SAGA Cup Crash Compilations 2017

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • these people should learn to walk before run


  • @Yuki_Suoh
    @Yuki_Suoh 5 років тому +4

    All crashes and analysis - Semua kemalangan dan analisis
    #1 0:00 - The driver drove behind car 216 (probably a kancil), and then 216 began to make a slight steer towards the left, causing a small collision on the rear left, causing for 216 to lose control at the rear tire and crash. - Pemandu ni bawak kereta dia belakang nombor 216 tu, lepas tu kereta 216 alih sedikit ke kiri, menyebabkan bahagian belakang kiri kereta 216 tu tersentuh dan hilang kawalan.
    #2 0:44 - Do I need to explain here? That driver probably isn't happy with that guy in the same saga, he literally drove into that saga with zero regards of the apex. - Perlu cerita banyak ke? Pemandu kereta saga tu gurantee tak puas hati dgn driver yang sama tu, dia terus masuk tanpa kira garisan selekoh apex tu.
    #3 1:12 - That blue car driving off the road is only a distraction. A slight collision happened but not seen on the video. From what it looks like it's the same as crash 3 except the rear vehicle gets the taste. Fast forward to the last turn of Sepang, I'm not sure who's to blame but it seems that the yellow saga pulled out way too quickly and aggressively, putting this guy out. - Kereta biru yang pergi off-track tu hanyalah halangan untuk kita. Sebenarnya ada satu perlanggaran tapi x tertangkap kat video, kemungkinan sama dengan kemalangan pertama, tapi yang belakang dapat rasa. Laju sikit pada turn akhir dalam litar sepang tu, xpasti la salah siapa tapi nampaknya saga kuning tu tarik terlampau awal dan aggressif sangat, kesian mamat ni kereta rosak sbb dia.
    #4 - 2:15 That blue is trying to avoid something in front of him that didn't work out very much. - Kereta biru tu nampak sangat nak elakkan something kat depan dia tu, tapi malangnya orang lain jadi mangsa.
    #4 2:54 - A collision between the satria and saga, saga drove into the satria, nice dodge by Suresh. - Perlanggaran antara satria dan saga, kereta saga tu masuk ke satria, suresh elak cantik.
    #5 3:10 - A debris was probably the cause for this. Sampah atau siseh apa tah punca ni.
    #6 3:23 - Braked too late, although no collision. - Kes lambat brake, xde langgar
    #7 3:41 - Same as #6, no collision. - Sama macam #6, xde langgar
    #8 3:50 - This Saga wasn't aware of the apex. Saga ni xkenal apex.
    #9 4:24 - Satria driver was doing well until someone rammed his right side, nice save though, didn't take anyone with him. Pemandu Satria ni memang mantap driving dia, sampai orang langgar belah kanan dia, kawalan cantik, xde siapa langgar dia selepas dia pusing

  • @lanundarat1899
    @lanundarat1899 5 років тому

    Nie sy PON ada Iswara putih

  • @harizshahhamin6324
    @harizshahhamin6324 6 років тому +16

    Malaysian car race 😂😂 Awesome!!
    But the way they drive is like at the Demolition derby.. lmao

  • @raftermanhoward1883
    @raftermanhoward1883 7 років тому +42

    This always happens to me too in Forza.

    • @railfan9008
      @railfan9008 7 років тому

      I think that happened to you because your entry speed is too high

  • @wakcano376
    @wakcano376 6 років тому +47

    Walaupun aku ni kerja tukang sapu kat sic,tapi aku puas dpt tgk,,,bagi aku hbis race aku lak berlumba nk sapu dan kutip sisa2 serpih kereta diorg,,pernah gak org luar negara terlopong mulut tgk asyik2 pelumba negara kita siap komen lebih,,yg cuma aku dpt ckp..this is Malaysia style,,kalau berani mai turun jgn kondem org je...😉😉

    • @rajhhh4779
      @rajhhh4779 6 років тому

      Tok SaKo lagi buat tukang cat ker?bg nom contact mau cat saga fiore saya...

    • @salmonjohnsalmonjohn1369
      @salmonjohnsalmonjohn1369 5 років тому

      Kalau dpt sponser memang turun..bos..sebab ada pengalaman kejar oleh polis😅

  • @izhamazhar8966
    @izhamazhar8966 6 років тому +23

    aircond proton saga nice....haha teringat masa dating ngn awek dulu

    • @xXx-nm4jw
      @xXx-nm4jw 5 років тому

      Tp kawen bini lain hahaha

    • @AbdulRahman-px3wg
      @AbdulRahman-px3wg 5 років тому

      Tu yg sejuk sngat sampai peluk² tu😅, tpi sye x ckp awk.. org lain

  • @lrd5640
    @lrd5640 5 років тому +7

    Sometimes we need to run before walk - tony stark

  • @MrPyro2498
    @MrPyro2498 6 років тому +12

    Mcm tgk maharaja lawak plak ehh hahaha

  • @zaidylindaify
    @zaidylindaify 7 років тому +25

    too many cars out there, should be a limit

  • @rayyanrayqal6545
    @rayyanrayqal6545 6 років тому +3

    Syokk ni belumba main longgok2 mcm ni..meriah mcm mlm raya..haha

  • @kamvretchannel1254
    @kamvretchannel1254 6 років тому +16

    tetap selesa naik proton saga 😊alhamdullilah bersyukur

    • @rizalrsaga
      @rizalrsaga 6 років тому +2

      true bos..yg memiliki je tau mcm mana bestnya memandu

    • @cikuchannel4190
      @cikuchannel4190 5 років тому +1

      Yup seat n suspension lembut sdap je naik even kete lama, engine smooth je

  • @jringgo5966
    @jringgo5966 3 роки тому

    0.18 little kancil shoud keep in his line..let this honda go through...Itu kancil power sngt agaknya

  • @cikuchannel4190
    @cikuchannel4190 5 років тому +3

    Pandai kancil menyelinap saat dikerjar rimau😂

  • @spacewolf9596
    @spacewolf9596 5 років тому +2

    HUH, A BUNCH OF 86s!! Oh wait, its proton sagas

  • @elyas1619
    @elyas1619 6 років тому +6

    Kalau bukan berlumba dah lame diorng bertumbuk kalau belanggar

  • @mata-mata4355
    @mata-mata4355 6 років тому +2

    Waaaa meriah..ini la baru d katakan global sume x kira ape model campur skali..kemenangan akn berpihak pd skill bkn pd cc kenderaan tersebut😬

  • @rajhhh4779
    @rajhhh4779 6 років тому +3

    Saga old is gold...old skol beb

  • @dinosaur959
    @dinosaur959 6 років тому +1

    ni le klu racer yg tak bertauliah,abes smua hilang pertimbangan dan adab dlm berlumba.huru hara jdnya.sory to say

    • @Malaysian08H
      @Malaysian08H 4 роки тому

      Mohd Suffian Sulaiman tu la. Sy xpernah masuk. Tp tertanya-tanya. Takde saringan ke? Atau masuk sb taruk duit je. Macam mana dgn setup kereta & suspensi & kelas pengendalian. Tngok mcm bersepah habis

  • @emirizal5353
    @emirizal5353 5 років тому +1

    part last tu kancil bernadi ape agak2 yek,? kalau x berpusing saga,jazz abis dipotong kancil😁

  • @jaoma2018
    @jaoma2018 5 років тому +1

    Saga aku dulu power, tp dh jual besi buruk, aku sumbat buah sawit setengah tan lebih steady beb. 😁😁

  • @saiensem4111
    @saiensem4111 5 років тому +1

    Kancil main trek pejadah..msuk corner smua brpusing

  • @ruseleyabdulshukor5428
    @ruseleyabdulshukor5428 5 років тому +2

    Perghhh,,dh mcam Rojak Race 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @afs9787
    @afs9787 6 років тому +1

    It is the car engine was off due to the crashed for the last clip(bcz i saw him turned on the engine again with the key at 4.34)?if yes the racer is good in control n calm even at tat situation!

  • @nickryan6787
    @nickryan6787 3 роки тому +1

    This is more like a bumper car than a racing cup lmfao

  • @Noriz-zl4ze
    @Noriz-zl4ze 7 років тому +8

    0:39, tu team keta saya tu...544 tak silap (sriusly)

    • @gdash170
      @gdash170 6 років тому

      cmner nak dafter dlm lumba??

    • @rizalrsaga
      @rizalrsaga 6 років тому

      yea btl tu..nama fariz zainal ni macam familiar la.😙

  • @ramliismail5255
    @ramliismail5255 Рік тому

    Mcm kereta belaga dalam funfair weiiii

  • @kurpiewsky
    @kurpiewsky 6 років тому +2

    orion n megavalve still legend. also C99

  • @herrymazlan90
    @herrymazlan90 6 років тому +1

    giler ahh diorang main track dytona ke yg first tu mmg brutal beb

  • @abangmotorsports3865
    @abangmotorsports3865 5 років тому +1

    Memang syahdu bunyi VTEC

  • @blackcbr150
    @blackcbr150 6 років тому +2

    supecar myv mane.

  • @Wirelesscats
    @Wirelesscats 7 років тому +12

    My god. Can they even drive? Everyone keeps loosing traction so quickly? Taking the wrong lines and under-steering all over the place. I reckon they won't have too good of any track time.

  • @jsracing7686
    @jsracing7686 6 років тому +3

    Sound honda sedapp nyaringg

    • @youngsterjoey494
      @youngsterjoey494 6 років тому +1

      Nyaring preng prenggg, nak cucuk jubo kancil turbo pun tak lepas, makan asap je la. wkakaka

    • @abangmotorsports3865
      @abangmotorsports3865 5 років тому +1

      Brader ni ckp sound sedap pn ada jgk haters... tipicap malaysian gay motorsport x pernah hbis

    • @lifelesskids
      @lifelesskids 4 роки тому

      Gay Motorsports dimana mana

  • @fiusterbakar1950
    @fiusterbakar1950 6 років тому +2


  • @irfanyxp5593
    @irfanyxp5593 6 років тому +1

    Ingat lgi main TOCA hehe😁

  • @mazdadaus2879
    @mazdadaus2879 5 років тому +1

    main longgok mcm ni best..

  • @salmonjohnsalmonjohn1369
    @salmonjohnsalmonjohn1369 5 років тому

    Kereta bunyi eksoz sedap dgr laju pun ok..tapi tengok dari video ni main celak celok mcm tak cukup ilmu je..😅...dpt peluang blh try

  • @fazzynone1
    @fazzynone1 5 років тому


  • @gdash170
    @gdash170 6 років тому

    158,,lngar trus kondem kreta tu kena bantai di saga..hahaha can angsa rebut mkanan hahaah

  • @mohdmalrohazem9837
    @mohdmalrohazem9837 3 роки тому

    Mcm lewis hamalton

  • @leonachin888
    @leonachin888 6 років тому

    saga tuuuu

  • @arip_jee5256
    @arip_jee5256 5 років тому

    Lepas crash tu mcm mana dorang setel ye?

  • @anakhalil2614
    @anakhalil2614 7 років тому +4

    Kalau Malaysia rider semua dia sapu..

  • @najibrosmah1335
    @najibrosmah1335 6 років тому +3

    Geng rosak trek ni .. 😂

  • @superbmachine
    @superbmachine 5 років тому

    This is rcing sengol Senggoln itu perkr normal heheheh

  • @gdash170
    @gdash170 6 років тому

    0.18...kancil tu dah buat menari2 kt litar hahahah

  • @jaharudinalias4816
    @jaharudinalias4816 6 років тому

    Let lain dah sangkut dah saga still Ade wowooo

  • @latifatip6288
    @latifatip6288 6 років тому

    haa sma cm dalam game forza je aq tgk ..hahaha aq igt dlm game je cmtu

  • @saniamran
    @saniamran 6 років тому

    Dah mcm kambin nk kluo reban!!

  • @oneweddy69
    @oneweddy69 6 років тому +1

    Edit ke x? Maen sambungggggg j video yg ad ni... siap ad play pause ag....hahaha

  • @muhdakil581
    @muhdakil581 5 років тому

    Jahanam kete

  • @sythgd4613
    @sythgd4613 5 років тому +2

    4AGE On first clip?

  • @lonerangerdragon4986
    @lonerangerdragon4986 5 років тому

    best la.. longgok rojak

  • @riandbadboy0555
    @riandbadboy0555 5 років тому


  • @funnyah7801
    @funnyah7801 5 років тому

    Forza in real life

  • @salmasuemae6899
    @salmasuemae6899 5 років тому

    Kes langgar lari ni..

  • @acipacip8545
    @acipacip8545 6 років тому

    It's 2014..u lied..

  • @aremeng9685
    @aremeng9685 6 років тому

    Amatur plus Ricer ...

  • @aribpanda9368
    @aribpanda9368 6 років тому

    Honda sound shit

  • @duaneburn8829
    @duaneburn8829 5 років тому

    Xpnda lasung edit video

  • @lanhikari7667
    @lanhikari7667 6 років тому


  • @phonixstarz8577
    @phonixstarz8577 6 років тому

    Main drift 😂😂😂😂

  • @mikuchanxd7226
    @mikuchanxd7226 6 років тому

    proton this no fast

  • @kazarizzaify
    @kazarizzaify 7 років тому tu.

  • @razzisadali7530
    @razzisadali7530 6 років тому


  • @razzisadali7530
    @razzisadali7530 6 років тому


  • @hazumiNoru
    @hazumiNoru 6 років тому +3

    when bunch of noobs enter a circuit~ -.-'

  • @jeromeliyas
    @jeromeliyas 6 років тому +1

    ni bumper car race kot ni...

  • @Hafiz-ss5cw
    @Hafiz-ss5cw 6 років тому


  • @nandaherviyan5970
    @nandaherviyan5970 6 років тому

    Bar bar

  • @along4378
    @along4378 6 років тому

    Itu iswara ngok bkn saga ngok..

    • @youngsterjoey494
      @youngsterjoey494 6 років тому

      Interior saga dgn iswara sama je la ngok..

    • @along4378
      @along4378 6 років тому +1

      Youngster joey saga2 ngok.. Iswara2 ngok.. Interior soal lain ngok.. Kalau sama x pyh pengeluar susah2 bg nama lain2 ngok.. Baik buat nama sama ngok.. Saga dgn iswara ada yg x sama dri segi lain ngok

    • @along4378
      @along4378 6 років тому

      Youngster joey aku bg penyepak baru thu

    • @youngsterjoey494
      @youngsterjoey494 6 років тому

      izzuddin addin weh bodo, apa kau cakap itu iswara bukan saga. Dlm vid ni takde saga ke? Bahlol, kau boleh nampak sndiri saga Mahathir dalam ni kan.. saga body saloon, iswara body aeroback. Bodoh tak bertempat, sekolah bodoh dalam hidup pun bodoh

    • @along4378
      @along4378 6 років тому

      Youngster joey suka hati aku babi.. Kau sakit hati apahal.. X puas hati mari gaduh..

  • @MaiMai-ws4oi
    @MaiMai-ws4oi 6 років тому

    Ni nk bnding ngn nascar jauh langit ngn bumi.tiru pndai buat xreti baik kau race kt somalia uganda ank brank kau ramai hahaha