For anyone curious, I asked Leslie about why she removed the final line. It doesn't sound like her intention was to "de-Christianize" the song: "Sure! Up until that last line, the poem is just generally Christian, but the particular phrasing ("Iron out of Calvary", commonly used in a lot of contemporary prayers) of that last line makes it specifically Church of England. I decided to keep it more general, therefore more widely applicable."
cringe she removed the last line, but based for the intention of making it not church of england (protestants Serve Satan, Catholicism will prevail (Orthodox are cool, except Serbs)).
It's interesting how the cannoneer's punishment is what brings him to humiliation and then to the opportunity for repentance and redemption. God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful
@@em9361 That’s exactly how it works. God lets you think you’re all that, then shows you the erroneousness of such belief to engender humility in the soul.
Love from Vietnamese Orthodox,may we soon unite to fight Satan and meet in His Kingdom ☦️ Praise the One and Only Lord Jesus Christ to everlasting! Vinh Quang Cho Đấng chỉ có một và duy nhất Christ đời đời!
@@Searchinginhistorysince you are Orthodox, could I ask you that where do you attend Divine Liturgy in Vietnam? And how many Vietnamese Orthodox are there? (I'm Vietnamese)
Using Constantine for this is ingenious as he’s perfect to represent the message of this song. Hellenic (Greco-Roman) morality was based purely on might makes right, there was no redemption or forgiveness. Constantine in this case is the cannoneer bringing the Baron (the Roman people and elite) before Christ who has conquered them through him but instead of offering death, as they had offered his followers, he offers forgiveness and redemption.
This song reminds me of myself before I returned to Catholicism. I was the Baron. I believed wholeheartedly that the only thing that is the master of all mankind is force of arms. Those who don’t fight are subject to those who do and those who fail perish in their weakness. Now I know that there is one whose power is above all things and to him is all victory. To his faithful followers who willingly walked to death for his namesake, he gifted the greatest worldly empire to ever exist and its borders became the foundation of the greatest civilization in human history. Ave Christus Rex ✝️🇻🇦
@@Kitiwake the Free Masons are literally just an "good old boys" club. It's for social networking between high society christian men. The symbology and handshake stuff is just hold overs from the time it was founded, when such things was just what was popular to have in any social club.
@@stantrien8106 You're not wrong in that Free Masonry has devolved into what is essentially a boy's club for old men who want to get away from their nagging wives. This might be the case with certain masonic centres or just with the first levels/degrees of Masonry. However this is a cover image that the higher elements of Free Masonry want to maintain, the 30th to the 32nd degrees are all false degrees simply meant to keep the covers of normalcy that the group wants to maintain in order to keep their operations in goal Freemasonry as a whole is deeply rooted in the occult and this can be seen from their teachings of their doctrines that involve a belief in "The Grand Architect of the Universe" that anyone of any religious background rather they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any pagan religion or philosophy system must swear by, 33rd degree freemasons (master masons) have written in letters that this "Grand Architect" is a meaning for Lucifer (Satan) From here the ritualistic tendencies and aspects of Freemasonry is made apparent, these master masons partake in sinister and satanic rituals that involve boybrides and other things which are too shameful to mention here (lest little hat tube censors my comment) Regardless of rather or not you believe me or think what I say is some wacko conspiracy theory stuff. These things still occur and high degree masonic centres still operate in secret with very influential members that fund and take part in said masonic rituals, like that funny guy who had the funny plane and island who definitely didn't game end himself in a cell all by himself
A great song. I love that you're using an English song, something I can listen to and understand without staring at the lyrics. God be with you, Ex Cathedra! (FBIV, Vrody Jerome)
This is one of my favorite poems. Cold Iron, the Roman Centurion's Song and another one I can't mention here (someone's burden) are my favorite poems overall, and all from Kipling. If you have a telegram account, I have a channel where I post some excerpts from my favorite books, works and quotes.
Some good catholic songs that i sugesst that you guys should translated are Xicochi Conetzintle a song from New Spain and Hanacpachap Cussicuinin a song from the Viceroyalty of New Spain.
Ups the second song is from the Viceroyalty of Peru not from New Spain. For the record, the reason i didn't edited my comment for a third time is because i don't want to lose the heart tag.
Here is third one "a este edificio celebre" a song made by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. It was made for the consagration of the Convent of San Bernardo of Mexico. It's a carol.
I am sad that the last line was isn’t included but I feel the cover is still amazing and at a minimum still hints at the king’s identity and the baron’s eventual conclusion. Loved the image of Constantine too, well done!
@@theroundtable6371 I’ve learned as such, a fair point. My reaction was out of the video’s poster’s message at first. I’d also like to say I find it funny that your user is the name of a local church I used to attend, thank you for the unintentional nostalgia.
@@theroundtable6371 I'm still not entirely clear on what specifically Calvary has to do with the Church of England. I'm not Anglican, so if there's some specific point in the theology I'm missing I'd love to hear it. The concept of Calvary and salvation through the sacrifice on the cross is pretty universal, so how is relating that to the symbolism of the nails exclusionary to other denominations?
Shame Fish is a pagan/wiccan/whatever she claims to be. Easily the best rendition when it comes to the instrumental work and feel of the song, yet as you say, it's incomplete without the last line, which is the entire point of the moral of the poem.
@@dabtican4953 Never forget the 15 Gorillion Inquisicaust! Charlemagne was literally H*tIer kiIIing innocent pagans (ignore that pagans left some of their chiIdren to die of exposure in the forest and that they attacked Catholics first)
This sounds like the version from the CD, which was remastered from the original tape. The original tape is muddy beyond belief, that Gerry cleaned it up this much without access to the individual tracks/stems is a minor miracle.
This song is sung by Leslie Fish, an excellent song writer and singer. She's most known for her filk music stuff, such as Carmen Miranda's Ghost which is soooooooo gooood.
@@Jon-dh3ki He certainly wasn't a Christian (to his own admission) and he also greatly admired, idealized, and sought to heighten the importance of the Military. He saw it as a sign of a nation, an integral part of culture. His poetry is often incredibly Christian but his philosophy focuses more on the ideal of the military.
I’m a new listener to Leslie and this genre of music in general how do I find more of this kind of music and get into the community around it, I’ve been all over UA-cam for the past week looking for this kind of music and it’s history but it’s so hard to find anything.
Considering that we have been positively approached by Mrs Fish's team and they were very happy with the results of this song, I consider it to be beneficial. Regardless of her opinions or beliefs, this is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. I am personally a fan of her music, and of his poetry.
@@Wolffur "he's just like us lowly peasants guys" It's just a tool to legitimise rule, a king uses religion to legitimise his brutality, a warlord relies solely on brutality.
@@mojowwwav4357 Apparently you've missed the point of my comment. Are warlords loved or praised by the populace? No. Do warlords create just laws? No. Do warlords help build civilization? No. They tear it down.
@@Wolffur And you are missing my point, kings use religion as a tool to legitimise themselves and their crimes, justice can be attributed to the loosening of kings authority and power, separation of powers etc. from Magna Carta onwards to modern constitutional monarchy, all can be attributed to kings having the authoritative and once handy excuse of divine right of kings slowly weakened. And how else could I have taken your comment? You essentially said that true kings were as equal under god as their lessers when history tells us the opposite, especially in regards to divine right of kings.
@@mojowwwav4357 Now tell me, do you feel represented at all, do you feel in charge of your nation, let alone have a say in it's functions or a thought, to say nothing of words, about geopolitics and the nation you live in?
Polskie Tłumaczenie: Złoto jest dla pani domu, srebro dla służącej, miedź dla rzemieślnika, sprytnego w swym zawodzie. ,,Dobrze!'' Zawołał Baron, stojąc dumnie na swym dworze, ,,Lecz stal - zimna stal (oręża) - jest panem wszystkich ludzi. Tak więc wzniecił rebelię, przeciwko jego królowi, jego panowi, zebrał armię przed Jego zamkiem i zaczął oblężenie. ,,Nie wygracie!'' zawołali kanonierzy, stojący na murze zamku. ,,Ale sprawimy, że stal - zimna stal - bedzie waszym panem na całe wieki!'' Biada Baronowi i jego silnym rycerzom - okrutne kule armatnie umilczały ich czwórkami. On sam stał się więźniem, został wrzucony do lochu, I stal - zimna stal (kajdan) - stała się jego panem na całe wieki. Jednak jego król przemówił do niego łagodnie - ,,Oh, ukochany Baronie! A co, jeśli ciebie teraz uwolnię i oddam ci twój miecz?'' ,,Nie!'' odrzekł Baron ,,Nie poniżaj bardziej mojego upadku, Gdyż stal - zimna stal - jest panem wszystkich ludzi. Łzy są dla tchórzów, modlitwy dla błaznów, Zasady dla ludzi bez kręgosłupa, którzy nie potrafią wziąć, co ich. Małą mam nadzieję na przebaczenie, gdyż moja wina jest wielka, a stal - zimna stal - jest panem wszystkich ludzi. Jednak jego król odpowiedział - czy ktoś znajdzie drugiego takiego władcę? - ,,Oto chleb, oto wino, usiądź i najedz się do pełna. Jedz i pij w imię Maryi, podczas gdy Ja sie zastanowię, Jaką, stal - zimna stal - może mieć władzę nad wszystkimi ludźmi. Wziął wino i je pobłogosławił, pobłogosławił i złamał chleb, Własnymi rękami go obdarował i prezentując je powiedział: Czy widzisz? Moje ręce zostały przebite poza murami Mojego miasta. Tak stal - zimna stal - pokazała kto jest Panem wszystkich ludzi. Rany są dla zdesperowanych, cierpienie dla silnych, Balsam i olejek dla zmęczonych serc, całe w ranach przez krzywdy bliźnich. Wybaczam ci twoją zdradę, Odpuszczam ci twój upadek. Teraz stal - zimna stal - niech ci przypomina, kto jest Panem wszystkich ludzi. (Baron nadal słyszał szepty:) Korony są dla mężnych, berła dla śmiałych, trony i władza dla silnych ludzi, którzą odważą się wziąć co ich. ,,Nie!'' odpowiedział Baron, klęczac na swym dworze, ,,Lecz stal - zimna stal - pokazuje kto jest Panem wszystkich ludzi!''
Prayer to St Joseph Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls - Pray for me. This prayer was found in the fifteenth year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer or hear it or keep it about themselves, shall never die a sudden death, or be drowned, not shall poison take effect of them; neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy; or shall be burned in any fire, or shall be overpowered in battle. Say for nine mornings for anything you may desire. It has never been known to fail, so be sure you really want what you ask.
Beware of superstition. Prayer is a process and a tool to present ourselves and our needs before God, but nothing is guaranteed. God knows best always. God bless you
@@ExCathedraFBIV Sure, you are right. We pray "Fiat voluntas Tua", "Thy will be done", not mine. Prayer without humility and this "Fiat" may become a superstition and kind of antichristian magic.
@@extraaccount2552 The Iron Front were socialists, not communist. There are plenty of socialist Christians. Besides, you don't have to be a Christian to appreciate a christian text.
No shit, is Leslie Fish! I knew the voice and style immediately as soon as I heard the first lines. She is a unique and impressive musician and singer, with a very strong and distinctive voice, and she does a number of very powerful and stirring songs that you won't forget. This is one of them. I discovered her through her version of "Jefferson and Liberty", which has a much darker and libertarian slant, "Black Powder and Alcohol", a prepper anthem, "Avalon is Fallen", which is a remake of an old shape note hymn, which itself is apparently a setting of an old marching tune going back to the English Civil War. She started out making"filk music" back in the 70s, which is kind of interesting, but not my thing, a blend of folk and sci-fi themes, but she became a pretty extreme libertarian/anarchist something later in life and that's what her best music is themed on. And apparently she is quite active on Quora, I came across the name and said "hey, you have the same name as musician I heard on UA-cam". Because it was the same person, it turned out.
Hello! I remember back in the FBIV days you said in the description of "Allarmi siam fascisti" that you were looking for a version that said "Terror of the Communists" in the chorus. I may have found something like that if you're still interested. If so, where can I contact you since youtube deletes links?
As a Catholic, I can't see a reason why "Iron out of Calvary" should be left out... unless someone wanted to obscure the Christian message of the poem as its a single thing that allows you to make sense of it. Otherwise, the rest of the words would be too generic to know for certain that the King is Christ. Apart from this, it's a stunning poem turned into a song, so many thanks for sharing. May we all remember that cold iron should be used only in defense of God, honour and country.
It is the exact reason. This version is Fishes version and she specifically said she left it out to distance it from the church so it's more accessible. Unfortunate truly. God bless 🙌
@@VanWinkle-z2s She said it's to make it less anglican, specifically. I think the lines about nails, blessed bread and wine, and Mary still mak ethe messag epretty damn clear.
Ex Cathedra,I dont know, if it be up to your taste but for the playlist of songs you have put it has maybe ( for a desire for a crusade to get the gist of it ). I like what you have put, it should be a good thing to add. A song from Isihiq "Tzarq Frujin". It is a modern retelling ( with etho style of an old folk song ). It is from the Balkans.
Is there a better recording of this version/Leslie's take? That low buzzing/humming sound is driving me nuts in something i REALLY want to pump the volume on. I am villing to buy vinnyl etc etc
Alas, these poor souls need our prayers too; we are all sinners, and we must not become prideful. The Lord alone can rescue us, and can rescue them too.
@@Usurper. Iron out of calvary means nail that were used during Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's crucifixion. You are non christian and of all historical figures you have chosen Admiral Kolchak? indeed Lord works in mysterious ways.
Ex Cathedra, depois de ter colocado aquele modão de viola no canal tu podia traduzir pros gringos mais algumas, tem a Milagre do Ladrão do Zilo e Zalo, muito boa. Rastros na Areia é extremamente linda também, tem muita musica brasileira raiz boa.
Maybe im exaggerating but i see a perversion of Thomas Aquinas' 'Pange Lingua' Here. The song says 'with his own hands he served them' whereas in the Pange Lingua the words are 'se dat suis manibus' or 'he served himself with his own hands' which mentions the true presence. Again, maybe i'm seeing things where they are not meant to be
For anyone curious, I asked Leslie about why she removed the final line. It doesn't sound like her intention was to "de-Christianize" the song:
"Sure! Up until that last line, the poem is just generally Christian, but the particular phrasing ("Iron out of Calvary", commonly used in a lot of contemporary prayers) of that last line makes it specifically Church of England. I decided to keep it more general, therefore more widely applicable."
How cringe of her.
cringe she removed the last line, but based for the intention of making it not church of england (protestants Serve Satan, Catholicism will prevail (Orthodox are cool, except Serbs)).
I don’t see how that makes it CofE tbh
@@haroldgōdwinessunu the church of england is heretic
@@jebbush2527 I don't either but knowing the poet it wouldn't surprise me.
Emperor Constantine goes hard af in that statue
Saint Constantine the Great, pray for us
Constantine has those "literally me" vibes in his pose
Germanic barbarians destroyed his statue in Rome
@@goyimkiller69 meanwhile the one in Constantinople was destroyed by the Venetians 😭
@@zippyparakeet1074 nahh it was venetian jews that destroyed Constantines statues
I’m an American Southern Catholic and I can’t explain to you how much this slaps. I could play my Banjo to this.
I too play the banjo and I would absolutely love to learn this song
I thought that maryland wasn't in the south?
@@2005zxcvvnm confederate here, its a kinda maybe thing he specifically counts as southern
@@2005zxcvvnm Maryland was split
shoutout to the cannoneer for singlehandedly defending the kingdom of christ against the lord and his invasion
It's interesting how the cannoneer's punishment is what brings him to humiliation and then to the opportunity for repentance and redemption. God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful
@@em9361 *barons, not cannoneers, cannoneer is the guy who humiliated and captured the baron for God in the first place
@@vseslavkazakov356 Yes, I agree with you. I should have written, "the punishment from the cannoneer."
St. Michael the Archangel is a mighty warrior indeed!
That’s exactly how it works. God lets you think you’re all that, then shows you the erroneousness of such belief to engender humility in the soul.
Đức Vua Kitô muôn năm!
- Long live Christ the King!
Best regards from Vietnamese Catholic. ✝️🇻🇳
Love from Vietnamese Orthodox,may we soon unite to fight Satan and meet in His Kingdom ☦️
Praise the One and Only Lord Jesus Christ to everlasting!
Vinh Quang Cho Đấng chỉ có một và duy nhất Christ đời đời!
sorry my government did bad stuff to yall
@@Searchinginhistorysince you are Orthodox, could I ask you that where do you attend Divine Liturgy in Vietnam? And how many Vietnamese Orthodox are there? (I'm Vietnamese)
@@Nataliagonzalezhuelva are you an Orthodox? Or Catholic?
Cheers to you, and prayers. Christ is King! God bless.
Using Constantine for this is ingenious as he’s perfect to represent the message of this song. Hellenic (Greco-Roman) morality was based purely on might makes right, there was no redemption or forgiveness. Constantine in this case is the cannoneer bringing the Baron (the Roman people and elite) before Christ who has conquered them through him but instead of offering death, as they had offered his followers, he offers forgiveness and redemption.
This song reminds me of myself before I returned to Catholicism. I was the Baron. I believed wholeheartedly that the only thing that is the master of all mankind is force of arms. Those who don’t fight are subject to those who do and those who fail perish in their weakness. Now I know that there is one whose power is above all things and to him is all victory. To his faithful followers who willingly walked to death for his namesake, he gifted the greatest worldly empire to ever exist and its borders became the foundation of the greatest civilization in human history.
Ave Christus Rex ✝️🇻🇦
Christ is King
Dia duit
Christ is Jew
In Hoc Signo Vinces!
Baldur's Brood doesn't deserve to be robbed.
Every knee shall bow.
Christ is King
Perfect message, perfect song. Christ, our King, is master over all. Serve as he served!
"But iron, cold iron, shall be masters of you all" 🗣🗣🔥🔥
Glory to God, glory to his Church, and bless you all and your families
Beautiful English verses
What is the original language
@@jojo96star39 English..?
@@jojo96star39 it's by Kipling.
This is one if the best songs Ive ever heard, I've listened to it 4 times in a row already, great work as usual.
You Should check Leslie Fish Cold iron Album if you liked that one!
we makin it out of our Lord's fief with this one
I have become immediately addicted to this tune and message
Constantine is so cold 🥶 in that statue
Kipling is by far my favourite poet/songwriter, nice to something of his here.
Kipling was a mason.
Wanna rethink?
@@KitiwakeNo, because thats fucking dumb lol
@@Kitiwake H.P. Lovecraft was a Racist, and Yet he Made Good Books and a Whole Genre of Writing, People =/= Their Work.
@@Kitiwake the Free Masons are literally just an "good old boys" club. It's for social networking between high society christian men. The symbology and handshake stuff is just hold overs from the time it was founded, when such things was just what was popular to have in any social club.
@@stantrien8106 You're not wrong in that Free Masonry has devolved into what is essentially a boy's club for old men who want to get away from their nagging wives. This might be the case with certain masonic centres or just with the first levels/degrees of Masonry. However this is a cover image that the higher elements of Free Masonry want to maintain, the 30th to the 32nd degrees are all false degrees simply meant to keep the covers of normalcy that the group wants to maintain in order to keep their operations in goal
Freemasonry as a whole is deeply rooted in the occult and this can be seen from their teachings of their doctrines that involve a belief in "The Grand Architect of the Universe" that anyone of any religious background rather they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any pagan religion or philosophy system must swear by, 33rd degree freemasons (master masons) have written in letters that this "Grand Architect" is a meaning for Lucifer (Satan)
From here the ritualistic tendencies and aspects of Freemasonry is made apparent, these master masons partake in sinister and satanic rituals that involve boybrides and other things which are too shameful to mention here (lest little hat tube censors my comment)
Regardless of rather or not you believe me or think what I say is some wacko conspiracy theory stuff. These things still occur and high degree masonic centres still operate in secret with very influential members that fund and take part in said masonic rituals, like that funny guy who had the funny plane and island who definitely didn't game end himself in a cell all by himself
Praise the LORD JESUS. ALLELUIA. Power of Christians according to the praise of the world.
They called me Constantine ❤
Constantine after single handedly saving the empire: "meh, too easy"
I live near this statue. Thankyou for using this image
A great song. I love that you're using an English song, something I can listen to and understand without staring at the lyrics. God be with you, Ex Cathedra! (FBIV, Vrody Jerome)
Incredible poem and rendition, thank you for introducing me to it
A song in English? Interesting upload.
This is one of my favorite poems.
Cold Iron, the Roman Centurion's Song and another one I can't mention here (someone's burden) are my favorite poems overall, and all from Kipling.
If you have a telegram account, I have a channel where I post some excerpts from my favorite books, works and quotes.
@@ExCathedraFBIV I've also noticed this might be your first upload with singing in English.
The Jacobite songs were in Scots, which is seperate.
@@ExCathedraFBIV Isn't the burden one a book, not a poem? Or am I think of the wrong persons burden?
"What Child is This" was my first one in English, I think
@@ExCathedraFBIV Oh.
Some good catholic songs that i sugesst that you guys should translated are Xicochi Conetzintle a song from New Spain and Hanacpachap Cussicuinin a song from the Viceroyalty of New Spain.
Ups the second song is from the Viceroyalty of Peru not from New Spain. For the record, the reason i didn't edited my comment for a third time is because i don't want to lose the heart tag.
Here is third one "a este edificio celebre" a song made by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. It was made for the consagration of the Convent of San Bernardo of Mexico. It's a carol.
@@lucario2188 I was going to mention that looked Quechua and not like Mayan/Nahuatl haha
I only heard the first one you quoted before but I strongly recommend all of it
Did not see that coming. Amazing poem.
The Old Glory Club sent me.
I am a recently baptized Orthodox Christian.
I am sad that the last line was isn’t included but I feel the cover is still amazing and at a minimum still hints at the king’s identity and the baron’s eventual conclusion. Loved the image of Constantine too, well done!
I think the last line is merely stating the obvious. The message of the song is still complete.
The last part was specifically relating to the English church, so it was dropped to include other churches
@@theroundtable6371 I’ve learned as such, a fair point. My reaction was out of the video’s poster’s message at first. I’d also like to say I find it funny that your user is the name of a local church I used to attend, thank you for the unintentional nostalgia.
@@theroundtable6371 I'm still not entirely clear on what specifically Calvary has to do with the Church of England. I'm not Anglican, so if there's some specific point in the theology I'm missing I'd love to hear it. The concept of Calvary and salvation through the sacrifice on the cross is pretty universal, so how is relating that to the symbolism of the nails exclusionary to other denominations?
@@leftwardglobe1643 Iron Cavalry is specifically English
Shame Fish is a pagan/wiccan/whatever she claims to be. Easily the best rendition when it comes to the instrumental work and feel of the song, yet as you say, it's incomplete without the last line, which is the entire point of the moral of the poem.
@Aquilaris Embrace your ancestors. Convert and follow Christ.
@@dabtican4953 Its their own fault
@@dabtican4953 Never forget the 15 Gorillion Inquisicaust! Charlemagne was literally H*tIer kiIIing innocent pagans (ignore that pagans left some of their chiIdren to die of exposure in the forest and that they attacked Catholics first)
@@dabtican4953 They did not follow the true faith man
@@saxtonhalegaming Cringe
Great as always. AMDG
What a great song, this goes so hard! And of course, you just dropped one of the best wallpapers I've seen in my life.
Another great upload! Bless you!
As an Illyrian and orthodox I approve
God bless you illyrian Christians
You are not illyrian
Orthodox is cringe.
you are Turk lol
Absolutely love cold iron. Somewhat surprised to see it here... Though I do wish someone would remaster it.
Someone else in the comments reccomended Daniel Kelly's cover. It's amazing, and includes the important last line
This sounds like the version from the CD, which was remastered from the original tape. The original tape is muddy beyond belief, that Gerry cleaned it up this much without access to the individual tracks/stems is a minor miracle.
Welcome back, Ex Cathedra!
Irish American?
This is one of my favorite catholic poems now
You just can't upload something that doesn't become my instant favorite
Listening to this song for the first time is truly a moment in life
I first heard it last weekend, and have listened to it several times a day since then. I just can't stop.
I have this exact tatoo of the chi Rho with the alpha and omega signs on my shoulder
Great song! More like this please.
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ!
Thank you very much Ex Cathedra. I never needed this song as much as now.
This song is sung by Leslie Fish, an excellent song writer and singer. She's most known for her filk music stuff, such as Carmen Miranda's Ghost which is soooooooo gooood.
Oh I love that album.
Shame she’s a pagan and an anarchist
This is sung by a woman? Not that there is anything wrong with that, but it does not sound like a woman at all. Hard for me to believe
@@braydenalbright5470 My thoughts exactly! This singer is very talented
@@Imperator452its probably code for a dude who wears dresses
So good.
Greetings from Brazil.
Merci à vous Au Constantin Le Grand 🙏🏻💒🫶🏻💒🙏🏻
Guess whats going to my list of workout tunes? This song.
Leslie Fish Kipling's Cold iron. Damn good.
I coud recognized Leslie Fish anywhere, but i never expected to see them here
Man of the Hour.
only 300's kids will remember
This song reminds me of Thirty years war and English civil wars.
This is the best song ever
one of, you havent heard the other Pieces by Mrs Fish Yet :]
Great Channel !!! 🔥
I totally agree 💯❤️
Tad surprised to hear this version on this channel actually. Still love it.
Ironic that such a man as Kipling, a man who certainly worshiped militarism higher than God, should write such a poem, but wow is it beautiful.
Why do you think that he worshipped militarism over God?
@@Jon-dh3ki He certainly wasn't a Christian (to his own admission) and he also greatly admired, idealized, and sought to heighten the importance of the Military. He saw it as a sign of a nation, an integral part of culture. His poetry is often incredibly Christian but his philosophy focuses more on the ideal of the military.
I’m a new listener to Leslie and this genre of music in general how do I find more of this kind of music and get into the community around it, I’ve been all over UA-cam for the past week looking for this kind of music and it’s history but it’s so hard to find anything.
Augustus and Constantine were the best out of all of the Roman Emperors.
☦☦LONG LIVE Constantine
Never thought I’d come across a Leslie Fish song on this channel. That is hilarious.
Considering that we have been positively approached by Mrs Fish's team and they were very happy with the results of this song, I consider it to be beneficial.
Regardless of her opinions or beliefs, this is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. I am personally a fan of her music, and of his poetry.
@@ExCathedraFBIV These niches are more connected than I thought. I wonder if there is more Filk you can make an edit of…
@@Marcus001 I have a musical setting for Kipling's Christmas in India, as well as The Four Angels.
Does anyone know what instrument is being Played here it sounds like a 12-string to me but I'm not sure
Essentially, religion is what separates a king from a warlord.
Actually, I've always had the same idea.
A true king is ruled as much as he rules.
@@Wolffur "he's just like us lowly peasants guys" It's just a tool to legitimise rule, a king uses religion to legitimise his brutality, a warlord relies solely on brutality.
@@mojowwwav4357 Apparently you've missed the point of my comment.
Are warlords loved or praised by the populace? No. Do warlords create just laws? No. Do warlords help build civilization? No. They tear it down.
@@Wolffur And you are missing my point, kings use religion as a tool to legitimise themselves and their crimes, justice can be attributed to the loosening of kings authority and power, separation of powers etc. from Magna Carta onwards to modern constitutional monarchy, all can be attributed to kings having the authoritative and once handy excuse of divine right of kings slowly weakened. And how else could I have taken your comment? You essentially said that true kings were as equal under god as their lessers when history tells us the opposite, especially in regards to divine right of kings.
@@mojowwwav4357 Now tell me, do you feel represented at all, do you feel in charge of your nation, let alone have a say in it's functions or a thought, to say nothing of words, about geopolitics and the nation you live in?
Who sang this song? Because it doesnt sound like Leslie. Atleast compared with the other songs ive heard from her
it is
Polskie Tłumaczenie:
Złoto jest dla pani domu, srebro dla służącej,
miedź dla rzemieślnika, sprytnego w swym zawodzie.
,,Dobrze!'' Zawołał Baron, stojąc dumnie na swym dworze,
,,Lecz stal - zimna stal (oręża) - jest panem wszystkich ludzi.
Tak więc wzniecił rebelię, przeciwko jego królowi, jego panowi,
zebrał armię przed Jego zamkiem i zaczął oblężenie.
,,Nie wygracie!'' zawołali kanonierzy, stojący na murze zamku.
,,Ale sprawimy, że stal - zimna stal - bedzie waszym panem na całe wieki!''
Biada Baronowi i jego silnym rycerzom -
okrutne kule armatnie umilczały ich czwórkami.
On sam stał się więźniem, został wrzucony do lochu,
I stal - zimna stal (kajdan) - stała się jego panem na całe wieki.
Jednak jego król przemówił do niego łagodnie -
,,Oh, ukochany Baronie!
A co, jeśli ciebie teraz uwolnię i oddam ci twój miecz?''
,,Nie!'' odrzekł Baron ,,Nie poniżaj bardziej mojego upadku,
Gdyż stal - zimna stal - jest panem wszystkich ludzi.
Łzy są dla tchórzów, modlitwy dla błaznów,
Zasady dla ludzi bez kręgosłupa, którzy nie potrafią wziąć, co ich.
Małą mam nadzieję na przebaczenie, gdyż moja wina jest wielka,
a stal - zimna stal - jest panem wszystkich ludzi.
Jednak jego król odpowiedział - czy ktoś znajdzie drugiego takiego władcę? -
,,Oto chleb, oto wino, usiądź i najedz się do pełna.
Jedz i pij w imię Maryi, podczas gdy Ja sie zastanowię,
Jaką, stal - zimna stal - może mieć władzę nad wszystkimi ludźmi.
Wziął wino i je pobłogosławił, pobłogosławił i złamał chleb,
Własnymi rękami go obdarował i prezentując je powiedział:
Czy widzisz? Moje ręce zostały przebite poza murami Mojego miasta.
Tak stal - zimna stal - pokazała kto jest Panem wszystkich ludzi.
Rany są dla zdesperowanych, cierpienie dla silnych,
Balsam i olejek dla zmęczonych serc, całe w ranach przez krzywdy bliźnich.
Wybaczam ci twoją zdradę, Odpuszczam ci twój upadek.
Teraz stal - zimna stal - niech ci przypomina, kto jest Panem wszystkich ludzi.
(Baron nadal słyszał szepty:) Korony są dla mężnych, berła dla śmiałych,
trony i władza dla silnych ludzi, którzą odważą się wziąć co ich.
,,Nie!'' odpowiedział Baron, klęczac na swym dworze,
,,Lecz stal - zimna stal - pokazuje kto jest Panem wszystkich ludzi!''
been a while since i last found a song 12 hours long
Prayer to St Joseph
Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.
Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls - Pray for me.
This prayer was found in the fifteenth year of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer or hear it or keep it about themselves, shall never die a sudden death, or be drowned, not shall poison take effect of them; neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy; or shall be burned in any fire, or shall be overpowered in battle.
Say for nine mornings for anything you may desire. It has never been known to fail, so be sure you really want what you ask.
Beware of superstition. Prayer is a process and a tool to present ourselves and our needs before God, but nothing is guaranteed. God knows best always. God bless you
@@ExCathedraFBIV Sure, you are right. We pray "Fiat voluntas Tua", "Thy will be done", not mine. Prayer without humility and this "Fiat" may become a superstition and kind of antichristian magic.
Found Leslie's work through filk music a while ago so I thought I recognized that voice.
it's a song about the Maximian's rebellion against Constantine.
Daniel Kelly has a good cover of this song, last line included.
A song in a language I can understand? What's the meaning of this!?
Where can we suggest songs?
Gave me chills.
What is a guy with your profile pic doing on a video like this?
@@extraaccount2552 I was about to say the same
Iron front pfp 😂
@@extraaccount2552 The Iron Front were socialists, not communist. There are plenty of socialist Christians. Besides, you don't have to be a Christian to appreciate a christian text.
No shit, is Leslie Fish! I knew the voice and style immediately as soon as I heard the first lines. She is a unique and impressive musician and singer, with a very strong and distinctive voice, and she does a number of very powerful and stirring songs that you won't forget. This is one of them. I discovered her through her version of "Jefferson and Liberty", which has a much darker and libertarian slant, "Black Powder and Alcohol", a prepper anthem, "Avalon is Fallen", which is a remake of an old shape note hymn, which itself is apparently a setting of an old marching tune going back to the English Civil War. She started out making"filk music" back in the 70s, which is kind of interesting, but not my thing, a blend of folk and sci-fi themes, but she became a pretty extreme libertarian/anarchist something later in life and that's what her best music is themed on.
And apparently she is quite active on Quora, I came across the name and said "hey, you have the same name as musician I heard on UA-cam". Because it was the same person, it turned out.
That statue is outside the york minster in my city
I wasn't expecting an English song
Hello! I remember back in the FBIV days you said in the description of "Allarmi siam fascisti" that you were looking for a version that said "Terror of the Communists" in the chorus. I may have found something like that if you're still interested. If so, where can I contact you since youtube deletes links?
This song literally describes relationship between God and humanity
Hi I love your music, do you have it also on Spotify?
✝️ ❤️❤️
@@Praxeological_Mastermind I understand capitalism🤝👍
Coinvolgente !
Jesus this goes so hard
Jesus, this goes so hard* ;)
atheists and pagans been real quiet since this dropped
I can't find la ballad jesus. Why you took it down ??
I think there was copyright issues
Copyright strike took it down
As a Catholic, I can't see a reason why "Iron out of Calvary" should be left out... unless someone wanted to obscure the Christian message of the poem as its a single thing that allows you to make sense of it. Otherwise, the rest of the words would be too generic to know for certain that the King is Christ. Apart from this, it's a stunning poem turned into a song, so many thanks for sharing. May we all remember that cold iron should be used only in defense of God, honour and country.
It is the exact reason. This version is Fishes version and she specifically said she left it out to distance it from the church so it's more accessible.
Unfortunate truly.
God bless 🙌
@@VanWinkle-z2s She said it's to make it less anglican, specifically. I think the lines about nails, blessed bread and wine, and Mary still mak ethe messag epretty damn clear.
Its pretty obvious without the Calvary line that the King is meant to be Jesus. Though it seems for some maybe the line is necessary.
I can't find that image.
Can you link it?
its The Statue of Constantine the Great, York (England)!
@@potassium1311 No, the one behind him.
@@balrog262 The death of Julian the Apostate by Luca Giordano
@@balrog262 sorry to bother you, have you found the link? I'd need it too...
@@lannes1769 Look above.
Hello, as a question, what is the name of the painting about the death of Julian?
Never thought I would see Leslie fish on here, but not disappointed at all
Ex Cathedra,I dont know, if it be up to your taste but for the playlist of songs you have put it has maybe ( for a desire for a crusade to get the gist of it ). I like what you have put, it should be a good thing to add. A song from Isihiq "Tzarq Frujin". It is a modern retelling ( with etho style of an old folk song ). It is from the Balkans.
Goes hard
What's the background painting called? I tried googling based on the description but couldn't find a match
It's "The Death of Julian the Apostate" by Luca Giordano
@@GimJimrip julian
Is there a better recording of this version/Leslie's take? That low buzzing/humming sound is driving me nuts in something i REALLY want to pump the volume on. I am villing to buy vinnyl etc etc
i belive there is on her channel a new Rendition, Check her last album, Smoked Fish and Friends
Filthy infidel deliberatly lest last verse out:
"Iron out of Calvary is master of men all"
Kinda silly do to how obviously Christian it is already
Alas, these poor souls need our prayers too; we are all sinners, and we must not become prideful. The Lord alone can rescue us, and can rescue them too.
As a non Christian, what is iron out of cavalry? And what does it mean in this context?
@@Usurper. Calvary, not cavalry. Its derived from the latin Calvarie, the place where Jesus was crucified.
@@Usurper. Iron out of calvary means nail that were used during Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's crucifixion.
You are non christian and of all historical figures you have chosen Admiral Kolchak? indeed Lord works in mysterious ways.
Ex Cathedra, depois de ter colocado aquele modão de viola no canal tu podia traduzir pros gringos mais algumas, tem a Milagre do Ladrão do Zilo e Zalo, muito boa. Rastros na Areia é extremamente linda também, tem muita musica brasileira raiz boa.
@@fenrirrising131Sopa de Macaco Lyrics: Sopa de macaco, sopa, sopa de macaco (Ur)
@@fenrirrising131 11/9 celso portiolli
Of course 😎💯
Top Song😎😂🗿😯🐒💞💞💞💖👍😹
Maybe im exaggerating but i see a perversion of Thomas Aquinas' 'Pange Lingua' Here.
The song says 'with his own hands he served them' whereas in the Pange Lingua the words are 'se dat suis manibus' or 'he served himself with his own hands' which mentions the true presence.
Again, maybe i'm seeing things where they are not meant to be