i was walking into the kitchen from my room when you said maybe stacks and I did a literal double take. I turned around and made that sound you make when you watch someone get hurt.
@@robertfan332 Just got my Aeolus yesterday. Holy shit are they good. Smooth, clear, not too much treble or bass. Sound stage is awesome. Compared to a very good pair of LCD-X's these maybe slightly better. Theeeese are good. If you buy them you will not be disappointed. I still need to see if burnin makes them better if that is possible. Playing them through a Mjolnir2 and a Gugnir multibit. Need to get a balanced cable for them ASAP.
@@Kurgaan1 How is the weight? I worry about the comfort, I have a hard time with even slightly heavy headphones, like the dt 1990 for instance. That has always been the reason I have not pulled the trigger on the LCD X :(.
@@buster7618 The Aeolus are much lighter and very comfortable. I have worn them for 6 hours with wearing glasses and they gave me no problems whatsoever.
so i got this headphone on march 31st, 2019... since then i added a focal elex, audeze lcd2c, schure srh1540, grado sr80e and a campfire audio polaris v2 to my collection and i have to say that without a shadow of a doubt, the aeolus is the very best headphone i own... it is the most expensive tbf lol but you definitely get what you pay for... the sound signature is sooooo warm and sweet. everything is tame and yet everything is there. there is no shoutiness in the midrange unlike the lcd2c, its treble is smooth and never harsh unlike the sr80e or focal elex but it retains all of the detail. it has just enough "fun" in the mid-bass to be perfectly enjoyable without hindering any other frequency unlike the polaris v2... its just simply the best. if youre on the fence about the aeolus, get off the fence and buy it.
@@humanmale1085 the aeolus is considerably warmer sounding. probably the warmest headphone ive ever owned tbh... the elex can get a little too sharp at a certain treble frequency for me, and there is a little bit of graininess to the sound of the elex. idk how the aeolus manages to be much warmer while having a little more detail but it does... its just an amazing headphone
@@humanmale1085 the dynamic range and bass presence on the elex is certainly a lot of fun though. if someone was deadset on not spending a penny over 700 on a headphone, i would still gladly recommend the elex to them
@@StraightEdgeAlexxx31 thanks, i have the elex and i enjoy it alot, i actually prefer it over many others such as the hd800s. I've been considering a ZMF for a while to add to the collection. Im not looking to replace my elex but just add something different(i might be a headphone enthusiast but i don't like multiple headphones that sound the same) from the descriptions of the Aelous from yourseld and other reviews it sounds like it would be justifiable owning both the Aelous and elex as the Aelous is much warmer. My only concern is i didn't love the lcd2 fazors as i found them to dark. How do you find the Aelous compared to the lcd2s?
@@humanmale1085 idk if i would use "dark" to describe the treble on the aeolus, but technically i guess you could argue they are slightly dark. i never feel like im missing anything but i definitely hear a little more treble energy on both the elex and the lcd2c (specifically the elex). your taste might not match up with mine at all because i love headphones that lean on the warm and kinda romantic side with their sound signature, but i relly would be surprised to find anyone that was disappointed with the aeolus in the treble department... funny thing is, i saw Drop called the elex the "super 6xx" and i couldnt disagree more because i think that is what the aeolus is... its a silky warm sounding headphone with a slightly dark signature. it just does all of that a bit better than the 6xx. idk what the fazor lcd2 sounds like but i can tell you that the aeolus is slightly darker than the lcd2c; so if thats not your thing you might wanna check out the zmf auteur instead because it has a little more zing up high.
Man, I know this video is older, but now I am very intrigued between either these or the Atrium. No idea which one would suit me best. I love the 6XX on tubes and I want to use ZMF cans on tubes too, that's all. The Aeolus are especially interesting because they won't make me as poor (I am a broke student and currently saving up for a pair of ZMF cans and I live in Europe so customs and taxes on top will kill me)
Atrium is like a super, super HD650, with a crazy deep soundstage and lots of clarity and liquidity (see DMS's video), but the Aeolus are a different animal. They have a lot less upper mids than the 650 and Atrium, and have a much lusher tone than both (IMO). I came back years later to see Zeos's video because I wanted to reconnect with what he was saying way back then. He's so spot on, it's crazy. Aside from a little treble spike at 5.5 kHz, they are the least fatiguing headphone at super high volumes I've ever heard. I own them for cranking the volume and just rocking out. I can't do that with any of my other headphones. Really a unique sound if a rich, lush, and intense sound is what you're looking for. If you want something a little more "normal" sounding and WAY better technicalities, the Atrium is what you want.
Based on what you have said, I'd go with Auteur. I own all three and Auteur is like a mix between all 3. Slam dunk on a tube amp as well. Atrium is great but a darker tuning than aeolus for sure.
I love when you tell stories about making people listen to high end headphones. Nothing would be better than you accosting strangers on the street and filming their impressions.
Best ZMF for metal music? I was thinking about the Atticus, but now I'm not so sure. I'm coming from the Fostex TH-600 and love the great bass and slam. Any ideas?
I dunno about the other models, but this one is very good. Ok the bass does not hit as hard as the Audeze XCs, but it's far above satisfactory. Biggest pro are the mids, which are crunchy and juicy AND the 3d effect that these hphones have. OMG!
@vvvVFANGSVvvv LCD-X's are not as comfortable as the Aeolus. They have more bass but the bass the Aeolus does have is more enjoyable. they have that planar analytic quality which i think would be nice for some things but its not what I want to listen to when i relax. The Aeolus has a more rich sound stage and they sound much more natural overall. A more pleasant headphone to listen with. Some people say the highs are lacking but they're really not. The highs are all there but presented in a non-fatiguing way. The Aeolus is everything I ever wanted in a headphone.
@@Jordonater I have not had the chance to use a pair of Nighthawks so I can't comment. However short of winning the lottery and being able to afford a pair of Closed Verites I don't see myself using anything but my Aeolus for the foreseeable future. A simple change of pads and the Aeolus can morph into something entirely different and I really like that.
Do they compliment the Atticus? I also have a pair of LCD2s and an HD6XX. I'd be willing to sell those for the Aeolus if you think it could replace them and also be different enough from the Atticus.
Wish you got this excited by some closed-back headphones. The background noise in my area is outragous. About a grand for some super headphones that don't block out the noise is a tough call.
DT177XGO, LCD-XC, LCD-2C Closed, ZMF Atticus, Sony MDRZ1R, Mezze 99, M50X (if used or on sale for a good price. These are not bad, Zeos just didn't like them, however I would take any of the other things I listed prior), Aeon Flow 2 closedm
I pulled the trigger on these the other day. I'm excited and nervous. Researching as much as possible it seems that the Aeolus is the best fit for me. But you don't know till you know and spending PC money for a single headphone is a scary proposition. Still.. I can't f*cking wait.
@@humanmale1085 I don't have either. My Aeolus is still in production, so if you opt for a ZMF be prepared to wait. I have an Elegia but not an Elex. Not sure I'd spend that kind of money for a headphone from Drop.
@@dasninjastix sorry man, i actually meant to ask someone else the same question. The comment above hours says he has the elex and Aelous, i meant to ask him. I appreciate your reply though.
Need to upgrade your dac/amp. ZMF is like Naim, you have to tailor it to your personal sound. Also, Auteur is a better sound for me personally then aeolus. It's just more romantic of a sound.
How are they for things beyond music? Casual youtube, games etc. I thought my step up from the X2s would be LCD2c but theres a strong case for these now. Damn you zeos.
Hello, thanks a lot for a very good and useful review. How would the Aeolus compare to the Focal Clear MG and the Hifiman Ananda? I ask because I'm planning to upgrade my Ananda with the Aeolus (I'm also considering the Focal), and use them with a Naim Atom Uniti Headphone amp. I listen mainly to classical, jazz and to a lesser extent, folk and acoustic. Best regards, Ignacio Reply
What dac/ headphone amp/s do you recommend for the Aeolus? Hugo2? ..? I grew up with STAX.. - prefer a range of music from opera to death metal to drum and bass. Igorrr finds a way to do all of these.. private road - bent.. Ne Obliviscaris.. Concord Dawn... Trilok Gurtu ect...
DACs… get a nice DAC whose features you like. Denafrips Ares might be cool if you wanna aim that high. Amps… tubes, tubes, tubes. OTL even. Something by Woo Audio, or a Little Dot mkII or mkIII if you’re on a budget. Never buy an integrated DAC/Amp. I don’t give a shit what for.
I'm interested in the bass. I tend to prefer planar dynamics for their attack and energy. Of course, I want clarity and precision. Are these THAT good?
the exact question in my mind. It so happens I am in a market for 1000 plus range headphones and was ready to order the C Flow but now I am kind of in the mist. according to Z those sounds better then C flow but he never elaborates on that and I think this would matter a lot because similar price points plus the fact C flow was he's go to headphone for a while now.
@@-havoc-tzu-3197 thats what i worry about also :/, but recessed treble is actually up my alley. So hard to find exactly what you're looking for. What is your go to phones?
Shrute Bucks Main Goto: HD 700 (relaxed but pretty accurate, and very comfortable) goto for competitive gaming: HD 800S. Goto for everyday carry: airpods Goto for work: Th-900MK2 or HD820 on WA7. Goto for sound isolation: HD 820 or Audiofly AF180 Goto for rocking out: Fostex Th6XX Purplehearts
From what I read, it looks like it's a quality bass headphones that sacrifice nearly nothing else where. From my experience I don't like bass I like the focal sound signature.
I definitely want to know what amps these pair best with 600ohm ain’t nothin to fuck with, and the thxaaa789 the drop is inactive and I’m putting a vote up. I’ve herd a few reviews that people are recommending tubes what do you think
@LOW-FI-MID-FI BASSS Focal, beyerdynamic,Sennheiser (except hd 600/650), and especially Sony are not "technically" more accurate sounding. Most of them (especially utopia and hd 800) are bright af, with harsh sound that gives an impression of "more detail", but it's just bright treble. Sony mdr z1r is a super coloured sound too with a huge treble peak and a bloated bass. And beyerdynamic is mostly garbage in overall tone (super high piercing treble).
got really bored with my lcd2 classics especially since one of the drivers died after 5 months and took them 5 weeks to repair, wish i had got these instead.
@@1ce2berg Yes I do. Sadly the driver has broke twice in the last two years. I sent it for repair the first time and now gotta do it again. I'm considering buying another headphone and try it out once this is repaired and if I liked it as much as Aeolus, I might sell my ZMF.
@@theavareh1 True, that sucks. How many hours did it approximately have on it when the driver failed because I just bought a used Aeolus from the original owner but now the warranty is void (as I am not tbe original owner). Now I am considering selling it and buying a Focal Stellia and then I'll place an order for the Verite open in a couple months. Have you tried other zmf headphones? I love the sound of the Aeolus, its closer to my preference than any other headphone I've tried thus far (other than Stellia and Meze Empyrean). But if you are saying the zmf are not reliable then I should definitely buy a brand new pair for the warranty
I had stax l700, stax still better but aeolus have more bass and smoother forgivig sound, l700 have this emotonlly crazy treble too real sounding. I will take aeolus for bass music and bad recording they are also better all rounder than l700, l700 shines with good recording
all i can say is this is Z's favorite, however, is it the best? if so, anyone who has utopia, lcdx.3.4, abyss1266, l700, 800s, 820, z1r, he1000v2, gs2000e should sell their pair and buy this, lol
Hey Zeos any recommendations for open back headphones with 3.5mm connection (v moda mic) that sound similar to the Takstars HI 2050s for gaming (bought and LOVE these thanks to you)
Looking at the stock pictures on ZMF's website, doesn't look like it's the same headstrap band as what you have on the Aeolus. I hope mine comes with the one you have on those.
He probably sent the velour strap as a demo part, zach has said you can either leave a note at checkout or it will be an option when you order the headphone.
Unrelated: Im probs going to get the Sennheiser 599 but since this is my first time straying away from earbuds and “gaming” headsets i just want to clarify are they good for gaming aswell as music? As i want to do both
earlier this year i bought a pair after reading a bunch of reviews thinking it was going to be a great bang for your buck, some of them mentioned that the bass can bleed into the mids. When i got them i was running them off of my onkyo tx-nr676 reciver and i was super disappointed that it was even worse than the reviews had said. Then i realized that the cable would my old hd590's(which the cable broke years ago and i couldn't find a replacement listing) and i was ecstatic(so comfy i used to fall asleep with them for years which is how cable finally snapped and they still sound great after 10-15 years i think). Recently i grabbed hd58x modi3 and an el amp and definitely a touch more resolving than my old hd590's though while decent comfy no where near the 590's and not as laid back i still occasionally grab the oldy but goodies to relax at night. Though while this was originally going to be a rant on how not to buy 599's and how i glare at them every time i walk by, as i wrote about taking the cable for the 590's i looked at them and thought.... well lets try them on the el amp actually they are petty good....the massive upper base low mids slop is gone. decently resolving, nice sound signature, not fatiguing, fairly comfy. but my original thought still applies, the 58x looks cheaper, and 6xx looks around the same maybe 10-15 more and both give you way more headphone for the money been listening to them the entire 20 mins or so on various music while i ramble and get distracted typing so sorry for incoherent mess, but they actually sound pretty good off a modi3/elamp, but they always sounded super bloated in mids on my receiver/phone ect so if you can find them cheap and have a schiit stack or something with out a super high output impedance go for it but at 180+ on amazon just looking there are better for the money. Mass drop only took about 4-5 to ship the 58x's to my house so its not always as bad as every one makes it out to be
@@Cereal421 2C improves a lot with great source. What did you run it from? I am using 2Qute and CMA600i. Lifting the 2C really to another level. The only thing that worries me in getting the Aeolus over the 2C is loosing on bass extension, slam and impact. In everything else I am pretty sure the Aeolus is better. But the mentioned attributes to me are extremely important.
@@Berkanann Did you end up purchasing the Aeolus or getting the chance to try time? I'm torn about whether to get the LCD2c or the Aeolus and am a bit concerned about bass response lacking on the Aeolus? What did you end up doing?
@@erikhansen3159 I auditioned the Aeolus and while I found it really nice, I decided to keep my 2C back then. I listen to a lot of electronic genres and Audeze just has a deeper and punchier bass. But that is just me. Aeolus is a very nice sounding hp and you won't miss any bass with other genres. It is a matter of personal preference. These days my daily driver is an LCD-X.
@@Berkanann Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! I will definitely keep this in mind when purchasing one over the other. Maybe I will get the chance to try both out and see which one I like more. So you said that your daily driver nowdays is the lcdx. I have considered them as an option and have heard a lot of good things about them. One thing that makes me feel hesitant about the lcdx is the bass response and warmth, I've heard they could sound a little sterile and not as bassy as the lcd2c. What are your thoughts on the lcdx compared to the lcd2c? Which one do you prefer and for what reason?
I get that they are amazing set of cans and I'm kinda considering them, but what is the imaging like on them? Does anyone know? I would like to have the option to play the occasional game.
If you dont like them, after the pre-order period is over you won't lose much, if any, money because people will be looking for any discount from the $1200 normal price.
@@dnalekaw4699 being they are made by the same company and are the same technology along with the exact same size ? How could I possibly come to that conclusion lol . Oh and the fact they look identical is also throwing me off 😁
@@turbomustang84 are you fucking high or what. These drivers aren't even made by foster and aren't even biodynamic. Pretty much the furthest from th 909/th900 drivers.
LCD-4’s forever. They do all that he describes in this ZMF review and then some. I’m just gonna have to deal with being homeless one day. I’ll be the smiling, broke guy on the corner with the LCD-4’s strapped to my head. They are like a lucid dream or what I imagine heroine must feel like... I smirk, thinking about how amazingly favorable Zeos’ LCD-4 review would be if they weren’t so damn expensive. Zeos can hear money saved on cans when he listens to music, and I can’t blame him for that...
Enh. I run Hugo 2 through the Audeze The King hybrid amp. It’s end game special. Stax is great. 009 not the best Stax, but also it’s just not the same level of engagement as LCD-4’s, but I understand if not everyone wants to be totally inside the music. You might prefer to feel like you’re in a concert hall or something.
@@ZReviews Technically, STAX is still more competent, if you check out the the measurements, Stax and electrostats in general have more clarity and near zero distortion literally.
I've been checking out Takstar Pro 82s 'till I stumbled upon Cooler Master MH752 7.2 surround (I heard they use pro 82 drivers), which should I get? I will use it for both music and gaming
i guess 100$ but I really need a mic. Mod mics and boom mic add ons aren't available in my country btw, I can buy em from amazon but the shipping is high af
@@ericthomas2388 Thanks, and it's only 20 bucks. Maybe I'll buy a Samson C10u Pro instead of settling for a gaming headset mic. Is it exclusive for Massdrop though? EDIT: nvm im stupid
While it'd be silly to buy just for gaming, I'm also curious. I'm guessing you're a gamer that also appreciates quality audio? :) Did you end up buying these? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
@@ericthomas2388 Wouldn't mind hearing it one day, abyss measures bad for that price and isn't very resolving and clean sounding. For that price, headphones should be at level of hd 800 in overall technicalities at least.
Even if we assume that he would get them one that and not like like everyone else does, it still would not mean much. That's because it's quite apparent that Z's tastes are....more unique. It seems that he likes predominantly brassier and wider stuff, while if I am to use myself as an example, I like cleaner more intimate sound signatures.
People are saying these are better than ath-m50x.
no way
I once owned the M50x and waiting on my Aeolus to be built and arrive. Not even close lol.
People say the darnedest things
Sarcasm…? Yes.
Still have my Aeolus almost 6 years later, thanks to this review. Even today, nothing could replace them in my collection, soundwise.
i was walking into the kitchen from my room when you said maybe stacks and I did a literal double take. I turned around and made that sound you make when you watch someone get hurt.
Update: ZMF Aeolus hit 104 orders as of 12/21. They were at about 40 when this review was published, 9 days ago. #zeoseffect
Merry Christmas to me....just ordered them......
Really? Nice one. Can you leave a TLDR afterwards regarding the sound?
@@robertfan332 Just got my Aeolus yesterday. Holy shit are they good. Smooth, clear, not too much treble or bass. Sound stage is awesome. Compared to a very good pair of LCD-X's these maybe slightly better. Theeeese are good. If you buy them you will not be disappointed. I still need to see if burnin makes them better if that is possible. Playing them through a Mjolnir2 and a Gugnir multibit. Need to get a balanced cable for them ASAP.
@@Kurgaan1 How is the weight? I worry about the comfort, I have a hard time with even slightly heavy headphones, like the dt 1990 for instance. That has always been the reason I have not pulled the trigger on the LCD X :(.
@@buster7618 The Aeolus are much lighter and very comfortable. I have worn them for 6 hours with wearing glasses and they gave me no problems whatsoever.
@@Kurgaan1 you sir, are an enabler ;). Hopefully there will be some more reviews out soon, but I'm leaning toward it as my new open back
Thanks! Merry Christmas
Tried these and oh my gaawwwddd.. Feels like you are in the embrace of the music. It just feels so lush and smooth.
You think these are a good upgrade from HD58X?
@@SussyBaka-em9rq big step up. Definitely
so i got this headphone on march 31st, 2019... since then i added a focal elex, audeze lcd2c, schure srh1540, grado sr80e and a campfire audio polaris v2 to my collection and i have to say that without a shadow of a doubt, the aeolus is the very best headphone i own... it is the most expensive tbf lol but you definitely get what you pay for... the sound signature is sooooo warm and sweet. everything is tame and yet everything is there. there is no shoutiness in the midrange unlike the lcd2c, its treble is smooth and never harsh unlike the sr80e or focal elex but it retains all of the detail. it has just enough "fun" in the mid-bass to be perfectly enjoyable without hindering any other frequency unlike the polaris v2... its just simply the best. if youre on the fence about the aeolus, get off the fence and buy it.
What do you like more on the aeolus compared to the elex?
@@humanmale1085 the aeolus is considerably warmer sounding. probably the warmest headphone ive ever owned tbh... the elex can get a little too sharp at a certain treble frequency for me, and there is a little bit of graininess to the sound of the elex. idk how the aeolus manages to be much warmer while having a little more detail but it does... its just an amazing headphone
@@humanmale1085 the dynamic range and bass presence on the elex is certainly a lot of fun though. if someone was deadset on not spending a penny over 700 on a headphone, i would still gladly recommend the elex to them
@@StraightEdgeAlexxx31 thanks, i have the elex and i enjoy it alot, i actually prefer it over many others such as the hd800s. I've been considering a ZMF for a while to add to the collection. Im not looking to replace my elex but just add something different(i might be a headphone enthusiast but i don't like multiple headphones that sound the same) from the descriptions of the Aelous from yourseld and other reviews it sounds like it would be justifiable owning both the Aelous and elex as the Aelous is much warmer. My only concern is i didn't love the lcd2 fazors as i found them to dark. How do you find the Aelous compared to the lcd2s?
@@humanmale1085 idk if i would use "dark" to describe the treble on the aeolus, but technically i guess you could argue they are slightly dark. i never feel like im missing anything but i definitely hear a little more treble energy on both the elex and the lcd2c (specifically the elex). your taste might not match up with mine at all because i love headphones that lean on the warm and kinda romantic side with their sound signature, but i relly would be surprised to find anyone that was disappointed with the aeolus in the treble department... funny thing is, i saw Drop called the elex the "super 6xx" and i couldnt disagree more because i think that is what the aeolus is... its a silky warm sounding headphone with a slightly dark signature. it just does all of that a bit better than the 6xx. idk what the fazor lcd2 sounds like but i can tell you that the aeolus is slightly darker than the lcd2c; so if thats not your thing you might wanna check out the zmf auteur instead because it has a little more zing up high.
Man, I know this video is older, but now I am very intrigued between either these or the Atrium. No idea which one would suit me best. I love the 6XX on tubes and I want to use ZMF cans on tubes too, that's all. The Aeolus are especially interesting because they won't make me as poor (I am a broke student and currently saving up for a pair of ZMF cans and I live in Europe so customs and taxes on top will kill me)
I also love 6XX/ 650 and recently got Atrium. Yes, expensive, but so worth it
Atrium is like a super, super HD650, with a crazy deep soundstage and lots of clarity and liquidity (see DMS's video), but the Aeolus are a different animal. They have a lot less upper mids than the 650 and Atrium, and have a much lusher tone than both (IMO). I came back years later to see Zeos's video because I wanted to reconnect with what he was saying way back then. He's so spot on, it's crazy. Aside from a little treble spike at 5.5 kHz, they are the least fatiguing headphone at super high volumes I've ever heard. I own them for cranking the volume and just rocking out. I can't do that with any of my other headphones. Really a unique sound if a rich, lush, and intense sound is what you're looking for. If you want something a little more "normal" sounding and WAY better technicalities, the Atrium is what you want.
@@Haasaaroni Hope you have a replacement ears provider.
Based on what you have said, I'd go with Auteur. I own all three and Auteur is like a mix between all 3. Slam dunk on a tube amp as well. Atrium is great but a darker tuning than aeolus for sure.
I love when you tell stories about making people listen to high end headphones. Nothing would be better than you accosting strangers on the street and filming their impressions.
Absinthe on fire at burning man is on my bucket list now.
Make a video about 5 worth buying headphones of all time/2018
Of all time 'til 2018 😂
THAT is the understatement
Seriously this. Of any price range. It's almost 2019, It's time.
Zach at ZMF is a godsend. Thank you Zach.
Best ZMF for metal music? I was thinking about the Atticus, but now I'm not so sure. I'm coming from the Fostex TH-600 and love the great bass and slam. Any ideas?
I dunno about the other models, but this one is very good. Ok the bass does not hit as hard as the Audeze XCs, but it's far above satisfactory. Biggest pro are the mids, which are crunchy and juicy AND the 3d effect that these hphones have. OMG!
Zac reporting in here with a new set of Aeolus.. confirmed review accurate.
Ordered an Aeolus after watching the review, they don't ship until Q1 2019 :/
Sometimes it is worth waiting for greatness.
Yeah Better than Q2
How did he get it so early?
@@ELSA-ex4ph ZMF sent out units of verite and aeolus to a select few reviewers, a few months ago.
I was super interested into LCD-X would you say these are better?!
I was gonna comment the same, need to know.
I was going to buy LCD-Xs until I got a chance to listen to these bought them the same day
@vvvVFANGSVvvv LCD-X's are not as comfortable as the Aeolus. They have more bass but the bass the Aeolus does have is more enjoyable. they have that planar analytic quality which i think would be nice for some things but its not what I want to listen to when i relax. The Aeolus has a more rich sound stage and they sound much more natural overall. A more pleasant headphone to listen with. Some people say the highs are lacking but they're really not. The highs are all there but presented in a non-fatiguing way. The Aeolus is everything I ever wanted in a headphone.
@@Zaes223 Are they like a superior version of the nighthawks?
@@Jordonater I have not had the chance to use a pair of Nighthawks so I can't comment. However short of winning the lottery and being able to afford a pair of Closed Verites I don't see myself using anything but my Aeolus for the foreseeable future. A simple change of pads and the Aeolus can morph into something entirely different and I really like that.
Do they compliment the Atticus? I also have a pair of LCD2s and an HD6XX. I'd be willing to sell those for the Aeolus if you think it could replace them and also be different enough from the Atticus.
I'm thinking the same thing... I own the Atticus and love them. I also have HD650s, and thinking it'd be great to upgrade those to the Aeolus someday.
Wish you got this excited by some closed-back headphones. The background noise in my area is outragous. About a grand for some super headphones that don't block out the noise is a tough call.
DT177XGO, LCD-XC, LCD-2C Closed, ZMF Atticus, Sony MDRZ1R, Mezze 99, M50X (if used or on sale for a good price. These are not bad, Zeos just didn't like them, however I would take any of the other things I listed prior), Aeon Flow 2 closedm
What amp/dac was used here?
I pulled the trigger on these the other day. I'm excited and nervous. Researching as much as possible it seems that the Aeolus is the best fit for me. But you don't know till you know and spending PC money for a single headphone is a scary proposition. Still.. I can't f*cking wait.
What do you like more on the aeolus than the elex?
@@humanmale1085 I don't have either. My Aeolus is still in production, so if you opt for a ZMF be prepared to wait. I have an Elegia but not an Elex. Not sure I'd spend that kind of money for a headphone from Drop.
@@dasninjastix sorry man, i actually meant to ask someone else the same question. The comment above hours says he has the elex and Aelous, i meant to ask him. I appreciate your reply though.
@@humanmale1085 no problem ✌️
@@dasninjastix what do you think of the elegia?
You should honestly do like a top 5 for the year or best categories or something. Feel like that video would be one of your most popular.
Need to upgrade your dac/amp. ZMF is like Naim, you have to tailor it to your personal sound. Also, Auteur is a better sound for me personally then aeolus. It's just more romantic of a sound.
How are they for things beyond music? Casual youtube, games etc. I thought my step up from the X2s would be LCD2c but theres a strong case for these now. Damn you zeos.
Hello, thanks a lot for a very good and useful review. How would the Aeolus compare to the Focal Clear MG and the Hifiman Ananda? I ask because I'm planning to upgrade my Ananda with the Aeolus (I'm also considering the Focal), and use them with a Naim Atom Uniti Headphone amp. I listen mainly to classical, jazz and to a lesser extent, folk and acoustic. Best regards, Ignacio
What dac/ headphone amp/s do you recommend for the Aeolus? Hugo2? ..?
I grew up with STAX.. - prefer a range of music from opera to death metal to drum and bass. Igorrr finds a way to do all of these.. private road - bent.. Ne Obliviscaris.. Concord Dawn... Trilok Gurtu ect...
DACs… get a nice DAC whose features you like. Denafrips Ares might be cool if you wanna aim that high.
Amps… tubes, tubes, tubes. OTL even. Something by Woo Audio, or a Little Dot mkII or mkIII if you’re on a budget.
Never buy an integrated DAC/Amp. I don’t give a shit what for.
But Z will they continue to sing like an angel on different set ups tho?
I'm interested in the bass. I tend to prefer planar dynamics for their attack and energy. Of course, I want clarity and precision. Are these THAT good?
I can only say headphone of the year so many times. YES
Do you like these more than Ether flows/C flows?
the exact question in my mind. It so happens I am in a market for 1000 plus range headphones and was ready to order the C Flow but now I am kind of in the mist. according to Z those sounds better then C flow but he never elaborates on that and I think this would matter a lot because similar price points plus the fact C flow was he's go to headphone for a while now.
@@MititeluRadu what did you decide. Right there with you.
Mititelu Radu c flow is super accurate but doesn’t have nearly enough bass for my taste.
@@-havoc-tzu-3197 thats what i worry about also :/, but recessed treble is actually up my alley. So hard to find exactly what you're looking for. What is your go to phones?
Shrute Bucks Main Goto: HD 700 (relaxed but pretty accurate, and very comfortable) goto for competitive gaming: HD 800S. Goto for everyday carry: airpods Goto for work: Th-900MK2 or HD820 on WA7.
Goto for sound isolation: HD 820 or Audiofly AF180
Goto for rocking out: Fostex Th6XX Purplehearts
Zeos, how do these compare to the Atticus because I just ordered my Atticus .
From what I read, it looks like it's a quality bass headphones that sacrifice nearly nothing else where.
From my experience I don't like bass I like the focal sound signature.
the files are IN the computer!
9:35 that's a (stand up)bass or cello tremolo-ing
I really need you to review the HIFIMAN Arya
I definitely want to know what amps these pair best with 600ohm ain’t nothin to fuck with, and the thxaaa789 the drop is inactive and I’m putting a vote up. I’ve herd a few reviews that people are recommending tubes what do you think
The wallpaper though
"Hey Harvey, did you tell people about the Aeolus?" And now you know........the REST.......of the story!
I agree with him, i demo them they are that good lol
@LOW-FI-MID-FI BASSS Focal, beyerdynamic,Sennheiser (except hd 600/650), and especially Sony are not "technically" more accurate sounding. Most of them (especially utopia and hd 800) are bright af, with harsh sound that gives an impression of "more detail", but it's just bright treble. Sony mdr z1r is a super coloured sound too with a huge treble peak and a bloated bass. And beyerdynamic is mostly garbage in overall tone (super high piercing treble).
So when are you reviewing the sennheiser ie80 iems?
can i bid a second time with a higher amount just to be safe?
hifiman ananda?
got really bored with my lcd2 classics especially since one of the drivers died after 5 months and took them 5 weeks to repair, wish i had got these instead.
lifetime driver warranty on ZMF cans for the original owner!
I'm not selling my Aeolus like ever.
@@theavareh1 Still have them? I just bought a used one lol. Hopefully they are reliable and the warranty isn't too necessary
@@1ce2berg Yes I do. Sadly the driver has broke twice in the last two years. I sent it for repair the first time and now gotta do it again. I'm considering buying another headphone and try it out once this is repaired and if I liked it as much as Aeolus, I might sell my ZMF.
@@theavareh1 True, that sucks. How many hours did it approximately have on it when the driver failed because I just bought a used Aeolus from the original owner but now the warranty is void (as I am not tbe original owner). Now I am considering selling it and buying a Focal Stellia and then I'll place an order for the Verite open in a couple months. Have you tried other zmf headphones? I love the sound of the Aeolus, its closer to my preference than any other headphone I've tried thus far (other than Stellia and Meze Empyrean). But if you are saying the zmf are not reliable then I should definitely buy a brand new pair for the warranty
These or LCD-X?
OOF these. Different sounds. BUT ... ff..
Have you tried the new LCD-X's, as your review still had the (pre) 2016 version?
Would you really take these over L700 stax
I had stax l700, stax still better but aeolus have more bass and smoother forgivig sound, l700 have this emotonlly crazy treble too real sounding. I will take aeolus for bass music and bad recording they are also better all rounder than l700, l700 shines with good recording
@@ahmadieb i own l700, if you want base extension, any headphone >$200 is better than l700, but accuracy and speed, l700 is better than any headphone
all i can say is this is Z's favorite, however, is it the best? if so, anyone who has utopia, lcdx.3.4, abyss1266, l700, 800s, 820, z1r, he1000v2, gs2000e should sell their pair and buy this, lol
Wondering where that Sony mdr 1am2 review is.
Hey Zeos any recommendations for open back headphones with 3.5mm connection (v moda mic) that sound similar to the Takstars HI 2050s for gaming (bought and LOVE these thanks to you)
Looking at the stock pictures on ZMF's website, doesn't look like it's the same headstrap band as what you have on the Aeolus. I hope mine comes with the one you have on those.
Email Zach. You will know.
He probably sent the velour strap as a demo part, zach has said you can either leave a note at checkout or it will be an option when you order the headphone.
Z did You try the focal clear ? If u did how u can compare with these
I'm contemplating between this and Klipsch heritage hp-3.
ZMF, not even close
Got the hp-3 but sold it. Sibilance. I'm sensitive to that.
Please check out the Klipsch Heritage headphones I'm curious to hear your take on them
Unrelated: Im probs going to get the Sennheiser 599 but since this is my first time straying away from earbuds and “gaming” headsets i just want to clarify are they good for gaming aswell as music? As i want to do both
earlier this year i bought a pair after reading a bunch of reviews thinking it was going to be a great bang for your buck, some of them mentioned that the bass can bleed into the mids. When i got them i was running them off of my onkyo tx-nr676 reciver and i was super disappointed that it was even worse than the reviews had said. Then i realized that the cable would my old hd590's(which the cable broke years ago and i couldn't find a replacement listing) and i was ecstatic(so comfy i used to fall asleep with them for years which is how cable finally snapped and they still sound great after 10-15 years i think). Recently i grabbed hd58x modi3 and an el amp and definitely a touch more resolving than my old hd590's though while decent comfy no where near the 590's and not as laid back i still occasionally grab the oldy but goodies to relax at night. Though while this was originally going to be a rant on how not to buy 599's and how i glare at them every time i walk by, as i wrote about taking the cable for the 590's i looked at them and thought.... well lets try them on the el amp
actually they are petty good....the massive upper base low mids slop is gone. decently resolving, nice sound signature, not fatiguing, fairly comfy.
but my original thought still applies, the 58x looks cheaper, and 6xx looks around the same maybe 10-15 more and both give you way more headphone for the money
been listening to them the entire 20 mins or so on various music while i ramble and get distracted typing so sorry for incoherent mess, but they actually sound pretty good off a modi3/elamp, but they always sounded super bloated in mids on my receiver/phone ect so if you can find them cheap and have a schiit stack or something with out a super high output impedance go for it but at 180+ on amazon just looking there are better for the money. Mass drop only took about 4-5 to ship the 58x's to my house so its not always as bad as every one makes it out to be
nick grundtisch thanks for taking the time to reply
Did you get the limited ones as well?
which cable, theres 5? And what to drive them with at minimum?
Wait these are better than stax and verum one?
But have you heard the Utopias?
Did you tried them with the RME adi 2 ? How they match ?
You loved the LCD2C too. Would you pick these over those? Especially for EDM.
I owned 2Cs and tried Aeolus. Get Aeolus.
@@Cereal421 2C improves a lot with great source. What did you run it from? I am using 2Qute and CMA600i. Lifting the 2C really to another level.
The only thing that worries me in getting the Aeolus over the 2C is loosing on bass extension, slam and impact. In everything else I am pretty sure the Aeolus is better. But the mentioned attributes to me are extremely important.
@@Berkanann Did you end up purchasing the Aeolus or getting the chance to try time? I'm torn about whether to get the LCD2c or the Aeolus and am a bit concerned about bass response lacking on the Aeolus? What did you end up doing?
@@erikhansen3159 I auditioned the Aeolus and while I found it really nice, I decided to keep my 2C back then. I listen to a lot of electronic genres and Audeze just has a deeper and punchier bass. But that is just me. Aeolus is a very nice sounding hp and you won't miss any bass with other genres. It is a matter of personal preference. These days my daily driver is an LCD-X.
@@Berkanann Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! I will definitely keep this in mind when purchasing one over the other. Maybe I will get the chance to try both out and see which one I like more. So you said that your daily driver nowdays is the lcdx. I have considered them as an option and have heard a lot of good things about them. One thing that makes me feel hesitant about the lcdx is the bass response and warmth, I've heard they could sound a little sterile and not as bassy as the lcd2c. What are your thoughts on the lcdx compared to the lcd2c? Which one do you prefer and for what reason?
It's like listening to the music being made, but with two sandbags on either side of your head.
I get that they are amazing set of cans and I'm kinda considering them, but what is the imaging like on them? Does anyone know? I would like to have the option to play the occasional game.
he said that its the best imaging, so your good.
you are the music and the music is you.
Really glad I didn't watch this video before Xmas. Might have to order myself a pair for my birthday later this year.
Does it come with his LTD box?
Zeos...Your wallpapers are getting riskier all the time...where do you find the.. 😉
Zeos the mitchell & johnson mj2 is really really really good... but insanely uncomfortable... REVIEW PLS
Z Aeolus Vs LCD-X?
Which did/would you pick?
Why no endorsement in the title though?
These vs stax Zeos?
Personally I'd choose these so I don't have to deal with needing a dedicated energizer just to run.
Trust your own years.
It depends whether you like the dynamic sound or electrostatic effortless sound that is very clear/detailed and fast.
9:30 That's timpani drums! I really want these headphones.... Hmm maybe I'll skip next semester and "re-allocate" my tuition money
Where can i message z about sending a pair of headphones for him to review?
I prefer on Patreon. BUT there are other ways if you look.
Best review ever
LCD-X, now i got the fostex th900... now i want his too... its expensive to watch your videos^^
this is crazy....or is it? All pre-order sales are final.
yeah seems a little wack
If you dont like them, after the pre-order period is over you won't lose much, if any, money because people will be looking for any discount from the $1200 normal price.
Are these the same drivers as the Fostex 900s and 909s?
@@dnalekaw4699 being they are made by the same company and are the same technology along with the exact same size ? How could I possibly come to that conclusion lol .
Oh and the fact they look identical is also throwing me off 😁
@@turbomustang84 are you fucking high or what. These drivers aren't even made by foster and aren't even biodynamic. Pretty much the furthest from th 909/th900 drivers.
Does verite pad upgrade worth getting?
I didn't even try it. I may never try. I love them neat
You didn't go over what you need to drive them m8.
Screw B no he fucking does cuz us morons in the audience who don’t know a headphone amp from a hole in the ground need this guidance
I prefer using the Verite pads on the Aeolus.
LCD-4’s forever. They do all that he describes in this ZMF review and then some. I’m just gonna have to deal with being homeless one day. I’ll be the smiling, broke guy on the corner with the LCD-4’s strapped to my head. They are like a lucid dream or what I imagine heroine must feel like... I smirk, thinking about how amazingly favorable Zeos’ LCD-4 review would be if they weren’t so damn expensive. Zeos can hear money saved on cans when he listens to music, and I can’t blame him for that...
Enh. I run Hugo 2 through the Audeze The King hybrid amp. It’s end game special. Stax is great. 009 not the best Stax, but also it’s just not the same level of engagement as LCD-4’s, but I understand if not everyone wants to be totally inside the music. You might prefer to feel like you’re in a concert hall or something.
I'm actually more interested in what you think of the Eikon than anything else now. Any minor spoilers?
Slightly Harsh but definitely a worthwhile can.. Wide and lovely
Are they dark sounding?
You like it more than Stax?
If I have free time to listen. . . It isn't a guarantee I do stax over these.
@@ZReviews Technically, STAX is still more competent, if you check out the the measurements, Stax and electrostats in general have more clarity and near zero distortion literally.
lmfao i need to wait for the auteur review, i'll make up my mind on what im buying !
What was the conclusion?
Waiting for thoose s400 man....When!?
Steve Guttenberg is all so doing a review of the s400, so can't wait to compare, both of y'all reviews.
I've been checking out Takstar Pro 82s 'till I stumbled upon Cooler Master MH752 7.2 surround (I heard they use pro 82 drivers), which should I get? I will use it for both music and gaming
I wouldn't buy either.
i guess 100$ but I really need a mic. Mod mics and boom mic add ons aren't available in my country btw, I can buy em from amazon but the shipping is high af
@@richbogli1918 buy ksc75 plus a desk mic. better than both the headphones and a better quality mic
@@ericthomas2388 Thanks, and it's only 20 bucks. Maybe I'll buy a Samson C10u Pro instead of settling for a gaming headset mic. Is it exclusive for Massdrop though?
EDIT: nvm im stupid
Merry christmas me! Aaand sorry to my family but no presents this year.
Is aeolus just as open as sennheiser hd800 ?
so better than the vokyl erupts cause you called those your favorite of 2018?
I thought volkyl's erupt was the headphone of the year
not compared to theeeeeese boi
Can we have 2 headphones of the year?
Or Elex?
Or Arya?
Good for gaming? Anyone know
While it'd be silly to buy just for gaming, I'm also curious. I'm guessing you're a gamer that also appreciates quality audio? :)
Did you end up buying these? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
This vs Meze Empyreans?
donno about Meze but just get an Aeolus and thank me later.
Harvey will grant you an entrance to his hotel room if you promise to bring these headphones, gigidy.
how much does a kidney go for these days?
I would love you trash the abyss 1266 that everyone on headfi sucks.
Abyss headphones look like 20€ gaming headsets
I think the 1266 are not good but the Diana phi is awesome
@@ericthomas2388 Wouldn't mind hearing it one day, abyss measures bad for that price and isn't very resolving and clean sounding. For that price, headphones should be at level of hd 800 in overall technicalities at least.
@@akshat3516 haha, I don't like how hd800 sound either. Very boring and thin sounding. Awesome Soundstage though
Even if we assume that he would get them one that and not like like everyone else does, it still would not mean much. That's because it's quite apparent that Z's tastes are....more unique. It seems that he likes predominantly brassier and wider stuff, while if I am to use myself as an example, I like cleaner more intimate sound signatures.
A grand...... I'll keep my European pair of HD 650..... maybe in another life.
absinthe, mmmmm. Yes.
"Beethoven... soundtrack whatever..." bro the fuck?
Wow that wallpaper is slightly NSFW when you blow it up.
Edrei Zahari almost a Loli💙
Shhhh.. Don't blow it up.
Checked her ID. Shes Definitely imaginary.
Z Reviews fine
Jesus christ shit I want these now, but sooo expensive after import taxes to Denmark.