Nexus Invasion: The Angle That Started My Dislike Of WWE

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @rassslinRant
    @rassslinRant  3 місяці тому +12

    Before the "WWE is awesome" fans start typing, there will be two more videos in this series. One will be about when I first became a WWF fan and the other will cover when they (in my opinion) got better a few years ago.

  • @blackjack23able
    @blackjack23able 3 місяці тому +10

    To me it start to suck around 2007 but my last straw was when HHH went over Sting at Wrestlemania. I was crushed & I grew a distain for it.

  • @reeseangle9621
    @reeseangle9621 3 місяці тому +2

    Cena killed WWE, 2008-19 was terrible

  • @anastasi2012
    @anastasi2012 3 місяці тому +2

    Cena's full transformation from Dr. Of Thuganomics to 12 year old boy scout around 2005/2006ish. I couldn't watch Raw or Smackdown until Punk and Bryan got hot. I watched Afterburn and Bottom Line at 2am to keep up with the ppvs and the bigger matches but the rest of the product was unwatchable. Same from 2015-2020 minus NXT. With a few exceptions, it was just terrible. In a perfect world Vince would have at least stepped down from the head of creative in 2010. By then it was like watching Disney teenage stuff and goofy, indecent, adolescent nonsense. (Natty farting?) It was just stupid. But like you said, there were some cool isolated matches and moments during that time frame aside from the nonsense.

  • @planescaped
    @planescaped 3 місяці тому +4

    I remember the last thing I watched on WWE -Snitzky punting Lita and Kane's crepe baby into the audience.
    I just had a moment where I thought, "why am I watching this?" and I didn't have an answer. I had been falling off of WWE for a while at that point as Evolution was so freaking exhausting, but that was the exact moment when I asked myself that question. Haven't watched WWE since.

  • @tonitolic4524
    @tonitolic4524 3 місяці тому +1

    I don't hate WWE.I don't like it because it's boring.

  • @SYMShutYoMouth
    @SYMShutYoMouth 3 місяці тому +1

    WWE was so garbage in the 2010s. Hot garbage. For me, WWE started sucking at the tail end of 2008. The RAW Guest Host era was the absolute worst. For over a decade, this company was god awful.

  • @JuanMorales-yr8pr
    @JuanMorales-yr8pr 3 місяці тому +1

    I was so gone from WWE at the time I only heard tid bits. After the Monday night wars I think I watched for a little while longer but luckily we soon get ROH touring through Chicago and TNA was up and coming so my interest was over there

  • @jaymac8421
    @jaymac8421 3 місяці тому +1

    The Super Cena crap is what turned me away from WWE but around 2014 I was a big fan of NXt and that led me to NJPW in 2017.

  • @charlesshoffner4201
    @charlesshoffner4201 3 місяці тому +4

    The DDT at SummerSlam, followed by Super Cena emerging, is the moment that killed it for me. I couldn't take WWE seriously anymore at that point. I went from a diehard to a casual real quick. I wouldn't watch unless I knew Punk or Bryan had something interesting going. And even then, I would turn to see if their segments were on TV. If, not, I changed the channel.

  • @alm5266
    @alm5266 3 місяці тому +1

    After Chris Benoit choked his family to death in 2007, there is no way WWE would allow choking on their TV shows, that why Bryan got released.

  • @JonathonFailsAtLife
    @JonathonFailsAtLife 3 місяці тому +2

    General wrestling fan from 98 to 05. I fell off but came back around the time Punk and Taker were starting to feud so I missed the Nexus. WWE had me until about 2015 when I started getting to only watch NXT and main roster highlights, but I was watching NJPW, ROH, and Impact religiously.
    By 2017, I was done with the main roster WWE, but that was the pinnacle of the global wrestling boom, and the best era of wrestling IMO.

  • @robertosoto2505
    @robertosoto2505 2 місяці тому

    I was around that time with the Nexus Invasion Angle; TNA was the Promotion i was watching the most, just a few days after Wrestlemania 26 i switch from WWE to TNA. I couldn't handle WWE's stupidity any longer. Iconic Pay Per View Events with names like No Way Out, No Mercy & Armageddon being replaced by names of matches stipulations. Talented wrestlers like Jack, Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Jr, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, John Morrison, David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, Vladimir Kozlov, etc.... getting lost int he shuffle, everytime they reached the top they got booked in a rivalry with either John Cena or Randy Orton and end up losing to those 2.
    Ruthless Agression Era ended after Wrestlemania 24, so you can say that 2008 & 2009 were ''watchable'' at some degree but they kept going slowly downhill. This Nexus Angle is a BIg Example on how much they loved to screw younger talented wrestlers.
    When Hulk Hogan, Razor Ramon, Ric Flair & Jeff Hardy with Eric Bischoff arrived to TNA i was already thinking on switching to TNA (i eventually did), but since Bret Hart returned in the first week of 2010 and Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker rivalry was still ongoing and eventually concluded at Wrestlemania 26 as the best match in Professional Wrestling history. Shawn Michaels had his retirement, and i found little room for me to still be a WWE fan, so i made the decisive switch. I'm glad i got into TNA, i remember the prestige they had for the Tag Team Division & Women's Division. I ain't saying TNA was perfect, remember that Dixie Carter, Vince Russo, Eric Bischoff & Hulk Hogan's direction ruined TNA for the upcoming years; but at least it was tolerable in my opinion, by late 2014 & early 2015 i got into Ring Of Honor, and so on and so on with other Promotions.
    2010-2014 were the worst years in WWE history if you ask me, the infamous ''Universe Era'' (the one that people love to call ''PG - Era"). I'm gonna explain why:
    WWE has always been known for being a Television show first and a Wrestling show second, that's why i don't blame the Golden Era nor the Attitude Era for being 90% comedic & adult shows respectfully. However if you enter a new era where you are supposed to get hooked by the in ring performances but they swerve you that's when they're wrong. As i explained in the first pharagraph once the Ruthless Agression era ended, the darkest days for WWE slowly came in. The only choice you got was tunning in into another Promotion. People often say that 2017, 2018 & 2019 were the 3 worst years in WWE history, i get what the fans say, the main roster was a laughsble crap; however i disagree cuz on the flip side at least you had the NXT Black & Gold Years delivering match of the year contenders month after month.
    So that's my verdict: 2009-2014: The worst years in WWE History.
    The Miz was WWE Champion (yes they picked him over John Morrison), Miz eventually main evented WM 29, the Twice in a Lifetime storyline, the Nexus Invasion, Raw General Manager being a computer, Cm Punk was the WWE Champion for 434 but John Cena was main eventing every PPV Event as stupid the match could be like the ones with John Laurinitis and the Big Show; not only that but Punk lost the Title to a part timer who would eventually drop the WWE Championship just 3 months later. Raw turning into a 3 hour TV Show, ECW was ridiculous, NXT was a game show and Wrestlemanias 27 & 30 were probably the worst WM's i have ever watched (among w/ WM 33, but that one was from Reality Era); in 2014 Cm Punk left the Company, Undertaker lost the Streak at WM 30 agains't Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan after that fantastic & iconic victory held the Title for 1 month only and eventually relinquished it b'cuz of his injuries.
    PS: I know things are different now, it's 2024, Triple H is the new boss, WWE is indeed my favourite wrestling promotion at the moment, and the 2024 Women's Royal Rumble match is probably the best Female Wrestling match i have ever seen.

  • @groxexghostlawyer2558
    @groxexghostlawyer2558 3 місяці тому +1

    I remember watching that Raw as a CHILD. Never watched a PPV until Wrestlemania 27 (God Kill me) I remember when the Nexus angle on TV and going, Holy shit, this is amazing. And then Summerslam happened and it killed any interest I had the Nexus. Because they were FUCKING LOOSERS. At the time i thought, wow, those guys are loosers, i should pay attention to them. Now I think, Wow, those guys were buried, I feel sorry for them. and thus began the long road to where I'm at now.
    Where i don't watch WWE unless its clips and watch Japanese pro-wrestling, and AEW. What good time.

  • @danterose6673
    @danterose6673 3 місяці тому

    I hate the, "what you did before WWE doesn't matter", mindset. It's one of the things I dislike about WWE.

  • @greer504
    @greer504 3 місяці тому

    Definitely a low point.
    Some of the most boring shows I’ve ever seen. And the Guest Host Era might’ve been the worst wrestling television I’d ever seen.

  • @VisualizeInside-mt2li
    @VisualizeInside-mt2li 3 місяці тому

    Why did I remember Nexus Daniel Bryan choking Justin Roberts with some type of wire from a camera or monitor instead? I'm having some Mandela Effect typse ish going on lol

  • @zomb60
    @zomb60 3 місяці тому

    I will always dislike Cena. Even in Hollywood.😂😂

  • @demolitionworm
    @demolitionworm 3 місяці тому

    I stopped watching and giving WWE money after I saw how they responded in 2018 to the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. After that I could no longer support what I think is an evil company.That was the last straw for me. I do watch the product every once in awhile via my friends/family but it's never really been the same since unfortunately.

  • @sheets75
    @sheets75 3 місяці тому

    I never saw the Nexus stuff beyond the "highlights" - I think I was still on my post-Benoit hiatus at the time. I did start putting Raw back on out of curiosity after a while, but found the shows consistently awful and I was only watching because it was basically the only wrestling I could see on TV.
    Although I did get into wrestling through the WWF, with the Rock 'n Wrestling era, as a kid I started gravitating toward competitors more as soon as I discovered them. The Crockett shows on TBS, and seeing Houston Wrestling on channel 39, and UWF, WCCW, and other random Southern promotions. It didn't take long to notice that these other promotions had an edge to them that WWF lacked. E.g., I liked Demolition in WWF, but I was always well aware that they were WWF's takeoff on the Road Warriors, and whereas the Road Warriors looked like total badasses and had Iron Man as their theme music, Demolition had glittery makeup and bedazzled ring gear. And of course the Road Warriors eventually did sign with WWF...and they instantly became far more uncool than they ever were before. I loved Hacksaw Duggan everywhere he wrestled, until he went to WWF and became Hogan's idiotic li'l buddy (which they always did to top guys from other territories).
    WWF/WWE has always had this effect, where they take an act that was interesting and cool and sort of Hollywood-ize it, make it mainstream and cartoony and they were increasingly pushing more ridiculous Saturday Morning Cartoon style characters. And then what sucked was that because they were overwhelming everyone else, the competition started trying to rip them off, so WCW got increasingly insipid to compete but they sucked at it even worse than WWF. So that lead to my first "can't watch anymore" period, until some college friends got me back into it with the NWO and Austin. Getting access to streaming services around 2010 or so was a godsend because it let me see Japanese stuff that I'd only heard about and it was actually every bit as good as the tape traders said.
    TL;DR: I've NEVER preferred WWE and will always favor alternatives provided they put on a show I enjoy.

  • @BigmanDogs
    @BigmanDogs 3 місяці тому

    Nexus/NXT alongside Jeff Hardy leaving after the Punk feud was the initial thing that made me a smart fan. It made me look into wrestling news and forums.
    I enjoyed as a kid, because I feel like they really did dumb down everything so that kids could understand the storylines. I was super invested in the Nexus storyline as I unironically enjoyed the terrible NXT game show. Bryan returning at Summerslam was a massive moment because they actually did, from my perspective, put him over super hard as an underdog babyface during the NXT game show. But I have to say, even I was able to understand that Cena jobbing out the Nexus was a bad idea. It was the final straw that made me a Cena hater, though I was also right around the age where I was realizing that Cena was corny and wanted to adopt the positions that the adult fans held.

  • @paralyzerzeta4305
    @paralyzerzeta4305 3 місяці тому

    I got into wrestling via a Monday Night Raw episode in 2005. I had recently joined the IWC in 2008 so when this went down I was all over the coverage of the angle but needless to say it ended up disappointing the hell out of me especially when the Cena joining the Nexus stuff went nowhere.

  • @drevandamva
    @drevandamva 3 місяці тому

    You nailed it imo great observation

  • @scottyboi3759
    @scottyboi3759 3 місяці тому +1

    I was a WWE fan during the attude era and only watched WWE. Until I think they pushed Cena ? It was just annoying the Nexus thing was the last straw for me and didn't watch WWE for years. . We had a TV Channel on sky called the wrestling channel they showed wrestling shows and matches from ROH, CZW, NOAH. Shoot interviews with forma wrestlers. a few UK indy shows. And TNA and I watched TNA over WWE I would check in with WWE at times but nothing would interest me. Or make me watch a full RAW episode.

  • @primusvsunicron1
    @primusvsunicron1 3 місяці тому

    honestly I think it actually started when Austin and Rock stop wrestling full time

  • @johnpittsii7524
    @johnpittsii7524 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for the video

  • @Imhim247
    @Imhim247 3 місяці тому +1

    Nexus angle should've put over. Sting sould've won over triple H. The products got stale since then. Them two is the reason why I dislikes WWE

  • @xwf1000v3
    @xwf1000v3 3 місяці тому +1

    This is interesting. My distain for WWE is when after CM Punk cut that Pipebomb promo. It showed me that Vince McMahon was Out of touch & have been waiting for 13 years to have him removed but it happened around last year & ever since then WWE is Great again in my eyes.

  • @TophDaGreat
    @TophDaGreat 3 місяці тому +2

    Wade Barrett said they were supposed to go over but plans changed the day of. When he confronted Vince about it the response he got was "the fans need to go home happy". However, if you look at the main event of summerslam the following years, you'll see a pattern of heels going over. Vince didn't care about the fans going home happy then 🤣So either Vince is a liar or Cena played politics or both. Either way 2010 was the drizzling shits. I was a TNA guy and that was a rough year too for them. I nearly quit back then.

    • @rassslinRant
      @rassslinRant  3 місяці тому

      You wrote that really fast. Did you watch this video? lmao!

    • @TophDaGreat
      @TophDaGreat 3 місяці тому +1

      @@rassslinRant watching it now lol. Actually believe it or not I had a conversation with a friend about this exact topic yesterday so I just copy and pasted it to save time 🤣

    • @rassslinRant
      @rassslinRant  3 місяці тому

      Haha, nice!

  • @rriggs6547
    @rriggs6547 3 місяці тому +6

    I don't hate WWE. They have done some stuff I liked throughout time. But honestly the last time I truly was invested in WWE was with Savage and Hogan and with Savage and Steamboat. I really didn't care about Austin, even when he was in WCW. And I thought the Rock was an obnoxious immature kid who used disgusting humor to get over. I didn't dislike the Undertaker, but he didn't hold the same appeal to me as he did for many others. I loved the cruiserweight style that we saw in WCW. I liked a lot of the territories that no longer existed. I was interested a group of wrestlers that came over from WCW which included Jericho, Eddie, Benoit, Malenko, Helms, and others. Once they started to no longer be in WWE I really lost interest. I think I still had RAW on until it 2014. Though I did watch TNA weekly for years.
    I will say, when Cena went over Nexus, that really ticked me off. I lost a ton of interest.

    • @memuno6281
      @memuno6281 3 місяці тому

      You sound like my old boss I used to talk wrestling about. He was a big 70’s and 80s WCW (not a big WWWF fan). After WCW feel, he didn’t care about WWE. I believe he was an 2007-08 Randy Orton fan tho. AEW is his company he loves and follows because he was never and WWF from the start.

    • @rassslinRant
      @rassslinRant  3 місяці тому +6

      This is something I think people who wish AEW and New Japan etc. etc. would just "go away" or think fans are weird for watching them don't get.
      Every time one of these companies fall, a big chunk (if not most) of the fans of those companies do not convert over to WWE. They just stop watching. The community shrinks with every closed door. We should hope all of them succeed in however they measure and need success.

    • @rriggs6547
      @rriggs6547 3 місяці тому +1

      @@memuno6281 Sounds similar to me. I did like the Orton Punting McMahons period. That really was the only Orton period I liked.

    • @rriggs6547
      @rriggs6547 3 місяці тому

      @@rassslinRant I agree. I may not be a big fan of the Fed, but the better WWE does, the better it is for the entire industry. The same with NJPW, AEW, Stardom, Noah, and everyone else.

  • @PokemonTrainerDavid93
    @PokemonTrainerDavid93 3 місяці тому

    After 06 wwe is wack. Nexus and Wyatt losing to cena was the final straw for me.

    • @ryutsubohachi5615
      @ryutsubohachi5615 3 місяці тому +2

      I started to lose interest in WWE around that time too ECW was brutal

  • @ryutsubohachi5615
    @ryutsubohachi5615 3 місяці тому

    I started to only watch old stuff even when I found out about New Japan Pro Wrestling I mostly watch the old stuff until 2011 when I gave New Japan Dominion a Watch I started following Wrestling again I thought it got bad around 2007 for WWE

  • @vladboch
    @vladboch 3 місяці тому

    I started watching wrestling just around that time on Eurosport, where they would run recaps of weekly TV and after that there was a show Vintage collection with Mean Jean Okerland as a host. It's probably thanks to this format I realised very early that WWE wasn't always the only game in town and there were some cool things, that happened in the past and which the current product just can not replicate. I have seen Bryan wrestle and he instantly became my favourite from this NXT class and I didn't appreciate how he was treated by Michael Cole. I am glad he overcame it. In 2012 I fell off of the product a little bit after Summerslam, I was fed up by Cena constantly being a main character at thhis point, but returned back in January 2013 when The Rock came back for a program with CM Punk. The Shield was young and hot, so I quickly caught up on everything I missed and stuck with the product throughout all the good and the bad. In mid 2010-s I started watching some of the other wrestling shows due to the big hype, they got online. I will never forget Wrestle Kingdom 10 where I saw probably the most amazing match at that point between Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Syles. So disappointed by how their feud turned out in the E.

  • @madddoggnogood1491
    @madddoggnogood1491 3 місяці тому

    Ive been watching wwe since 1990. I grew up watching wcw more than wwe but i grew to love both. When i stated getting into dirt sheet culture and all the inner workings around 2011 thats when my perception of all wrestling changed. I started noticing things like booking practices. And it changed my perception of everything i watched b4.
    But even then i never hated wwe or any company. I hate the people in charge. And with wwe i grew to hate vince McMahon around 2019-2020. I forgave him for not pushing Danielson when he should've and even when he did win he was dragged kicking and screaming , i forgave him for over pushing cena and Reigns and lesnar at the expense of others. But 2 things around 2019-2020 made me hate vince McMahon as a fan
    1. How Kofis wwe Championship reign ended
    2. Goldberg beating the fiend
    In my eyes... if those two booking decisions could be crimes vince would be charged with capital murder.
    And whats worse i cant tell who mores to blame vince, lesnar or goldberg. Two of the all time disgraceful booking decisions in wrestling history!
    And it was at this time aew dynamite was debuting and i completely gave up on wwe until Reigns returned at summerslam 2020

  • @heyslade64
    @heyslade64 3 місяці тому

    before wwe was wwe damn….

  • @memuno6281
    @memuno6281 3 місяці тому

    I believe the 2010’s era will be appreciated pretty well when 20 years pass. It’s like the current popular “old school rap” is the mid 2000’s. 2000’s party’s are very popular and that includes the artist that were not liked in that time. So going back to my point, the younger gen still in preschool and elementary school will see this like there “when wrestling was still good”. Plus, the metrics like ratings and star power will be the standard.

    • @rassslinRant
      @rassslinRant  3 місяці тому +4

      That's kind of like saying people who don't know any better will think better of it in the future. *shrug* Maybe but I don't think many who saw it at as a teen or older at the time will have fond memories of that era outside of Shawn v. Taker, the streak, and Rock v. Cena. Just my opinion though.

    • @memuno6281
      @memuno6281 3 місяці тому

      @@rassslinRant most of the the WWE 2010’s sucked because Super Cena snd Vince’s mixed bag booking. I personally got uninterested because I got bored to Cena and my parents cut the cable so I wasn’t able to see Smackdown anymore. Plus WWE was still in the PPV model so good luck trying to watch the PPV as a teenager. I mostly remember playing the video games to see who was still in the company.
      Revionist history happens sometimes. People like Cena and Batista will seen as veteran even though they were not the great in ring wrestlers. Nextus storyline might be a “that how they started in WWE and look at them now” level. I believe the older generation will see the good, the bad and ugly of the early 2010’s (Vince’s last average years in WWE) with more positive eyes. I don’t but these children still in school that will get introduced to WWE will go back to see the “old school wrestling” of the of the 2010’s and see how it used to be.

    • @rassslinRant
      @rassslinRant  3 місяці тому +2

      @@memuno6281 as a fan of history, including wrestling history, I do like looking back on things like this though. It shows often WHY stuff happened. Ex. if the 2010s WWE wasn't so bad, would people have started paying more attention to New Japan, Ring of Honor, Lucha Underground etc.? Would we even have gotten AEW? Same goes with what happened to the territories that lead to the Monday Night War.

    • @memuno6281
      @memuno6281 3 місяці тому

      @@rassslinRant if WWE main roster was still consistent in the 2010’s we would never see a NXT B&G thrive. I believe LU would still be around but not as popular as it was now. I believe New Japan would never try their expansion era. I can see a world where the elite stayed in Japan. I believe ROH would still be around because NXT B&G would not get the respect it has now.

    • @reeseangle9621
      @reeseangle9621 3 місяці тому

      Nah the 2010s sucked so much

  • @Bossdog05-m3w
    @Bossdog05-m3w 3 місяці тому

    I've barely watched WWE since 09. I got back into it seeing the Nexus angle and of course super Cena had to ruin that just like everything else. What they did to Sting and then Goldberg did it for me. Sting losing to HHH at WM on his debut just for Vince to get one more over WCW was it I've hated WWE ever since and don't know if I can ever religiously follow the product. Tried to look at it in recent months and still have a hard time getting back into it. Because how they've booked their shows for so long and how they did so many talents so dirty I just can't support the company like I did in the 90s and early 2000s.