Esttab Easily Change Number of Scalar Decimals | Exporting Results Struggle

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • Change Number of Scalar Decimals | Esttab:
    In this video I show you how to easily set the number of decimals for each scalar in Stata Esttab for output to Overleaf.
    global path "[YOUR PATH HERE]"
    sysuse auto, clear
    global note1="Note: Robust Standard Errors in Parenthesis. Controls include Foreign, Headroom, Repair Record."
    global sources="Source: Stata System Auto Data."
    est clear
    eststo: reg price mpg weight length, robust
    estadd local controls "No"
    qui sum `e(depvar)' if e(sample)
    estadd scalar mean=`r(mean)'
    estadd scalar sd=`r(sd)'
    eststo: reg price mpg weight length foreign headroom rep78, robust
    estadd local controls "Yes"
    qui sum `e(depvar)' if e(sample)
    estadd scalar mean=r(mean)
    estadd scalar sd=r(sd)
    #delimit ;
    esttab * using "${path}\Reg Format Scalars.tex",
    se(3) /// SE with 3 Decimal Places
    b(2) /// Coefficients with 2 Decimal Places
    replace /// Replace File
    title(Regression with Mean \label{tab1}) /// Title of Tabel
    mtitles("No Controls" "With Controls") /// Column Titles
    keep(mpg weight length) /// Don't want all Control Coefficients
    coeflabels(mpg "Miles Per Gallon"
    weight "Weight of Car" length "Length of Car") /// Label Variables
    "mean Mean Price"
    "sd Std. Dev Price"
    "r2 R^{2}"
    "N N. Obs"
    "controls Controls"
    ) ///Which Extra Stuff You Want In

    nonotes /// Suppress Automatically Generated Notes
    addnote("$note1" ///Add your Own Note
    "$sources" ///Space/New Line Puts Next Note on New Line
    #delimit cr;