destroy them they can't Evan fight there own battles they hide in the shadows like gutless cowards.
Try emigrate to Israel and see what happens. So these pogroms are worse than what Israel did in 1947-48 murdering and cleansing palestinian towns? Ah, and talk to those soldiers killed in the 1940s and the bombing of the King David Hotel. Which is worse?
What is an acceptable % of immigration before it's OK for people to be concerned about their area being taken over?
Honestly like 5% or so. And they need to understand they are guests. They need to be able to be swiftly deported if they play up.
If Simon keeps up with this topic, judging by the sentiment here, he might be responsible for fomenting Britain's most recent pogrom.
it's not a bad thing but something badly needed
the thing is...we've established with your other videos that different tribes cant live side by side. so how can it be a surprise that )ews doesnt get along with anglos or hindus with pakistani muslims etc? im not saying progroms are good or anything. it just comes as a surprise that it's somehow more noteworthy when 'they' are targeted? insular communities within other nations tend to be targeted since they usually work together against the 'natives'. both out of necessity and also out of the feeling of being better/different. which is natural ofc.
@Nik Nikkersoon I think you're writing that way to try to drag my comment down with you. please don't do that.
i think a few things make it noteworthy. for one thing, the fact that we seldom fight back. (imagine doing this in Rotherham. they wouldn't be hiding in the attic.) for another thing, the threshold is so much lower than for other ethnicities. and for a third thing, even when we deport ourselves to our own little sandbox in the middle east, those who claim they can't live side-by-side with us are, for the most part, hardly encouraging. you miss us when we're gone, it seems. that last bit is the hardest for me to reconcile with. because to an extent, i do agree with you - some groups just get along better when they live separately, and that's alright.
@@Oscar-ds2vb "I think you're writing that way to try to drag my comment down with you. please don't do that." stop punching right.
@straight white male if you think you will get any meaningful change to the world by writing like that you are mistaken.
The most based question you can ever ask a Jew: How many countries and territories was it again?
Hahah yes. Or even better "Why does the Talmud say that you can do it with girls who are younger than 3 years old?"
Bayonet charges in uk streets, maybe we should try that again to restore order
17 shops in a small village is not to be trifled with
It's unfortunate and regrettable how communities reject newcomers who will not assimilate but stick to their old habits. It seems that this is an universal human trait apparent in every culture. Those without the capacity of self reflection and criticism will bear the brunt of this behaviour for ever, never understanding that they are not unique.
I bet Rochdale, Rotherham, Luton, Leicester, Oxford etc had wished they’d reflected the newcomers, then maybe thousands of young girls wouldn’t have been raped, or continue to be raped.
Only 17 shops you say… lol
Hello JC. Thanks for dropping by 😎
I’m not surprised how the Jewish people were treated in Wales - I’m a Welsh born English speaker and I’m sometimes made to feel like an outsider.
The witch hunting of old has and will never go away.
So long as the real 'witches' are targeted, what is the problem?
But who are the real witches and who get to decide that ?
So true, Andy. So true.
@@andycommonsincanada Right again Andy. Specify who are the "witches", and then who decides their fate.
@@andycommonsincanada 109+ territories and nations came to exactly the same conclusion. If you are curious to explore the history, I am sure you will reach the same conclusion. Please see the video I uploaded for details.
Simon why are you against anti semitism but not negrophobia?
Funny business, anti-semitism. I grew up in a northern town with hardly any Jews in it, yet I acquired a robust anti-semitic vocabulary. Until I was about 11 or so, I thought a yid was any unpleasant person, and by sound association he or she must look like a young goat. I could say "Stop jewing!" as a synonym for cheating, and since I had never seen the word written, I imagined it spelled as "dewing". I knew what dew was, but a jew was something reserved for Sunday school.
That four by two's a tealeaf.
I'm going too read about Tredegar on Wiki. I live not far from there and it's the first I've heard of this. Strange how it's never bee mentioned on the Welsh TV or the Welsh news.
Edward 1 took to expelling them in the late 13thC. Perhaps our new King could similarly do this with the Muslims.
Thank you Simon for addressing these disturbing incidents. Quite horrible and shocking. A lot of people had no idea.
Solomon and Gaenor?
its still going on in modern day Palestine.. rolls reversed though
Can you tell me why the western world did such things.. ?
His name is Shimon
@@athelstan927 You know why.... We all know why.....
For no good reason whatsoeva, Herschel!
@@Pithead Oy Vey
109 Countries kicked out 4 by 2's.
🎵 they get kicked out 🎶
🎶 but they get in again 🎵
🎵 how we ever gonna keep 'em out? 🎶
A Great book "Tell the truth and shame the Devil" Zimon likes books but will never mention this one which is strange as the author is Jewish.
He hasn’t read every book in print you know?
He apparently has 'an extensive library on Jews, Judaism and Zionism' but I warrant they're only the pro PC kind
@@georgehetty7857 what a pointless comment🤣 Paul king must've hit a nerve 🤣
@@beeben5260 he's either one of them or a troll
@@beeben5260 I think sometimes if you can’t beat them………..
Ze juice were totally innocent i bet? Just totally unjustified irrational hatred from the Welsh was it?
I wonder why we don't learn about the countless times we kicked these guys out...
Because they control all means of learning.
You allowed those who converted to christianity to stay.
@@garynewman9517 "you can only stay if you put this camouflage on!"
Just a quick Welsh lesson. In Welsh the accent is placed on the 2nd syllable. For example Tred-ee gar. Welsh is difficult for the English I know so I’m not complaining. 😊 and Mawr is big in Welsh. So BrynMawr is mountain big. (Brin- Mowr). And mawr is a mutation of fawr
And don't you hate "Betsie Co-ed"? It drives me crazy when I hear it. I always think of an old lady who must have gone to a mixed sex school.
The town needs big sign that says "Betoose a coid - to you lot"
Bryn Mawr would be big hill, mynydd is mountain. You evidently can't speak Welsh.
@@spaceghost4475 Although, colloquially, it is subjective what constitutes a mountain, even in Welsh.
I was on Mynydd Parys (Parys Mountain on a lot of maps) the other day. It's not really a mountain, it's a hill.
The locals could equally have named it a hill (bryn) and English map makers called it a mountain, or vice versa.
It doesn't really pay to split hairs in either language
@@alexdavis1541 What are you even going on about Saes? The person literally said "Bryn Mawr" which translates into big hill, evidently not "mountain big".
@@spaceghost4475 What am I going on about? To put it bluntly, your interpretation/translation is too simplistic