This episode was by far my favorite! I loved how Donna was more understanding and more 'human.' And omigosh when Levi fell onto his knees before Ryn, I SQUEALED SO LOUD 💕
I feel bad for the Merpeople as usual humans take and take and try to control everything instead of leaving well enough alone and realize they share this world and everything doesn't just belong to them. Why should Donna be more human they did steal her food and torture her.
I absolutely loved this episode! I love how more was explained about the siren culture, the animalistic side to it and yet the humane side to it too. I LOVED all the signs. The way one of them hissed to bring across a certain emotion, the movement Ryn showed to Katrina to ask to not fight(and Katrinas reaction towards that movement), the way Katrina went into submission when Ryn overpowered her and how Levi bowed to the new dominant female! The wildlife manager, mixed with the fantasy lover in me squealed
Do you know how I can download/stream this series? I'm in South Africa and so far haven't been able to find it anywhere. Help it seems worth my effort to find
I used uTorrent as program and the get the files from RARBG. Maybe that works? I only download when I have to, though. If I can watch it somewhere else, I do that but that was not the case with Siren. btw, is Tamzyn your real name? It's a very nice one^^
Aww, am I the only one who feels sorry for these new sirens? The animal lover in me was like "oh no, you poor things" when they hissed in pain when that stuff was splashed on them. They seem so confused and terrified of their new surroundings and with all those humans running around. I feel bad for all the sirens in general.They are starving and being killed off and experimented on by humans and they only act the way they do because it is their animal instinct to protect what's theirs and fight for survival. That's what they're doing. Reclaiming their territory. I know the girl attacked Ryn, but that was the alpha female instinct in her to defend her territory and fight off other challengers. It reminds me of how animals in real life, like lions and wolves, fight each other for territory and status. I just don't like seeing living creatures in pain😢 Ryn and Donna are adorable by the way.
Me and my daughter-in-law is really hooked on this show we were sad and upset that Donna died and that that was the last one to watch we cannot wait for it to come back
The sad part of this Zander father died and donna died, and the Queen of sea is no longer a mermaid, she all human. but this did not sit well with the relationship with Ben and maddie, and decker died because her sister wanted to ease of the pain, the same with ben. And it very hard to watch it because I feel more passion and pain.
its a TV show..not a movie... I thought it was one too lol. Do you have Firestick? You can catch up and binge watch the whole season... I was happy to see a full season, no waiting lol.. I'm only on episode 8 but i feel like I struck gold! Im older and truly thought I wouldnt like it but gee was I WRONG! I love mermaids & This show ROCKS! If you was near I'D surely grab a Pizza and let you binge watch with me! I hope you Can find a way to See It... check amazon or Netflix....Good Luck to ya
3:37 you can see how much pain and deaths mermaids do to humans in Greece they believed that they lured men to the shores one by one they go into the water and they turn them into a mermaid with venom (idk) or they just bite you then they kill you so don’t get fooled or you will die did you know they can sink a titanic sized ship 🚢 and they may get whole pack to dink the lifeboats / NOW THE FUNNY PARTS ship: aaaa a siren 🚨. Siren: me gonna sunk you Ship: noooo Siren: drags all the people and kills all of them ok 👋
Esse canal siren e sensacional mas precisa colocar episódios mais compridos e ter sempre p poder eu assisitir sempre eu adoro siren mas minha tv nao e a cabo
jewangel Williams because ryn spent too much time with the humans (ben and maddie) because she has, her kind or the mermaids are afraid that the massacre that almost killed their kind before will happen again so they want to kill ryn to prevent that from happening again and preserve their race if that makes sense
So sweet when Ryn turned back to Donna and asked "sister okay?" 0:45
So sad you have no life:.(
@@sirloxleymendoza972 sad u don't have one, bc ur just replying to comment
Donna is a good sister, she always protectuve her sister ryn
This episode was by far my favorite! I loved how Donna was more understanding and more 'human.' And omigosh when Levi fell onto his knees before Ryn, I SQUEALED SO LOUD 💕
wait his name is Levi? When did they get names?!
Epodmusic17 their names are all in the episode cast list :) that's how I found out.
I feel bad for the Merpeople as usual humans take and take and try to control everything instead of leaving well enough alone and realize they share this world and everything doesn't just belong to them. Why should Donna be more human they did steal her food and torture her.
I absolutely loved this episode! I love how more was explained about the siren culture, the animalistic side to it and yet the humane side to it too. I LOVED all the signs. The way one of them hissed to bring across a certain emotion, the movement Ryn showed to Katrina to ask to not fight(and Katrinas reaction towards that movement), the way Katrina went into submission when Ryn overpowered her and how Levi bowed to the new dominant female! The wildlife manager, mixed with the fantasy lover in me squealed
Do you know how I can download/stream this series? I'm in South Africa and so far haven't been able to find it anywhere. Help it seems worth my effort to find
I used uTorrent as program and the get the files from RARBG. Maybe that works? I only download when I have to, though. If I can watch it somewhere else, I do that but that was not the case with Siren. btw, is Tamzyn your real name? It's a very nice one^^
Yes it's my real name :)
Very cool name :)
3:09 when your boyfriend explain what happened xD
Katrina was so stunning like omfg i can't
Ryn becoming Alpha was so badass
Aww, am I the only one who feels sorry for these new sirens? The animal lover in me was like "oh no, you poor things" when they hissed in pain when that stuff was splashed on them. They seem so confused and terrified of their new surroundings and with all those humans running around. I feel bad for all the sirens in general.They are starving and being killed off and experimented on by humans and they only act the way they do because it is their animal instinct to protect what's theirs and fight for survival. That's what they're doing. Reclaiming their territory. I know the girl attacked Ryn, but that was the alpha female instinct in her to defend her territory and fight off other challengers. It reminds me of how animals in real life, like lions and wolves, fight each other for territory and status. I just don't like seeing living creatures in pain😢 Ryn and Donna are adorable by the way.
Say that first part louder, for the people in the back to hear.
No, there are a lot of sexually confused people out there that need ABC to tell them how to think who to mate with.. I call them lemmings
Bro they were the baddies
Me and my daughter-in-law is really hooked on this show we were sad and upset that Donna died and that that was the last one to watch we cannot wait for it to come back
Is that Katrina singing because of it is that is the most beautiful voice I have ever seen in my life.🐱🐱🐱
Aww donna us soo protective she will even fight her own finds aww
Siren = SI-RYN get it? Lol (I just thought about that). Awesome show tho seriously
Its not as good as real life.. Try that :)
I actually don't get it
Yh like fr
0:01 Katrina: Hisses
Donna: No!
Ryn: We are family, I am you.
Levi: Family
Ryn: Yes we are the same
Katrina: (hisses) Kill her.
That siren melody after Ryn and Donna fight I want it as my ringtone
that’s katrina not donna..,
Ryn characters was amazing..!!
Ben and was trying to find ryn, because the song is bait the sailors to their deaths. and she realized that.
OK I feel like that man that is asking Donna if she need help is having a crush on her 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Love this series so much. Hi from Lutz Florida USA
2:55 it almost sounded like if she said YEET
I love the long ones
Love the move is so good in home on Tuesday on 9pm
I prefer Katrina just as much as Ryn. Good to see they both stopped fighting.
I do not really understand the title of the video ...
Que suban esa madre a Netflix, plox. 🙂
The sad part of this Zander father died and donna died, and the Queen of sea is no longer a mermaid, she all human. but this did not sit well with the relationship with Ben and maddie, and decker died because her sister wanted to ease of the pain, the same with ben. And it very hard to watch it because I feel more passion and pain.
وااااااو حلو وروعه هذا الفلم 😍😍😍😍😍😍
guys, who knows how the song is called, which plays at the end of the 9th series
YESS BABYFACE I WILL MISS YOU! (btw babyface is RynbecUse she's adorable)
I didn't know Gilll was on this show
3:33 😍😍😍😍😍❤❤RYN
I love this
Quien me podria decir dónde ver los capítulos, solo e podido ver asta el 7
So cool bro
Me ENCANTA LA pelicula SIREN ME gustaría verla EN español latino
Si se podría ver completa y en español un sub
Luisa Cordova Hola donde la puedo ver
Vampires are out Mermaids are in … ABC the Fairy tale network
Love it
The rain didnt turn the sirens to their normal form? Still a great serie tho!
They only turn in the ocean. Once ryn fell in a pool didn't change cause it's not her natural habitat
Im prety sure Dey need salt water
What are the other two merpeople names?
Version française svp
اريد حلقات اخرى فهاد الفلم خيالي شكرا جزيلا
how can i watch full movie??
its a TV show..not a movie... I thought it was one too lol. Do you have Firestick? You can catch up and binge watch the whole season... I was happy to see a full season, no waiting lol.. I'm only on episode 8 but i feel like I struck gold! Im older and truly thought I wouldnt like it but gee was I WRONG! I love mermaids & This show ROCKS! If you was near I'D surely grab a Pizza and let you binge watch with me! I hope you Can find a way to See It... check amazon or Netflix....Good Luck to ya
if there is a movie i never heard of it, i only heard of the show... im about to google and see if there is a movie...
Ooooh ahhhh ahhh ah
3:37 you can see how much pain and deaths mermaids do to humans in Greece they believed that they lured men to the shores one by one they go into the water and they turn them into a mermaid with venom (idk) or they just bite you then they kill you so don’t get fooled or you will die did you know they can sink a titanic sized ship 🚢 and they may get whole pack to dink the lifeboats / NOW THE FUNNY PARTS ship: aaaa a siren 🚨.
Siren: me gonna sunk you
Ship: noooo
Siren: drags all the people and kills all of them ok 👋
Esse canal siren e sensacional mas precisa colocar episódios mais compridos e ter sempre p poder eu assisitir sempre eu adoro siren mas minha tv nao e a cabo
Aline Matos tem um site chamado Império séries lá tem os episódios
Serio eu jogo no goolgle e encontro esse site ?
Davi Gabriel obriagado ta
Sim, disponha.
Tem um aplicativo chamado series da tv
I ship Donna and Decker
Nice story but I cannot find the full of each episode.
Jeannie Sulong HULU
Nicole Raheem What is HULU? Im sorry. I dont get it? there are all full episodes ;)
Jeannie Sulong It’s a platform for you to watch the show.
I love this show but I con't fin the full movie😧😰
Its a spooky 😨😱😱😨😲😲😨😱😨😲
ryn is A BAdass
OtakuMetal 17 oo
Why she attacked ryn
jewangel Williams because ryn spent too much time with the humans (ben and maddie) because she has, her kind or the mermaids are afraid that the massacre that almost killed their kind before will happen again so they want to kill ryn to prevent that from happening again and preserve their race if that makes sense
En español porfis
Siren is my favorite show thank you to the creators of the show and UA-cam channel
Casa do pai
Luara Barbosa eu sou brasileiro
Version française svp