Shaku was not removed due to the Net/Well teleport combo. His ult had a bad interaction with the Refresher orb due to how it was programmed in Jast (an extension added to the wc3 engine). If you abducted a hero, after which you refreshed the ult and abducted another hero, the first would essentially be deleted from game since the pointer to the first hero was dropped to point to the second hero. If memory serves me right, they eventually put in an exception where Shaku was not able to acquire the Refresher Orb. After the exception was added, he was just a poorly thought out hero, so he was eventually dropped from the cast. Also, it's better just getting rid of a hero with such a troublesome ability to manage.
The reason why earthquake occupied the Ult slot is because Earthquake is originally an Ultimate for the Far Seer heroes, they probably forgot to change the button position. I made some custom map before so i run into this problem quite often.
One of the MEH skills in Dota but in Warcraft, its the worst nightmare skill of those cannon tower lovers who likes to turtle too much. And Far Seer has EZ comsat. hahahahaha!
net is also a troll ability, he bassically picked o troll and changed the model, those bandits are basically a reskin of the neutral trolls for the maps that arent in the jungle
Seeing this brings back so many memories of playing DoTA 5.84 when I was in college. So many overpowered and imbalanced heroes in that game, but man was it fun. Faceless void having carrion swarm and global stun (time stop), Morphling having spell copy, riki having a death ward as an ult that's not channeling, and so many others. Dota sure has come a long way.
The fv global stun is such an epic ability. I remember using it the first time and didnt know wit was global i thought it was just the entire screen and that alone is a really big aoe. Then I started retreating to see all all the other units stunned, wasnt even expecting it to affect all enemy units and not just the hero and if I remember correctly it lasts about 5 seconds. Imagine that kind of ability in dota 2 it's basically a global ravage that cannot be dodged even. But what I distinctly remember for being absolutely ridiculous was blink strikes like from pa and ck does not have cs. Yurnero's omni slash also didnt have cd. I'd buy butterfly because it looks cool and then the energy boosters for mana
I'd put the old silencer here as well... Besides sharing the same name and model, he was an extremely different hero back then.. The old and new silencer was more different than void demon was with night stalker. these were his skills 1st skill - Healing Wave 2nd skill - summon infernal 3rd skill - starfall 4th skill - a passive that makes his normal attack silence his target.. This was the only reason why he was called silencer, really... Hence why he probably got reworked.. His other old skills were given to future heroes.. Lol. Old silencer was a support, lane pusher.. He got reworked into the new one in one of the dota 6.xx versions..
awwhhhh i love assassin lord! he was literally 3-4 heroes into one. also, the most memorable thing about dota1 was having certain items on specific heroes (bkb, agh scepter, bfury, etc). it either added a permanent or temporary look to the hero or a funny atk animation. (maybe an idea for the next video?)
Summon morphling Summon phoenix Summon ancient golem Phoenix, morphling became hero, Golem at least became part of the new game Conjurer dissappears... Now his 3 children going to continue their own life But they forgotten their papi Conjurer Glad his children grown up so fast and became famous Even they forgotten their own papi but papi still love them by watching them from dotaheaven And suddenly papi reborn Shoots horse that hit like truck Mana rupturing people Blinding people The end Thx for the likes💃
I've never heard of Gryffin, but it reminds me of Tiourikikaze, God of Wind. Oh, and wasn't there a Batrider who had freezing arrows and a skill called FUNGWARB?
Well that's interesting... i hope Valve and IceFrog could bring the Conjurer and Shaku the Rider as the new heroes of DOTA 2 right after Snapfire and Void Spirit.
Who remember the old abomination(a.k.a pudge) that summon flies and plague wherever it goes? Its one of the most OP heroes of that era and only Luna glaives could kill the flies properly due to the bounce effect making it unable to make it miss.
Can confirm, I've played so-called AI Fun Taverns with old heroes (They're pretty fun. If you have Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, you should try one out). His flash farming ability was nearly nonexistent, but his gambling skill was insane. He didn't literally roll a die, but unlike Chaos Knight and Ogre Magi, whose luck-based themes are simply "decent, normal skills with a random chance for a nice bonus", Gambler had a skill that either dealt a whopping 1500 damage (AT LEVEL 1!) or it removed all of Gambler's gold. IceFrog soon realized that the hero concept was impossible to balance, and so got rid of him just a few patches after Gambler showed up.
@@Pleinair92 Using the hero = having a hard time to farm as well since he uses his gold for his skill damage modifier. And he is useless if he doesn't have gold.
I could see Conjurer making a comeback. I love Micro so I'm abit biased towards him. [Long Read ahead] I would keep his skills as they are. Conjure Image Conjure Water Elemental Conjure Golem Conjure Phoenix However, as previously mentioned, Since these are actual things now, a new theme would be great. Perhaps call him 'the Conjuration Magus' to keep with current DotA Lore as with Invoker being previously known as the Arsenal Magus, and Rubick as the current Grand Magus. Also, since you mentioned the Necronomicon, I was thinking that the Lore could be updated to include that it was created by this magus. His summons then could be infernal looking, and be somewhat based off of the Creeps that get spawned by the Necronomicon How I would rework him: Q - Conjure Image: - Stays at one image - CD stays the same at each level - Mana usage stays the same at each level - Damage Received is lowered at each level, Starting at like 200% going down to 100% - Damage Dealt is raised at each level starting at 30% going up to 75% My thought on this is that you can have only one copy summoned at a time, but if the cooldown is low enough, or if you have Refresher, you could possibly have multiple images running about. W - Conjure (Ranged Creep) - Copies per level, 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - Health is low for this creep - Damage is pretty good - Damage Type is Physical - CD stays the same at each level - Mana Usage goes up each level This one is more of a support unit that can deal damage. I'm thinking that at 4th level it gains a passive that helps buff other units somehow. does not stack though. I'm thinking either Move Speed or Attack Speed. E - Conjure (Melee Creep) - Copies per level, 1 - 2 - 3 - 3 - Health is Low to Medium - Damage is okay - Damage Type is Physical - CD stays the same at each level - Mana Usage goes up each level This one is more like a tank, It can take alot of damage. I'm thinking it keeps the stun, but it becomes a mini-stun instead of a full blown stun. I was also thinking the skill has some sort of nerf similar to Viasge's Gargoyles. The CD for the ministun could be long enough that it's not a permastun, or make the unit with low mana, that way it is only able to cast it once. R - Conjure (Special Creep) - Copies per Level, 1 - 1 - 2 - Health is high to very high - Damage is pretty good - Damage type is Magical - CD decreases, but only bit a little bit. - Mana usage goes up This one is more like a Siege esque unit. Almost similar to Warlock's golems. But perhaps give it a beefier looking Necronomicon look? Maybe they are holding a cannon? They have a passive ability from first level that gets stronger. The passive is a regen? HP Regen or Mana Regen. then it gains a skill that allows it to deal some sort of burst damage at an enemy hero. Talents First Talent: - Gold Buff - Dmg Buff or Int Stat buff Second Talent: - Extra Ranged Creep - Extra Melee Creep Third Talent: - Buff Ranged Creep - Buff Melee Creep Fourth Talent: - Buff Special Creep - Extra Special Creep I figure you play this hero as a Pusher who specializes in his Creeps. The Creeps are where it's at, Your hero is more of just a vessel that can spawn them.. I guess like.. a trojan horse? This hero is definitely more of a squishy hero who deals okay damage... So he is more of a support type hero. I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of Chen or Prophet. Rat Doto tactics for sure. If he should get an Aghs, I was thinking it unlocks a new skill? sort of like KotL... before the rework. And this new skill or skills basically give him the ability to attack enemy heroes on his own. So his own magic skills. Or he can use the same skills that his creeps can without having to summon them. So basically he gains the ministun of the Melee, and the burst from the Special. This could cause Rush Aghs to become a strategy. Since this guy is very Micro intense, he is definitely a hard hero to play. I do see that he can be exploited pretty hard. I'm just imagining the Chen - Tusk wombo combo glitch... horrifying... Oh btw these are not permanent creeps like Chens or Lone Druid, but temporary.
would love to see a remake of summoner. didn't know he was called conjurer.. he got so broken/distributed tho. would also love to see some old models reworked (not copied bc blizzard). i mean he's like every hero from brew, kotl, phoenix, morph, invoker, arc. did his copy also do summons? i forget
How about Necronomicon being created by a Necromancer or "Necromancy Magus"? Since Conjurer conjures elements (mana, water, earth, fire)... A necromancer summons the dead. Nice suggestions btw.
There was a map that came out in the later stages of dota with a test option or something like that, that gave you the option of playing 5 "hidden" heroes. Maybe you can find it
conjurer can be like brew or beast master if reworked. creates summons with each having a special ability. slow/stun/knockback? or can be like a hero version of necro book would be nice. tbh more than chen he feels like bm/arc/brew
I only ever played Dota after Dota came out, but I've always known about Dota, usually watching classmates play it way back, glad to see more about its history.
When u said "when a hero is released in dota, it feels like christmas" man, i missed the old days sincre icefrog tend to drop huge update(and probably new heroes) exactly on christmas day.
The most OP hero was Pit Lord who had a skill "Impale" - the one Lion has now. That Impale was stunning the targets for eternity no mater if it was a hero, creep or tower.
I think seeing Gambler in dota 2 would be amazing and it would certainly make pubs more enjoyable or frustrating depending on your luck . I remember when my cousin asked me to pick gambler for the first time when I was just starting to play dota a decade ago or so. I think his 1st skill deals magic damage depending on 20% of the opponents gold, his second made you bet 100 gold on an enemy; if he dies you get double the gold I think and if he doesn't you could kiss your 100 gold goodbye. I'm pretty sure his 3rd skill was a crit but it reminds me of Bounty hunter's current Jinada where you steal gold, and i'm certain that his ultimate was called "All in" It's this blessing yet annoying skill where you gamble all of your gold to be converted to damage to an enemy, I think it caps at 1500 or 2000. He's a hero that won't guarantee you a win but he'll sure as hell have you on the edge of your seat while playing him. He could use a few adjustments but I would love to see him in flesh in dota 2. He'll definitely have the same "I wanna play dota for fun." effect like what we had when we got Techies, it's a good change of scenery because I'm sick of all these mmr hungry degenerates who think they're better than the 9 people playing with them.
I would like to see the old Kotl back for the memes and to be cancer in the same time , nice video bro and i would like to see some Dota 2 Lore from u since the way u talk in the video makes it enjoyable to listen to it as a story
Guinsoo didn't have a ton of heroes or effects in the original dota. I can't remember exactly what was there I just remember being very underwhelmed and decided to create my own version, known as Dota Darkness Falls. I based the majority of my spells, abilities, and concepts from magic the gathering cards, and was a regular on wc3campaigns asking for coding help in JASS. What a nightmare. After quitting the map (about a year of working on it and too many versions released haphazardly) I noticed that someone had moved all my ideas back to the original dota map and started calling it dota Allstars. From there it was developed even further and was the idea I never (AND SHOULD HAVE) had. The rest is history. The summoner was pretty easy to make, but my all time fav was pudge before his hook. It was a permanent projectile that followed you until you died moving very slow and doing massive damage. When it reached a certain radius the jaws "duh dum" would play :) Fun period in my life. I haven't used the name i3latant_abuse since.
people say Nightstalker is OP because he's fast at night, but no one remembers how Balanar was basically night-time nightstalker all of the time, who could push your towers down super quickly and take over your entire map with impunity.
Funny how 90% of the community does not know about dota being a mod from warcraft 3 it irritates me when dota players say that jaina is crystal maiden its honestly disgusting
What's really more iritating is that when the movie Warcraft came out. Everyone thought it was a Dota Movie. Naming all the characters on screen a dota hero. It was really annoying specially on theatre since most are talking loudly when they thought that a Dota Hero is shown.
I would love to see some of these guys re introduced. Hook could be rebranded as a pirate, giving him a nautical theme, and some changes to his abilities. Shaku looks really cool TBH, I would love to see something visually similar implemented, like a Juggernaut on a mount.
I like the vampire (Dreadlord) before that one that would cast some skill over and over to bleed his target, was bugged as it would not give kills. He also made minions into vampires who would not time out.
A thing I did decades ago you might want to try to challenge yourself. Destroying both fountains solo vs 5 insane bots without destroying or damaging a single tower, before they can get to your ancient, including you destroying the enemy ancient after destroying the fountain/s. Good luck!
I remember when i and my friends play Warcraft Dota, two of them pick Purish Thunderwrath(Omniknight), and Abaddon. Then i pick Void demon. In late game, i bring MKB, Abbysal Blade etc. Omni bring mekanism, scepter, Shiva's Guard etc. Abaddon bring Vladimir offering, Assault Cuirass, drum of endurance, Radiance etc. When we group of three my enemy also my friends too, they just stuck like sticky floor, cuz every negative effect of us( Mass Haste+Degen Aura, Shiva's Guard -movement slow, Omni Degen aura, Frostmore Blade of Abaddon, also Radiance, burn and slow them slowly)
Did you know that sf arcana exist in Warcraft 3 or Dora 1 just to let you know guys and the item "crown" also exist in the Dota 1 and also provides +5 to all attributes but it cost 2.7k in the Warcraft 3 campaign So that's maybe a coincidence?
Which one of these heroes would you like to see revived in Dota 2?
Definitely Rider
Rider seems like the whole recall hook again, anywho nice video as always
Normal person: The fountain hooks are BS...
Shaku: Hold my beer...
Boots of travel was literally the first item built on Shaku every single game I saw him...
If i remember correctly this got patched out before he got removed
@@BengaIaas Yup! But if I'm not mistaken you could still use ulty + scroll.
Shaku? Thrall right?
Whos shaku?
Shaku was not removed due to the Net/Well teleport combo. His ult had a bad interaction with the Refresher orb due to how it was programmed in Jast (an extension added to the wc3 engine). If you abducted a hero, after which you refreshed the ult and abducted another hero, the first would essentially be deleted from game since the pointer to the first hero was dropped to point to the second hero. If memory serves me right, they eventually put in an exception where Shaku was not able to acquire the Refresher Orb. After the exception was added, he was just a poorly thought out hero, so he was eventually dropped from the cast. Also, it's better just getting rid of a hero with such a troublesome ability to manage.
That's kind of hilarious
How about rikimarru 10 years ago ?
Pointer. And memory serving you right. Hahaha.
and then they still did a proper batrider skill, so I think they still could've change Shaku's skill right. He's just poorly designed from the start
@@Arachisage programmer puns are always hilarious
Instead of reviving the heroes, there should be a "revenge of the lost heroes" event
Yeah that would be great
So basically fight a bunch of NPC Heroes? Nice!
If only valve were creative as they hsed to be
Tell me you play only arcade games without telling me
And lost items poor man's shield aquila
The reason why earthquake occupied the Ult slot is because Earthquake is originally an Ultimate for the Far Seer heroes, they probably forgot to change the button position. I made some custom map before so i run into this problem quite often.
Its easy to change the coords of the spells, he probably just forgot.
That's exactly what Thong was saying???
@@fedevieira2598 "it's easy to change", oh well, calm down, kid.
One of the MEH skills in Dota but in Warcraft, its the worst nightmare skill of those cannon tower lovers who likes to turtle too much. And Far Seer has EZ comsat. hahahahaha!
Gotta love how Assasing Lord's spears turn into troll axes the moment he throws them
net is also a troll ability, he bassically picked o troll and changed the model, those bandits are basically a reskin of the neutral trolls for the maps that arent in the jungle
"I much prefer the Fate Rider"
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
Well, she IS on Dota
After she become corrupted
Light Of Heaven Haha Medusa 😆👍👍
STOOOPP! You're giving me sad memories of good ol days
Seeing this brings back so many memories of playing DoTA 5.84 when I was in college. So many overpowered and imbalanced heroes in that game, but man was it fun. Faceless void having carrion swarm and global stun (time stop), Morphling having spell copy, riki having a death ward as an ult that's not channeling, and so many others. Dota sure has come a long way.
The fv global stun is such an epic ability. I remember using it the first time and didnt know wit was global i thought it was just the entire screen and that alone is a really big aoe. Then I started retreating to see all all the other units stunned, wasnt even expecting it to affect all enemy units and not just the hero and if I remember correctly it lasts about 5 seconds. Imagine that kind of ability in dota 2 it's basically a global ravage that cannot be dodged even.
But what I distinctly remember for being absolutely ridiculous was blink strikes like from pa and ck does not have cs. Yurnero's omni slash also didnt have cd. I'd buy butterfly because it looks cool and then the energy boosters for mana
I'd put the old silencer here as well... Besides sharing the same name and model, he was an extremely different hero back then.. The old and new silencer was more different than void demon was with night stalker. these were his skills
1st skill - Healing Wave
2nd skill - summon infernal
3rd skill - starfall
4th skill - a passive that makes his normal attack silence his target.. This was the only reason why he was called silencer, really... Hence why he probably got reworked.. His other old skills were given to future heroes.. Lol. Old silencer was a support, lane pusher.. He got reworked into the new one in one of the dota 6.xx versions..
Rikimaru also used to be pretty different than what he was now. A lot of heroes have gone through reworks.
god i truly miss playing this game when i was young ... the good old days
Ok boomer
awwhhhh i love assassin lord! he was literally 3-4 heroes into one. also, the most memorable thing about dota1 was having certain items on specific heroes (bkb, agh scepter, bfury, etc). it either added a permanent or temporary look to the hero or a funny atk animation. (maybe an idea for the next video?)
Summon morphling
Summon phoenix
Summon ancient golem
Phoenix, morphling became hero,
Golem at least became part of the new game
Conjurer dissappears...
Now his 3 children going to continue their own life
But they forgotten their papi
Conjurer Glad his children grown up so fast and became famous
Even they forgotten their own papi but papi still love them by watching them from dotaheaven
And suddenly papi reborn
Shoots horse that hit like truck
Mana rupturing people
Blinding people
The end
Thx for the likes💃
second coming of papi brought light to dark heart.
mana rupturing people? *u sure?*
and papi back with fucking disco ball!!&
dota in a nutshell
@@exseeayeex nah but 20 is 20
That summoner is straight out micro simmulator
Dota player pinoy ? Domestic Kanojo ??? uWu
@@jqa16JesusSaves What's wrong with a pinoy player?
Sarap ng nilagang baka.
@@yuzureux He probably got rekt by a Pinoy player and now he's salty and bitter lmao
@@yuzureux pinoy weeb dota player recognizing pinoy weeb dota player
there's nothing wrong with that
I remember downloading dota databases on my ipod touch as a kid, id look at all the heroes when I was in bed and supposed to sleep lol
- Played DoTA as a kid
- Had an ipod as a kid
@@urmemegay7929he clearly said he downloaded a dota database, and not actually playing dota
@@urmemegay7929 you can plat dota today if you want, and also buy an ipod, he could have done both at the same time anytime during the last 20 years
10:07 Oh the nostalgia, I remember that ass very well though
Akasha... a succubus at work, even on a wallpaper xD
Wait. I never remember that ass
Pudge: How, all of the way back to the base??!!!
Rider: first time?
Wow. I thought I already knew it all but I never heard of Shaku and Hook before. Thanks! And loling about a hero with a built-in fountain hook....
If I remember it right. Balanar was the vampire who can move very fast at night.
balanar is night stalker
Balanar is night stalker dude
Shaku, conjurer, Void Demon, Gambit, Gryffin.. Ohh the nostalgia..!!
Old Invoker too and the old lifestealer with all passive abilities
I've never heard of Gryffin, but it reminds me of Tiourikikaze, God of Wind.
Oh, and wasn't there a Batrider who had freezing arrows and a skill called FUNGWARB?
And old pudge.
I like the one who change jobs
You forgot the Gambler.
this is intriguing i didn't know this heroes existed, like wow not WOW literally wow.
Void Demon is basically Pucci since he can speed up time. After creating the new universe, he literally changed.
Everywhere I go, I see a jojo related comment.
Void demon is beta night stalker
OMG, yes I never knew how much I missed all of them , until you did this video, thanks so much, so many memories
Well that's interesting... i hope Valve and IceFrog could bring the Conjurer and Shaku the Rider as the new heroes of DOTA 2 right after Snapfire and Void Spirit.
Man, really love your new series. Keep up this good work! Love your vids!
I used to main twilight tavern cause my younger self love dark hero. Where are my twilight tavern members at?
back in the time of true DOTA concept: simpilicty in brokenness
Assassin Lord=Naga+Drow+PA+Bounty=> Therefore The truest assassin ever
Who remember the old abomination(a.k.a pudge) that summon flies and plague wherever it goes? Its one of the most OP heroes of that era and only Luna glaives could kill the flies properly due to the bounce effect making it unable to make it miss.
Man im old. I remeber using The Raider and Void Lord when I was kid old Dota really is something. Nice vid man!
"Earthshaker wet dreams..." HAHAHAHA 😂 That's was a very good one bro 🤣 Love your videos man 😎
I missed dota so much. Its been 4 years since i stop playing
Me too, but it's only been 3 years since i stop.
Is that we are number one at 5:34
sounds like it ahhaha
Definately is
I just came to the comments to check if there are men of culture
Seems like Dennis is quite the Siivagunner connoiseur
I don't get it where's that ?
you forgot the gambler. No hero caused more rage quits than that lovely piece of work.
My older brothers told me that there were once a hero called the "Gambler" who can literally role a dice to determine his target's fate .
Can confirm, I've played so-called AI Fun Taverns with old heroes (They're pretty fun. If you have Warcraft III: Frozen Throne, you should try one out). His flash farming ability was nearly nonexistent, but his gambling skill was insane. He didn't literally roll a die, but unlike Chaos Knight and Ogre Magi, whose luck-based themes are simply "decent, normal skills with a random chance for a nice bonus", Gambler had a skill that either dealt a whopping 1500 damage (AT LEVEL 1!) or it removed all of Gambler's gold.
IceFrog soon realized that the hero concept was impossible to balance, and so got rid of him just a few patches after Gambler showed up.
Pleinair92 WHAT THE ACTUAL ..... Now
thats just.... i see why they call him gambler now
@@amirhassan7887 Umm....Purge?
@@stug3719 Um yea ?
@@Pleinair92 Using the hero = having a hard time to farm as well since he uses his gold for his skill damage modifier. And he is useless if he doesn't have gold.
That's a video I didn't know I wanted! Great job, that's some original content! I love it!
I hear love live in the background,
not that I'm complaining
true ahahaha
Lmao I did not realize that, SNOW HALATION.
I could see Conjurer making a comeback. I love Micro so I'm abit biased towards him. [Long Read ahead]
I would keep his skills as they are.
Conjure Image
Conjure Water Elemental
Conjure Golem
Conjure Phoenix
However, as previously mentioned, Since these are actual things now, a new theme would be great. Perhaps call him 'the Conjuration Magus' to keep with current DotA Lore as with Invoker being previously known as the Arsenal Magus, and Rubick as the current Grand Magus.
Also, since you mentioned the Necronomicon, I was thinking that the Lore could be updated to include that it was created by this magus. His summons then could be infernal looking, and be somewhat based off of the Creeps that get spawned by the Necronomicon
How I would rework him:
Q - Conjure Image:
- Stays at one image
- CD stays the same at each level
- Mana usage stays the same at each level
- Damage Received is lowered at each level, Starting at like 200% going down to 100%
- Damage Dealt is raised at each level starting at 30% going up to 75%
My thought on this is that you can have only one copy summoned at a time, but if the cooldown is low enough, or if you have Refresher, you could possibly have multiple images running about.
W - Conjure (Ranged Creep)
- Copies per level, 1 - 1 - 2 - 2
- Health is low for this creep
- Damage is pretty good
- Damage Type is Physical
- CD stays the same at each level
- Mana Usage goes up each level
This one is more of a support unit that can deal damage. I'm thinking that at 4th level it gains a passive that helps buff other units somehow. does not stack though. I'm thinking either Move Speed or Attack Speed.
E - Conjure (Melee Creep)
- Copies per level, 1 - 2 - 3 - 3
- Health is Low to Medium
- Damage is okay
- Damage Type is Physical
- CD stays the same at each level
- Mana Usage goes up each level
This one is more like a tank, It can take alot of damage. I'm thinking it keeps the stun, but it becomes a mini-stun instead of a full blown stun. I was also thinking the skill has some sort of nerf similar to Viasge's Gargoyles. The CD for the ministun could be long enough that it's not a permastun, or make the unit with low mana, that way it is only able to cast it once.
R - Conjure (Special Creep)
- Copies per Level, 1 - 1 - 2
- Health is high to very high
- Damage is pretty good
- Damage type is Magical
- CD decreases, but only bit a little bit.
- Mana usage goes up
This one is more like a Siege esque unit. Almost similar to Warlock's golems. But perhaps give it a beefier looking Necronomicon look? Maybe they are holding a cannon? They have a passive ability from first level that gets stronger. The passive is a regen? HP Regen or Mana Regen. then it gains a skill that allows it to deal some sort of burst damage at an enemy hero.
First Talent:
- Gold Buff
- Dmg Buff or Int Stat buff
Second Talent:
- Extra Ranged Creep
- Extra Melee Creep
Third Talent:
- Buff Ranged Creep
- Buff Melee Creep
Fourth Talent:
- Buff Special Creep
- Extra Special Creep
I figure you play this hero as a Pusher who specializes in his Creeps. The Creeps are where it's at, Your hero is more of just a vessel that can spawn them.. I guess like.. a trojan horse? This hero is definitely more of a squishy hero who deals okay damage... So he is more of a support type hero. I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of Chen or Prophet. Rat Doto tactics for sure.
If he should get an Aghs, I was thinking it unlocks a new skill? sort of like KotL... before the rework. And this new skill or skills basically give him the ability to attack enemy heroes on his own. So his own magic skills. Or he can use the same skills that his creeps can without having to summon them. So basically he gains the ministun of the Melee, and the burst from the Special. This could cause Rush Aghs to become a strategy.
Since this guy is very Micro intense, he is definitely a hard hero to play. I do see that he can be exploited pretty hard. I'm just imagining the Chen - Tusk wombo combo glitch... horrifying... Oh btw these are not permanent creeps like Chens or Lone Druid, but temporary.
would love to see a remake of summoner. didn't know he was called conjurer.. he got so broken/distributed tho. would also love to see some old models reworked (not copied bc blizzard). i mean he's like every hero from brew, kotl, phoenix, morph, invoker, arc. did his copy also do summons? i forget
How about Necronomicon being created by a Necromancer or "Necromancy Magus"? Since Conjurer conjures elements (mana, water, earth, fire)... A necromancer summons the dead.
Nice suggestions btw.
Heroes not covered yet:
*Flame Lord
*Orcish Porn Star
*God of Wind
they kinda just spread out many of these abilities to other characters.
landing a full 25 second channeling ult would probably feel amazing
and finally, his ultimate, drag.
*flashes cloud in drag*
Wont be surprise if we see some of those heroes lately... Icefrog Legendary
There was a map that came out in the later stages of dota with a test option or something like that, that gave you the option of playing 5 "hidden" heroes. Maybe you can find it
Thanks for the fast releases of the videos
That soundtrack! What a nice game The Hobbit was! Kudos.
This game was my childhood, I was 5 years old girl when I started playing it :p
I remember played shaku... And yell.. "hey.. i got the enemy in my shaku" (shaku/saku = pocket in my country.)
I guess you could say, he's got put in a "Shaku"
ours Too :Philippines
Are u indo/malay
Raiymund Suarez sinasabi mo?
Isulod sa saku dzong!
Conjurer and Void Demon just look absurdly broken.
it was always backdoor fiesta when somone playing conjurer, good old days
Miss the old Silencer that can use healing wave and summon 3 flaming golem with impact damage+stun on landing
conjurer song was nostalgic, a walk in the shire. thanks man
If conjurer revived in dota 2, the game will never be balanced.
Wait, isn't that already Chen?
Gerom Larayos but chen still needs jungle creeps to begin with
conjurer can be like brew or beast master if reworked. creates summons with each having a special ability. slow/stun/knockback? or can be like a hero version of necro book would be nice. tbh more than chen he feels like bm/arc/brew
I only ever played Dota after Dota came out, but I've always known about Dota, usually watching classmates play it way back, glad to see more about its history.
your videos are a mini christmas cutiebutt :3
ohhh staaawp
a what?
@@icehGG dalia ana si mama
would u sit on his face?
When u said "when a hero is released in dota, it feels like christmas" man, i missed the old days sincre icefrog tend to drop huge update(and probably new heroes) exactly on christmas day.
I didn't know that. That's actually amazing.
Kidnap spell LOL!
I know you..
Russian dota 1 player
I watch your video alot
@@vinnie5818 Serbian
@@moejellini ah i thought he is Russian
u still alive?
Too damn op XD
Ah yes the nostalgia.
These heros are still avaliable in a dota1 map with fun mode. 6.71 maybe
Wuyang ZHONG only the fan map dota ai+ fun have that mode, I think.
The most OP hero was Pit Lord who had a skill "Impale" - the one Lion has now. That Impale was stunning the targets for eternity no mater if it was a hero, creep or tower.
You want to know how old I am? I played all these hero while they lived
Meka 9.8 wanna know how old i am? i played warcraft before w2 and 3 existed
@@johngeo5816 Me too bro.. me too. Good times back then. Gaming still had magic.
@@earlgrey2130 gaming still has magic. It just may be that you people have responsibilities now
@@jamesodeal6401 lol 😭😂
@@johngeo5816 Right up there with ya.. Can't say I played WC1 but played WC2 a whole lot. Used to play red alert against my friends on dial up too.
More of the forgotten/fun heroes please! I liked them all (and also unique at the same time)!
Cant wait for you to cover gambler lol
Yep. He was too OP
i lose alot of money using his ultimate
and old silencer too, atk silent is a nightmare
Rubbick you mean dick head ..
Yay what a day to be alive both mid or meepo and u uploaded
The Gambler: All in
I think seeing Gambler in dota 2 would be amazing and it would certainly make pubs more enjoyable or frustrating depending on your luck . I remember when my cousin asked me to pick gambler for the first time when I was just starting to play dota a decade ago or so. I think his 1st skill deals magic damage depending on 20% of the opponents gold, his second made you bet 100 gold on an enemy; if he dies you get double the gold I think and if he doesn't you could kiss your 100 gold goodbye. I'm pretty sure his 3rd skill was a crit but it reminds me of Bounty hunter's current Jinada where you steal gold, and i'm certain that his ultimate was called "All in" It's this blessing yet annoying skill where you gamble all of your gold to be converted to damage to an enemy, I think it caps at 1500 or 2000. He's a hero that won't guarantee you a win but he'll sure as hell have you on the edge of your seat while playing him. He could use a few adjustments but I would love to see him in flesh in dota 2. He'll definitely have the same "I wanna play dota for fun." effect like what we had when we got Techies, it's a good change of scenery because I'm sick of all these mmr hungry degenerates who think they're better than the 9 people playing with them.
Is that a high quality rip in the background I hear?
@@Batmagoo Sliderkere
Thks, these were even before my beginning days of DoTa
Is that freaking SiIvagunner music?
I would like to see the old Kotl back for the memes and to be cancer in the same time , nice video bro and i would like to see some Dota 2 Lore from u since the way u talk in the video makes it enjoyable to listen to it as a story
Good work as usual.
Heart Please.
Heart as usual
Just monika.
As usual.
That Forest Troll voice really got me good 😂😂
Guinsoo didn't have a ton of heroes or effects in the original dota. I can't remember exactly what was there I just remember being very underwhelmed and decided to create my own version, known as Dota Darkness Falls. I based the majority of my spells, abilities, and concepts from magic the gathering cards, and was a regular on wc3campaigns asking for coding help in JASS. What a nightmare. After quitting the map (about a year of working on it and too many versions released haphazardly) I noticed that someone had moved all my ideas back to the original dota map and started calling it dota Allstars. From there it was developed even further and was the idea I never (AND SHOULD HAVE) had. The rest is history. The summoner was pretty easy to make, but my all time fav was pudge before his hook. It was a permanent projectile that followed you until you died moving very slow and doing massive damage. When it reached a certain radius the jaws "duh dum" would play :) Fun period in my life. I haven't used the name i3latant_abuse since.
You created darkness falls? I had great time playing those maps with my friends back in the day. Thank you for your service.
i feel like a kid again watching this and im 26 years old
To be honest, in today's pubs a hero like chen is more forgotten then any of these guys
people say Nightstalker is OP because he's fast at night, but no one remembers how Balanar was basically night-time nightstalker all of the time, who could push your towers down super quickly and take over your entire map with impunity.
old naix was OP as f too...his passive slow poison was impossible to escape
Weekly vids? "Barathrum-shit"
I'm getting better at puns because of watching your videos
Let's see how long I can keep this up
Summon Morphling, Summon Roshan, Summon Pheonix
Balanar is night stalker, just the ability indeed change over time, like any other hero
Funny how 90% of the community does not know about dota being a mod from warcraft 3 it irritates me when dota players say that jaina is crystal maiden its honestly disgusting
What's really more iritating is that when the movie Warcraft came out. Everyone thought it was a Dota Movie. Naming all the characters on screen a dota hero. It was really annoying specially on theatre since most are talking loudly when they thought that a Dota Hero is shown.
Thats the problem HAHAHA people playing dota2 without knowing Warcraft is the original game
@@DD-lw8ys but... Warcraft movie characters don't even resemble Dota2 heroes
Hook, the Spear Throwing dude actually threw axes instead when not using the poison auto-attack...
I thought only my crush forgot our date
Even heroes gettin forgotten too
I'm expecting more of this, great work!
I remember Gambler :) The Medivh hero :D
I would love to see some of these guys re introduced. Hook could be rebranded as a pirate, giving him a nautical theme, and some changes to his abilities. Shaku looks really cool TBH, I would love to see something visually similar implemented, like a Juggernaut on a mount.
You into Medusa eh? I see you are a Master of Culture as well.
I beg your pardon? Medusa wasn't mentioned once in this video...
@@randjan8592 Spoiler alert, she was
raider hue hue
@@56ur4 When? :|
wow i just caught this and i noticed it in vid.. (medusa is the rider from fate)
it has come to an era where you need to explain the warcraft uni
All are op except hook... Sad Hook HAHAHAHAHA.. I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART
Dotaology: Heroes SHOULD'VE been Forgotten.
Fuck no. Techies was awesome and lots of fun, it's just a shame they've butchered them.
That Drag skill followed by fountain TP is hilariously OP 🤣
i used to make refresher orb and catch 2 ppl and tp
Where is the gambler?This hero was the sh*t.
cause people remember the hero. These are "Forgotten" Heroes
He is rubbick know
@@loringx7297 *now
Ahhh.....I remember when i play offline dota and then type greedisgood 9999999999. Ez win, even in lv 1 without any item 😂
Yes he was pretty sick
Still Pt1
Man, balanar void demon was the sh*t back in the day. It felt like everybody's on steroids when he's around
Balanar and nightstalker are the same right? Lols
I like the vampire (Dreadlord) before that one that would cast some skill over and over to bleed his target, was bugged as it would not give kills. He also made minions into vampires who would not time out.
didnt you watch the fucking video? he literally said he was changed to night stalker, his skill set is different from night stalker
A thing I did decades ago you might want to try to challenge yourself. Destroying both fountains solo vs 5 insane bots without destroying or damaging a single tower, before they can get to your ancient, including you destroying the enemy ancient after destroying the fountain/s. Good luck!
is that music from the sierra's 2003 video-game "the hobbit"??
It is, it's the background music for running around the shire in the first level after the dream sequence. Nice ear.
Blood rage that can initially put you in silence for about 15 secs. Nightmare that makes your life and game miserable hahahaha
I can't believe you used siIvagunner as background music for this, instant sub
i really miss that captain america helmet item.
fkin snow halation
SiIvagunner is back
I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed it.
I remember when i and my friends play Warcraft Dota, two of them pick Purish Thunderwrath(Omniknight), and Abaddon. Then i pick Void demon. In late game, i bring MKB, Abbysal Blade etc. Omni bring mekanism, scepter, Shiva's Guard etc. Abaddon bring Vladimir offering, Assault Cuirass, drum of endurance, Radiance etc. When we group of three my enemy also my friends too, they just stuck like sticky floor, cuz every negative effect of us( Mass Haste+Degen Aura, Shiva's Guard -movement slow, Omni Degen aura, Frostmore Blade of Abaddon, also Radiance, burn and slow them slowly)
Did you know that sf arcana exist in Warcraft 3 or Dora 1 just to let you know guys and the item "crown" also exist in the Dota 1 and also provides +5 to all attributes but it cost 2.7k in the Warcraft 3 campaign
So that's maybe a coincidence?