Wow, I absolutely love Michio Kaku's explanation of String Theory and Quantum Physics in this video! It's so mind-blowing to think about the mysteries of the universe and how everything is connected on a quantum level. I always learn something new every time I watch his lectures. Such a brilliant mind!
The whole point of science is to find the truth through expanding our knowledge. Things are bound to change, and our theories are never final or complete.
String theory never has been relevant. It was more a matter of “we don't understand physics, so we will replace it with wild speculations, unguided by observation, mathematics and logic. It does not matter if it does not make sense, because we will simply claim that you have to be very intelligent to understand it”. Try to keep up. Eva Silverstein has a new preprint out, entitled The Dangerous Irrelevance of String Theory. The title is I guess intended to be playful, not referring to its accurate description of the current state of string theory, but to the possibility of irrelevant operators having observable effects. The article is intended to appear in the forthcoming Cambridge University Press volume of contributions to the Munich “Why Trust a Theory?” conference held back in December 2015. The impetus behind that conference was a December 2014 article in Nature entitled Scientific method: Defend the integrity of physics. In that article, Ellis and Silk explained the problems with string theory and with the multiverse/string theory landscape.
@@baileealligood7862 Now, just imagine if you are actually wrong. You can't be sure for 100% about anything. Only stupid does not change their mind and a lot of scientific things were proven to be wrong after some time passes. All the best
String physics helps me understand quantum physics and so many other laws of nature. It makes complete sense to me how something can be more than one thing. It goes a long way in helping me explain and prove my theories. Infinite shapes with infinite vibrations equals infinite posabilities!!! Quantum is the abilities of these strings to match the "shape and vibrations" thus foerever linking these "strings" forever no matter how distant. Also opens up the posabllities of "strings already being in harmony thus a connection is there even before or without contact!!! I believe your thoughts can shape these strings and that is why the saying is great minds think alike!!!
If the galaxies viewed with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there being billions of years in Earth's past than neither is the body of space/ether that contains these galaxies as everything in the past would no longer exist duh You can lead a cult to water but you can't make them think :-) If the galaxies viewed with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there (billions of years in Earth's past) then neither are Einstein's gravitational waves, theories of dark energy, dark matter that would explain the increasingly faster rate of expansion of the universe. Since the light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach Earth according to Einstein using a telescope to magnify time with a 20 times magnification power you should still see the Sun even after it's below Earth's horizon. Please use a Sun filter before trying this experiment :-)
"At some point we just started making shit up to give ourselves something to do." Just because you make an analogy doesn't actually mean anything, string theory is doing an excellent job of proving that.
@JulianH-co7qg yes, but to be physics and not philosophy the ideas have to lead to math that explains and predicts things in the real world. String theory has no predictions under its belt.
Did anyone else use to read Michio Kaku’s books when they were little? My friends and I loved _Hyperspace_ back in 7th or 8th grade! I read another one about String Theory and 11th Dimensional Space, but I can’t remember the title rn.
If strings are fundamental, what energy is causing the strings to vibrate? It could be a quantum energy combination of dark matter and dark energy bouncing off the string to vibrate it. So, is a string like a shoe lace, open at both ends or like a rubber band? And; what is a string made of? This is a very tough topic to get your head around.
I love natural knowledge. we shouldn't think too much about black holes, because we could be in them right now. we don't think too much about whorm holes, because we might encounter them in some of our sleep at night. And most importantly, the past record of the events of the universe is already recorded in our hearts. Thanks for this video
I like what you said. One shouldn’t talk about God to much for similar reasons, one should just live. But if your mind is more capable then if you don’t talk about these natural forces the rest of man will lose out on what you may understand and accept so easily. A mind not so nimble in deciphering but capable of comprehension would benefit from the discovery you have made
@@MrKashes The backdoor is death unfortunately or fortunately depending on how life is treating you. The people who are in power of this world have all the cheat codes it's just the way the simulation was designed. Putin has the restart button as far as I am aware so does Biden.. Who is going to press it first is the question?
My idea so I get to name it! Voyager 1 is now in interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." "V-ger's" message is sped up now that it's outside our suns time bubble or "Terran Time." It would be faster still if "V-ger" sent a message from beyond the Milky Way's time bubble. (That name is still up for grabs.) Then there's Outside the Local Group time bubble, so on and so on until we get to the, "True Interstellar Time Standard." Now that "Vyger" is in interstellar space, it's also in the Milky Way's STANDARD, faster moving, interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." This can be proven by turning off everything except its clock and transmitter. Have "Vyger" and the IP read time for as long as possible. They WILL show the flow of time speeds up the further away you from any celestial bodies. Until you reach the time standard. •Our sun's time bubble: "Terran Time" we know and have measured. •Milky Way's time bubble or "Mikey's Time." The rate/flow of TIME outside any influence but within the Milky Way: We just got there and are still figuring. Wild guess I'd say time will increase in speed, now and until Vyger is outside the Ort cloud .007-.07% faster, maybe. Just for reference. •Local Group's time bubble or the rate/flow of time outside of any influence but within the Local Group: Name still open and unknown. Wild guess .08% to a couple seconds faster, maybe. Used just for reference. •Outside any influence in the, "True Interstellar Time Standard," or...;-P Name NOT up for grabs BUT just begging to be measured. The rate/flow of time is fastest here so, surfing time here is choice. Though it's best to have your motor boat. ;-P A minute is a minute in all. It's the rate/flow I'm talking about. The Milky Way's Interstellar Time Standard will be known as, "Mikey's Time." Pass it on, please and thank you.
If the subatomic particles are tiny strings , vibrating at super speed with much higher frequencies... What causing those vibrations? You clearly need a relatively large amount of energy every moment to cause those continuous vibrations.. Isn't it? If there is any kind of energy or any kind of force given from outside to the interior of the subatomic particles, doesn't the energy affect the potential energy which holds these particles with each other or do these particles vibrate freely without affecting the corresponding subatomic particle ?
TESLA , TESLA was and is the greatest genius to ever exist. As we all know E=MC2 is at best a joke!! E=MD sorry it's that simple: ( E= Magnetic Density), if your a cloud of gas or just a raindrop you have a magnetic density. If you vibrate the magnetic field of anything it will also increase it's magnetic density, excluding the center field of a magnet that is what I refer to as the "B" field. If you take a granite rock and vibrate same with just the "B" field of a magnet into same it will loose it's integrity. The elements that make granite rock have allot of magnetic elements, That is why they had to use copper tools while working the pyramids! The center of a magnet is by far the most powerful part. You want PROOF , please visit Coral Castle on UA-cam. All his generators were set up so the magnets were in the repel mode!! SO THAT THE"B"Field would saturate the earth, He also had a horizontal stone similar to Stone Henge, I think that had allot to do with the ANTI Gravity.. Last but not least, Want to see more proof do this, find a bar magnet and if you tap just the "B" field on any plastic or glass it will loose weight, don't try it on any metal because you mess up the magnetic field also If you want to play with anti gravity keep IRON out of the picture!! One last note !! If you take the "B" field and hold it close to a water trickle you will see the water repel same.
If a particle can be in two places at the same time, why can't it harbor 🔄 multiple states? That would explain, the impression of awareness because they're no elaborate functions there to conceive complex forms of 🎭 cognition ...
Weyl: The characteristic of an n-dimensional manifold is that each of the elements composing it (in our examples, single points, [...] colors, tones) may be specified by the giving of _n_ quantities, the "co ordinates," which are continuous functions within the manifold. Bohm: Now it may be asked why these hidden variables should have so long remained undetected. Green: Well, obviously the extra dimensions have to be different somehow because otherwise we would notice them.
String theory is based in Quantum mechanics based on photons experiment 🤔 spooky action. What if spooky action is actually particle entanglement in 3rd and 4th dimensional space. It's not as spooky, but it would help with the 2 places at once thing. Would also be the source of the wave function 🤔
Similarly, Hindu Scriptures (Written Thousands of Years ago) also indirectly supports this "Super String Theory" through these few Verses. ॐ ईति ब्रह्मा ॐइति इदम् सर्वम् -तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद (Om is the Divine, Om is everything that Exists...) ॐ इत्येतद् अक्षरम् इदम् सर्वम् ... - माण्डूक्य उपनीषद (Om is the Sound which is, everything that is Manifest.) ...,अहं, वेघं पवित्रम् ॐकार: .... - भागवत गीता (अध्याय ९) (I am the pure sound OM from the Vedas). Eventhough this Super String Theory has been Proved Correct By the MATHEMATICS and Hypothesis but not been Proved Experimentally Inside Laboratory. But, still Hopes One day in Future this Theory to be Proven with the Help of even more Advanced Techonology. जय श्री राम ।🕉️🙏 जय हनुमान ।🕉️🙏 जय सनातन ।।🕉️🙏
There’s a bit of a factual error in the video when they begin to explain multiverses. The hypothesis they present in the video is actually not the canonically accepted string theory version but is referred to as the many worlds hypothesis which involves concepts like Schroedingers cat, hawking radiation and dechoherence. Multiverse theory however postulates there’s many universes that were incepted just like ours in their own big bang that happened at a singularity in a different point in that space that contained the singularities.
could strings be linear one dimensional time in quantum mechanics? how might strings as linear time become particles by measuring quantum waves / fields?
One of the main reasons is that it takes out of context the only constant in the cosmos, which of course is not the speed of light. In fact, all theories have meaning and relevance in different aspects, but none of them connect with the other due to the absence. of the ignored constant. Fortunately, the unifying theory of everything is being developed and in a simple and elegant way unites and explains the processes of creation of the cosmos that includes a plausible and logical description of existence. The process is started, the answers will be available very soon greetings Eduardo Cardenas
What is different between Exact and mystery( uncertain times and path status) ways during Atomic Research and Highly Advance Adrisya infinite Cosmic Research journey 7 immortal infinite PhD holder Pawan Tiwari.
Two observers are in different observation zones. These 2 zones are moving at 99% light speed relative to each other. To both these observers the other is moving very fast and appear to be travelling slowly through time. Strange days indeed...
@@GapToothBitch Again, how can you travel through a measurement. Hint, look up what time actually is. The definition of time in physics. Time travel is for the gullible.
Interesting. I love this presentation. Now looking at the history of how we came about string theory, wouldn’t you agree that we are putting shackles on ourselves by wasting brain cells on wars, economy, hair and nail extensions et cetera when many could be enticed with the most luring pitches to pursue science with wonderful, zealous and passionate professors like yourself who are prepared and willing to guide a whole bunch of people whose little input put together will go a long way of propelling mankind forward by leaps and bounds rather than this snail pace we currently have. We have a world were power plays, hierarchy and other useless structures plagues us to a stand still when there’s so much to understand and discover. And the fact that with each little progress we make, mankind has a chance to live a longer and healthier life makes the decision of monarchs focused on economic growth rather than world growth through collaborations and harmonious development by a centralised system which lays emphasis on what’s the best at all times very hard for me to understand. Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Einstein and the rest of the greatest scientists would be very proud if we quickly speed through understanding the universe by bringing in more people with qualitative training. More people equals more discoveries and that will lead to so much greater success of mankind. Please let’s do away with this society putting harmful products on our plates in the name of profits and focus on a world where science takes precedence and everyone gets at least a 1st degree knowledge on it. I want to live long and healthy enjoying the delicacies of earth thanks to the many discoveries to be made by putting the system I proposed or an even better one into play. Nyɛ yi ana wala daa. Bless you all.
@@JG_Rock Yup…I often question myself about what tomorrow will be like if we maximise on our intelligence to create a future where we understand our make up to the tiniest of genes so we we can have ailment free future and space exploration so we don’t have to depopulate ourselves.
Proverbs 1:7 KJV "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." "The Fear Of God." Fear of the Lord leads to life. Not just the beating of the heart. To real life. The true life. And I think about people, who are trying to live out their lives, looking for happiness, looking for peace, looking for joy, looking for this, looking for that, and the truth is, the source that they are looking for, is the very person they keep shoving away. "The Fear Of God." Now when you hear that, you ask yourself the question, well am I to be afraid of God? Or does it mean something else, and when it's used in the scripture, naturally we are to be afraid of God, If we are living in sin. He's our Holy God, a righteous God, now whether you are afraid of God, depends on how you are living. If you are living in sin you have a right to be absolutely afraid of God. He says (the soul that sinneth, It shall die), (the wages of sin is death). (It is appointed on to man once to die, and after this, the judgment). If you're living in sin, you have a right to be afraid of a (Holy God). (The one true God). (Jehovah Yahweh Elohim). His Son Jesus Christ the Lord. (Deuteronomy 13:4. Says you shall follow the Lord your God, and fear Him, and you should keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him), (that is His command). What do I mean by fearing God. It means simply this, to reverence Him, to honor Him, to exalt Him, to lift Him up, to hold Him in high regard, to worship Him, and to hold Him In high esteem, to obey Him, to acknowledge Him His worthiness, (to honoring His position as creator and judge of all mankind). When you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, that's what it means to fear the living God. No fear of God means, In their understanding as they view life, and as they view the world, no fear in God, no honoring God, In fact, God is a problem to them, because he gets in their way, Holy God does not tolerate sin, Holy God is not going to make you living in sin feel comfortable, or really enjoy yourself. For the moment you may have some brief moments of happiness and joy, but very brief, because Holy God hates sin, He doesn't hate the sinner, but He hates sin, He hates sin because of what sin does to His children, many may think, sin is having a good time, (God sees sin as a detriment to His will, purpose, and plan for your life), and this is why we all should understand what it means to fear the living God, because one day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. People who are living in sin think, why do I want God in my life? To keep you from dying and being eternally separated from God, and never being able to become the person God wanted you to be, and because you're going to miss Heaven. You don't Fear God, you are going to miss Heaven, you don't fear God and you die in that state ( your going to hell). I don't mean to be critical, but when you turn your back on God, your turning your back on your only hope, the one who loves you, cares for you, and wants the best for you. But He will not make you follow Him, not make you love Him, not make you obey Him, the fear of God is a Holy thought, no matter what people may believe, they cannot avoid the judgment of Holy God, who loves you, but is willing to give us enough free will, if you choose not to love Him, if you choose to die without Him, will let you have what you want, against His loving will. (The only perfect person died on the cross, rose again, seated at the father's right hand, to make intercession for you and me), God is Holy. Therefore we are to fear Him, why should we fear God? Because He commands it, and secondly because the Scripture says, (It's the beginning of knowledge). (Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge), there's a lot of people who think they are smart, they could have 25 degrees in 25 different subjects, they could be an authority above all other authorities, they may be knowledgeable about many things. If they do not fear God (they are missing out, about the most important thing in life), and that is a (personal relationship to Holy God). God says, it's the beginning of knowledge, true genuine knowledge. They may know some facts about many things, but what life's all about is learning who God is. It's the beginning of knowledge.
@@louisgarcia1335 Alright. Bless you for your submission. I hope you use this zeal to the benefit of all so we can come to know and accept the truth regardless of how it’s discovered. In your submission you mentioned “Holy God” hates sin because of how it affects his children but not the children themselves. So in conclusion we came to this life to deal with sin as a way to glorify an “all mighty creator”, right? Because if he is all mighty according to the bible which is the source of your information, he can effortlessly take away sin so we can use our lives to glorify him and any other thing he wishes for. But to think we are here as test subjects in a science lab to see if we avoid the poison called sin that has been placed in our testing area with little to go by than to go for this poison to make meaning of life or stay away from it and die a supposedly righteous lab rat. Tell me, what will this scientist be observing? What really will be the purpose if the instructions says to stay away from the alluring poison put in there to show you want to gain knowledge. *Because according to the bible, we’re born of sin and sin is a part of us. So what is the purpose of all this? We just came to life to manoeuvre our way out of sin into what? A better lab? We don’t deserve that better lab in the first place until we show certain signs? Is that not how a human might test out trustworthy people before employing them with great benefits? Is the holy god you speak of a human?* Even if he is, will a *loving human* subject their children to such experiments and watch them suffer for generational eternity when that suffering can be ended by the *loving parent* at any time without consequences? To what gain? _For the parent to say these are my loyal children and those are not so they can disappear from existence for all I care because I gave them options!_ *Seriously, is this what man believes in? Is this what our intelligence leads to? Is this what an all loving and all powerful creator is about?* Really? Is this what all the fuss about religion is? No no no no no no no! It’s a joke! It’s a big joke if this is what we relegate a deity to. It’s a joke when we even accept this joke from a deity! Humans will all unite against such a parent if it happens anywhere, and yet it’s okay for a more compassionate being that can’t even be measured by our standards to be cruel? Do we have peanuts for brains? I believe not?! Just take some time off your indoctrination (because I was once where you are now) and revisit such religions with an open mind and see if it still makes sense to you. I will be here waiting. Bless your heart. Oyi ana wala daa! C.B Bortey
@@C.B.Bortey String Theory is a field of theoretical physics which refers to several different, though related, ideas about the fundamental mechanics of the universe. There are some controversial aspects to String Theory, and a few major hurdles that it would have to be cleared up before it could be accepted by the scientific community at large. In this sense, it is no different than other ideas about the physical universe: it is an attempt to better understand how this universe operates. Since God is a God of truth, there is nothing about honest scientific investigation that Christians should be concerned about. The more we know about the universe, the more we can appreciate the Creator. Unlike less complex models, String Theory cannot be explained in any real depth in layman's terms. It draws on quantum mechanics, general relativity, and complex mathematics. In a nutshell, however, String Theory is the idea that the smallest known particles, such as electrons, are not zero dimensional points, but rather one dimensional"strings." These strings are normally shaped into closed loops. When the strings encounter other physical entities, called "branes", they open up into line segments. The interactions of these strings and branes would then produce the various forces and reactions we see in physics. While normal physics views the universe in four dimensions (three for space and one for time), various versions of String Theory assume that the universe has as many as 11 dimensions. These assumptions are all attempts to unify all of the known properties of physics into a single "theory of everything." At this point in time, String Theory, in all its forms, is purely theoreical. That is, no part of String Theory has ever been demonstrated, tested, or observed in any way that could confirm or disprove it. This is partly due to technological constraints, since the energy required to test these ideas would be enormous. It is also a product of the properties of String Theory itself. The more "dimensions" (or "degrees of freedom") a complex system has, the more possible solutions there are to a given problem. In the case of String Theory. A system using 11 dimensions could potentially produce so many possible answers to a problem that the system becomes meaningless. These problems also mean that String Theory (for now) has no predictive power: it is a purely abstract model which may or may not have any basis in reality, and (for now) cannot be used to gain new understanding of the universe. From a Christian perspective, String Theory isn't really different than prior ideas in physics, such as atoms, molecules, the Standard Model, and so forth. These are all attempts to better understand how the universe is arranged. The more we know about Creation, the more glory we can give to the Creator (Psalm 19:1). Christians are actually encouraged to seek truth and understanding (Psalm 111:7; Proverbs 23:23), so we should judge ideas like String Theory purely on the basis of their scientific validity. Truth cannot contradict truth, so Christians who pursue scientific truth can be confident that it will never contradict spiritual truth (John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 13:8).
But how did any of it get here in the first place. If it was a big bang then what specifically exploded and how did that get there, I don’t think we can say it was always there because everything is in a constant state of atrophy (decline) and if it was always there it would have ran out of energy
Can I (thought) exist in one part of the multiverse and my physical form exist in another part of the multiverse? Can they interact causing "spooky action at a distance"? What would happen if my physical body dies because it functions in a universe with physical limitations, but my consciousness survives in another universe? Could I go find another physical body on earth or somewhere else and occupy it?
Chapter 1-4: rethinking general relativity as 5 dimensions of physics- a unifying theory of gravity. Strongly recommend this video. It explains how gravity is the 5th dimension (time being the 4th or 3rd +1). And how it is possible to perceive the 5th dimension.... And none of this non-euclidion geometry nonsense saying that's the next dimension, as that's just manipulation of 3d space.
The point-string paradox. For many years, physicists used point particles to explain the effects of quantum phenomena. This picture was good for practical work, but the philosophical aspect of quantum phenomena was unclear. So later, some physicists decided that particles would not be considered as point concentrations of energy, but as a 1-dimensional (without thickness) vibrating string of energy. The problem. There are six different types of "string theories" in different dimensions, but which of the six string theories is correct, no one knows. And the "string" (itself) has no evidence that the particle must have a one-dimensional shape (without thickness). If a string particle has no law that proves its existence, then the so-called "string theory" is a subjective opinion, it is just a pure mathematical game - fiction.
The multiverse theory is only appearing now in modern physics. However, ancient Hindu Scriptures (e.g. Srimad Bhagavatam) clearly state that the material world is infinite and that there are infinite numbers of universes. There are also stories where humans went to another realm for one day of that realm, only to return to Earth to find hundreds of Earth years had passed. Thus we find concepts of relative time there as well. So, what modern science is theorizing about now, ancient Hindus knew thousands of years ago. I don't know if there may be other cultures that may also have similar knowledge, if so, it would be good to share. Thanks
The QUAD STEP system of Helical Order is a Hierarchical Group System that produces a continuous string for Accurate Geometry for 3 Types of DNA or the Creative geometry of Pine Cones or Pineapples. No academics have shown this. Why is this Quad Step System given the silent treatment and rejected for publishing in Science Journals ?
I put a idea in.. let's say in string theory that the ion which is believed to disappear from one string to randomly reappear on another string.. let's say that ion itself never reappears in this dimension.. instead I want you to consider the possibility that said ion leaving this dimension (disappearing) pulls another ion into this dimension from another dimension. So the appearance of another ion on a different string is the result of ions slipping in and out of this dimension from and to other dimensions. Imagine the probable uses of such knowledge.. reaching very far one may presume that teleportation could be achieved by sending a collective of quarks into another dimension with intentions to pull said collection back into this dimension.. would that be teleportation? BJW NMA 03/31/1976
Definitely we will able to understand most of the things about cosmos one day but this question will stay remains that " what actually space is , how it form and what it's limitation " .. Infinity is beyond the imagination...
So they are going off of the idea that there are multiple vibrating strings, but whit if it was all just one long string, each and every molecule can ration on the string affects the next and how that next molecule might vibrate, and you could search through the string by following the vibrations because two molecules next to echo ther would have similar vibrations and if follow the vibration speed up or down you can find the specific speed you’d be looking for
Multiple dimensions and multiple universes are not the same! Also, because you can't measure higher dimensions (at the moment) does not mean they're not real. Some scientists seem to suggest if it is not testable or measurable, it's not real.
@@AppleReviews I try to figure out why there would be a simulation … one possibility is that it might be a way to create A.I. modules (me and you) who think they are real living beings - that way they may create something interesting. I think it’s very likely that there were never humans, and that the human form is used as one that generates creativity. In this scenario, a very productive module may get to graduate up to the next level of reality, or at least get another cycle in the simulation. That’s my current theory.
No, sub atomic particles can't be observed simply because, we use light as a tool to observe them. A photon is immensely larger than a sub atomic particle, should we put any sub atomic particle, under a microscope, the particle disappears, simple because a photon hit it out if it's place. Hope that helps
Muchio muku can you help me with the practical experiments of washing clothes and robots design to wash clothes through artificial intelligence sentient
TESLA , TESLA was and is the greatest genius to ever exist. As we all know E=MC2 is at best a joke!! E=MD sorry it's that simple: ( E= Magnetic Density), if your a cloud of gas or just a raindrop you have a magnetic density. If you vibrate the magnetic field of anything it will also increase it's magnetic density, excluding the center field of a magnet that is what I refer to as the "B" field. If you take a granite rock and vibrate same with just the "B" field of a magnet into same it will loose it's integrity. The elements that make granite rock have allot of magnetic elements, That is why they had to use copper tools while working the pyramids! The center of a magnet is by far the most powerful part. You want PROOF , please visit Coral Castle on UA-cam. All his generators were set up so the magnets were in the repel mode!! SO THAT THE"B"Field would saturate the earth, He also had a horizontal stone similar to Stone Henge, I think that had allot to do with the ANTI Gravity.. Last but not least, Want to see more proof do this, find a bar magnet and if you tap just the "B" field on any plastic or glass it will loose weight, don't try it on any metal because you mess up the magnetic field also If you want to play with anti gravity keep IRON out of the picture!! One last note !! If you take the "B" field and hold it close to a water trickle you will see the water repel same.
No matter how many atoms you smash or how many strings or particles you find , these will still never explain whether or not we are a creation or whether or not we are eternal beings . The big questions cannot be explained by science .
Do you reckon that it is different portal's to different dimensions wormholes I think where living in a time where the past future and present is catching up in one with astro traveling to but I think string theory is different portal's wormholes dimensions to different times and places
If consciousness is frequency, why can't string theory be verified through sound and atoms that mimic this phenomena that is invisible by placing these atoms in the path of its signal transmission, causing and empathic response? You can't see electricity in water but you can read it with instruments. The closest paradigm we have to describing string theory is music and the brain. When music is playing, the sound vibrates through our cochlea, of which has a little bit of water in it. Those signals that impress upon that water and reverberate throughout our ear canals are transmuted into information that our mind senses, decyphers and stores. Why wouldn't a test like that suffice in explaining how consciousness isn't limited to a skull but is even as big as the entire universe in all of its connected, synaptic firing? As above, so below. We are made of nothing other than its image... It seems obvious to me that the more you look at the relation of everything in context of each other, in the universe... The more you begin to see a living, breathing symphony of interconnectivity LIKE the synaptic firing of a brain. It's not as easy to prove practically... The only thing that we're aware of that can access multiple dimensions is our minds. String theory is a theory that is interesting because it seems obvious that it is true, but how does one concretely prove it to minds that can't see it? I think its critics aren't people who are in disbelief, but are tired of scientists who study it getting all of the attention and funding... You know what perpetuates practice? Joy. When you think in terms of scientific theory and apply the harmony of music, you can see how the universe fits together in harmony, in an over arching image of the whole thing... This is science practiced with joy, intrigue and grace... Like a faith. This is why people believe in God... Not because the church told them so... But because church and state exist because of faith through God... String theory is a foundational block that produces an infinite number of stumbling stones... It's a place of refuge in belief and faith, for scientists. It also outlines the difference between perception and perspective. Why play with single facts when you can blend them together in a kind of alchemy? This love is what evolves science as we understand it and how we practice it.
I must give a huge thanks for putting into the scientific revolution things I have know for 30 years but never had a way to explain. These string and quantum physics I am explaining because of and through my personal EXPERIENCE of what I know to be true. It is based on my relationship with her CREATOR who's name is YAHWEH!!! THANK YOU AGAIN
عندما نسمع عن كل هذه النظريات والقوانين والمسلمات والقواعد مع اكتشاف كل ما يشذ عنها وتطبيقاتها التي رأت النور والتطبيقات التي في المخاض والتطبيقات التي في مرحلة التخصيب والتطبيقات التي لم يتم عقد قرانها بعد نريد أن نعرف التالي: لماذا لم يتم إيجاد تطبيق من العدم قادر على سد ثقب الأوزون ؟! لماذا لم يتم إيجاد تطبيق يستطيع أن يختزل الإشعاعات الضارة الموجودة أو التي قد تنتشر في حالات الحوادث المؤسفه ؟! لماذا لا يتم اعتبار الكوكب قريه واحده تهم الجميع والاهتمام بكل ما يتعلق بالبيىه في كل قاراته خصوصا الماء والهواء والغذاء والدواء ؟!
Makes me wonder if he really did die, maybe he figured it out and left this existence knowing that we are too early to know what we will eventually find out 🤔
The biggest problem with todays physics is that you think of many spatial dimensions plus time as one. The real revelation is when you start thinking of as many time dimensions as space dimensions. The world we experience is about 3 dimensions of space and 3 dimensions of time, both essentially as rooms and to be honest time works in 3 dimensions of space so it must hold the same amount of dimensions.
@@thomasbardoux1692 It is coming, many are working on it already. We know time is local to the observer, which is proven. If the observer speeds up time passes more slowly and if gravity is increased the same happens. So time is not a unified field, it is a local phenomenon which also space is, as we have spacetime. So not one without the other, now as time and space are local to the observer there is no objective reality only countless subjective realities and in order for your reality tunnel to support space in three dimensions then also three dimensions of time are needed. We do not often think of time as space, but time is like a room moving forwards according to our local time and space.
@@Chimie33 Two observers are in different observation zones. These 2 zones are moving at 99% light speed relative to each other. To both these observers the other is moving very fast and appear to be travelling slowly through time. Strange days indeed...
The most foundational concept I have learned from string theory is that every thing is alive. And you ask how I have made that conclusion? Dead things don't move. Living things do.
The greatest scientist of anybody’s time can’t figure out everything or anything at that matter, because we are not able to comprehend the smaller, then we have seen and bigger than we have seen
The ideas we (humans) try to understand the universe we still can't understand that nothing can create something. A painting on a wall...who created it? The painting didn't just appear. There was a painter (God).
Their is no Fate but what we make! If I drop a glass 🍷 or at the last second chose not to drop a glass This choas experiment convinced me at a young age because I lacked disapilne to think before acting. Half the time I dropped it half the time I didn't drop it. Two completely different universes in one. I think their could just be two worlds negative and positive.
Matter vibrates which excites and vibrates the fabric of space. Space can vibrate in numerous ways, bending, turning to waves ,and so on. Replace dark matter with space.
Wow, I absolutely love Michio Kaku's explanation of String Theory and Quantum Physics in this video! It's so mind-blowing to think about the mysteries of the universe and how everything is connected on a quantum level. I always learn something new every time I watch his lectures. Such a brilliant mind!
They used to think the moon was made of green cheese.
But now, with string theory, we know it's really mozzarella.
Mozzarella string cheese…. String theory explained. Your welcome!
Wrong!! They're small vibrating bocconcinis!!😁
The whole point of science is to find the truth through expanding our knowledge. Things are bound to change, and our theories are never final or complete.
Wrong it is made up of goat cheese
I love this theory so much because it opens up so many questions that I didn't think I wanted answers to and it's exciting.
Agreed. Fuck the simdamulationlaw
Fascinating. I can’t stop watching videos about quantum entanglement and string theory.
When does it go from being mathematical fluff to something useful that we can engineer?
How Can We See 46.1 Billion Light-Years Away In A 13.8 Billion Year Old Universe ?
@@wulphstein useful like what? Like weapons of mass destruction? I hope it will actually remain a theory.
String theory never has been relevant. It was more a matter of “we don't understand physics, so we will replace it with wild speculations, unguided by observation, mathematics and logic. It does not matter if it does not make sense, because we will simply claim that you have to be very intelligent to understand it”.
Try to keep up. Eva Silverstein has a new preprint out, entitled The Dangerous Irrelevance of String Theory. The title is I guess intended to be playful, not referring to its accurate description of the current state of string theory, but to the possibility of irrelevant operators having observable effects.
The article is intended to appear in the forthcoming Cambridge University Press volume of contributions to the Munich “Why Trust a Theory?” conference held back in December 2015. The impetus behind that conference was a December 2014 article in Nature entitled Scientific method: Defend the integrity of physics. In that article, Ellis and Silk explained the problems with string theory and with the multiverse/string theory landscape.
@@baileealligood7862 Now, just imagine if you are actually wrong. You can't be sure for 100% about anything. Only stupid does not change their mind and a lot of scientific things were proven to be wrong after some time passes. All the best
String physics helps me understand quantum physics and so many other laws of nature. It makes complete sense to me how something can be more than one thing. It goes a long way in helping me explain and prove my theories. Infinite shapes with infinite vibrations equals infinite posabilities!!! Quantum is the abilities of these strings to match the "shape and vibrations" thus foerever linking these "strings" forever no matter how distant. Also opens up the posabllities of "strings already being in harmony thus a connection is there even before or without contact!!! I believe your thoughts can shape these strings and that is why the saying is great minds think alike!!!
This is intense! Thank you for explaining it in a more understandable way!
Glad you enjoyed it!
How Can We See 46.1 Billion Light-Years Away In A 13.8 Billion Year Old Universe ?
If the galaxies viewed with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there being billions of years in Earth's past than neither is the body of space/ether that contains these galaxies as everything in the past would no longer exist duh You can lead a cult to water but you can't make them think :-) If the galaxies viewed with the James Webb space telescope are no longer there (billions of years in Earth's past) then neither are Einstein's gravitational waves, theories of dark energy, dark matter that would explain the increasingly faster rate of expansion of the universe. Since the light from the Sun takes 8 minutes to reach Earth according to Einstein using a telescope to magnify time with a 20 times magnification power you should still see the Sun even after it's below Earth's horizon. Please use a Sun filter before trying this experiment :-)
"At some point we just started making shit up to give ourselves something to do." Just because you make an analogy doesn't actually mean anything, string theory is doing an excellent job of proving that.
Don't be so harsh the world is made up of ideas.
@@JulianH-co7qg the world is made up from proven ideas....
@JulianH-co7qg yes, but to be physics and not philosophy the ideas have to lead to math that explains and predicts things in the real world.
String theory has no predictions under its belt.
I freaking love this channel
Did anyone else use to read Michio Kaku’s books when they were little? My friends and I loved _Hyperspace_ back in 7th or 8th grade! I read another one about String Theory and 11th Dimensional Space, but I can’t remember the title rn.
Nice one..bro
@@icelsikupingmerah what you mean?
His hyperspace book is amazing, yes
If strings are fundamental, what energy is causing the strings to vibrate? It could be a quantum energy combination of dark matter and dark energy bouncing off the string to vibrate it. So, is a string like a shoe lace, open at both ends or like a rubber band? And; what is a string made of? This is a very tough topic to get your head around.
Cool analogy
Hot analogy
@@karthikchand underrated comment
what if the strings are just energy themselves each one being strung by one another's vibrational force constantly one after another 👁👄👁
How long are the strings
I studied quantum physics and string theory just out of sheer boredom and it's mind boggling. Tiny vibrating strings? Boing! Love it
I love natural knowledge. we shouldn't think too much about black holes, because we could be in them right now. we don't think too much about whorm holes, because we might encounter them in some of our sleep at night. And most importantly, the past record of the events of the universe is already recorded in our hearts.
Thanks for this video
I like what you said. One shouldn’t talk about God to much for similar reasons, one should just live. But if your mind is more capable then if you don’t talk about these natural forces the rest of man will lose out on what you may understand and accept so easily. A mind not so nimble in deciphering but capable of comprehension would benefit from the discovery you have made
It makes sense to me now I have been playing Classical Guitar for 44 years... thanks Professor MK
I can't say whether String Theory in it's current state is all right.
But they are absolutely on to something.
I believe we are in a simulation in a simulation in a simulation that is in a simulation
were is the backdoor and cheatcodes i have been looking for the reset button 001101
Simulation is just another way of saying "created by God".
@@wulphstein Who created god?
@@MrKashes The backdoor is death unfortunately or fortunately depending on how life is treating you.
The people who are in power of this world have all the cheat codes it's just the way the simulation was designed.
Putin has the restart button as far as I am aware so does Biden.. Who is going to press it first is the question?
For real bro
we’re gonna get such an amazing amount of breakthroughs all over the place with this era of AI. exciting times ahead
The theory of everything 📎📌
Wish we could back in time & help him finish the book.
My idea so I get to name it! Voyager 1 is now in interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." "V-ger's" message is sped up now that it's outside our suns time bubble or "Terran Time." It would be faster still if "V-ger" sent a message from beyond the Milky Way's time bubble. (That name is still up for grabs.) Then there's Outside the Local Group time bubble, so on and so on until we get to the, "True Interstellar Time Standard." Now that "Vyger" is in interstellar space, it's also in the Milky Way's STANDARD, faster moving, interstellar time or "Mikey's Time." This can be proven by turning off everything except its clock and transmitter. Have "Vyger" and the IP read time for as long as possible. They WILL show the flow of time speeds up the further away you from any celestial bodies. Until you reach the time standard.
•Our sun's time bubble: "Terran Time" we know and have measured.
•Milky Way's time bubble or "Mikey's Time." The rate/flow of TIME outside any influence but within the Milky Way: We just got there and are still figuring. Wild guess I'd say time will increase in speed, now and until Vyger is outside the Ort cloud .007-.07% faster, maybe. Just for reference.
•Local Group's time bubble or the rate/flow of time outside of any influence but within the Local Group: Name still open and unknown. Wild guess .08% to a couple seconds faster, maybe. Used just for reference.
•Outside any influence in the, "True Interstellar Time Standard," or...;-P Name NOT up for grabs BUT just begging to be measured. The rate/flow of time is fastest here so, surfing time here is choice. Though it's best to have your motor boat. ;-P
A minute is a minute in all. It's the rate/flow I'm talking about.
The Milky Way's Interstellar Time Standard will be known as, "Mikey's Time."
Pass it on, please and thank you.
He looks exactly the same as he did 15years ago. Livin’ outside of time.
Maybe he has mastered some kind of mystery.
I think there are different forms of Physics once we start to use more power!
If the subatomic particles are tiny strings , vibrating at super speed with much higher frequencies...
What causing those vibrations? You clearly need a relatively large amount of energy every moment to cause those continuous vibrations.. Isn't it? If there is any kind of energy or any kind of force given from outside to the interior of the subatomic particles, doesn't the energy affect the potential energy which holds these particles with each other or do these particles vibrate freely without affecting the corresponding subatomic particle ?
TESLA , TESLA was and is the greatest genius to ever exist. As we all know E=MC2 is at best a joke!! E=MD sorry it's that simple:
( E= Magnetic Density), if your a cloud of gas or just a raindrop you have a magnetic density. If you vibrate the magnetic field of anything it will also increase it's magnetic density, excluding the center field of a magnet that is what I refer to as the "B" field. If you take a granite rock and vibrate same with just the "B" field of a magnet into same it will loose it's integrity. The elements that make granite rock have allot of magnetic elements, That is why they had to use copper tools while working the pyramids! The center of a magnet is by far the most powerful part. You want PROOF , please visit Coral Castle on UA-cam. All his generators were set up so the magnets were in the repel mode!! SO THAT THE"B"Field would saturate the earth, He also had a horizontal stone similar to Stone Henge, I think that had allot to do with the ANTI Gravity.. Last but not least, Want to see more proof do this, find a bar magnet and if you tap just the "B" field on any plastic or glass it will loose weight, don't try it on any metal because you mess up the magnetic field also If you want to play with anti gravity keep IRON out of the picture!! One last note !! If you take the "B" field and hold it close to a water trickle you will see the water repel same.
So if I can play the string with the right note I can create objective??
If a particle can be in two places at the same time, why can't it harbor 🔄 multiple states? That would explain, the impression of awareness because they're no elaborate functions there to conceive complex forms of 🎭 cognition ...
The characteristic of an n-dimensional manifold is that each of the elements composing
it (in our examples, single points, [...] colors, tones) may be specified by the giving of _n_
quantities, the "co ordinates," which are continuous functions within the manifold.
Now it may be asked why these hidden variables should have so long remained undetected.
Well, obviously the extra dimensions have to be different somehow because otherwise we
would notice them.
Informative Video... ♾️
If universe is like music then it's an art and art needs not to be spectaculated. It's need to be enjoyed
could a vertical linear time string produce horizontal quantum waves / fields?
No matec
I'd like to hear Dr. Kaku's take on NASA experiment in 2020 that supposedly weakened the String Theory.
String theory is based in Quantum mechanics based on photons experiment 🤔 spooky action. What if spooky action is actually particle entanglement in 3rd and 4th dimensional space. It's not as spooky, but it would help with the 2 places at once thing. Would also be the source of the wave function 🤔
Similarly, Hindu Scriptures (Written Thousands of Years ago) also indirectly supports this "Super String Theory" through these few Verses.
ॐ ईति ब्रह्मा ॐइति इदम् सर्वम्
-तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद
(Om is the Divine, Om is everything that Exists...)
ॐ इत्येतद् अक्षरम् इदम् सर्वम् ...
- माण्डूक्य उपनीषद
(Om is the Sound which is, everything that is Manifest.)
...,अहं, वेघं पवित्रम् ॐकार: ....
- भागवत गीता (अध्याय ९)
(I am the pure sound OM from the Vedas).
Eventhough this Super String Theory has been Proved Correct By the MATHEMATICS and Hypothesis but not been Proved Experimentally Inside Laboratory.
But, still Hopes One day in Future this Theory to be Proven with the Help of even more Advanced Techonology.
जय श्री राम ।🕉️🙏
जय हनुमान ।🕉️🙏
जय सनातन ।।🕉️🙏
⥊ 34: 32
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744: Grasp
746: Thoroughness
747: Articulation
748: Conceptualization
749: Enchantment
750: Consolidation
751: Communication
753: Instrument
754: Conquering
755: Coalition Coordination
756: Inspire Instruction /Method
757: Prompt
759: Delight
760: Instructive
756: Instruction / Method
766: Causality
770: Appreciation / Gratitude
771: Algorithm Statement
772: File
773: Algorithm Recognizing
774: Code
775: Information Output
776: Correlation
777: Pattern / Construct
778: Development
779: Enumeration
780: Systematization
799: Revolution Algorithm
800: Providence / Supremacy
801: Production
802: Necessities
803: Resorces
804: Energy
808: Renewable Cycle
810: Permaculture
811: Fair Law / Constitution
819: Lament
820: Predominance / Management
829: Ephemeral
830: Logistics
831: Inquiring / Scheme
832: Reach
833: Entrusted
834: Dependability
835: Stock
836: Gravity
840: Consumption
843: Zeal
844: Creativeness
846: Independent
847: Autodidact
848: Integration
850: Labor
853: Usage
854: Disciplinated
855: Devotion
858: Accessibility
860: Human Resources
861: Adequated
862: Shape
863: Assignments
866: Estimation
870: Structure
873: Congruity
880: Peace
888: Globalization
900: Transparency
910: Panacea
911: Emergency Call
919: Enclosuse
930: Enlightenment
931: Only One Global Currency
935: Resources
936: Legitimacy
940: Empathy
944: Wishing Well
946: Compassionate
947: Philanthropy
948: Unification
954: Intrinsic
955: Fidelity
960: Synthesis / Blockchain Integration
961: Remarkale
962: Guide / Formidale
963: Monolith
966: Proof
970: Examination / Gallant
971: Vocabulary
973: Pertinence
975: Inspection
979: Impressive
980: Splendid
990: Optimization
991: Imperative
995: Accountancy
996: Revolution Chain
998: Regulation
999: Zenith Vortex Epic
1000: Militancy
1001: Nova Era
1010: Peer-2-Peer
1011: Decentralized Network
1012: Distributed Ledger
1030: Financial Revolution
1031: Resources Availability
1040: Production Revolution
1042: Drug Liberation
1049: Implementation
1050: Labour Reorganization
1100: Liberation Army
1133: Abolitionism
1160: Pacifism
1312: Boycott
1317: Identifiable Source
1400: Unity
1444: Direct Digital Democracy
1500: Benevolence
1550: Charity
1807: Black & Yellow
2000: Sanctuary
3000: Freedom
3030: Win-Win
3100: Triumph
3311: To Revolt
3330: We All Can Live In Abundance
3712: Problem In Your Opinion
4000: Coexist
4411: Riders of Justice
5000: Glory
5500: Greatness
6500: Quantum Mechanics
6999: Mystery
7220: Unified Field Theory
7755: Revolution Gear
8000: Sustainability
8999: Finitude
9997: Discovery
9998: Unknown
9999: Universe
10000: Existence
. This is a Numeric Matrix for Communications Purposes.
. This Can Be Used to Convey Meaning.
Ex.: 2034: To Judge the Idea.
. Mathematical Operators Can Be Used to Calculate Meaning.
Ex.: To Judge the Expression: 25
20 + 5 = 25 (Behavior)
. Logical Operators to Create statements.
Ex.: ¬11: 13. If not Just then Death.
. Colors can also be used as information.
- You can help build it.
There’s a bit of a factual error in the video when they begin to explain multiverses.
The hypothesis they present in the video is actually not the canonically accepted string theory version but is referred to as the many worlds hypothesis which involves concepts like Schroedingers cat, hawking radiation and dechoherence.
Multiverse theory however postulates there’s many universes that were incepted just like ours in their own big bang that happened at a singularity in a different point in that space that contained the singularities.
I love this guy❤
could strings be linear one dimensional time in quantum mechanics? how might strings as linear time become particles by measuring quantum waves / fields?
One of the main reasons is that it takes out of context the only constant in the cosmos, which of course is not the speed of light. In fact, all theories have meaning and relevance in different aspects, but none of them connect with the other due to the absence. of the ignored constant.
Fortunately, the unifying theory of everything is being developed and in a simple and elegant way unites and explains the processes of creation of the cosmos that includes a plausible and logical description of existence.
The process is started, the answers will be available very soon
Eduardo Cardenas
What is different between Exact and mystery( uncertain times and path status) ways during Atomic Research and Highly Advance Adrisya infinite Cosmic Research journey
7 immortal infinite PhD holder Pawan Tiwari.
Two observers are in different observation zones. These 2 zones are moving at 99% light speed relative to each other. To both these observers the other is moving very fast and appear to be travelling slowly through time. Strange days indeed...
How can you travel through a measurement?😀
@@baileealligood7862 Lightspeed not Lightyear
@@GapToothBitch Again, how can you travel through a measurement. Hint, look up what time actually is. The definition of time in physics. Time travel is for the gullible.
No one explains such profound subjects in such relatable ways as Michio Kaku
I love this presentation.
Now looking at the history of how we came about string theory, wouldn’t you agree that we are putting shackles on ourselves by wasting brain cells on wars, economy, hair and nail extensions et cetera when many could be enticed with the most luring pitches to pursue science with wonderful, zealous and passionate professors like yourself who are prepared and willing to guide a whole bunch of people whose little input put together will go a long way of propelling mankind forward by leaps and bounds rather than this snail pace we currently have.
We have a world were power plays, hierarchy and other useless structures plagues us to a stand still when there’s so much to understand and discover. And the fact that with each little progress we make, mankind has a chance to live a longer and healthier life makes the decision of monarchs focused on economic growth rather than world growth through collaborations and harmonious development by a centralised system which lays emphasis on what’s the best at all times very hard for me to understand.
Michael Faraday, Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Einstein and the rest of the greatest scientists would be very proud if we quickly speed through understanding the universe by bringing in more people with qualitative training. More people equals more discoveries and that will lead to so much greater success of mankind.
Please let’s do away with this society putting harmful products on our plates in the name of profits and focus on a world where science takes precedence and everyone gets at least a 1st degree knowledge on it.
I want to live long and healthy enjoying the delicacies of earth thanks to the many discoveries to be made by putting the system I proposed or an even better one into play.
Nyɛ yi ana wala daa.
Bless you all.
Wow you really put some thought in your comment, glad there’s folks like you out there though.
Yup…I often question myself about what tomorrow will be like if we maximise on our intelligence to create a future where we understand our make up to the tiniest of genes so we we can have ailment free future and space exploration so we don’t have to depopulate ourselves.
Proverbs 1:7 KJV "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
"The Fear Of God."
Fear of the Lord leads to life. Not just the beating of the heart. To real life. The true life. And I think about people, who are trying to live out their lives, looking for happiness, looking for peace, looking for joy, looking for this, looking for that, and the truth is, the source that they are looking for, is the very person they keep shoving away. "The Fear Of God." Now when you hear that, you ask yourself the question, well am I to be afraid of God? Or does it mean something else, and when it's used in the scripture, naturally we are to be afraid of God, If we are living in sin. He's our Holy God, a righteous God, now whether you are afraid of God, depends on how you are living. If you are living in sin you have a right to be absolutely afraid of God. He says (the soul that sinneth, It shall die), (the wages of sin is death). (It is appointed on to man once to die, and after this, the judgment). If you're living in sin, you have a right to be afraid of a (Holy God). (The one true God). (Jehovah Yahweh Elohim). His Son Jesus Christ the Lord. (Deuteronomy 13:4. Says you shall follow the Lord your God, and fear Him, and you should keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him), (that is His command). What do I mean by fearing God. It means simply this, to reverence Him, to honor Him, to exalt Him, to lift Him up, to hold Him in high regard, to worship Him, and to hold Him In high esteem, to obey Him, to acknowledge Him His worthiness, (to honoring His position as creator and judge of all mankind). When you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, that's what it means to fear the living God. No fear of God means, In their understanding as they view life, and as they view the world, no fear in God, no honoring God, In fact, God is a problem to them, because he gets in their way, Holy God does not tolerate sin, Holy God is not going to make you living in sin feel comfortable, or really enjoy yourself. For the moment you may have some brief moments of happiness and joy, but very brief, because Holy God hates sin, He doesn't hate the sinner, but He hates sin, He hates sin because of what sin does to His children, many may think, sin is having a good time, (God sees sin as a detriment to His will, purpose, and plan for your life), and this is why we all should understand what it means to fear the living God, because one day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. People who are living in sin think, why do I want God in my life? To keep you from dying and being eternally separated from God, and never being able to become the person God wanted you to be, and because you're going to miss Heaven. You don't Fear God, you are going to miss Heaven, you don't fear God and you die in that state ( your going to hell). I don't mean to be critical, but when you turn your back on God, your turning your back on your only hope, the one who loves you, cares for you, and wants the best for you. But He will not make you follow Him, not make you love Him, not make you obey Him, the fear of God is a Holy thought, no matter what people may believe, they cannot avoid the judgment of Holy God, who loves you, but is willing to give us enough free will, if you choose not to love Him, if you choose to die without Him, will let you have what you want, against His loving will. (The only perfect person died on the cross, rose again, seated at the father's right hand, to make intercession for you and me), God is Holy. Therefore we are to fear Him, why should we fear God? Because He commands it, and secondly because the Scripture says, (It's the beginning of knowledge). (Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge), there's a lot of people who think they are smart, they could have 25 degrees in 25 different subjects, they could be an authority above all other authorities, they may be knowledgeable about many things. If they do not fear God (they are missing out, about the most important thing in life), and that is a (personal relationship to Holy God). God says, it's the beginning of knowledge, true genuine knowledge. They may know some facts about many things, but what life's all about is learning who God is. It's the beginning of knowledge.
@@louisgarcia1335 Alright. Bless you for your submission. I hope you use this zeal to the benefit of all so we can come to know and accept the truth regardless of how it’s discovered. In your submission you mentioned “Holy God” hates sin because of how it affects his children but not the children themselves. So in conclusion we came to this life to deal with sin as a way to glorify an “all mighty creator”, right? Because if he is all mighty according to the bible which is the source of your information, he can effortlessly take away sin so we can use our lives to glorify him and any other thing he wishes for. But to think we are here as test subjects in a science lab to see if we avoid the poison called sin that has been placed in our testing area with little to go by than to go for this poison to make meaning of life or stay away from it and die a supposedly righteous lab rat. Tell me, what will this scientist be observing? What really will be the purpose if the instructions says to stay away from the alluring poison put in there to show you want to gain knowledge. *Because according to the bible, we’re born of sin and sin is a part of us. So what is the purpose of all this? We just came to life to manoeuvre our way out of sin into what? A better lab? We don’t deserve that better lab in the first place until we show certain signs? Is that not how a human might test out trustworthy people before employing them with great benefits? Is the holy god you speak of a human?*
Even if he is, will a *loving human* subject their children to such experiments and watch them suffer for generational eternity when that suffering can be ended by the *loving parent* at any time without consequences? To what gain? _For the parent to say these are my loyal children and those are not so they can disappear from existence for all I care because I gave them options!_ *Seriously, is this what man believes in? Is this what our intelligence leads to? Is this what an all loving and all powerful creator is about?*
Is this what all the fuss about religion is? No no no no no no no! It’s a joke! It’s a big joke if this is what we relegate a deity to. It’s a joke when we even accept this joke from a deity! Humans will all unite against such a parent if it happens anywhere, and yet it’s okay for a more compassionate being that can’t even be measured by our standards to be cruel?
Do we have peanuts for brains?
I believe not?!
Just take some time off your indoctrination (because I was once where you are now) and revisit such religions with an open mind and see if it still makes sense to you.
I will be here waiting.
Bless your heart.
Oyi ana wala daa!
C.B Bortey
@@C.B.Bortey String Theory is a field of theoretical physics which refers to several different, though related, ideas about the fundamental mechanics of the universe. There are some controversial aspects to String Theory, and a few major hurdles that it would have to be cleared up before it could be accepted by the scientific community at large. In this sense, it is no different than other ideas about the physical universe: it is an attempt to better understand how this universe operates. Since God is a God of truth, there is nothing about honest scientific investigation that Christians should be concerned about. The more we know about the universe, the more we can appreciate the Creator. Unlike less complex models, String Theory cannot be explained in any real depth in layman's terms. It draws on quantum mechanics, general relativity, and complex mathematics. In a nutshell, however, String Theory is the idea that the smallest known particles, such as electrons, are not zero dimensional points, but rather one dimensional"strings." These strings are normally shaped into closed loops. When the strings encounter other physical entities, called "branes", they open up into line segments. The interactions of these strings and branes would then produce the various forces and reactions we see in physics. While normal physics views the universe in four dimensions (three for space and one for time), various versions of String Theory assume that the universe has as many as 11 dimensions. These assumptions are all attempts to unify all of the known properties of physics into a single "theory of everything." At this point in time, String Theory, in all its forms, is purely theoreical. That is, no part of String Theory has ever been demonstrated, tested, or observed in any way that could confirm or disprove it. This is partly due to technological constraints, since the energy required to test these ideas would be enormous. It is also a product of the properties of String Theory itself. The more "dimensions" (or "degrees of freedom") a complex system has, the more possible solutions there are to a given problem. In the case of String Theory. A system using 11 dimensions could potentially produce so many possible answers to a problem that the system becomes meaningless. These problems also mean that String Theory (for now) has no predictive power: it is a purely abstract model which may or may not have any basis in reality, and (for now) cannot be used to gain new understanding of the universe. From a Christian perspective, String Theory isn't really different than prior ideas in physics, such as atoms, molecules, the Standard Model, and so forth. These are all attempts to better understand how the universe is arranged. The more we know about Creation, the more glory we can give to the Creator (Psalm 19:1). Christians are actually encouraged to seek truth and understanding (Psalm 111:7; Proverbs 23:23), so we should judge ideas like String Theory purely on the basis of their scientific validity. Truth cannot contradict truth, so Christians who pursue scientific truth can be confident that it will never contradict spiritual truth (John 4:24; 2 Corinthians 13:8).
maybe a linear time string forms into a wave with a frequency? wave with frequency develops probabilities?
The only real world, physical problem string theory ever solved is how to keep Michio Kaku employed.
But how did any of it get here in the first place. If it was a big bang then what specifically exploded and how did that get there, I don’t think we can say it was always there because everything is in a constant state of atrophy (decline) and if it was always there it would have ran out of energy
Can I (thought) exist in one part of the multiverse and my physical form exist in another part of the multiverse? Can they interact causing "spooky action at a distance"? What would happen if my physical body dies because it functions in a universe with physical limitations, but my consciousness survives in another universe? Could I go find another physical body on earth or somewhere else and occupy it?
@@fcon2002 no because you and your thoughts exist in a macro environment while "spooky action at a distance" happens at the quantum level.
What's the relationship between black holes and string theory? Maybe the Holographic Principle?
Unique Video.
But how does string theory relate to time travel because I feel like I should have known that from this.
Chapter 1-4: rethinking general relativity as 5 dimensions of physics- a unifying theory of gravity.
Strongly recommend this video. It explains how gravity is the 5th dimension (time being the 4th or 3rd +1). And how it is possible to perceive the 5th dimension.... And none of this non-euclidion geometry nonsense saying that's the next dimension, as that's just manipulation of 3d space.
So... are quarks the notes on the sheet of music that is dark matter?
The fact that changing my name brought me here amuses me to no end 😂
a string linear time may have quantum probabilities that when measured become classic particles in space?
The point-string paradox.
For many years, physicists used point particles to explain the effects of quantum phenomena. This picture was good for practical work, but the philosophical aspect of quantum phenomena was unclear. So later, some physicists decided that particles would not be considered as point concentrations of energy, but as a 1-dimensional (without thickness) vibrating string of energy.
The problem.
There are six different types of "string theories" in different dimensions, but which of the six string theories is correct, no one knows. And the "string" (itself) has no evidence that the particle must have a one-dimensional shape (without thickness). If a string particle has no law that proves its existence, then the so-called "string theory" is a subjective opinion, it is just a pure mathematical game - fiction.
Happy Christmas 🎄
The multiverse theory is only appearing now in modern physics. However, ancient Hindu Scriptures (e.g. Srimad Bhagavatam) clearly state that the material world is infinite and that there are infinite numbers of universes. There are also stories where humans went to another realm for one day of that realm, only to return to Earth to find hundreds of Earth years had passed. Thus we find concepts of relative time there as well. So, what modern science is theorizing about now, ancient Hindus knew thousands of years ago. I don't know if there may be other cultures that may also have similar knowledge, if so, it would be good to share. Thanks
What moves these tiny strings?
The QUAD STEP system of Helical Order is a Hierarchical Group System that produces a continuous string for Accurate Geometry for 3 Types of DNA or the Creative geometry of Pine Cones or Pineapples. No academics have shown this. Why is this Quad Step System given the silent treatment and rejected for publishing in Science Journals ?
I want to learn more about string theory.
Michio Kaku is out of control
So what are the strings made of ? (:
What if the strings don't vibrate? (Much more to this story, but I don't have the spacetime to write it here :)
“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream”
I put a idea in.. let's say in string theory that the ion which is believed to disappear from one string to randomly reappear on another string.. let's say that ion itself never reappears in this dimension.. instead I want you to consider the possibility that said ion leaving this dimension (disappearing) pulls another ion into this dimension from another dimension. So the appearance of another ion on a different string is the result of ions slipping in and out of this dimension from and to other dimensions. Imagine the probable uses of such knowledge.. reaching very far one may presume that teleportation could be achieved by sending a collective of quarks into another dimension with intentions to pull said collection back into this dimension.. would that be teleportation? BJW NMA 03/31/1976
Its interestyng this video
So if everything is strings, then is dark energy a feedback loop amplifying the magnitude of the vibration?
Bro who are you and where do you come from..did you read that somewhere or is it something you’ve been thinking about
@@ogfish1025 As an engineer and amateur musician, it is just something which I've been thinking about.
Michio what makes the string.? Little round particles linked together in a chain.
Maybe the string is longer than the note. Or the note isn't stronger as the string that strummed it.
Definitely we will able to understand most of the things about cosmos one day but this question will stay remains that " what actually space is , how it form and what it's limitation " ..
Infinity is beyond the imagination...
So they are going off of the idea that there are multiple vibrating strings, but whit if it was all just one long string, each and every molecule can ration on the string affects the next and how that next molecule might vibrate, and you could search through the string by following the vibrations because two molecules next to echo ther would have similar vibrations and if follow the vibration speed up or down you can find the specific speed you’d be looking for
I feel it should have already been thought of but just incase could someone give it a shot or just straight Ik tell me it won’t work
What is a string made of ?
Energy vibration
Multiple dimensions and multiple universes are not the same! Also, because you can't measure higher dimensions (at the moment) does not mean they're not real. Some scientists seem to suggest if it is not testable or measurable, it's not real.
Could the “influenced by the observer” component be considered evidence of our existence being a simulation?
@@AppleReviews I try to figure out why there would be a simulation … one possibility is that it might be a way to create A.I. modules (me and you) who think they are real living beings - that way they may create something interesting. I think it’s very likely that there were never humans, and that the human form is used as one that generates creativity. In this scenario, a very productive module may get to graduate up to the next level of reality, or at least get another cycle in the simulation. That’s my current theory.
No, sub atomic particles can't be observed simply because, we use light as a tool to observe them.
A photon is immensely larger than a sub atomic particle, should we put any sub atomic particle, under a microscope, the particle disappears, simple because a photon hit it out if it's place.
Hope that helps
Next question from me
What is Biology? in that context
Muchio muku can you help me with the practical experiments of washing clothes and robots design to wash clothes through artificial intelligence sentient
Where is Kaku?
Has Michio published any papers or is he like the Piers Morgan of Physics? Just sort of weaseled his way in?
Trolls cant find Kaku's published works? If that's too hard for you, how you going to refute his claims?
TESLA , TESLA was and is the greatest genius to ever exist. As we all know E=MC2 is at best a joke!! E=MD sorry it's that simple:
( E= Magnetic Density), if your a cloud of gas or just a raindrop you have a magnetic density. If you vibrate the magnetic field of anything it will also increase it's magnetic density, excluding the center field of a magnet that is what I refer to as the "B" field. If you take a granite rock and vibrate same with just the "B" field of a magnet into same it will loose it's integrity. The elements that make granite rock have allot of magnetic elements, That is why they had to use copper tools while working the pyramids! The center of a magnet is by far the most powerful part. You want PROOF , please visit Coral Castle on UA-cam. All his generators were set up so the magnets were in the repel mode!! SO THAT THE"B"Field would saturate the earth, He also had a horizontal stone similar to Stone Henge, I think that had allot to do with the ANTI Gravity.. Last but not least, Want to see more proof do this, find a bar magnet and if you tap just the "B" field on any plastic or glass it will loose weight, don't try it on any metal because you mess up the magnetic field also If you want to play with anti gravity keep IRON out of the picture!! One last note !! If you take the "B" field and hold it close to a water trickle you will see the water repel same.
he's been saying the same thing for years, the definition of a broken record
Michio Kaku is out of control.
What the mystery is why this theory is still being touted as the way to research physics of the actual real world and universe.
Can we ask AI (ChatGPT) to self learn about the string theory and explain to us?
No matter how many atoms you smash or how many strings or particles you find , these will still never explain whether or not we are a creation or whether or not we are eternal beings . The big questions cannot be explained by science .
Do you reckon that it is different portal's to different dimensions wormholes I think where living in a time where the past future and present is catching up in one with astro traveling to but I think string theory is different portal's wormholes dimensions to different times and places
I like that we might live in a black hole idea
If consciousness is frequency, why can't string theory be verified through sound and atoms that mimic this phenomena that is invisible by placing these atoms in the path of its signal transmission, causing and empathic response?
You can't see electricity in water but you can read it with instruments.
The closest paradigm we have to describing string theory is music and the brain.
When music is playing, the sound vibrates through our cochlea, of which has a little bit of water in it. Those signals that impress upon that water and reverberate throughout our ear canals are transmuted into information that our mind senses, decyphers and stores.
Why wouldn't a test like that suffice in explaining how consciousness isn't limited to a skull but is even as big as the entire universe in all of its connected, synaptic firing?
As above, so below. We are made of nothing other than its image...
It seems obvious to me that the more you look at the relation of everything in context of each other, in the universe... The more you begin to see a living, breathing symphony of interconnectivity LIKE the synaptic firing of a brain. It's not as easy to prove practically... The only thing that we're aware of that can access multiple dimensions is our minds.
String theory is a theory that is interesting because it seems obvious that it is true, but how does one concretely prove it to minds that can't see it?
I think its critics aren't people who are in disbelief, but are tired of scientists who study it getting all of the attention and funding...
You know what perpetuates practice? Joy.
When you think in terms of scientific theory and apply the harmony of music, you can see how the universe fits together in harmony, in an over arching image of the whole thing...
This is science practiced with joy, intrigue and grace... Like a faith.
This is why people believe in God...
Not because the church told them so... But because church and state exist because of faith through God...
String theory is a foundational block that produces an infinite number of stumbling stones...
It's a place of refuge in belief and faith, for scientists.
It also outlines the difference between perception and perspective.
Why play with single facts when you can blend them together in a kind of alchemy?
This love is what evolves science as we understand it and how we practice it.
ps.why not showing mr Brian Greene-only his voice......
Realy I like this video its interestyng
I must give a huge thanks for putting into the scientific revolution things I have know for 30 years but never had a way to explain. These string and quantum physics I am explaining because of and through my personal EXPERIENCE of what I know to be true. It is based on my relationship with her CREATOR who's name is YAHWEH!!! THANK YOU AGAIN
Mix String Theory with Yahweh, then you get this..
Profound take on Mozzarella. True though.
عندما نسمع عن كل هذه النظريات والقوانين والمسلمات والقواعد مع اكتشاف كل ما يشذ عنها وتطبيقاتها التي رأت النور والتطبيقات التي في المخاض والتطبيقات التي في مرحلة التخصيب والتطبيقات التي لم يتم عقد قرانها بعد نريد أن نعرف التالي:
لماذا لم يتم إيجاد تطبيق من العدم قادر على سد ثقب الأوزون ؟!
لماذا لم يتم إيجاد تطبيق يستطيع أن يختزل الإشعاعات الضارة الموجودة أو التي قد تنتشر في حالات الحوادث المؤسفه ؟!
لماذا لا يتم اعتبار الكوكب قريه واحده تهم الجميع والاهتمام بكل ما يتعلق بالبيىه في كل قاراته خصوصا الماء والهواء والغذاء والدواء ؟!
Makes me wonder if he really did die, maybe he figured it out and left this existence knowing that we are too early to know what we will eventually find out 🤔
The universe is sound, not music, the universe is god and God is the universe. He is that vibration.
The biggest problem with todays physics is that you think of many spatial dimensions plus time as one. The real revelation is when you start thinking of as many time dimensions as space dimensions. The world we experience is about 3 dimensions of space and 3 dimensions of time, both essentially as rooms and to be honest time works in 3 dimensions of space so it must hold the same amount of dimensions.
And where's the evidence of these two added dimensions of time?
@@thomasbardoux1692 It is coming, many are working on it already. We know time is local to the observer, which is proven. If the observer speeds up time passes more slowly and if gravity is increased the same happens. So time is not a unified field, it is a local phenomenon which also space is, as we have spacetime. So not one without the other, now as time and space are local to the observer there is no objective reality only countless subjective realities and in order for your reality tunnel to support space in three dimensions then also three dimensions of time are needed. We do not often think of time as space, but time is like a room moving forwards according to our local time and space.
@@Chimie33 Or, the answer lies in eliminating time altogether, since it is a human construct.
@@robertsink1323 Measuring time as we do, is a human way. But, time as space do exist.
@@Chimie33 Two observers are in different observation zones. These 2 zones are moving at 99% light speed relative to each other. To both these observers the other is moving very fast and appear to be travelling slowly through time. Strange days indeed...
The most foundational concept I have learned from string theory is that every thing is alive.
And you ask how I have made that conclusion?
Dead things don't move.
Living things do.
He is a living God!
Then why does the pope shit in the woods?
Agree. There's a saying: movement is life, stillness is death.
The greatest scientist of anybody’s time can’t figure out everything or anything at that matter, because we are not able to comprehend the smaller, then we have seen and bigger than we have seen
Its been how many years and we still have no prediction from String theory I mean come on now.
The ideas we (humans) try to understand the universe we still can't understand that nothing can create something. A painting on a wall...who created it? The painting didn't just appear. There was a painter (God).
Their is no Fate but what we make!
If I drop a glass 🍷 or at the last second chose not to drop a glass
This choas experiment convinced me at a young age because I lacked disapilne to think before acting. Half the time I dropped it half the time I didn't drop it.
Two completely different universes in one. I think their could just be two worlds negative and positive.
Matter vibrates which excites and vibrates the fabric of space. Space can vibrate in numerous ways, bending, turning to waves ,and so on. Replace dark matter with space.
Michio Kaku didn't explain a damn thing about "The Mysteries of String Theory & Quantum Physics"...