Most would be okay with such a friendship, but not at the cost of suffering to others. Everyone, or at least the vast majority of everyone, want world peace too. But for all, not just some.
Yeah friendship also must be built on mutual trust and respect of each others decision rather than racing each other to our deaths. Imagine the progress in the world economy when there is friendship with russia and usa, all the world will share the wealth. Like there will be no shelter to the outcast governments of the world like n korea if russia and usa agree on how to deal with NoKor.
Axiomaticness In the modern zeitgeist, Western view of liberty seems to focus far more predominantly upon safe spaces, affirmative action, anti-racism/sexism/you-name-it, and benefits such as healthcare and welfare rather than actual freedom. This coupled by the colossal fear of totalitarianism rachets up the desire for saftey and in turn drives people to seek more totalitarianism.
That may be true of many young people, especially in the ultra-progressive universities. However, that "zeitgeist" is soundly condemned by the part of the country that recognizes grade-school attitudes. Please understand that many Americans do NOT believe that way--to us it is a huge joke on the country. There is a strong and rapidly growing segment of our population that is pushing for a return to the original intention of the Founding Fathers--personal liberty and minimal government. I'm not naive enough to think the government will ever voluntarily reduce itself, but I'm hoping that the folks that have woken up to behavior of the progressives, will soon be entering the workforce as teachers, professors, medical researchers, etc. Ultimately, I agree with Axiomaticness, most of us just want to be left the hell alone.
Dawn Hernandez Dawn I completely agree with you, and being from New York I am certainly not fully aware of the Midwest and other areas. However young people overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, and the education system has become more regressive than ever, leading to the current children viewing the concept of "bullying" through the nebulous lens of causing someone to take offense to something. Our movement is growing, and this is very much a battle that can be won, however it seems that on a national scale it is in fact the majority of the old who are with us and the young who stand against us. Additionally, we still have pitiful representation in the modern media and relatively low representation in the beaurocracy (unless you want to count Donald Trump). That is why I chose the term zeitgeist.
Bschneidez Well, I imagine you're likely correct--I live in a very conservative region, surrounded by conservatives who raised their children as conservatives. Who know, perhaps I myself suffer from a bit of "echo-chamber syndrome", LOL. I'm trying not to get my hopes up high with the election of DJT--if it grants us a reprieve from the progressive ideological-style of governing, it likely will be temporary, I'm afraid. I'm a Cold War veteran, so perhaps that's why I'm so interested in what the average Russian thinks of us. I think much of the bristling attitude we learned back in the 70's was due largely to propaganda. I think also that just as the US has changed over the years, there's no reason to doubt that Russia has as well. In other words, I now am determined not to dislike Russians simply because some politician or talking head told me to. Anyway, I'm getting long-winded, LOL. We have much to offer each other, and maybe we have a chance now. Cheers!
Dawn Hernandez I agree! I'm only 22, but my father was a 9/11 responder and thus I am absolutely sick of our government knowingly funding (and funding the people who are funding) both ISIS and Al'Quaeda just to keep up this goddamn petrodollar charade in Libya and Syria. I'm not religious, but all I can do is pray that we can work this out in a way that is mutually beneficial for everyone. Especially considering the only actual ideological conflict involved (except for the globalists anyway, but I'm getting sick of them) is with radical Islam, and thus should have us and the Russians on the same side. Long live you conservative communities out there though. You are the sole reason that America isn't Sweeden
Are you looking for your answers? You see, Russian millennium are intelligence and loving people. Come to Russian for you personally to know more about Russian. Not on media only.
Are you looking for your answers? You see, Russian millennium are intelligence and loving people. Come to Russian for you personally to know more about Russian. Not on media only.
Dragonking1984 because they're in Russia being interviewed by someone speaking Russian. Why would she speak English? I can speak Spanish, Italian, French, and English of course but if someone's interviewing me in the US in English why would I speak another language lol?
Dan S yea me too..i speak all those languages too! I also am playing for the Super bowl next week, Was the President, and won an Oscar once. Were ALL superstars on You Tube.
Cute you think I'm being dishonest. English is my native language. My family is from Italy, and Spanish and Italian are very similar languages. Learn one the other isn't very hard. French was taken for 2 years in HS and 2 in college. How's being a troll working out for ya?
@ak4ik.......You moron, hillary was the one who called Putin hitler and was going to impose a no-fly zone in Syria. President Trump has stated he wants to get along with Russia. Dummy.
At least she's not rioting in the streets over wage gaps or defending illegal immigrants or wearing vagina hats or killing cops or kidnapping handicapped kids over BLM.
at least she's not doing that?? because thats the only option to being selectively blind about russians walking into ukraine and claiming a part of it at gunpoint while admitting she will comply with the system, cause hey, she doesnt want to get jailed?
*Another anti-russian hitjob.* Completely ignoring the fact that Putin arrested the 11 jewish oligarchs who were running Russia under Yeltsin, and saved Russia from starvation and suffering. This man bought western propaganda.
Well, you cannot simply go from Socialism to Capitalism overnight and expect success. Fact is, there is NO form of government that is flawless, and there will never be a perfect government. But understand this, a "One World Government" is far more dangerous than any form of government ever conceived. It is very conceivable to have peace in our world with multiple governments...
+Derek Walker You have made a very good point people forget too easily: the transition from Socialism to Capitalism was a difficult one. Especially for Russia, where it was much harder than in, for example, Poland. Not only is the transition hard, but the West, especially the US, offered little or no help (varies from country to country), often standing aside making sanctimonious proclamations instead. Worse yet, in the name of "free enterprise", the West allowed vultures to swoop down on Russia and destroy their struggling industries during the Yeltsin years. So on the whole, the Western nations not only offered no help, but they actively hindered that already difficult transition.
Aaron Heych no he isn’t, Putin is a great leader. He’s made Russia more independent and has revived the Russian military after decades of being humiliated by western government puppets in control of Russia. Putin is a great leader and even our own president agrees with this. The reason why so many western liberals hate him so much is because he is more of a traditionalist and conservative by all means. He is a man of faith, honor, and completely goes against the toxic SJW leftist agenda that the West has fallen victim to. Putin has by far been the best leader Russia has seen since the collapse of the USSR, all of the leaders before him didn’t give a shit about their homeland and would rather roll over and become a puppet of the West. Putin is true to his country’s traditions and values and so far he’s done a better job than previous Russian leaders. Just because you don’t agree with him or like him, it doesn’t make Putin a bad leader. There’s a big difference between those two things.
My opinion of Russians changed drastically in 2006. I met 3 Russian families that lived at a property that the company I worked for had recently purchased. All 3 families were humble, caring and compassionate people. It was an eye opening experience since being a child and hearing all of the news broadcasts saying otherwise. If they could put up with me I would love having people like that as a neighbors.
Russian women are generally not fat because Russia doesn't allow GMOs and all the chemicals and xenoestrogens in the food like the USA does, except McDonalds, which is crap food.
Who cares if you think they are beautiful or not? If you are beta enough, you are very vocal about how "beautiful" women are from this culture, or that culture, or pretty much anywhere. Who cares? Beautiful women are everywhere. Ugly women too.
She is Russian giving interview in her own country using her native language.That's call patriotism the baad bad word for multicultural brainwased lefty croud
4:25 - _"I will not go against the system, because there are examples of those who went against it, and they're in prison."_ ...says a member of the future Russian elite with the grimly sardonic smile.
Really? Sure they were against him just for the primary - then they started kissing ass. Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp"....he very much did not do that. "Hey lets put Perry in charge of Dept of Energy even though he has no fucking clue what that department does". And I'll bet you can't name a single thing Obama did to this country that actually was "Marxist". Not what he WANTED to do or spoke about - meaning what did he ACTUALLY do. (ie...signature on a bill....executive order...ect.) One other thing.....there are a ton of Justice vacancies still - in Federal Appeals level - which is a shame- I wish Obama filled more of them before he left - especially since they stole the SCOTUS seat. Part of Federal Justice appointments are that hey are life yeah - we can't get rid of the shit judges Bush appointed....or the shit Judges Obama appointed....and what will surely be the shit judges Trump appoints.
I'm Russian living in North America, and I want to say we like american people, we share the same planet and we need to find the way how to protect peace.
Dick Blackbeard Well actually she clearly sees things. And says if i go against the system i could end up in jail. So i will keep things to myself. Meanwhile in America blacks cannot be rascist. And innocent whites/asians who are killed by police get no attention by the media. Because of wrong skin color.
We elected Trump despite the propoganda. Americas who voted for Trump reject Globalization and American Imperialism. It has greatly weakened our Republic. Many Americans are not threatened by Russia but rather are curious about their rich culture and heritage. Many Americans are looking forward to a new and inspired relationship with our Russian neighbors in 2017.
The democrats hate Russia because it's a white christian country. The democrats are the product of soviet propaganda aka commies in America. They can't stand that Russians abandoned communism.
Many Americans voted Trump because of his stance against terrorists, willingness to create jobs, and the fact that they felt the other choice was worse. Trump said he would “wipe out Islamist terrorists from the face of the earth.” Bold statement, but would require globalization and Imperialism due to terrorism being a global threat.
That is the same logic being used for these massive trade deals involving multiple countries. You know you can make deals with countries on an individual basis but it is more difficult for globalists to muck it up when you do that.
As an American I am sorry to admit it, but that Russian pundit was dead on in his criticism of US follies. Our dollar has been hugely devalued over the long-term, our main export is senseless war, and we have way too many troops and bases around the world. We need to pull in our tentacles. That said, I don't think Russia's near-dictatorial government is any better.
Yea but whose fault is it that we have so many military bases around the world? Take a look at the countries that were under USSR control or allied with them vs. the ones on our side. The differences are stark. Just take a look at North vs South Korea. Do you seriously think we shouldn't have been there? I think that today it's easy to say "war is bad, we shouldn't be so involved in global conflicts" but is it really as obvious as you think? Especially with all this mass migration going on, do you really think it's smart to just let oppressive countries rot and mind our own business? Is there space in the developed world for fucking everybody? No. There isn't. So it would be nice if we could make an effort to make the whole world not suck. And obviously the western formula for not sucking is the best since everybody is desperate to move here. So yea man, I don't think there's an easy solution. People want power, and sometimes if they're assholes you have to fight them. This idea that the whole world is just innocent little wide eyed kitties and we're just fucking with them is dumb. A lot of them are way worse than us and if left alone would not hesitate to do extremely brutal shit to others.. and us if they got a chance.
+batuffolini tutti The west cares about rest of the world. That is why they took action to prevent the Rwandan genocide and help encourage the Arab spring. The west took great strides to terminate brutal dictators like Gaddafi and Hussein solely because they were massacring their own people, and virtually eliminated civilian casualties in foreign nations with drone warfare. No terrorist organizations were ever created or funded by the west. No puppet governments were ever assimilated or coerced by west. Even now, the west is protecting its allies like the Philippines by taking extensive measures to help protect victims for Duterte's vigilante drug killings.
Dovex Evic Yes, and most of our meddling has done nothing more than destabilize the areas we tried to help making life harder for the people and often creating a breeding ground for terrorists. Our noble intentions have complex unintended consequences, and we never seem to learn that. The Arab Spring was simply a massive food riot created by US inflationary monetary policies meant to remedy our irresponsible financial crisis in 08.
When she goes out shopping again - which should be any moment now - please ask her to buy you a dictionary, preferably one with the word "hedonism" included...
*Another anti-russian hitjob.* Completely ignoring the fact that Putin arrested the 11 jewish oligarchs who were running Russia under Yeltsin, and saved Russia from starvation and suffering. This man bought western propaganda.
She's not even a millennial. She is from the Shadow Generation, Gen Z, the Yolo Generation, the generation that has come after the Millennial generation. The millennial generation has kids, some of whom are almost graduated from high school.
As a US millenial, I think that the biggest obstacle to a working partnership is the Cultural Marxism which the Western world is currently forcing onto itself. Just look at the BBC's equal opportunity hiring amongst races and sexes, Germany and Sweden's dissonance regarding mass immigration, or the US media's constant portrayal of Trump as a racist/sexist. Nationalism amongst different countries is an important part of actual diversity, intillectual and cultural diversity, and I think that the notion is truly a beautiful one. Instead of integrating with one another, we simply need to work with one another, and I think that is an achievable goal. However not only is totalitarianism becoming a problem, the constant propaganda on both sides warning of totalitarian nationalism and globalism is causing people to desire security over freedom which in turn drives up the desire for more totalitarianism. It's a vicious cycle indeed, and I very much hope that we can come to an agreement and end the cycle of hostility, however we ourselves (all of us), need to be willing to accept others the way they are, rather than seeking to change them in our image. The only people who we each ought to change is ourselves, and if everyone were to do that, then things would look a lot less gloomy. PS- I am in a very small minority. My views are extremely well read, however they are my own, and this is not the prevailing view of young Americans.
Nice. People are different, even brothers and sisters argue, husbands and wives divorce after 25 years. Differences exist in small and large communities that grew up together. Now exagerate those differences with major culture clash. What the hell would be the compromise between radical Islam and Sweedish Christianity, no refugee gang raping on Sunday? I refuse to adapt to something that goes against my very fiber. I dont think you need to change yourself, college bent on social engineering more then knowledge got you all lubed up and spreading your cheeks for the new world order. You watch out, stay in that state of flux you might imagine as diversity tolerant because if you solidify your moral character you might find yourself being swallowed by the quick sand of a foundation being deliberatly pulverized under your feet as you speak.
NELSON X I certainly don't _need_ to change myself, however that is the one way that I can concretely change this world of ours, and if we all did that then we would have many more discussions and far fewer arguments. I have no intention of going regressive, as I have already evaluated all of those standpoints through the lens of men such as Marx, Trotsky and Derrida though I systematically refuted all of them in the process. I intend only to strive to be better, rather than striving to be popular, and I hope that ought to turn out just fine.
You go stay the same while changing everybodies world. That cute little girl in this video could be you. Be part of the system and dont go the to jails you build to house those that dont accept the system. This concrete change of yours might turn into the boots that drown you as the next wave of change mongerering control addicts water boards you with sensory and cultural deprivation in the name diversity. You give something up for everything you gain, now pay for your ticket and dont you dare complain.
NELSON X I wouldn't dare alter my principles without a preponderance of evidence suggesting that it is necessary, encompassing both an irrefutable refutation and irrifutable tangible evidence that I am wrong. Since this is highly unlikely, I am free to hone and advance my opinions rather than clutching an ideological tether to something. It is by far the most difficult path, yet it is the one I have chosen to walk. "If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance." ~ *Meditations* by _Marcus Aurelius_
God is on fire, blood on the roof. A mantis enjoys the lizards day off. Life in the gutter, love on the floor. The less we embrace the more we ignore. Tangible tangets, rickets and rot. The things we posess are the things we have not. Long can be short compared to the breach. My heart for a being I never might reach. Poem by NELSON X You should be so lucky as to be self decieved. In the mid 70's I was attending art school in New York City. On the subway I saw an ad for a school of social engineering. Probably not a new idea but intensfied by new technology. The ad showed 2 men seated and a man in glasses who looked like Aldous Huxley standing, the 3 of them leaning to take in data on a computer screen in front of them. I imagine that they were watching the unfolding effects of their manipulations like a riotious football game, except it wasn't a sport, it was real lives distilled to statistics. Congradulations, you are the product of this school of engineering. I on the other hand am still capable of independent thought. In the future, with some spiratual effort, you might not rely on others to prove you wrong. Smash your concrete helmet and see what has been done to you before you do it to others. 50 bucks says that by the time you are 50 you will realize you are in a shit milkshake you helped design.
Imagine Harriet Tubman, Gandhi or Nelson Mandela saying "I will not go against the system" thankfully there are strong people around the world that stand against injustice
@@doomslayer1984 it is absolutely better for Russia then a neo liberal puppet. No question. Although sooner rather than later Russia will move on from Putin. New constitution already ensures that.
@@doomslayer1984 when it happens you will still be gaslit into hating the next Russian leader by western media who are crying at the lack of control they have of Russia. Issue is not Putin issue is west wanting hegemony. Remember I told you.
Gideon Debateau No they don't, the US has. Russia didn't even make this list from Business Insider: They do have 77 billionaires which is fifth most with the US being first with 540+:
You are absolutely right ,you Texan . You don't have a problem with Russian threats of wiping America of the face the earth ! You wont to be their friend ! Because you are a Texan, not American ! What's wrong with you !? Traitor ,!
I am from Dallas and i have a problem with them in video games nine out of ten are cheats and i think that the way you play games is the same way you will deal with real life otherwise i know none. I have gamer friends from all over the world but no russians on my friends list!
@@sergeolchowec905 can you give even 1, ONE example how Russian "threats of wiping America of the face of the earth?" i want 1 example, what russia done that harmed US people (dont give me fake news russian vote interfering, you are seriously talking about Russia want murdering aka wiping US /people, example plz )
As an American country boy I have respect for Russia. I voted for Trump. I disagree with democrat style politics here. The Russians I have met here are good people. America is a republic. It's all about respect..Respect and integrity..
+JP1348 She gets educated in a prestigious institution and comes out not willing to question things... well I have news for you young lady. You haven't been educated but rather indoctrinated.
I would like to see an honest report of social perspectives and comparisons between Russian and US citizens. This video was so narrow in its scope, it leaves any reasonable person questioning the motives behind the myopia. For the record, I am a US citizen, and supported neither Trump nor Clinton. The majority of what comes my way in the form of journalism can easily be quantified as biased propaganda. How does the young lady, given as a singular example, coming from affluence and educated as a Kremlin agent a snapshot of the average Russian millenial? This video is absurd.
This is straight some BS. I am a Russian millennial that actually lived both in Russia and in US (currently in US). United States uses propaganda far more worse than Russia does. Anything that the industry makes in the United States is used as propaganda including music. The school systems in US are already training little kids to only accept one "liberal" view and for thinking "conservatively" kids get punished. America is doing better economically but is doing much more worse mentally.
djromchik-You are exactly right about the brainwashing propaganda being fed to our school children, & in our music. Even the adults here fall for it all too. However, the US economy is about to Crash & burn with the end of the Petrodollar. If you have a place to go in Russia, you should be making plans to go there very Soon. Russia & China are already set up to come out on top when the system resets, & Russia is going to be very prosperous. Putin is a Great leader, & Trump knows its much better to work with him than against him.
Mike Mcorky any liberal agenda is in reaction the bullshit conservative agenda that has been crammed down are throats for too long. Do you honestly think educators have meetings and say how can we get these kids to grow up to be liberal ? No we dont. We teach the kids to be good people and use common sense and treat people with respect. Conservativatards call that an agenda.
People should respect each other and be kind. I don't understand why everyone puts emotional walls up and are so opinionated. Nobody is more important than the next person. Be kind, be happy and be pleasant.
I'm tired of North America way of doing things Russia could become easily the next super power because in my opinion they have less enemies than the West
The USA has Better, we just have to get behind the POTUS and it will get even better! We ahve had BullShit Demo Politicians for many years including Republicans that were more concerned with their own Well being. Now we hae a President that truly cares about the people and we are not getting behind him! If you want to MAGA you have to back the POTUS!
Shane Stephens When I reached the part where the man said America wants transparency, I had to sit back and smile. If a leg could be pulled any farther it would be torn from the body. Who is he kidding? Deceit like this is easily proven nonfactual in this age of information. But as much of the world knows, America bases itself on concepts, and blanket theories where concerns all nations, unfortunately, not realities. This would be fine, had not America been already subverted culturally. What they are told by their journalists is unbelievable. Of course it is the old play. I wager that if Americans knew even a portion of what has been done in our world by powers that represent them? There would be a mass nervous breakdown. I believe they call it, ignorance is bliss.
The sad thing is that people don't understand that this is anti-putin propaganda. As a Norweigian; We love our neighbour in the east! May Putin rule forever. And to you americans; I'm glad you chose Trump over Killary, we would have done the same. to bad he was also a jew-puppet :/ Better luck next time.
the answer to your question is yes, and that's the most entertaining thing about this video, the thing most liberals won't realise because they're too busy with the mutual backpatting
I love Russia, l have visited three times in last sux yrs, St Petersburg and Moscow. Its so beautiful and clean as well as safe. I was born in Southern Africa and spent 45 yrs in America and l felt much safer in Russia than in America
I think young US citizens have stopped believing the media here, and most do not have a negative view of Russia. I do not know how much of the young are controlled by the media in Russia, but I hope we can both be free of the propaganda and become friends.
Trust me they're not. Russian media is not perfect but it's a whole lot better than US and European MSM, that's for sure. As for this video, I left a comment about it above. This Natasha woman belongs to a marginal minority (less than 1% officially) of Russia's society that fall into one of two groups: idiots or paid hacks for western NGOs. The Dmitry guy in the video is definitely in category no. 2. Can't say for sure about this Natasha person, but what I can say is this: everything in this video is total propaganda. THIS is the lie, not the subject matter she tried to portray.
I don't have a super positive view of Russia, but I don't hate them either. I would at least like to try to work with them and find some middle ground. The constant dick waving from both sides has gotten out of control. It's hurting both our countries and everyone in between, like Syria and the EU.
Ian Meadows Why don't you trust communists? Have you ever actually studied communism and taken a close look at it without any pre-conceived notions getting in the way?
Russia isn't a communist country. And that's mostly because communism doesn't actually work. They're basically capitalist now, with high levels of government control and regulation. Of course, a *pure* (anarcho) capitalist system without any regulation would also run like shit, and there is no first world capitalist country that doesn't have a government applying varying levels of control or regulation over the economy, and people have different ideas about *how much* government control/regulation should be present. There is such thing as too much government control, and there is such thing as not enough.
I was just in Russia. It is fabulous, the people are congenial, it is "a breath of fresh air". I felt no animosity whatsoever. Anyone who has the means would find a dream to visit Russia.
@Jayson Barjarat because i am an american and I would like to know what you are refering to so if their is something that should get americans mad I could keep an open mind
@Jayson Barjarat you have a great point about our goverment we the american people need to take back our country as for israel you are right they are milking the US untill we collapse economically thank you for the insights
I think we have so much in common. The same problems, the same desires, the same motivations. We should work together and make the world a better place.
@@F5Storm1 how are you going to call to cooperate with a liar like Putin how you want to deal with somebody like like hell in a country is so bad words I'm not saying that you have to believe in Western value but you don't have your president staying in office for 20 or 30 years that's crazy that's like tricking your mind to believe that your president is a good person
But there ARE Americans and westerners who don't even like Russians at all. Not only that, but they also support racism and genocide. And I hate it when people say "it's always the government's fault and not the citizens." It's like everything what the citizens say about genocide, racism and xenophobia or whatnot, it's justifiable. There are tons of imbeciles who are like that, they need to stop playing victims. "Ordinary citizens aren't at fault" my foot. If you guys want world peace, then stop discriminating people of other kinds and genocide too. And I don't understand what you guys meant by "peace".
Donald Trump's respect for Russia is quite justified. Russia is global military super power and should be treated accordingly. With mutual respect between the United States of America and their NATO allies and Russia, our world will be a much safer place. Victory to President Trump - 2024.
Proud Russian nationalist girl... proud of a system that she admits she fears. Some people thrive best in their beloved dictatorships. Too bad, so sad, rock on with your new "brand" (same as the old brand).
Roy Senpai's Fan Club i would not argue if it is a protest at wall street but this current protest is full of naive stupid young people being brainwashed by msm.
As an American citizen and patriot of my country, I have written about this time and time again in my answers on Quora regarding our relationship with Russia. Technology has truly made the world a much, much smaller place. We can now travel to places and see and learn quite a lot about other countries without leaving our chairs at home. As a consequence, I not only have a duty to stand up to my government when they are violating the US constitution but when they are doing things which are immoral or illegal to other countries, particularly when it harms their citizens. Please note, I am not a globalist. I respect the sovereignty of other countries. We can no longer simply be citizens of our respective countries, the reality is that we share a limited amount of resources the earth offers. So, we are each all citizens of the world and as such cannot allow our governments to do harm to other nations when there is no justification for it. It is certainly true "that evil can flourish when good men do nothing." We are therefore all responsible because if we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem. The problem that exists between the American government and Russia is predominantly its own fault. Having lived in the DC environs for the better part of 35 years, I can tell you that Eisenhower was right on target when he warned us of, to use the original way it was stated, the “military-industrial-congressional complex." Why? Because after the creation of the CIA after WW II the so-called intelligence community (if ever there was an oxymoron) grew to the 17 member agencies we have to date. Segments of the intelligence community coupled with the beltway bandits that are largely represented by the large companies that make weapons comprise what has come to be known as our unelected government, both the shadow government and deep state...similar but different as former CIA Officer Kevin Ship has described, .are who really rule our government. Ironically, President Putin, a man for whom anyone with intelligence must have respect, understands this better than most Americans. It was evident when he said, and I am paraphrasing, "I have seen administrations come and go. They all have their plans and ideas that they want to implement until men with dark suits and suitcases tell them how things are going to be." I think the reason Mr. Putin has been so patient with the US is that he realizes that our Republic no longer works as it was intended. It is no longer a Republic of and for the people. We lost control of our government decades ago. The government essentially runs amok. After the attempted coup, Gorbachov dissolved the Soviet Union. No, America did not "win" the cold war. Nobody won anything. It was all a huge waste of time, resources and literally cost many people their lives. As the Russian people continue to evolve a country similar to America, (which is quite ironic considering that most Americans have no idea how much Russians admired Americans, at least until the war in the American sponsored war in the Balkans,) they should be aware that capitalism has its own inherent weaknesses the greatest of which is greed. Why? Because after the dissolution of the USSR there ensued an "enemy vacuum." Yes, that is correct and again, with to me great irony, it was Russian political scientist, Georgi Arbatov, who said at that time, "“We are going to do the worst thing we can do to you, we are going to take your enemy away from you.” What do I think he was saying? I believe he understood that America with its jingoistic exceptionalism, spreading democracy even where it is neither wanted or perhaps even appropriate, the world's policeman, simply needs an enemy. Where it is good, there must be evil. Remember Reagan's inappropriate and unnecessary characterization of the Soviet Union as an Evil Empire? There is your proof. Additionally, I also believe he knew about America's "deep state" to the extent it existed at the time and the fact that in order for the weapons corporations to make money, they had to have wars or the threat of wars, hence the requisite need for an enemy. Afterwards, America had an enemy vacuum. This was a real problem that had to be solved. It was in the guise of 9-11 which gave us a potentially endless war on terror. As we know, this did not turn out particularly well although one has to give them credit because American troops are still in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Does anyone even remember the justification for going to Afghanistan? It was because the Taliban would not give up one former CIA asset whom even the FBI did not hold accountable for 9-11, his other nefarious deeds notwithstanding (US barracks, Lebanon.) General Wesley Clarke was shocked when he learned at the time that the five-year plan was to prosecute wars in 7 middle east countries! Mrs. Clinton by virtually single-handedly destroying Libya and murdering its leader, (for which she should be held accountable,) created ISIS in Syria as a result of the weapons being diverted from Libya. Since Americans don't get to see the continual head choppings, shootings, drownings, and burnings that they film in HD, ISIS cannot really make much of a good enemy in terms of its effect on Americans. So, in consideration of the fact America needs an enemy where can we find one equal to the task. If nothing else perhaps, I suppose the Russian people should take pride in the fact that the US government decided to choose their country. Afterall, why not choose China? It has nukes. Its military is bigger than both Russia's and America's put together. One might say it is a potential enemy of both countries or at least a rival. The reason is simple. China just does not have the romantic images that movies made during the cold war have...Fail Safe, Funeral in Berlin, The Man Who Came in From the Cold, The Manchurian Candidate. Let's face it, the US government could not be creative and ran out of options. Why not pick on our old enemy, the Soviet Union, kind of like Nixon's "you don't have Nixon to kick around anymore." What you say, the Soviet Union no longer exists? No problem. Unfortunately, many Americans could no find Russia let alone find Moscow. The public school system has been successful in dumbing the population down. Do you think most Americans know that Russian history is longer than that of America's, that the Soviet experiment represented a short piece of Russian history and that modern Russia is simply not the Soviet Union? Between the lack of knowledge and mainstream media propaganda, it has been very easy to demonstrate that the Soviet Union is alive and well in the form of modern Russia. Last year I was shocked during a Fox News broadcast when I actually heard someone, unfortunately, I did not note who, referring to Russia as the Soviet Union. Really. This happened. With this in place, it is not difficult to blame Russia or Putin for everything untoward that happens in the world. It is a kind of McCarthyism revival. Finally, another important piece is that President Putin is trying to carve out Russia's place in the geopolitical world. The American government behaves as though the US can be the only kid allowed to play in the sandbox. While the US government looks for new proxy wars, Putin runs around the glove meeting with foreign dignitaries not only to promote Russian interests (as if this were a crime,) but trying to promote world peace. He does the same thing with the Valdai Club meetings and St. Petersburg Economic Forum. I wonder what the US government response would be when he receives a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. American citizens should understand that our government is risking our peace in continuing a very, very dangerous posture towards Russia. It all started with the American backed coup in Ukraine that replaced a duly elected leader (and others) with its present Stepan Bandera wannabees, fascists who at the least do not discriminate, nationalists who hate everyone. Then, when problems developed in the predominantly ethnically Russia east, the US blamed Putin for his understandable concern and attempts to prevent a worsening situation. Then, of course, there was Crimea. The truth, again what most Americans do not know, is that Crimea has historically been a part of Russia for a long time. It was "gifted" to Ukraine, perhaps not legally as I understand, by Kruschev in 1959. The turmoil in Ukraine started spilling over into Crimea. This was of concern to the people themselves. In addition, Russia had been leasing a naval base there. Putin put troops there not to influence the referendum but to protect the people because there were threats of terrorism from Ukraine and in fact, a terrorist who was planning a bombing there were caught. Its ok for American troops to do this sort of thing all over the world but not for Russia. That is pure hypocrisy. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. European journalists interviewed Crimeans now, quite a while ago and they are quite happy. No harm no foul....yet we continue to hear American governmental officials and the media speak of Putin's "annexation" of Crimea. How can one annex what it already once had? The Kerch Strait Bridge, quite a project, one that reminds me of our own Bay Bridge Tunnel joining Maryland and Virginia's US 13 is almost finished. It will join the Crimean peninsula with Russia. It is a project for which Russia is proud and the people of Crimea happy. It is in this milieu that the Democrats are trying to undermine President Trump by using propaganda and fear making Americans believe the election was "hacked" by Russia. Unfortunately, it has been all too successful as absurd as it is. Educating the American public about the truth is imperative. Knowledg is power. With knowledge one can find truth.
Yeah that's the one thing that got me to cringe. They just share the same values and it translates in their behavior without having to talk about it. Nothing spiritual, just social unity.
You have caused me to think . I do know that I have always admired the Russian people's and their national profile . Even though I am an outsider and must mind my own business I think the media has meddled where they should not . causing problems for the great people's countries .
Not me, but I would almost click the clickbait video of TheRichest I see next to this comment, but I will resist. I know she isn't in the video and that channel makes shitty top 10 lists they have never researched.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again It is American And Russian Governments that do not like or agree with one another. We as Americans have nothing against the Russian people. We love you guys and I wish to go to Russia some day and study the beautiful architect
"Not go against the system". That will guide Russia right back to communism. "The system", wherever it is, must always be challenged. Then humanity can move forward with respect and dignity. Russia has a LOT of work to do and is in the danger zone.
1:12 "I would not have any connection with a foreigner." Except foreign clothes, electronics, and just about every consumer good in Russia that's worth a shit are connections to foreigners, sweetie. You wouldn't have all those nice things otherwise.
Howard Barnett You are either trolling, or literary the definition of a dumb fuck, "having no conection to a foreigner" is not the same as having no conection to foreign goods. But what else could I have expected from a degenerate merican, shit I bet you so fucking dumb you prob think you got 'freedom of speech.')))))
#Howard Fucknett... I mean Barnett . That was a Freudian slip. :) Mr self-appointed 'grammar police' who feels the need to highlight errors on social media. Well, it is evidently clear that you suffer from Oxford comma, but who am I to judge. Do you think you're infallible, do you? Literature research has shown that wankers like *_you_*; namely "introverts" were more likely to be riled by grammatical errors and/or typos. Whereas "extroverts" by comparison are far more likely to be relaxed about grammatical errors and/or typos. Focus your time and energy on something more useful. Here's an idea: protest against your ruthless evil Zionist-Western government (regime) and make them accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I've known a lot of Russians and all I have met are some of the most friendly and open people you will know. Even if they do something kinda crappy they have a better attitude about it. They do what they think they need to do for themselves without any sense of malice as we US think of it.. per se. The beeyooch they found to talk to makes me want to Push that button so hard.
“America drink Champagne!” Meanwhile in America there were protests, broken windows, tear gas and college students in Guy Fawkes masks shouting. It was a mixed bag for sure.
4:24... If she actually believed that the system was good and wanted to serve it, that would be one thing... but she openly admits that those who oppose it will end up in jail and that she will serve it out of fear. Textbook example of no integrity or personal responsibility.
You want real news about Russia don't rely on the Russian media. However the same rules apply around the world; you want real news about America, China, Saudi Arabia, etc., look outside their borders.... and look inside their borders as well but know you are always being presented some type of bias.
neil adlington Well I'm sure ain't looking to American news about Russia, we're not even considered human to America, the amount of damage America has done to Russian ppl is irreversible, I can't go anywhere without ppl judging me thanx to American evil hate and their new world order agenda
Anna Kosheleva. It's up to you where you go for your news. But if you sought out news of Russia from say Poland, Finland, Ukraine, Canada, Aljazeera, BBC, etc. you might see a pattern of information not usually found or discussed by Russian news services. Same goes for America; the things other nations find troubling about America might be rarely discussed on American news, for whatever reason.
I've never met a Russian, and I was afraid of them growing up in the Cold War. I would hope that nobody judges the U.S. by the inane movies and television programs that we produce. America is a huge country with citizens, cultures and traditions from all over the world. I don't think there is such a thing as a typical American, and I love that about us. There is one thing I would like to say about Russians. When my late dad was a prisoner of war in a German prison camp, the Russian slave labourers took care of him when he almost died. He never forgot the kindness they showed him, even as they were being abused and starved. He was treated poorly by his captors but said the Russians were treated much worse and didn't even have shoes. They had rags tied around their feet. This was in the winter. I don't know if any Russians will ever read this, but if they do, I want to thank them. Because of their help, my dad lived to age 85, instead of dying as a twenty-year-old. By the way, dad didn't hold any bitterness towards the German people. Terrible things happen during wars, but basically, I believe people are good.(c)
Most American, including myself really know nothing about Russia. After watch many videos, it is a place I would like spend vacation. So many buildings with incredible architecture. Respect from USA
So you wet Russia and it's always back with attitude so you believe in that you should invade a country that you should take over your own government so he is so you just as bad with us as any food food conservative and you should be sent out of this country
I prefer my friendship with Russia than ANY Western nation - the rest of the world by now knows how the west defines "friendship" - you do exactly as they tell you which is work for ONLY their benefits or you get bombed. Who wants those kinds of friends?
Trust me, you don't want to be friends with Russia. Russians will stick a knife in your back when you don't expect it, I'm from ex-USSR country and Russia just tries to fuck up every country after the collapse of the soviet union.
please enlighten us Lesrach.. how is it propaganda? everything spoken about seems legit, there is also logical evidence to support it. I'd be interested to hear a brief reason or even One example as to why this video is propaganda?
MisterSir maybe as you watch and believe your MSM which you must you will never understand anything. Go watch your men in tights chase balls. 'MURICA! We kill brown people that cant fight back! That makes us badasses and the world should fear us! You really show your complete and utter ignorance and just asking those starkly obvious questions shows it. Your probably just a trolling kid though so in that case piss off cheeky little snot!
Jim Cummings you are seemingly sidestepping the point here. Propaganda, no matter what gay added priest invented it, is at best, a behavioral trait that is narcissistic. Whether it is true or not makes no difference whatsoever.
As a senior American, I can say we were taught Russia was enemy. What a bunch of BS that is. I don't care much for social media, but I am thankful. For without it I would have never known how beautiful the Russian people are. Social media has helped educate a lot of old-timers like myself. Brothers and sisters separated by politics.
+77Tadams Why be so mean, just because she's Russian is no excuse... Russians are not the enemy, the principalities of evil are, and that is to be found in every country!
Oh please. It was a joke! I think you are so afraid of jokes that you need to pull the stick out. Get real! I think Russians are beautiful people. The girl talking was rather critical of anyone but a Russian like herself. She speaks quite a few languages but said she wouldn't get close to one that was not Russian! I think she is rather rigid like a robot! I doubt if all Russians feel the same as she does and I doubt all Russians are religious!
Lame video. Rename to "What one uninteresting Russian woman thinks about everything." And might as well name her, since she's the only one whose opinion we hear.
Yes of course. She's interviewing real people. Real propaganda is not a lie, propaganda is a manipulation of the facts as it is profitable. The opinions of two people are presented ... out of 150 million. There is not enough sampling. So you can turn any facts into an any propaganda. Take a couple of real people with the right opinion, a couple of frames, dark music and ... a propaganda film is ready :). Come back to USSR :)
This is documenting a few well-informed individuals, A documentary doesn't need to interview all of its citizens to have truth and validity, you're ridiculous.
Rendroc Propaganda can have truth and validity. The question is whether or not this video presents a opinion it can't hold like. "Why is Russia going back to the sovjet union trip" This is propaganda and it's a shame how many people fail to realize what is propaganda.
I'm an American, and a Texan. I was born in 87 (29), and I remember when Russia was very different. My parents helped me understand how important history is, and I became infatuated with WW2 and the history of the countries involved. The more I studied in particular about the USSR(Russia) the more I saw the people as being *exactly* like me. Not just me the American, but me the *Texan.* I didn't see the people as evil, or terrible or whatever, even if I didn't agree with their government and what it was doing. To me they were just ordinary people, wanting a simple life, to be left alone, and we're able to look after themselves and didn't really want government controlling every single part of their lives, just like my fellow Texans. And another thing also stuck out to me, *you didn't fuck with them*. They were a force to be dealt with, and not to be underestimated. I respect the hell out of that. I tend to respect whatever country that mine has ever fought, regardless of what the outcome was. I don't want my country to be at odds with Russia, in fact I think it is imperative they work together in a completely *non globalist* sort of way. I think together our countries could accomplish great things. Hell *we already have*. If we have to fight, or course I think we would win, just as they think they would. But I think one thing both of us know, is that it would kill *alot* of both of us. I don't want that. I'm not some anti-war tree hugger hippie, I've served my time. I'm Republican, I happily voted Trump. I think we can still get along and well. Things didn't immediately change like some people thought they would. I don't get the Russian-Syrian connection. Maybe Syria is their Israel, and I can get that. I don't want to deal with Syria, I don't care. If Russia wants to take care of it, I am *fine* with that. If we can work together to end it faster, I am *fine* with that too. But I'd rather let them. The last thing I want is Syria of all fucking countries causing us to fight each other. For fuck's sake, it's just Syria. I was just old enough to be aware of things when the USSR collapsed. I still remember how it felt to *know* your parents and other *adults* were terrified. If anything was going to happen, this was when it would. I don't want that shit happening again.
learn a new language and find out why. you think in the same way as you speak. imagine thinking in Spanish "hola como esta" your tone changes to something similar to how you talk to kids. English can make some one sound like a jack ass. read my comment in a happy tone and a angry tone and see why that is.
Ho yea....the forgotten duplicitous Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact...probably why the "great patriotic war" started in 1941 rather than 1939 like everybody else!!! The Russian "media war " has the truth for victim! Trump...and million Russian trolls just loves the idea ...
what you know about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact I would draw attention to the fact that the USSR is the last country to conclude a pact with Germany. The exact same pact was concluded between Stalin and Churchill. England, France, Poland - all these countries had an agreement with Germany.
Russia doesn't have to embrace west, but they have to accept the fact that homosexuality is natural, and a part of their own society. They will continue to exist, no matter how hard they try to oppress them
Russia knows homosexuals will always exist. They just don't want 7 year old kids being told the homosexual lifestyle is equal to the heterosexual lifestyle and that everyone is equal when statistically that is not the case.
It's amazing how capitalism is embraced even by Russia when it benefits them. And now in America (by certain generations) the same way...but yet there is a push here for socialism. Wow! how sad!
I believe they restructured in the 90's. That's not yesterday. Americans won't truly understand loss of freedom until they have Socialism or Communism. Watch out for the NWO.
3:56 Wow. I always wonder to what extent we act like how we portray Russia to act. We do the same things, yet the CIA ain't gonna let that get through to any media outlets in america
Your video title is mislabeled and misleading. You interview one lady who is on the track to being a gov employee and mainly follow a book writer with a fan base. You should have more interviews from lots of people. This is more of an anti-Rus video and less about how the general Rus people think of the US.
in terms of limiting freedom, i think there is a very large difference between usa and russia. russia limits the freedoms of minorities, primarily dissidents, gays, certain hostile to putin foreigners among maybe a few others. while the personal liberties of the majority of normal russians are left alone if not expanded. (except maybe in couple corrupt backwards siberian towns) in america, the liberties and privileges of minorities are actually exalted. while the personal liberties of the majority of americans are being pushed back against. in america there is a large movement and culture to police what the majority think and say about the minorities, and to limit freedoms held by the majority of people such as gun ownership. the big similarity between russia and usa is the use of media for propaganda. in russia the media rarely ever says anything bad about the ruling party, and always pushes the ruling parties perspective. in america the media never says anything bad about the democrats and always pushes the democratic parties perspective. russia and america are not so different in government style. putin has fake ballots cast, america has millions of illegal voters. both russian and american media go after people who are not friendly to the ruling party. both russia and america go after specific populations in their nations in my view in the goal of altering the demographics to produce better stability for the ruling party.
"while the personal liberties of the majority of *normal* russians..." How many redpills have you swallowed dude? Kudos for adding in the "millions of illegals" after admitting Putin casts fake ballots. Russia is an unequal dictatorship and you don't have a problem with it-- this itself is a problem.
Putin Utubes on New World Order are absolutely insightful and accurate! I am American expat living in Russia for 6 years and listen to all sides. Putin is the greatest stratgeist and peacemaker of the world; as the American/GB/Israel truimvarate empire implodes. These are very dangerous times as the $USD crashes.
론볼: Proche, mais pas exactement. De ses pros, il est très intelligent et adaptable aux dangers. À cause de la peur, il s’est converti en maître de construire des coalitions. Mais telle critique ignore la complexité de caractère de Monsieur P. C’est difficile d’évaluer un homme par seulement louanges. Mais il s’oriente des détails, un peu sec, décisif et patriotique. Bon ou non je ne sais pas. L’histoire confirmerait sa réputation, s’il est le monstre, l’Hitler, que quelques personnes disent ou si il est le champion, l’héros que des autres disent. Je suppose que la vérité s’accouche entre ces deux extrêmes.
So, if I may make an observation, as an older American. You say this is Russian millennials you are interviewing, but actually there's just a couple of interviews, and lots of shots of young gamers gathering to buy the latest addition. I would have liked to have seen interviews with millennials from many areas, not just Moscow. The young people that grew up and live in the Washington DC area certainly do not represent American millennials--we have nothing in common with them. Here in the "heartland" of America, many views are much more conservative, with a bit more common sense. That is the Russia I am interested in hearing from. Most of us want better relations with our brothers and sisters across the pond, and don't want conflict that will benefit only rich elite people. Anyway, please, by all means, interview people that are NOT gamers, people who actually have to work hard and produce. Your editorial skills as a filmmaker are pretty good, I personally would work on interviewing a wider range of young people from across the spectrum. Thank you!
Your question is logical and there's a good reason for it: this video is propaganda and represents less than 1% of Russians and Russia. That less than 1% figure is literally a fact. This video is the actual propaganda, not the other way around. I've lived here for 5 years and moved from Chicago. Trust me. This video is full of it. It's this Natasha person trying to justify herself and a bunch of lies. As a fellow conservative I can tell you that Russia is a dream come true for folks like us. You should visit. I did and I stayed. The decades of western MSM propaganda had me fooled too. It is literally NOTHING like what you might think. It's awesome here. Avoid falling into the trap of Russian liberals like the one who runs this channel. It's complete nonsense. Everything she said, flip it right side-up and there's the real Russia. And yes, hopefully Trump makes good on his rhetoric and we can finally bring about a golden age between the world's two major superpowers and enter an age of a hundred years of peace and prosperity - hopefully even longer! Channels like this are designed to push people apart, not bring them together. These marginal, fringe liberals in Russia are even worse than the ones in the states. They are full of hate and funded by those in the US and Europe who hope that the lies and propaganda keep Russia looking like the enemy that it isn't and thus give American government contractors and elites the opportunity to get wealthier on the blood of innocent Russians and Americans alike.
Title says "RUSSIAN MILLENNIALS" I think ehh why not be interesting to see their take on things. Watch the video and see only one girl they interview... brilliant clickbait. I disliked because for it to be "Millennials" and not "Millennial" is to interview more than just one person, hell just 5-6 and it wouldn't have been so bad.
"Russian millennials speak openly" >Girl explains that she will suppress her own opinions out of fear. Brilliant. This video is full of credibility and authentic opinions! Especially when the only person to give an opinion is a girl going into foreign affairs. 🙄
I have never feared to be different. I appreciate people that are different. I learned much of this when I was married to a military man and was sent overseas and watched the military men I met had the same tender heart as my husband. They saw it as a move for God to love and not make judgments. They made me believe in love conquering misinformation or fear. Today, I have family married to Russians and love them and appreciate some of their stories. Leave politics and religion out of it and just get very basic humanity. Treat people the way you want to be treated. PERIOD!
I'd rather see russia and USA as friends than enemies
Nevada Summer Everybody with a brain would hope for friendship with Russia.
Most Americans agree I think, but our gov't and the media have something else in mind.
BennyOcean more like just the media😂😂😂💀😂
Most would be okay with such a friendship, but not at the cost of suffering to others. Everyone, or at least the vast majority of everyone, want world peace too. But for all, not just some.
Yeah friendship also must be built on mutual trust and respect of each others decision rather than racing each other to our deaths. Imagine the progress in the world economy when there is friendship with russia and usa, all the world will share the wealth. Like there will be no shelter to the outcast governments of the world like n korea if russia and usa agree on how to deal with NoKor.
Just like us, America first.
They are like, Russia first.
I have no problem with that.
They conflict.
Ahh yeah so simple. Such a simpleton.
Lol u see no problem with that?
Every country should be like that really
That's why both countries do well
Zandile Khumalo Every country is.
Lol. I communicate directly with many Russians over social media. The majority of us want the same thing. Personal liberty.
Axiomaticness In the modern zeitgeist, Western view of liberty seems to focus far more predominantly upon safe spaces, affirmative action, anti-racism/sexism/you-name-it, and benefits such as healthcare and welfare rather than actual freedom.
This coupled by the colossal fear of totalitarianism rachets up the desire for saftey and in turn drives people to seek more totalitarianism.
That may be true of many young people, especially in the ultra-progressive universities. However, that "zeitgeist" is soundly condemned by the part of the country that recognizes grade-school attitudes. Please understand that many Americans do NOT believe that way--to us it is a huge joke on the country. There is a strong and rapidly growing segment of our population that is pushing for a return to the original intention of the Founding Fathers--personal liberty and minimal government. I'm not naive enough to think the government will ever voluntarily reduce itself, but I'm hoping that the folks that have woken up to behavior of the progressives, will soon be entering the workforce as teachers, professors, medical researchers, etc. Ultimately, I agree with Axiomaticness, most of us just want to be left the hell alone.
Dawn Hernandez Dawn I completely agree with you, and being from New York I am certainly not fully aware of the Midwest and other areas.
However young people overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, and the education system has become more regressive than ever, leading to the current children viewing the concept of "bullying" through the nebulous lens of causing someone to take offense to something.
Our movement is growing, and this is very much a battle that can be won, however it seems that on a national scale it is in fact the majority of the old who are with us and the young who stand against us. Additionally, we still have pitiful representation in the modern media and relatively low representation in the beaurocracy (unless you want to count Donald Trump). That is why I chose the term zeitgeist.
Bschneidez Well, I imagine you're likely correct--I live in a very conservative region, surrounded by conservatives who raised their children as conservatives. Who know, perhaps I myself suffer from a bit of "echo-chamber syndrome", LOL. I'm trying not to get my hopes up high with the election of DJT--if it grants us a reprieve from the progressive ideological-style of governing, it likely will be temporary, I'm afraid.
I'm a Cold War veteran, so perhaps that's why I'm so interested in what the average Russian thinks of us. I think much of the bristling attitude we learned back in the 70's was due largely to propaganda. I think also that just as the US has changed over the years, there's no reason to doubt that Russia has as well. In other words, I now am determined not to dislike Russians simply because some politician or talking head told me to. Anyway, I'm getting long-winded, LOL. We have much to offer each other, and maybe we have a chance now. Cheers!
Dawn Hernandez I agree! I'm only 22, but my father was a 9/11 responder and thus I am absolutely sick of our government knowingly funding (and funding the people who are funding) both ISIS and Al'Quaeda just to keep up this goddamn petrodollar charade in Libya and Syria.
I'm not religious, but all I can do is pray that we can work this out in a way that is mutually beneficial for everyone. Especially considering the only actual ideological conflict involved (except for the globalists anyway, but I'm getting sick of them) is with radical Islam, and thus should have us and the Russians on the same side.
Long live you conservative communities out there though. You are the sole reason that America isn't Sweeden
Yeah...why did you interview only one girl? That's hardly indicative of a whole nation!
Its okay, it checks out for she is RUSSIA'S LEADER..
I think he had a crush on her, and for good reason! She was a hotty!
Are you looking for your answers? You see, Russian millennium are intelligence and loving people. Come to Russian for you personally to know more about Russian. Not on media only.
Are you looking for your answers? You see, Russian millennium are intelligence and loving people. Come to Russian for you personally to know more about Russian. Not on media only.
Russian Millenials - all 2 of them...
she can speak spanish, french, and of course english - according to the translator
I was thinking the same thing. If she could speak english why did she need a translator?
Dragonking1984 because they're in Russia being interviewed by someone speaking Russian. Why would she speak English? I can speak Spanish, Italian, French, and English of course but if someone's interviewing me in the US in English why would I speak another language lol?
Dan S yea me too..i speak all those languages too! I also am playing for the Super bowl next week, Was the President, and won an Oscar once. Were ALL superstars on You Tube.
Cute you think I'm being dishonest. English is my native language. My family is from Italy, and Spanish and Italian are very similar languages. Learn one the other isn't very hard. French was taken for 2 years in HS and 2 in college. How's being a troll working out for ya?
uhmm because the interview is in RUSSIAN...duhhhhhhhhhhhh
let America be America and Russia be Russia
Abram With Donald Trump in office, we can be more that that! We can be allies!
^ Lol what a gullible Trump supporter. Trump will bring us WW3 with his policies, just watch.
@ak4ik.......You moron, hillary was the one who called Putin hitler and was going to impose a no-fly zone in Syria. President Trump has stated he wants to get along with Russia. Dummy.
+ak4ik how
+Micah N stuff Don't ask die-hard democrats to back up their feelings with useless things like facts and reasoning.
I will not go against the system. I don't want to be in jail... enough said.
At least she's not rioting in the streets over wage gaps or defending illegal immigrants or wearing vagina hats or killing cops or kidnapping handicapped kids over BLM.
at least she's not doing that?? because thats the only option to being selectively blind about russians walking into ukraine and claiming a part of it at gunpoint while admitting she will comply with the system, cause hey, she doesnt want to get jailed?
*Another anti-russian hitjob.* Completely ignoring the fact that Putin
arrested the 11 jewish oligarchs who were running Russia under Yeltsin,
and saved Russia from starvation and suffering. This man bought western
Well, you cannot simply go from Socialism to Capitalism overnight and expect success. Fact is, there is NO form of government that is flawless, and there will never be a perfect government. But understand this, a "One World Government" is far more dangerous than any form of government ever conceived. It is very conceivable to have peace in our world with multiple governments...
+Derek Walker You have made a very good point people forget too easily: the transition from Socialism to Capitalism was a difficult one. Especially for Russia, where it was much harder than in, for example, Poland.
Not only is the transition hard, but the West, especially the US, offered little or no help (varies from country to country), often standing aside making sanctimonious proclamations instead. Worse yet, in the name of "free enterprise", the West allowed vultures to swoop down on Russia and destroy their struggling industries during the Yeltsin years.
So on the whole, the Western nations not only offered no help, but they actively hindered that already difficult transition.
Conservatives want a good relationship with Russia!
An American
Aly Upde Everyone says this, but betrays us
@@abandonedchannel281 mostly democrats my guy
Don’t matter what a conservative or progressive say, never trust the words that flow out of a politician’s mouth.
A Cons got to con...that’s in their nature. They say one thing and do the opposite.
Aaron Heych no he isn’t, Putin is a great leader. He’s made Russia more independent and has revived the Russian military after decades of being humiliated by western government puppets in control of Russia. Putin is a great leader and even our own president agrees with this. The reason why so many western liberals hate him so much is because he is more of a traditionalist and conservative by all means. He is a man of faith, honor, and completely goes against the toxic SJW leftist agenda that the West has fallen victim to. Putin has by far been the best leader Russia has seen since the collapse of the USSR, all of the leaders before him didn’t give a shit about their homeland and would rather roll over and become a puppet of the West. Putin is true to his country’s traditions and values and so far he’s done a better job than previous Russian leaders. Just because you don’t agree with him or like him, it doesn’t make Putin a bad leader. There’s a big difference between those two things.
My opinion of Russians changed drastically in 2006. I met 3 Russian families that lived at a property that the company I worked for had recently purchased. All 3 families were humble, caring and compassionate people. It was an eye opening experience since being a child and hearing all of the news broadcasts saying otherwise. If they could put up with me I would love having people like that as a neighbors.
I definitely think Russian women are beautiful.
Russian women are generally not fat because Russia doesn't allow GMOs and all the chemicals and xenoestrogens in the food like the USA does, except McDonalds, which is crap food.
Who cares if you think they are beautiful or not? If you are beta enough, you are very vocal about how "beautiful" women are from this culture, or that culture, or pretty much anywhere. Who cares? Beautiful women are everywhere. Ugly women too.
Well, they dont have an obesity rate of around 70% like the west does, so that helps.
they age very quick, that's the issue
You know they just found the hottest girl that went to that school to talk lol
Girl boasting about speaking many languages gets dubbed in English.
maybe because it's her primary language and a lot easier to speak?
Yeah he slow. He like the kid who would make fun of the Hispanic kid for doing bad in Spanish yet he himself isn't passing english
And studies foreign affairs but does not associate with foreigners...
Martin Hoevenaar LOL
She is Russian giving interview in her own country using her native language.That's call patriotism the baad bad word for multicultural brainwased lefty croud
My wife is a Russian from Russian we was married 6 yrs ago we love each other very much she is great.
I thought she was Russian from India pheww
@@3hunnax13 Stinker! But it was a funny quip.
"I speak Spanish, French, and of course, English."
Proceeds to do entire interview in Russian with English translator.
Why should they have to speak English?
Hugh Mad You missed the point, buddy.
It's a matter of pride.
This is anti-putin propaganda on a low budget you fucking sheeps. Eyes wide shut.
Joshua T. English is in the top 3 difficult languages in the world 😑
4:25 - _"I will not go against the system, because there are examples of those who went against it, and they're in prison."_
...says a member of the future Russian elite with the grimly sardonic smile.
Yeah this point they don't care of!!
+Red Shift - You're an idiot.
All of them get jobs to include Donald Trump who went against the system. Idiot, open you glazed eyes.
Really? Sure they were against him just for the primary - then they started kissing ass. Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp"....he very much did not do that. "Hey lets put Perry in charge of Dept of Energy even though he has no fucking clue what that department does". And I'll bet you can't name a single thing Obama did to this country that actually was "Marxist". Not what he WANTED to do or spoke about - meaning what did he ACTUALLY do. (ie...signature on a bill....executive order...ect.)
One other thing.....there are a ton of Justice vacancies still - in Federal Appeals level - which is a shame- I wish Obama filled more of them before he left - especially since they stole the SCOTUS seat. Part of Federal Justice appointments are that hey are life yeah - we can't get rid of the shit judges Bush appointed....or the shit Judges Obama appointed....and what will surely be the shit judges Trump appoints.
I believe there are hot Russian singles in my area wanting to meet me now.
Lmao, nice
Ahaaaaaaaa!!!! Hilarious
I'm Russian living in North America, and I want to say we like american people, we share the same planet and we need to find the way how to protect peace.
She’s as clueless as our millennials.
Dick Blackbeard Well actually she clearly sees things. And says if i go against the system i could end up in jail. So i will keep things to myself. Meanwhile in America blacks cannot be rascist. And innocent whites/asians who are killed by police get no attention by the media. Because of wrong skin color.
KentB27 I was being sarcastic
KentB27 No worries. That happens
KentB27 its *whites not blacks
Nah she worse, she don't associate with foreigners yet look where she wants to work at lol
We elected Trump despite the propoganda. Americas who voted for Trump reject Globalization and American Imperialism. It has greatly weakened our Republic. Many Americans are not threatened by Russia but rather are curious about their rich culture and heritage. Many Americans are looking forward to a new and inspired relationship with our Russian neighbors in 2017.
Michael Considine I don't understand why the Democrats hate Russia. They haven't done anything to us for the past 20 years!
The democrats hate Russia because it's a white christian country.
The democrats are the product of soviet propaganda aka commies in America. They can't stand that Russians abandoned communism.
Many Americans voted Trump because of his stance against terrorists, willingness to create jobs, and the fact that they felt the other choice was worse. Trump said he would “wipe out Islamist terrorists from the face of the earth.” Bold statement, but would require globalization and Imperialism due to terrorism being a global threat.
batuffolini tutti you sounds completely ignorant
That is the same logic being used for these massive trade deals involving multiple countries. You know you can make deals with countries on an individual basis but it is more difficult for globalists to muck it up when you do that.
As an American I am sorry to admit it, but that Russian pundit was dead on in his criticism of US follies. Our dollar has been hugely devalued over the long-term, our main export is senseless war, and we have way too many troops and bases around the world. We need to pull in our tentacles. That said, I don't think Russia's near-dictatorial government is any better.
Skyler Martin The policies of the last THIRTY years haven't helped.
Yea but whose fault is it that we have so many military bases around the world? Take a look at the countries that were under USSR control or allied with them vs. the ones on our side. The differences are stark. Just take a look at North vs South Korea. Do you seriously think we shouldn't have been there? I think that today it's easy to say "war is bad, we shouldn't be so involved in global conflicts" but is it really as obvious as you think? Especially with all this mass migration going on, do you really think it's smart to just let oppressive countries rot and mind our own business? Is there space in the developed world for fucking everybody? No. There isn't. So it would be nice if we could make an effort to make the whole world not suck. And obviously the western formula for not sucking is the best since everybody is desperate to move here. So yea man, I don't think there's an easy solution. People want power, and sometimes if they're assholes you have to fight them. This idea that the whole world is just innocent little wide eyed kitties and we're just fucking with them is dumb. A lot of them are way worse than us and if left alone would not hesitate to do extremely brutal shit to others.. and us if they got a chance.
+batuffolini tutti The west cares about rest of the world. That is why they took action to prevent the Rwandan genocide and help encourage the Arab spring. The west took great strides to terminate brutal dictators like Gaddafi and Hussein solely because they were massacring their own people, and virtually eliminated civilian casualties in foreign nations with drone warfare. No terrorist organizations were ever created or funded by the west. No puppet governments were ever assimilated or coerced by west. Even now, the west is protecting its allies like the Philippines by taking extensive measures to help protect victims for Duterte's vigilante drug killings.
Dovex Evic Yes, and most of our meddling has done nothing more than destabilize the areas we tried to help making life harder for the people and often creating a breeding ground for terrorists. Our noble intentions have complex unintended consequences, and we never seem to learn that. The Arab Spring was simply a massive food riot created by US inflationary monetary policies meant to remedy our irresponsible financial crisis in 08.
Correct, I believe America had the best intentions in most cases but some were obviously misguided
That girl was right about so many Americans blindly following the media.
Well that was a well balanced feature. One hedonistic and overpriviledged teen girl speaks for all the millennials of the Russian federation...?
When she goes out shopping again - which should be any moment now - please ask her to buy you a dictionary, preferably one with the word "hedonism" included...
*Another anti-russian hitjob.* Completely ignoring the fact that Putin
arrested the 11 jewish oligarchs who were running Russia under Yeltsin,
and saved Russia from starvation and suffering. This man bought western
She's not even a millennial. She is from the Shadow Generation, Gen Z, the Yolo Generation, the generation that has come after the Millennial generation. The millennial generation has kids, some of whom are almost graduated from high school.
i think you're a little confused. to be a millenial means born this century. look it up. then thank me later.
Oh shit dude, I think this is one of the best reply comment I have read in a while.
As a US millenial, I think that the biggest obstacle to a working partnership is the Cultural Marxism which the Western world is currently forcing onto itself.
Just look at the BBC's equal opportunity hiring amongst races and sexes, Germany and Sweden's dissonance regarding mass immigration, or the US media's constant portrayal of Trump as a racist/sexist.
Nationalism amongst different countries is an important part of actual diversity, intillectual and cultural diversity, and I think that the notion is truly a beautiful one.
Instead of integrating with one another, we simply need to work with one another, and I think that is an achievable goal. However not only is totalitarianism becoming a problem, the constant propaganda on both sides warning of totalitarian nationalism and globalism is causing people to desire security over freedom which in turn drives up the desire for more totalitarianism.
It's a vicious cycle indeed, and I very much hope that we can come to an agreement and end the cycle of hostility, however we ourselves (all of us), need to be willing to accept others the way they are, rather than seeking to change them in our image.
The only people who we each ought to change is ourselves, and if everyone were to do that, then things would look a lot less gloomy.
PS- I am in a very small minority. My views are extremely well read, however they are my own, and this is not the prevailing view of young Americans.
Nice. People are different, even brothers and sisters argue, husbands and wives divorce after 25 years. Differences exist in small and large communities that grew up together. Now exagerate those differences with major culture clash. What the hell would be the compromise between radical Islam and Sweedish Christianity, no refugee gang raping on Sunday? I refuse to adapt to something that goes against my very fiber. I dont think you need to change yourself, college bent on social engineering more then knowledge got you all lubed up and spreading your cheeks for the new world order. You watch out, stay in that state of flux you might imagine as diversity tolerant because if you solidify your moral character you might find yourself being swallowed by the quick sand of a foundation being deliberatly pulverized under your feet as you speak.
NELSON X I certainly don't _need_ to change myself, however that is the one way that I can concretely change this world of ours, and if we all did that then we would have many more discussions and far fewer arguments.
I have no intention of going regressive, as I have already evaluated all of those standpoints through the lens of men such as Marx, Trotsky and Derrida though I systematically refuted all of them in the process.
I intend only to strive to be better, rather than striving to be popular, and I hope that ought to turn out just fine.
You go stay the same while changing everybodies world. That cute little girl in this video could be you. Be part of the system and dont go the to jails you build to house those that dont accept the system. This concrete change of yours might turn into the boots that drown you as the next wave of change mongerering control addicts water boards you with sensory and cultural deprivation in the name diversity. You give something up for everything you gain, now pay for your ticket and dont you dare complain.
NELSON X I wouldn't dare alter my principles without a preponderance of evidence suggesting that it is necessary, encompassing both an irrefutable refutation and irrifutable tangible evidence that I am wrong.
Since this is highly unlikely, I am free to hone and advance my opinions rather than clutching an ideological tether to something. It is by far the most difficult path, yet it is the one I have chosen to walk.
"If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance."
~ *Meditations* by _Marcus Aurelius_
God is on fire,
blood on the roof.
A mantis enjoys
the lizards day off.
Life in the gutter,
love on the floor.
The less we embrace
the more we ignore.
Tangible tangets,
rickets and rot.
The things we posess
are the things we have not.
Long can be short
compared to the breach.
My heart for a being
I never might reach.
Poem by NELSON X
You should be so lucky as to be self decieved. In the mid 70's I was attending art school in New York City. On the subway I saw an ad for a school of social engineering. Probably not a new idea but intensfied by new technology.
The ad showed 2 men seated and a man in glasses who looked like Aldous Huxley standing, the 3 of them leaning to take in data on a computer screen in front of them. I imagine that they were watching the unfolding effects of their manipulations like a riotious football game, except it wasn't a sport, it was real lives distilled to statistics.
Congradulations, you are the product of this school of engineering. I on the other hand am still capable of independent thought. In the future, with some spiratual effort, you might not rely on others to prove you wrong. Smash your concrete helmet and see what has been done to you before you do it to others.
50 bucks says that by the time you are 50 you will realize you are in a shit milkshake you helped design.
"'millennials" you literally showed 1
Must have trouble finding more brainwashed idiots, all they gotta do in the USA is interview in California
Maples01 Ha! Mark Dice has that covered! 😁😎
yeah this was an embarrassing documentary
Liza is Generation Z...not a millennial but the generation after the millennials, whom I am calling the Shadow Generation.
Nah Cali is home-schooled.
Imagine Harriet Tubman, Gandhi or Nelson Mandela saying "I will not go against the system" thankfully there are strong people around the world that stand against injustice
I don’t see too many people standing up against American neo liberalism and imperialism
@@SI-cd7xs And I suppose Putinist style neo-imperialism is better according to you?
@@doomslayer1984 it is absolutely better for Russia then a neo liberal puppet. No question. Although sooner rather than later Russia will move on from Putin. New constitution already ensures that.
@@SI-cd7xs I'll believe it when I see it.
@@doomslayer1984 when it happens you will still be gaslit into hating the next Russian leader by western media who are crying at the lack of control they have of Russia. Issue is not Putin issue is west wanting hegemony. Remember I told you.
LOL average millennial? I didn't know the average millennials had a father who was at minimum a millionaire.
Andrew Mendonca Remember, they're Average Russian Teenager. Russia has more Millionaires than any country in this world.
Gideon Debateau No they don't, the US has. Russia didn't even make this list from Business Insider:
They do have 77 billionaires which is fifth most with the US being first with 540+:
"People are easily led." - True statement, but how come you can't see how it applies also to you?
I’m from the Greatest Country In The World. TEXAS. And I don’t have a problem with Russians. Hell, I would like to visit Russia.
You are absolutely right ,you Texan . You don't have a problem with Russian threats of wiping America of the face the earth ! You wont to be their friend ! Because you are a Texan, not American ! What's wrong with you !? Traitor ,!
I am from Dallas and i have a problem with them in video games nine out of ten are cheats and i think that the way you play games is the same way you will deal with real life otherwise i know none. I have gamer friends from all over the world but no russians on my friends list!
Serge Olchowec The world would be so much brighter if you took your head out of your candy ass. Come on out and join us.
Yee yee
@@sergeolchowec905 can you give even 1, ONE example how Russian "threats of wiping America of the face of the earth?" i want 1 example, what russia done that harmed US people (dont give me fake news russian vote interfering, you are seriously talking about Russia want murdering aka wiping US /people, example plz )
As an American country boy I have respect for Russia. I voted for Trump. I disagree with democrat style politics here. The Russians I have met here are good people. America is a republic. It's all about respect..Respect and integrity..
"I will not go against the system." spoken like a true track suit enthusiast.
JP1348 a button pusher boom
Her speech was dangerous to herself and her generation. It’s your duty to go against the system.
She gets educated in a prestigious institution and comes out not willing to question things... well I have news for you young lady. You haven't been educated but rather indoctrinated.
I would like to see an honest report of social perspectives and comparisons between Russian and US citizens.
This video was so narrow in its scope, it leaves any reasonable person questioning the motives behind the myopia.
For the record, I am a US citizen, and supported neither Trump nor Clinton.
The majority of what comes my way in the form of journalism can easily be quantified as biased propaganda.
How does the young lady, given as a singular example, coming from affluence and educated as a Kremlin agent a snapshot of the average Russian millenial?
This video is absurd.
Thank you for sharing a similar observation I had. Very small in scope and obviously biased.
This is straight some BS. I am a Russian millennial that actually lived both in Russia and in US (currently in US). United States uses propaganda far more worse than Russia does. Anything that the industry makes in the United States is used as propaganda including music. The school systems in US are already training little kids to only accept one "liberal" view and for thinking "conservatively" kids get punished. America is doing better economically but is doing much more worse mentally.
djromchik Thank you, us conservatives have been saying that but liberals call us conspiracy theorists.
djromchik well spoken and you are exactly right
Go back to Russia
djromchik-You are exactly right about the brainwashing propaganda being fed to our school children, & in our music. Even the adults here fall for it all too. However, the US economy is about to Crash & burn with the end of the Petrodollar. If you have a place to go in Russia, you should be making plans to go there very Soon. Russia & China are already set up to come out on top when the system resets, & Russia is going to be very prosperous. Putin is a Great leader, & Trump knows its much better to work with him than against him.
Mike Mcorky any liberal agenda is in reaction the bullshit conservative agenda that has been crammed down are throats for too long. Do you honestly think educators have meetings and say how can we get these kids to grow up to be liberal ? No we dont. We teach the kids to be good people and use common sense and treat people with respect. Conservativatards call that an agenda.
Yes Russia and Americans brother forever
People should respect each other and be kind. I don't understand why everyone puts emotional walls up and are so opinionated. Nobody is more important than the next person. Be kind, be happy and be pleasant.
Wipsplash I agree. I am American and I am fascinated by everyone, no matter where they are from or currently live. There is beauty everywhere!
Russia deserves better -- and so does the USA ...
I'm tired of North America way of doing things Russia could become easily the next super power because in my opinion they have less enemies than the West
The West don't deserve to be the boss on this planet because they have done bad thing to other race like the black people,Indian and Asians
This is it no more we are all human beings on this planet and deserve better
The USA has Better, we just have to get behind the POTUS and it will get even better! We ahve had BullShit Demo Politicians for many years including Republicans that were more concerned with their own Well being. Now we hae a President that truly cares about the people and we are not getting behind him! If you want to MAGA you have to back the POTUS!
Is it irony that a video that is supposed to be about propaganda is in itself propaganda?
Shane Stephens When I reached the part where the man said America wants transparency, I had to sit back and smile. If a leg could be pulled any farther it would be torn from the body. Who is he kidding? Deceit like this is easily proven nonfactual in this age of information. But as much of the world knows, America bases itself on concepts, and blanket theories where concerns all nations, unfortunately, not realities.
This would be fine, had not America been already subverted culturally. What they are told by their journalists is unbelievable. Of course it is the old play. I wager that if Americans knew even a portion of what has been done in our world by powers that represent them? There would be a mass nervous breakdown. I believe they call it, ignorance is bliss.
The sad thing is that people don't understand that this is anti-putin propaganda. As a Norweigian; We love our neighbour in the east! May Putin rule forever. And to you americans; I'm glad you chose Trump over Killary, we would have done the same. to bad he was also a jew-puppet :/ Better luck next time.
the answer to your question is yes, and that's the most entertaining thing about this video, the thing most liberals won't realise because they're too busy with the mutual backpatting
I love Russia, l have visited three times in last sux yrs, St Petersburg and Moscow. Its so beautiful and clean as well as safe. I was born in Southern Africa and spent 45 yrs in America and l felt much safer in Russia than in America
Wtf?! The 19 yr old Moscow girl says she speaks English but has her statements translated. She’s supposed to be a foreign relations major?!
How is it called a person who knows many languages - polyglot. How is a person who knows only one language - an American.
U cant be for foreign relations and russan.
Being able to sputter "I would like American husband..." is not exactly speaking English honey.
Thought that was odd too.
I think young US citizens have stopped believing the media here, and most do not have a negative view of Russia. I do not know how much of the young are controlled by the media in Russia, but I hope we can both be free of the propaganda and become friends.
Trust me they're not. Russian media is not perfect but it's a whole lot better than US and European MSM, that's for sure. As for this video, I left a comment about it above. This Natasha woman belongs to a marginal minority (less than 1% officially) of Russia's society that fall into one of two groups: idiots or paid hacks for western NGOs. The Dmitry guy in the video is definitely in category no. 2. Can't say for sure about this Natasha person, but what I can say is this: everything in this video is total propaganda. THIS is the lie, not the subject matter she tried to portray.
I don't have a super positive view of Russia, but I don't hate them either. I would at least like to try to work with them and find some middle ground. The constant dick waving from both sides has gotten out of control. It's hurting both our countries and everyone in between, like Syria and the EU.
Ian Meadows Why don't you trust communists? Have you ever actually studied communism and taken a close look at it without any pre-conceived notions getting in the way?
Ian...Russia is not truly a communist state. Not is the United States truly democratic.
Russia isn't a communist country. And that's mostly because communism doesn't actually work. They're basically capitalist now, with high levels of government control and regulation.
Of course, a *pure* (anarcho) capitalist system without any regulation would also run like shit, and there is no first world capitalist country that doesn't have a government applying varying levels of control or regulation over the economy, and people have different ideas about *how much* government control/regulation should be present. There is such thing as too much government control, and there is such thing as not enough.
I was just in Russia. It is fabulous, the people are congenial, it is "a breath of fresh air". I felt no animosity whatsoever. Anyone who has the means would find a dream to visit Russia.
A believe Russia and the US should be friends!
Thank you president Trump and Thank you Putin. Our country's should be on good terms. Peace and cooperation are the only roads to true greatness.
@Jayson Barjarat no need to be hostile
@Jayson Barjarat yeah you are right I didnt mean to say hostile but what do you mean americans should be pissed
@Jayson Barjarat because i am an american and I would like to know what you are refering to so if their is something that should get americans mad I could keep an open mind
@Jayson Barjarat you have a great point about our goverment we the american people need to take back our country as for israel you are right they are milking the US untill we collapse economically thank you for the insights
@Jayson Barjarat I hope one day we will save ourselve and one question are you russian
I think we have so much in common. The same problems, the same desires, the same motivations. We should work together and make the world a better place.
At least the people in the US might have those interests, moreso than our political and business leaders.
We have so little in common.
@@achmeez maybe our politicians but not our citizens
@@F5Storm1 how are you going to call to cooperate with a liar like Putin how you want to deal with somebody like like hell in a country is so bad words I'm not saying that you have to believe in Western value but you don't have your president staying in office for 20 or 30 years that's crazy that's like tricking your mind to believe that your president is a good person
But there ARE Americans and westerners who don't even like Russians at all. Not only that, but they also support racism and genocide. And I hate it when people say "it's always the government's fault and not the citizens." It's like everything what the citizens say about genocide, racism and xenophobia or whatnot, it's justifiable. There are tons of imbeciles who are like that, they need to stop playing victims. "Ordinary citizens aren't at fault" my foot. If you guys want world peace, then stop discriminating people of other kinds and genocide too. And I don't understand what you guys meant by "peace".
The only Russians I know play CS:GO lol
You must hate Russians then. They are the worst fucking representation of Russian people. Fucking cretins most of them.
the russians i know play Planetside 2
soviet womble?
Of course, because they are spiritual people, they got spirituality
coming out of their asses.
Donald Trump's respect for Russia is quite justified. Russia is global military super power and should be treated accordingly. With mutual respect between the United States of America and their NATO allies and Russia, our world will be a much safer place. Victory to President Trump - 2024.
Proud Russian nationalist girl... proud of a system that she admits she fears. Some people thrive best in their beloved dictatorships. Too bad, so sad, rock on with your new "brand" (same as the old brand).
ex0pos exactly
J Sebastian all the protest and scam FED.
keroji s lol protesting means a system has failed? Finish school before you try to argue about politics
Roy Senpai's Fan Club i would not argue if it is a protest at wall street but this current protest is full of naive stupid young people being brainwashed by msm.
Roy Senpai's Fan Club the system is absolutely fail when the group of corporate can buy the position in the gvt and control the media.
As an American citizen and patriot of my country, I have written about this time and time again in my answers on Quora regarding our relationship with Russia. Technology has truly made the world a much, much smaller place. We can now travel to places and see and learn quite a lot about other countries without leaving our chairs at home. As a consequence, I not only have a duty to stand up to my government when they are violating the US constitution but when they are doing things which are immoral or illegal to other countries, particularly when it harms their citizens. Please note, I am not a globalist. I respect the sovereignty of other countries. We can no longer simply be citizens of our respective countries, the reality is that we share a limited amount of resources the earth offers. So, we are each all citizens of the world and as such cannot allow our governments to do harm to other nations when there is no justification for it. It is certainly true "that evil can flourish when good men do nothing." We are therefore all responsible because if we are not part of the solution we are part of the problem.
The problem that exists between the American government and Russia is predominantly its own fault. Having lived in the DC environs for the better part of 35 years, I can tell you that Eisenhower was right on target when he warned us of, to use the original way it was stated, the “military-industrial-congressional complex." Why? Because after the creation of the CIA after WW II the so-called intelligence community (if ever there was an oxymoron) grew to the 17 member agencies we have to date. Segments of the intelligence community coupled with the beltway bandits that are largely represented by the large companies that make weapons comprise what has come to be known as our unelected government, both the shadow government and deep state...similar but different as former CIA Officer Kevin Ship has described, .are who really rule our government.
Ironically, President Putin, a man for whom anyone with intelligence must have respect, understands this better than most Americans. It was evident when he said, and I am paraphrasing, "I have seen administrations come and go. They all have their plans and ideas that they want to implement until men with dark suits and suitcases tell them how things are going to be." I think the reason Mr. Putin has been so patient with the US is that he realizes that our Republic no longer works as it was intended. It is no longer a Republic of and for the people. We lost control of our government decades ago. The government essentially runs amok.
After the attempted coup, Gorbachov dissolved the Soviet Union. No, America did not "win" the cold war. Nobody won anything. It was all a huge waste of time, resources and literally cost many people their lives. As the Russian people continue to evolve a country similar to America, (which is quite ironic considering that most Americans have no idea how much Russians admired Americans, at least until the war in the American sponsored war in the Balkans,) they should be aware that capitalism has its own inherent weaknesses the greatest of which is greed. Why? Because after the dissolution of the USSR there ensued an "enemy vacuum." Yes, that is correct and again, with to me great irony, it was Russian political scientist, Georgi Arbatov, who said at that time, "“We are going to do the worst thing we can do to you, we are going to take your enemy away from you.”
What do I think he was saying? I believe he understood that America with its jingoistic exceptionalism, spreading democracy even where it is neither wanted or perhaps even appropriate, the world's policeman, simply needs an enemy. Where it is good, there must be evil. Remember Reagan's inappropriate and unnecessary characterization of the Soviet Union as an Evil Empire? There is your proof. Additionally, I also believe he knew about America's "deep state" to the extent it existed at the time and the fact that in order for the weapons corporations to make money, they had to have wars or the threat of wars, hence the requisite need for an enemy.
Afterwards, America had an enemy vacuum. This was a real problem that had to be solved. It was in the guise of 9-11 which gave us a potentially endless war on terror. As we know, this did not turn out particularly well although one has to give them credit because American troops are still in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Does anyone even remember the justification for going to Afghanistan? It was because the Taliban would not give up one former CIA asset whom even the FBI did not hold accountable for 9-11, his other nefarious deeds notwithstanding (US barracks, Lebanon.) General Wesley Clarke was shocked when he learned at the time that the five-year plan was to prosecute wars in 7 middle east countries!
Mrs. Clinton by virtually single-handedly destroying Libya and murdering its leader, (for which she should be held accountable,) created ISIS in Syria as a result of the weapons being diverted from Libya. Since Americans don't get to see the continual head choppings, shootings, drownings, and burnings that they film in HD, ISIS cannot really make much of a good enemy in terms of its effect on Americans.
So, in consideration of the fact America needs an enemy where can we find one equal to the task. If nothing else perhaps, I suppose the Russian people should take pride in the fact that the US government decided to choose their country. Afterall, why not choose China? It has nukes. Its military is bigger than both Russia's and America's put together. One might say it is a potential enemy of both countries or at least a rival.
The reason is simple. China just does not have the romantic images that movies made during the cold war have...Fail Safe, Funeral in Berlin, The Man Who Came in From the Cold, The Manchurian Candidate. Let's face it, the US government could not be creative and ran out of options. Why not pick on our old enemy, the Soviet Union, kind of like Nixon's "you don't have Nixon to kick around anymore."
What you say, the Soviet Union no longer exists? No problem. Unfortunately, many Americans could no find Russia let alone find Moscow. The public school system has been successful in dumbing the population down. Do you think most Americans know that Russian history is longer than that of America's, that the Soviet experiment represented a short piece of Russian history and that modern Russia is simply not the Soviet Union?
Between the lack of knowledge and mainstream media propaganda, it has been very easy to demonstrate that the Soviet Union is alive and well in the form of modern Russia. Last year I was shocked during a Fox News broadcast when I actually heard someone, unfortunately, I did not note who, referring to Russia as the Soviet Union. Really. This happened.
With this in place, it is not difficult to blame Russia or Putin for everything untoward that happens in the world. It is a kind of McCarthyism revival.
Finally, another important piece is that President Putin is trying to carve out Russia's place in the geopolitical world. The American government behaves as though the US can be the only kid allowed to play in the sandbox. While the US government looks for new proxy wars, Putin runs around the glove meeting with foreign dignitaries not only to promote Russian interests (as if this were a crime,) but trying to promote world peace. He does the same thing with the Valdai Club meetings and St. Petersburg Economic Forum. I wonder what the US government response would be when he receives a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.
American citizens should understand that our government is risking our peace in continuing a very, very dangerous posture towards Russia. It all started with the American backed coup in Ukraine that replaced a duly elected leader (and others) with its present Stepan Bandera wannabees, fascists who at the least do not discriminate, nationalists who hate everyone. Then, when problems developed in the predominantly ethnically Russia east, the US blamed Putin for his understandable concern and attempts to prevent a worsening situation. Then, of course, there was Crimea. The truth, again what most Americans do not know, is that Crimea has historically been a part of Russia for a long time. It was "gifted" to Ukraine, perhaps not legally as I understand, by Kruschev in 1959. The turmoil in Ukraine started spilling over into Crimea. This was of concern to the people themselves. In addition, Russia had been leasing a naval base there. Putin put troops there not to influence the referendum but to protect the people because there were threats of terrorism from Ukraine and in fact, a terrorist who was planning a bombing there were caught. Its ok for American troops to do this sort of thing all over the world but not for Russia. That is pure hypocrisy. The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. European journalists interviewed Crimeans now, quite a while ago and they are quite happy. No harm no foul....yet we continue to hear American governmental officials and the media speak of Putin's "annexation" of Crimea. How can one annex what it already once had? The Kerch Strait Bridge, quite a project, one that reminds me of our own Bay Bridge Tunnel joining Maryland and Virginia's US 13 is almost finished. It will join the Crimean peninsula with Russia. It is a project for which Russia is proud and the people of Crimea happy.
It is in this milieu that the Democrats are trying to undermine President Trump by using propaganda and fear making Americans believe the election was "hacked" by Russia. Unfortunately, it has been all too successful as absurd as it is. Educating the American public about the truth is imperative. Knowledg is power. With knowledge one can find truth.
good explain.
"unique level of spirituality" LOL
Impoverished brainwashed alcoholic narcissism :D
Yeah that's the one thing that got me to cringe. They just share the same values and it translates in their behavior without having to talk about it. Nothing spiritual, just social unity.
Pretty evident the majority of both nations have nothing against each other. Our media and leaders are doing this.
You have caused me to think . I do know that I have always admired the Russian people's and their national profile . Even though I am an outsider and must mind my own business I think the media has meddled where they should not . causing problems for the great people's countries .
Les actualités causent la curiosité des autres, surtout les critiqués.
Who clicked this video for the cute chick ?
Alejandro Sudiro 😫
Not me, but I would almost click the clickbait video of TheRichest I see next to this comment, but I will resist. I know she isn't in the video and that channel makes shitty top 10 lists they have never researched.
im thirsty and wonna jackoff to youtube vids lol
Whether you're Russian or American, we're all suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
America has free press, Russia does not.
They do and they don't in Sweden news about crimes committed by immigrants is auto-censored by the liberal press.
두 나라 어느 곳에도 언론의 자유가
Russians are good people. Ancient very high culture. Please preserve it!
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again It is American And Russian Governments that do not like or agree with one another. We as Americans have nothing against the Russian people. We love you guys and I wish to go to Russia some day and study the beautiful architect
80% of comments are politics
10% are about women
5% about friendships
4.99% about Crimea
0.01% comments like mine
"Not go against the system". That will guide Russia right back to communism. "The system", wherever it is, must always be challenged. Then humanity can move forward with respect and dignity. Russia has a LOT of work to do and is in the danger zone.
TheFinnmacool I mean, are they really willing to go back to communism? The Russians just want global influence like the Americans.
TheFinnmacool America has a lot of work to do any is in the danger zone as well
Americans get out of Europe no one wants you fat fucks here.
She's a stupid, stupid little girl who cites the fucking invasion of Crimea as a pulling Russia into the next level. She doesn't understand anything.
Nope :) Me not :)
1:12 "I would not have any connection with a foreigner."
Except foreign clothes, electronics, and just about every consumer good in Russia that's worth a shit are connections to foreigners, sweetie. You wouldn't have all those nice things otherwise.
Howard Barnett You are either trolling, or literary the definition of a dumb fuck, "having no conection to a foreigner" is not the same as having no conection to foreign goods. But what else could I have expected from a degenerate merican, shit I bet you so fucking dumb you prob think you got 'freedom of speech.')))))
Spelling, grammar, and good sentence structure are key to communicating your thoughts clearly.
Wrong Howard, just try doing some independent research before mouthing off, it makes you look stupid and I'm sure that would horrify you.
#Howard Fucknett... I mean Barnett . That was a Freudian slip. :)
Mr self-appointed 'grammar police' who feels the need to highlight errors on social media. Well, it is evidently clear that you suffer from Oxford comma, but who am I to judge.
Do you think you're infallible, do you?
Literature research has shown that wankers like *_you_*; namely "introverts" were more likely to be riled by grammatical errors and/or typos. Whereas "extroverts" by comparison are far more likely to be relaxed about grammatical errors and/or typos.
Focus your time and energy on something more useful. Here's an idea: protest against your ruthless evil Zionist-Western government (regime) and make them accountable for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
I've known a lot of Russians and all I have met are some of the most friendly and open people you will know. Even if they do something kinda crappy they have a better attitude about it. They do what they think they need to do for themselves without any sense of malice as we US think of it.. per se. The beeyooch they found to talk to makes me want to Push that button so hard.
“America drink Champagne!”
Meanwhile in America there were protests, broken windows, tear gas and college students in Guy Fawkes masks shouting. It was a mixed bag for sure.
As it was in Russia, not to long ago , america will see the same fate as the people are tired of being surpressed in america.
That's because week minded people are / were Brainwashed by the Left wing media.
see how in this video they were talking about Propaganda? Hello
propaganda works both ways...look in the mirror ;)
4:24... If she actually believed that the system was good and wanted to serve it, that would be one thing... but she openly admits that those who oppose it will end up in jail and that she will serve it out of fear. Textbook example of no integrity or personal responsibility.
You Russians are no different than us Americans . we all want the same thing so lets just chill out and drink some Vodka and chill out !!!
They're communist.
Alla Koby Wheyyyy wh@@@t?
I've not heard of this 2033 until now. Now I must look into it.
You want real news about Russia don't rely on the Russian media. However the same rules apply around the world; you want real news about America, China, Saudi Arabia, etc., look outside their borders.... and look inside their borders as well but know you are always being presented some type of bias.
Well said
John Crestani so what media do you suggest for me if i want to read about world news?
neil adlington Well I'm sure ain't looking to American news about Russia, we're not even considered human to America, the amount of damage America has done to Russian ppl is irreversible, I can't go anywhere without ppl judging me thanx to American evil hate and their new world order agenda
Anna Kosheleva. It's up to you where you go for your news. But if you sought out news of Russia from say Poland, Finland, Ukraine, Canada, Aljazeera, BBC, etc. you might see a pattern of information not usually found or discussed by Russian news services. Same goes for America; the things other nations find troubling about America might be rarely discussed on American news, for whatever reason.
Ah, no: Russia did more harm to Russia than anyone else. Now, Trump will do the same to America.
To your good health Citizens of Russia. May the US and you (we) find better relations in our near future. Cheers
william stockton Is Russia still a egalitarian culture and economy?
I've never met a Russian, and I was afraid of them growing up in the Cold War. I would hope that nobody judges the U.S. by the inane movies and television programs that we produce. America is a huge country with citizens, cultures and traditions from all over the world. I don't think there is such a thing as a typical American, and I love that about us. There is one thing I would like to say about Russians. When my late dad was a prisoner of war in a German prison camp, the Russian slave labourers took care of him when he almost died. He never forgot the kindness they showed him, even as they were being abused and starved. He was treated poorly by his captors but said the Russians were treated much worse and didn't even have shoes. They had rags tied around their feet. This was in the winter. I don't know if any Russians will ever read this, but if they do, I want to thank them. Because of their help, my dad lived to age 85, instead of dying as a twenty-year-old. By the way, dad didn't hold any bitterness towards the German people. Terrible things happen during wars, but basically, I believe people are good.(c)
Most American, including myself really know nothing about Russia.
After watch many videos, it is a place I would like spend vacation. So many buildings with incredible architecture.
Respect from USA
As a conservative American, I feel I have far more in common with the average Russian citizen than I do with the left half of this country.
So you wet Russia and it's always back with attitude so you believe in that you should invade a country that you should take over your own government so he is so you just as bad with us as any food food conservative and you should be sent out of this country
i would rather be friends with Russia than china -_-
I prefer my friendship with Russia than ANY Western nation - the rest of the world by now knows how the west defines "friendship" - you do exactly as they tell you which is work for ONLY their benefits or you get bombed. Who wants those kinds of friends?
Ernest Brown same ideology? what ?
Lib Smiter Why don't you spend more money and quit bitching about China and buy American?
No. Russians actually hate Chinese. They are friends only because America bullying entire world. Together they can shut the fuck up bully .
Trust me, you don't want to be friends with Russia. Russians will stick a knife in your back when you don't expect it, I'm from ex-USSR country and Russia just tries to fuck up every country after the collapse of the soviet union.
Such a giant country of repression.
Love Russian millennium 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
According to this report typical teenager likes to "eat, shop and hang out with friends".
Dmitry Gluhovsky lol, didn't expect to see him in this video.
Levi Strauss me neither, he looks pretty good. Always thought he was a really old man
Hes a legend
@@youronlinegirlfriend5508 he's mid 40's i believe. Definately doesent look it. More power to him-keep the Metro running lol
@@AverageJ03Gaming He is still 39 :)
@@tiberseptim7644 really? That's amazing.
This video itself is propaganda. How ironic.
please enlighten us Lesrach.. how is it propaganda? everything spoken about seems legit, there is also logical evidence to support it.
I'd be interested to hear a brief reason or even One example as to why this video is propaganda?
lesrach3 spin on spin
MisterSir maybe as you watch and believe your MSM which you must you will never understand anything. Go watch your men in tights chase balls. 'MURICA! We kill brown people that cant fight back! That makes us badasses and the world should fear us! You really show your complete and utter ignorance and just asking those starkly obvious questions shows it. Your probably just a trolling kid though so in that case piss off cheeky little snot!
so in summary you can't provide one reason or piece of evidence.. well done.
Jim Cummings you are seemingly sidestepping the point here. Propaganda, no matter what gay added priest invented it, is at best, a behavioral trait that is narcissistic. Whether it is true or not makes no difference whatsoever.
As a senior American, I can say we were taught Russia was enemy. What a bunch of BS that is. I don't care much for social media, but I am thankful. For without it I would have never known how beautiful the Russian people are. Social media has helped educate a lot of old-timers like myself. Brothers and sisters separated by politics.
russia is definitely the enemy
That girl in the beginning is a robot. I am convinced she is a Russian Robot.
+77Tadams Why be so mean, just because she's Russian is no excuse... Russians are not the enemy, the principalities of evil are, and that is to be found in every country!
Oh please. It was a joke! I think you are so afraid of jokes that you need to pull the stick out. Get real! I think Russians are beautiful people. The girl talking was rather critical of anyone but a Russian like herself. She speaks quite a few languages but said she wouldn't get close to one that was not Russian! I think she is rather rigid like a robot! I doubt if all Russians feel the same as she does and I doubt all Russians are religious!
I am convinced YOU ARE is an american Robot
77Tadams perhaps but she’s a pretty one.
she can be my sex ROBOT
it's all what you say princess
Lame video. Rename to "What one uninteresting Russian woman thinks about everything." And might as well name her, since she's the only one whose opinion we hear.
I guess tons of people didn't watch this video till the very end, judging by all the dislikes !
That feeling when you find out about your "famous" journalist from the western media
Speaking of propaganda, this video is it!
I hope that Russian and the US can be best friends.
yeah? explain? she's interviewing real people. This isn't propaganda, but it does disagree with the bogus propaganda Putin feeds you.
Yes of course. She's interviewing real people. Real propaganda is not a lie, propaganda is a manipulation of the facts as it is profitable. The opinions of two people are presented ... out of 150 million. There is not enough sampling. So you can turn any facts into an any propaganda. Take a couple of real people with the right opinion, a couple of frames, dark music and ... a propaganda film is ready :). Come back to USSR :)
This is documenting a few well-informed individuals, A documentary doesn't need to interview all of its citizens to have truth and validity, you're ridiculous.
Rendroc Propaganda can have truth and validity.
The question is whether or not this video presents a opinion it can't hold like.
"Why is Russia going back to the sovjet union trip"
This is propaganda and it's a shame how many people fail to realize what is propaganda.
I'm an American, and a Texan. I was born in 87 (29), and I remember when Russia was very different. My parents helped me understand how important history is, and I became infatuated with WW2 and the history of the countries involved. The more I studied in particular about the USSR(Russia) the more I saw the people as being *exactly* like me. Not just me the American, but me the *Texan.* I didn't see the people as evil, or terrible or whatever, even if I didn't agree with their government and what it was doing. To me they were just ordinary people, wanting a simple life, to be left alone, and we're able to look after themselves and didn't really want government controlling every single part of their lives, just like my fellow Texans. And another thing also stuck out to me, *you didn't fuck with them*. They were a force to be dealt with, and not to be underestimated. I respect the hell out of that. I tend to respect whatever country that mine has ever fought, regardless of what the outcome was. I don't want my country to be at odds with Russia, in fact I think it is imperative they work together in a completely *non globalist* sort of way. I think together our countries could accomplish great things. Hell *we already have*. If we have to fight, or course I think we would win, just as they think they would. But I think one thing both of us know, is that it would kill *alot* of both of us. I don't want that. I'm not some anti-war tree hugger hippie, I've served my time. I'm Republican, I happily voted Trump. I think we can still get along and well. Things didn't immediately change like some people thought they would. I don't get the Russian-Syrian connection. Maybe Syria is their Israel, and I can get that. I don't want to deal with Syria, I don't care. If Russia wants to take care of it, I am *fine* with that. If we can work together to end it faster, I am *fine* with that too. But I'd rather let them. The last thing I want is Syria of all fucking countries causing us to fight each other. For fuck's sake, it's just Syria. I was just old enough to be aware of things when the USSR collapsed. I still remember how it felt to *know* your parents and other *adults* were terrified. If anything was going to happen, this was when it would. I don't want that shit happening again.
In a completely different direction I 100% agree
She, of course, speaks English...while being voiced by a translator...😕
Master Meep that's hilarious
lol I was like let's hear it woman.
She was probably being interviewed in Russian. If someone asked you a question in English, would you give and answer in French?
Master Meep She was kind of a nationalist asshole and she was going into foreign affairs lol.
SuperStrong Oui beaucoup
@1:13 if she can speak English why the need for the translator?
Nick Owen her native tongue bro..
you are slow
methinks you might be the slow juan
learn a new language and find out why. you think in the same way as you speak. imagine thinking in Spanish "hola como esta" your tone changes to something similar to how you talk to kids. English can make some one sound like a jack ass. read my comment in a happy tone and a angry tone and see why that is.
sounds like the old soviet union with new actors
Tim Fremstad yep the Russians don't trust other countries because of last time when Russia sided with Germany's and got a shellacking
Ho yea....the forgotten duplicitous Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact...probably why the "great patriotic war" started in 1941 rather than 1939 like everybody else!!! The Russian "media war " has the truth for victim! Trump...and million Russian trolls just loves the idea ...
what you know about the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
I would draw attention to the fact that the USSR is the last country to conclude a pact with Germany. The exact same pact was concluded between Stalin and Churchill.
England, France, Poland - all these countries had an agreement with Germany.
Not even remotely.
sounds like cowboys still spitting on the floor and hold feet on the table
Russia doesn't need to covet her neighbors property, like Crimea
2:48 I like to eat as well...
Russia doesn't have to embrace west, but they have to accept the fact that homosexuality is natural, and a part of their own society. They will continue to exist, no matter how hard they try to oppress them
you should be telling that to muslims, not russians
Russia knows homosexuals will always exist. They just don't want 7 year old kids being told the homosexual lifestyle is equal to the heterosexual lifestyle and that everyone is equal when statistically that is not the case.
It's amazing how capitalism is embraced even by Russia when it benefits them. And now in America (by certain generations) the same way...but yet there is a push here for socialism.
Wow! how sad!
I believe they restructured in the 90's. That's not yesterday. Americans won't truly understand loss of freedom until they have Socialism or Communism. Watch out for the NWO.
Ftrump, fputin, love Russian people!
Western media talking about Russia. Did you expect theyd say anything goood?
3:56 Wow. I always wonder to what extent we act like how we portray Russia to act. We do the same things, yet the CIA ain't gonna let that get through to any media outlets in america
Your video title is mislabeled and misleading. You interview one lady who is on the track to being a gov employee and mainly follow a book writer with a fan base. You should have more interviews from lots of people. This is more of an anti-Rus video and less about how the general Rus people think of the US.
Russia is a tough country. It's had more than it's fair share of hard times. IV never been but I'd love to visit. I bet it's a beautiful country.
in terms of limiting freedom, i think there is a very large difference between usa and russia.
russia limits the freedoms of minorities, primarily dissidents, gays, certain hostile to putin foreigners among maybe a few others. while the personal liberties of the majority of normal russians are left alone if not expanded. (except maybe in couple corrupt backwards siberian towns)
in america, the liberties and privileges of minorities are actually exalted. while the personal liberties of the majority of americans are being pushed back against. in america there is a large movement and culture to police what the majority think and say about the minorities, and to limit freedoms held by the majority of people such as gun ownership.
the big similarity between russia and usa is the use of media for propaganda. in russia the media rarely ever says anything bad about the ruling party, and always pushes the ruling parties perspective. in america the media never says anything bad about the democrats and always pushes the democratic parties perspective.
russia and america are not so different in government style.
putin has fake ballots cast, america has millions of illegal voters. both russian and american media go after people who are not friendly to the ruling party. both russia and america go after specific populations in their nations in my view in the goal of altering the demographics to produce better stability for the ruling party.
"while the personal liberties of the majority of *normal* russians..."
How many redpills have you swallowed dude? Kudos for adding in the "millions of illegals" after admitting Putin casts fake ballots. Russia is an unequal dictatorship and you don't have a problem with it-- this itself is a problem.
>america has millions of illegal voters
파울: Dictature? Ils disent qu’ils sont une république et ils ont des élections
That girl is one powerful girl in a top political school. She is not Russia
당신은 러시아가 어떤 나라가 되기를 완합니까? 당신이 중 분히
노력한다면 항상 당신에게 동의하는 사람들을 찾을 수 있을 것입니다.
Shit I didn't know that writer was that young.
I was thinking the same thing. Like, I really like Metro 2033 and 2034 novels, but I didn't even know how Glukhovsky looks like.
Putin Utubes on New World Order are absolutely insightful and accurate! I am American expat living in Russia for 6 years and listen to all sides. Putin is the greatest stratgeist and peacemaker of the world; as the American/GB/Israel truimvarate empire implodes. These are very dangerous times as the $USD crashes.
론볼: Proche, mais pas exactement. De ses pros, il est très intelligent et adaptable aux dangers. À cause de la peur, il s’est converti en maître de construire des coalitions. Mais telle critique ignore la complexité de caractère de Monsieur P. C’est difficile d’évaluer un homme par seulement louanges. Mais il s’oriente des détails, un peu sec, décisif et patriotique. Bon ou non je ne sais pas. L’histoire confirmerait sa réputation, s’il est le monstre, l’Hitler, que quelques personnes disent ou si il est le champion, l’héros que des autres disent. Je suppose que la vérité s’accouche entre ces deux extrêmes.
So, if I may make an observation, as an older American. You say this is Russian millennials you are interviewing, but actually there's just a couple of interviews, and lots of shots of young gamers gathering to buy the latest addition. I would have liked to have seen interviews with millennials from many areas, not just Moscow. The young people that grew up and live in the Washington DC area certainly do not represent American millennials--we have nothing in common with them. Here in the "heartland" of America, many views are much more conservative, with a bit more common sense. That is the Russia I am interested in hearing from. Most of us want better relations with our brothers and sisters across the pond, and don't want conflict that will benefit only rich elite people. Anyway, please, by all means, interview people that are NOT gamers, people who actually have to work hard and produce. Your editorial skills as a filmmaker are pretty good, I personally would work on interviewing a wider range of young people from across the spectrum. Thank you!
Your question is logical and there's a good reason for it: this video is propaganda and represents less than 1% of Russians and Russia. That less than 1% figure is literally a fact. This video is the actual propaganda, not the other way around. I've lived here for 5 years and moved from Chicago. Trust me. This video is full of it. It's this Natasha person trying to justify herself and a bunch of lies. As a fellow conservative I can tell you that Russia is a dream come true for folks like us. You should visit. I did and I stayed. The decades of western MSM propaganda had me fooled too. It is literally NOTHING like what you might think. It's awesome here. Avoid falling into the trap of Russian liberals like the one who runs this channel. It's complete nonsense. Everything she said, flip it right side-up and there's the real Russia. And yes, hopefully Trump makes good on his rhetoric and we can finally bring about a golden age between the world's two major superpowers and enter an age of a hundred years of peace and prosperity - hopefully even longer! Channels like this are designed to push people apart, not bring them together. These marginal, fringe liberals in Russia are even worse than the ones in the states. They are full of hate and funded by those in the US and Europe who hope that the lies and propaganda keep Russia looking like the enemy that it isn't and thus give American government contractors and elites the opportunity to get wealthier on the blood of innocent Russians and Americans alike.
Title says "RUSSIAN MILLENNIALS" I think ehh why not be interesting to see their take on things. Watch the video and see only one girl they interview... brilliant clickbait. I disliked because for it to be "Millennials" and not "Millennial" is to interview more than just one person, hell just 5-6 and it wouldn't have been so bad.
"Russian millennials speak openly"
>Girl explains that she will suppress her own opinions out of fear.
Brilliant. This video is full of credibility and authentic opinions! Especially when the only person to give an opinion is a girl going into foreign affairs. 🙄
I have never feared to be different. I appreciate people that are different. I learned much of this when I was married to a military man and was sent overseas and watched the military men I met had the same tender heart as my husband. They saw it as a move for God to love and not make judgments. They made me believe in love conquering misinformation or fear. Today, I have family married to Russians and love them and appreciate some of their stories. Leave politics and religion out of it and just get very basic humanity. Treat people the way you want to be treated. PERIOD!