Kelsey Martin - How do Human Brains Function?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
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    What is it about human brains that enable both the regulation of bodily activities and the generation of mental thoughts? What are the mechanisms of human brain function? How do they integrate to give the sense of mental unity? What happens when something in the brain goes wrong-abnormalities, injury, disease? What is the future of brain science?
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    Dr. Kelsey Martin is Dean of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA as well as a professor of biological chemistry, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences. Her research focuses on the cell biology of transcription-dependent forms of synaptic plasticity, particularly those underlying learning and memory.
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    Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.


  • @noelwass4738
    @noelwass4738 10 днів тому +9

    This speaker is wonderful. I love it. Her enthusiasm with everything she says, it is wonderful to hear. The wonderful neuron!

  • @angel4everable
    @angel4everable 10 днів тому +9

    "Learn to forget, learn to forget". The Doors. Ponder this paradox: The more memories we have, the less our power of judgment. Without jettisoning some or most memories every event in our lives would be equally important. Memory is the enemy of free will. A creature that reached near omniscience, remembering all that could be known, would be paralyzed in thought.

  • @TheTroofSayer
    @TheTroofSayer 10 днів тому +1

    Engaging, easy to follow... or maybe it's just that I've become so familiar with the topic that I've become an expert without realizing it? No, that can't be it... I've learned some new stuff, like synapse as locus of agency. Regardless, Kelsey Martin is clear, articulate, knows her stuff.

  • @KJ-yk4nq
    @KJ-yk4nq 8 днів тому +1

    Suspect AI is the tool that will eventually help us to unlock the deepest insights here. The sheer complexity of how neural networks and information processing all work in biology conceptualised into ways we can understand.

  • @TorgerVedeler
    @TorgerVedeler 10 днів тому +2

    Would it be a bad pun to say that this blows my mind?

  • @stellarwind1946
    @stellarwind1946 10 днів тому +3

    How do neurons have the capacity to encode future memories of subjective experiences that haven’t happened yet?

    • @dr_shrinker
      @dr_shrinker 10 днів тому +2

      They can’t. They can only take past events and imagine them as future events. But the brain cannot know of a thing it’s never experienced.

    • @mikel4879
      @mikel4879 9 днів тому

      stellam1 • They don't encode.
      They are just simple biological "software" ( and specific biological "hardware" at the same time ) switches.

  • @wmarema93
    @wmarema93 10 днів тому +2

    Q: How do human brains function?
    A: Very carefully....

  • @r2c3
    @r2c3 10 днів тому +2

    neurons are formed from the same gene pool that every other cell in the body is made out of... they're specialized ro carry out specific tasks in the nervous system as a whole... upregulation and down regulation of individual cells happens on case specific scenarios...

  • @brutusl2786
    @brutusl2786 9 днів тому +1

    Great interview. You should ask her whether she thinks consciousness could be purely biological.

  • @henrikoelschlaegel1780
    @henrikoelschlaegel1780 10 днів тому +3

    Outside of human conceptual frameworks, complexity, simplicity, and emergence do not have intrinsic power or explanatory value. They are descriptive tools rather than fundamental attributes of the universe. In a naturalistic universe where everything interacts with everything else continuously, the concepts of complexity, simplicity, emergence are completly meaningless and therefore connot be used to try to explain conciousness.
    One could postulate of course that there is an undiscovered law of nature that one or some specific spacetime material configuration creates somethink outside of the naturalistic universe in a plane of subjectivity, but that would be no better then saying it is magic.

  • @kimsahl8555
    @kimsahl8555 10 днів тому +1

    The brain works as a translation machine.

  • @sylvestermumba981
    @sylvestermumba981 8 днів тому +1

    For some reason i believe that the true answer to this question lies in physics rather than biology

    • @jonnypee2269
      @jonnypee2269 6 днів тому

      I think it’s more spiritual than anything the brain does it make thoughts? 2 people thousands of miles apart having the same thought of the same thing be it a invention? Telephone Elisha Gray, a professor at Oberlin College, applied for a caveat of the telephone on the same day Bell applied for his patent of the telephone Antonio Meucci, an Italian immigrant, began developing the design of a talking telegraph or telephone in 1849. In 1871, he filed a caveat so these have same ideas thoughts did there brain make the thoughts or was the thought always there and the frequency of these brain’s vibrated the same at the same time I see the brain as a receiver of thoughts more a tool to unpack the data than making the data? Just a thought?? I didn’t have it was vibrating I just noticed it

  • @douglinze4177
    @douglinze4177 10 днів тому +1

    The Synapse space matches an exclusion zone based (-) Charged Electric Water Bridge (page 8, 4th phase of Water, Pollack, 2013)…
    Exclusion Zones Separate The Water Molecule creating Structured Water in the cells, Gel…
    The Water Bridge Is Built By Sustained Voltage, Signal Pressure based on Frequency…
    Consciousness is in the EZ, “(-) Charge”…

  • @cujimmy1366
    @cujimmy1366 10 днів тому +2

    Does matter,matter.

    • @EmporerFrederick
      @EmporerFrederick 10 днів тому +2

      What is mind? No matter.
      What is matter? Never mind.

  • @jonnypee2269
    @jonnypee2269 6 днів тому

    I think the more information you accumulate going off the universe wanting to view and understand its creation on as many levels as possible the more you discard the mundane everyday waste garbage information and your mind is opened to and guided to deeper more complex and relevant information that the all the source GOD what ever name that resonates with you craves wanting to experience exotic views from a different perspective one reason why we are so different from each other learn to forget the information that it has been fed so many times it needs new deeper understanding into different perspectives

  • @sandradixon6205
    @sandradixon6205 9 днів тому

    Our incredible brain is a marvel of engineering. When we were in our mother’s womb, our brain was built according to a preset plan, and thousands of new brain cells were constructed every minute! In an adult brain the neurons have been efficiently assembled into a package that weighs about 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg). Our ability to speak is a miracle. With each word we say, our brain has to coordinate the movement of some 100 muscles in our tongue, throat, lips, jaw, and chest. All those muscles have to move according to precise timing if the words are to be understood. Of all the creatures on earth, only humans have the ability to learn moral lessons by remembering and analyzing past events. As a result, we can adopt better values and change our way of thinking and living. We can train our conscience to recognize the difference between right and wrong. We can learn to show love, compassion, kindness and other beautiful qualities. All this, and much more, is possible because of our wonderfully designed brain. The great Designer of our incredible brain is our Creator.

    • @jonnypee2269
      @jonnypee2269 6 днів тому

      Not to mention that we use very little of it I always think about as a child I was cooking bacon and my eyelid closed before the fat spat at my eye I had a epiphany even being so young that my brain knew the fat was coming before it was spat out from the pan precognition can’t be a reflex as the fat could have gone anywhere any direction so my brain knew it was going to hit me in the eye and closed the eyelid before it damaged the eye?

  • @brianlebreton7011
    @brianlebreton7011 10 днів тому +1

    What is her opinion of Roger Penrose’s quantum-based theory?

    • @dogsbollox4335
      @dogsbollox4335 7 днів тому

      Was Roger part of experiment with stuart hammeroff.

  • @adamburling9551
    @adamburling9551 9 днів тому

    I'd like to know how a brain knows, and knows that it knows.. Well you know when you're hungry or thirsty etc. But how does it know about things not related or connected.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 6 днів тому

    might memories be stored at chemical interaction between axon and synapse?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 6 днів тому

    do the neurons reproduce pictures (similar to computer monitor screen?), sound (similar to music or phone speaker?) and other sensory information in brain? can store sensory information as memory?

  • @roybrewer6583
    @roybrewer6583 10 днів тому +2

    It's all mind over matter.
    I don't mind, and you don't matter 😮😂

  • @Maxwell-mv9rx
    @Maxwell-mv9rx 10 днів тому +2

    She shows brains funcions make up memory but how she knows for instance a memory take place in a brains with each neuros where trillions of neuros are proceendings?

  • @bm0ore43
    @bm0ore43 10 днів тому +2

    Robert, you are starting to look like Albert.

  • @oddmentings
    @oddmentings 6 днів тому

    I thought it’s ~ 86 billion neurons in the human brain, not “nearly a trillion.” or is that just cortex and they’re talking entire nervous systemV

  • @Arunava_Gupta
    @Arunava_Gupta 10 днів тому

    The human brain is simply a network of wires called neurons. You don't have to feel intimidated by it. Simply study the structure of one neuron (that's right, just one!) and study the "pinball" mechanism of how a signal is generated. That's it! You will have learnt how the brain functions and more importantly, what it can or cannot do. You don't have to know anything else. This is because the brain is all-neuronal.

  • @brocoli42
    @brocoli42 10 днів тому +1

    she is pretty

  • @mikel4879
    @mikel4879 9 днів тому


  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM 10 днів тому +1

    Over my head. Thank you for simplifying.
    But you know there's something more because of the logistics. It is imitating something. Each thing, every part, and property and allocation. What is this intelligence, this order, relation, harmony. There is something governing. Platonics acknowledges all of this and not by mere imagination - we know of the unknown from what is known.

    • @sandradixon6205
      @sandradixon6205 9 днів тому

      Wherever you look in creation there is intelligence, order and harmony. This is no coincidence because they are all products of a superior intelligence, our Creator. Why does man have the ability to make plans and organize the world around him, the capacity for love, a high intelligence, a conscience, and a concept of past, present, and future? Evolution cannot answer this. But the Bible does, when it says: “God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him.” (Genesis 1:27) As far as man’s mental and moral abilities and potential are concerned, he is a reflection of his heavenly Father. Only in the Bible can we find satisfying answers to our questions about life, such as, why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Why do we grow old and die? What happens when we die? What does the future hold for the earth and mankind? Our Creator has provided everything we need to have a purposeful and meaningful life both now and in the future.

  • @tunahelpa5433
    @tunahelpa5433 7 днів тому

    ... getting a very Einsteinian vibe going from Dr Kuhn here....

    • @tunahelpa5433
      @tunahelpa5433 7 днів тому

      Not sure what that comment has to do with the discussion, but then again I'm not sure what the discussion has to do with the series' topics....

    • @tunahelpa5433
      @tunahelpa5433 7 днів тому

      2/3 of a Million subscribers, and this video only has 250 likes? Whaaat?

  • @ejazrasool7443
    @ejazrasool7443 6 днів тому

    Not sure what is human problem? They complicate simple matter of human creation and its purpose... keep going round in circles...

  • @tunahelpa5433
    @tunahelpa5433 7 днів тому

    AI has come a long way by emulating the brain, but I wonder if an AI could come up with another - brand new - way of thinking that would blow humans out of the water... Just a thought.

    • @ejazrasool7443
      @ejazrasool7443 6 днів тому

      Nothing can replace humans. This planet is created for humans with choice and intent...

  • @evaadam3635
    @evaadam3635 10 днів тому +2

    "How do Human Brains Function?"
    The physical brain functions as shield to knowledge of our heavenly pasts which is the most important of all functions... the rests are for survival and guidance to our choices...
    ... yes, the physical brain plays an important role of shielding our aware immortal souls from the memories of our "past spiritual lives" in order for us to have the freedom to believe in a loving God without knowing Him for our salvation...
    We lost Heaven (our original home) because we lost faith in a loving God, so, only by regaining this faith without knowing our pasts that we can return Home...
    .. otherwise, if we fail to override our prior bad choice by regaining this faith, our prior bad choice of losing faith will remain in effect and so our lost souls will return to a cold dark emptiness (hell) - the state our souls ended when we fell from Heaven... God can not force us to return HOME because He always respects our free choice... other words, our lost souls were NOT sent here TO KNOW but TO BELIEVE in a Loving GOD...
    ..this is also the reason why our loving GOD can not show solid proof of His existence because it can compromise your freedom to believe without knowing Him...

    • @evelynbarton6349
      @evelynbarton6349 8 днів тому +1

      Excellent! Wish you were teaching this podcast. We all should be the Blessing we seek.

  • @ansleyrubarb8672
    @ansleyrubarb8672 10 днів тому +1

    ...Is there GOD? Just the understanding of synapse by man is conclusive enough. When asked; GOD said, " I Am. ". Respectfully, ordinarychuck Hotmail, captivus brother & sister...

  • @Dhawan108
    @Dhawan108 9 днів тому +1

    Shud have let her speak more, Mr Anchor

    • @quinnbremes621
      @quinnbremes621 4 дні тому

      Agreed. And repeatedly saying “right, right” while she is in the middle of a sentence is distracting.

  • @GosseAlvis-i7m
    @GosseAlvis-i7m 5 днів тому

    Young Jessica Gonzalez Mary Harris Karen

  • @philboast8841
    @philboast8841 10 днів тому +2

    A multitude of assumptions are loaded into the idea that chemicals transmitted between neurons constitute 'information'. On the face of it, this is, without justification and in defiance of sense, to anthropomorphise brain cell functions. It's a lazy, poorly thought through formulation. Please stick to what it is, electro-chemically transfers that provide for complex co-ordinated responses between cells, organs, body parts, etc. Otherwise, fascinating.

    • @willp9226
      @willp9226 10 днів тому +1

      Can you explain how and where she anthropomorphized brain cell functions?

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 10 днів тому +1

      Surely complex coordinated responses are information. Furthermore it’s information that can now be decoded from fMRI scans into textual and audio representations of our thoughts. There have been multiple studies demonstrating this now.

  • @michelangelope830
    @michelangelope830 10 днів тому +1

    Recuerda que te dije la verdad. Recuerda que te dije la verdad es el ateísmo es una falacia lógica que asume Dios es la idea religiosa del creador de la creación y concluye erróneamente el creador no existe porque una idea particular de Dios no existe. ¿Es posible estar equivocado? ¿Es posible abandonar el ateísmo o la religión? No serás el primero que lo hizo. Necesito que sea noticia el descubrimiento que el ateísmo es una falacia lógica. Uno a uno no gano el debate. Mi verdad que está censurada y salva vidas es el verdadero Dios es el Dios de Spinoza y el mio. Cuando una molécula se divide literalmente Dios se divide. Está claro cual es mi concepto de Dios. Dios creó el universo o la vida después de haber existido siempre. ¿Para qué? Puedo ayudar a interrumpir la guerra. Cada vida cuenta y todo está conectado. La vida y la muerte es la misma entidad transformándose. Es solo una idea que no puede hacer daño a nadie y está censurada. No se que más decir. Dios existe porque lógicamente es imposible la existencia de la creación o finitud sin el creador o infinitud. Para protegerte todos tienen que saber Dios existe. Gracias.

    • @willp9226
      @willp9226 10 днів тому +2

      I'm curious, how does your comment relate to the context of the video?

  • @BajaJones-iq2cp
    @BajaJones-iq2cp 10 днів тому

    there is no further understanding here. Makeup counter at Neiman's is calling for this woman.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 10 днів тому +3

      Yeah, you’re not threatened and emasculated by smart capable women at all, are you.

    • @dr_shrinker
      @dr_shrinker 10 днів тому +1

      @@simonhibbs887I was confused by his comment as well. She seems very well spoken and pretty. Idk.

    • @simonhibbs887
      @simonhibbs887 10 днів тому +1

      @@dr_shrinker I think he’s trying to say something along the lines of she’s just a pretty face, or something equivalently boorish and misogynistic.

    • @dr_shrinker
      @dr_shrinker 10 днів тому +1

      @@simonhibbs887oh. Gotcha.

  • @LightningJackFlash
    @LightningJackFlash 10 днів тому +1

    483rd viewer ;)