You go "fiddling " for worms in the woods, cut a small sapling about 2'-3' high and draw the saw across the flat top of tree gently, it'll send vibrations through the roots and anytime under the ground will come up! Worms,bugs,rodents,snakes,ect. Remove any loose foliage from ground b4 fiddling that way you can see what comes up ...5'-10' around area
You go "fiddling " for worms in the woods, cut a small sapling about 2'-3' high and draw the saw across the flat top of tree gently, it'll send vibrations through the roots and anytime under the ground will come up! Worms,bugs,rodents,snakes,ect. Remove any loose foliage from ground b4 fiddling that way you can see what comes up ...5'-10' around area
Interesting. Thanks. I heard of watering the lawn with dis detergent for night crawlers. I haven't done that in decades.
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