It's funny that interviewer doesn't instantly understand that Leonard ONLY writes what's fun for him to write, hence--and by definition--is ALWAYS having fun writing. While it is received wisdom that the professional writer does not sit around watching television or playing video games waiting for inspiration to strike him or her like a bolt from above, it is a different matter altogether finding a voice, genre, or style that is literally fun putting to paper. He's asked: "what about those days when you're not having fun?" to which the master replies: "I'm ALWAYS having fun, otherwise I won't do it." This seems an elegant solution to the problem of what's called writer's block. That, and a good night's sleep.
I really want to like this but I can't understand anything anyone is saying. Perhaps one out of ten words. Is there another recording available, please?
This talk with the great Elmore Leonard is a real treat. Thank you to the Centre For Fiction.
I discovered you just recently, but is never too late. Better late than never!
Another great, spilling the success secret: you must do the work.
R.I.P. I will miss his writing.
Wicked James Stewart impersonation.
I thought the same thing.
It's funny that interviewer doesn't instantly understand that Leonard ONLY writes what's fun for him to write, hence--and by definition--is ALWAYS having fun writing. While it is received wisdom that the professional writer does not sit around watching television or playing video games waiting for inspiration to strike him or her like a bolt from above, it is a different matter altogether finding a voice, genre, or style that is literally fun putting to paper. He's asked: "what about those days when you're not having fun?" to which the master replies: "I'm ALWAYS having fun, otherwise I won't do it." This seems an elegant solution to the problem of what's called writer's block. That, and a good night's sleep.
Start the next before you are done with the current ...
A legend .
I really want to like this but I can't understand anything anyone is saying. Perhaps one out of ten words. Is there another recording available, please?
Mic level is set too high.
Why is this called a "Master Class?" He isn't sharing anything helpful and his 10 rules are long well known.
The "echo" ? Is horrible. Ghastly.