I like Su Wu, Wan Wu and Wing Wu/The Wu Sisters, Boar, Tai Lung, Bad Po, Su, The Ladies of the Shade, Ke-Pa, Heilang, Mei Ling, Fenghuang, Hundun, Junjie, Pang Bing, Boss Wolf, Lord Shen, Kai the Collector, Jindiao, The White Bone Demon, Zuma/The Protector and The Chameleon too.
I like Tai Lung, Bad Po, Boar, Heilang, Boss Wolf, Shen, Kai, The Chameleon, and Ke-Pa.
I like all
I like Su Wu, Wan Wu and Wing Wu/The Wu Sisters, Boar, Tai Lung, Bad Po, Su, The Ladies of the Shade, Ke-Pa, Heilang, Mei Ling, Fenghuang, Hundun, Junjie, Pang Bing, Boss Wolf, Lord Shen, Kai the Collector, Jindiao, The White Bone Demon, Zuma/The Protector and The Chameleon too.
Me gusta todos excepto Zuma y The Chameleon.
I like all