Zero Damage Tryndamere is BACK | Adventures of SpicyNoodle264 [Episode 16]
- Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
- Welcome back to the Spicynoodle Adventure! Today we'll be trying to win with zero damage Tryndamere. My goal is to try hard and gain some elo with this terrible playstyle. I hope it is as painful to watch as it was for me to play!
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0/0/0 with 0 damage. Truly the pinnacle of zero damage tryndamere gameplay.
The man, the myth... Time to pin this comment
That’s just afk
There goes our hero, WATCH HIM AS HE GOES!
damn he watched your video so hard in preperation
KBVTV 3:53 he attacked riven but riven used shield
Never again.
Tilterella you know (the intro) this might be one of the macro outplays like the ones in Lcs XD that needs 5 hours to explain
Tilterella btw if i noticed you are doin that as my enemy, i would abuse you >:D
you know you *can* use your W on enemies still for assists right? and it lowers their AD so that chogath gank coulda gotten you an Assist
Tilterella for some reason this is very unsatisfying to watch
Tilterella yo this meant to be played with friends. Doing this with random people is just trolling.
I did 0 dmg with trynda and I won too, I was afk
lmao xD
Rofl. Clean video
First time seeing 0 damage trynd with 0 deaths good job
0 damage, 0/0/0, still gets A+ rank at the end.
Karnatil that just show how bad trynd players are I guess...?
I guess the A+ was for the farming part, one of the most important thing for a good rank.
Never had an afk try?
Tomek Kozik gold 4 XD
Canadian Tryndamere
underrated comment
Jan Andrei super underrated lol
When your opponent isnt even worth attacking
"they are gonna throw anyways" LUL
That's disrespectful
@@turdanc Disrespect is good. If someone can't handle disrespect they better uninstall league.
thats the point of 0 damage trynd
I feel the akwardness during the cho gank through the screen hahahaha
I almost broke and just attacked riven LOL
Funny thing that he reacted better than most junglers you get into this account lol.
You can w for assissts btw
Sola spiel Rengar or kill when you get dived😂
Or buy iron solary
Sola zahl miete
Jan Kutscher NIEMALS
Bastien Vincent still no dmg
This was so tough to watch
3:53 you attacked her shield I SAW IT
lies and propaganda
Was about to write that:D watched it 3 Times to be sure
Tilterella btw wouldn’t rageblade give you the most pushpower?
Fake news :b
he also attacked her at 5:20
If the first few seconds were so painful to see.. Hope you are doing okay after that game Tilt.
the Chogath gank hurt me the most
Crying tears over here.
That night, he killed Riven countless times in his dreams to catch up the guilt XD But he still simply watched the Cho walk up his lane XD
Only complaint: I hate when ppl do stuff like this and DONT tell their teammates. Let them know your game plan. Shit if I was in the game and you said you were doing a no dmg victory on trynd challenge I’d be like hell yeah!! Let’s do it! And that’s without the “oh btw if it goes well it going to be on UA-cam and watched by thousands of people”. Highly doubt you’d have near as much flame and win more games with stuff like this.
Just a thought
GamerTie if you tell them they dodge or troll even if someone might consider zero dmg trolling either way it'd probably be hard to make the video
I doubt it. Most people would be like "Why the fuck are you doing that on ranked?? Report this guy, hes actually trolling"
sometimes ignorance is bliss
Everyone is blissful in LoL.
99% of players afk after you type that in ranked
Uploading at 5:55am, you expect me to watch it?
Alright I'll watch it.
aaron julian not everyone is on ur timezone..
KuiNoah he uploaded at 5:55am his time, which is also my time. Its a place called New Zealand. And quite frankly I was speaking for myself.
fucking loser
No ones gonna take your bait
imagine if they wouldve picked rammus against you :P good vid! :D
Insta QSS to save the day :)
Cleanse, Qss
League Of Bronze Holy shit thank you, guy with a brain
If no qss go cleanse
I get these people on my team all the time, except they dont do it on purpose.
you autoed the riven when her shield was up so it didnt count as damage to a champion, c l o s e o n e
Mangled Chance I like to believe it was calculated
Post game chat would of been very interesting when they actually look at the graph haha
*would have been very interesting. WHY do people say "would of"?
I love the way yasuo was chasing tilterella even tho if tilterella would have attacked him he would die in 2 sec . OMEGALUL
Dont worry trying this more often. Rito never bans trolls and inters, they only ban the people that are angry with the trolls and inters. So its like ur encouraged to do so.
Alekssu B tru. I got 2 perma bans and 4 14d bans, bcus i raged at inters
Part-Time Party Time bud you need to be higher than gold to get the privilege to be checked by riot. In bronze riot wont check the chat and the shit u said they dont even care. Imagine banning a bronze... what the fuck would even be the point, but in higher elo's they want to "educate" the good players on how to talk. So dont call me a dickhead if u dont even know wtf ur talkin about.
And he wonders why he gets banned. GG scrublord, you played yourself.
Part-Time Party Time have fun in bronze my friend:) the land where u can rage all u want 😘
My bf literally is never toxic he only once joked about how varus is gay and he got banned for 14 days the system is really ridiculous
It must be soul crushing to see all those freebies run around , while having to fight your impulses and muscle memory , just to get that shiny 0 dmg to champs.
(Bad hi for sorry my)
Fun fact : I am a translator
Battle Angel Mercy bad
(English sorry for)
Battle Angel Mercy Sorry ( for hi bad english)
"The cool thing about tryndamere is that once he gets full rage no one wants to trade with him"
-Captain teemo on duty
this is why i'm subscribed here! XD
also for the kayle montages and the funny sion plays * - *
Not only did you tilt the enemy team, you also tilted your own team. Very nice!
My only thought is why not use your slow on enemies to help out a bit? The point is 0 damage right? Not 0 assists/kills, couldn't you still have used that in a few cases and still succeeded in 0 damage?
osmisium it gives assist score. So, crowd control effect too.
I wanted 0\0\0 XD
its not only slow. its -80 ad for all that are in range of this :p
ya I didn't know that :p
Trust me, I didn't do any test runs of this one. FK that
κεζιαη ΚΔЙА But who says that he isn't allowed to get assists??
2 things:
1. With your "W" you get assists, because it slows the enemy.
2. Get some lifesteal, so you can heal up on minions.
Heyyy its me the blitzCrank 😂
DhysPlays you are a good sport!
DhysPlays are u the one flaming
the fact that you did that in solo queue without a single death is truly hilarious. I'd highly recommend you post more of these educational gameplay videos.
PS: I also highly recommend you press W when your team is killing the enemy so you can get free gold from assists. :D
crit items are bad for tower pushing. go for rageblade + nashor + ap elixir. you smack towers like crazy and heal 50-70% hp with q
deathofpreyor he built it for movespeed since phantom dancer gives you insane move speed so he can move round the map quicker, and improve his Marco, also since he isn't building ad, or tiamat for wave clear, more crit increases his damage alot and it works well with tryn so he can clear the wave with single target damage
pd movespeed passive works if you walk towards enemies, he is constantly running away so it only gives 5%. crit is only good for single target damage. rage blade offers same wave clear as pd.
u take less dmg with pd. his build was perfect ur suggestion isnt in any way better for his cause. he wanted to run away and take less dmg while still being able to push w.o doing enemy dmg. this is the best build for it.
i honestly dont know why ure telling a challenger player how to build lol. so pointless.
please read pd passive. it works if you auto someone which he can't do. the movespeed is only thing better but you could argue that you could do much more with 20% cdr from nashor. rageblade and nashor are 2 biggest tower damage items there are in the game and ap elixir has 25 true damage/hit against towers making it most cost efficient tower damage item and if that isn't enough you even get increased healing from q with the ap. It doesn't really matter if hes challenger or not.
"Its confusing that they didn't take baron"
*Continues to ignore free kills and avoid any teamfight*
Does 0 damage to enemies... gets A+... Grading system is balanced
Farm is better than kills mate, golden proof right there
Objectives > kills proven right here.
This video is basically and literally just Tilterall saying "Go Execute yourself, I don't want your dirty blood to be on me."
He actually got A+ OMEGALUL
I'll be honest, I WAS AMAZED by this 0 damage video. As boring as it was for you to record, I was jaw dropped by the ending XD
You totally didn't get carried
Look at his cs. He was constantly putting pressure onto the enemies, he contributed.
This is like the worst kind of humiliation. Imagine you lost the game against someone who didnt even attck you, not even once
*/mute all intensifies*
This is the most unsatisfying league video ever
You playing it wrong, you should actually use your W to set up ganks and TF.
Fox News at 11 should be dissapointed.
Greengu far as i know he played it right. Truly 0/0/0 with 0 damage.
why dont u go do it urself buddy, he didnt do annything wrong. so annoying to read commnets like this
Aslan Khan Right because no one should give criticism on anything because they can go do it themselves. Nice one.
if the criticism isnt constructive or useful then its just garbage. the challenge is to go 0-0-0 0dmg this suggestion is completely terrible cuz hes gonna be getting assists. on top of that op said "YOU PLAYED IT WRONG" when he didnt. if he truly believes he shouldve done the challenge differently then he can go do it himself with his useless suggestion.
Nice hook.
Remember the Smite Support Singed ban issue. It wasn't because he was playing off-meta, but rather because he didn't communicate with his team what he was doing.
If you keep doing strats like this without giving your team a heads-up, then our dear SpicyNoodle may end up getting banned.
You do know W doesn’t do damage, right?
He wanted the all 0 experience, don't judge him
your enemies really wanted you to kill them multiple times. but I'm glad you could hold back.
I just had to disslike couse this is too much,plat players have lives too
Come on now, no need to lie about that,we all know no one that plays League has a life
@5:25 during the towerdive you attacked riven once, thankfully she had shield!
why dont use w for assists and gold? so u doing at least something ? :D
It's really nice to see how he managed to win with 0/0/0 score
This was hard to watch. But I was laughing the whole time! Haha!
first bro!Nice vid!!
-Statik Shiv
-Sunfire Cape
-Ludens echo
stop watching after cho gank, if u do this shit at least comunicate to your team
The best way to communicate is with pings. You're not gonna make anyone happy by telling them you're playing off-meta, yet alone this crap.
,,off meta" XD
to be honest i am a huge fan of you man... but honestly this is not off meta... this is trolling on purpose, do it with a 5 man premade if you want to, but fir this game no matter if win or lose u shoulf at least get a 2 week ban, disgusting how you do not tell your team and wont help them, imo just a stupid challenge, not even a new idea at all...
Riot plisosophy is plain; If you're in it to win it, its not ban'able. And as far as I see, he did try to win. So stop whinning pls :p Besides, the team can just adapt to it and use him as a bait. And as a Jungle Main myself i can tell ya, you don't just force a gank if your Laner pings you away cause he doesn't want one =.=
he did try to win... but he could do better, just look at the first Chogath gank, such a freekill he even calls it.
Thr problem is, ppl play such things on their smurfs, cause if it works its fine if he feedy his ass off idc its just my dmurf, but actually alot of ppl destroy games with this smurf thing...
not whining but imo its ashaming to promote such things, if only 1% of viewers try this and fail there are multiplethousand games destroyed...
This was absolutely priceless.
Hey look it's every single Tryndamere player I've had on my team ever. Except this one knows how to split push instead of running around being useless
This is what i love about tilterella. He doesnt click bait as far as im concerned, hes super entertaining and most kappapride for his voice :)
hahaha that was interesting. and novel! your farm was crazy!
This shows pretty well what a meme champion he actually is, since he still won the game.
That chogath is so mad XD he needed that honor at least
I think his anger was within reason for the most part
2:20 that real TILT on the chat xD
You really did this? Im crying out of joy. Your vids always amazed me hehe
I prefer SpicyNoodle strategies versus challenges. when damaging a champ is forbidden, it is lame and worthy of flame. when you say trading and teamfighting are going on the backburner, thats fun
Proud of you man! You truly did 0 damage
still honoring cho after flaming you for that first gank, what a nice guy
Super talented UA-camr. Keep up the good work!
Yo pete my mang good vid as always, what do you think of the recent trynd buff? Can you feel the changes?
This is actually a really interesting video!
my boy blazah got me in the vid!
That was such a great video.. Truly a strategic player
Its gotta be hard to not attack a single enemy during the whole game.. gg Tilt :D
Your mid- to lategame playstile was basically tryndamere...
3:56 you attacked him in his shield XD
If you pause the video the right moment, you'll see he got an A+
3:54 you basic attacked her but it was though her shield. luckkyyyy xd
Fun Fact: Lucian's and Leona's Japanese voice actors are Fate/Zero's Kiritsugu Emiya and Saber.
This is the definition of blueballing. But we can say that... it takes a lot of balls to do something like this
the fuck are you saying? this was actually so fun to watch and I don't even know why
Nice! Sadly it will never work in my Elo, because people are gonna rage quit or feed lol.
I would have hated you , but then realised and said who cares lets win with 0 damage trynda and probably honored you for not tryharding :P
There was once a trynda in the enemy team which did zero damage… xD This was pretty funny when I locked at the damage graph after the game xD
0/0/0 0 dmg, ignore the people who wanted the assists this was pure agonizing beauty
As troll as it seems, I would say this is a pretty good example to show players split push and play for objectives is far better than always grouping and team fight, although this wouldn't have worked if your team is too behind
I think playing this in ranked in objectively immoral. You will answer to god.
You never fail to show us why you're called tilterella
You auto attacked riven at 3:52 luckily she had her shield up xD
I love SpicyNoodle Adventures.
That 12k turret dmg is nothing to sneeze at. I wish i had that every game
3:53 LOL you hit her, but she has the shield
zero damage and zero deaths. not bad
The power of a good team that carries him
This is pretty much how my first and only time playing with Tryndamere went. Never again
Trynd W lowers their ad no matter what, not just when they're facing away, that just adds the slow
But imagine if you had fed, they'd be equally as salty. At least you pressured objectives. I honestly wouldn't mind at all as long as you weren't dying.
this physically hurt to watch
imagine experiencing it
The madman did it. The madman actually did it. Shame i cant sub again lol
Haha that was amazing!
If i were that cho gath I wouldve been banned for the amount of rage you would've receieved.
The graph wasn't what I was most waiting for... it was the post game chat and you skipped it!
A piece of my soul died. I felt it. What a perfect Sunday! ^w^
Great meme it takes alot of skill to avoid damaging champions gj
Is nobody going to acknowledge the fact that he ended the game with the most damage out of everybody???
Idk why but i enjoyed this vid
LMAO - Well thanks for the experiment, but yeah, NEVER AGAIN ! XD
you sound like a great friend to have irl from the reactions you gave out in this video