Since this Sarde deals with sensitive topics UA-cam's algorithm won't spread it,.SO your Likes, Comments & shares would really help spread this Sarde! Here are the timestamps :) 00:00 - Intro to Nabil Ismail 06:27 - Two narratives of the same “game” 14:06 - Daily life across the Green Line 26:16 - Losing humanity behind the camera 31:16 - The Camera: A feared truth-teller 39:29 - The advantages of a working with a foreign news agency 45:50 - Risky dilemmas 53:42 - Is the civil war still ongoing? 59:18 - Israeli invasion of ‘82 1:02:28 - the level of bloodshed of the civil war 1:06:29 - Did Nabil Ismail ever interfere? 1:10:18 - Deadlier clashes during the Taif Agreement 1:20:25 - the dangers of romanticizing the war 1:24:30 - Will Nabil Ismail make a book? 1:45:08 - A call for hope Support us on patreon!
Every Lebanese and I mean EVERYONE, must watch this episode especially those of us born after the war has ended. Heart-wrenching but necessary to watch. Thank you Medea, Mouin and Mr. Ismail.
As an American that stumbled on this channel, these interviews have opened insights about the Middle East that we never get from newspapers or books. Omar Alshogre, Nadine Labaki, this guy…every interview blows me away
Mes yeux n’ont pas arrêté de larmoyer durant toute la sarde. Ce qu’a raconté ce monsieur est très poignant et cru et honnête. C’est un travail énorme ce que vous faites que de documenter des épisodes inouïs de l’histoire du Liban et complètement méconnues du grand public. C’est comme une manière de réinventer l’archive de la mémoire oubliée. Je suis du Maroc et j’ai beaucoup appris sur l’histoire de votre pays à travers votre chaîne. Mais ce sont aussi des leçons de vie ce que vous nous offrez là. Mille mercis !
J’ai vécu personnellement ces instants de guerre … sa sort pas de ma tête … les soirées que ont passé dans les Shelters et dans les routes en voie d’une ville à une autre pour être saint et sauve… les nouvelles sur la radio 📻… les bombardments assourdissant… avec toutes ces conditions ont retourné à l’école comme rien ne c’est passé… c foux comment ont s’adaptent … hamdella toujours en vie mais toujours prisonnier du passé
Hello. I'm a viewer from Malaysia. NOT a day passes by without me having some doses of Lebanese Arabic and a Sarde episode is what I always need, help I am addicted
Thank you so much for this poignant episode So much humanism and sincerity in what Nabil spoke about contrasting so much with the barbarian behavior that the civil war brought to Lebanon It is a shame that such talent is not illustrated in a book or a DVD or accessible archives to be a lesson for future generations Godbless
Wtf, I was getting goosebumps throughout this episode. By far the best Sarde till date, Nabils story and message is one to be shouted from the roof tops. Maybe we as a collective society and people can all see the wrongs of our countries past and learn from them.
Omg, i asked you in the first ep of the 2nd season to talk about the civil war. And here we are the 6th episode of season 2 talking about the history that our books forget to include. One of the most important topics for our generation because everything is happening again. And what is happening lead to a civil war before. Good work. ❤️
Goosebumps and tears!!! This is the first time I hear about the Lebanese wars and احداث )with such details. I was born after the war and only heard bits and pieces about it and honestly I dunno much about it. War is horrifying and Nabil’s message in the end is ❤️ Every Lebanese must watch this. Also Every Lebanese living abroad, =>> Register for the election in case you haven’t already!
The greatest Lebanese social media channel spreading our culture AND repairing our cultural identity....Thanks for your enormous professional consistent work...A channel that should be streaming internationally . huge applause!
@@sardeafterdinner he does not need anyone to show the world and send his message Please let him know that he can just screenshare a powerpoint presentation with the images and voice over the date details and circumstances I would argue it would be viral Please let him know
It's beyond unfortunate and embarrassing to hear all of this information that isn't taught in any school in Lebanon despite being such a crucial part of our country's history and its current state!! Thank you for giving us the history lessons we never got in school.
Pure amazement on my face. My father always told me about the civil war and what he had seen and lived. But Jesus, Ismail transcended my perspective of the war to a whole other level. A great eye-opener for many in our generation
I'm not Lebanese not even from the region but I love this podcast a lot as it helps me get a much deeper understanding of Lebanon.Thanks to the subtitles I can also follow.This episode about the war was so touching and shocking that I stayed glued to the screen!Thank you for the experience!
Fkng utterly captivating! I was literally glued to the screen, hanging on every word that came out of Mr. Ismail's mouth.... wow. I was born in Beirut in 75, and left in 89, so I saw most of it, albeit at a very young age. This was like going back in time, and sitting down with an uncle while he regaled me with war stories. Stories that should never be forgotten, lest we relive our past. Thank you Médéa & Mouin for the exceptional content!
That was too heavy, poignant, and devastating, Sarde. It brought back the terrible memories of the civil war. Sarde is becoming a necessity in my life. Thank you for a very powerful episode.
Thank you for hosting Nabil and for this wonderful sarde. The history of the Lebanese in the eyes of Nabil and his camera. Lessons to be learned for the old and the future generations!
Nabil, you’re a real life hero. The pictures are crazy! I learnt so much from this sardé since the war is still not mentioned in our history books. Thank you Médéa and Mouin!
Heart quenching episode. A must watch to every Lebanese across all generations. Nabil you are not only an outstanding photographer, a living witness of the Lebanese war, you have become a POET, a philosopher spreading messages of love and peace. Please do consolidate and spread your stories into a book of photography with your texts, as you said pictures remain, pictures don’t lie. The next generations need your witness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙏
This is one of your most impactful episode. I felt every word of his, and we can be nothing but grateful for people like him. Thank you and good luck guys for what's coming.
once again thank you for bringing a great guest having walked those streets as a kid by the green line and exposed to those beautiful snipers (not!), crossing that line by the museum as a kid carrying those suitcases to the airport brought me back to those memories good and very bad, it certainly is remembered & hopefully never repeated.
This podcast and this specific video are SO underrated. I wish more people would listen in. There are so many things that we are unaware of, so many lessons unlearned. Pity is us.
Beautiful episode, My jeddo was one of the first civilians to get killed on the green line, it's interesting to hear and imagine how it actually happened since we never learned anything in school about this... everyone should watch this episode.
مشكلتي مع القناة 😡 كل ما احضر سردة اقول ذي احلى سردة مستحيل يجي ضيف افضل !! بدايةً من سردة امون وجر وصولاً لشارل ونديم وكثيرين تجيك الصدمة كل سردة افضل من اللي قبلها. يعطيكم العافية
Great job, thank you, I find it great to put an attachment to the episode with some pictures with his voice at the end. War is not a game. Thank you guys for your effort
This is probably the most interesting interview i have ever watched. This interview should be published on mainstream TV. The most objective analysis of the war i have ever heard. The thing with the line. A big part of my family was involved in the war, and i remember clearly them saying: we don't know why we never got to cross the green line.
Bravo à vous deux pour cet épisode que je découvre par hasard plus d’un an après sa diffusion. Et bravo au journaliste pour l’honnêteté et le réalisme de son récit, sans a priori et sans partie pris. Excellent documentaire pour les jeunes qui n’ont pas vécu le début de la guerre, d’ailleurs on voit bien à cet égard la différence de réaction, face à certains événements relatés, entre Medea et Mouin !
Medea and Mouin, with thanks; I would like you to keep this video or the interview a major learning material in the photography and the journal department at the university! It is a rich material with great segments that the students and the professors should learn from Mr. N. Ismail lifetime professional experiences. Thank you again and good luck.
Thank you Sarde for interviewing the greatest peaceful soldier and true patriot. Through Mr Ismail's experiences with his lifetime companion "Camera;" it proves that there is no better than turning into music rather than turning into a ghostly inhuman and become addicted to weapons. The "Camera" as the best companion and a silent witness made you a true Hero, your dedication towards your country, and your duties showed how honest Lebanese citizen you are. We salute you, and every single citizen should learn from you. May the Lord Reward Immensely through His Precious and His Holy Spirit. Life is short and beautiful, so why bother to turn it into a blood shed and a nightmare. When we leave the earth; we can find a peaceful kingdom. The Lord's coming very soon to stop the demons from continuing their dirty games of a national genocide. Thank you again Medea, Mouin and Mr. Ismail it is the best virtual biography of this century. Bless your hearts; keep safe and well. We pray for the peaceful transitions of Lebanon. Yours from Toronto Canada
Merci pour cet épisode fantastique, ce monsieur est lui-même devenu une archive vivante de cette guerre affreuse et longue. Mon père (libanais beyrouthin) m'en a parlé longuement et j'ai fais plusieurs rapprochements avec les témoignages bouleversants de monsieur Nabil Ismaël. Allah yi khali bi sa77to : c'est une grande chance et opportunité que vous avez eu de pouvoir recueillir ses anecdotes poignantes alors un GRAND MERCI à Medea et Mou3in pour ce podcast. J'ai eu plusieurs fois les larmes aux yeux, j'ai souris aussi car ce monsieur a été très courageux et malgré ces épreuves très lourdes, il a gardé un sens de l'humour très communicatif !! Yareyt que les générations après-guerre (je suis née en 1987) puissent avoir accès à ces archives durant une / des expos photos journalistiques. Allah Ya3tikon al 3afiya ✌❣👏❣🙌❣👍
It's a great UA-cam channel, keep the good job guys. As for tonight's episode, it brought memories, bad ones. I was born in 72 and I do remember lots of things. Both Luckily and sadly I'm raising my daughter in the States, but we do wish to return one day.
This was very enlightening and heartbreaking at the same time and I would definitely support/encourage him to create a book that will illustrate this era.
Very poetically put about the seduction of weaopons and violence to those who haven't ever had a slap or two, younger generations definitely need to hear that one
❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank u SARDÉ for inviting such important guests !!!! Many lessons should be learned by the new generation ! Never make wars !!! It’s ugly & no one benefits from except the nasty leaders
I heard this podcast this morning on Spotify on my way to work, I was totally numb hearing all these deatails about the lebanese civil war and the role palestinians have played in it. As a Palestnian Doctor(Nuerosurgery resident in Sweden) I would love to thank Sarde crew for this amazing interview, it was more like time-traviling back to the war days. NABIL is as intellegant as deep he is. His work should be mastered for the next generation. Again, Much Love Sarde❤ Since your podcast is getting Audience from all around the Arab world(not only lebanon) I would be more than glad to see a future interview about palestine and the palestinians still living today in Lebanon . Thank you🌺
I was in Beirut in 1993 and visited my relatives there and in Aramoun, Kessrouan. The destruction and devastation of the civil war visible, and checkpoints everywhere. I listened to my relatives' stories of survival and tragedy but this interview and hearing Mr. Ismail's first hand experiences, in his words, are even more devastating. The cruelty human beings commit starts when we fail to recognize our enemy as a human being. Beware of politicians who tell you "the other" is your enemy and you need to fear them. They are liars.
Sad memories, backflash full of all kind of mixed memories..i hope and i wish the civil war won't repeat it self, because at the end everyone lose. My wisdom in life that i learnt from my old Man, "God blesd his soul" he used to say to me, happiness is not to change the other to be you, but to accept the other to be with you. Lebanese people need to accept each other rather to change each other, true happiness always found in acceptance, forgivness and sharing. we share this planet with a diversity of nations, relegions, sects, Why can't we share this sacred Lebanon with each other?, live in peace and acceptance. 🌹🇨🇦❤🇱🇧🌹
لهجة نبيل ذكرتني بالمسرحيات الرحبانية العريقة. شهادته الغنية بالمشاعر و تركيزه على بريق الشعارات الي رفعوها تجار الحرب رائعة جداً لكن مع الأسف كانت عن حرب غبية و قذرة دمرت البلد و المجتمع. شكراً ميديا و معين و نبيل على هالسردة .
Since this Sarde deals with sensitive topics UA-cam's algorithm won't spread it,.SO your Likes, Comments & shares would really help spread this Sarde! Here are the timestamps :)
00:00 - Intro to Nabil Ismail
06:27 - Two narratives of the same “game”
14:06 - Daily life across the Green Line
26:16 - Losing humanity behind the camera
31:16 - The Camera: A feared truth-teller
39:29 - The advantages of a working with a foreign news agency
45:50 - Risky dilemmas
53:42 - Is the civil war still ongoing?
59:18 - Israeli invasion of ‘82
1:02:28 - the level of bloodshed of the civil war
1:06:29 - Did Nabil Ismail ever interfere?
1:10:18 - Deadlier clashes during the Taif Agreement
1:20:25 - the dangers of romanticizing the war
1:24:30 - Will Nabil Ismail make a book?
1:45:08 - A call for hope
Support us on patreon!
Plz badna Maya diab
@@nadinehajal5759 we want maya diab plz 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Plzzzzzz we want maya diab
Part 2 yallah
Every Lebanese and I mean EVERYONE, must watch this episode especially those of us born after the war has ended. Heart-wrenching but necessary to watch. Thank you Medea, Mouin and Mr. Ismail.
Totally in agreement with you.
This guy is my godfather, he raised me just like his own children, love you 3ammo nabil 💗
As an American that stumbled on this channel, these interviews have opened insights about the Middle East that we never get from newspapers or books. Omar Alshogre, Nadine Labaki, this guy…every interview blows me away
حلقة مؤثرة بتفاصيلها الدقيقة و صدق مشاعر الراوي ، شكرًا نبيل إسماعيل
Mes yeux n’ont pas arrêté de larmoyer durant toute la sarde. Ce qu’a raconté ce monsieur est très poignant et cru et honnête. C’est un travail énorme ce que vous faites que de documenter des épisodes inouïs de l’histoire du Liban et complètement méconnues du grand public. C’est comme une manière de réinventer l’archive de la mémoire oubliée. Je suis du Maroc et j’ai beaucoup appris sur l’histoire de votre pays à travers votre chaîne. Mais ce sont aussi des leçons de vie ce que vous nous offrez là. Mille mercis !
Que Dieu te gardes salima j'espère que jamais de ta vie tu auras à vivre ce qu à vécu le peuple libanais..cordialement
J’ai vécu personnellement ces instants de guerre … sa sort pas de ma tête … les soirées que ont passé dans les Shelters et dans les routes en voie d’une ville à une autre pour être saint et sauve… les nouvelles sur la radio 📻… les bombardments assourdissant… avec toutes ces conditions ont retourné à l’école comme rien ne c’est passé… c foux comment ont s’adaptent … hamdella toujours en vie mais toujours prisonnier du passé
Wish if you filmed your reaction
Crying for entire 1 hour and 47 minutes !
Would be interesting and fun to watch
@@nadernader1244 haha it wouldn’t be pretty
@@maltouch it’s a really rough thing to experience ❤️🩹
This has to be the best sarde episode, every description is captivating, every minute
Hello. I'm a viewer from Malaysia. NOT a day passes by without me having some doses of Lebanese Arabic and a Sarde episode is what I always need, help I am addicted
Thank you so much for this poignant episode
So much humanism and sincerity in what Nabil spoke about contrasting so much with the barbarian behavior that the civil war brought to Lebanon
It is a shame that such talent is not illustrated in a book or a DVD or accessible archives to be a lesson for future generations
We should crowdfund for his book!
I agree!
great idea. count me in.
Yes! How do we get this going?
ياريت كل سرداتكم تضل على هيك مستوى رفيع، من اول الحلقه لاخرها وانا مصدوم وبتمنى ماتخلص الحلقه، شكرا كتير، ياريت تعيدوها مع نفس الضيف
Wtf, I was getting goosebumps throughout this episode. By far the best Sarde till date, Nabils story and message is one to be shouted from the roof tops. Maybe we as a collective society and people can all see the wrongs of our countries past and learn from them.
This is my absolute favorite Sarde (mine included)
Omg, i asked you in the first ep of the 2nd season to talk about the civil war. And here we are the 6th episode of season 2 talking about the history that our books forget to include. One of the most important topics for our generation because everything is happening again. And what is happening lead to a civil war before. Good work. ❤️
Goosebumps and tears!!! This is the first time I hear about the Lebanese wars and احداث )with such details. I was born after the war and only heard bits and pieces about it and honestly I dunno much about it. War is horrifying and Nabil’s message in the end is ❤️ Every Lebanese must watch this. Also Every Lebanese living abroad, =>> Register for the election in case you haven’t already!
The greatest Lebanese social media channel spreading our culture AND repairing our cultural identity....Thanks for your enormous professional consistent work...A channel that should be streaming internationally .
huge applause!
Your are too kind Nabil and your words mean so much. Thank you ♥️
@@sardeafterdinner he does not need anyone to show the world and send his message
Please let him know that he can just screenshare a powerpoint presentation with the images and voice over the date details and circumstances
I would argue it would be viral
Please let him know
It's beyond unfortunate and embarrassing to hear all of this information that isn't taught in any school in Lebanon despite being such a crucial part of our country's history and its current state!!
Thank you for giving us the history lessons we never got in school.
Pure amazement on my face. My father always told me about the civil war and what he had seen and lived. But Jesus, Ismail transcended my perspective of the war to a whole other level. A great eye-opener for many in our generation
I'm not Lebanese not even from the region but I love this podcast a lot as it helps me get a much deeper understanding of Lebanon.Thanks to the subtitles I can also follow.This episode about the war was so touching and shocking that I stayed glued to the screen!Thank you for the experience!
Fkng utterly captivating! I was literally glued to the screen, hanging on every word that came out of Mr. Ismail's mouth.... wow. I was born in Beirut in 75, and left in 89, so I saw most of it, albeit at a very young age. This was like going back in time, and sitting down with an uncle while he regaled me with war stories. Stories that should never be forgotten, lest we relive our past. Thank you Médéa & Mouin for the exceptional content!
That was too heavy, poignant, and devastating, Sarde. It brought back the terrible memories of the civil war. Sarde is becoming a necessity in my life. Thank you for a very powerful episode.
Thank you for hosting Nabil and for this wonderful sarde.
The history of the Lebanese in the eyes of Nabil and his camera.
Lessons to be learned for the old and the future generations!
Watched this one with the parents! What a beautiful episode thank you 🌷💗
What a captivating discussion - not a dull moment. One of the best Sardes, a MUST watch for every Lebanese.
تمنّيت ما يخلص حديثو ابداً.. thank you guys for the great content.. ❤️❤️❤️
Nabil, you’re a real life hero. The pictures are crazy!
I learnt so much from this sardé since the war is still not mentioned in our history books.
Thank you Médéa and Mouin!
Watch war of Lebanon 15 episode documentary on UA-cam
@@hazmoses1324 Thank you!
Heart quenching episode. A must watch to every Lebanese across all generations. Nabil you are not only an outstanding photographer, a living witness of the Lebanese war, you have become a POET, a philosopher spreading messages of love and peace. Please do consolidate and spread your stories into a book of photography with your texts, as you said pictures remain, pictures don’t lie. The next generations need your witness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙏
This is one of your most impactful episode. I felt every word of his, and we can be nothing but grateful for people like him. Thank you and good luck guys for what's coming.
a lot of love from Palestine to Lebanon ❤❤
we wish god to save beloved Lebanon 🙏
A hero from my country. Love, love, love and 1 million times love. Thank you Nabil Ismail, Medea and Mouin.
once again thank you for bringing a great guest having walked those streets as a kid by the green line and exposed to those beautiful snipers (not!), crossing that line by the museum as a kid carrying those suitcases to the airport brought me back to those memories good and very bad, it certainly is remembered & hopefully never repeated.
How much i enjoy everything in this program i even enjoy how u both listen thoroughly to every guest. And again much love and God bless
I like the diversity of your guests and this episode of looking into photojournalism is pretty special! He speaks so well.
Awesome sarde. Today I felt double the dose of my daily Sarde. What a great lesson this episode has ended. Nabil moukhif all respect to him
This was something else. Thank you!
This podcast and this specific video are SO underrated. I wish more people would listen in. There are so many things that we are unaware of, so many lessons unlearned. Pity is us.
This is the most touching Sarde I've ever hearbreaking we replay those memories and pray for this country to pass this tough time!
Beautiful episode, My jeddo was one of the first civilians to get killed on the green line, it's interesting to hear and imagine how it actually happened since we never learned anything in school about this... everyone should watch this episode.
Not long ago I watched some of Nabil’s work, he’s brilliant, thanks for hosting such a talented character full of history and knowledge
Easily one of my favourite episodes! Thank you 🙏
Hands down. One of the best episodes! Thank you.
مشكلتي مع القناة 😡
كل ما احضر سردة اقول ذي احلى سردة مستحيل يجي ضيف افضل !!
بدايةً من سردة امون وجر وصولاً لشارل ونديم وكثيرين
تجيك الصدمة كل سردة افضل من اللي قبلها.
يعطيكم العافية
Great job, thank you, I find it great to put an attachment to the episode with some pictures with his voice at the end. War is not a game.
Thank you guys for your effort
This is probably the most interesting interview i have ever watched. This interview should be published on mainstream TV. The most objective analysis of the war i have ever heard. The thing with the line. A big part of my family was involved in the war, and i remember clearly them saying: we don't know why we never got to cross the green line.
One of the best episodes. Thank you Mouin and Medea!
a very powerful sarde! thank you for making this episode happen, i wish we can do something to support Mr. Nabil and document his work
I’m amazed at the level of honesty and courage of this man 🙏 🌿
Bravo à vous deux pour cet épisode que je découvre par hasard plus d’un an après sa diffusion. Et bravo au journaliste pour l’honnêteté et le réalisme de son récit, sans a priori et sans partie pris.
Excellent documentaire pour les jeunes qui n’ont pas vécu le début de la guerre, d’ailleurs on voit bien à cet égard la différence de réaction, face à certains événements relatés, entre Medea et Mouin !
Medea and Mouin, with thanks; I would like you to keep this video or the interview a major learning material in the photography and the journal department at the university! It is a rich material with great segments that the students and the professors should learn from Mr. N. Ismail lifetime professional experiences. Thank you again and good luck.
Thank you Sarde for interviewing the greatest peaceful soldier and true patriot. Through Mr Ismail's experiences with his lifetime companion "Camera;" it proves that there is no better than turning into music rather than turning into a ghostly inhuman and become addicted to weapons. The "Camera" as the best companion and a silent witness made you a true Hero, your dedication towards your country, and your duties showed how honest Lebanese citizen you are. We salute you, and every single citizen should learn from you. May the Lord Reward Immensely through His Precious and His Holy Spirit. Life is short and beautiful, so why bother to turn it into a blood shed and a nightmare. When we leave the earth; we can find a peaceful kingdom. The Lord's coming very soon to stop the demons from continuing their dirty games of a national genocide. Thank you again Medea, Mouin and Mr. Ismail it is the best virtual biography of this century. Bless your hearts; keep safe and well. We pray for the peaceful transitions of Lebanon. Yours from Toronto Canada
Merci pour cet épisode fantastique, ce monsieur est lui-même devenu une archive vivante de cette guerre affreuse et longue. Mon père (libanais beyrouthin) m'en a parlé longuement et j'ai fais plusieurs rapprochements avec les témoignages bouleversants de monsieur Nabil Ismaël. Allah yi khali bi sa77to : c'est une grande chance et opportunité que vous avez eu de pouvoir recueillir ses anecdotes poignantes alors un GRAND MERCI à Medea et Mou3in pour ce podcast. J'ai eu plusieurs fois les larmes aux yeux, j'ai souris aussi car ce monsieur a été très courageux et malgré ces épreuves très lourdes, il a gardé un sens de l'humour très communicatif !! Yareyt que les générations après-guerre (je suis née en 1987) puissent avoir accès à ces archives durant une / des expos photos journalistiques.
Allah Ya3tikon al 3afiya ✌❣👏❣🙌❣👍
this sarde episode was so engrossing and engaging, he has a talent for storytelling! I was not bored for a second! amazing part two lezem 🙌🙌
Great episode. People must not forget... Glad to see someone talking about it, mustn't be easy.
I love your work guys...I wait for it every week :)
I watched this episode 5 times 🥺🥺
من أجمل الحلقات اللي عملتها سردة واللي سمعتها فيها قصص ما بحياتي بعرفها عن الحرب !
بكتني ! وحرقت قلبي عالواقع اللبناني !
استاذ نبيل اسماعيل وكاميرا تبعولتك وصوتك بيستحقوا تكريم عحقيقة كل.واحد.فينا لازم يسمعها ! برافووووووو!
يسلّم تمّك ! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
Nabil Ismail much love and God bless 🙏🏻🇱🇧 Maya kaskas
So many lessons to learn from!
The man is a national treasure. How does he not have PTSD I don't know!! What a wonderful storytelling episode...
His saying is very nice " Learn to love"
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Fantastic Episode👏👏👏 so touching. Hopefully Nabil's message resonates
Nice interview and great story to tell the young people, history seems to repeat itself, of course the suppliers change.
more accurate lebanese history.
and thank you for this amazing sarde watched it till the last minute!
Best Sarde episode so far
Well done guys
It's a great UA-cam channel, keep the good job guys.
As for tonight's episode, it brought memories, bad ones. I was born in 72 and I do remember lots of things. Both Luckily and sadly I'm raising my daughter in the States, but we do wish to return one day.
What an episode ! Epic ! Keep up the excellence !
Thank you Mr Nabil Ismail
Your experience Your message ❤️ is soooo important & should be heard by all
God bless you 🙏🙏🙏 & ur family
هذا الرجل رائع.. شكرا على هذه السردة الجميلة.. اتمني ان ان يشاهدها جمهور القوات والثنائي☺️
This was very enlightening and heartbreaking at the same time and I would definitely support/encourage him to create a book that will illustrate this era.
رائع نبيل اسماعيل! شكراً لهالمقابلة.
All the best for this new episode
Very poetically put about the seduction of weaopons and violence to those who haven't ever had a slap or two, younger generations definitely need to hear that one
❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank u SARDÉ for inviting such important guests !!!! Many lessons should be learned by the new generation !
Never make wars !!! It’s ugly & no one benefits from except the nasty leaders
Best episode so far👌👌👌
I heard this podcast this morning on Spotify on my way to work, I was totally numb hearing all these deatails about the lebanese civil war and the role palestinians have played in it.
As a Palestnian Doctor(Nuerosurgery resident in Sweden) I would love to thank Sarde crew for this amazing interview, it was more like time-traviling back to the war days.
NABIL is as intellegant as deep he is. His work should be mastered for the next generation.
Again, Much Love Sarde❤
Since your podcast is getting Audience from all around the Arab world(not only lebanon) I would be more than glad to see a future interview about palestine and the palestinians still living today in Lebanon .
Thank you🌺
Thank you for helping in my project ❤️
I was in Beirut in 1993 and visited my relatives there and in Aramoun, Kessrouan. The destruction and devastation of the civil war visible, and checkpoints everywhere. I listened to my relatives' stories of survival and tragedy but this interview and hearing Mr. Ismail's first hand experiences, in his words, are even more devastating. The cruelty human beings commit starts when we fail to recognize our enemy as a human being. Beware of politicians who tell you "the other" is your enemy and you need to fear them. They are liars.
just riveting. very important episode. thank you so much!
The scariest, most chilling thing he ever mentioned, for me, is that some warlords are still in the political scene in Lebanon. It's mind-numbing.
Sad memories, backflash full of all kind of mixed memories..i hope and i wish the civil war won't repeat it self, because at the end everyone lose. My wisdom in life that i learnt from my old Man, "God blesd his soul" he used to say to me, happiness is not to change the other to be you, but to accept the other to be with you. Lebanese people need to accept each other rather to change each other, true happiness always found in acceptance, forgivness and sharing. we share this planet with a diversity of nations, relegions, sects, Why can't we share this sacred Lebanon with each other?, live in peace and acceptance.
Keep it up!
Very interesting and important to know
As a Libyan, Our civil war seems like a game comparing to Lebanese civil war. Stay united
هذا الرجل ليس فقط مصور شغوف لكن اسلوب في السرد اسلوب كاتب وموهوب ايضا.
Great episode. I remember crossing the green line with my mother as a young boy. It was scary time
من اجمل الحلقات👍🙏
لهجة نبيل ذكرتني بالمسرحيات الرحبانية العريقة.
شهادته الغنية بالمشاعر و تركيزه على بريق الشعارات الي رفعوها تجار الحرب رائعة جداً لكن مع الأسف كانت عن حرب غبية و قذرة دمرت البلد و المجتمع.
شكراً ميديا و معين و نبيل على هالسردة .
This was a great episode :)
اكثر مقابلة متعبة . على امل ان يسمع اللذي يجب ان يسمع.
This is the man that should be in charge of the true lebanon history book that should be taught to our children
what a sarde !!! on doit plus souvent écouter ces personnes pour apprendre des leçons !!!
Incredible interview
Amazing Sarde . I think there is another Photographer From Lebanon Called George Azar Have A great archive of Pictures regarding Lebanese Civil War .
Amazing episode 👏
ولا أجمل من صوره إلا روعته في الحديث
Great episode Guys
I lived. In all that shit , now when i heard mr nabil talk , i got back to the war days 😥😥😥
This is amazing !!
Outstanding Episode.We want a link to see all photos taken by nabil !
a learning experience!!
What an amazing person