Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven First Corinthians 15:50 To be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord 2nd Corinthians 5:8 Ecclesiastes 12:7 when the flesh dies it goes to the dust of the Earth the spirit goes back to God who gave it instantly nobody's laying dead in the hole in the ground which I was taught for 9 years it's a false teaching the teaching . Jesus's words to the thief on the cross today I will see you in Paradise you can't say Jesus was wrong they all go to Luke 16:23 the Great Gulf in the sky. Jesus taught the parable of Lazarus and the rich man is he wronged? Lazarus is on the right side in Abraham's bosom Abrams not dead either the rich man is on the left side in torment is Jesus wrong? Men's teachings and traditions make the word of God void Mark 7 versus 9 and 13 Jesus said that to follow Jesus Christ and what he says not what some man says he'll lead you straight to the devil
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Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven First Corinthians 15:50
To be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord 2nd Corinthians 5:8
Ecclesiastes 12:7 when the flesh dies it goes to the dust of the Earth the spirit goes back to God who gave it instantly nobody's laying dead in the hole in the ground which I was taught for 9 years it's a false teaching the teaching .
Jesus's words to the thief on the cross today I will see you in Paradise you can't say Jesus was wrong they all go to Luke 16:23 the Great Gulf in the sky.
Jesus taught the parable of Lazarus and the rich man is he wronged? Lazarus is on the right side in Abraham's bosom Abrams not dead either the rich man is on the left side in torment is Jesus wrong? Men's teachings and traditions make the word of God void Mark 7 versus 9 and 13 Jesus said that to follow Jesus Christ and what he says not what some man says he'll lead you straight to the devil