Sea of Stars Review (Spoiler Free)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • I've been playing Sea of Stars for the last couple of weeks and I love it! It captures everything I loved about RPGs of the 16 bit era and gets rid of all the parts I didn't like. It's incredibly fun to play, though I do wish it had stronger storytelling. Watch the full review to get all my thoughts!


  • @VoltaDoMar
    @VoltaDoMar Рік тому +20

    Great review. My theory is that a lot of these great game design elements which had evolved up to that point, were thrown out the window as soon as 3D became available in the PS1/N64 generation. The promise of 3D was so great that devs weren't interested in what they could do with great 2D anymore. I agree with you, I think that a lot of great game design lessons were tossed out unnecessarily. They have more life in them.

    • @cldpt
      @cldpt Рік тому

      they weren't immediately. FFVII-IX are great examples and Resonant Arch even does a quick reference to it when mentioning "games can still have this even on 3D" - applying to static camera angles and BGs for FFVII specifically on the edit, but most other things he mentions, like fully controllable airships and explorable maps, the tricky dungeons... they're all still on the numbered FFs up until 10, which DID shift it up but still managed to succeed in being a great game for OTHER reasons. It went downhill as the industry shifted later in the 2000's. For example, to me, the greatest game story EVER made in my eyes - the Xeno series - still has its best "story bundle" (Xenosaga) stuck in this format, where the PS2 devs needed to make a decision between budgeting for amazing level design, or for a more graphical story, where the later was more apt for the technology that Sony and publishers wanted to display on the consoles of that generation. I do not blame Takahashi/Monolithsoft/Bamco for the choice as it was the right one for the amazing story, but it makes these games an absolute drag gameplay and pacing wise to replay TODAY, and now even an eyesore because early 3D has NOT aged well while 8 and 16bit sprites are making a nice return to form and still look amazing.
      Off-topic: This is why I literally cannot wait for Monolithsoft to announce if their next project is the awaited remasters of Xenosaga, Xenoblade X, or even Xenogears (although the later is unlikely since many people believe Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3 are, in general, a rewriting of Xenogears on the original Perfect Works timeline, but that's a topic for another place...)

    • @What_In_This_World
      @What_In_This_World 11 місяців тому +1

      Funny enough, this game is actually 3D rendered, which is how they made all the shadows and light work the way they did, the graphics are immensely impressive when you look into how they made it happen. It’s not your normal pixel art style, it’s amazing.

    • @jacobmonks3722
      @jacobmonks3722 8 місяців тому

      @JB-mm5ff I wouldn't say RPGs of that era were bad, just scarce. The few we got were pretty sick. Paper Mario Thousand Year Door, Lost Odyssey, Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, Mega Man Battle Network, Dragon Quest remakes, and the Fire Emblem Ike duology are all pretty beloved.
      It was also a good time for Western style RPGs like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Far Cry, and Dragon's Dogma late into that generation.

  • @lorenzotosiart
    @lorenzotosiart Рік тому +14

    You re such a good reviewer! I love the podcast, but man, these shorter reviews from you are SO enjoyable and interesting.

  • @Leikjarinn
    @Leikjarinn 4 місяці тому

    The music, The art, The Characters, The World and the god damn WHOLE PACKAGE! is just sooooo fantasticly fantastic!

  • @loranriser2989
    @loranriser2989 Рік тому +126

    I had the same reaction to the story; there’s this seemingly bizarre shame in being earnest nowadays and characterization/story suffers because of it.

    • @sirbradfordofhousejones
      @sirbradfordofhousejones Рік тому +9

      You just put my thoughts into more eloquent words- thank you!

    • @rpdt96
      @rpdt96 Рік тому +18

      Really well put. It rubs me the wrong way cause it can evoke that notion that 'fantasy is for kids' and has no capacity to be mature.

    • @ViewportPlaythrough
      @ViewportPlaythrough Рік тому +7

      right... like every time i see/read things that are used to be said as "thought deeply" and its cool because its earnest, its just now labeled as cringe or something derogatory. like, if someone put effort unto something you would be labeled negatively for it and be called derogatory terms.
      thats why i tend to stay in communities with a more mature audience like resonant arc's

    • @Y-two-K
      @Y-two-K Рік тому +21

      Gotta love the post 90's world we live in where sarcasm and irony are the default state. It's long lost its charm and is becoming quite troublesome in my earnest opinion.

    • @bartandaelus359
      @bartandaelus359 Рік тому +22

      I am so, so sick of stories trying to break the 4th wall and just breaking the immersion and suspension of disbelief instead.
      the plague of insincerity of media is so baffling to me. Why did they go to all the effort to make a well-playing, beautiful game and then absolutely ruin the experience with some of the worst writing I have ever seen. All the characters sound the same, there's no effort to diversify their voice. The prose is bland and there are genuine errors like verb tenses being mixed between lines. Sea of Stars is more of an homage to Joss Whedon than anything else.

  • @kbutta01
    @kbutta01 Рік тому +17

    I loved every minute of this one! Can’t explain the joy this game brought me. It’s not perfect, but man, it’s darn close IMO.

  • @sasaraireborn
    @sasaraireborn Рік тому +52

    If you liked that style, but want a more mature story, Chained echoes is a really good modern 16 bit style rpg.

    • @nuclearbeeberman
      @nuclearbeeberman Рік тому +13

      chained echoes is far better than this

    • @justicerainz
      @justicerainz Рік тому +6

      Chained echoes is so good! I overall enjoyed it more than sea of stars, but both were wonderful

    • @valacan
      @valacan Рік тому +5

      I was going to say the same thing. Curious what he thinks of that game!

    • @lovies42
      @lovies42 Рік тому +5

      yeah chained echoes is just a better version of this type of game

    • @cloudkitt
      @cloudkitt Рік тому +7

      I have not played Chained Echoes (yet), but I will say this game is a lot more visually appealing to me.

  • @StaleMoves
    @StaleMoves Рік тому +33

    I basically agree with all of your points. However I'd like to highlight how good the level design in this game is. This game honestly has some of my favorite levels in any rpg I've played, they're so creatively constructed. The only level design I have liked on the same level as this one in recent memory was Crosscode (another great game!)

    • @rangerscoach
      @rangerscoach Рік тому +3

      100% the levels are so great!!

    • @VoltaDoMar
      @VoltaDoMar Рік тому +1

      Agreed. I think the level and environment design is the single greatest thing about this game

    • @KingBanks18
      @KingBanks18 Рік тому +6

      He does highlight the level design

    • @cldpt
      @cldpt Рік тому

      @@KingBanks18 yeap but he focused on the town of Brisk, because it's a highlight. I actually do not fully agree with the level design being top-notch, I think it's nearly there. There are dungeons that are an ABSOLUTE joy like the "sea tower" or the "spike island" (real names fail me), but others are very simplistic linear paths or VERY simple puzzles like the factory, and even the very unorthodox (to the rest of the game) desert with the "repeating same area with a twist" could have been better implemented, as this is a common trope. But I can see what they went with and I think Resonant Arch put it great in that they distilled the best of the known tropes, given the probably tight budget. and used them to great effect. The great mix of dungeon types and intricacy levels actually makes me look forward to the next one, as I am on the last stretch of this amazing game

    • @cloudkitt
      @cloudkitt Рік тому +1

      yeah the levels are really something else

  • @mschmalfeldt
    @mschmalfeldt 5 місяців тому +5

    The characters really annoyed the ever loving shit outta me. If you bring up tropes and fourth wall breaks as cringey tropes AND THEN PROCEED TO DO THE EXACT THING YOU JOKED ABOUT, IT STILL IS CRINGEY AND TROPEY

  • @amorimjt
    @amorimjt Рік тому +5

    Adult life pulled me from games, but i was constantly curious what you guys have been playing and missing the amazing dicussions of the games I love so much. Sea of Stars is another game for my backlog to play when i finally get the chance. Just wanted to say I miss you guys... hopefully I can be here to watch Xenoblade 3 discussion. You guys rock!

  • @mikev8746
    @mikev8746 Рік тому +3

    I thought of you man when playing this game. I remember listening to the Chrono Trigger review many years ago. And how it resonated so strongly with me as to my own personal experience with it playing it as a kid. Both on a personal note and a game design one. And I remember how you expressed many times over how much of a shame it was that they didn't make games like this anymore. Now I personally am a bit easier at moving past that sort of thing even though I also miss it. But I couldn't help but think for a brief moment how elated you were playing the game yourself. Even if it's not a perfect one. It's a great thing to still have come out in this day and age.

  • @KillaD69
    @KillaD69 Рік тому +20

    After playing FF16, Starfield, and Baulders Gate 3. Sea of Stars is my favorite RPG of the year

    • @puppetMattster
      @puppetMattster Рік тому +1

      That's high praise. I'll play the demo for sure.

    • @rvfiasco
      @rvfiasco Рік тому +3

      It's my favorite game this year.

    • @What_In_This_World
      @What_In_This_World 11 місяців тому +1

      It’s one of my favorite games in years, let alone this year…I got the physical copy coming in a few months and I know I’m going to play it again then, and probably a few times after that as well…it’s one of those games where you will keep the console (Switch in my case) just so you know you can play it again when you want to.

    • @puppetMattster
      @puppetMattster 8 місяців тому

      @@What_In_This_World I bought the game based on your recommendation, and I just finished it last night with the true ending. I just want to say thank you for guiding me toward having that experience. I'll never use the words "borrowed time" the same way again.

  • @mac6860
    @mac6860 Рік тому +5

    Easily one of my favorite games ever. It's unfortunate that the writing doesn't give us much beyond surface level, but it didn't take away from my enjoying it. Finished up last weekend, ramping up to go again and clear everything!

  • @ChocolatierRob
    @ChocolatierRob Рік тому +8

    Eh, as beautiful as it is my primary interest in any game but _especially_ in an RPG is story. I’ll take a great story with janky gameplay over interesting gameplay on a poor plot any day of the week.

    • @rangerscoach
      @rangerscoach Рік тому

      I wouldn’t say the story is awful it’s more in the realm of campy. It doesn’t have an unnecessary multiverse for example, or weird ghosts. I played ff6 again recently the main thing I would’ve loved to see more of would be the stuff like when Locke and Edgar geek about the magic half way through a fight. That was outstanding coding.

    • @claudio3431
      @claudio3431 Рік тому +2

      I do not think the story is poor or bad by any means. Did you enjoy the story of JRPGs like FF4, FF5, Lufia or Golden Sun? This goes into the same direction imo. It's definitely not its major strenght but it works in favor of the gameplay and feeling of the game.

    • @rangerscoach
      @rangerscoach Рік тому

      @@claudio3431 yeah I agree with you it just isn’t terranigma ( I think some of use old heads have the highest standards these day)

  • @rangerscoach
    @rangerscoach Рік тому +2

    The points of interest on the map the way it’s puzzles challenge but resolve quickly. I’m so addicted to it so far. All we need now is a game like this with an all time great scenario. The scenario is everything

  • @theycallmejpj
    @theycallmejpj 11 місяців тому +1

    I was really shocked at the lack of star ocean influence given the name

  • @NS-RPG
    @NS-RPG Рік тому +4

    For me it was a 10/10 game, I see the story style as a positive, because of Garl.

  • @MrNickPicc
    @MrNickPicc Рік тому +15

    I agree about the tone of the story, but I loved how they used Teaks at the camp to introduce lore pieces that would later come up in the narrative. Any thoughts on how that compares to the FF XVI ATL approach?

  • @gilgamesh310
    @gilgamesh310 Рік тому +1

    Everyone complains about the Buffy kind of dialogue now, but shows like that and Firefly were heavily praised at the time. It seems like 5e issue is execution more so than the actual format of dialogue.

  • @timrattray
    @timrattray Рік тому +3

    I enjoyed this game to the point where I did just about everything possible (those who know about the flimsy hammers know the extent to which I mean this). It's hard to say I didn't enjoy my time with the game by that metric, and the fantastical environments, visual prowess, and core combat mechanics really speak to that. But I have a lot of criticisms that don't leave me head over heals upon reflection. The writing quality is a big one that's been discussed to death and my take isn't really all that different. When Garl-- a character who is still pretty cookie cutter (heh)-- was the clear standout of the playable cast for me, it's not really a compliment. I'm even finding the writing of the new characters in the First Soldier campaign of Ever Crisis more engaging. It's surprising to me because The Messenger actually has a fantastic, colorful authorial voice. And it's not as if many SNES JRPG English translations were masterpieces... but they had character and often a je ne sais quoi about them. For example, Chrono Trigger's Woolsey translation has plenty of grammatical errors (looking at you, Frog) but the characters have layers so it didn't matter. You basically know everything there is to know about any character on an emotional level within a minute of meeting them a few exceptions. This is just too important to my continued adoration of a JRPG after playing it to ignore for me... there are games that have played far worse but stuck with me much longer because the characters were even remotely memorable. And this is before touching on the ham-fisted and flat dialogue, and how the story being underwritten results in major plot points that are nonsensical, and a general lack of thematic depth.
    Honestly though, I'm also not big on the music. The few standout tracks were great and most of the time the music fit the environment/mood well, but beyond that they either didn't stand the test of repetition or just felt like inferior works (I know holding Mitsuda to his Chrono Trigger/Xenoblade standard may be unfair but I can't help it). I don't want to rag on it too much other than to say I don't necessarily think it's worthy of the high praise I've seen. It's usually just fine (again, with some highlights).
    Also, combat did start to grate of me with the very limited moveset of the characters. The game makes up for this in enemy design that requires different approaches and otherwise it does just about everything right, but there's only so many times I can Moonerang or hold for a sun ball before it stops being novel. Also, I found the combat surprisingly easy because of the lack of limitation on swapping out characters... theoretically I actually love this mechanic but I rarely felt in danger due to it. The only times I recall dying were to a few standard encounters that caught me off guard. I also say I'm "surprised" at how easy I found it as the demo was pretty tough to me. I'd also note that the equipment customization was a bit lackluster and you never really felt the power of most upgrades, particularly weapons (the only weapons I recall having any sort of special properties were the ones in the undead area). But all this said, fun combat overall and like Mike it's exactly the design philosophy I want to see return. This sated me.
    There are also some quality of life issues. Until the very late game, moving around the map is a slog, particularly if you need to get somewhere in the middle of an island. Running back through zones only to get to the area you're looking for to do one small thing was extremely tedious. There needed to be a system to circumvent this. I'd also say that the inability to exit zones at any time caused a similar tedium when the thing you needed to backtrack to was smack in the middle but I could probably live more if they made navigating the map more palatable earlier in the game. (Yes, I understand the narrative/emotional heft of the freedom to do so later, but I think that mechanic allows enough new exploration on its own to still be impactful.)
    I put over 40 hours into this game so clearly I did enjoy it. Really should compliment how tactile navigating the world is, and the clear love and care that the team had for creating it. But all the big and little quibbles I have amounted to something that never quite felt like the genuine article.

  • @rvfiasco
    @rvfiasco Рік тому +11

    I think the story fits the feel of this being a lost SNES rpg and works well enough. It's mainly the way this game reminded me of Golden Sun fused with Beyond Oasis that gives me that feeling that's the reason I haven't retired from gaming after 40 years. Good stuff. Playing Starfield, Sea of Stars, Persona V and Like a Dragon currently. I REALLY want to play FF. 16 but no PS. V.
    I'm very happy I have what I do have tho. Great review!

    • @megamike15
      @megamike15 Рік тому

      it's what i feel piears solar should have been.

    • @TheMetalGaia
      @TheMetalGaia Рік тому

      You've got quite a great lineup of games there!

  • @BurnoutsAndBourbon
    @BurnoutsAndBourbon Рік тому +3

    Grabbing the physical switch edition next year, super stoked to play this one

  • @dan47483
    @dan47483 Рік тому +3

    That short clip of FF16 really sums up what is wrong with that game. Whatever that magic is that classic FF used to have, it's completely gone now and has been for years. FF16 is just soulless.

  • @RokkouA1
    @RokkouA1 Рік тому +3

    Heavily agree on the exploration and puzzles. Especially with the puzzles, it gives just enough that it isn't too simple nor too complex that it feels engaging and it also serves as nice variety to mix things up.
    I also wish more turn-based / command based games would include action commands. As it make this style of combat feel responsive and impactful which I feel is something that's generally lacking in most turn-based games.

  • @AdricBraithwaite
    @AdricBraithwaite Рік тому +2

    I'm nearing the end of this game and I've REALLY enjoyed my time with it. I kind of don't want it to end.
    One thing though, the Wheels minigame. I'm either terrible at it or have terrible luck with the spins because I haven't won a single match.

    • @AndresLionheart
      @AndresLionheart Рік тому +1

      About Wheels, I feel like it's the former. The first few matches I couldn't win consistently, but after those first 3 or 4 losses I didn't lose a single game. For me it mostly just came down to using the Mage, and someone to counter their main damage dealer on the other side. For example, if they had a Warrior, I used the Engineer (Warrior losses to a single layer of wall); if the had the Assassin, I used the Priest (Assassin bypasses the wall, so I healed instead).

    • @pedroscoponi4905
      @pedroscoponi4905 Рік тому

      It's entirely possible you skipped some champions on your way, because they _do not_ scale to your board level/available pieces. I 100% fought them in the wrong order and suffered for it, hammering my head against a hard one until I lucked out and then backtracking to the ones i hadn't found and completely destroying them.

  • @horokai
    @horokai Рік тому +21

    Im playing it now, and its one of my favorite games this year, and it reminded me how much I love turn base RPG games !!

  • @thisisnotpublic6569
    @thisisnotpublic6569 3 місяці тому

    I’m so glad I decided to commit to this game. It’s way more than I thought it was going to be, such a wonderful experience.

  • @DiscoCokkroach
    @DiscoCokkroach Рік тому +2

    I was really looking forward to this video, and I tend to agree with your viewpoints on this one, Mike. I think that some of the main characters definitely could have used more personality and depth. They had their stakes in the story, but not enough personal reasons to fight other than, "It's the right thing to do." That's my quick take on it, anyway.
    That said, I still thoroughly enjoyed the story. The games that Sabotage has made up to this point seem to be more concerned with lore, history, and the overall world, and I think that's still a good way to tell a good story if done correctly. Some individual moments in SoS totally had me on the edge of my seat, too. I think the story was definitely worth telling at the end of the day.
    And the rest of the game is pitch-perfect, obviously. Definitely my personal game of the year.

  • @mazrimtaim86
    @mazrimtaim86 Рік тому +16

    Just finished this today, I enjoyed it alot but Chained Echoes might scratch the itch a little more if you're looking for something with more bite to the story.

    • @gustaveriksson113
      @gustaveriksson113 Рік тому

      100% agreed.

    • @VariousMethod5
      @VariousMethod5 Рік тому +1

      I honestly didn't care for Chained Echoes story. Maybe I'm misinterpreting it's themes but the ending was awful

    • @Jayznuvo
      @Jayznuvo Рік тому +1

      Personally, I think CE story felt like a little flat/too simple for me. Maybe there're ploblems in character developments.

    • @gustaveriksson113
      @gustaveriksson113 Рік тому

      @@VariousMethod5 I'd say about 3% have the same opinion, both that they didn't like the story and the ending was awful.
      Themes I'm not sure, but probably something generic like learning to forgive yourself and others.

    • @brianlinden3042
      @brianlinden3042 Рік тому +1

      Yeah, Chained Echoes' story wasn't perfect, or anything, (it simultaneously tried to feel too complex, while ultimately being pretty simple, and some of the late game twists weren't foreshadowed effectively enough) but it absolutely seems to address all of his problems with the story; it pays reverence to its forebears and is occasionally a bit silly, but without sacrificing verisimilitude, plus there's plenty of interpersonal drama and very interesting villains. It also does all the things Sea of Stars does with its combat that he liked, minus the timed attacks. It seems to me like it's literally the game he was asking for in the outro.

  • @MarkPTP7000
    @MarkPTP7000 Рік тому +4

    Great review, looking forward to trying this when I'm done with BG3.
    I feel the same as you - that there's so much room for RPGs made in 'older formats' (like the examples at 6:14 ) to explore creatively, and still impress today. I personally feel like the fixed camera view with pre-rendered backgrounds especially has gone far too unexplored. Just imagine what a game going with an art direction like FF9 would look like today, created with the technology we have now - it would be incredible!
    However (and maybe I'm just getting to bogged down in definition here) I'm not sure these type of games need a 'triple A' approach to come to fulfilment. Triple A seems to be about huge budgets and the highest quality graphics possible, so it's hard to imagine that even if a game like this was made with the greatest story, best art style and amazing gameplay would ever be labelled as 'triple A'.
    If what you actually meant by that was taking series that are typically triple A and making games like this with them though, then I 100% agree! For a while now, I've wished mainline FF would take an approach like Zelda has done in the past - making the huge, ambitious new console titles (BOTW / TOTK), but also keeping the older formula alive (a link between worlds).

    • @MarkPTP7000
      @MarkPTP7000 Рік тому +1

      @@JB-mm5ff Hopefully it happens! Making a game like that is actually a project I hope to try making someday.

  • @magnusgranholt3389
    @magnusgranholt3389 Рік тому +1

    This game made me fall in love with jrpgs all over again! Game of the year for me!

  • @SchwingyGaming
    @SchwingyGaming Рік тому +5

    Looks beautiful! Gonna have to pick it up. Have any of you tried out chained echoes? I've been enjoying that one, scratches a similar itch.

  • @Postumeartist
    @Postumeartist Рік тому +3

    More than any genre I think turn based RPGs need the right amount of difficulty. Too easy and like you said, there’s no impetus to learn the really well designed systems put in place. Too hard, and it turns into a grind fest, which can also become boring and repetitive. Just right, means you explore and master the systems, feel the adrenaline of overcoming a challenge, but never feel stuck.

    • @jacobmonks3722
      @jacobmonks3722 Рік тому +1

      Of all the JRPGs I've played, Chrono Trigger and Wild Arms probably have the most balanced difficulty. I never needed to grind in either game, and amazingly the challenge still felt compelling. I have still died in both games, but it was always doable. I just needed to adjust my strategy and/or improve my execution.

  • @gregtroyan
    @gregtroyan Рік тому +1

    Sea if Stars is on my wishlist and to me, it looks like one of the best indie rpgs out there, but my biggest complaint with indie rpgs is that the stories are often very lackluster. The devs always seem to focus more on graphics, battle mechanics and exploration, but honestly, that's not what I play rpgs for. If you're gonna bother to make an rpg, you might as well make a Xenogears, in my opinion.

  • @iansomnium8796
    @iansomnium8796 Рік тому +1

    Totally agree with your assessment Mike, including the story criticism. Overall I’m just pumped to see games like this being developed and selling well. It bodes well for the future of classic style RPGs

  • @jacobmonks3722
    @jacobmonks3722 Рік тому +2

    I can't wait to play this game. I preordered it digitally and finished The Messenger shortly before it released. Sabotage has impressed me with their passion and design talent.
    Edit: So I'm about 5 hours into the game now and yeah, the combat is every bit as good as this video states. Something cool that he didn't mention is how item management has been designed. You can only have 10 restorative items at any given time. Normally, this would be a frustrating limitation, but in Sea of Stars, restoration is possible via other means that have nothing to do with items. You can restore MP just by doing normal attacks, and Healing skills are not uncommon. So instead of being obligatory "I must keep these ethers because I am using magic all the time," it feels like there is more decision making involved in items. What do I need to get through the next session? What do I expect to be using during the boss fight? How necessary is it to have MP restores in a cinch? The battles are incredibly well balanced, and being able to cook at any rest stop means you are only in short supply of restores if you are truly struggling, which hasn't happened to me yet. The most I've had to use in any given stretch is 3 or 4, and it feels appropriately challenging.

    • @uberpwnage2.0
      @uberpwnage2.0 8 місяців тому

      The combat is good, but gets pretty boring the longer you go for me at least. The options you have for each character is very limited, and I'm not sure if i did something OP, but i found that often i could just spam the fire ball with the male character (what ever his name was) and that's almost all i needed.
      While there are some differences there with combo moves (not something i had to use outside of boss fights), your spells, normal attacks, and normal attacks being enhanced by those orbs, it still got boring for me pretty fast.

  • @SilverLimit
    @SilverLimit Рік тому

    Mike, thanks so much for continuing to advocate for this style of game, and I 100% agree that there is nothing “antiquated” at all about it. Sea of Stars is a perfect case of a game that trims the fat of this genre and shows how a modern RPG should play. There is still plenty of space to be explored here, and I hope we keep seeing efforts like this prove that.

  • @taliefer16
    @taliefer16 Рік тому +1

    The game is definitely good. but I think the internet got a bit hyperbolic with alot of the talk about the game. its not an instant classic or all time great imo. Its a solid game, that proves there is still a market for this type of thing.
    Outside of how the game looks, there is nothing special to it. The characters, story, and writing are all pretty average at best. Id argue the writing is downright simple and borderline bad even. The combat is fun, but timing hits isnt anything new or done particularly well. its functional to keep you engaged, I guess? I never had a problem with that in turn based games. I do like the puzzle aspect of breaking down enemy barrier/casts , especially on bosses, with different types of abilities. That was far more interesting to me than timed button presses.
    Game is fun and worth a play, especially if you have game pass since its on there. But its not this transformative experience ive seen some youtubers and reviews go on about. Appreciate the review!

  • @JohnOethGuitar
    @JohnOethGuitar Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the review! I plan on picking this one up eventually; there are so many big releases this year. The 16-bit graphics with the retro sound fonts hit a special spot for me.

  • @XenosbioZ
    @XenosbioZ Рік тому +1

    Great review, you mentioned my top three rpgs of all time in succession, mario rpg, chrono trigger, and golden sun Lol! .. its making me think of a high budget cleverly dungeon design game and what comes to mind is that one game you did a video for with Landon.. Captain Toad for the WiiU! But i guess its not so recent anymore after all.
    Really thought you would play chained echoes first though, looked more like up your alley!

  • @y2dereko
    @y2dereko Рік тому +1

    Just finished this yesterday. I had a great time with it and the only minor change I would make to the gameplay is that the fast travel command needs to be remapped to a different button... like i said it's very minor but can be annoying because its the same button as the regular command button. I agree with you story wise that it isn't an exceptional story being told but it's more than good enough and the game looks a plays great.

  • @Phil_597
    @Phil_597 Рік тому +1

    SoS dethroned Chrono Cross for my favorite combat system in the genre. While the base difficulty is a bit low once you figure out the value of all your non-damage options, a challenge run of this game with no positive relics or gold accessories, and Artful Gambit+Dubous Dare turned on, was by far the most fun I've ever had in any JRPG's combat. Turns it into a more tactical Dark Souls. Finally, a JRPG where skill/timing plays a huge role, and finally my decisions in combat matter a lot more than fiddling through 1000 options in complex but superfluous menus before the fight.
    I'm more critical of the writing than Mike is here, but everything else is stellar and redeems it completely, from music and visuals to the minigames and just plain moving around the maps. GOTY for me unless someone pulls off a miracle.

  • @mekatora_
    @mekatora_ Рік тому +1

    Really interested to see your thoughts on Chained Echoes.

  • @KingBanks18
    @KingBanks18 Рік тому +6

    I’m curious to see how you feel when you finish it. Playing the game is great and the majority of the tone kind of misses for me, but when it chooses to get serious some beats really land

    • @bartandaelus359
      @bartandaelus359 Рік тому +1

      Given what i've seen of the writing at 4 hours in, i just cannot fathom that being true. It genuinely reads like the writer has never studied writing before, or are going out of their way to avoid observing simple things like character voice because they think it's funny or something. It feels insincere and the writer doesn't seem to care (because they left a PILE of errors in it) so why should i?

    • @TheMetalGaia
      @TheMetalGaia Рік тому +1

      ​@@bartandaelus359yeah, they paired some really nice gameplay with a downright embarrassing story/writing. I felt Chained Echoes was a more focused experience and much more enjoyable for me.

    • @KingBanks18
      @KingBanks18 Рік тому +1

      Trust me, it definitely isn’t the most potent writing ever by any means but they certainly land a few good beats. I was pleasantly surprised.

  • @williamschiavi3966
    @williamschiavi3966 Рік тому +1

    Really want your thoughts on chained echoes.

  • @umyum3858
    @umyum3858 11 місяців тому

    After watching the Escapist documentary, I think I have a little bit more of an understanding of why the story feels lackluster. Sabotage's goal with Sea of Stars was to recreate the fond memory of what JRPG's were like. It sounds like to me there was never a strong vision for the story they wanted to tell with this game; no thematic through-lines or ideas they wanted to explore. I think the story could have been anything as long as it resembled a 90's JRPG.
    Keep in mind this is mostly conjecture, as they don't talk about the story much at all in the documentary. Maybe to avoid spoilers, maybe because the story was never a core tenet of production in the first place.

  • @davidjtorresii7921
    @davidjtorresii7921 Рік тому +1

    If it has not been already mentioned, I suggest you check out Chained Echoes - especially considering your criticism for this game

  • @FredHerbert999
    @FredHerbert999 8 місяців тому

    I absolutely adore Sea of Stars! I'm on my 3rd playthrough at the moment. I can't wait to see what Sabatage does with the DLC. Game of the Year 2023 (yeah, I had more fun with this game than I did FF16, but I do love FF16)!

  • @csl710
    @csl710 3 місяці тому

    Playing right now on Game Pass, so glad I got to experience this great little RPG. Combat is engaging, puzzles totally remind me of GS, and even if the story and tropes fall flat at least it’s always gorgeous to look at-treat it like a bedtime story. Absolutely need more games like this. What would you recommend playing next?

  • @CielBlanche
    @CielBlanche Рік тому +3

    While I celebrate the return of this general framework of game, and appreciate the phenomenally detailed art that went into Sea of Stars, the tedious combat and vacuous writing represented such a tragic negligence of duty from the persons responsible that it rendered the game monotonous and deeply disappointing. I only hope its success teaches the lesson that this kind of game is highly desired, and not that it's permissible to invest so little expertise into story and battle design.

  • @Dresden0478
    @Dresden0478 Рік тому +1

    Next one to grab is Eiyuuden Chronicles 100 Heroes.

  • @Dayemon
    @Dayemon Рік тому

    Now that Square has decided the Final Fantasy series jumped the shark to Dark Soul/DMC, I'm so glad indie devs will pick up the JRPG torch and run with it.

  • @DKZK21
    @DKZK21 Рік тому +1

    I've been eyeing this game for a bit now, this is all the endorsement I needed to make the jump!

  • @jkdeadite
    @jkdeadite Рік тому

    To your comment about the industry being wrong to move away from this kind of game: while I agree in a sense, I do think there was a period of time where the cost to create games of this scope outweighed the popularity (at least to the people funding them). More people are playing games than ever, and many of the people who are enjoying this game got into retro RPGs through things like UA-cam and emulation. Huge detailed photoreal worlds may be getting more expensive to make, but the tools to make games in general are more accessible than ever. I know they're not exactly the same, but Chrono Trigger had about 50 people working on it, while Sea of Stars had about half that. So I think the time is just right, where people who miss these games have the ability to make them. Regardless, I love it!

  • @spyderwoods
    @spyderwoods Рік тому +1

    I have absolutely loved this game and I am definitely not the "target" audience. I do not enjoy turn based games at all. Which I realize is my fault and my loss, but they've always just been too much for my dumb brain. The only Final Fantasy game I've ever played was FF7: Remake. I've always wanted to play FF7 (Mike is definitely a huge influence for that) but the turn based aspect kept me from enjoying what I know is a truly incredible experience. Last turn based game I played was Pokemon Blue on my original Gameboy.
    I took a chance on this game purely because of how much I loved The Messenger and I'm so glad I did. The Artifacts in the game absolutely help make the game way more approachable and less overwhelming.
    This is an entire genre I had written off as "not for me" and I'm so glad to be proven wrong.

    • @jacobmonks3722
      @jacobmonks3722 Рік тому

      If you like this, I think you would also appreciate Chrono Trigger. It also has a very simple battle system with quite a bit of depth hidden in it. You have standard attack, Tech, and item. That's it. But the fun comes from when characters can combine their Techniques to make something that either satisfies a particular niche or is just generally very useful. Your single person heal can be a full party heal. Your highly damaging attack can be given an elemental quality. Your single-target sword strike can hit two or more targets. Part of this also comes from how it utilizes the ATB gauge seen in classic Final Fantasy, but does more with it that pretty much any other game. Combo Techs require all participating members to have a full gauge, so it adds a good risk/reward element. Furthermore, the enemies actually move on the battlefield during combat, so you can time your attacks carefully to hit more enemies with the AOE attacks. And due to how these skills are acquired and used throughout the game, no character is ever worthless, and you want to have all of them in your party at some point just to see what's possible. I beat the game twice with radically different party compositions and felt like they were just as viable as each other, just with a different set of strengths and weaknesses.
      And again, all of this depth comes from combat that only has 3 options. There really isn't any other game that can master simplicity to such a degree. It's never overwhelming or disengaging.

    • @spyderwoods
      @spyderwoods Рік тому +1

      @@jacobmonks3722 thank you for the recommendation! I've heard of Chrono Trigger and (like the FF games) I know it is supposed to be an amazing experience. I will definitely give it a try after this. I also plan on trying Mario RPG since I know it was a big influence on this game as well.

  • @Joshiepoo2525
    @Joshiepoo2525 Рік тому +4

    Just finished last night. I haven’t enjoyed a game this much since before this generation started. My only real gripe is how it forces you to get the “bad” ending before reloading your save, doing tedious side stuff, and getting the good ending, which I doubt most players will even do.

  • @theFado96
    @theFado96 Рік тому +1

    One of the main problems with the combat is the lack of progression with the skills. You have Sunball at level 1 and you still use the same identical move in the end game. It doesn't get stronger, change or anything.

    • @joshuadillon7134
      @joshuadillon7134 Рік тому +1

      I actually saw this as a positive. Instead of having you just replacing your basic skills with shinier skills (which makes you just stop using skills early on), the skills you have are useful throughout the entire game.

    • @uberpwnage2.0
      @uberpwnage2.0 8 місяців тому +1

      @@joshuadillon7134 I think the point more so is to get options rather than a new stronger version. Although I'm not opposed to a stronger one. It usually means that it cost more, and sometimes you wanna save the stronger ones (and MP of course) for the bigger fight while you can save MP while using a weaker version.

    • @joshuadillon7134
      @joshuadillon7134 8 місяців тому

      That's actually one of the things they were trying to subvert is the "I can't use my skills until the big boss" shenanigans. You spend MP to generate combo points to use combo moves that generate your ultimate bar to let you use ultimate skills.
      Sure, they could have given each character 20 skills, but with the limited elements and lock system, what ends up eventually happening is that everyone gets a "This skill breaks everything and has every element and we had to inflate your MP number through the moon and we've now completely negated the entire purpose of our combat system so that you can feel ultra powerful since you spent 140 hours grinding to level 300 just to then call the game too easy."
      I'd personally much prefer skills that serve a purpose versus having to scroll all the way to the bottom because the first 30 of them I learned have no point anymore.

    • @uberpwnage2.0
      @uberpwnage2.0 8 місяців тому

      I dont think people are asking for 20 skills, so no need to be hyperbole. Often i just had to spam the fireball and my normal attacks to get through encounters and it got boring pretty fast.
      I can only speak for myself but 2-3 more skills per character would've been enough.

  • @megamike15
    @megamike15 Рік тому +1

    they made it clear from the start they were captureing the snes era of jrpgs not the ps1 era. you got chained echoes for a more ps1 styled narrative.

  • @2therecoop
    @2therecoop Рік тому

    I believe that the cause that we are not getting JRPG formula in Triple A games is that these kind of games do not appeal to a massive playerbase to justify a big money investment in the eyes of the investors

  • @rangerscoach
    @rangerscoach Рік тому

    I also love the cutscenes are animations above the graphical level of the game and there’s very few of them. That difference really means they’re just there for a moment to elevate things for a second or two

  • @ryanputra5475
    @ryanputra5475 Рік тому

    UA-cam! Where is the notification?? Btw, i really love this game and finally i can hear your review. Love it

  • @GreyShadowUchiha
    @GreyShadowUchiha Рік тому +2

    Valere and Zale were weak protags and i actually found Garl pretty one note despite being the "charming" one (still better than the blank slate main two) but I love Serai and Re'shan and feel like they really push the story going forward. Teaks and the side characters are wonderful too!! i'm at the end (game told me hey here's the final thing, feel free to do it whenever) and yeah story/chars start kinda weak but I think Serai and beyond just starts this continuous uphill climb. it still suffers because of what i've mentioned but i found myself very invested in the story as a whole the more i played. considering you get Serai pretty early on, id call that a win.

    • @GreyShadowUchiha
      @GreyShadowUchiha Рік тому +1

      VAGUE spoilers
      learning more about Erlina and Brugraves and then meeting the actual antagonist were very powerful moments imo, especially the latter. one of the stronger main antagonists of this gen based on his introduction alone.

    • @GreyShadowUchiha
      @GreyShadowUchiha Рік тому +1

      also, i feel like the soundtrack was good/pleasant until you get to Glacial Peak. that to the end???? bangerz. straight bangerz. it's about mid game???

  • @zoricgames
    @zoricgames 5 місяців тому

    Gorgeous art, fun gameplay (that got kinda repetitive for me around the endgame), great OST. Agree that the story is rough and feels self-concious that it's a traditional JRPG story. Zale and Valere felt like non-entities with little personality. This story really is the Garl show (with guest appearances by The Alchemist). Avoiding spoilers, but a certain thing around the midway point had me rolling my eyes at how ridiculous it was.
    I hope they make a sequel though, I think they have a strong foundation to do so - if they're not afraid to play their trope stuff straight.

  • @Metro4466
    @Metro4466 Рік тому +2

    Mike, would you consider this to be good choice as an introduction to the genre? If one of your friends wanted to start playing JRPGs would you recommend this over fir example Suikoden 1 or FF7?

    • @michaelcoraybrown
      @michaelcoraybrown Рік тому +1

      It could be, yeah, but it's more difficult than others I've mentioned would be good entry points.

  • @uberpwnage2.0
    @uberpwnage2.0 8 місяців тому

    I'm happy you could enjoy it. For me the story and characters were such snoozefest that i couldn't find myself to keep playing. The combat system in the long run also got boring because of the limited options, and while the combo stuff was there, it wasn't really needed if you played optimally, just making them moves i used as a boss.
    I think i might have to try this game again, but my first time with it wasn't actually that positive.

  • @tracydodd5553
    @tracydodd5553 9 місяців тому

    Got this game 2 days ago absolutely love it... haven't picked up my switch in a year and now I can't set my switch down haha love it love it love it thanks sea of stars

  • @Defixio.
    @Defixio. Рік тому +1

    I'm roundly disgusted how the video game industry abandons genres that people would shovel money out for. JRP (like this) tactical games (FF tactics), RTS's, even side scrollers like 2d mario were largely dumped for decades at a time.

  • @Violinoknight
    @Violinoknight Рік тому +2

    I enjoyed it so much and planning to do the new game+. I agree with your opinion about the story. If only it made me care more about the characters it would be perfect.

  • @rd-um4sp
    @rd-um4sp Рік тому

    thank you. This is the one opinion I've been waiting for.
    Although it is obvious why AAA moved away from this, the fact that Sea of Stars is gaining this massive attention may cause some bigger publishers to give a go-ahead for (smaller) projects like this.
    My only doubt would be how it'd compare (story wise) to Octopath Traveler (1). That is the one point that really let me down in that game.
    And for clarification, this has nothing to do with the 8 separate stories premise but the execution of that premise that I found flawed.

    • @jacobmonks3722
      @jacobmonks3722 Рік тому

      From what I've heard, Octopath 2 does a much better job at making things feel cohesive. Look up some reviews and maybe check that one out.

  • @Castorcato
    @Castorcato Рік тому +1

    Did you play Chained Echoes Mike? Great 1-person old school RPG with pixel graphics.

    • @Exeeter1234
      @Exeeter1234 Рік тому

      1 person is not really fair to say all things considered. He was fortunate to have a lot of help, including the exception soundtrack.

  • @Exeeter1234
    @Exeeter1234 Рік тому

    Seriously. Please play Chained Echoes! Seriously though, pains me so much to think about a hypothetical timeline where Matthias Linda had the resources to craft his game's world with the visual mastery on display with Sea Of Stars, and also had the resources to have someone assist in realizing, fulling fleshing out, and just enhancing the story he was telling in that game. Eddie Marianukroh's soundtrack however needs absolutely nothing but praise.

  • @plastikman7788
    @plastikman7788 Рік тому +2

    TBH, I found the 4th wall breaking charmingly funny. I don’t mind it not being overly serious as my recently played games have been entirely serious, so it’s a nice break.
    I really enjoy the art here and agree with you that it’s damn near perfect for this medium. The dungeon designs are some of the best and combat is actually more enjoyable than FF16 was.
    I’m happy this game has done so well, as I believe it will inspire more to do the same. AAA games, atm, just don’t mean a whole lot to me, so having this indie game be this good inspires.

  • @Xygor
    @Xygor Рік тому +2

    Loved the review! Fantastic as always. I share a lot of similar perspectives in my own.

  • @Shaded_Sol
    @Shaded_Sol Рік тому

    Chained Echoes. Was most inspired by Xenogears. It will most likely have the plot and characters you are interested in. But the pixel art, while really well done, can’t stand up next to Sea of Stars.
    It does have mostly great pacing and modern take while doing a love letter homage

  • @rickybankemper2122
    @rickybankemper2122 Рік тому +1

    I will say, I wish the skills you learned had more variety. I was excited at the first batch of skills but the follow up skills felt too similar. a Minor complaint but felt it hurt combat a bit

  • @Broku17
    @Broku17 Рік тому

    I just started playing chained echoes and I feel like that would be something you would like as well. Inspired by Chrono Trigger, but innovates on the formula to the point where it feels very refreshing. However the writing is a bit weak, from what I've seen so far. The dialogue is a bit expositional and has trouble adding personality to the characters in a natural way.

  • @kingofthesharks
    @kingofthesharks Рік тому

    3:10 ayyy shoutout to Golden Sun and Lost Age. I still can't believe those games have been sitting relatively alone at the peak of JRPG puzzle/dungeon design. When I binged several FF games during the 2000s I was pretty surprised that none of Square's levels even came close to Camelot's GBA titles. Maybe Nintendo really does indeed care the most about level design even in genres where you mostly do combat.

  • @yyoksetioxd
    @yyoksetioxd Рік тому +3

    Glad you covered this game. My GOTY so far (even tho BG3 is objectively better... I had more fun in Sea of Stars). I think it's the most beautiful game I've ever played, and the music... coral cascades and brisk are amazing

    • @omensoffate
      @omensoffate Рік тому

      Star ocean 2 r is coming my guy

  • @shenmuemasta
    @shenmuemasta Рік тому +1

    I think someone is still salty about FF16 lol. Atlus is the closest we have right now to a AAA company that consistenly put out turn based games. We got Baldur's gate 3 as well recently that hit the same bar, which is funny since the root of the series was in real time combat. Honestly, there are still plenty of games like this, but who knows, maybe Baldur's gate 3 will re initiate a trend.

  • @davidcockreham7329
    @davidcockreham7329 Рік тому

    Doing my final collection run before the final boss, currently. I don't want it to end.
    More than an homage, I'd say. This is a full-blown love letter to the SNES classics. The merging (and enhancement) of all that worked with Chrono Trigger and SMRPG makes for some extremely fun gameplay. I find strategizing on how to break locks within the number of turns given is particularly engaging.
    I have similar issues with the story, but that's a common problem I have with most JRPGs. You want Acts? You want structure? Sorry. Instead this happens, and then that happens, and then the world expands, and it all gets bigger so it must be getting better. Also, here's a new playable character introduced too close to the ending for you to care about. Now fight God.
    Seriously, though, I do love it. The game may have to end, but the music will keep playing in my heart.

  • @BestintheWest25
    @BestintheWest25 Рік тому

    If you haven’t finished Xenoblade 3, you really should if just to hear Mitsudas pieces in that game. I think he’s surpassed his Xenogears compositions with Blade 3.

  • @marcustodd2910
    @marcustodd2910 Рік тому +2

    I loved this game and can't recommend it enough if any of you are on the fence.

  • @TheCreapler
    @TheCreapler Рік тому +1

    WAIT ITS PART OF THE MESSENGER,Well that changes everything

  • @redblue151
    @redblue151 Рік тому +2

    It reminds me so much of Chrono Trigger. I really like this game.

  • @pavfeira
    @pavfeira Рік тому

    The last minute of this review sums up why I'm still on the fence in buying this title. From playing the demo, I love the artstyle, gameplay, music. I can tell there were some very clever decisions like with the healing item limit. But the flatness of the personalities felt jarring when paired with the expressiveness of the sprites, and it sounds like this doesn't get better in the main game. Story is important to an RPG experience, so the story part of the review makes me very hesitant.
    From the demo, visually, I can remember the expressive animations and designs of the pirates even though presumably they don't play a major role. Dialogue though, the only thing I remember is the chef party member going "hahaha, wow" to literally everything.

  • @TylerNessss
    @TylerNessss Рік тому

    The review is spot on
    Haven a ton of fun with this game. I think its the best pixel art Ive ever seen, mayve besides the hd2d games like Octo and the upcoming Replaced.
    It helps that Chrono Trigger is my all time favorite. SoS definitely doesnt feel as grand and epic, but still... even a 80% CT I'll take any day of the week over a huge and boring triple A with generic art.

  • @NotFamousReal
    @NotFamousReal Рік тому

    Easily my favorite game of the year - What a special treat it has been!

  • @keen96
    @keen96 Рік тому

    A bit sad to see that my suspicions of the story not finding it's ground at some point later in the game. I still really like the whole package so I want to finish it anyway only wish that more was put into the story.

  • @lorenzotosiart
    @lorenzotosiart 8 місяців тому

    I completely agree with you. I dream of big rpg tripleA games, with for example gorgeous prerendered backgrounds , or 3d , but top down view and with intricate details to observe in the landscapes
    Did you play Pillars of Eternity Deadfire?

  • @GracelessTarnished
    @GracelessTarnished Рік тому +1

    Im about halfway through the game and the gripe i have with it is that it just feels too childish. The gameplay is great as is the level design (definitely Golden Sun vibes) but the story, characters and writing just feels weak.
    Still, its definitely better than anything SquareEnix has put out in years, perhaps decades.
    I do feel like there is going to be a renaissance of the classic JRPG genre, similar to how metroidvanias made a comeback thanks to the indie market.

  • @silentobserver888
    @silentobserver888 Рік тому

    I’ve had my eye on this game for years. My own ideal game would either go the elden ring route of aesthetics or 16 bit jrpg route. Realistically I wish I could get the dialogue systems of crpgs like disco elysium and baulders gate 3 meeting the aesthetic of beautiful hand crafted jrpg from the golden age. Meeting several options of play and a robust combat system. This game is simply beautiful.

  • @OtterloopB
    @OtterloopB Рік тому

    Characters and combat needed more depth. REALLY could use a skip cutscene option (especially in NG+) and a flee from combat option.
    And I'll probably be hated for this... but the game tries SO HARD to push Garl and make him out to be like he's "the bestest boi ever," and he's just... okay. He's just an okay character.
    Still, the story does eventually get interesting and is worth seeing through to the true ending, and the art direction really is outstanding.
    A solid 8. But these people giving it 9.5s and 10s I think are kind of overselling it.

  • @Yoni123
    @Yoni123 26 днів тому

    This is what Final Fantasy 17 needs to be like (but even better)

  • @jeanfred11
    @jeanfred11 Рік тому

    and when you compare it to the trails of ..., what would you think about it ?

  • @Zoeila
    @Zoeila Рік тому +2

    if you like golden sun dungeons you should try wild arms games

  • @christopherjbsnow
    @christopherjbsnow Рік тому

    Love this game. I'm about 10 hours in and just love the gameplay. The "spooky" sections were boring but other than that I'm with you. Can't wait to see what else this game has in store.

  • @quezcatol
    @quezcatol Рік тому

    im sure its a wonderful game but... BG3 shows what 6 years and an AAA budget can be. Lets not forget, chrono trigger wasnt a "casual game" it had an AAA budget for its time, and the the best developers.

  • @Maxbeedo2
    @Maxbeedo2 Рік тому

    Overall I really liked it, thanks in part to it being quite short for an RPG (took me 50 hrs to platinum without a guide), and it being very "pleasant", with friendly characters, uplifting music and vibrant colors. Personally I still prefer Chained Echoes for its darker tone and more complex systems, but they're both in my top 5 over the last year and I recommend both highly. They both took good lessons from Chrono Trigger and other 90s RPGs but still found room to try out new mechanics.

  • @jojodelacroix
    @jojodelacroix Рік тому

    I personally disagree about the story. There are certainly some moments or things that poke fun at genre tropes, but for the most part it does feel like an earnest love letter. It's never laughing at itself in the Marvel/Joss Weedon type of way. The latter parts of the story in particular really do just wholehearted jump into its story without any sort of buffer in a way similar to any of the greats. There's clearly a lot of love for its characters and story. Even the moments and characters that feel referential arent integral to big plot relevant moments so theres some distance between those things that makes it less annoying even when it does happen.

  • @chriscangelosi9438
    @chriscangelosi9438 9 місяців тому

    The game comes from a small French Developer that took Monkey Island, Mass Effect and Chrono trigger as inspiration 😮

  • @austinr4405
    @austinr4405 Рік тому

    Definitely looking forward to checking this one out. Are you guys going to review the beaten kaitos remaster? The first one is unique and a bit quirky, but the second one is pure GameCube/PS2 era jrpg goodbess imo