It is a song by a group 'Порнофильмы'. and the name of the song is 'Отъе*итесь от детей'. If you want the translation then it it something like: Pornfilms - Get the hell out of a children
This is a song of the Russian opposition. It calls for keeping away from children with Olympiads, good grades and other things and letting children be children
Пили ещё ПФ, плз
Великолепно.................... ГРУППА"АБИОГЕНЕЗ"..........
Only english comment here, so what does this title mean and where is it from?
It is a song by a group 'Порнофильмы'. and the name of the song is 'Отъе*итесь от детей'. If you want the translation then it it something like: Pornfilms - Get the hell out of a children
This is a song of the Russian opposition. It calls for keeping away from children with Olympiads, good grades and other things and letting children be children
Yandex transtale
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