No it’s for our lord to say. You cannot be a gay man and be catholic. That is a core truth of the faith. You will never be gay and be catholic. No matter how much you twist the faith to fit your distorted mind.
I suggest stopping receiving holy communion immediately. Finding an fssp parish and talk to a priest on how to quit being gay. Otherwise leave the church. Sodimites are not welcome..
@Dan Radroach I wish peace and blessings upon you! One day we may see eye to eye, but let us both trust in God's love to guide us and not lose our witness in fruitless uncharitable argument. I won't reply anymore, but truly hope all goes well for you!
No. You will never be at peace. You will pass normal families and know that you will never have a family. A relationship with a woman. A normal life. You will always feel out of place. You will see as many therapists as you can ever hope for and never feel normal. Because homosexuality is an abomination. A mortal sin of pride. No saint is gay. No real priest is gay. No Catholic is gay. It is a plague from the devil and something that must be rooted out of the church. It has no place and as long as you are a homosexual you will never have a place in the church Jesus Christ created to save souls. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic. Not one gay accepting and fornicating.
You aren’t catholic.
Hmm, not really your choice or say lol. But I wish you well. Be blessed sibling in Christ!
No it’s for our lord to say. You cannot be a gay man and be catholic. That is a core truth of the faith. You will never be gay and be catholic. No matter how much you twist the faith to fit your distorted mind.
I suggest stopping receiving holy communion immediately. Finding an fssp parish and talk to a priest on how to quit being gay. Otherwise leave the church. Sodimites are not welcome..
@Dan Radroach I wish peace and blessings upon you! One day we may see eye to eye, but let us both trust in God's love to guide us and not lose our witness in fruitless uncharitable argument. I won't reply anymore, but truly hope all goes well for you!
No. You will never be at peace. You will pass normal families and know that you will never have a family. A relationship with a woman. A normal life. You will always feel out of place. You will see as many therapists as you can ever hope for and never feel normal. Because homosexuality is an abomination. A mortal sin of pride. No saint is gay. No real priest is gay. No Catholic is gay. It is a plague from the devil and something that must be rooted out of the church. It has no place and as long as you are a homosexual you will never have a place in the church Jesus Christ created to save souls. One Holy Catholic and Apostolic. Not one gay accepting and fornicating.