The 100,000 or so Palestinians who fled to Lebanon after the 1948 conflict were mainly absorbed into Lebanese society, albeit at a lower social level. What Lebanon couldn’t handle was the 300,000 arriving from Jordan some 20 years later, associated with the P.L.O., after being exiled following more conflict. Presumably these were the occupants of those awful Refugee camps and too many for Lebanon to integrate. Noticeable is how well ‘armed’ these refugees were, and I understand from Lebanese friends that there was much unease outside of Parliament at this ‘military’ build up but no action taken to stop it. The evasive ‘double talk’ of the Leaders interviewed no doubt mirrored the prevailing laissez faire attitude to governing the Country. Of course not all of the refugees were P.L.O. Members but it was fertile grounds for recruitment. Apart from the sadness I feel for the continued ruin of Lebanon, one thing I notice and wonder if my opinion is correct: the Jordan exiles fled to Lebanon, not to Syria. Could this be due to Assad Snr being stronger than the Lebanese Government and refusing to accept them, due to the P.L.O. Association.
Touché, and yes indeed. Assad senior would’ve never allowed the Palestinians in, and was content with arming the PLO instead, for them to wreck havoc in Lebanon, as a means to an end of course.
I watch these more than I do the actual news even though these events have already happened decades ago, modern news reporting has really gone downhill.
Can't help but think that the very first phrase of this film "when refugees of a Holocaust moved in & then made refugees of the Arabs living there" were the source of the problems not just then but throughout history into the present. Why is it that since they moved in the whole middle east has turned into a warzone that not only just had devastating effects on those areas but are now destabilizing prosperous nations of the west because of the amount people who are fleeing there. It seems odd to me that it is always this group who thinks they are the chosen who are the ones always benefitting from the chaos that ensues the world. It's almost as though they earned their reputation as troublemakers throughout history and weren't just innocent victims of persecution like we're always told.🤔
Yeah, the peaceful Palestinians, it took the Israeli army and with all it's military power 2 months to round them up in Beirut before leaving Lebanon with their tails between their legs. Lebanon was the Jewel of the Middle East before the Palestinians came in as a refugees, look at it today. I'm not against the Palestinian cause in Palestine but we must not forget that the Palestinians themselves occupied the majority of Lebanon with their ambition to take control over the land. The irony.
I agree, they attempted to create a state within a state. I feel for the Palestine cause, but the problems they caused in Lebanon was unforgivable. We had, and still have enough issues in our country without them.
As Lebanese we can not keep our country a paper for any country or party we do not want to make peace until all the Arabs make it but we have suffered a lot and we want independent country no Iran nor Syria or other countries handles our souls
What the Palestinians done to lebanese Christians especially pregnant women I can't explain its beyond brutality..we served in the right wing militia backed by Israel we fought back just as brutal..
And now Hezbollah is in Lebanon with hundreds of thousands of rockets. These are not defensive weapons. How long will Lebanon be peaceful? I don’t believe we will see peace in our time.
HA was formed as a response to the Israeli invasion- which wasn’t the first Israeli invasion. Israel has proven that it would like to extend its borders into Lebanon before and after HA (or Hamas) were created. They violate Lebanese airspace many times daily. They won’t give the Palestinians their lands back which causes problems for Lebanon. I’m Lebanese but I do not support a single party because they have all been poisoned by the corrupt and sectarian system that was set up. When you send masses of refugees into a country with a weak government, the Palestinians will act exactly like the Lebanese factions all vying for power. It’s normal for any large socio-economic or ethnic class to band together to obtain a portion of the political pie, ESPECIALLY when this particular group are not citizens. Today there are idf personnel walking around with patches of greater Israel which includes parts or all of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. They continue to attempt to cleanse the Palestinian lands in order to annex land, while simultaneously destabilizing the rest of the Middle East.
But the idea of Arab unity has proven to be an illusion. It has only been used to maintain a state of war and instability instead of each country looking after the interests of its citizens.
How is this neutral? “Making refugees of the Arabs….” Noting NOTHING of the Jews who were made refugees from East Jerusalem, Kiryat Arba, and the entire West Bank in 1948!! Often slaughtering Jewish settlements rather than even allowing them to even become refugees!!!
@@eddieb5452 as long as people who keeps on following and practising the ritualistic black stone kissing ,pre- islamic pagan moon god called allah, which have no logical, ethical and moral values fit with human rights and lives. If muslims dump islam then would there be a real peace on this earth.
This is what happens when you displace a people and colonize their land. Do you think they just going to just roll over and die? They get pushed around, disrupt other communities bringing chaos and death. Also it’s crazy how the Israeli leaders and generals speak with the same hubristic attitude they have today.
you mean like what happened to the Jews 2,000 years ago, and since being dispersed and slaughtered around the world? Yet, they simply ran and ran until going back to their original land after the Ottoman Empire fell, and many countries voted in favor to split the land into 2 states after WWII, and the Palestinians didn't want a state so they started a war which caused much displacement.
@@matthaze9765 What happened to jew was bad but what had the arabs and palestinians to do with that, what do you think everytime jews settle in a country they are kicked out, and No, other countries do not have the right to split another countries land.
it seems that you didn't watch the report the man on 12th minute is talking about his dad wanting to appease the Israelis with coffee, obviously they shot him dead like a dog and he is muslim not christian that was in Bint Jbeil which is mainly Shiaa muslims
The same problem today, PLO in 1978-1982, now Hizbollah. Beit Jillal in 2006 Lebanon war was the end of Merkava MBTs invencibility. So actual today in 2023.
@@mixed-media يردون عمل سكة حديد تربط ميناء حيفاء بموانئ الخليج لكن يردون ربطها بما يسمى قطار الحرمين اللي قال عنه خاشقجي اذا لم يعجبك اننا صرفنا ٤٠ مليار عليه فعش مثل الاميش !؟اسرائيل بنت قناة السويس لمساعدة اليونان وتركيا بنت سدود على سوريا والعراق (دجله والفرات) الان تبني قناة اسطنبول وامريكا بنت سد هلمند لكن تركيا وامريكا والعراق من الخمسينيات تحارب الشيوعيه !؟ ○ الكويت تريد بناء ميناء بوبيان الذي ينافس ميناء الفاو العراقي فهل تحاول العراق ضم الكويت للمرة الثالثة !؟ ● العقوبات على ايران ليست على النووي بل على ميناء تشابهار الذي يعني نهاية اهمية الخليج للعالم ! ○ ستبنى قناة مائية تربط الخليج بخليج العقبة لتسهل مرور البضائع القادمة من اسيا لافريقيا ! ○بناء جسر يربط سيناء بشبة الجزيرة ! ● تبوك اسم لاتيني يعني الارض المنعزله ! ○ مكه مصطلح مأخوذ من صنم كان اله للقمر ويثرب على اسم شخص !؟
Sorry, I was a soldier in IDF at the time. You allowed terrorists from PLO to terrorise the north of Israel. It's the same now with Hizballah. If Hizballah will start a new war, your country will be in danger. You need to keep peace. Atherwise we will bring you war and destruction. Peace is better. Hope you will learn one day. Nice country, BTW. Sorry you don't like to live in peace and fight between youself as we see everywhere, like Syria for example. This is your choice, of course. But don't think we will keep quiet if Hizballah attacts us. Don't mess with Israel!
@Reuven Magal Well Mr. Idf soldier. You killed civilians in 1978, 1982, and 2006... not to mention all your killing in Gaza and the west bank. Children killers, that is what you are, and luckily more and more people around the world and especially Americans are learning the truth about the zionest apartheid so called Israel. No Peace until the cancer of the middle east, Israel, is removed. Free Free Palestine... From the River to the Sea
What does Islam have to do with people getting chased out of their land, it is exactly as was said at the start of this video, holocaust refugees making refugees out of another nation
@@azarif3581 The descendants of Ishmael (son of Abraham) + their neighboring tribes unfortunately submitted to the Islamists and converted to Islam + mixed with the Arabs - that was the mistake. Hence all the problems these days. Why can't the Palestinians just convert to Judaism? Then there is peace.
شكرااااا للسعوديه التي أوقفت الحرب الأهليه اللبنانيه شكرااااااا للسعوديه على أعمار لبنان شكرااااا للسعوديه على كل شئ جميل قدمته 🇱🇧 أتفاق الطائف شاهد على أيادي السعوديه البضاء على شعبنا في لبنان 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦
yeah, Lebanon 🇱🇧 a successful, wealthy majority Christian country inviting in Muslim refugees from palestine. Only to bite that hand that offered them a home. Nothing but trouble
@@BurtReynoldstash not true. The christian right that ruled lebanon never liked the muslims and never wanted them their in the first place. Since when did the christian right ever get along with muslims?
Such absolute propaganda bullshit!! Why is Britain allowed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and occupy and bomb countries which have never once attacked the United Kingdom! Yet Israel was not allowed to attack people who murdered 38 civilians in a bus! Who butchered children in a school! Who attacked children in a kindergarten!! But it's always Is'raeel who is at fault!! Israel used aircraft to bomb: so Britain never used aircraft to bomb Iraq and Afghanistan!?? Bull. Shit lies!!
The UK does not own any jets, your allegations are thus nulled automatically. Only "Israel" continuously commits human rights abuses. Finally, why are you so triggered?
Well... Basically... In my humble estimation... We are victims of our narrow perspectives and misguided beliefs which we are fed from birth and our inability to see past the bullshit and think for ourselves... We're just monkeys being told what to believe and how to think and how to live and how to hate and the very few of us who can see through the bullshit are overwhelmed by it and give up on so called "humanity" cos honestly... We reap what we sow and what we sow is untethered pure bullshit... So let the bad times roll
LEARN TO LOVE YOUR ENEMIES! JOIN AS ONE PEOPLE OF GOD IN ISRAEL AND ALL CAN BE SAVED ! sinai has always been israel as jethro was moses father in law and his daughters inheritance of sinai midianite lands became israelis also canaan is ISRAEL GOD SAID THIS AND ANY THAT ARE AGAINST ISRAEL HAVING THE LAND THEN ARE OPPOSED TO GOD AND ANY AGAINST GOD WILL NOT SURVIVE
If Israel is to get American weapons, then they will have to follow America rules of engagement and war, something their Arab enemies never practice when at war.
@but ton The U.S. pre WW1 was never interested in middle east, it was England and France that discover oil and the U.S. develop an addiction for the oil in the middle east, the Brits and France wanted political power over the middle east but lost it all after WW2, because they needed to rebuild their country, Russia anti colonialism and the U.S. pro democracy is responsible for liberating south east Asia, the middle east and Africa from European colonialism, the U.S. won the cold war and is now responsible for the power vacuum in the middle east, Africa and Asia, with China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia ,Turkey now fighting for their piece of political power in their region and beyond.
Since under Ottoman Rule the Palestinian region was named Syria & since the Palestinians tried to create a new Syrian Empire after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and since the PLO & Arafat sought to expand Syria to the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon & Israel, then its only LOGICAL & the MORAL standards of Syria & the Palestinian Militants to Provide the Land required for a Palestinian home state, since neither Syria or the Palestinian Representatives want Gaza or the West Bank to remain as the current Palestinian Territories - Syria can Provide the Land required somewhere South near the Golan Heights, as close enough to the old Syrian & Ottoman governate of "Syrian-Palestine" as possible... Problem sorted! 💥
And those residents currently living in Gaza & the West Bank, who have suffered under BOTH the Palestinian Militants & Israeli Defence Forces, with no where to take shelter - can CHOOSE where they want to live & if they want to remain in Gaza or the West Bank & continue to develop their Society under the environmental strains & challenges they know exist, then they can be free to do so - but the Militants can't be Free to exploit them! 💥 Because the Militants currently exploiting the Civilian populations of the Palestinian Territories simply run & hide behind Civilian Houses, Schools, Shops & even Civilian people themselves once the IDF answers their attacks - how ever long they last! 8 hours or 8 months! And Israel can make more efforts to avoid high Civilian casualties when answering such attacks from Militants - but the Civilians also need to avoid being exploited by the Militants... So the Militants can be CONFINED to their own Terrorist Territories - if they want to continue in their stupid terror games with their backers like Iran, Syria & Hezbollah, just like they & their actions have forced Civilian Palestinian Refugees to be CONFINED to their own Refugee Camps in neighbouring Countries! 💥 What goes around comes around Militants 💥
Musical Chairs: The innocent Civilians & the innocent Refugees trapped in Camps in the neighbouring Countries can choose to live in the Palestinian Territories or in the Newly Established Lands in Southern Syria - where they can Farm & Trade & Build & Travel with a REAL PASSPORT! While the Militants can swap places with the Civilian Refugees trapped in Camps. The Militants like to Hijack the Camps every now & then anyway, so what's the fkn difference between what they're doing now as "Camp Hijackers" & moving them into those same 'Hijacking Target Camps' permanently? 💥 There is no difference except the non-combatant, innocent Civilians who are just trying to live their lives are removed from the vulnerable position of being Hijacked, Exploited & used as Human Shields... 💥 If the Militants are so "Courageous" anyway, what problem can they raise with such a relocation option? 💥 That they no longer have access to someone else's Baby to use as a Human Shield? 💥 Well they can fkn call Lifeline for Counselling then can't they! 💥
And if anyone else has a problem with such a relocation, like Assad for example, then he can be accused & rightly so, of propagating the same Terrorism that allocates innocent Civilians to be Human Shields. Besides, why would he be motivated to continue this disproportionate violence & Organised exploitation against Civilian Refugees anyway? Because he wants to admit that he is a Terrorist too? The "Boss intergenerational Terrorist" who's Ruling Syrian Family (Cult) has intentionally propagated this humanitarian catastrophe for generations? Well he is free to incriminate himself... 💥 Let him! 💥
But Thames television, when your British Army attacked and bombed Basra in Iraq, where was your report and screaming and crying!?? What right does your Army have to be in Iraq?! When did Iraq shell British villages in Britain!??
God willing we will all learn to live together...or at the least everyone can just stay the hell out of the aley district.... but God willing the first...
I'm from Lebanon, and you're right. 80 years of war and we couldn't won it against Israel, so in my opinion we should accept the loss and try to live together, but Israel must stop occupying any other land, or the war will never end.
@@davidroscoe3815 The refugees have the right to return to their homes that was lost in 1948, moreover Israel and their maronite allies committed atrocities to Palestinian refugees throughout Lebanon adding fuel to the flames of this unending conflict.
طلعوا عندهم جمال 😂 ويركبون حمير ويعايرون السعودية بالجمال الي هية رمز للعرب ولشموخ وحيوان لة قيمة واكل لحمة يعزز الرجولة والمروءة والحمية ليش ماتعايرون المستعمر الفرنسي بديك الرومي الي هوة رمز عندهم . الله يصلح حال لبنان بس ماضيعها الا الافكار المستوردة والعقليات اليسارية والشعوبية المريضة وعدم الاعتزاز بالهوية العربية اي بلد تنزع من هويتها وتطبق افكار مستوردة عمرها ماراح تبني دولة ذات سيادة وهوية
يعني كل الي هامك من التقرير..منظر الجمال..هاذول سكان القرى الجنوبية الغلابة..الي اختلط دمهم بدم الفلسطيني..وماكان حد يقول سني وشيعي...الي ببعايروك بالجمال وانهم مودرن وغربيين حلفاءك الموارنة
Sinai can be negotiated, Golan can be negotiated which hasn't been negotiated till to date, but West Bank and Gaza can't be negotiated because they were given to Israelis in Inheritance by prophet Moses...!!!!
"where are the 100 million soldiers to fight and die for my cause....its an outrage!" ~ an unarmed, ununiformed, non-mobilized, military aged, physically fit male..... nowhere near the front line. circa 1978
Watching this 2023… sameshit
2024 now and still
It will never end @@Pth926
all stemming from european/american colonisation and destabilisation
The 100,000 or so Palestinians who fled to Lebanon after the 1948 conflict were mainly absorbed into Lebanese society, albeit at a lower social level. What Lebanon couldn’t handle was the 300,000 arriving from Jordan some 20 years later, associated with the P.L.O., after being exiled following more conflict. Presumably these were the occupants of those awful Refugee camps and too many for Lebanon to integrate. Noticeable is how well ‘armed’ these refugees were, and I understand from Lebanese friends that there was much unease outside of Parliament at this ‘military’ build up but no action taken to stop it. The evasive ‘double talk’ of the Leaders interviewed no doubt mirrored the prevailing laissez faire attitude to governing the Country. Of course not all of the refugees were P.L.O. Members but it was fertile grounds for recruitment.
Apart from the sadness I feel for the continued ruin of Lebanon, one thing I notice and wonder if my opinion is correct: the Jordan exiles fled to Lebanon, not to Syria. Could this be due to Assad Snr being stronger than the Lebanese Government and refusing to accept them, due to the P.L.O. Association.
Touché, and yes indeed. Assad senior would’ve never allowed the Palestinians in, and was content with arming the PLO instead, for them to wreck havoc in Lebanon, as a means to an end of course.
not true at all
you need to get you facts right sir
@@AlMared924 I would be interested in which facts you consider not true. Thanks and regards.
@@SidiqiLol..They did not even integrate in Denmark which gave them everything forget about Lebanon! 😂
they when on the news. our humanitarians and demanded 100,000 on the first day. shame on 🇮🇱 shame
I watch these more than I do the actual news even though these events have already happened decades ago, modern news reporting has really gone downhill.
Agreed 100%
Can't help but think that the very first phrase of this film "when refugees of a Holocaust moved in & then made refugees of the Arabs living there" were the source of the problems not just then but throughout history into the present. Why is it that since they moved in the whole middle east has turned into a warzone that not only just had devastating effects on those areas but are now destabilizing prosperous nations of the west because of the amount people who are fleeing there. It seems odd to me that it is always this group who thinks they are the chosen who are the ones always benefitting from the chaos that ensues the world. It's almost as though they earned their reputation as troublemakers throughout history and weren't just innocent victims of persecution like we're always told.🤔
History repeats it self
Yeah, the peaceful Palestinians, it took the Israeli army and with all it's military power 2 months to round them up in Beirut before leaving Lebanon with their tails between their legs. Lebanon was the Jewel of the Middle East before the Palestinians came in as a refugees, look at it today.
I'm not against the Palestinian cause in Palestine but we must not forget that the Palestinians themselves occupied the majority of Lebanon with their ambition to take control over the land.
The irony.
true, i spit on their cause
@@mxkinist I spit on Israel for starting this mess in the first place
And when we kill them, they play victim
And the Palestinians are very ungrateful to the Lebanese
I agree, they attempted to create a state within a state. I feel for the Palestine cause, but the problems they caused in Lebanon was unforgivable. We had, and still have enough issues in our country without them.
As Lebanese we can not keep our country a paper for any country or party we do not want to make peace until all the Arabs make it but we have suffered a lot and we want independent country no Iran nor Syria or other countries handles our souls
hezzbohla is a threat to Lebanon.
Same bro
What the Palestinians done to lebanese Christians especially pregnant women I can't explain its beyond brutality..we served in the right wing militia backed by Israel we fought back just as brutal..
Remember damour!!!
Christian or not, they ruined Lebanon and I’m Muslim but I’m no different than you. We are both Lebanese.
And now Hezbollah is in Lebanon with hundreds of thousands of rockets. These are not defensive weapons. How long will Lebanon be peaceful? I don’t believe we will see peace in our time.
Always up for the next destruction
The Arab world was in peace till Israel invaded there the terroirs
As my much as i despise hizbala, i do not believe israel would allow us a peaceful life, if not an occupation and we ourselves become refugees
No peace currently
HA was formed as a response to the Israeli invasion- which wasn’t the first Israeli invasion.
Israel has proven that it would like to extend its borders into Lebanon before and after HA (or Hamas) were created. They violate Lebanese airspace many times daily. They won’t give the Palestinians their lands back which causes problems for Lebanon. I’m Lebanese but I do not support a single party because they have all been poisoned by the corrupt and sectarian system that was set up.
When you send masses of refugees into a country with a weak government, the Palestinians will act exactly like the Lebanese factions all vying for power. It’s normal for any large socio-economic or ethnic class to band together to obtain a portion of the political pie, ESPECIALLY when this particular group are not citizens.
Today there are idf personnel walking around with patches of greater Israel which includes parts or all of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq. They continue to attempt to cleanse the Palestinian lands in order to annex land, while simultaneously destabilizing the rest of the Middle East.
At 2:40 this guy should be Hero. WOWOW. Everything he say is 100% true.
But the idea of Arab unity has proven to be an illusion. It has only been used to maintain a state of war and instability instead of each country looking after the interests of its citizens.
I am astonished how clear and neutral this report is.
How is this neutral? “Making refugees of the Arabs….” Noting NOTHING of the Jews who were made refugees from East Jerusalem, Kiryat Arba, and the entire West Bank in 1948!! Often slaughtering Jewish settlements rather than even allowing them to even become refugees!!!
its not completely nuetral there is a clear bias against israel in some segments
@@yonatanmonneler1744tbh though you t started with a major anti Israeli bias and never really changed
@@yonatanmonneler1744 that’s because most people are against settler colonialism.
The British have the knack to report things as is
I wish peace for everyone
And I wish for an end to the omnipresent bullshit... Don't hold your breath bud
This will end when God is dead
There will never be “peace”, it is sadly I’m our human nature to cause conflict.
@@charlesbukowski9836 god never dies
@@eddieb5452 as long as people who keeps on following and practising the ritualistic black stone kissing ,pre- islamic pagan moon god called allah, which have no logical, ethical and moral values fit with human rights and lives. If muslims dump islam then would there be a real peace on this earth.
This is what happens when you displace a people and colonize their land. Do you think they just going to just roll over and die? They get pushed around, disrupt other communities bringing chaos and death. Also it’s crazy how the Israeli leaders and generals speak with the same hubristic attitude they have today.
you mean like what happened to the Jews 2,000 years ago, and since being dispersed and slaughtered around the world? Yet, they simply ran and ran until going back to their original land after the Ottoman Empire fell, and many countries voted in favor to split the land into 2 states after WWII, and the Palestinians didn't want a state so they started a war which caused much displacement.
@@matthaze9765 What happened to jew was bad but what had the arabs and palestinians to do with that, what do you think everytime jews settle in a country they are kicked out, and No, other countries do not have the right to split another countries land.
@@matthaze9765 four months on; do you still feel so arrogant? Isreal is losing support of the world.
@@gerri577that was also the case during this war and others. Countries always come around after some years
@@thegame7557Palestine is the same as Israel in 1939, 1942 so basically they will win at the end, good Palestine.
I declare peace in the middle east.
That's a little bit scary why all Lebanese civil war videos are recommended for me by the way I am Lebanese
Algorithm keeping people divided
Lebanese also. Many mixed feelings are invoked every time I watch one of these videos.
allah ouwet bro
Isreal the most far away state of America next to Hawaii never ever meant with Israel
How is it that most people speak english well and talk with a more sense then today.
we're getting dumber.
"even if they send us to different planet, we will go back to our country"
very nice quote
Even if the world puts us back into Auschwitz, we will NEVER abandon our country, Israel!!! You will never destroy us!!
Ask yourself why Europeans singled out Slavs to kill in ww2 ?
26 million Slavs were killed and why is nobody talking about it ?
@@fightback397he’s a jooo he can’t think for himself
Us Lebanese help.out the Palestinians and they forget all about us
it seems that you didn't watch the report
the man on 12th minute is talking about his dad wanting to appease the Israelis with coffee, obviously they shot him dead like a dog
and he is muslim not christian
that was in Bint Jbeil which is mainly Shiaa muslims
@@AlMared924yeah? I’m sorry that it happened but they ruined our country. Lebanon is for the lebanese
The same problem today, PLO in 1978-1982, now Hizbollah. Beit Jillal in 2006 Lebanon war was the end of Merkava MBTs invencibility. So actual today in 2023.
Incredible report don't you think ?
I know the history. My opinions and arguments would be pointless. I wish for peace ✌️ ☘️
Another edition of chaos brought to you by the PLO.
It’s either Saudis Arabia or Israel always involved
Iran is puppet master these days
In lebanon's case it's Syria and now Iran
u know tabuk is latin name !?
@@mixed-media يعني الارض المنعزله
@@mixed-media يردون عمل سكة حديد تربط ميناء حيفاء بموانئ الخليج لكن يردون ربطها بما يسمى قطار الحرمين اللي قال عنه خاشقجي اذا لم يعجبك اننا صرفنا ٤٠ مليار عليه فعش مثل الاميش !؟اسرائيل بنت قناة السويس لمساعدة اليونان
وتركيا بنت سدود على سوريا والعراق (دجله والفرات)
الان تبني قناة اسطنبول
وامريكا بنت سد هلمند
لكن تركيا وامريكا والعراق من الخمسينيات تحارب الشيوعيه !؟
○ الكويت تريد بناء ميناء بوبيان الذي ينافس ميناء الفاو العراقي فهل تحاول العراق ضم الكويت للمرة الثالثة !؟
● العقوبات على ايران ليست على النووي بل على ميناء تشابهار الذي يعني نهاية اهمية الخليج للعالم !
○ ستبنى قناة مائية تربط الخليج بخليج العقبة لتسهل مرور البضائع القادمة من اسيا لافريقيا !
○بناء جسر يربط سيناء بشبة الجزيرة !
● تبوك اسم لاتيني يعني الارض المنعزله !
○ مكه مصطلح مأخوذ من صنم كان اله للقمر
ويثرب على اسم شخص !؟
Very different reporting than we get now
8:30 “Our will is God’s will.” Just an old fashioned holy war.
I was there in Sidon. I was 13. Civilians took shelter in our schools
Sorry, I was a soldier in IDF at the time. You allowed terrorists from PLO to terrorise the north of Israel. It's the same now with Hizballah.
If Hizballah will start a new war, your country will be in danger. You need to keep peace. Atherwise we will bring you war and destruction.
Peace is better. Hope you will learn one day.
Nice country, BTW. Sorry you don't like to live in peace and fight between youself as we see everywhere, like Syria for example. This is your choice, of course. But don't think we will keep quiet if Hizballah attacts us. Don't mess with Israel!
@@mixed-media freedom fighters don't kill civilians. As to Israel it is a Jewish State and as such recognized by UN and international community.
@@rawman909 you know you guys wouldnt dare wage war at Hizbullah lol. you'd be melted. "Israel strongest country in the ME" is over. its true.
@Reuven Magal Well Mr. Idf soldier. You killed civilians in 1978, 1982, and 2006... not to mention all your killing in Gaza and the west bank. Children killers, that is what you are, and luckily more and more people around the world and especially Americans are learning the truth about the zionest apartheid so called Israel. No Peace until the cancer of the middle east, Israel, is removed. Free Free Palestine... From the River to the Sea
Your just angry that Israel with barely anything whipped your butts,make peace with them for your own benefit
That man was card on table ...the people who suffers and they are alone..
Fantastic report. Thank you.
This is the perfect video to put out all hopes anything will actually change in the land without peace.
DNA test by UN teams will be real solution to know who are the REAL native people and what they want.
Both Jews and Palestinians have DNA from the area
@@guccigoldberg5303 And so do Canaanites and Phonecians...
Is palestinian is jew before?
Most jews are not native to have rights to make a country such as Isreal that's why DNA test by UN is best solution.
Don't forget us "The Assyrians", also Armenians.
It seems like nothing changed. But now they have the magical word "Hamas"
Thx islam for ruin lebanon
I somehow doubt that this would be made now...
What has happened to the Drive In and Wheels motoring
programme clips?
Thanks for an informative documentary! Hopefully someday Israhell wants peace.
The Israelis want peace, it's the West that doesn't want peace.
Israel always wanted peace, only its enemies dont want peace
التشابه المميز بين الفلسطينين
و السوريين في يومنا هذا
Islam is never at fault for anything.
What does Islam have to do with people getting chased out of their land, it is exactly as was said at the start of this video, holocaust refugees making refugees out of another nation
@@azarif3581what did that have to do with the Jordanians and Lebanese? Stop lying
@@azarif3581 The descendants of Ishmael (son of Abraham) + their neighboring tribes unfortunately submitted to the Islamists and converted to Islam + mixed with the Arabs - that was the mistake. Hence all the problems these days. Why can't the Palestinians just convert to Judaism? Then there is peace.
@@kindder90er3 Then there is "peace", Europe during WW1, WW2, War in Donbass sure was orchestrated by "islamists"
Any time, any place, if the leaders were not evil, racist, greedy, and/or corrupt, there would be Peace.
Long live the resistance!
Indeed 👍 resistance will take back their land..
What resistance. Are you talking about the iranian islamist puppet?
Resistance fight from Palestine not from lebanone
Resistance fight from Palestine not from lebanone
It's going to be much worst for Lebanon this time around...
شكرااااا للسعوديه التي
أوقفت الحرب الأهليه
شكرااااااا للسعوديه على
أعمار لبنان
شكرااااا للسعوديه على كل
شئ جميل قدمته 🇱🇧
أتفاق الطائف شاهد على
أيادي السعوديه البضاء
على شعبنا في لبنان
What !!???? They were supporting both parties financially... 😂😂
Watching this in 2023 and the zionist colonials have the same talking points
It never changes
yeah, Lebanon 🇱🇧 a successful, wealthy majority Christian country inviting in Muslim refugees from palestine.
Only to bite that hand that offered them a home.
Nothing but trouble
@@BurtReynoldstash not true. The christian right that ruled lebanon never liked the muslims and never wanted them their in the first place. Since when did the christian right ever get along with muslims?
Lebanon beautifull country but theres no value for this country from the political peapole
@ThamesTv - Keyboard broken ?
Such absolute propaganda bullshit!! Why is Britain allowed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and occupy and bomb countries which have never once attacked the United Kingdom! Yet Israel was not allowed to attack people who murdered 38 civilians in a bus! Who butchered children in a school! Who attacked children in a kindergarten!! But it's always Is'raeel who is at fault!! Israel used aircraft to bomb: so Britain never used aircraft to bomb Iraq and Afghanistan!?? Bull. Shit lies!!
The UK does not own any jets, your allegations are thus nulled automatically.
Only "Israel" continuously commits human rights abuses.
Finally, why are you so triggered?
The East bank of the river Jordon is NOT occupied land and people have to accept that!
Why can't we learn to live together?
Well... Basically... In my humble estimation... We are victims of our narrow perspectives and misguided beliefs which we are fed from birth and our inability to see past the bullshit and think for ourselves... We're just monkeys being told what to believe and how to think and how to live and how to hate and the very few of us who can see through the bullshit are overwhelmed by it and give up on so called "humanity" cos honestly... We reap what we sow and what we sow is untethered pure bullshit... So let the bad times roll
We can live together....if people stop believing bullshit...governments will always be governments....
Palestinian don't want coexist with israel, palestinian want israel drove out to the sea.
The Palestine refused any deal
Their Will is to keep fighting
Power to the people!
We were❗
We are،❗
We shall always be❗.
The usual anti Israel rhetoric. This liar doesn't say anything of what the Palestinians do to Lebanon that welcomed them!
Arafat in his strong time sounded differently to the west media when the Soviets. Israel was open to discuss.
sinai has always been israel as jethro was moses father in law and his daughters inheritance of sinai midianite lands became israelis also canaan is ISRAEL GOD SAID THIS AND ANY THAT ARE AGAINST ISRAEL HAVING THE LAND THEN ARE OPPOSED TO GOD AND ANY AGAINST GOD WILL NOT SURVIVE
watching June 2024
Israel should have taken the whole area!
Of course they should, dear.
They're stealing it as we speak.
If Israel is to get American weapons, then they will have to follow America rules of engagement and war, something their Arab enemies never practice when at war.
@but ton The U.S. pre WW1 was never interested in middle east, it was England and France that discover oil and the U.S. develop an addiction for the oil in the middle east, the Brits and France wanted political power over the middle east but lost it all after WW2, because they needed to rebuild their country, Russia anti colonialism and the U.S. pro democracy is responsible for liberating south east Asia, the middle east and Africa from European colonialism, the U.S. won the cold war and is now responsible for the power vacuum in the middle east, Africa and Asia, with China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia ,Turkey now fighting for their piece of political power in their region and beyond.
Always,the same...Palestinians crying. After they launched attacks,; Arab world crying... and Palestinians leaders looking at their brothers dying
Zey are my bruzzers ze syrians
Since under Ottoman Rule the Palestinian region was named Syria & since the Palestinians tried to create a new Syrian Empire after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, and since the PLO & Arafat sought to expand Syria to the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon & Israel, then its only LOGICAL & the MORAL standards of Syria & the Palestinian Militants to Provide the Land required for a Palestinian home state, since neither Syria or the Palestinian Representatives want Gaza or the West Bank to remain as the current Palestinian Territories - Syria can Provide the Land required somewhere South near the Golan Heights, as close enough to the old Syrian & Ottoman governate of "Syrian-Palestine" as possible...
Problem sorted! 💥
And those residents currently living in Gaza & the West Bank, who have suffered under BOTH the Palestinian Militants & Israeli Defence Forces, with no where to take shelter - can CHOOSE where they want to live & if they want to remain in Gaza or the West Bank & continue to develop their Society under the environmental strains & challenges they know exist, then they can be free to do so - but the Militants can't be Free to exploit them! 💥
Because the Militants currently exploiting the Civilian populations of the Palestinian Territories simply run & hide behind Civilian Houses, Schools, Shops & even Civilian people themselves once the IDF answers their attacks - how ever long they last! 8 hours or 8 months!
And Israel can make more efforts to avoid high Civilian casualties when answering such attacks from Militants - but the Civilians also need to avoid being exploited by the Militants...
So the Militants can be CONFINED to their own Terrorist Territories - if they want to continue in their stupid terror games with their backers like Iran, Syria & Hezbollah, just like they & their actions have forced Civilian Palestinian Refugees to be CONFINED to their own Refugee Camps in neighbouring Countries! 💥
What goes around comes around Militants 💥
Musical Chairs:
The innocent Civilians & the innocent Refugees trapped in Camps in the neighbouring Countries can choose to live in the Palestinian Territories or in the Newly Established Lands in Southern Syria - where they can Farm & Trade & Build & Travel with a REAL PASSPORT!
While the Militants can swap places with the Civilian Refugees trapped in Camps.
The Militants like to Hijack the Camps every now & then anyway, so what's the fkn difference between what they're doing now as "Camp Hijackers" & moving them into those same 'Hijacking Target Camps' permanently? 💥
There is no difference except the non-combatant, innocent Civilians who are just trying to live their lives are removed from the vulnerable position of being Hijacked, Exploited & used as Human Shields... 💥
If the Militants are so "Courageous" anyway, what problem can they raise with such a relocation option? 💥
That they no longer have access to someone else's Baby to use as a Human Shield? 💥
Well they can fkn call Lifeline for Counselling then can't they! 💥
And if anyone else has a problem with such a relocation, like Assad for example, then he can be accused & rightly so, of propagating the same Terrorism that allocates innocent Civilians to be Human Shields.
Besides, why would he be motivated to continue this disproportionate violence & Organised exploitation against Civilian Refugees anyway?
Because he wants to admit that he is a Terrorist too? The "Boss intergenerational Terrorist" who's Ruling Syrian Family (Cult) has intentionally propagated this humanitarian catastrophe for generations?
Well he is free to incriminate himself... 💥
Let him! 💥
What kind of shit u smoke …?
as the British would say, "the Lebaninn"
Shame about the call Inthe back ground
0:58 Poor abused animals..
A man who is believed to Muslim religion do not respect humanity
Wrong. They do respect humanity. Israel is who doesn’t respect humanity. Don’t be like that.
@@mm.4726Isreal is responsible for the destruction of Lebanon? 🤔. Wrong!
Not forgetting the Israelis invaded in 1982 and faught alongside the SLA to save the Christian population.
The Christian’s committed many massacres in Lebanon.
But Thames television, when your British Army attacked and bombed Basra in Iraq, where was your report and screaming and crying!?? What right does your Army have to be in Iraq?! When did Iraq shell British villages in Britain!??
Israel is here to stay.
Nope..soon it will be wiped out and Palestine will be reinstated as the true country it was😍
God willing we will all learn to live together...or at the least everyone can just stay the hell out of the aley district....
but God willing the first...
Nothing is here to stay...
You are.being gothered in.palesine..for the last extrimnation
I'm from Lebanon, and you're right. 80 years of war and we couldn't won it against Israel, so in my opinion we should accept the loss and try to live together, but Israel must stop occupying any other land, or the war will never end.
jeez the guy chewing his nails.....
Scenario: UK
Production: USA
Leading Actor: Israel
Kudos to Arafat beating Ringo, Lennon, and Jesus to the Nobel Peace Prize, cutting it with his Sword over the Pen.
It is a bullshit award. Even the devil Henry Kissinger won the Nobel peace prize.
. Jesus died for your sins and he loves you
Arafat was a murderer and a criminal,he's burning in hell
Eiry fi Kus umak
@@jimbob7924 hahahahaha
Free 🇵🇸 Palestine
All refugees welcome to Dubai
Viva Palestine!
Viva Narnia!
@@davidroscoe3815 The refugees have the right to return to their homes that was lost in 1948, moreover Israel and their maronite allies committed atrocities to Palestinian refugees throughout Lebanon adding fuel to the flames of this unending conflict.
The man said 100 million! 😅😂
100% biased. It's not reporting - it's PROPAGANDA!
The UK and the USA created this monster.
Still happening now so what can we do they obviously like fighting
Lebanon is actually at peace since the Israeli invasion of 2006
Camels in Lebanon?
They didn't learn the lesson yet..... Islam Meana only violence, famine, civile war etc .....
طلعوا عندهم جمال 😂 ويركبون حمير ويعايرون السعودية بالجمال الي هية رمز للعرب ولشموخ وحيوان لة قيمة واكل لحمة يعزز الرجولة والمروءة والحمية ليش ماتعايرون المستعمر الفرنسي بديك الرومي الي هوة رمز عندهم . الله يصلح حال لبنان بس ماضيعها الا الافكار المستوردة والعقليات اليسارية والشعوبية المريضة وعدم الاعتزاز بالهوية العربية اي بلد تنزع من هويتها وتطبق افكار مستوردة عمرها ماراح تبني دولة ذات سيادة وهوية
يعني كل الي هامك من التقرير..منظر الجمال..هاذول سكان القرى الجنوبية الغلابة..الي اختلط دمهم بدم الفلسطيني..وماكان حد يقول سني وشيعي...الي ببعايروك بالجمال وانهم مودرن وغربيين حلفاءك الموارنة
@@ميراالحلوة-ج6ف ههههههههههه😂👍
Stay strong Israel.
They are rock solid strong
Sinai can be negotiated, Golan can be negotiated which hasn't been negotiated till to date, but West Bank and Gaza can't be negotiated because they were given to Israelis in Inheritance by prophet Moses...!!!!
nah, the world isn't buying that claim anymore. Try something new.
"where are the 100 million soldiers to fight and die for my cause....its an outrage!"
~ an unarmed, ununiformed, non-mobilized, military aged, physically fit male..... nowhere near the front line. circa 1978