Brandon, Matthew 11-28-30 states that you will find rest in your souls not your flesh. In this world we exist in the flesh and we're going to feel all the negative things that you mentioned in the flesh, but deep down in one's soul there is still a feeling of peace that goes beyond understanding for those of us who are true born again Christians. We have this peace beyond understanding in our souls because the soul knows where it is going when we finally die in the flesh or happen to get raptured if we are still in the flesh when the rapture happens.
Brandon, The kingdom of Heaven is Jesus' 1000 year reign on Earth. This is a rightly dividing issue that I have told you time and time again that you are not doing when it comes to your videos. If you truly want to learn the truth on the matter instead of keeping on stating the lies that you state in your videos every single time that you do one, then I suggest you learn about rightly dividing the word of truth as stated in 2 Timothy 2:15 and you can start with watching the following video on the subject of... The Kingdom of God vs The Kingdom of Heaven
As Christians we were never encouraged to think critically about any of it. 'Giving the enemy a foothold' and all that. Your videos so clearly point out the discrepancies that I wish people in the faith would let themselves hear. But unfortunately they are encouraged to 'see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. I feel sorry for those so deceived. Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Seasons Greetings, whatever....and thanks for your work. Sunday mornings are a joy now.
That bible says not to question it, Then religious people say what are indoctrinated, Yet they are the ones not questioning anything. I made a religious person basically rage and basically dug themselves into a deep hole By getting them to say "I am not indoctrinated, I Don't question the bible o accept it" The very definition of being indoctrinated.
Then you were just pitiably ignorant because Christian history is REPLETE with detailed, in depth, well-rounded "critical thinking". Ignorance is on you. Discrepancies? Only if you remain in the shallow end of the kiddie pool while wearing nose and ear plugs, floaties on your arm and mommy holding your body above the water.
The Bait and switch for unconditional love is actually insane, pastors always says things like "God loves you" & "do not judge" but as soon as you becomes a believer, they'll threaten you with God's wrath, hell & will also judge you endlessly for the simplest things possible.
@@maggienewton8518 It seems that the burden of religious belief has the opiate-promise of love and a just, glorious afterlife .. what joy comes from breaking even with life's expenses just working at an Amazon warehouse (for example). So at least once a week, one can go and get a hit of preachin; or listen to a podcast or radio program for a "gift of any amount".
I just remember coming down from my first high after rediscovering my Catholic faith in my early twenties several years back. I was swept up in God's love until I was told that there is such a thing as mortal sins, where an undefined list of "sins" that varies from priest to priest, could lose you your salvation if you did them. From this point on everything started to go downhill. It wasn't about a loving relationship anymore, but about obeying a ton of (mostly arcane and nonsensical) rules to not lose the grace of God. It was insane and so different from the "Jesus loves you" message I first heard about from my campus missionaries. What a giant traumatic mindf*ck that experience was. I know Protestants have it bad, but Catholicism really is the ultimate bait and switch.
I know I was baptised Catholic as a *condition* for my Dad to be ALLOWED to marry my Mom. He didnt want to convert. He was Protestant. Mom was Catholic so he had to write to the Pope(the ACTUAL Pope) to ask for permission to marry without converting. They were Silent Gen, so it was a big deal back then, I am Gen X. Thus their first born SURVIVING child, must be baptised into the faith instead. The wording is important because I am a second born, my brother was stillborn. I got thrown out of my church at age 9(early puberty) because I was distracting the priest because I had boobs. Mom's own relatives told her, I was soulless because she interfered with God's plan for me. God's plan was for me to be stillborn like my brother. A C section baby to them is touched by the devil. I turned my back on the faith, confused and angry then didnt confirm at 14. I never went back, and became Pagan in later decades as atheism almost led me to declaring game over. Some of us have to believe in SOMETHING but I chose something older that allows for joy, happiness and REAL friendship without calling them *Sins*.
@@Critical_Explorer-vw5hy Only available for the Elect of God, all others need not apply, but do apply anyway so we will remember the Un-Elect for their good deeds though they burn in hell!
All of the love and acceptance go right out the window as soon as you disagree with the group. They will shun you so quickly it will make your head spin.
It's sad that Christians are NOT separate. Even weirder the tiers of sin they perpetuate. Dude can be at the club the night before or come in with his live in gf and children and that's fine. However, have him come in holding hands with another guy and watch how quickly he's asked to leave. It's very weird.
Jesus Christ never asked you to believe in a group. He never asked you to believe in the church. He never asked you to believe in a pastor. He never asked you to believe in the church ritual. He never ask you to believe in your good behavior. He never asked you to believe in your neighbor who claims to be a believer. All he ask, is that you put your faith in him and him alone as your Lord and Savior.
Before the year ends, read Your Life Your Game by Keezano📚 This Catholic book transformed my life, showing how connecting with God and building meaningful relationships unlocks true spiritual growth and success. It’s not just a book-it’s a wake-up call. God bless all people
Great video, the bait and switch is real. I spent years trying to find and feel " God's love and peace " but all I found was fear and mental health damage. Atheism has brought me better sleep, I got a great job I applied to that I only went for because I got tired of waiting on " God's direction ". Great video Brandon.
These are the questions some Christians have but are: Never given conclusive answers. Leave it to "faith", to wade through the troubling doubt, lack of answers & glaring inconsistencies.
Sittin’ontheJohn 3:16: For God so loved the whole world that he created dozens of tribes he knew would not worship him because he created them not to do that for the sole purpose of destroying them, that whichever one he commands his special chosen people to completely eradicate may be believed to have been completely wiped out from existence until we find out the text was lying with several of these tribes surviving and that this rather small insignificant tribe was just trying to boost its own morale during times of hardship with tales of glory.
Awesome video, you nailed this one. All of this bait wrapped in emotionalism and "love bombing", and it works disgustingly well on people who are hurting, depressed, lonely. Ya think you found the answers to life, only to realize it's a scam, empty and confusing, and even more hurtful than that "evil world" you were told to come out of. True freedom was when I finally walked away from religion and got my own life / mind back. Have a great Festivus Season Brandon !
Brandon, thank you sincerely for your videos, your confession that you were once a missionary in Guatemala hits home because i have mayan ancestry and i want one day to help my people to finally get rid of catholicism and catholic names, your videos help me building such foundation thesis
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
"You just want to be your own master." Yeah? So? How is that a bad thing? The choice to bend the knee to a master is not only self-limiting, a determination that you are forever incapable of managing your own life, it is a cowardly way of avoiding responsibility for your actions/inactions.
Jesus is your friend, he answers all prayers. When I see a documentary of parents praying to god to brig their missing child home safely - fast forward twenty or thirty years to the same parents all grateful for the obvious intercession of that god who dropped some little clue leading to the arrest of their child's killer - it's heartbreaking, that misplaced gratitude. Decades of suffering? A dead child? But hey, let's give that god credit for the crumbs and the hard work of investigators.
This is the one problem that I could not find an answer for in christianity, I couldn't imagine my daughter going missing and not getting any answer for possibly the rest of my life. I would rather myself be crucified than deal with something as horrible. And yet it happens all the time.
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
I already didn't believe in the bible so forgive me when I don't really change my mind if Jesus did exist? Sure he could've claimed something but it might've not been true? Like I think I've heard people say that people thought Jesus was crazy anyways so I'm sorry I never really dug into historical evidence for Christianity
Perfect ! As an ex-Christian, I am amazed how I made that all work in my mind, back then. I read and read and read my Bible (the fastest way to leave the faith), and the contradictions built up and built up, until one day it occurred to me that these things are written by men to manipulate other men. The day I saw it, everything ended. One day I was (imagining) myself talking to Jesus and hearing his leading, while praising him, praying and following the Holy Spirit. The next day it was over. I realized I had imagined all this because I "believed". When I saw the human creation of religion (any religion), my imaginings turned off, and it was the most empty feeling I ever had. It is why religion or Jesus or God fit people so perfectly and they believe so thoroughly, because they/we each made up the imagined image of god that we have. Our image, of God, fits us like a glove. Time to wake up. Read your religious texts over and over. Study the contradictions and nonsense. Find your way out.
@@Philthefisherofmen Philly, No idea what you mean. Christians come in 40,000 versions, because the Bible is so well understood, that we couldn't have one belief. You want to quote a Bible verse to me, why? Why not quote from one of the 36 other Christian gospels that didn't get included in the Bible? Why not quote from Paul, when it's completely different from .... Paul (elsewhere) / and or Jesus... or what some anonymous person wrote 60 + years after said "Jesus" lived? I'm sure you realize that the book of John is considered to be, primarily, very late propagandist writing that was intent on making, Jesus into God, and cleaning up dogmatic issues.
As a former believer, when I think about the contradictions you point out in this video, then think back to how I never questioned the incompatibility of the concepts, it makes me realize how irrational faith-based belief is. Thank you for all the great work you do.
I was just thinking about that today "My Yoke Is Easy and my Burden Light"......but as a Catholic you have to pray endless repeditive rosarys, starve yourself occationally, suffering ect ect....and if your lucky you'll get into Purgatory which is basicly a mini-Hell!!! It was when I was really trying, that I realised it was NEVER going to be egnouugh!!.......This is when the cracks began in my faith!!! Now I know better!!..not that I'm expert on anything.
100% the same story from a fellow former ex-Catholic. The demands are insane and unfulfillable. Glad I got out even though I have to rebuild my sanity.
"not that I'm expert on anything." well, you really brought back powerful memories of back aches from saying the rosary on my knees night after night, praying for all those unbaptized babies burning in purgatory (only to be told years later that the church decided there was no purgatory - man was I pissed! where did all my prayers go?), the joy of martyrdom, thanking Our Loving Father for blessing me with suffering...oh, and you can get pregnant holding hands.
I'm with you buddy. But having sat in with Protestants, at least Catholics have that "temporary place" for sinners. Protestants beLIEve there is only a binary eternal option after death and for some Protestants their faith...which at the core is what they beLIEve...gawd has already selected who goes to heaven already (look up "the elect") so all the praying, or not, is incidental to the supposed outcome after one no longer lives. Religion is just a stupid business, so that CONfident men can make money off of a storybook; not producing a d@m thing that really helps anyone (any more than what a placebo does). Hopefully the 21st century is when humanity becomes self-aware (maybe before AI does) such that it gets rid of this vestige of societal evolution.
I can understand why the ancient people became Christian. Most of them could not read and had a poor rough life. They saw death on a daily basis. They were subject to hard governments. No wonder they took the bait for a hopeful heaven and peace by the resurrection. The world back then was cruel and hard. No modern comfort. This were their hope. To get through a harsh world. Today we see the myth and unrealistic the story really us but, for them it was a hope of salvation from the harsh rule of that culture and world they lived in. Sad, how they were hooked line and sinker. But, it was all they knew and kept them going in this sad world.
As someone who's been on both sides and inbetween, I appreciate the calm and professional way you present information and opinions after watching several of your videos. No inflammatory speech. Just scripture and interpretation. You seem like a genuinely kind and caring dude.
Excellent presentation! Mirrors much of my experience in my 10 years of faithful devotion to Christianity. This also reminds me just how ineffective religion is at enhancing lives. Many willingly get involved, devote their lives to the Lord yet a year, 2 years, 5 years later they are not one iota different than before. Philanders are still screwing around (even the married ones), the lazy and irresponsible are still just that, and a host of other examples.
This is off topic, but for the monthly donation video I think it would be a good topic to talk about animal cruelty in the Bible and donate to a cause like Wild Life conservation.
I was raised in Catholic faith and received a lot of religious education - or should I say brainwashing. They always, ALWAYS said that any verse of the Bible was aimed at every single human being, and any Bible verse could be read even out of context and you could still learn from it😬 So that Jeremiah verse 100% used to be my favorite, it gave me so much comfort and hope. The fact that I never even considered the possibility that it could have been meant for only one specific person, or that I never questioned why that "God's perfect plan for me" hadn't been fulfilled yet, is so wild. My critical thinking skills were so weak for the first over 20 years of my life.
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
Matthew 7:23 NRSV [23] Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’ Was the beginning of the end of my faith. I was taught it one way before my baptism in a Pentecostal church but my oriental orthodox family member had a different interpertation. I did research online into what it meant and got even more interpretations and came to the conclusion they are making assumptions that match their theology, that there isn't a right answer to be found. God isn't speaking for himself when the one thing the bible needed to do was be clear about slavation.
CONTRACT OF EXISTENCE These terms establish the relationship of THE FATHER (F) and THE CHILDREN (C). By existing in the world, C hereby agrees to the terms laid out in this document. TERMS: Term 1: C shall be cared for (Def. 1) by F as His child (Def. 2). Term 2: F shall consider C as His friend (Def. 3) and not His servant. Term 3: Under non-compliance to these terms, C shall be disciplined (Def. 4). DEFINITIONS: Def. 1: "care" does not imply guarantee for physical, psychological or other essential needs. The term shall describe explicitly only an interest of F to determine the circumstances of the life of C according to F's preferences. Def. 2: C being F's "child" refers to the relationship of a man and an animal, or a master and his slave. It must not be confused with the altruistic attachment that would be expected from a family member. Def. 3: A "friend" refers to one who knows another's business. F reserves the right to cast illness upon His friends and murder their children. Def. 4: The act of "discipline" shall refer to casting a person into a lake of fire and not forgiving them and causing them to suffer until the end of time.
I am deconstructing the Christian religion, and this is helpful information More like validating what I experienced in tne church. Thank you for the information and simple delivery thereof!
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
This very thing bothered me even when in the church. All the people who supposedly had this peace, hope, assurance, etc. sure didn't seem like they did when you observed what they did and said. A lot of people there didn't seem too confident that they're saved. The OSAS topic came up a lot in one way or another, with the goalpost moving that it involves.
I always thought it odd that angels, demons, etc, etc, CANNOT separate me from the love of god which is in CJ "our lord"... but my feeble foolish mind can? Wow. Bait and switch indeed. Thank you for this post!!
"For God so loved the world he gave his only son." You know what true gifts don't have? Attached strings. All the talk about bait and switch in this context reminds me of some weird marriage situations. Where someone gets married with the expectation that once they are married, that they will fix their spouse. putting aside the issues with changing them. How honest is it to pledge eternal love to someone so broken that they require fixing? Note that I'm not talking about problems we all have, and I know everyone can improve. But what exactly is being loved, if without fixing you can't live with them?
Forget reading the "fine print"... All of the terms are right there in the contract, written in Christianese. Then once you sign, it slowly starts to become clear that you bought a lemon 🍋
I think the Christianese, as you called it, is ultimately just a local hybrid dialect between Bullshitish and Craponese. In fact, these two are part of the three languages every apologist is taught (the third is, of course French).
How often has somebody been confronted with the line;..."If you were to die today would you "know" that you would go to heaven?"...? This question would then be followed with'..."By praying the sinners prayer you will "know" that you have a place in Heaven from this point on..." This cliche was often presented by collage or high school aged Christians. Later, it becomes apparent that not only is there little or no reassurance for you but even the young evangelists are far from "sure". Some even eventually go to counseling because their fear and doubt become chronic and overwhelming. So much for "knowing"; right?
We've all been there. I know. At first, they say, " Oh, you may be a loser right now, but join us, and you'll get there in the end!" When they have you on the boat, however, they might change it to something like " yeah, so technically, you're still a loser, and I'm going to level with you , there's no promises that you'll get there in the end but.... yay! More brownie points!" ... WHAT?!
Love ya brother !! Another great presentation Brandon. Question: Would you consider having a collaboration presentation with Justin with channel Deconstruction Zone ? The top tier logic, knowledge and reason presented by both of you provides an excitement that perhaps this is the begining of a new renascence (ironic name I know) of a more pragmatic humanist perspective in the world !! Hopefully the community of critical thinkers continues to grow, even as US hegemony seems to be jettisoning its core values (constitution, rule of law and particularly decorum and conventions). Props for enduring !!! Best regards.
Im visiting my parents for Christmas and I have to attend church with my family. It's not worth the fight so I tolerate it. It also helped that my mom gave me paper so I could take notes to make it through service (ADHD sucks). Today's sermon was about God's love and the pastor brought up sin and how "all Christians who don't do good are pigs". He then recounted a story of when he was younger and gave a similar sermon, the audience he claims he presented to were insulted that he said they were sinful. Like isn't that the whole point of Christianity and salvation? You are a "sinner" to God and you have to get salvation by believing? I need to pull out my notes now that I'm home and go through your previous videos to get more context about the small bits the pastor was talking about in his sermon. It's actually kinda fun being an atheist and being an outside observer of the church I grew up in because I start noticing the crap I was indoctrinated with, and taking notes to go back to the source text for more context beyond the "happy message" the pastor preaches.
1:47 "It must be something you are doing" - the exact line was fed to me by my former best Christian friend in response to domestic violence by my Christian husband. It was hidden sin in ME that caused him to abuse me.
I love that (as exemplified by this video) I can usually trust that you're going to bring up the nasty parts of the New Testament, too, in these kinds of videos (and not just the Tanakh/so-called "Old Testament"). Always so appreciated! A lot of other channels, I will generally skip certain videos or stop them early precisely cause I'm like "Oh, boy. This one is clearly gonna be/already is rife with this schmuck overly focusing on the 'Jewy' parts being bad, and at best ignoring - if not outright praising - the Christian originals."
Greetings and love from the heart to All. Enjoy the holidays and wishes for safe travels to and from for you and All your loved ones and friends. Reading the comments and so many truly describe the flip-side The Church doesn't like to acknowledge.
This reminds me of a verse: 1 Corinthians 3:2. It’s about giving a baby milk before meat. The Mormons use it a lot for the idea that you have to give people nice and easy stuff to think about when they’re converting or young, and then you get to the hard stuff. But it’s in the general Bible. It’s a part of the bait and switch
It`s an endless game of bait and switch for Christians because for any view they want to support they can always find some verse that seems to support it. And the bait and switch is also endlessly pointless.
I honestly believe there isn't a single christian today (maybe in history?) that converted to christianity just from reading the bible cover to cover with no prior knowledge of the religion. Guaranteed that everyone that became a christian (including me) they were told the butterflies and rainbows version at first. Once you are "in", it's very easy to have a heavily biased mind to do the necessary mental gymnastics in order to make sense of it all (rather than leaving)
Joke's on him. I don't floss at all. Actually, the joke was on me when I had a hole all the way through my tooth into a nerve. Take care of your teeth, folks. That was brutal. First and only time I've had a panic level of pain.
TBF, a dentist will not move the goalposts to rebrand lifestyle factors as preexisting conditions, to withhold earned benefits, and shift responsibility onto a client who had paid into the system faithfully. A more accurate analogy would compare the Good News to an advertising brochure for UnitedHealthcare.
“Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so”? My parents love me, this I know, for they express it to me, tangibly, visibly, every day, unconditionally. My parents are closer to omnibenevolence than Jesus it would seem?
You know, it kinda feels like they're describing Santa Claus. An all-seeing kindly father who gives you gifts when you're good and a gentle reprimand if you're bad. His slogan is even, "Be good for goodness sake." Not, "Worship and obey or else you'll BURN FOREVER FROM MY RAGE!!!"
I'm left thinking of the quote from Prince Of Darkness "Perhaps what your faith has said is essentially correct. Perhaps there is a God controlling everything, a universal mind controlling the actions of every sub atomic particle. Now, every particle has an anti particle. It's mirror image. It's negative side. Maybe, this universal mind resides in the mirror universe instead of our own, as we wanted to believe. Perhaps he's Anti God bringing darkness instead of light" That always got me, every time I watched that film. What if they had been mislead this entire time and got the message VERY VERY wrong?
Comments from Christians should be interesting! Some people never find out about these downsides even after years of believing, or they latch onto the version of apologetics that supports their preferences.
Good point on pointing out that many modern American pastors do not teach historic Christian doctrines. Luke 14:25-33 The Cost of Discipleship [25] Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, [26] “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. [27] Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. [28] For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? [29] Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, [30] saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ [31] Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? [32] And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. [33] So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.
This has always bothered me, and over time, I’m come to realize that it’s because this process works very much like a machine for appropriating authority and abandoning responsibility. 1. Ask people if they would accept an authoritarian system, given a truly perfect sovereign that is also eternal and thus, cannot be replaced or overthrown. (This makes it reasonable to answer ‘yes’.) 2. Displace the authority. (No one can go directly to the source or directly read source material without meeting some sort of condition/approval.) 3. Take on the position of liaison between subjects and the authority, approving communications as genuine and interpretations of the material as acceptable. (This grants the liaison just as much authority as the sovereign, because the sovereign cannot independently interject, nor can the subjects bypass the liaison to reach them.) 4. Divert any responsibility as the liaison to the displaced authority. (If the liaison’s actions are criticized, they can claim the sovereign is entirely responsible, placing all the negative factors of authority onto them, which effectively removes the responsibility from existence.)
Great points. On the positive site, the lost, the troubled, the lonely may be drawn into a (potentially) supportive community. But ain't it such a pity that the attraction are these baits which then become switched. If better versions of the faith had arisen in those early days, things may well have been so much better.
Brandon, I would love a video about John Allen Chau. He was a missionary who was killed trying to evangelize to an unreached tribe. This is crazy to me because if God wants everyone to hear the gospel why did he allow this man to be killed?
I thought that happened a lot longer ago. Very good topic. Those people would be among the few who haven't heard of Christianity. They should be the highest priority.
It's funny to me as a pagan when people come up to me like "your gods are evil/want to enslave you, come to Christ" like?? Have you looked at your religion?? (Not to mention I don't want to convert to a religion that literally just leads with "God hates you, convert to make him stop hating you (terms and conditions apply) :D")
And this isn't to say you can't be happy as a Christian or anything, I just personally am not motivated by threats that don't even come to prove true while I'm alive (and hell is a whole different can of worms)
Yes, the so called Good News of: there's a monster out there who wants to hurt you because of his own mistakes, but it's a good thing because if you do everything he says then he'll spare you. Not terribly appealing when they can't show the bogeyman is even real. Even if they did, their own book shows he can be beaten.
First they tell you to " sow" into Gods kingdom to be blessed. You give till it hurts, when you ask why you life is so miserable, they tell you " remember that this is not our home" or " we live in a fallen world" Talk about rubbing salt into an open wound.
@MindShift-Brandon I hope you have a merry Christmas. You should do a video on Christmas, breaking down how weird the whole story of Christmas and the virgin birth is. Alex oconner interviewed bart ehrman a few days ago about this topic and it blew mind my mind. I'd recommend watching it if you have chance.
It perfectly follows the cycle of a abusive relationship. Starts with love bombing, the isolation, then gaslighting, then abusive etc. There's also the thing with "Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender (DARVO)". It's disturbing to see how exactly it matches.
@@MindShift-Brandon Thanks very much! I bring it up often with Christians. As well as how not one single angel was subject to anything remotely similar, to Romans 5:12 either.
Thanks to everyone for being here!
good morning Brandon
Brandon, Matthew 11-28-30 states that you will find rest in your souls not your flesh.
In this world we exist in the flesh and we're going to feel all the negative things that you mentioned in the flesh, but deep down in one's soul there is still a feeling of peace that goes beyond understanding for those of us who are true born again Christians.
We have this peace beyond understanding in our souls because the soul knows where it is going when we finally die in the flesh or happen to get raptured if we are still in the flesh when the rapture happens.
Brandon, The kingdom of Heaven is Jesus' 1000 year reign on Earth.
This is a rightly dividing issue that I have told you time and time again that you are not doing when it comes to your videos.
If you truly want to learn the truth on the matter instead of keeping on stating the lies that you state in your videos every single time that you do one, then I suggest you learn about rightly dividing the word of truth as stated in 2 Timothy 2:15 and you can start with watching the following video on the subject of...
The Kingdom of God vs The Kingdom of Heaven
@@danielblair4413 _If you truly want to learn the truth on the matter_
You have no truth on offer. Likewise your bearded friend.
As Christians we were never encouraged to think critically about any of it. 'Giving the enemy a foothold' and all that. Your videos so clearly point out the discrepancies that I wish people in the faith would let themselves hear. But unfortunately they are encouraged to 'see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. I feel sorry for those so deceived. Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Seasons Greetings, whatever....and thanks for your work. Sunday mornings are a joy now.
Glad to help. Thanks for this
Happy Winter Solstice
Merry Christmas internet stranger.
That bible says not to question it,
Then religious people say what are indoctrinated,
Yet they are the ones not questioning anything.
I made a religious person basically rage and basically dug themselves into a deep hole
By getting them to say "I am not indoctrinated, I Don't question the bible o accept it"
The very definition of being indoctrinated.
Then you were just pitiably ignorant because Christian history is REPLETE with detailed, in depth, well-rounded "critical thinking". Ignorance is on you.
Discrepancies? Only if you remain in the shallow end of the kiddie pool while wearing nose and ear plugs, floaties on your arm and mommy holding your body above the water.
The Bait and switch for unconditional love is actually insane, pastors always says things like "God loves you" & "do not judge" but as soon as you becomes a believer, they'll threaten you with God's wrath, hell & will also judge you endlessly for the simplest things possible.
Yup! The oldest scam out there and Christianity is not just not immune to it but uses it constantly.
it sounds so exhausting when you put it that way. Really, that alone...why would anyone want to be part of such a dismal, exhausting life?
@maggienewton8518 people convert because pastors manipulate them with honeyed words when they were vulnerable & was going through a hard time.
@@maggienewton8518 It seems that the burden of religious belief has the opiate-promise of love and a just, glorious afterlife .. what joy comes from breaking even with life's expenses just working at an Amazon warehouse (for example). So at least once a week, one can go and get a hit of preachin; or listen to a podcast or radio program for a "gift of any amount".
@@maggienewton8518because you’re promised a life in heaven.
Yep, lots of new best friends. Then see what happens when you question a favorite doctrine...
Yup. We always talk about Christian community and even its be benefits but we dont talk enough about how fragile it is.
I've experienced this myself. The speed at which everybody I thought were friends shunned me was stunning.
Same- best friends until excommunication. Then, it turns into “you just don’t want the truth”
I just remember coming down from my first high after rediscovering my Catholic faith in my early twenties several years back. I was swept up in God's love until I was told that there is such a thing as mortal sins, where an undefined list of "sins" that varies from priest to priest, could lose you your salvation if you did them. From this point on everything started to go downhill. It wasn't about a loving relationship anymore, but about obeying a ton of (mostly arcane and nonsensical) rules to not lose the grace of God. It was insane and so different from the "Jesus loves you" message I first heard about from my campus missionaries. What a giant traumatic mindf*ck that experience was. I know Protestants have it bad, but Catholicism really is the ultimate bait and switch.
Thanks for sharing that
Yep it's a guilt trap once you're in.
@@Ashy_Slashy3 And then they tell you "novenas " that you prayed to Saint Gertrude for the "holy souls" for years, don't work!!!
I know I was baptised Catholic as a *condition* for my Dad to be ALLOWED to marry my Mom. He didnt want to convert. He was Protestant. Mom was Catholic so he had to write to the Pope(the ACTUAL Pope) to ask for permission to marry without converting. They were Silent Gen, so it was a big deal back then, I am Gen X. Thus their first born SURVIVING child, must be baptised into the faith instead. The wording is important because I am a second born, my brother was stillborn. I got thrown out of my church at age 9(early puberty) because I was distracting the priest because I had boobs. Mom's own relatives told her, I was soulless because she interfered with God's plan for me. God's plan was for me to be stillborn like my brother. A C section baby to them is touched by the devil. I turned my back on the faith, confused and angry then didnt confirm at 14. I never went back, and became Pagan in later decades as atheism almost led me to declaring game over. Some of us have to believe in SOMETHING but I chose something older that allows for joy, happiness and REAL friendship without calling them *Sins*.
"Terms and conditions may apply. Offer may not be valid in your jurisdiction."
Only available in participating locations.
@@Critical_Explorer-vw5hy Only available for the Elect of God, all others need not apply, but do apply anyway so we will remember the Un-Elect for their good deeds though they burn in hell!
Very good!
All of the love and acceptance go right out the window as soon as you disagree with the group. They will shun you so quickly it will make your head spin.
Makes sense, doesn't it? Their god ain't a fan of opinions that aren't his.
It's sad that Christians are NOT separate. Even weirder the tiers of sin they perpetuate. Dude can be at the club the night before or come in with his live in gf and children and that's fine. However, have him come in holding hands with another guy and watch how quickly he's asked to leave. It's very weird.
I can attest to that when I left at 16. That's when I told them where to shove Jesus.
Jesus Christ never asked you to believe in a group. He never asked you to believe in the church. He never asked you to believe in a pastor. He never asked you to believe in the church ritual. He never ask you to believe in your good behavior. He never asked you to believe in your neighbor who claims to be a believer. All he ask, is that you put your faith in him and him alone as your Lord and Savior.
Before the year ends, read Your Life Your Game by Keezano📚 This Catholic book transformed my life, showing how connecting with God and building meaningful relationships unlocks true spiritual growth and success. It’s not just a book-it’s a wake-up call. God bless all people
Thanks, l ordered book
Great video, the bait and switch is real. I spent years trying to find and feel " God's love and peace " but all I found was fear and mental health damage.
Atheism has brought me better sleep, I got a great job I applied to that I only went for because I got tired of waiting on " God's direction ". Great video Brandon.
These are the questions some Christians have but are:
Never given conclusive answers.
Leave it to "faith", to wade through the troubling doubt, lack of answers & glaring inconsistencies.
Christians tend to answer "gods ways are higher than ours" when they finally run out of arguments
Safe, Healthy and Happy Holidays to you and your family, Brandon and all Mindshifters!
Thank you!
Sittin’ontheJohn 3:16: For God so loved the whole world that he created dozens of tribes he knew would not worship him because he created them not to do that for the sole purpose of destroying them, that whichever one he commands his special chosen people to completely eradicate may be believed to have been completely wiped out from existence until we find out the text was lying with several of these tribes surviving and that this rather small insignificant tribe was just trying to boost its own morale during times of hardship with tales of glory.
Spot on
And God was tired, somehow, so He called it good, and dwelled on it no longer.
Awesome video, you nailed this one. All of this bait wrapped in emotionalism and "love bombing", and it works disgustingly well on people who are hurting, depressed, lonely. Ya think you found the answers to life, only to realize it's a scam, empty and confusing, and even more hurtful than that "evil world" you were told to come out of. True freedom was when I finally walked away from religion and got my own life / mind back. Have a great Festivus Season Brandon !
You too! And thanks so much
Can I interest you in a religion that DOESN'T do that?
(We don't shun or believe in eternal torture.)
Brandon, thank you sincerely for your videos, your confession that you were once a missionary in Guatemala hits home because i have mayan ancestry and i want one day to help my people to finally get rid of catholicism and catholic names, your videos help me building such foundation thesis
Appreciate that very much. Thank you.
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
"You just want to be your own master." Yeah? So? How is that a bad thing? The choice to bend the knee to a master is not only self-limiting, a determination that you are forever incapable of managing your own life, it is a cowardly way of avoiding responsibility for your actions/inactions.
@@maggienewton8518 well said. Taking responsibility for my thoughts and actions is precicly what I do.
Jesus is your friend, he answers all prayers. When I see a documentary of parents praying to god to brig their missing child home safely - fast forward twenty or thirty years to the same parents all grateful for the obvious intercession of that god who dropped some little clue leading to the arrest of their child's killer - it's heartbreaking, that misplaced gratitude. Decades of suffering? A dead child? But hey, let's give that god credit for the crumbs and the hard work of investigators.
This is the one problem that I could not find an answer for in christianity, I couldn't imagine my daughter going missing and not getting any answer for possibly the rest of my life. I would rather myself be crucified than deal with something as horrible. And yet it happens all the time.
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
@sam-t2u6t Josephus had like three sentences about Jesus and that's it.
You just copy and paste the same comment on multiple comments..
I already didn't believe in the bible so forgive me when I don't really change my mind if Jesus did exist? Sure he could've claimed something but it might've not been true?
Like I think I've heard people say that people thought Jesus was crazy anyways so
I'm sorry I never really dug into historical evidence for Christianity
I remember as a child how all this "made sense" when I attend mass not realizing the brewing dissonance that it all simply does not ring true.
"A book that stands for everything, stands for nothing." - TherimenTrees
This was excellent! Reminds me of that ancient scripture, ""I'm altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."
That was such a rad line.
Perfect ! As an ex-Christian, I am amazed how I made that all work in my mind, back then. I read and read and read my Bible (the fastest way to leave the faith), and the contradictions built up and built up, until one day it occurred to me that these things are written by men to manipulate other men. The day I saw it, everything ended. One day I was (imagining) myself talking to Jesus and hearing his leading, while praising him, praying and following the Holy Spirit. The next day it was over. I realized I had imagined all this because I "believed". When I saw the human creation of religion (any religion), my imaginings turned off, and it was the most empty feeling I ever had. It is why religion or Jesus or God fit people so perfectly and they believe so thoroughly, because they/we each made up the imagined image of god that we have. Our image, of God, fits us like a glove. Time to wake up. Read your religious texts over and over. Study the contradictions and nonsense. Find your way out.
True! You can only be an ex Christian. Because it means absolutely nothing. You cannot be an ex believer. JOHN 3:3
@@Philthefisherofmen Philly, No idea what you mean. Christians come in 40,000 versions, because the Bible is so well understood, that we couldn't have one belief. You want to quote a Bible verse to me, why? Why not quote from one of the 36 other Christian gospels that didn't get included in the Bible? Why not quote from Paul, when it's completely different from .... Paul (elsewhere) / and or Jesus... or what some anonymous person wrote 60 + years after said "Jesus" lived? I'm sure you realize that the book of John is considered to be, primarily, very late propagandist writing that was intent on making, Jesus into God, and cleaning up dogmatic issues.
9:52 Bait: Come feast on the bread of the word.
Switch: Nah, sorry, we just have a ton of cherries.
As a former believer, when I think about the contradictions you point out in this video, then think back to how I never questioned the incompatibility of the concepts, it makes me realize how irrational faith-based belief is. Thank you for all the great work you do.
They lay out the bait and then whip you with a switch. Religion since Day One!
I was just thinking about that today "My Yoke Is Easy and my Burden Light"......but as a Catholic you have to pray endless repeditive rosarys, starve yourself occationally, suffering ect ect....and if your lucky you'll get into Purgatory which is basicly a mini-Hell!!!
It was when I was really trying, that I realised it was NEVER going to be egnouugh!!.......This is when the cracks began in my faith!!!
Now I know better!!..not that I'm expert on anything.
Yes! Never enough. Called to be perfect but literally prevented from ever arriving
100% the same story from a fellow former ex-Catholic. The demands are insane and unfulfillable. Glad I got out even though I have to rebuild my sanity.
"not that I'm expert on anything." well, you really brought back powerful memories of back aches from saying the rosary on my knees night after night, praying for all those unbaptized babies burning in purgatory (only to be told years later that the church decided there was no purgatory - man was I pissed! where did all my prayers go?), the joy of martyrdom, thanking Our Loving Father for blessing me with suffering...oh, and you can get pregnant holding hands.
I'm with you buddy. But having sat in with Protestants, at least Catholics have that "temporary place" for sinners. Protestants beLIEve there is only a binary eternal option after death and for some Protestants their faith...which at the core is what they beLIEve...gawd has already selected who goes to heaven already (look up "the elect") so all the praying, or not, is incidental to the supposed outcome after one no longer lives.
Religion is just a stupid business, so that CONfident men can make money off of a storybook; not producing a d@m thing that really helps anyone (any more than what a placebo does). Hopefully the 21st century is when humanity becomes self-aware (maybe before AI does) such that it gets rid of this vestige of societal evolution.
Merry Christmas Brandon! Wish you and your loved ones well. Keep cranking out these great videos man! We're here for it!
Thanks so much, and to you!
I can understand why the ancient people became Christian. Most of them could not read and had a poor rough life. They saw death on a daily basis. They were subject to hard governments. No wonder they took the bait for a hopeful heaven and peace by the resurrection. The world back then was cruel and hard. No modern comfort. This were their hope. To get through a harsh world. Today we see the myth and unrealistic the story really us but, for them it was a hope of salvation from the harsh rule of that culture and world they lived in. Sad, how they were hooked line and sinker. But, it was all they knew and kept them going in this sad world.
Typical atheist pretending to have all the answers.
@ 0%.
Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! My favorite part of Sundays
Ha! Thanks so much!
As someone who's been on both sides and inbetween, I appreciate the calm and professional way you present information and opinions after watching several of your videos. No inflammatory speech. Just scripture and interpretation. You seem like a genuinely kind and caring dude.
Thank you Brandon for articulating the biblical "truth" so well.
Each of your video topics keeps getting even better than the ones before.
Thats very kind. Thanks you
Excellent presentation! Mirrors much of my experience in my 10 years of faithful devotion to Christianity. This also reminds me just how ineffective religion is at enhancing lives. Many willingly get involved, devote their lives to the Lord yet a year, 2 years, 5 years later they are not one iota different than before. Philanders are still screwing around (even the married ones), the lazy and irresponsible are still just that, and a host of other examples.
This is off topic, but for the monthly donation video I think it would be a good topic to talk about animal cruelty in the Bible and donate to a cause like Wild Life conservation.
Every one is great examples, thanks for this, and thinking for who refuse to, ur channle is very important for helping people
Got you. Thanks!
I was raised in Catholic faith and received a lot of religious education - or should I say brainwashing. They always, ALWAYS said that any verse of the Bible was aimed at every single human being, and any Bible verse could be read even out of context and you could still learn from it😬 So that Jeremiah verse 100% used to be my favorite, it gave me so much comfort and hope. The fact that I never even considered the possibility that it could have been meant for only one specific person, or that I never questioned why that "God's perfect plan for me" hadn't been fulfilled yet, is so wild. My critical thinking skills were so weak for the first over 20 years of my life.
Such ridiculousness!
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
“Perfect truth does not need apologetics” Hard stop. Right there.
Matthew 7:23 NRSV
[23] Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.’
Was the beginning of the end of my faith. I was taught it one way before my baptism in a Pentecostal church but my oriental orthodox family member had a different interpertation. I did research online into what it meant and got even more interpretations and came to the conclusion they are making assumptions that match their theology, that there isn't a right answer to be found. God isn't speaking for himself when the one thing the bible needed to do was be clear about slavation.
False believers.
@@isaacthegoat1432what is a false believer? Someone who believed in something false? Please define false believer
@@Ang00578 One who claims to be a believer but doesn't act like one.
They do bait but definitely do not deliver. A promise is a comfort to a fool.
These terms establish the relationship of THE FATHER (F) and THE CHILDREN (C). By existing in the world, C hereby agrees to the terms laid out in this document.
Term 1: C shall be cared for (Def. 1) by F as His child (Def. 2).
Term 2: F shall consider C as His friend (Def. 3) and not His servant.
Term 3: Under non-compliance to these terms, C shall be disciplined (Def. 4).
Def. 1: "care" does not imply guarantee for physical, psychological or other essential needs. The term shall describe explicitly only an interest of F to determine the circumstances of the life of C according to F's preferences.
Def. 2: C being F's "child" refers to the relationship of a man and an animal, or a master and his slave. It must not be confused with the altruistic attachment that would be expected from a family member.
Def. 3: A "friend" refers to one who knows another's business. F reserves the right to cast illness upon His friends and murder their children.
Def. 4: The act of "discipline" shall refer to casting a person into a lake of fire and not forgiving them and causing them to suffer until the end of time.
Lol wow. Nailed it
I am deconstructing the Christian religion, and this is helpful information
More like validating what I experienced in tne church. Thank you for the information and simple delivery thereof!
Good luck on your journey. It's not easy, but it's quite the trip.
@@Explodington I disagree. It should be very easy. You can’t lose what you never had.
@@Philthefisherofmen You wouldn't know.
@@Explodington I totally agree. It has not been easy, even the decision to finally walk away wasn't instant.
@@PhilthefisherofmenAh yes, “You were never really a Christian.” How gross.
Morning Brandon, blessing to you and your family!❤❤🎉🎉🎉 Happy holidays!
Happy holidays!
Mindshift is my go to Sunday church service, with no offering plate. 😊.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
let me share something worth considering: the life and claims of Jesus Christ. Jesus wasn’t just a wise teacher-He claimed to be God in human form. And here's the thing: His life isn’t just a story it’s backed by historical evidence. We have multiple sources outside of the Bible, like the Roman historian Tacitus and the Jewish historian Josephus, who confirm Jesus existed and was crucified
This very thing bothered me even when in the church. All the people who supposedly had this peace, hope, assurance, etc. sure didn't seem like they did when you observed what they did and said.
A lot of people there didn't seem too confident that they're saved. The OSAS topic came up a lot in one way or another, with the goalpost moving that it involves.
Matthew 7:21-23 is about the false believers and not what he said.
Jesus loves me this I know 🎶 why? Because the bible tells me so? I don't think so! Thanks for the video Brandon!
My pleasure!
"Because the bible tells me so" except it doesn't, not consistently. :)
Please keep doing what you do! Love & support from S. Africa💚🇿🇦.
Appreciate that!
I always thought it odd that angels, demons, etc, etc, CANNOT separate me from the love of god which is in CJ "our lord"... but my feeble foolish mind can? Wow.
Bait and switch indeed. Thank you for this post!!
"For God so loved the world he gave his only son."
You know what true gifts don't have? Attached strings.
All the talk about bait and switch in this context reminds me of some weird marriage situations. Where someone gets married with the expectation that once they are married, that they will fix their spouse. putting aside the issues with changing them. How honest is it to pledge eternal love to someone so broken that they require fixing?
Note that I'm not talking about problems we all have, and I know everyone can improve. But what exactly is being loved, if without fixing you can't live with them?
Yep. I have personally experienced these baits and switches. Other religions have them, too.
Good stuff Mindshift
Thank ya much
Excellent work!!!! ❤
Hey thanks so much!
happy sunday, this should be interesting
hi Kettei
Thank you from New Jersey!!!
Thanks for watching!
2:15 Also, the peace and comfort won't come until you're in heaven with God.
Conveniently placed where no one can verify if it exists. Genius!
That’s too late! 😅
Forget reading the "fine print"... All of the terms are right there in the contract, written in Christianese. Then once you sign, it slowly starts to become clear that you bought a lemon 🍋
So true!
I think the Christianese, as you called it, is ultimately just a local hybrid dialect between Bullshitish and Craponese. In fact, these two are part of the three languages every apologist is taught (the third is, of course French).
How often has somebody been confronted with the line;..."If you were to die today would you "know" that you would go to heaven?"...? This question would then be followed with'..."By praying the sinners prayer you will "know" that you have a place in Heaven from this point on..." This cliche was often presented by collage or high school aged Christians. Later, it becomes apparent that not only is there little or no reassurance for you but even the young evangelists are far from "sure". Some even eventually go to counseling because their fear and doubt become chronic and overwhelming. So much for "knowing"; right?
"Only time will tell if there's heaven or hell or if I'm just out to lunch"
Bam! I'm up in Yosemite, but I'm here, too!🎉
How i love Yosemite. Jealous!
Love that place. Also went to Hume Lake and Dinkey Creek a number of times. Love the Sierra Nevada mountains. Stream fishing is awesome.
I actually like you enough not to be jealous but I confess I am envious. That's my kind of Disney world or Vegas. Hope your time there is terrific!
@@maggienewton8518 I am so jealous. I’m actually kind of sad right now.
@@maggienewton8518i concur wholeheartedly! I told my sister yesterday that I know there's no heaven because you just can't improve on this..
Another great Sunday morning sermon pastor Brandon.
We've all been there. I know. At first, they say, " Oh, you may be a loser right now, but join us, and you'll get there in the end!" When they have you on the boat, however, they might change it to something like " yeah, so technically, you're still a loser, and I'm going to level with you , there's no promises that you'll get there in the end but.... yay! More brownie points!"
... WHAT?!
another great analysis. had me wondering how many total good promises in the bible sthere actually are WITHOUT threats that cancel them out.
Love you when you’re walking in the door, bully and threaten you when you’re thinking of walking out. But it’s not a cult?
Nahhh not at all 😉😸
What are they actually supposed to do when someone leaves
@careottjuice it depends... Some are told to shun you, others just treat you condescendingly as a fool, others don't know what to do.
Love ya brother !! Another great presentation Brandon.
Question: Would you consider having a collaboration presentation with Justin with channel Deconstruction Zone ?
The top tier logic, knowledge and reason presented by both of you provides an excitement that perhaps this is the begining of a new renascence (ironic name I know) of a more pragmatic humanist perspective in the world !! Hopefully the community of critical thinkers continues to grow, even as US hegemony seems to be jettisoning its core values (constitution, rule of law and particularly decorum and conventions). Props for enduring !!!
Best regards.
Thanks. Will have to check him out
Im visiting my parents for Christmas and I have to attend church with my family. It's not worth the fight so I tolerate it. It also helped that my mom gave me paper so I could take notes to make it through service (ADHD sucks). Today's sermon was about God's love and the pastor brought up sin and how "all Christians who don't do good are pigs". He then recounted a story of when he was younger and gave a similar sermon, the audience he claims he presented to were insulted that he said they were sinful. Like isn't that the whole point of Christianity and salvation? You are a "sinner" to God and you have to get salvation by believing? I need to pull out my notes now that I'm home and go through your previous videos to get more context about the small bits the pastor was talking about in his sermon. It's actually kinda fun being an atheist and being an outside observer of the church I grew up in because I start noticing the crap I was indoctrinated with, and taking notes to go back to the source text for more context beyond the "happy message" the pastor preaches.
1:47 "It must be something you are doing" - the exact line was fed to me by my former best Christian friend in response to domestic violence by my Christian husband. It was hidden sin in ME that caused him to abuse me.
Come for the friendship. Stay for the slavery. What a mess.
I never really thought of it this way before, but those are some awfully good points, Brandon!
Thank ya much!
I love that (as exemplified by this video) I can usually trust that you're going to bring up the nasty parts of the New Testament, too, in these kinds of videos (and not just the Tanakh/so-called "Old Testament"). Always so appreciated! A lot of other channels, I will generally skip certain videos or stop them early precisely cause I'm like "Oh, boy. This one is clearly gonna be/already is rife with this schmuck overly focusing on the 'Jewy' parts being bad, and at best ignoring - if not outright praising - the Christian originals."
Greetings and love from the heart to All. Enjoy the holidays and wishes for safe travels to and from for you and All your loved ones and friends. Reading the comments and so many truly describe the flip-side The Church doesn't like to acknowledge.
The foot in the door phenomenon and the sunk cost fallacy, two manipulation tactics used in many grifts.
This reminds me of a verse: 1 Corinthians 3:2. It’s about giving a baby milk before meat. The Mormons use it a lot for the idea that you have to give people nice and easy stuff to think about when they’re converting or young, and then you get to the hard stuff. But it’s in the general Bible. It’s a part of the bait and switch
So... an admission that it has to be misrepresented to appeal to people. That's... interesting.
Great video!
Glad you enjoyed it
Another great video Brandon! Thanks!
It`s an endless game of bait and switch for Christians because for any view they want to support they can always find some verse that seems to support it. And the bait and switch is also endlessly pointless.
Be thankful for all that hardship! You’re just being “sanctified”. 😏
I honestly believe there isn't a single christian today (maybe in history?) that converted to christianity just from reading the bible cover to cover with no prior knowledge of the religion. Guaranteed that everyone that became a christian (including me) they were told the butterflies and rainbows version at first. Once you are "in", it's very easy to have a heavily biased mind to do the necessary mental gymnastics in order to make sense of it all (rather than leaving)
I wonder what's it like to grow up without bible knowledge 😭
And when you get a cavity, your dentist always says you’re not flossing well enough
Joke's on him. I don't floss at all.
Actually, the joke was on me when I had a hole all the way through my tooth into a nerve. Take care of your teeth, folks. That was brutal. First and only time I've had a panic level of pain.
Except, in this case, if you *do* floss and brush your teeth, you *do* get results
TBF, a dentist will not move the goalposts to rebrand lifestyle factors as preexisting conditions, to withhold earned benefits, and shift responsibility onto a client who had paid into the system faithfully. A more accurate analogy would compare the Good News to an advertising brochure for UnitedHealthcare.
The dentist didn't design your teeth to hurt you if you disobey, and doesn't come to break the rest of your teeth when one falls out.
“Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so”?
My parents love me, this I know, for they express it to me, tangibly, visibly, every day, unconditionally.
My parents are closer to omnibenevolence than Jesus it would seem?
Telling should be a reinforcement for all the doing you've been...doing.
Another great one!
Thank ya much
All religions deliver hope.
You know, it kinda feels like they're describing Santa Claus. An all-seeing kindly father who gives you gifts when you're good and a gentle reprimand if you're bad. His slogan is even, "Be good for goodness sake." Not, "Worship and obey or else you'll BURN FOREVER FROM MY RAGE!!!"
Great video. Very well organized and everything logically explained
Extraordinary video, Mr. B.
3:55 and for some people, even if they obey they will be cast out anyway!
True. Good ol bible
Hi everyone! ☕😉🎄
Mornin, Das!
Afternoon Dasbus ☕️
You too, Das.
good day, Das
Chilly good morning from kansas 😊
I'm left thinking of the quote from Prince Of Darkness "Perhaps what your faith has said is essentially correct. Perhaps there is a God controlling everything, a universal mind controlling the actions of every sub atomic particle. Now, every particle has an anti particle. It's mirror image. It's negative side. Maybe, this universal mind resides in the mirror universe instead of our own, as we wanted to believe. Perhaps he's Anti God bringing darkness instead of light" That always got me, every time I watched that film. What if they had been mislead this entire time and got the message VERY VERY wrong?
Here we go!
Comments from Christians should be interesting!
Some people never find out about these downsides even after years of believing, or they latch onto the version of apologetics that supports their preferences.
I love the thumbnail for this video.
Good point on pointing out that many modern American pastors do not teach historic Christian doctrines.
Luke 14:25-33
The Cost of Discipleship
[25] Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, [26] “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. [27] Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. [28] For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? [29] Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, [30] saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’ [31] Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? [32] And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. [33] So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.
This has always bothered me, and over time, I’m come to realize that it’s because this process works very much like a machine for appropriating authority and abandoning responsibility.
1. Ask people if they would accept an authoritarian system, given a truly perfect sovereign that is also eternal and thus, cannot be replaced or overthrown. (This makes it reasonable to answer ‘yes’.)
2. Displace the authority. (No one can go directly to the source or directly read source material without meeting some sort of condition/approval.)
3. Take on the position of liaison between subjects and the authority, approving communications as genuine and interpretations of the material as acceptable. (This grants the liaison just as much authority as the sovereign, because the sovereign cannot independently interject, nor can the subjects bypass the liaison to reach them.)
4. Divert any responsibility as the liaison to the displaced authority. (If the liaison’s actions are criticized, they can claim the sovereign is entirely responsible, placing all the negative factors of authority onto them, which effectively removes the responsibility from existence.)
That thumbnail is epic 😂
Ha. Hey thanks
Great points. On the positive site, the lost, the troubled, the lonely may be drawn into a (potentially) supportive community. But ain't it such a pity that the attraction are these baits which then become switched. If better versions of the faith had arisen in those early days, things may well have been so much better.
Brandon, I would love a video about John Allen Chau. He was a missionary who was killed trying to evangelize to an unreached tribe. This is crazy to me because if God wants everyone to hear the gospel why did he allow this man to be killed?
I thought that happened a lot longer ago. Very good topic. Those people would be among the few who haven't heard of Christianity. They should be the highest priority.
What about Nate Saint. He also got killed by a tribe (Operation Auca).
Nailed it 💯
It's funny to me as a pagan when people come up to me like "your gods are evil/want to enslave you, come to Christ" like?? Have you looked at your religion?? (Not to mention I don't want to convert to a religion that literally just leads with "God hates you, convert to make him stop hating you (terms and conditions apply) :D")
And this isn't to say you can't be happy as a Christian or anything, I just personally am not motivated by threats that don't even come to prove true while I'm alive (and hell is a whole different can of worms)
You wouldn't want to be a slave, would you? Now, come and do exactly what I say that this guy wants you to do.
Yes, the so called Good News of: there's a monster out there who wants to hurt you because of his own mistakes, but it's a good thing because if you do everything he says then he'll spare you. Not terribly appealing when they can't show the bogeyman is even real. Even if they did, their own book shows he can be beaten.
In the house again
Grateful for it
First they tell you to " sow" into Gods kingdom to be blessed. You give till it hurts, when you ask why you life is so miserable, they tell you " remember that this is not our home" or " we live in a fallen world"
Talk about rubbing salt into an open wound.
I love you mindshift. Lol ❤
Hey so kind. Thanks for the love.
@MindShift-Brandon I hope you have a merry Christmas. You should do a video on Christmas, breaking down how weird the whole story of Christmas and the virgin birth is. Alex oconner interviewed bart ehrman a few days ago about this topic and it blew mind my mind. I'd recommend watching it if you have chance.
It perfectly follows the cycle of a abusive relationship. Starts with love bombing, the isolation, then gaslighting, then abusive etc. There's also the thing with "Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender (DARVO)". It's disturbing to see how exactly it matches.
What about the video on the war in heaven 😭😭😭, great video😊.
Its on the list
@MindShift-Brandon thank you 🥹
@@MindShift-Brandon Thanks very much!
I bring it up often with Christians.
As well as how not one single angel was subject to anything remotely similar, to Romans 5:12 either.
Amazing video!!!!
Do one one holy spirit and how it supposedly make u new good person and not wanna sin
Spot on !
Hey folks!
Ah my favourite Dark Lord... hey!
"Let there be light: and there was light!" Hi Sauron!
Morning Sauron ❤