Catholics are IDOL WORSHIPERS … Revelation 21:8 --- “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, IDOL WORSHIPERS, and all liars-THEIR FATE is in the FIERY LAKE OF BURNING SULFUR (about 2,192°F). This is the second death.” Their Book called “Catechism of the Catholic Church” (CCC) TEACHES Mary: #1) “did not lay aside this SAVING OFFICE, but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation” (No. 969) #2) Queen over all things…” (Paragraph 966) #3) “Mother of God” (Paragraph 495). But the Bible SAYS: “… For the child within her was CONCEIVED by the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:20. Mary was JUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a SURROGATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Mother to the Lord GOD Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW my comments are VERY JARRING and VERY HURTFUL -- but I do it ON PURPOSE !!! ............................. I am VERY VERY INDIGNANTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT that the Catholic Church is EXTREMELY DOWNPLAYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG the Lord GOD Jesus' EXTREMEEEEEEEEEEEE SUFFERINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG and SHEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD BLOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD on THE CROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS -- to SAVE YOU AND ME (!!!) -- and HYPINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to the MAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mary !!! Catholics, YOU HAVE BEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN WARNED !!! …………………………
This is one of the best breakdown I've seen about the wrongness of the reformation. Christ proclaimed only one united church, and anyone who doesn't uphold this instruction is not following His instruction. Luther didn't follow, so he fell away from the one true church Christ established. Two men living about the same time faced with same pressure with one doing what is right in God's eye and one doing what is wrong. What makes it so tragic and at the same time devious is the fact that the same faith with a little twist is misleading many down the wrong path. Having said that, as I read Job, I'm very certain that God's light and love will prevail eventually. When people are finally faced with Truth starring in them will make the right decision. Dr Scott Hahn is the exemplar of such a conversion.
This is heartbreaking. I’m Lutheran raised but Catholic convert. I was raised to believe Luther didn’t want to start a movement but to cleanse corruption in the Church. He was excommunicated and had no option at that point. Sadly, we really don’t know bc we weren’t there to judge. Maybe he didn’t understand his lense, truly. It seemed to just take on a life of its own. But I see the trust in his self interpretation of scripture and not forgiveness and trust in God’s path to cleansing the Catholic Church, and not yielding to that led to the splintering of the one true leadership to God’s path to unity. What does NOT help questioning non Catholics is prideful Catholics to dismiss angrily with one hand swipe away gentle understanding to us. This pride / angry response led me to delay my conversion for a couple of decades. What I don’t need is yet more angry responses. I’ve converted. Please do not come at me/us with more anger. It doesn’t help. Lots of us are looking to come home to the Catholic Church, but with love and gentle guidance. ….and if those who blast us with prideful, angry comments about how stupid we are just proves my point.
Yes. That's my point. We cannot go back in time. We can simply look at the present, stay calm, and be loving and truthful. Your point is well taken. Peace be with you.
I hope none of us throw more roadblocks in your way. That said, what you describe as prideful encounters (without love for sure) happening to you are perpetrated by both sides.
Brilliant. Clearly analyzed and communicated. You could then trace the effects of Luther's reforms into Philosophy. From Luther came "Skepticism" and what followed was the so called Enlightenment. Descartes - "Cogito Ergo Sum - I think therefore I am". The effects of Luther are still being felt and eventually have led us to the Woke-ism in 2024.
The only thing that will prove devastating is not believing or ignoring the scripture. John 1:12-13 [12]But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [13]Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. Romans 10:3-4 [3]For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. [4]For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
@@alexanderfernandes2146 Yes. And the Catholic Church is the only place to find that Body and Blood. Once I realized that, conversion was a no-brainer.
@@jeromepopiel388 and Luther et Al followers take one quote from scripture and treat it as the whole of scripture. In fact they carelessly fling sentences from scripture around as if it were confetti.
Hi. Watched these two in the wrong order but as with the other video I found it very helpful and both have given me much pause for thought…as before, questions and concerns remain and this has perhaps added others….social media comments sections not being the best place to air these I’d just say thanks for this video and for your previous replies to me…the journey continues…as it does I will weigh the truths I recognised here whilst holding onto others…namely outside of the Catholic Church (not being Catholic) I have met and been deeply blessed by some truly Godly folk, had breakthroughs and personal epiphanies and witnessed some remarkable things, all of which have, over a very long time, combined to lead me out of darkness and into the light…this ongoing sanctification may usher me through your doors, it may not…I seek only God’s will in this.
Luther found his house leaking and instead of repairing the roof he built another house. Only later to realise that the leaks followed him and that he was then unable to patch up one leak without another appearing. It seems Luther could have been a great saint in the church if he had only stayed in humility and worked to fix the issues of his day. Great video enjoyed watching it, loved the artwork,
He was kicked out of the house by someone who forged the deeds to the house. Instead of fixing the leak, the tenant Luther was evicted meanwhile the forged deed holder aka squatter ignored the leak till it couldn't be ignored.
I have suffered from scruples and it is terrible. But the Lord has shown me how to unite it with Lord Jesus' saving sufferings upon the Cross and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And I have had many great blessings. With regards to scruples, the Lord slew that dragon with His Divine Mercy and the message therein and leads me ever deeper into His castle within me by its supreme sweet light and melody. I can judge no one, Luther included, because if he had had the blessings the Lord lavishes upon me, I can not help but think he might have been the next great true reformer of the Church rather than one of her rebellious wayward children. That is not to say he has not caused great harm, only that, but for the grace of God, so go I. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy upon us poor sinners. Amen. Holy Mother Mary, pray for us. Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Amen
@@fantasia55 I was replying to the troll "jerome" who seems to be watching SDA videos about Catholicism. Luther was an extremely crude and vulgar man. Scatalogical. Most likely because of the spiritual indulgence he granted himself and all Protestants. He was seen as brilliant, but today we see that he was manic-depressive/bi-polar.
And now we have 1000s of different protestant faiths. Once Luther started the idea, it seemed everyone thought it ok to have their own interpretation. How can any of them claim authority? Reminds me of Babel. Please, Jesus, let us be one.😢
There may be because they count every different church name as a denomination. But let me ask you if you could identify 1000 different gospels? Evangelicals know only one gospel... That is salvation by grace alone through faith alone, for the glory of Christ alone. Is there another one you could identify please?
There were actually heretics from the beginning. That's why St. Ignatius named the true one "Katholikos" in about 107 A.D. to distinguish it from the others that were going off with their own teachings, yet still calling themselves "Christian." Then St. Irenaeus wrote "Against Heresies" in 180 A.D. as the issues continued. Protestantism really isn't new. The invention of the printing press just made it easier to spread.
“There comes a heathen and says, I wish to become a Christian, but I know not whom to join: there is much fighting and faction among you, much confusion: which doctrine am I to choose? How shall we answer him? Each of you (says he) asserts, ' I speak the truth.' (b) No doubt: this is in our favor. For if we told you to be persuaded by arguments, you might well be perplexed: but if we bid you believe the Scriptures, and these are simple and true, the decision is easy for you. If any agree with the Scriptures, he is the Christian; if any fight against them, he is far from this rule. … We all confess that Christ is God. But let us see who fight (against this truth), and who not.” St. John Chrysostom, Homily 33 on the Acts of the Apostles
Excellent presentation! Thank you! I think that God allows rebellion, opposition and hostility towards His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, in order to purify her, because she is His Bride. This is a great mystery, as St. Paul said in Ephesians 5:32 - the intimacy between Christ and His Church is like the intimacy between husband and wife. It is the marriage of God with mankind, united invisibly, by means of His Grace working in His Church through the Sacraments.
Yup, prayer ... because conversion is the arena of the Holy Spirit ... and the people have to become receptive [somehow] to data contrary to that in which they have invested personal emotional security.
In the 16th century, the reformers craftily sought an alliance with the Orthodox to destroy the pope. Yet, as with Napoleon and Hitler in the future, they also failed to knock him from the chair of Peter. The Orthodox - no friends of Rome - told the "reformers" they were heretics. You could walk across an ocean on that irony.
On January 3, 1521, Pope Leo X issues the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, which excommunicates Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther, the chief catalyst of Protestantism, was a professor of biblical interpretation at the University of Wittenberg in Germany when he drew up his 95 theses condemning the Catholic Church for its corrupt practice of selling indulgences, or the forgiveness of sins. He followed up the revolutionary work with equally controversial and groundbreaking theological works, and his fiery words set off religious reformers all across Europe. In January 1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. Three months later, Luther was called to defend his beliefs before Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms, where he was famously defiant. For his refusal to recant his writings, the emperor declared him an outlaw and a heretic. Luther was protected by powerful German princes, however, and by his death in 1546, the course of Western civilization had been significantly altered.
A verse that comes to mind, I believe in acts, when the Jewish leaders met to discuss what to do about the Christians, a wise man, said if this is from man it will fail, but if it is from God you will not be able to stop them. The question is, has the reformation failed? The examples given were the man was killed and his followers scattered. Could the fragmentation of the protestant churches be considered a failure and therefore from man? Or is the fact that they were not stopped considered a success and therefore from God? Modern Protestant services look nothing like Catholic or Orthodox services, though Lutheran and Anglican do. Are we to think that the reformers were inspired by the Spirit in their writings, and if so, then why is there so much diversity today? How is one to interpret scripture without a tradition to guide them? How can scripture interpret scripture when the scripture, including the one used to interpret, is open to interpretation?
“There comes a heathen and says, I wish to become a Christian, but I know not whom to join: there is much fighting and faction among you, much confusion: which doctrine am I to choose? How shall we answer him? Each of you (says he) asserts, ' I speak the truth.' (b) No doubt: this is in our favor. For if we told you to be persuaded by arguments, you might well be perplexed: but if we bid you believe the Scriptures, and these are simple and true, the decision is easy for you. If any agree with the Scriptures, he is the Christian; if any fight against them, he is far from this rule. … We all confess that Christ is God. But let us see who fight (against this truth), and who not.” St. John Chrysostom, Homily 33 on the Acts of the Apostles
Fight what scriptures, fight how? Do you not wrestle with any scripture or doctrine, for if a doctrine is wrong but they “prove” it with scripture, do you not wrestle with the scripture as read through the doctrine? Or do you mean that you do not speak against the scriptures, or that the scriptures do not contradict what you believe?
@@mikeschaller9233 “1. The knowledge of our religion and of the truth of things is independently manifest rather than in need of human teachers, for almost day by day it asserts itself by facts, and manifests itself brighter than the sun by the doctrine of Christ. 2. Still, as you nevertheless desire to hear about it, Macarius , come let us as we may be able set forth a few points of the faith of Christ: able though you are to find it out from the divine oracles, but yet generously desiring to hear from others as well. 3. For although the sacred and inspired Scriptures are sufficient to declare the truth - while there are other works of our blessed teachers compiled for this purpose, if he meet with which a man will gain some knowledge of the interpretation of the Scriptures, and be able to learn what he wishes to know - still, as we have not at present in our hands the compositions of our teachers, we must communicate in writing to you what we learned from them - the faith, namely, of Christ the Saviour; lest any should hold cheap the doctrine taught among us, or think faith. in Christ unreasonable. For this is what the Gentiles traduce and scoff at, and laugh loudly at us, insisting on the one fact of the Cross of Christ; and it is just here that one must pity their want of sense, because when they traduce the Cross of Christ they do not see that its power has filled all the world, and that by it the effects of the knowledge of God are made manifest to all.” St. Athanasius, Against the Heathen, Part 1
@@jonathanspeicher5298 The caveat is that each faction was absolutely correct. Division disproves the faith. Jesus is therefore abandoned as a false teacher. We are living that rejection.
The "here i stand line as well as other Luther isms are later inventions that didn't happen. Thats the latest scholarship as i understand it. Nor the nailing of the 95 thesis to rhe door of a church! The man , became myth the myth legend! 😢
You know that I have to mention this and that is after listening to this video presentation I can’t help that my mind and spirit presents to me of what Jesus Christ told his Apostles when they left the temple after Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees,and as Jesus and his Apostles were walking through Jerusalem the apostles said to Jesus teacher behold all of these’s beautiful buildings and Jesus said do you see all of these buildings there shall not be left stone upon stone that shall not be thrown down and I say to you do not be led astray for I tell you that many shall come teaching in MY NAME SAYING I AM HE THE CHRIST AND SHALL TEACH MANY IN MY NAME AND LEAD THEM ASTRAY DO NOT FOLLOW THEM and what a coincidence that through the last several centuries or even before that that what Jesus Christ prophesied has come true 😯😳
@ so are you singling out the apostles and Saint Paul who had numerous disciples who were following them and were being taught by them to continue what God the Son Jesus Christ taught them who are you talking about ?
@johnchung6777 You’re not kidding. At last count, 30-40,000 of them, teaching in Jesus’ Name, preaching their own opinion as though they were themselves the Christ, and leading people astray. A perfect description of Protestantism.
Though a well produced video, it merely continues the half of millennium long caricature of Luther and the reformers. On the one side, it uses the logical fallacy of guilt by association in an attempt to demonstrate Lutheran and the Reformers as being wrong. While credit can be given to demonstrate Luther and the Reformers stood against the Enthusiasts, it still blames Luther for their heresies. The video also is obviously framed through the Roman context causing great error. For example, no Lutheran has ever held Luther to be in a position even similar to the Pope in power. In the end, Luther was just a Biblical scholar and pastor in the Church. Many men wrote the Lutheran Confessions, not Luther alone. By viewing Luther as a Pope-like figure, it leads to a grave misunderstanding of the Lutheran tradition. Also, Rome walked away from Luther and the Reformers, not the other way around. Luther and the Reformers continued in their churches, and even initially, with the same masses. To prove this point, when Luther cleansed the mass of acts which could not be supported by God’s infallible Word, he did so in the first standardized Latin Mass. This occurred decades before Rome finally standardized her own Tridentine Latin Mass. Also, Luther and the Reformers did not strip the importance of the Saints in Church history, they merely ended the unbiblical practice of venerating the Saints. You also infer that Luther became the interpreter of Scripture. This is patently false. Luther and the Reformers did not reject tradition out of hand, they just rejected the idea that unwritten tradition, practiced by a corrupt church, could be infallible. This is demonstrated by the fact that Luther and the Reformers not only dove into Scripture, but also created modern Patristics by delving into the writings of the Church Fathers. This justified their interpretations has existed since the dawn of the Church.
Thanks for chiming in. I completely disagree. He certainly became an interpreter of Scripture. And, while never saying he was the pope (and I agree his followers never said as much), he fashioned his own chair. He became an arbiter, not merely a scholar as you said. It is unmistakable in his own writings. My final point remains. He let emotion (and subjective, "personal conscience") get in the way. It blinded him. Regardless, God bless you, Stephen. I invite you to watch next week's video where I flesh out some of these ideas further.
fred, you finally did it!!!! Congrats! You have shown that Jesus - who knows all - was so incompetent as to found a murderous church that he is clearly a false messiah. Millions of atheists applaud you for proving what they could not!
@HAL9000-su1mz history is so impossible to entangle, different sources and biased historians add to the confusion.. birds of a feather just stick together and we all like to be around those who have same opinions as ourselves. Religions and political parties same ,all about power and saying good promises what people like to hear.
Luther was led by the Word Of God in the Scriptures and rightly taught that the Papacy isn't found in Scripture and isn't of divine origin. The idea that Christ established the Papacy and made Peter the first pope is false and based on misinterpretation of various Scripture passages in particular Matthew 16:18 where Christ is the rock on which the Church is built, not Peter. Likewise Luther was right to teach that according to Scripture justification is through faith alone with good works simply being the fruit of faith. Also since Luther's time the popes have declared themselves to be infallible in matters of doctrine, and have elevated Mary into a goddess type figure who allegedly sits alongside Christ to intercede for people in response to being prayed to, which is basically idolatry. The popes have also endorsed demonic apparitions of “Mary” and “her” false teaching. Those who have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit can see that the Papacy is the Antichrist (2 Thess 2) and that those who are deceived by the popes won't be saved.
Ed, Jesus made Peter shepherd of His flock in John21. Mary is God’s servant, Luke1. Not all apparitions are of the devil, but you must test them, 1John4. You sound like a bible alone and faith alone kind of Christian, which are not taught in scripture, but I gave you some verses that support beliefs held from the founding of Jesus’ Church, the Catholic Church. I have one more revelation for you, if you are a Christian, Mary is your mother; Revelation 12:17. Honor your mother. And a question, how do you figure 2Thes2 is about the bishop of Rome? The most noteworthy rebellion in history, Protestant “Reformation”, is why you are a Protestant.
44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever” Dan. 2:44 The Roman Catholic Church
Stay calm and charitable, brothers and sisters. If you have a rebuttal, present it and avoid ad hominem. Peace.
Truly truly I say unto you, Amen!
Catholics are IDOL WORSHIPERS …
Revelation 21:8 --- “But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, IDOL WORSHIPERS, and all liars-THEIR FATE is in the FIERY LAKE OF BURNING SULFUR (about 2,192°F). This is the second death.”
Their Book called “Catechism of the Catholic Church” (CCC) TEACHES Mary:
#1) “did not lay aside this SAVING OFFICE, but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation” (No. 969)
#2) Queen over all things…” (Paragraph 966)
#3) “Mother of God” (Paragraph 495).
But the Bible SAYS:
“… For the child within her was CONCEIVED by the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:20.
St. Thomas More pray for us
+ Saint John Fisher, pray for us!
I just baptized my third child Thomas More Spencer
Thank you for sharing.
This is one of the best breakdown I've seen about the wrongness of the reformation. Christ proclaimed only one united church, and anyone who doesn't uphold this instruction is not following His instruction. Luther didn't follow, so he fell away from the one true church Christ established. Two men living about the same time faced with same pressure with one doing what is right in God's eye and one doing what is wrong. What makes it so tragic and at the same time devious is the fact that the same faith with a little twist is misleading many down the wrong path. Having said that, as I read Job, I'm very certain that God's light and love will prevail eventually. When people are finally faced with Truth starring in them will make the right decision. Dr Scott Hahn is the exemplar of such a conversion.
This is heartbreaking. I’m Lutheran raised but Catholic convert. I was raised to believe Luther didn’t want to start a movement but to cleanse corruption in the Church. He was excommunicated and had no option at that point. Sadly, we really don’t know bc we weren’t there to judge. Maybe he didn’t understand his lense, truly. It seemed to just take on a life of its own. But I see the trust in his self interpretation of scripture and not forgiveness and trust in God’s path to cleansing the Catholic Church, and not yielding to that led to the splintering of the one true leadership to God’s path to unity.
What does NOT help questioning non Catholics is prideful Catholics to dismiss angrily with one hand swipe away gentle understanding to us. This pride / angry response led me to delay my conversion for a couple of decades. What I don’t need is yet more angry responses. I’ve converted. Please do not come at me/us with more anger. It doesn’t help. Lots of us are looking to come home to the Catholic Church, but with love and gentle guidance.
….and if those who blast us with prideful, angry comments about how stupid we are just proves my point.
wise words friend, god bless
Yes. That's my point. We cannot go back in time. We can simply look at the present, stay calm, and be loving and truthful. Your point is well taken. Peace be with you.
I hope none of us throw more roadblocks in your way. That said, what you describe as prideful encounters (without love for sure) happening to you are perpetrated by both sides.
Too much name calling on both sides. Not very Christian of us.
One is always allowed to repent of their views and be welcomed back no?
This is absolutely brilliant. Clear and concise.
Thomas More is my confirmation saint. I love him!
Ask his prayers for The British Isle and her conversion, please.
Brilliant. Clearly analyzed and communicated. You could then trace the effects of Luther's reforms into Philosophy. From Luther came "Skepticism" and what followed was the so called Enlightenment. Descartes - "Cogito Ergo Sum - I think therefore I am". The effects of Luther are still being felt and eventually have led us to the Woke-ism in 2024.
The evil one exploited an unstable and psychologically fragile monk to open the lid of Pandora's moral theology box.
Yep! This is exactly true
There are so many good quotes in this. This is all so sad, devastating, and true.
The only thing that will prove devastating is not believing or ignoring the scripture.
John 1:12-13
[12]But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
[13]Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Romans 10:3-4
[3]For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
[4]For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
@@jeromepopiel388 Pathological troll. Dark Triad behavior.
@@jeromepopiel388 Jesus also said in John 6:53 unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you
@@alexanderfernandes2146 Yes. And the Catholic Church is the only place to find that Body and Blood. Once I realized that, conversion was a no-brainer.
@@jeromepopiel388 and Luther et Al followers take one quote from scripture and treat it as the whole of scripture. In fact they carelessly fling sentences from scripture around as if it were confetti.
Watched these two in the wrong order but as with the other video I found it very helpful and both have given me much pause for thought…as before, questions and concerns remain and this has perhaps added others….social media comments sections not being the best place to air these I’d just say thanks for this video and for your previous replies to me…the journey continues…as it does I will weigh the truths I recognised here whilst holding onto others…namely outside of the Catholic Church (not being Catholic) I have met and been deeply blessed by some truly Godly folk, had breakthroughs and personal epiphanies and witnessed some remarkable things, all of which have, over a very long time, combined to lead me out of darkness and into the light…this ongoing sanctification may usher me through your doors, it may not…I seek only God’s will in this.
St. Thomas More🕊😇🙏🏼
That was super!
Luther found his house leaking and instead of repairing the roof he built another house. Only later to realise that the leaks followed him and that he was then unable to patch up one leak without another appearing. It seems Luther could have been a great saint in the church if he had only stayed in humility and worked to fix the issues of his day.
Great video enjoyed watching it, loved the artwork,
Luther was not perfect, but he was right. the rcc didn't and doesn't tolerate error being called out.
He was kicked out of the house by someone who forged the deeds to the house. Instead of fixing the leak, the tenant Luther was evicted meanwhile the forged deed holder aka squatter ignored the leak till it couldn't be ignored.
Hard to fix your house when you are thrown out of it
source of claim.
@@donhaddix3770 The source for Luther's excommunication?
Happy All Saints Day! May the Lord bless you and keep you always in his Holy love now and for all eternity!!! God bless Catholic Recon ministry’s! 💕🙏💕
Same to you, Cara!
St John Fisher
As his body grew weaker
His faith grew stronger
What a pleasant surprise!!
I have suffered from scruples and it is terrible. But the Lord has shown me how to unite it with Lord Jesus' saving sufferings upon the Cross and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And I have had many great blessings.
With regards to scruples, the Lord slew that dragon with His Divine Mercy and the message therein and leads me ever deeper into His castle within me by its supreme sweet light and melody.
I can judge no one, Luther included, because if he had had the blessings the Lord lavishes upon me, I can not help but think he might have been the next great true reformer of the Church rather than one of her rebellious wayward children.
That is not to say he has not caused great harm, only that, but for the grace of God, so go I.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy upon us poor sinners. Amen.
Holy Mother Mary, pray for us.
Lord Jesus, I trust in You. Amen
Who are you? Your writing, your thinking is so clear. And clarity is a dying art.
@@CRIM479 sorry, just human with flaws.
very well done....not just because I agree with the premise, but because the information is well grounded in fact
very well made video.
Martin Luther is clearly mentally ill by his own statements! He is all over the map! He sadly lost his way! And the division roles on…
@@jeromepopiel388 TROLL.
@@jeromepopiel388 Nonsense! Your accusations were defeated long ago.
@po18guy-s4s Read about Luther the man.
@@fantasia55 I was replying to the troll "jerome" who seems to be watching SDA videos about Catholicism. Luther was an extremely crude and vulgar man. Scatalogical. Most likely because of the spiritual indulgence he granted himself and all Protestants. He was seen as brilliant, but today we see that he was manic-depressive/bi-polar.
And now we have 1000s of different protestant faiths. Once Luther started the idea, it seemed everyone thought it ok to have their own interpretation. How can any of them claim authority? Reminds me of Babel. Please, Jesus, let us be one.😢
There may be because they count every different church name as a denomination. But let me ask you if you could identify 1000 different gospels? Evangelicals know only one gospel... That is salvation by grace alone through faith alone, for the glory of Christ alone. Is there another one you could identify please?
There were actually heretics from the beginning. That's why St. Ignatius named the true one "Katholikos" in about 107 A.D. to distinguish it from the others that were going off with their own teachings, yet still calling themselves "Christian." Then St. Irenaeus wrote "Against Heresies" in 180 A.D. as the issues continued.
Protestantism really isn't new. The invention of the printing press just made it easier to spread.
“There comes a heathen and says, I wish to become a Christian, but I know not whom to join: there is much fighting and faction among you, much confusion: which doctrine am I to choose? How shall we answer him? Each of you (says he) asserts, ' I speak the truth.' (b) No doubt: this is in our favor. For if we told you to be persuaded by arguments, you might well be perplexed: but if we bid you believe the Scriptures, and these are simple and true, the decision is easy for you. If any agree with the Scriptures, he is the Christian; if any fight against them, he is far from this rule.
We all confess that Christ is God. But let us see who fight (against this truth), and who not.”
St. John Chrysostom, Homily 33 on the Acts of the Apostles
@@jeromepopiel388 But "Jeromism" is the ONE TRUE WAY! God respects him.
@@Demoniodg Of course!
Excellent presentation! Thank you!
I think that God allows rebellion, opposition and hostility towards His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, in order to purify her, because she is His Bride. This is a great mystery, as St. Paul said in Ephesians 5:32 - the intimacy between Christ and His Church is like the intimacy between husband and wife. It is the marriage of God with mankind, united invisibly, by means of His Grace working in His Church through the Sacraments.
Henry VIII wrote extensive and excellent rebuttals of Luther - before he himself went rogue.
To the point that Pope Leo X gave Henry the title of "Defender of the Faith", a title he promptly lost after his creation of the Church of England.
@@mattbernacki9282 "Defender of self" ever after. The greatest threat to anyone's soul is invisible to the self: Ego.
Luther railed against indulgences while granting himself....indulgences.
So thorough and documented! Now how do l get my Protestant friends to listen to this?😊
Prayer. For years if necessary.
Yup, prayer ... because conversion is the arena of the Holy Spirit ... and the people have to become receptive [somehow] to data contrary to that in which they have invested personal emotional security.
Alas I can't find that book anywhere in the UK. How much is shipping?
Luther shortly after leaving the Church got married with the nun, that is on the record, this act discredited him in my eyes.
In the 16th century, the reformers craftily sought an alliance with the Orthodox to destroy the pope. Yet, as with Napoleon and Hitler in the future, they also failed to knock him from the chair of Peter. The Orthodox - no friends of Rome - told the "reformers" they were heretics. You could walk across an ocean on that irony.
In the 500th anniversary of Luther’s thesis, many intellectual protestants converted to Catholicism. Catholic W.
Ego does not truth seek.
On January 3, 1521, Pope Leo X issues the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, which excommunicates Martin Luther from the Catholic Church.
Martin Luther, the chief catalyst of Protestantism, was a professor of biblical interpretation at the University of Wittenberg in Germany when he drew up his 95 theses condemning the Catholic Church for its corrupt practice of selling indulgences, or the forgiveness of sins. He followed up the revolutionary work with equally controversial and groundbreaking theological works, and his fiery words set off religious reformers all across Europe.
In January 1521, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther. Three months later, Luther was called to defend his beliefs before Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms, where he was famously defiant. For his refusal to recant his writings, the emperor declared him an outlaw and a heretic. Luther was protected by powerful German princes, however, and by his death in 1546, the course of Western civilization had been significantly altered.
Exerge Domine.
A verse that comes to mind, I believe in acts, when the Jewish leaders met to discuss what to do about the Christians, a wise man, said if this is from man it will fail, but if it is from God you will not be able to stop them.
The question is, has the reformation failed? The examples given were the man was killed and his followers scattered. Could the fragmentation of the protestant churches be considered a failure and therefore from man? Or is the fact that they were not stopped considered a success and therefore from God?
Modern Protestant services look nothing like Catholic or Orthodox services, though Lutheran and Anglican do. Are we to think that the reformers were inspired by the Spirit in their writings, and if so, then why is there so much diversity today? How is one to interpret scripture without a tradition to guide them? How can scripture interpret scripture when the scripture, including the one used to interpret, is open to interpretation?
“There comes a heathen and says, I wish to become a Christian, but I know not whom to join: there is much fighting and faction among you, much confusion: which doctrine am I to choose? How shall we answer him? Each of you (says he) asserts, ' I speak the truth.' (b) No doubt: this is in our favor. For if we told you to be persuaded by arguments, you might well be perplexed: but if we bid you believe the Scriptures, and these are simple and true, the decision is easy for you. If any agree with the Scriptures, he is the Christian; if any fight against them, he is far from this rule.
We all confess that Christ is God. But let us see who fight (against this truth), and who not.”
St. John Chrysostom, Homily 33 on the Acts of the Apostles
Fight what scriptures, fight how? Do you not wrestle with any scripture or doctrine, for if a doctrine is wrong but they “prove” it with scripture, do you not wrestle with the scripture as read through the doctrine? Or do you mean that you do not speak against the scriptures, or that the scriptures do not contradict what you believe?
“1. The knowledge of our religion and of the truth of things is independently manifest rather than in need of human teachers, for almost day by day it asserts itself by facts, and manifests itself brighter than the sun by the doctrine of Christ. 2. Still, as you nevertheless desire to hear about it, Macarius , come let us as we may be able set forth a few points of the faith of Christ: able though you are to find it out from the divine oracles, but yet generously desiring to hear from others as well. 3. For although the sacred and inspired Scriptures are sufficient to declare the truth - while there are other works of our blessed teachers compiled for this purpose, if he meet with which a man will gain some knowledge of the interpretation of the Scriptures, and be able to learn what he wishes to know - still, as we have not at present in our hands the compositions of our teachers, we must communicate in writing to you what we learned from them - the faith, namely, of Christ the Saviour; lest any should hold cheap the doctrine taught among us, or think faith. in Christ unreasonable. For this is what the Gentiles traduce and scoff at, and laugh loudly at us, insisting on the one fact of the Cross of Christ; and it is just here that one must pity their want of sense, because when they traduce the Cross of Christ they do not see that its power has filled all the world, and that by it the effects of the knowledge of God are made manifest to all.”
St. Athanasius, Against the Heathen, Part 1
@@jonathanspeicher5298 The caveat is that each faction was absolutely correct. Division disproves the faith. Jesus is therefore abandoned as a false teacher. We are living that rejection.
@@mikeschaller9233 2 Peter 1:20, 3:16. Never heard that in a "bible church"
The "here i stand line as well as other Luther isms are later inventions that didn't happen. Thats the latest scholarship as i understand it. Nor the nailing of the 95 thesis to rhe door of a church! The man , became myth the myth legend! 😢
No wonder Jorge the merciful destroyer loves him so much🤦🏻♂️
Sola Mea Sententia
Only My Opinion
The entire movement was founded on the human ego. It was doomed before it was conceived of.
Scripture as guideline rather than doctrine.
Sola Scriptura is not biblical.
Why do you have a transatlantic accent?
I like James' voiceover work with Catholic Culture, so it made sense to have him read the essay.
Good stuff. A+
Not a fan of AI.
You know that I have to mention this and that is after listening to this video presentation I can’t help that my mind and spirit presents to me of what Jesus Christ told his Apostles when they left the temple after Jesus reprimanded the Pharisees,and as Jesus and his Apostles were walking through Jerusalem the apostles said to Jesus teacher behold all of these’s beautiful buildings and Jesus said do you see all of these buildings there shall not be left stone upon stone that shall not be thrown down and I say to you do not be led astray for I tell you that many shall come teaching in MY NAME SAYING I AM HE THE CHRIST AND SHALL TEACH MANY IN MY NAME AND LEAD THEM ASTRAY DO NOT FOLLOW THEM and what a coincidence that through the last several centuries or even before that that what Jesus Christ prophesied has come true 😯😳
@ so are you singling out the apostles and Saint Paul who had numerous disciples who were following them and were being taught by them to continue what God the Son Jesus Christ taught them who are you talking about ?
@@jeromepopiel388 Stop trolling and humble yourself!
@@johnchung6777 Poor jerome.
You’re not kidding. At last count, 30-40,000 of them, teaching in Jesus’ Name, preaching their own opinion as though they were themselves the Christ, and leading people astray. A perfect description of Protestantism.
Luther's stance before the emperor making the claim "Here I stand...." is not even affirmed as historical.
Hmm. I largely cited Roland Bainton's work titled "Here I Stand". He's a Protestant historian. He is well regarded. And his citations are superb.
Well, to be fair, they do make a lot of things up.
how many wars have been there over religious stuff, smoke some pot have a beer and calm down and just learn to love one another
You have a very popular religion: Weed. In a spare moment, maybe read chapter 2 of the Wisdom of Solomon.
Though a well produced video, it merely continues the half of millennium long caricature of Luther and the reformers.
On the one side, it uses the logical fallacy of guilt by association in an attempt to demonstrate Lutheran and the Reformers as being wrong. While credit can be given to demonstrate Luther and the Reformers stood against the Enthusiasts, it still blames Luther for their heresies.
The video also is obviously framed through the Roman context causing great error. For example, no Lutheran has ever held Luther to be in a position even similar to the Pope in power. In the end, Luther was just a Biblical scholar and pastor in the Church. Many men wrote the Lutheran Confessions, not Luther alone. By viewing Luther as a Pope-like figure, it leads to a grave misunderstanding of the Lutheran tradition.
Also, Rome walked away from Luther and the Reformers, not the other way around. Luther and the Reformers continued in their churches, and even initially, with the same masses. To prove this point, when Luther cleansed the mass of acts which could not be supported by God’s infallible Word, he did so in the first standardized Latin Mass. This occurred decades before Rome finally standardized her own Tridentine Latin Mass. Also, Luther and the Reformers did not strip the importance of the Saints in Church history, they merely ended the unbiblical practice of venerating the Saints.
You also infer that Luther became the interpreter of Scripture. This is patently false. Luther and the Reformers did not reject tradition out of hand, they just rejected the idea that unwritten tradition, practiced by a corrupt church, could be infallible. This is demonstrated by the fact that Luther and the Reformers not only dove into Scripture, but also created modern Patristics by delving into the writings of the Church Fathers. This justified their interpretations has existed since the dawn of the Church.
Thanks for chiming in. I completely disagree. He certainly became an interpreter of Scripture. And, while never saying he was the pope (and I agree his followers never said as much), he fashioned his own chair. He became an arbiter, not merely a scholar as you said. It is unmistakable in his own writings. My final point remains. He let emotion (and subjective, "personal conscience") get in the way. It blinded him. Regardless, God bless you, Stephen. I invite you to watch next week's video where I flesh out some of these ideas further.
Consider the Catholic church also
fred, you finally did it!!!! Congrats! You have shown that Jesus - who knows all - was so incompetent as to found a murderous church that he is clearly a false messiah. Millions of atheists applaud you for proving what they could not!
@HAL9000-su1mz history is so impossible to entangle, different sources and biased historians add to the confusion.. birds of a feather just stick together and we all like to be around those who have same opinions as ourselves. Religions and political parties same ,all about power and saying good promises what people like to hear.
@@frederickanderson1860 Jesus Christ as God and a true historical figure rose from the dead. Hardly similar to a political party.
@twoody9760 how you know he rose from the dead . and this event happened long long time ago. By the church he is in the Eucharist.
do a video on all the crimes of the catholic church. but that would take numerous video's.
This "Jesus" who founded such a murderous church, is clearly a false messiah. You just proved that.
Luther was led by the Word Of God in the Scriptures and rightly taught that the Papacy isn't found in Scripture and isn't of divine origin. The idea that Christ established the Papacy and made Peter the first pope is false and based on misinterpretation of various Scripture passages in particular Matthew 16:18 where Christ is the rock on which the Church is built, not Peter. Likewise Luther was right to teach that according to Scripture justification is through faith alone with good works simply being the fruit of faith. Also since Luther's time the popes have declared themselves to be infallible in matters of doctrine, and have elevated Mary into a goddess type figure who allegedly sits alongside Christ to intercede for people in response to being prayed to, which is basically idolatry. The popes have also endorsed demonic apparitions of “Mary” and “her” false teaching. Those who have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit can see that the Papacy is the Antichrist (2 Thess 2) and that those who are deceived by the popes won't be saved.
Me thinks thou dost protest too much.
Ed, Jesus made Peter shepherd of His flock in John21. Mary is God’s servant, Luke1. Not all apparitions are of the devil, but you must test them, 1John4.
You sound like a bible alone and faith alone kind of Christian, which are not taught in scripture, but I gave you some verses that support beliefs held from the founding of Jesus’ Church, the Catholic Church.
I have one more revelation for you, if you are a Christian, Mary is your mother; Revelation 12:17. Honor your mother.
And a question, how do you figure 2Thes2 is about the bishop of Rome? The most noteworthy rebellion in history, Protestant “Reformation”, is why you are a Protestant.
Congratulations! So you’re a protestant! 😂Martin Luther clearly mentally disturbed.
God always works thru one man.
God NEVER changes.
44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever”
Dan. 2:44
The Roman Catholic Church