Awesome for them to do Air Hostess, my favourite Busted music! :D I liked Danny's "Yes Matt!" and the way he smiled at him :) ^_^ as well as their laughs :)
His voice has always been like that, but his voice used to be better in the past (Try listen to the 'A Ticket for Everyone' live CD by Busted in the old days). Might well be because of lack of constant vocal training or his long time being away from the stage, but all in all I think he's acceptable :) Matt still sound pretty good though.
every time i go to the airport i put this song lol
Awesome for them to do Air Hostess, my favourite Busted music! :D I liked Danny's "Yes Matt!" and the way he smiled at him :) ^_^ as well as their laughs :)
I would say Danny rivals Charlie's scream of "Where I'm standing now!!!!" in Busted's old live versions of this song
at 2:52
i know dannys part is the best
Danny has an incredibly strong vocal (he took at lot of vocal training along his career, even being able to sing okayish opera).
I love danny's voice so much
I love the goofy laughs they add to it
Mc Busted voice message Dude bro 😊
Taylor Raz tickled 😂
Aston Mrreegd voice message Dude bro 😎 one day
i don't really like the voice of james it sounds so weird
I think it's his accent , do you mean like how he pronounces saw saur ?
No, the voice is cratchy, not singing anymore
His voice has always been like that, but his voice used to be better in the past (Try listen to the 'A Ticket for Everyone' live CD by Busted in the old days). Might well be because of lack of constant vocal training or his long time being away from the stage, but all in all I think he's acceptable :) Matt still sound pretty good though.
God this is cringe
how so?