I own a 300SD 1983. Over 250,000 miles. I had to replace the gears in the odometer. So millage is not exactly known. My most favorite cat. Nothing like an inline five cylinder turbo diesel!
Same thing just happened when I rebuilt the rheostat , at least I know it’s only off by a few hundred km. I have the replacement gears just was waiting to get it out of storage
That's a 2001 Ford 7.3 diesel Excursion. I also have a 99 7.3 f250 Diesel. The F-250 is a long bed two wheel drive which is a little better for towing than the four wheel drive Excursion.
Congratulations with the deal 👍🏻
Thank you!
I own a 300SD 1983. Over 250,000 miles. I had to replace the gears in the odometer. So millage is not exactly known. My most favorite cat. Nothing like an inline five cylinder turbo diesel!
Agreed! My 300SD was the best car I've ever owned!
Same thing just happened when I rebuilt the rheostat , at least I know it’s only off by a few hundred km. I have the replacement gears just was waiting to get it out of storage
That's a real gem!
It's the nicest 300SD I've ever seen.
Amazing beauty
Remarkable Time Machine ❤
@@woodsandbarclay ♥️👍
Dream car 👌🏼
😎 my words exactly!
John, what is that suv you are using to tow? Is it a diesel?
That's a 2001 Ford 7.3 diesel Excursion. I also have a 99 7.3 f250 Diesel. The F-250 is a long bed two wheel drive which is a little better for towing than the four wheel drive Excursion.
Beautiful car. The mileage is amazing? Is that an 85 wagon?
Yes the owner also had an 85 wagon. Not nearly as nice as this car but still pretty nice.
How many
There's only one of these 😀
Is this car for sale?
How much does it cost per language?
Respectfully we do not discuss pricing or do business and UA-cam comments please feel free to call us directly.
Inline 5 or inline 6?
This is the 5 cylinder om617 turbo diesel.
@@woodsandbarclay I had a 1980 300 SD. I know the 80s is when they went to the inline 6
1986 is when they went to the six cylinder. Up till 85 they were run in the 5 cylinder and that's the good engine.
Whats the price for such an car?
Please contact us for details. We do not discuss pricing or business in UA-cam comments. I am sure you understand that.
The next 300SD, John buys will have 15K, 6 months from now. 😆
Hahahahah please God let that be true!
@@woodsandbarclay With your luck, It might happen.
A luxury car you can run on corn oil !
Hahahaha true!!!