The Angry Farmer's Abandoned Barn
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- Sad and scary, that's how you can describe the visit to this abandoned house that has decayed for decades. A few years ago I would have risked being shot if I went there, but since the angry owner died, the place is safe to visit. Or, reasonably safe. The decay has gone so far that in some places there are large holes in both the ceiling and the floor, and there's a high risk of collapse.
Behind it all is a tragic fate. A pair of siblings, a brother and a sister, took over the farm after their father died in a fire in the late 1960s. The brother took care of his sister, who was now in a wheelchair, but the houses were not as well cared for. Locally he became notorious as a most unpleasant person, and at the nearby art school all visitors were warned not to go near the houses. There are stories about how he chased away unwanted visitors with both a rifle and a car.
In addition to the manor building, there are two larger warehouses/barns, built in 1838 and 1883, which were used for grain, and the entire farm has been the model for Emelie Flygare Carlén's novel "Ett köpmanshus i skärgården". Despite the farm's high cultural values, the National Heritage Agency, the County Administrative Board and the municipality have not succeeded in saving the place, presumably at least in part because of the troublesome owner. On one of the barns, there is a relatively new tin roof over half the building, but unfortunately most of it is probably beyond saving.
The doors are locked and all the windows are boarded up, but the southernmost building was accessible where the entire wall had fallen away. Inside, the first thing I encountered was a waist-high anthill, and to get to the upper floors I had to walk on the joists. Most of it has been cleared out, which says something about how much stuff was once there considering how much is still left. When they emptied the main house after the old man died (and the sister had moved to a nursing home), it is said that they had to haul away cubic meters of old empty cans of cat food. There are probably even more left out there to find for those brave enough to dig among all the plastic bags, fishing nets, computers, tractors, cars, beds, clothes and pet bottles that you don't want to know what they contain.
With all this said, one can still hope that the buidings can be restored. It is an incredibly beautiful location, at a bay in a small community on the west coast of Sweden, and it is easy to see how beautiful the place once was. But it will hardly be an easy job to restore it to its former glory.
#urbanexploration #abandoned
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Vilken enorm gård! Och du kanske Kanye tänkte på de men du klev även över gamla hus/byggnadsgrunder! 😅🤣
Ja, det är mycket mark som hör till den gården också. Nu när jag var där sist såg jag att de faktiskt håller på att fixa till stället, så det är ju glädjande! Nya ägare efter att surbonden dog.
"Något för den händige"
"Stor potential"
Funderar på att börja lägga ut lite på youtube själv när jag besöker intressanta platser. Så jag undrar vad för kamera du använder.
Det tycker jag absolut du ska göra! Jag filmar med lite olika kameror beroende på situation, ibland med systemkamera, ibland med mobilen etc., men den jag använder mest (den enda jag använder i den här filmen) är en DJI Action 2. Den funkar väldigt bra tycker jag.
@@mobeltass okej tack. Vad var det som fick dig intresserad av ue? För mig var det att jag gick i skolan i säter och brukade hänga där i fasta paviljongen rätt ofta efter skolan, jag tyckte det var så spännande så efter det så ville jag besöka fler ställen.
@@Dalpilarna Trodde jag hade svarat på detta men det verkar ha fallit bort... Kan nog inte säga nån enskild grej sådär, men har nog alltid dragits till folktomma platser, oavsett om det är att utforska nån övergiven fabrik eller åka på fisketur till nån enslig sjö nånstans. Men har blivit mer intresserad av historia med åren också. Fasta paviljongen i Säter hann jag aldrig besöka, den är helt bortriven nu eller?